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File 13228800163.jpg - (114.05KB , 488x366 , vwt_frankenstein_villagers488.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
61 No. 61
I have never liked any namefag. Even if a namefag makes a post that I like, the fact that it has his identity attached to it negates whatever good thing there may have been about it.

Furthermore, if an anonymous poster says something that I like, I don't find myself wishing that he'd posted with a name and tripcode.

Do namefags not appreciate the fact that every single lolcow ever has been trollable and identifiable as a target/source for entertainment because they've been namefags? Or do they realize this and do it anyway because they like the attention?

It just makes me mad.

There's a thread on /cwc/ right now where a namefag is telling an anonymous poster to go back to Gaia. I'm pretty sure that simply being a namefag means he'd be more at home on that website than this one.

You know what else pisses me off about namefags? Lots of people assume that they're mods. Which is an understandable mistake, considering the fact that most people choose to post anonymously and only a select few post with names. Those few who do must think they're pretty god-damned special and wish they had more power than they really do.

Fuck namefags.

I don't even think that boards with forced anonymous posting are the best solution to this problem. Usually that just inspires more avatarfaggotry. What really pisses me off are the attitudes that lead people to become namefags. Bringing back forced anon doesn't change a thing about those shitty attitudes.
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>> No. 99
I agree. namefagging generally fucks up everything and derails threads. Everything some name fag post some stupid comment it just turns the thread into a sperg fest between the namefag and the shitheads feeding the namefags ego by attacking them
>> No. 101
Agree 100%.
>> No. 113
File 132296749872.jpg - (15.12KB , 320x244 , doesthislookunsuretoyou.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I am not of the mind that forced anonymous is automatically a bad thing. That it can lead to avatarfagging as a workaround is true, and best stopping this from being the case usually requires an omnipresent moderative dedication. Moderators and administrators are not identified by individual screen name, but they may still identify themselves under forced anonymous by those colored tags, so any confusion and assumption is avoided. The disadvantage is that, once put in place, it's a bad idea to ever lift it. The problem can only return, worse than it ever was.

The most ideal way with which it could be dealt, I feel and have always felt, is allowing names and tripcodes (or just tripcodes) to be used by anyone, but banning, with extreme prejudice, those that abuse the privilege, abuse being whenever his individual identity has nothing to do with the thread or he is not a contributor that matters depending on the circumstances (image set dumps or some kind of bite-sized-piece-of-a-story-per-post affair). Privilege is the keyword here. This, unfortunately, requires devoted moderators whose discretion is quasi-saintly or simply trustworthy, but, lol.

In conclusions: Tripfags please fuck off forever.
>> No. 124
File 132298263413.jpg - (21.89KB , 432x413 , hay.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hey guys what's going on in this thread?
>> No. 131

Nothing of note. Go back to baking a cake for your boyfriend.
>> No. 171
I agree with this thread.
>> No. 183
op is correct. Go to Reddit you namefags
>> No. 408
File 132486881147.png - (77.08KB , 382x363 , anon - Copy.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
lol ANANYMOOSE is da best poster, he doesnt affraid of anything hur hur

>> No. 409
File 132486976376.jpg - (80.30KB , 400x376 , tr.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 410

You namefags and your stupid names that are being fags.
>> No. 411
File 132487083151.jpg - (21.15KB , 409x352 , b4josz.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 412
File 132487191930.jpg - (9.25KB , 263x191 , Guess What.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 416
File 132491384985.png - (209.58KB , 287x304 , 1320843890792.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I like Timmothy, IntroMAN, and Jengatype's posts a lot more than that Anonymous faggot, his posts suck.
>> No. 417
Well I'm Bitch, I have no real name, and I'm not that Anonymous faggot.
>> No. 418

I don't know who you are, you don't post in /cwc/.
>> No. 419
Yeah I do, check your thread.
>> No. 420

Yeah but you did that after I said you never post in /cwc/ so that doesn't count.
>> No. 610
Hi Thorg, it's Anonymous. What's going on in this thread?
>> No. 611
File 132493477075.jpg - (33.50KB , 257x205 , 107215.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This is now the official namefag love thread.
>> No. 612
Unfortunately, this is /bitch/ for a reason. Go to /tropertales/ if you want to love something.
>> No. 613
You know, when someone has a valid reason for not wanting people to namefag, I'll gladly stop namefagging.

The fact of the matter is, it shouldn't really be an issue at all. How does someone calling themselves Jengatype or Timmothy Cruzetor or Buttfuck McGee interfere with your usage of this board?

If I didn't namefag, I'd still be saying the same shit I say now. I'm not a mod. I'm not an admin. If it really pisses you off that much, ignore what I post. It's not that hard, surprisingly.
>> No. 614
File 132493580473.jpg - (7.19KB , 275x183 , U Mad.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I'm just reminding you this is /bitch/. I ain't even mad.
>> No. 615
Didn't say you were.
>> No. 616
To me, a person who posts with a name on a board where everyone else posts anonymously is a lot like someone who wears a giant, retarded-looking hat all the time. Imagine a coworker or student at your school who shows up every day wearing a big Dr. Seuss style hat with bells hanging off of it.
No matter what he says, all you can think about when he talks is the hat. If he says something awesome, you're disappointed that he said it while wearing the hat because it's hard to take him seriously. If he says something utterly retarded, people's reactions inevitably turn into attacks on his hat because that's all they can think about whenever he does anything.
He defends the decision to wear the hat by saying that anyone could wear their own hat, if they wanted to. Of course, most people think he looks absolutely ridiculous and would be too embarrassed to wear a similar hat, so they choose not to. Everyone else starts to get annoyed by how insistent he is on wearing the hat, but all the attention and focus on his hat just makes it much more difficult for him to back down and take off the hat.
The guy wearing the hat claims that he could take off his hat, but nothing about him would change. He'd still occasionally be funny and sometimes be retarded. Everyone else wonders then why he even wears the hat, if he could just as easily not wear it and absolutely nothing would change.
What's worse is that he has chosen to wear the hat in a place where people specifically gather because they prefer to not have to deal with ugly hats. Some people need to wear certain hats for special occasions or might put a hat on temporarily, but there's an implicit agreement among everyone to never don a hat and then leave it on forever.
The solution then becomes to outlaw hats or to force everyone to wear a hat. There are other places everyone could go where you need to have on a stupid hat just to get in the front door, so there's no reason to turn every other place into those. Some of the people who wear their stupid hats seem willing to take it off, but there are some that resist to the very end. They've hinged so much of their identity on being recognized as the guy with the retarded hat that they'd feel lost and unimportant without it. So much discussion and attention has been directed at their hat, they'd rather start a civil war than give it up.
The hats are ugly, the people who wear them are immature and selfish.

Also, you could substitute the hats for fursuits or face tattoos or something otherwise retarded and embarrassing and distracting.
>> No. 617
File 132494772314.jpg - (24.37KB , 419x392 , 2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
dont like the "hat", then just ignore it?

people should be allowed to wear any "hat" they want

the people who are genuinely butthurt over the namefield, seriously are acting a bit LOW functioning autistic about it.

removing the name field wont change any of the "name fagging" that you annanymoose jeejun kids complain about, it just makes it harder to verify who is posting.

>pic related... let the butthurt flow through you
>> No. 618

He doesn't seem particularly butthurt to me. He's just voicing that he thinks it's immature.
>> No. 619
Yeah, I really can't say that I'm very mad or butthurt about anyone who decides to post with a name. It just doesn't reflect very well on the poster and I think people are typically inclined to ignore or antagonize people who don't post anonymously.
Maybe it's some sort of meta-troll tactic where the people who think they're the most awesome trolls act like retarded lolcows intentionally so they can feel like they trolled everyone who reacts, no matter how they react?
>> No. 620
File 132495991860.jpg - (43.76KB , 336x479 , 384420_407929359979_81512169979_1417639_1941844391.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
ok, so ignore it then? if you can ignore it, its one less thing to worry about in your significant life....
>> No. 621
I'll ignore it, when you ignore it.
>> No. 622
Hey guys it's me, Jerry Dingleberry, Legi0n's brand new namefag who has never been here before. Expect loads of HILARIOUS posts coming from me XD
>> No. 623
Glad to have you aboard, amigo.
>> No. 624
Whoa, we have the same name!
>> No. 626
File 132496730018.jpg - (71.27KB , 500x281 , shitpost.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
There is so much straw-manning in this post that I don't even know where to begin.
>> No. 627
what i personally find the most annoying about namefags is that they seem to think that posting on /cwc/ somehow makes them inner-circle
at the very least it makes them feel like some people think they're more inner-circle than the average anonymous user
>> No. 632
Yep, that's totally why.
>> No. 637
File 132502556014.jpg - (88.62KB , 850x478 , sample-7b4211478fccc51746dc71d096403926.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This argument. It's as old as the chans themselves. I've seen it on /v/, /co/, and way back when I was new to 4chan, /b/ (never seen people bitch about them on /c/, /d/, or /x/ though).

I honestly see good points on both sides, and through all the threads just like this one, I've never been able to really pick a side for myself. I think the best we can do is to agree to disagree with each other, after all everyone seems very strongly-rooted in their current position.

Me, personally, I love being anonymous. I've spent a good deal of time on forums (this was mostly during high school) and experienced my own share of drama (some of which I started). But this is why I love it: I don't have to worry about being politically correct, I don't have to worry about sucking up to mods, I don't have to worry about post counts. This is an internet environment lots of people thrive in (anons), and I'm no different. I can't speak for people using tripcodes, but for me the chans are sort of a feeling of liberation after all the petty drama I've watched on forums. I can freely speak my mind, and I love it.

Just my two cents.
>> No. 641
Anybody remember back when Reggie Fils-Aime first took away the name field on /b/?
>> No. 642
Well, namefagging's retarded on a random board, I'll admit that. Especially /b/, where it's a mark of pride to be assholes to anyone.
>> No. 643
Lighten up, spergy sperg! Names are what separate content providers like TV's Brad Pitt from parasitic plebes like anon. No need to be mad bro... X3
>> No. 644
File 132522823013.jpg - (35.87KB , 501x512 , koizumi.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
agreed. btw, welcome to our board.
good to have all these new "namefags" lately.
>> No. 645
I felt it was appropriate to see if this trip works on legi0n in this thread.
>> No. 646
>This thread

Anonymous posters:
*NAMEFAGS SUCK (because I can't stand frequent posters, people that like what I don't like, or ignore obvious idiots/newfags)

*EVERYONE SHOULD NAMEFAG (to join me in whining about how my retardation is everyone else's responsibility to ignore and call any complainers "buttfrustrated losers with assburgers")
>> No. 664
>> No. 744
File 132661121111.jpg - (14.59KB , 320x240 , 913m.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Most of the namefäggotry is tolerable here. Its either just USI, trying-too-hard, or a combination thereof. That's to be expected.

However,that curry-munching, desi cunthole known as Yasmin needs to go.

Is there one thread she has posted in that she hasn't shitted up? Has she contributed anything of value at all?


And before anyone says this post is all Stormfront, well I'm a minority as well. however, you'd never know i was a minority because I don't fucking PERSON constantly and I don't namefäg.

Seriously, Yasmin,stop posting about your ethnicity, stop posting about your gender, stop posting with anecdotes from your life. JUST STOP POSTING. at the very least, stop namefägging you attention whoring curry-stinking twat.
>> No. 1059

i personally love how whenever anyone critizes her she pretends its because there's a minority of white supremacist loveshy assholes out to get her.

no, you're just a cunt
>> No. 1109
File 133313412989.jpg - (320.55KB , 800x700 , trollorgy.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>this thread
>> No. 1111
I've always thought you were an absolute faggot. You should leave the board because you make yourself look foolish with every post.
>> No. 1116
>you make yourself look foolish with every post.
yeah, but the part you're not understanding is that he's trolling you and he's too cool to care if it does make him look foolish! the joke's on you! you are, in fact, making yourself look like a fool every time he says or does something that makes you think he's a retard!
>> No. 1122
Get madder.
>> No. 1123
>you are an idiot and your insistence on self importance is petty

haha, namefags. cool beans jenga
>> No. 1124
You're mad too.

Everyone is mad.

>> No. 1134
You seem a bit angry good sir. Perhaps you should calm down and quit being angry over stupid internet crap
>> No. 1137

Go away Yasmin. Seriously. You are shit tier.
>> No. 1173
/bitch/ would be cooler if it wasn't half namefags like yasmin and jengatype.

but then again we need all the traffic we can get
>> No. 1198
>namefagging generally fucks up everything and derails threads. Everything some name fag post some stupid comment it just turns the thread into a sperg fest between the namefag and the shitheads feeding the namefags ego by attacking them

God damn prophetic.
>> No. 1228

this subject isnt really that important.

am i mad? you decide.
>> No. 1230
You guys posting about how great namefags are? It's nice you have role models.
>> No. 1238
would you rather I use my capcode all the time, OP?
>> No. 1239
Hey brahs what's going on in this thread?
>> No. 1243
Who the fuck are you?
>> No. 1260
Don't mind me, I'm only going to namefag in threads that concern me in some way. Most of the time I just post anonymously like everyone else.
>> No. 1301

>only namefagging in threads that concern you
>starts namefagging in thread that doesn't concern you

>> No. 1302

i actually think it looks pretty, so yeah
>> No. 1304
>encounters deliberate irony
>fails to recognize it
>> No. 1309
What irony?
>> No. 1393

Oh I see this is your logic: Post a seed in a thread not about you, people respond to you making the thread about you. Thread devolves into a shitstorm over you. People make passing remarks about you in other threads, those threads instantly become about you. You post in those threads. Eventually every thread on every board is about you.

You will bring ruin to us all.
>> No. 1395
>> No. 1426
Stay autistic, anonfags.
>> No. 1427
>> No. 1428
I like this thread.
>> No. 1432
Next you'll be advocating a fucking voting system so people can like your posts? Communist swine. I'M ON TO YOU.
>> No. 1439
File 133901647029.png - (86.49KB , 1108x1010 , facebook_like_buton.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
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