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File 132806527680.jpg - (9.83KB , 260x263 , 3061563_f260.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
855 No. 855
My roommates have three dogs.
The dogs are obnoxious and rowdy.
I can't even enter any room they're in because they'll go nuts and jump all over me. This is how they react to everyone and everything.

They bark non-stop too. What's worse is that my roommates will yell at the dogs when they bark.
So, pretty much all day and night I have to listen this

>Stop it!
>Be quiet!

The dogs, of course, don't speak English so they don't stop barking. I fucking hate dogs and I hate people who have dogs. I have never met a dog that I liked and I have never met a dog-owner who wasn't a complete tool.

I really don't know how people can find dogs cute or endearing. Especially not big dogs. Little dogs are pretty ugly and annoying too, but I can understand why people think they're appealing.
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>> No. 856
File 132806768586.jpg - (7.33KB , 230x220 , dog-whisperer-cesar-millan.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Dogs are endearing because they're fucking bros. No matter how shit a day you have, a dog will do its best to make you feel better. A dog's only purpose in life is to make you happy. They jump all over you because they're happy to see you.

But if you really don't like it, just act like they aren't there. If the dog is jumping on you, just plow through him. Saying "no" or "stop" just riles them up more because, as much as I like them, dogs are retards. They think you're playing with them. Just keep walking and ignore them, and eventually they'll get the hint.

>> No. 857
I like dogs, and pretty much any animal, but I would not want to have a dog as a pet. I do have three cats, however. You're probably a cat person, too. Cats are great for people who like to be left alone.
>> No. 858
I didn't want this to turn into a dogs vs. cats thread, but yeah I am a cat person. I love cats more than people.

People, especially people on the internet, always defend dogs by saying "they're bros," which isn't even true. I guess a dog can be a bro, but so can any other pet.
>> No. 859
That's complete bullshit.
My dog will walk into my room, dig around my shit for food (even though I never eat in my room), steal my papers, and then bitch and moan when I don't pet him when he wants to be petted. He then gets mad if I don't devote my attention to making sure I pet him WHERE he's indicating he wants me to pet him. He doesn't give a fuck about anything but food and his happiness.
>> No. 860
>I love cats more than people, because I'm a troll-shielding reject from /b/

Another glorious day on 789chan.
>> No. 862
If I wanted something that shit in a box and licked itself, I'd have a homeless guy live with me.
>> No. 871
I have no idea how what I said could even possibly be considered troll-shielding.
>> No. 873
There seems to be a poster or two on /cwc/ (and now /bitch/) who gets (presumably fake) enraged by random comments and accuses the person of troll-shielding. There really seems to be no rhyme or reason as to which posts will set him off.
>> No. 887
It's hard to ignore a Rhodesian Ridgeback when they're nearly crushing your lungs as you sit on a couch.

I don't give a shit if this idiot (not you) likes it when her giant dog jumps up on people. It hurts, it's annoying, and I sure as hell wouldn't want my kid to get knocked over by a huge dog because she's an irresponsible shithead.

Also my hairdresser had a dog that shat on her bed because it didn't like being left alone in the house. Fuck dogs.
>> No. 888
Oh, even better is when people love their dogs but never clean up after them. Pull that with a cat and you'll end up with a shit and piss-filled house. If you love your dog, be a responsible owner; train and clean up after your pet. When I go for a walk I don't want to constantly look at the ground to make sure I don't step in dog shit.
>> No. 891
I used to spend a lot of time in New York City. In the rich neighborhoods, it was fashionable for people to own huge ass dogs like bull mastiffs.

One time, this petite bitch was walking her gigantic dog down the street and it jumped on me, pushing me into an alleyway. I weigh about 200 pounds and I'm over six feet tall, so you can imagine how huge that dog was. Luckily, I was able to push it off and she got it to calm down, but fuck her and fuck that dog. It didn't hurt me, but it annoyed me the way she just laughed and weakly apologized like it was no big deal.
>> No. 895
I have a dog, but I agree that nothing is more irritating than having a dog just shit everywhere. It is a domesticated animal, so you shouldn't think of a dog shitting outside like you would a wolf shitting outside or something. I live near a park and there's dog shit all over it. Sometimes people apparently even let their dogs shit right on the fucking sidewalk. In a goddamn neighborhood. Jesus. How can you think that's OK?
>> No. 897
Get a rolled up newspaper and hit them on the nose with it.

You'd be surprised how much better owning a dog gets when you can hit it when it acts like an asshole.
>> No. 899
Either they're white trash; an irresponsible pet owner who didn't bring a baggie; or a lazy ass teen who doesn't give a fuck as long as they aren't the one who has to deal with it.
>> No. 900

At my college during the Spring, people let their dogs walk around without a leash and sometimes the dog takes a dump while the owner is talking to someone, so the dog gets out of sight and even if the owner has bags, she or he doesn't even know the animal crapped because the idiot wasn't paying attention.

Also my mom's friend went to a park with her dog without a leash and the dog went into the woods and got killed by a hobo. I do feel kind of bad for her but she really should have had her dog on a leash, especially considering she was somewhere in North Philadelphia, which is pretty impoverished in some areas.
>> No. 902

Some people try to say dog crap can be used for composting but the bacterial contents of poop are harmful to plants and can spread disease unless it's composted in worm composting bins rather than on the grass like these idiots seem to think.
>> No. 906
That's another problem - people who don't keep their dogs on a leash. I guess if the dog is well trained and you are playing with it to keep its attention, it might be OK, but it's irritating when I'm out with my dog (on a leash) and another dog (not on a leash) runs up and starts bothering us. Even if you think your dog is the friendliest dog in the world, you have no idea how it will react to new dogs and new people.
>> No. 908
About 8 years ago, I had a neighbor who did that. They'd let the dog out into the yard to do it's business, but they never cleaned it up, so the lawn was full of these overgrown clumps of grass with a circle of dead grass and a sun-bleached turd in the middle.

Apparently the wife was a crack addict who was hospitalized 4 times before the husband threw in the towel and filed for divorce.
>> No. 924

The trail I walk with my dog is nice, I can see and hear people coming from far away. Every time I see someone within a few hundred feet, I have her come to me and I leash her up. Then, once we've said our hellos and a good distance has passed, I can unleash her again.
>> No. 925
If your dog is well-behaved and minds, I don't see a problem with you doing that. I just find it irritating when a dog that I don't know comes up to me and my dog without warning, especially since my dog is small and kinda old for his breed.
>> No. 926
I wish I could unleash my dog because she loves to run. Unfortunately, she's a little aggressive to other dogs, so I can't.
>> No. 929
That's fucked up and irresponsible.
>> No. 931
wait, what?
>> No. 1587
Dog owners who think they have their dog under control or believe their dogs are special and well-behaved enough to be unleashed are retards.
>> No. 1607
ive trained my dog to avoid grass, and so she actually fears it. this results in her pooping on sidewalks alot, and neighbors front steps. im not really worried, because i think its hilarious, but my favorite is when she shits in fron of someones car door.

also, fuck cats. my dog has eaten 2, maimed one to the point of death, and chased countless ones up trees. fuck my neighbors, and their animals. my dog is boss. get over it.
>> No. 1608
The world needs more Michael Vicks
>> No. 1610
i agree. dude got a bad wrap.
>> No. 1617
My dog leaves me alone when I tell him to fuck off. I remember at my grandmother's she had too many cats and whenever I went into the kitchen they would always meow in my face and shit even if I wasn't making food or anything.
The truth is that both animals can be really fucking annoying. I have to say though that dogs actually do jobs where cats are pretty useless aside from killing rats but rats are bros anyway.
I think most of the "lol cat ppl so awesome fuk dogs tey annoy and shit cat never annoy or shit thay dunt hav buthole :D" comes from trying to be cool and edgy but it really makes you seem autistic.
>> No. 1618
File 13422931296.jpg - (145.36KB , 900x668 , 091-PattiMemory.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>cat people
>trying to be edgy

pick one

I've never seen anyone brag about how vicious their cat is or how many dogs it's killed. Short of a scorpion or a rat, dogs are like the go-to pet for tryhards who want to seem tough without actually doing anything.

For the record, Chris is definitely a dog person. How does that make you feel, dogfags?
>> No. 1619

Chris is also a fat white autist. How's that feel, /bitch/fag?
>> No. 1621
Feels alright, since I can't really relate to any of those things.
>> No. 1645
lol are you fucking serious?
Your lack of logic and your level of seriousness is comparable to a retarded fanboy. This whole thread is full of "cats are for the mysterious silent types dogs are for stupid people". If that isn't tryhard and edgy I don't know what is.
>> No. 1647
>I've never seen anyone brag about how vicious their cat is or how many dogs it's killed.

easily trolled
>> No. 1648
I brag about how vicious my cat is and how many mice it's killed.
>> No. 1655

my cat keeps killing birds and giving me entrails

thats pretty hxc imho
>> No. 1693
trolled right back, bitch
>> No. 1705
Dogs aren't even cute, I think that's what I hate about them the most.
>> No. 1734
File 134338759176.jpg - (55.55KB , 360x360 , Puppy.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Dogs aren't cute

Oh bitch you best be kidding
>> No. 1737
>lazy eye
>> No. 1738
Dogs only look like that for a few weeks.
I live with someone who had a puppy and he was an adorable and sweet little pup for less than a month before he grew up into an obnoxious and yappy little dog with no appealing qualities at all.
>> No. 1771
File 134346919490.jpg - (64.70KB , 351x342 , Dog-GR.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Cats are only adorable for about a month too.

After that they turn into fat, lazy bastards who tear up the furniture and chew up all the wires in the house.

Except wait, no, both of those things only happen on a case-by-case basis.

Look at this motherfucker, TELL me he isn't fucking adorable, and he's full grown too! Look into his eyes and tell me you don't wanna squeeze him.
>> No. 1776
That dog looks pretty annoying. Just saying, dogs all look like lesbians with ugly haircuts to me. The way they're so athletic and rowdy and desperate for attention.

Cats, on the other hand, usually want humans to fuck off, which is pretty cool.
>> No. 1787
That's the big difference between dogs and cats.

Dogs are humanity's clingy friend.
Cats are humanity's mutual acquaintances that spend time with us out of obligation.
>> No. 1789
I agree with you... for THIS kind of dog, or other big dogs, like german sheperd, or even cocker.
But you know this isn't the trend. No, the trend is for chihuahuas, or pugs, or poodle, those half dog that are ugly, stupid and not even cuddly like a cat.
And they are getting even worse than the old cat ladies now, what with the dog hotels, TV channel for dog, dog dressing, dog costumes... The regular users for those are rarely St Bernards, it's always those little shits. Fuck them.
So, big dog person = Cool normal guy. Cat male person=Probably a geek, but still cool, small dog male person: fag who probably watch reality TV.
>> No. 1819
Untrained dogs = rage inducing pests that need to be put down along with their stupid, irresponsible owners.

Well-trained dogs = bros.

It's as simple as that.
>> No. 1829


Cry more pussy.
>> No. 1830
Cry more second-grader.
>> No. 1831

I don't like dogs. But I dislike people who cry over IRL shit long after it's happened to be even worse
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