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File 134835178056.gif - (16.57KB , 64x64 , NES.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
2085 No. 2085
What happened to technology? I used to love messing around inside computers and stuff, but now I avoid touching anything unless absolutely necessary.

I can't fix things anymore, but my family still asks me. Even though I end up doing more damage.

The internet is increasingly dull. I used to use it to kill time, but now I find myself looking for ways to kill time in between checking various sites. 4chan has finally reached the stage of insufferable shit. Youtube has gone to hell with content flagging and dmca pandering; not to mention the autistic commentwars. Filesharing sites have been lobotomized to the point of uselessness. Torrent sites are either dead or crippled by poor administration and exclusivity. There's webcomics, but those tend to devolve into pointless meme spouting and fanwanking.

The entire infrastructure needed to track our every move exists, and we don't even seem to care.

What's left? Even the terms "nerd" and "geek" have lost all meaning, thanks to hipsters, social networking, and cell phones.

When did technology stop being fun, and why?
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>> No. 2087
Douchebags who think they're SUCH A NERD XD because they have an iPhone should be publicly stoned.

The other things were always shitty and autistic, though. We're just now noticing it.
>> No. 2088
*stress sigh*
I don't even know where to begin with this post.

You complain about misuse of the words "nerd" and "geek", but you're misusing the word "technology". Before I can address anything you wrote, I need to know what your response is to that charge.
>> No. 2089
If you're a good ol' days person like a lot of people, things can only get worse. Sure, you'll find stuff now and then that you like, but for the most part, things will always seem like they are gradually degrading.

I agree, the internet used to be fun and cool, videogames used to be better, 4chan was once and entertaining place, being a gamer or being knowledgeable about certain off the beaten path websites used to make you feel special, and so on and so on. I really feel that way about those things, but I know my perception is probably clouded by nostalgia and my feelings at the time were probably more attributable to youth than an actual objective judgment. But knowing that doesn't change my feelings.
>> No. 2090
Don't be an asshole. My post was referring to the various aspects of electronic technology that I no longer find enjoyable. You knew damn well what I meant and the definition is valid.

I used to be interested in specs and stuff, but now it all just goes over my head.
>> No. 2091
File 134842418452.jpg - (69.70KB , 489x620 , sumo10_1623680i.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I used to be interested in specs and stuff, but now it all just goes over my head.

waaaaaahh technology has developed beyond my understanding so it's not fun anymore waahhhhh the words nerd and geek have lost all meaning according to me, when in reality i am actually just bitter about the fact that it now requires more real knowledge in order to be what would once have been referred to as a nerd or a geek, which isn't a bad thing waahhhhh
>> No. 2092
this is why i dont namefag anymore. eat a dick, tubular monkey. your semantics contrarian trolling techniques are weak.
>> No. 2093

ahaha you still have autism alright

you managed to misread everything
>> No. 2094
I find myself looking at my favorite pages from <2006 on archive.org, wishing there was something I could do to go back and enjoy it more.

I know exactly how you feel.
>> No. 2095
If I'm not interpreting his posts correctly, I'm pretty sure that's his fault. I don't think he even has a point.
>> No. 2097
Man, who pissed in your cornflakes? You used to be an ok guy.
>> No. 2151
I sometimes feel like this, but I'm now rather certain that it has less to do with stuff being worse than it does me being 23 instead of 17.

In five or seven years time, a whole new generation of grumpy nostalgia-addled saps will be complaining about their dumb autistic hobbies going rancid.

Eventually, we all become those geezers rocking in their chairs smiling about how Coca-Cola made at the shop by a soda jerk was the bee's knees. It's just weird to think right now that our conversations will be about how there used to only be 150 pokemon.
>> No. 2152
Well, 152. Mew was a secret in the games, and Ho-oh actually appears at the end of episode 1.
>> No. 2161
>referencing the anime
shit nigger what are you doing
>> No. 2169
File 135056126342.jpg - (219.89KB , 948x750 , pokmanz.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

That's "Depression"

Fixation on negative aspects of life, loss of enjoyment in hobbies and activities, shit like that. It's common, and it happens to a lot of people. Cultural change occurs faster than most people's ability to keep up with it, so by the time most people hit their mid 20s, even, they start to acquire a feeling of being 'left behind' by the avant garde youth. People like you and me don't hate new technology, new internet culture, new movies, and new shows because they suck, we hate them because the culture moved forward quicker faster than we were ready for.

This, I suspect, is the primary driving force behind conservative politics.

Pic related, it's the only way older people can culturally interpret Pokemon.
>> No. 2175
Too bad OP... maybe you should go shoot up a school or something

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