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File 132636756384.png - (530.85KB , 726x2851 , How to be a successful infidel_.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
721 No. 721
This happened a while back. I can't remember if I capped and edited the fallout, but long story short he kept threatening to kill me in the glorious Jihad, rape my mother, etc. so I reported him to the authorities and he's being investigated for 'malicious communications' and possible extremist activism.

What the fuck is up with these young Muslims - who are basically British, he was wearing an FCUK suit in his profile pic - using extremist religion as a whipping post to try and make the rest of us afraid of them?
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>> No. 722
File 132637154142.png - (95.06KB , 247x302 , 64.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>able to fill 750,000 mass graves with American and British soldiers

Not to mention the fact that any military action in Iran will be mostly naval and air. There probably won't be many boots on the ground.
>> No. 723
File 132637184733.png - (82.98KB , 471x471 , 1323459703685.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>mfw baiting him with every single reply in the hope of direct threats

I don't normally troll people, but this retard was asking for it.
>> No. 724
From briefly skimming this and reading what that shithead is currently doing, I can only assume that this kind of Muslim is like the illegal Mexican immigrants of the world. Voluntarily move to a new country, get its benefits, but constantly whine about how much better your shithole motherlands are.
>> No. 725
What? Mexicans in my area love the US...granted, the ones close to the border always bitch about whitey, but they also have to deal with the kind of people who are paranoid about illegal immigrants.
>> No. 729
honestly, this whole illegal immigrant "problem" is stupid. I don't see any jobless Americans lining up to do the jobs these Mexicans will. And building a fucking fence? Are you serious? Why are we wasting money doing something like that instead of just naturalizing these immigrants? Citizens have to pay taxes, and at least we won't have shortages of products made by illegals due to green card raids.
>> No. 730
I'm an engineering student at Brunel. I've been doing projects with people who are just as batshit as he is. It's very hard to deal with.
I used to be a lazy bastard who barely got projects done in time and almost never worked. Being at Brunel with asshats like this has given me the motivation I never had to work hard. I never want to have to work with these people again. I want to succeed just so I can surround myself with people who aren't like the guy in OP. I will jump through any hurdle to get there.
>> No. 732
I should add to this that I'm a white American male. I've gotten a lot of shit from batshit Muslims for that alone. I don't mean to sound discriminatory, but every Muslim I've met at Brunel has either been like the guy in OP or tried to convert me, and I'm convinced right now that every Muslim is a retard.
Hell, one of the guys I've been working all week doesn't listen to any music. At all. He ONLY listens to sung recordings of the Quran. Over and over. In Arabic. He doesn't speak Arabic, but he can recite every syllable from heart without knowing what he's saying. What the fuck.
>> No. 733
OP here, SOAS reporting in. There's some nice, normal Muslims here at the School of Ornamental and Arcane Studies who'd frown on that sort of thing, but there's also a few just like you described. Every Facebook post is about the Quran, or some preacher you've never heard of.

Still, they're not as bad as the fucking hippy scum I'm surrounded with. Trust fund anarchists, one and all.

We should drown our sorrows together sometime, bro.
>> No. 737
Isn't the Koran not supposed to be translated, according to Islam? I don't think it's a major rule (it's like Catholics not eating meat on Fridays), but that may be why he does it.

I actually like how the Koran sounds in Arabic.

That said, you Europeans really need to learn how to scare the shit out of your Muslims like we do here in America. "God is great?" SO IS FREEDOM! MERKA!
>> No. 1135

It's less of a rule and more of a suggestion


Cuz all muslims r evl cuz sum r meen to me
>> No. 1136
What I have tended to find is that the moderate Muslims are more or less in hiding. They don't know how to deal with their more radical brethren so they just keep as quiet and as much in the background as possible in the hopes that it will all just go away. It won't of course, but that is what seems to be happening.
>> No. 1146
It's unfortunately a combination of "You have forsaken your Muslim heritage" and "GIT OUT OF OUR CUNTRY TOWEL HAID"

Kind of sad, but as a white adult male in America, why do I give a shit?
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