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File 134896385252.jpg - (27.57KB , 300x293 , 1331255763245.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
2105 No. 2105
how the fuck can someone play bejeweled 2 for several hours non-stop on end? i have a friend who comes home from work and whenever i've gone over to his house he'll sit and play bejeweled for fucking HOURS. day after day. how the fuck does someone not get fucking bored of this game? what a huge fucking waste of time. i can sort of justify my using the internet a lot because it's more diverse going on imageboards, but playing a single fucking flash game? jesus christ.
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>> No. 2106
>300 hours played in TF2
>> No. 2107
I think he just hates having you around.
>> No. 2108
> i can sort of justify my using the internet a lot because it's more diverse going on imageboards

Pick one.
>> No. 2120
I used to play minesweeper for 10-16 hours a day.

Granted at the time I was a neckbeard NEET with absolutely nothing better to do, but it certainly did help to pass the time. I played something like 50,000 games in one year with a win percentage of 11% and the worst part is that I never got any better at the game.
>> No. 2121
File 134920394897.png - (136.84KB , 460x279 , what.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>10-16 hours a day

>> No. 2125
I don't get it, why don't you talk to him like any normal person would?, you know?, start talking about something else, then videogames, then bejeweled... Why do you have to act like such a cunt behind his back and come here looking for answers as opposed to just bitching?, I mean, this doesn't sound impossible or irrational, you use the word "friend", so why not?. Well, nevermind, at this point he may be doing it only to piss you off.
Not mad, just confused at the fact you are so angry you have to randomly capitalize the word "HOURS". Please, Hulk, come to my shack and let me cut you open so I can learn more "BEFORE IT IS TOOOOOOO LATE".
>> No. 2126
illegible gibberish; didn't read.
>> No. 2128
My bad, I was just calling OP an asshole.
>> No. 2136
When I was installing software for a school district, I would regularly spend 4-5 hours at work playing freecell while the other machines were ghosting. Except I got pretty good at it and maintain an average of 54%.
>> No. 2149
source on op pic? I have a vomit fetish

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