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File 132659214122.jpg - (74.08KB , 1024x768 , a-scanner-darkly.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
741 No. 741
This is really just intended to be cathartic, but feel free to bitch about bitches.

My fucking girlfriend is a submissive, passive-aggressive bitch who will roll over for everyone but me and her friends. We're both in college, and every single time anyone in an authority position (teacher, parents, and fucking other adults tangentially related to those two groups) asks for something from her, be it extra work, cleaning up something, etc etc, she drops everything (and everyone) and does it. Hell, I've been stood up, looking like a complete fucktard, because her parents 'might tell her grandparents and they would like her being out so late (8:30)'. She's fucking 20. Twenty! I feel like I'm in fucking middle school again. The reason I'm here, and not having fun with other normal adults, is because she 'had to help her dad fix the car' tonight. This means she didn't go to the birthday party for her best friend that both of us drove 2 hours off campus to attend. By the way, 'fixing the car' means 'turning the steering wheel when her dad asks'. She has two fucking sisters in her teens, how come they couldn't do it? She's lost nearly all her friends from this bullshit, and is working on alienating mine. Just last week she asked to come over, and I of course said yes, cancelling my plans with friends. She never showed up, blamed her parents for asking her to do menial chores, leaving me to sit to sit with m thumb up my ass all day waiting for her, alone like a /cwc/ user. Oh, and even though she says drinking and smoking pot are 'fine', I can't even go for a glass of wine and a joint with listening to a sermon about 'Why? Why would you do that?'. She'd understand a lot fucking more if she got out of her goddamn dorm and tried living every once and a while.

The worst fucking part is how she acts when I call her out on this huge pile of bullshit. Whenever I confront her, she immediately laments how hard her life is with demanding parents and how I could never understand her plight. Bitch I understand perfectly; you are too weak to stand up for yourself, so you shit on everyone who cares about you instead of taken the path of resistance. If she read this, she'd probably say I don't get it, cry, blame it on the big evil world that wants to actually have fun, and (most hilariously) claim she just wants to spend time with her parents. The same parents I have to listen to her complain about ever fucking day but never doing anything about. Then she'll ignore me, cold shoulder me, and then cry.

And because I'm a monumental dumbass, I'll apologize for being completely right and assure her she's the most perfect creature in creation. I am a fucking loveshy, man. I fucking am.

>pic related because i am losing my mind
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>> No. 746
Break up with her.

Yeah, you said you're loveshy and all, but look at it this way: She's eventually going to dump you. Not because of anything you did, but because she's a needy bitch and will accuse you of not being "supportive" of her.

Nip that shit in the bud and broom her fast.
>> No. 750
Cool story bro.
>> No. 751
Are you me?
No, you can't be me because I've got it worse.
My girlfriend is 22 years old, a university graduate and works full time, but she still lives with her parents and still lets them treat her like she's in junior high school.

She doesn't respond to my text messages, won't take my calls and never accepts my invites to spend time together. Any interaction we have is always and only had when it's convenient for her, which is apparently almost never.

It's driving me nuts. I'm as lonely and sad and desperate as I was when I was still a foreveralone neckbeard. Hell, I still pretty much am. When I confront her about it, she blames me and has a whole list of things that I need to do or change about my life in order to make things easier for her, but she hasn't made any effort to change anything about her life in the few years that I've known her.

Everyone tells me that I should break up with her. She has even told me so herself, in an attempt to make me feel guilty about making her feel guilty. If I were to break up with her, where would that leave me? All the concern and work that I've put into building and maintaining this relationship would have been wasted and I would feel like more of a fool than I already do.
>> No. 752
Girlfriend bitching thread?

I'm in a relationship for more than 2 years but it's like the beggining... in the bad sense.
We barely get together, we get to see each other when we hang with our friends, but we rarely date both of us alone. That happens once every few months when we go to have dinner outside, or to the cinema or something.
She still doesn't want to meet my parents or me meeting her parents... it scares her.
We rarely sleep together either, we do so only when her parents are out of the city (which isn't quite often), and she didn't want to come to my house when my parents were outside.
Worst thing of all is that she admits all of this and knows it's because of her, but does nothing to fix it. Heck, even when sometimes bring the issue to talk about it, she reacts as if she doesn't know what I'm talking about.

I'm pretty annoyed but I still want to be with her. I don't know what to do...

>> No. 753
Your girlfriend just sounds like a goody two-shoes. There's really nothing wrong with that, but she probably needs somebody else like her (which I take it you aren't). It seems like she tries to put up with you doing things that she disapproves of, but clearly it upsets her which is why she complains. I doubt she is just trying to be a bitchy killjoy. Not everybody considers "living" to be drinking, smoking, and partying.

As far as the family thing, some people really do care about their family members and will always put them first. You can say she's a bitch, but that's just how some people are. And in ten years her current friends may or may not be around, but her family will always be her family.

>All the concern and work that I've put into building and maintaining this relationship would have been wasted and I would feel like more of a fool than I already do.

Ever heard of the idea of a sunk cost? I know that is more of an economics-type thing, but still. You've already put in the effort, that's done with. You won't get any of that time back no matter what you do, so you should focus on the future. If you feel like its really going nowhere, you will just be wasting more time. Evaluate the situation from this point out, and if you feel that you really won't be able to work things out and will simply be happier without her, then break up. If not, try to work it out. Sticking in a dead-end, miserable relationship just (and only just) because of time invested is a bad idea... Or so I've heard. I'm a 23 year old foreveralone whose never had a relationship, so I'm sure my advice is shit.
>> No. 754
I try not to be so cynical as to consider it a sunk cost. The way I see it, I'd be alone and miserable in either situation. At least this way I can find some comfort, even if it's false, in knowing that there's someone who occasionally demonstrates or indicates an interest in being present in my life and lending me some kind of support.
If I were to break up with her, she'd be out of my life only slightly more than she already is and there would be no ope of reversing that trend, so why would I put myself through that?

I think that if I were more confident and proactive, I would have left her or cheated on her by now, which says a lot about just how dysfunctional our relationship is.
>> No. 755
So basically you're just using her as a security blanket?
>> No. 756
That's really the only thing she seems willing or able to be for me right now, since there's no way for me to get anything else out of her. It's basically a long distance relationship, even though she lives literally five minutes away from me.
>> No. 763
File 132695271845.jpg - (10.99KB , 318x258 , tom-cruise-mad-atpattinson.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
i didnt read any of this, but as soon as i saw

>She's fucking 20. Twenty!

i laughed... whatever the problem is, its because she is 20. dont waste your time with girls under 25.
>> No. 770
File 132733744727.jpg - (29.95KB , 500x395 , 1323821853848.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Cruzetor knows what's up.

>That feel when you're a 24-year-old mature student surrounded by 18/19-year-old children at your university
>> No. 771
>that feel when there's an obnoxious old guy in class who thinks he's more mature even though he's studying the same material as someone six years younger than him
>> No. 773
...How underage are you that 24 is in any way old? He's actually at an advantage, too, because I bet most of the teenagers really have no idea what they want to do with their lives and are just doing what mom and dad told them to do.
>> No. 774

My brother in law's 20 year old girlfriend thinks she is going to become an M.D., yet she's never read an entire book.
>> No. 776
What, as in any book? i.e. The Great Gatsby or The Count of Monte Christo?

Please tell me you're only referring to textbooks. Please.
>> No. 806
File 132755808244.png - (49.04KB , 976x548 , all the feels.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
OP here, revisiting this thread after like 3 weeks. /bitch/ should be more popular, its honestly not a bad collection of posters.


>that feel when even cruzetor ignores your post
>that feel when i consider cruzetor's advice


I want to, I really do. But she's got this crazy way of making me forgive her. I tried to a week ago, and she broke down and admitted that she 'didn't deserve' me. I can't really describe what exactly kept me from walking out. Pity? Love? Sex? My own fear of loneliness? She looked so broken and small. She's been better since, but this is the last chance.


>there are dudes even more beta than me



You do not understand the level of shut-in here. She fucking flinched when the McAlister's guy asked her what side she wanted. I don't want to drag her to a frat party. I want her to leave the tiny room where she spends all her time with her bitchy roommate (who of course, walks all over her).


dude i know i'm not one to talk but its a bitch not a bank.
>> No. 808
Just fucking break up with her. Using my amazing powers, I'll gaze into the future for you:

6 months from now you "won't be spending enough time with her" and she'll cheat on you with some other beta faggot who she thinks is willing to put up with her shit. Meanwhile, you'll keep repeating it to yourself like a mantra: "She's getting better, I'll give her one more chance...one more chance...one more chance..."

Weak bitches are fucking shitty. I'm not saying you have to date a raging feminist, but if she's flinching because a fucking WAITER is taking her order, that is not someone worth being with.

If you can't do it in person, do it over the phone. Yeah, it's a shitty thing to do, but it seems to me like she's been treating you shittier. Hell, if you don't want to break up with her because you don't think you can do it, make her break up with you. Just do what you want to do. Go out with your friends. Drink. Smoke a little weed. When she bitches about you not spending time with her, tell her why.

You'll find someone else. There are plenty of bitches in the world, so there's no reason to poison yourself in a toxic relationship. And yeah, you're worried about loneliness, but if I was in your shoes, I'd rather be alone and happy with my friends than with someone and miserable about it.
>> No. 809
File 13275968444.jpg - (24.58KB , 450x600 , yet more feels.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>Hell, if you don't want to break up with her because you don't think you can do it, make her break up with you. Just do what you want to do. Go out with your friends. Drink. Smoke a little weed. When she bitches about you not spending time with her, tell her why.

The fact that am I about to take relationship advice from a namefag on 789chan is highly disturbing (lets face it, the last "are you a virgin?" thread on /cwc/ got like 250 posts; half the posters in this thread are self-identifying forever alones). But honestly you're probably right, Jenga.

It's going to suck, though. I honestly did love her, and our first anniversary would've been in a month.

and on an unrelated note, why the fuck does googling 'that feel' lead to a bunch of pony images seriously.
>> No. 810

>That happens once every few months
>We rarely sleep together either, we do so only when her parents are out of the city (which isn't quite often)

high school student detected. don't stress about it. until you leave your parents, you will never have a great relationship.


>She doesn't respond to my text messages, won't take my calls and never accepts my invites to spend time together. Any interaction we have is always and only had when it's convenient for her, which is apparently almost never.

wow. i know i'm the OP, and thus founder of OP's lonely dicks club thread, but you need to drop that girl. you're on the road to an unceremonious dumping and inevitable infidelity.

you've got it worse than i do, and i was read to go all patrick bateman on her ass(well okay not the best metaphor but whatever). i mean, it's not really been a waste of time. you lived, you learned, it's part of the human experience
>> No. 812
Hey, I'm only a total faggot when I'm on /cwc/. On the other boards I'm relatively lucid. Good luck!
>> No. 824
I think I'm losing my girlfriend to tumblr.

She's obsessed with her blog and has a little circlejerking ring of friends with whom she video chats and IMs all day and night.
>> No. 1058


>> No. 1096
Oh Bryan!
>> No. 1107
File 133313392823.jpg - (44.17KB , 392x500 , 1315463066349.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>My girlfriend is a bitch

break up with her you moron.
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