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File 133063640388.jpg - (33.78KB , 300x403 , imad.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
968 No. 968

Seriously, I don't like ponies or their deviancy either, but every single pony thread ever is usually a handful of retards arguing about "Bronies suck, but the show is good" or "It's cool since I only occasionally masturbate to cartoon horses". It just shows that a depressing faction of /cwc/ watches the show and the community of nerds that follow it. And all the A-Logs soon come out of the woodwork and start throwing huge over the top insults in one last display of gayness.

So next time you want to start a thread with

>Ponies and sonicfags sure are autistic, huh guys?

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>> No. 1021
Ponyfags need to stop defending themselves so much. If you watch a show for little girls, nobody needs to know about it, or wants to hear about how you're "totally not gay" for watching it.
bronyfags need to either take their shit back to ponychan or get the fuck out.
>> No. 1110
File 133313422163.jpg - (41.01KB , 449x338 , 1315177440004.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I feel this way about Lady Gaga
>> No. 1119

>that feel when /bitch/ is soon to be overrun by gay new namefags

>> No. 1120
>that feel when hardly anybody ever uses /bitch/
>> No. 1121
>gay new namefags
ButtSex has some of the oldest posts on 789. Wutchutalkin'boutson?
>> No. 1149
Well said fellow bitch
>> No. 1190
This guy is like, one of the least annoying tripfags we've ever had. He does indeed have some of the oldest posts on this version of /cwc/ at least. Never bothered me.
>> No. 1192
I apolgize, I hadn't seen his posts and assumed he was another useless new namefag like LiquidRika and that nazi tryhard.
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