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1447 No. 1447
okay so when they put a tax on cigarettes, I said ok and when they took away Joe camel I said okay and now they have these huge ass labels with pictures of fucked up lungs and huge letters that say SMOKING WILL KILL YOU, DUMBASS. no shit, but I don't really give a fuck but why doesn't the government make alcohol companies put pictures of car crashes and wife-beaters on their products its fucking bullshit that's why. You don't see ads FOR AN ALCOHOL FREE CALIFORNIA now do you. Smoking AND drinking were both seen as classy in the forties and fifties but now they gayed it up by taking the smoking away.
>> No. 1449
Personally I don't think there's any reason to smoke. You don't get high, you don't get drunk. Seems pointless. So I think smoking is kind of retarded.

On the other hand, I'm surprised tobacco companies haven't sued about this though. It seems unfair to force a company to advertise AGAINST itself, regardless of whether or not it's harmful.
>> No. 1458

As a smoker, it's mainly a taste and relaxation thing. Bud is fine, but it's a little much sometimes. The smooth taste of a cigarette and a little bit of nicotine can make a long day seem less arduous.

And I agree, the pressure put on the tobacco industry is ridiculous when you consider the dangers of alcohol and OTC medicines.
>> No. 1460
In Canada, they've had those warnings for years, and nobody seems to give a shit. Also, in the OP those look like boxes of Little Debbie christmas treats. Dammit now I'm hungry.
>> No. 1463
If you smoke, it makes sense...but here's the thing, you didn't always smoke. I've smoked before and it never caught on for me. I like the taste (better than weed, actually), and love the smell of cigarettes, but I would get so lightheaded when I smoked cigs and whatever buzz I got from them went away in five minutes...So I don't see how it catches on.

The way things are going, though, companies like Marlboro should invest in marjuana cultivation. It'll start being legal in five or ten years (or at least federally medical permissive), and I guarantee you that if cigarettes are legal in ten years, they'll either be expensive as fuck or hard to find.
>> No. 1492

uh, to put this in a blunt way, are you fat?

most of the time people get lightheaded (unless your smoking a hookah for quite some time), it's due to poor circulation/bad cardio.
>> No. 1493
He has consistently mentioned being in the upper end of the 200s of lbs in tinychat yes. It's almost astounding to believe he ever got through basic.
>> No. 1499
You do realize I was in basic over 10 years ago, right?

But this is when I was in shape, so it wasn't weight related.
>> No. 1500
what brand do you smoke Jenga?
>> No. 1501

yeah, brand can make a big difference. newports are like smoking glass, while stuff like norwegian shag is a slow burning piece of love.

and menthol is for barbarians.
>> No. 1504
Marlboro Reds

I just keep coming back. i dont want flavors. just give me nicotine that doesnt make me feel like i swallowed a porcupine or am burning cough drops in a pipe.
>> No. 1505
I don't, actually. I'm saying that from the times that I tried smoking, I didn't like it, so I can't see why people would take it up as you don't get the benefits from it until after you've taken up the habit.
>> No. 1506
It makes people feel good, I'd say that's a benefit. Some people don't like fast food, they say that they don't see how other people can enjoy it. Smoking, like Sonic faggotry, just one of those things that either you get into or don't.
>> No. 1507
>Smoking, like Sonic faggotry

>> No. 1508
It's the nicotine, really. It's an adrenergic. I'm not sure if it boosts certain types of adrenaline production or if it inhibits adrenaline breakdown, but that's where the good feeling is coming from. There's ongoing research right now to find out if nicotine is also a nootropic.

Instead of putting burning particles into their lungs, people should grab a nicotine patch or an e-cigarette and just focus on taking nicotine in from there.
>> No. 1516
I know why people smoke, I'm just saying that until you get used to smoking, you don't get the benefits from it. It might relax someone who smokes, but someone who isn't a smoker won't get that relaxation until they've been smoking habitually
>> No. 1518
This is true, I wanted to try smoking and after nothing happened the first few times I was like "this is gay", so I stopped.
>> No. 1520
i used to force myself to smoke because i was bored and wanted to see if i could become addicted to it, but every time i smoke i'm still forcing myself to smoke and never feel any real physical or emotional compulsion to smoke
>> No. 1521
i lold
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