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File 134498013378.jpg - (22.31KB , 453x453 , 418315_823159340269_284444675_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
252302 No. 252302
We all have seen ROBBAY's epin court documents, but the best is yet to come.

Apparently, our friend Jordman, when he was living out in Lancaster County, had a long assed criminal record, ranging from him skinning some cats alive to burning a classmate with a bunsen burner and thus having to spend time at LCYIC, which then led him to be placed in tard school in Connecticut. He also only had a few semesters at Ramapo before being arrested and kicked out.

Because the idiot did not have his records sealed, I was able to get some juicy cocks not only from his adult years, but from growing up in Lancaster County as well.

These docs will be up in a few days. Prepare for epin lulz
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>> No. 252303
Hi Robb. Nice tripcode. 1/10 for the attempt.
>> No. 252304
>> No. 252305

>not introMAN!!IuLzIzMGV1

Sorry Robb, we gave you the chance to provide us with Jordman cocks in exchange for deleting your archived threads weeks ago, you fucked that deal up.
>> No. 252308
Hi Robb!
>> No. 252309
>These docs will be up in a few days. Prepare for epin lulz

Oh awesome, I guess we'll just have to stop posting shit about that fucking dumb shit Rika in the meantime then, won't we?
>> No. 252310
>> No. 252311
Who is that sexy woman in that photograph, OP?
>> No. 252313
This is just sad.
>> No. 252315
Ebin rulz.
>> No. 252316
More trollshielding, just brilliant. And Jordman, at that. Haven't seen you do that before, have we Robb?
>> No. 252317
>> No. 252320
File 134498232575.png - (141.05KB , 500x366 , tumblr_lih6gbl4wG1qcdg4no1_500.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>These docs will be up in a few days.

Rob you said this the last time and then you didn't post shit.

You prove once again what a piece of shit you are by throwing people under the bus.

Rob this is never going away. You are here forever
>> No. 252321
Oh Philly Tomgirls, you all so silly and cannibalistic
>> No. 252322
>> No. 252324
Oh Robbay, you try so hard.
>> No. 252328
Who is Jordman?

More of that fine woman in your pic, OP. Better looking than that Rika...thing.
>> No. 252333
>Who's Jordman?

>> No. 252335

Shes a transgender??? No way!

How Rika can still be so clueless after being friends with this beauty is beyond me.
>> No. 252338
>memorizes tripcodes

nope, that's not spergy at all.
>> No. 252339
File 134498492820.png - (51.34KB , 338x288 , autism.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 252340

You don't have to memorize it to notice it's wrong.
>> No. 252342
Yep, and it's especially easy to just compare it to the tripcode of the Rika thread.
>> No. 252343
The Rika thread 2 threads down from this one was posted by Intro with his actual trip, why would you need to memorize what's right in front of you?
>> No. 252345
You're a fucking retard Robert. Did they call you wraith because everyone sees right through you?
>> No. 252347
>> No. 252348
File 134498633316.jpg - (5.06KB , 700x553 , funnyimafraid.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
hey rob you realize you're the only person here who says "epin" right?
>> No. 252351
No matter what you try, you will always fail. Never forget this Robb.
>> No. 252372
Even if it wasn't Robb, "epin lulz in a few days" is enough to call OP a fag. Drop the cocks or shut up.
>> No. 252386
It's all about pussy.

Fuck me, I don't know where I'm going with that joke, but believe me, there was something fucking hilarious there.
>> No. 252388
You were onto something. Might have been funny if you didn't add that last sentence. Now you just look like an idiot.
>> No. 252390
Samefag here, I really doubt I could have pulled anything from that, but thanks.
>> No. 252508

Sup jinkies. Show us the documents or you're worse than Rika.
>> No. 252511
Spurned by the LGBT again after Robby tried to enlist their help in another forum today, he now decides to vent his frustration on them.

Robby, I only wish that the people you used to harass in that stupid video game are seeing karma kicking you to the curb right now.
>> No. 252520
And now that trans board is down. It rejected Robb's very presence by imploding on itself.
>> No. 252522
Yeah, having the ability to recognize different sets of numbers and letters is so spergy. All the cool kids are incompetent.
>> No. 252529
File 134501594753.png - (38.75KB , 300x314 , Scout.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
That Introman is a spy!
>> No. 252532
Seriously though, not only is the tripcode wrong, the OP's ip from Philadelphia.

Robb, are you even trying?
>> No. 252534
File 134501628981.jpg - (53.79KB , 400x400 , 1331769707970.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 252536
The only thing that gives me pause about this is that the IP is pretty different from Robb's. But then i realized he's obviously using a proxy.

Shit Robb, you suck at everything.
>> No. 252540
Except driving up ED hits, that is.

>Robert Wayne Stiles: This page has been accessed 40,624 times.
>> No. 253219
File 134513067197.jpg - (21.91KB , 415x415 , 264933_828691119539_2047127557_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You all need to shut the fuck up. Regardless of whether or not I am Introman, I still have a lot of dox from Jordman. You are missing an epic opportunity to milk one of the biggest lolmoos in Lancaster County (yes, Nick Bate does not hold a candle to that walrus.
>> No. 253221
Robby could keep this board going for years.
>> No. 253226

>I still have a lot of dox from Jordman.

Prove it or shut the fuck up.

No one thinks you have anything. And if you do have anything, it's worth nothing unless you show people what you have.
>> No. 253227
You again. Somebody's butthurt at being found, I see.
>> No. 253228
lolling at how he put introman's tripcode in the subject field

nice effort
>> No. 253230

>You are missing an epic opportunity

How are WE missing it, the only reason this epin opportunity isn't happening is because you, for no apparent reason, have decided to wait to drop these epic cocks. Either put up or shut up.
>> No. 253234
Hey Robert, what's the name of the treaty that ended WWI? Go ahead an Google it and see what you come up with.
>> No. 253240
I like how this guy can't even use a consistent tripcode.
>> No. 253243
Robb you are so fucking stupid in so many ways it's genuinely unbelievable.

First of all, if you were going to impersonate introman, you should have know what HIS FUCKING TRIPCODE was.

Second of all, you didn't need to pretend to be Introman at all, because that's a TERRIBLE IDEA for a multitude of reasons:

1. The real Introman could show up at any time and debunk your claims.
2. Being revealed as a fake will hurt your credibility.

Third of all, we know what you're trying to do, you're trying to turn the heat on Jordman, fine. If you were going to do that, you should have made sure you ACTUALLY HAD SOMETHING TO SHOW before you decided to MAKE A FUCKING THREAD ABOUT IT. Nobody is going to turn on Introman WHEN YOU GIVE US FUCKING NOTHING.

Fourth of all, if you actually DO have some "cocks" on Jordman, you should have just DROPPED IT WHEN YOU HAD ANY CHANCE OF BEING TAKEN SERIOUSLY. Don't fucking hype that shit. You think anybody is going to believe you when you say "Hey guys i have epic cocks on this guy!" and then don't actually show it? You have absolutely NO FUCKING REASON not to show us what you fucking have. There is NO FUCKING REASON to delay dropping the info. If you knew how to get it but couldn't show it for whatever reason, you should have waited to make this thread until you COULD.

You have made 500 mistakes in trying to do the simplest fucking shit in the world. You suck at everything you try to do, you are fucking joke, go back to the rock you live under AND NEVER FUCKING COME OUT AGAIN YOUR WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT.
>> No. 253246
>Regardless of whether or not I am Introman

So you admit you're a fake?

Autistic phrasing of internet slang? Check.

Also, learn how to close a parentheses, for Christ's sake.
>> No. 253249
>You are missing an epic opportunity to milk one of the biggest lolmoos in Lancaster County

Why would we need that when we've already got the biggest one in the county of Philadelphia, if not the entire state of Pennsylvania? And the way things are going, Robb, you're set to be one of the biggest in the USA. The best is yet to come, Robert. The best is yet to come...
>> No. 253253
File 134513775266.jpg - (157.34KB , 799x598 , pimpin aint easy.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You know Robert, I was the first poster. You would have forgotten this thread, cool, I would have ignored it as another minor retard post by you deserving no mention. But since you came back, I added this to your ED page, and thanks to your retardation, it popped up in the "Recent Edits" and "Popular Articles", so you again drove up the views and made the page grow bigger. That is really all. Thanks.
>> No. 253271

Robbay, I think you're well on your way to becoming an Epic Lolcow on ED. You know? Those people that have subpages like Chris Chan or A-Log?

So congratulations on your promotion.
>> No. 253272

Not that post.
>> No. 253276
That's a pretty girl, what's her name?
>> No. 253286
>(yes, Nick Bate does not hold a candle to that walrus
I like how Robert is hideous, but still feels he is in a position to attack someone else when it comes to looks. Robert and Jordman are about equally terrible looking.

Robert denies he's insecure, but he's always called his fellow trannies, then his trolls and then even Zyklon ugly, when he is and has always been the most hideous of them all. When someone pointed out that he is hideous, he went all "IT'S ALL ABOUT LOOKS"! Hell, Robert's "looks" don't even compare to the looks of his trolls.

TL;DR Robert, u mad
>> No. 253309
I don't think robbie was around to see this the first time, so I'll restate it for his benefit: when I first saw a picture of Jordman, I thought he was an unfortunate-looking woman.

Jordman is more convincing than you or ADF. Let that sink in.
>> No. 253318
>"Rika Stiles is a woman and that clearly is a woman in the photograph"
If confirmation bias, self-deception and total lack of self-criticism had a name, it would be Robert "Rika" Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 253319

Rika, don't listen to this jerk. We all believe you're the TRUE and HONEST Introman, so please keep providing us with ebin cocks. Thanks.
>> No. 253331
File 134514611850.jpg - (57.39KB , 399x599 , Bernie_mac_gambling.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Did anyone else see the recording of chris rikay had? he deleted it like 2 minutes later
>> No. 253333
His duck is also bigger than previously photographed
>> No. 253347

No, he reposted it.
>> No. 253356

Awww, no, he deleted it again when he got told to go fuck himself. Because deleting the stupid shit he posts has always worked in the past.
>> No. 253358

Someone better have saved it cuz im on a phone
>> No. 253360
Some homosexual deviant who emailed that to him last night told him to delete it.
>> No. 253361

Also, wasn't there something about a girl giving Chris a fake number in there too?
>> No. 253435
>tries to get the evil "neonazi cisgender trolls" to stop trolling him by poorly impersonating someone and framing a once best friend

Gee, I sure do wonder why people don't love you where ever you go.
>> No. 253471
File 13451595867.jpg - (39.74KB , 448x604 , 388160_828581539139_83845772_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Another one of Jordman camwhoring. That's one ugly blouse for such an ugly man face. Did he steal it from his grandma's grave after skullfucking her.

At any rate, all of you suck. You all managed to publish Jordman's full legal name (and protip, it begins with the letter T), yet you haven't managed to look up the criminal database in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Connecticut (and those are just the states we know about) and find out more about him, even when he was in his lolcow prime last fall. You people suck.
>> No. 253473
We've been too fascinated by Rob Stiles to care........
>> No. 253475

5/10. would bang.
>> No. 253477
Look it up yourself homosexual deviant.
>> No. 253480
I took five minutes out of my busy day to look. Theres nothing. I guess you trolled me good.
>> No. 254267
>> No. 254277
File 134523566630.jpg - (56.15KB , 476x342 , Hitler happy 2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>At any rate, all of you suck. You all managed to publish Jordman's full legal name (and protip, it begins with the letter T), yet you haven't managed to look up the criminal database in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Connecticut (and those are just the states we know about) and find out more about him, even when he was in his lolcow prime last fall. You people suck.
We simply don't just care! I find it hilarious that you Robert blamed the Stonecutters for forcing /cwc/ to do all that hard trolling for us, but now you're expecting us to troll your shitty unfunny lolcow.

Jordman is more intelligent than you are. Know why? He's being mentioned and he's not acting like a retard here. Just look at that! You can say he's worse all you want, but you're still funnier and more retarded than he is.
>> No. 254302
How about you post some pictures of the inside of your apartment, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. We would be more interested in those
>> No. 254325
Jordman passes really well in all of these photos in that pixy teri way.
>> No. 254397
Hey wait a minut, let's hear about this cat skinning stuff. Let's have the details. Prove it op.
>> No. 254502

>I took five minutes out of my busy day to look. Theres nothing. I guess you trolled me good.
>> No. 254547
>>Prepare for epin lulz

Is Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles so autistic he thinks he talks like that?
>> No. 257204
I dunno, I know a 20yo girl who looks pretty much like Robert (plus some very small tits). But I think I've never seen anyone looking like Jordman, even as I've seen an old woman who looked just like Yeltsin, if only Yeltsin had a moustache.
>> No. 257422
Ten bucks says Rob is just tethering over his phone.

Similar Philly IP = can't into proxies. "They'll never know it's me if I use the phone!!"
>> No. 257489
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is probably hanging out with friends... no now wait a sec, a friend... no thats not it either hhmmm does Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles have a cat.
>> No. 258308
>> No. 261200
>> No. 261202
>> No. 268236
Someone archive this please
>> No. 268242
This should be in his e.d. article. It's him trying to throw a tranny under.
>> No. 268272
File 134783054775.jpg - (9.99KB , 200x150 , 200px-Rika_49.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It's so eaaasy to deceive you with the sneaky little tricks and to make you believe each character that I pick!
>> No. 268320
This thread proves that Rob is a master of disguise.
>> No. 268324

>jordman is becoming better looking than pixiteri
>> No. 268327
File 134783472897.jpg - (33.36KB , 300x400 , kermit.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Don't be ridiculous. Jordman looks like he smells worse than PT, and however saggy, she has actual breasts and a functional vagina. Also there's the lack of 5o'clock shadow and body hair.
>> No. 268471
Hi Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles
>> No. 268497
You act like we can only mock one at a time. All three failtrannies are pathetic, remarkably ugly, and stupid.
>> No. 268612

Look, I'm not the guy you've been talking to, but you're falling for an obvious troll here. The best thing to do is not to feed him.
>> No. 273652
bump to remind rob what happened last time he tried this.
>> No. 273657
File 134904153746.gif - (358.39KB , 300x169 , 1338961572486.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 281392
Never forget

>> No. 281398
File 135058240053.jpg - (111.68KB , 500x689 , He-Will-Never-Forget-What-He-Saw_c_92173.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Two questions. Is that some sort of meme and why was it a banning offense?
>> No. 281412
I assuming he was banned for necrobumping
>> No. 281416

>says the guy in a 2 month old thread without a sage
>> No. 281461
Is necrobumping a crime in itself or is failing to provide fresh insight or cocks while doing so the crime?
>> No. 281493
File 135060131558.jpg - (57.04KB , 656x635 , no thread necromancer.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 281518
You forgot your sage.
Also bump.
>> No. 281543
failing to provide fresh cocks or otherwise continuing the discussion. necrobumping is fine if there's a reason.
>> No. 281622
Does trolling count as a reason? Serious question.
>> No. 281710
there's a fine line there. if posting the weekend pics is "trolling" then no. if you're antagonizing one of our resident lolcows, such as Robert or Casey, etc. then go ahead.
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