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2153 No. 2153
Why does this film exist? Why did an obscure site that I once enjoyed using for porn and vulgar throwaway humor grow to the point that a movie like this was made? I still remember when moot begged for donations, when the site would go down (sometimes presumably for good), and when users didn't seem to feel the need to spam memes everywhere. I'm not sure what I thought would happen, I guess I kinda figured the site would just remain as it was or fade away and die as some failed experiment in normalizing retardation and depravity.

How long will it be before WE ARE ANONYMOUS and Guy Fawkes masks and memes and shit start flooding mainstream films as part of general pop culture?
>> No. 2154
>How long will it be before WE ARE ANONYMOUS and Guy Fawkes masks and memes and shit start flooding mainstream films as part of general pop culture?

>> No. 2155
this sort of thing was cool 10 years ago, but even then it wasn't actually that cool. if you're still butthurt about this stuff, you should feel like a retard. i think most people who are "oldfags" have outgrown this shit and are just shaking their heads now that it's popping up here and there and people are acting like it's a new thing. it's not really worth getting your dick in a twist, though.
>> No. 2156
This film exists less because of 4chan and more because newfags decided to use a hangout for obscure and heavily specialized discussions and overtly, deliberately dumb humor and counter-counter culture as a platform for organizing internet social justice crusades.

Tumblwhores can trace their genealogy directly back to Project Chanology.
>> No. 2157
It's called internet pandering. It goes as far back as Snakes On A Plane, a film that bombed horribly. Since then, it's had varying degrees of success.

Executives and produces get huge boners at the idea of being able to market and sell the dumb shit kids are into, so they pull shit like this all the time. It's why Hot Topic is full of meme t-shirts, it's why Futurama commercials mention Reddit, it's why Smiley is even a film.

My only hope is that it'll stop soon, but i doubt it.
>> No. 2158

It's only going to become more common as the internet grows in accessibility, popularity, and utility. It may be best to just let it go.
>> No. 2159
The only people who have ever relied on 4chan for porn are paedophiles.

You sick fuck.
>> No. 2160
Well, it used to be a decent place to find sources and new material that you otherwise would not have found, all without having to sign up.
>> No. 2162
I'll never be able to let go of the sense of mild disgust and annoyance i feel whenever i see something from the internet turned into a movie/tv show, but i guess i can stomach it.
>> No. 2164
The worst for me is seeing some tard with a ''cool story bro'' or ''trollface'' t-shirt or those who say LOL in real life. The urge to punch them in the face is hard to resist.
>> No. 2165

I was working at a restaurant last week and a late thirties Hispanic guy walked in with his pre-teen son. The DAD was wearing a trollface T-shirt where the face wore a sombrero and had a dirty sanchez that said "Problema?" beneath.
>> No. 2166
>> No. 2167
you just reminded me that I actually went to see a midnight showing of snakes on a plane when it first came out

thanks a lot, dick
>> No. 2168
If done subtly, I guess it can work. But, for me, I think the feeling would be similar to... what would be a good analogy... some 20 year old whigger saying "What's up my nigga?" or a middle aged man wearing plaid shorts and calling people bro. The things they are trying to use are bad enough to begin with, but when used so hamfistedly by somebody outside of the normal usergroup it just makes me feel uncomfortable and embarrassed.
>> No. 2172
I feel bad for his son, being raised by such moron.

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