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File 131286782370.jpg - (81.49KB , 900x567 , 1312760217821.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
214 No. 214
What would be a good "beginners" Language?
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>> No. 216

It's fairly simple, it's fairly powerful, and a number of applications use it as an extension/scripting language. Not to mention how extendable and flexible it is.

Also, if you have any applications that use Lua for scripting, it would be worth learning that as well. It's even easier than Python imho, and a growing number of programs seem to be adopting it. Just keep in mind that you'll only really be using Lua for scripting purposes.

Later I suggest learning C and C++.
>> No. 217
File 131325198063.jpg - (28.68KB , 500x475 , 1308992720609.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
No. Starting with OOP gives you bad habits. One must start with low level programming, if he wants to fully understand what is going on when he later learn some OOP languages.
>> No. 219
Well then,What would be a good OOP language to start with?
>> No. 220
I'd say C++. Once you learned complex algorithms on data structures, you need to learn what is an object, the encapsulation principle, templates, design patterns, exceptions... C++ is great for that because the syntax is easy to learn and a lot of languages derives from it. Then you can go python, perl, or whatever like a boss.
>> No. 221
plus there's plenty high quality c++ courses out there
>> No. 222
Learning C++ nearly brought me to tears on multiple occasions. I had no real programming experience prior to taking the class, and the small grammatical missteps drove me nuts.

I think I was running into issues where the compiler would freak out or the end product wouldn't work, but the error messages weren't actually identifying the problem. It's been a while I so can't remember the exact issue, but it was mostly me being a noob.

The funny thing is, though, after passing that class, I had a much easier time picking up other languages. Forth and Lisp threw me for a loop for a while, though. Too different from the Algol-based paradigm. Someday I want to dig my teeth into Haskell.
>> No. 223

I know what you're saying, but learning C or C++ right off the bat is a bit of a turn off for a lot of new programmers. That's actually why I suggested this order in the first place:

Python ==> C ==> C++

Most people want to start writing programs right away, and Python is pretty easy to pick up. The only reason I don't suggest C as a first language, and C++ as an easy second is that most people stop before they write anything they find useful. In fact, I normally suggest learning to write shell scripts before attempting to write anything in a "real" programming language, because shell scripts are immediately useful and easy to write. It's not like I suggested that OP learn Java first.
>> No. 224
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>>217 here
Yes, very good point there. I experienced that just yesterday with a newbie. He just wanted make useful things right away. I myself did not started with C. I think your point is that one may need to discover the possibilities of programming and learn to enjoy it, before really learn to program. That is defensible. Now I think that if you take your time and learn C as your first language, you are saving your time. Just have to pick up interesting exercises.
>> No. 225
Have you tested C++11? Pretty neat improvements.
>> No. 231
I didn't think there were any conforming compilers out there, yet. The language is so big and complex that no one I know expects fully conformant compilers to exist for another few years. if there is something out there, I would definitely take a look.
>> No. 234
can start using lamdbas, auto, variadic templates, etc.. That's great!
>> No. 238
What do you think would be a better language to start off with C or C++? I'm currently starting with C++ and don't know any other languages, do you think I should stick with it or just move over to C since I'm not all that far into it anyway?
>> No. 240
C and C++ carry subtle differences such that learning one will trip you up occasionally while learning the other. There are a couple things that need to be considered when choosing whether to learn C or C++.

First: What do you want to do? Let the goal determine the tools used to achieve it. Unless, of course, you just want to learn a new programming language. In that case, flip a coin.

Second: It's important to understand that the C programming language is small and generally easy to learn, but Bjarne Stroustrup, the creator of C++ has openly stated that the C++ language is so big no single programmer can be expected to know all of it. On the other hand, there's no doubt the C++ language has more power than C alone. Would these trade-offs matter to you?

Learning either C or C++ will force you to pay attention to what you're doing, especially with things like memory allocation. Garbage collectors exist for both languages, but in the end you'll be expected to do a lot of things manually that a language like Python will take care of on its own. This is especially true with C++, which is so open to mistakes that Google published a document on how to use C++ in Google-based projects. You can view it here:


The thing about C++ is this: once you really get good at it, you'll have developed the mindset and skills necessary to jump to most other languages. The reason for this is that in order to really pull off C++ development, you have to think about what you're doing, develop plans, and be able to change course as necessary. This is true of all languages, but for a language as complex as C++ this is especially necessary. Since Android is the hot thing right now, you might want to check out Google's style guide if you're going to learn C++. From a security standpoint you might also want to look at CERT's procedures for secure C++ coding:


Anyway, that's just my two cents. Hope it helps.
>> No. 242
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>>234 here
C, as said before. Plus C's father, Dennis Ritchie, died today.
>> No. 243
I read that as well. I don't feel sad about it, though, so much as respectful. As much as Jobs did for making computers accessible, Ritchie did so much more to simply create the modern computing industry. It's awesome that he just got to be here and do the things that he did.
>> No. 254
Well, hell. I just found out John McCarthy died. He was the creator of the Lisp programming language and the one who coined the term 'Artificial Intelligence'. He practically founded the field. Jobs, then Ritchie, now McCarthy. I think the idea that deaths come in threes has just proved itself. Here's hoping no one else kicks any time soon.
>> No. 255
please for the love of the internet and all that is digital, let cobol die.
>> No. 256
File 131968651752.jpg - (52.93KB , 316x488 , a-nightmare-on-elm-street.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So long as there are banks, there will always be.. Cobol.

Cobol, like Freddy Krueger, will never truly die. And if you don't wake up screaming.. YOU MIGHT NOT WAKE UP AT ALL!

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