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File 134671480091.png - (100.67KB , 1215x950 , 134671448022.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
1925 No. 1925
Nice job with deleting what had to be one of the most active boards on the website. I just hope that /cwc/ doesn't take spergery to a whole new level anytime soon, because I would not surprised to see that go, either.
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>> No. 1926
a board about bitching and crying has more posts than /tc/ did. it had a ~600 post head start, so in actuality it really didn't have much.
>> No. 1927
Ha ha.
>> No. 1928
File 134671499965.jpg - (32.49KB , 332x500 , RvcN1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 1929
File 134671509654.jpg - (186.92KB , 777x709 , 1327003100124.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
lol way 2 go deleting the second most popular board on 789. u think we were bad? just look at all the other boards, seriously. someone got devastated over some gook spergs, and that's lol.
>> No. 1930
>thinks a board with 1300 posts is more popular than /b/ which has over 10000

nigga I hope you's trollan
>> No. 1931
A TC admin and her friend caused the problem that got people upset to begin with by running everyone out. No wonder people are upset and there's good reason to not be very happy with these two individuals for ruining a good thing.
>> No. 1932
a simple explanation out of curtsey would be nice.
>> No. 1935

The board about bitching and crying has attained about 1150 posts since late January of this year. (1928- the 788th post from 1/25/11, the oldest one available). /tc/ had nearly 1200 posts since May 30th, 2012, not including the 200 that transferred over from /cwc/.

This means that /tc/ received about the same amount of posts in just over three months that /bitch/ has in just over 7.
>> No. 1936
Is this counting the couple of popular threads that got deleted for no good reason by a certain individual?
>> No. 1937
Also, /420/, which was created around the same time as /tc/, only has 263 posts.
>> No. 1938

Yes; the post count is not altered even after 400-post threads are deleted.
>> No. 1939

Sorry, 1/25/12.
>> No. 1941
/420/ is considerably younger than /tc/. I didn't find that tc nor the tinychat served a purpose and resulted in drama like this. that's honestly how I feel.
>> No. 1942
It's Seanie's pic from the /cwc/ thread
>> No. 1943
reposted my screenshot
>> No. 1944
Except a lot of people that come here were enjoying it and using your site regularly because of it. Blame Janye & Omega for going ween and pissing everyone off with the PC social justice nonsense.
>> No. 1945
I thought all the /tc/ drama went away? Did something happen today?
>> No. 1946
File 134671658697.png - (97.33KB , 555x517 , uhhh.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

/420/ is not "considerable younger;" in fact, it is two weeks older. Why would people use a board that served no purpose? Hell, if you care so much about drama and people's feelings, then you might as well pull the plug on the whole website.
>> No. 1947
Omega and Janye haven't even been in tinychat recently. You guys had more than enough time to mold the chat back into what you want it to be.
>> No. 1948
scape goats
>> No. 1949
it only matters if the drama isn't surrounding his friends.
seanie, just own up to it.

and to think, you were the highlight of some of our tc nights.
>> No. 1950
we did. we tried out and enjoyed the synchtube format, being spergs all day erryday as per usual. i don't understand where this "drama" is coming from.
>> No. 1951
I think one or two people are probably engineering all this drama.
>> No. 1952
And that's exactly what was happening. We've moved to Synchtube because it's less conducive to shitty ween. You don't know what you're talking about.

Janye & Omega ran out 80% of the people on there by acting like self righteous children stomping around their little hugbox.
>> No. 1953
Does this mean tinychat is back to "only ever two weeks?" Or at least just on weekends?
>> No. 1954
File 134671699656.png - (7.40KB , 679x427 , 1343619462429.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>mfw arguing with me about my own website

the oldest thread isnt always on the last page, especially not on /tc/.
>> No. 1955
wordbutter Janye to 'I' and Omega to 'myself', please.
>> No. 1956
Yeah, because everybody is blaming me for what happened there. You know nothing.
>> No. 1957
Yeah, throw us a bone. For real.
>> No. 1958
I don't know what this Tinychat shit is about since I didn't use it aside from the few times when it started but the Synchtube was a good time.
>> No. 1959
File 134671739417.jpg - (119.90KB , 640x416 , Two_Face_6711.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 1960

What I suspect happened is that, after an admin was asked to add a link to ST on /tc/ (http://789chan.org/789/res/1445.html), Seanie saw the posts speaking negatively of Omega and Janye. He felt that his personal dislike of the board coupled with these handful of posts justified the deletion of an active board.

In the past, Seanie has taken an unnecessary protective stance on Omega. Do you remember when Seanie banned the word "tranny?" His actions that day were partially in response to someone posting a name supposed to be Omega's (although it actually wasn't). Omega herself did not care and consistently treats stuff like that against her in a tongue-in-cheek manner. She did the same thing again with the posts about her in /tc/, with her first comment in the ST room today joking about it.
>> No. 1961
File 13467174113.png - (48.53KB , 842x519 , drama.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
meanwhile in irc...
>> No. 1962
oh boy fucking conspiracy theories
>> No. 1963
>> No. 1964
So much care ITT
>> No. 1965
>> No. 1966
File 13467182377.jpg - (30.11KB , 450x450 , 13415152712.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
THANKYOU SeanieB for deleting /tc/. Big ups for ur trollshielding by proxy for omega.
>> No. 1967
wow, look at all this bitching. it's no wonder /tc/ was deleted.
>> No. 1968
lol wat r u doin in irc hmm????????
>> No. 1969

what this all boils down to is this:

this is my website, I have the last answer in deletions and stuff like that. if I don't like something going on on here, I have two choices:

  • ignore it
  • act upon it

I'll admit-- I handled the "tranny filter gate" really, really badly, but I've had so much drama in every aspect of my life at that point, that the last thing I wanted to do was get on the internet, where I escape to, and deal with more stupid bullshit.

I'll acknowledge the fact that tc was fun for a while, but you can only watch so many k-pop videos. over time I'd grown apart from it and the people involved. after so long it wasn't really my thing and it showed in the declining user count.

I do care about Omega, in a close friendly way, but I really don't know janye at all outside /tc/. The thing that bothered me the most was /tc/ inciting drama on /cwc/, and the tranny lynching on /cwc/, and how the tangental relationship created an inter-board snafu

I don't really appreciate your application of the incorrect belief that omega didn't care about what was going on boardside. I know that it did, and honestly having tc exist wasn't worth the bullshit after a while.

I don't care about you guys using synchtube, so I have no fucking idea where that comes in, but the times I've tried to join it, nobody was there.

seriously, it was a board with -maybe- 10 people and a autistic comic and some batshit asian woman as main attractions, your existence was based on your ability to stay off my radar.

tl;dr: it'd become a mockery and a liability, and got caught up in straws snapping.

>> No. 1970
Seanie, stop BULLYING the autistic individuals that frequent your site. As an autistic-american, I feel threatened.
>> No. 1971
File 134671903653.jpg - (45.10KB , 296x300 , Kimmo alm.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 1972
could a compromise be agreed upon? perchance either a tc or st room monthly or biweekly?
>> No. 1973
File 134671966967.png - (4.01KB , 297x167 , sad k-mo.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
fuck I lol'd
>> No. 1974
man I'm so confused, Is the synctube thing done as well?
>> No. 1975
>> No. 1976
The room still exists.
>> No. 1977

That is the room that is used.
>> No. 1978
Okay, here's the what's up about the whole synchtube thing.

TC was fun and all until certain people's ween started showing and every topic had to dissolve into getting people to show their cocks on cam because LOL I TROL U. At the same time, TC began drifting more towards "let's watch videos about shit." So what to do? We like videos, but dislike ween. There was an answer: synchtube.

There's cams on there, but they work like shit. People haven't really been coming in, but I agree with Seanie: TC became such dramatic bullshit that it turned people off.

Since this thread has garnered more interest than anything posted on /tc/ in the last month, I just want to mention that synchtube is NOT TC.

No banning because a mod disagrees with you. Yes, even you, Lupus.

No demanding people do things on cam for validation of your self-worth.

No drama.

Because anyone can add videos, there's also a more rigid "command structure" on synchtube; There are only 3 admins (myself, nombie, and interro) and (unless something changed) only 2 mods. Our purpose is to either modskip shit that's like 10 minutes long but no one wants to skip and to ban people.

And I mean ban for actual offenses, like spamming. Not "he said bad things about cats." Yes, people were banned from TC for that.

Honestly, I'd like synchtube to be what TC started off as: a laid back chat where people with a common interest could come bullshit about things. Does it need a dedicated board? No. Synchtube is always open, there just might not be people in there. We may start doing some scheduled chats and see what we can do about building an audience.

Or you can join a Skype crew and troll a mentally disabled man. That's fun, too, I guess.
>> No. 1979
Where is our synctube URL?
>> No. 1980

Good question! It's RIGHT THERE. Best part about it? It's always playing videos, with or without people in there.
>> No. 1981
File 134677426952.png - (271.90KB , 435x430 , miss j pg3.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
now where i post miss j for my fans at tc
....now i am mad... tc was the best thing that 789 chan ever had
and you know that mimes
but yes back posting on cwc
and they forgot if the take a way tc
i will be back there
now what i do
ask for a /jen/ for us ex tc ers
>> No. 1982
honestly TC died when it became the "kpop power hour (show your cock please)"

its sad that stoned /cwc/ members can no longer stare at each other awkwardly, but it's probably for the best.
>> No. 1983
That's what we're trying to avoid with Synchtube (although we still have a shitload of gay videos...bearforce1 4 lyfe).

Believe it or not, there were only a handful of TCers that liked demanding lonely men expose their cocks (lol daddy issues).

Synchtube is a different animal entirely. Except for Bearforce1.
>> No. 1984
The fact that cams don't really work on synchtube is a plus. No cams = No epic weening over getting people to show their dicks.
>> No. 1995
File 134678187826.png - (646.84KB , 1040x793 , fghjfghjfghjgfhj.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Check em.
>> No. 1996
it's back up you spergs. have fun.
>> No. 2001
lol u stooped as low as /tc/ers that makes u just as lame as we are
>> No. 2002
no one is as lame as you are.
>> No. 2003
File 134678465298.jpg - (10.39KB , 245x251 , saythattomyface.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 2005
thank you based seanie. i'm glad i can finally feel secure knowing this place isn't run by a bunch of retard enablers
>> No. 2020
did u delete that thread in /cwc/ too ? lol
>> No. 2023
Jen, you can go back to posting your art on /cwc/ if you want.
>> No. 2027
i will untill /tc/ get back on its feet
>> No. 2028
As a frequent TC member, I have to say that a /tc/ board was a retarded idea from day one.
>> No. 2029
it's never coming back.
>> No. 2035
i'm v. disappointed in the trang thread getting shelved bc of tc.
>> No. 2036
You did the right thing, Seanie.
>> No. 2037
that's probably because you're a /tc/ fag
>> No. 2038
u can deduce like none other gold star 4 u brah do u even lift lol
>> No. 2043
this type of faggotry is why your board got deleted.
>> No. 2045
File 134698937394.jpg - (27.72KB , 189x267 , 133367601114.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 2046
File 134700102467.jpg - (27.46KB , 500x333 , 1344569671555.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>/tc/ member
>calling someone else mad
>> No. 2047
File 134700194210.jpg - (73.45KB , 304x290 , 1333785263746.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
lol like i give a shit, lol u taking my replies seriously
>> No. 2049
>taking anything in this thread seriously

I sure hope not.
>> No. 2050
So is there a reason why the synchtube went full sperghomo?
>No Niggers, No Jews, No Dogs promotion
>Skrewdriver White power
> Vaginal Jesus - Martin Luther Coon Day/Run Nigger Run
>Vaginal Jesus-coon bashing/w lyrics
>vaginal jesus-happy holocaust
>Vaginal Jesus - The Gestapo Stomp
>> No. 2051
I was wondering the same thing after dropping in a little while ago.
>> No. 2052
Somebody came in and added all that to the playlist. It's not locked down anymore so if you want to come in you can add, remove whatever.
>> No. 2056
File 134733157383.gif - (0.96MB , 316x238 , 1335917629721.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
seanie & co. pls explain if u can y the trang thread was delted this time. ty.
>> No. 2057

I'll be in synchtube tonight around 8:30 or 9:00 if anyone wants to come by and tell me how way past cool I am.
>> No. 2059
File 134738423947.jpg - (202.02KB , 417x502 , Koth 911 3.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Will there be videos honoring our fallen troops?
>> No. 2060
File 134738655869.jpg - (60.63KB , 462x314 , 911nevarforget2lk5ki2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Nothing but Lee Greenwood and crying bald eagles.

Also 9/11 tribute videos that are just sad songs with newsclips in the background in a pale attempt at pathos.
>> No. 2062
Is this bitch thread the official new synchtube hub? I'm fine with that.
>> No. 2063
In that case, http://www.synchtube.com/r/789chan#
>> No. 2064
I'll be in about 6:00pst if anybody is around.
>> No. 2066
This will probably work out better.
>> No. 2069
So what times are people generally there? 18-21 EST?
>> No. 2072
Usually between 8 and 11 are "peak" hours. SOMETIMES THERE'S FOUR PEOPLE
>> No. 2073
Give yourself some credit, there were 8 the other night!
>> No. 2075
Anyone gonna be on in an hour or so?
>> No. 2099
File 13488008047.jpg - (156.16KB , 850x601 , 0 a dr jen 3.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
if you see this that menes my ban is over
>> No. 2103
File 134894728158.png - (179.70KB , 678x599 , mene.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 2116
Synctube hasn't been active lately. Anyone still monitoring this thread
>> No. 2117
There was a thread on /cwc/ people were using, guess it died. I'm watching X-Men right now (again!)

>> No. 2122
i have been droping must o the time no one is there...
so is any one going to be there tonight
>> No. 2123
this article made me think of trang and interro: http://ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com/72393129.html
>> No. 2124
I plan on being in chat about 4pm PST tomorrow (Wednesday) if anybody is around.
>> No. 2129
That's 6 PM CST right?
>> No. 2130
>> No. 2133
So Spooky October movie night this friday?
>> No. 2134
Gonna be in the chat around 6pm CST tomorrow if anyone wants to join
>> No. 2137
this went fucking nowhere
>> No. 2138
Where did we go wrong? When we went every day? I would trade /tc/ for once a month glorious sperging. ;_; rip in peace
>> No. 2142
I think so. It can be like certain friends: see them once or twice every week or so and you have a great time together. Move in with them and in just a few months you'll be fighting everyday.
>> No. 2143
So I guess Synctube and /tc/are dead now that we're cannibalizing each other
>> No. 2144
File 134975200866.gif - (115.57KB , 150x150 , iszlad.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
zlad will miss you all.

long live space race, long live molvania
>> No. 2146
super cool movie nite 2nite?
>> No. 2147
fuck off, you lonely asshole
>> No. 2148
mad as hell
>> No. 2199
Wow, this was awful, even for something so tongue-in-cheek. Sorry, mods
>> No. 2205
I miss you Jenga & Interro. We need to have a goodbye bearforce viewing.
>> No. 2210
File 135301429862.jpg - (105.79KB , 500x382 , Prjg9.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I miss erryone. Interro, Nombie, Vlad, Boppo, Mes, Bear, Matthew, Mangames, Gaysex, DMC, Jenga, the whole crew. :( I wish that we could sperg out to the extreme like old times.
>> No. 2212
File 135303224550.jpg - (95.36KB , 432x324 , jen nov9.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
me too but the good new i findy payed off $400.00 bill and back on ful time
>> No. 2213
you dudebros wanna do somethin tonight
>> No. 2214
like what
>> No. 2215
yea brah

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