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No. 271600
  We need a new Gail thread , none on the main page right now

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>> No. 271603
Boy you just keep opening up treads to keep the attention of the original tread, aren't you?
Lucky for you I seem to be the only one who's on to your shenanigans.
So how much money are you guys making of the lolcows?
>> No. 271606
In case anyone wondering, the "TRUE and HONEST jesuits" (scripters) are trying to keep your attention off of this tread:

>> No. 271614
>> No. 271621

You gangster.
>> No. 273689
  Gail's back with an especially angry video (gets angrier as it goes along) debunking the "lies" at the Crazy Gail website.

There are plenty of lies at the Crazy Gail website, it's true, but the lies are more along the lines that Judge Terrance Jenkins exists as an actual person and is not just a troll doing a funny black judge voice, that Brent Spiner, Vladmir Putin, Hugh Jackman, Keanu Reeves, etc... are actually talking to her and aren't just trolls pretending to be them, that the Church of Gail exists as a huge spaceship that isn't just a cutscene from FAR CRY 3, that the Quebec Trial was an actual thing, etc...

Incidentally, she does bring up one good question: who was it that stole the video where you can hear her arguing with her mother? Pretty much the only proof you need that one of her own family members is cooperating with the Scripters.
>> No. 273690

Or maybe the Church of Gail from FAR CRY 2, since I see FAR CRY 3 isn't out yet. (I don't know, I don't play that kind of game, I'm a weeaboo who loves JRPGs only.)
>> No. 273691
damnit nombie
>> No. 273695
File 134904881237.jpg - (35.02KB , 407x543 , Ao Dai 1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
For me, Gail is best in small doses. Otherwise, the script becomes too much and it stops being engrossing.
>> No. 273709
resquestin noods
>> No. 273712
>> No. 273775
Is there an endgame for Gail? I'm not sure how apt the comparison is but in the Chris Chan "sagas" it became well understood that once your role as a troll or sweetheart had played out, you were supposed to tell Chris you died or something and gracefully step aside.

Gail's scripters seem to avoid doing anything excessively cruel, but at the same time there's no real buildup towards any kind of "finale", nor any obvious attempts on their part to trick her into getting the help she needs. I guess when you're working with someone as crazy as Gail you're kind of committed to constant communication to make sure she doesn't harm herself or shoot up some jesuits or whatever.
>> No. 273779
File 134906206742.jpg - (93.85KB , 500x300 , 2300717-btas_arkham_asylum.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 273780
File 134906244385.jpg - (565.94KB , 660x990 , 38huxh.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>Imitating Chris trolling

Chris trolling sucked though. It was obnoxious a-log bullshit right from the get go and just got worse from there
>> No. 273783
I'm kind of uncomfortable with seeing people troll a 50 year old schizophrenic woman.
>> No. 273784
says someone on a board dedicated to trolling a nigh 30 year old spastic man. that's some hair splitting if i've ever seen it.
>> No. 273788
spasm does not equal stupid. My brother is spastic, but he's being raised properly. Chris is just an idiot who keeps coming back. Schizophrenia means you have no control over your thoughts and (in Gail's case) are completely detached from reality. Medication can HELP, but often times it doesn't help that much, and you cannot be raised in a way that will make your schizophrenia less obvious. I'm sympathetic with mentally ill people, not stupid people.
>> No. 273790
HI A-LOG. Enough of the Chris makes spasts look bad. Chris can't help being a dork, and whether or not his upbringing made a difference doesn't really make any difference.
For you to sit in judgement like that shows an absolute lack of character on your part. I blame your upbringing.
>> No. 273793
by virtue of you simply posting here clearly indicates how you feel about the mentally ill, anon.
>> No. 273795
I would also like to add that the mentally deficient can't help being mentally deficient either.
Some of us are here because we find Chris to be genuinely funny. Personally I think the trolling sagas ruined it. His comics and the videos he did before epic ween trolls interfered were absolutely hilarious and showed a child like innocence.
>> No. 273797
File 134906449461.gif - (489.92KB , 360x360 , song of my people.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Exactly, now chris is just a deppressed loser with a cynical outlook. Why did EPIN :DDD fags like bluespike and Kacey have to ruin everything?
>> No. 273798
I think it's obvious to everyone ever that Chris is a moron. It's like anyone who says anything bad about Chris is A-Log now, when A-Log's schtick was calling him a horrible person and hating him with all his his heart and soul. Chris doesn't make spastic people look bad. That kind of reasoning is just a hasty generalization. He's just stupid.

spasm is a birth defect, not a mental illness. You can be brought up in a way that will make spasm almost imperceptible. Upbringing is everything, and living with an spastic person has taught me that. Mental illness is a completely different story.
>> No. 274077
Any word on what Gail thinks of these ladies?

>> No. 274082

A-Log did commentaries on Chris where he basically made awful points about how Chris was an idiot (not explicitly saying he hated him) so technically, talking about how Chris is a moron does make you A-Log without saying you hate him.

>> No. 274085
I bet they hate jesuits.
>> No. 274249
  OH DEAR GOD! Keanu Reeve's sex dummy of Gail Chord Schuler is on the loose!

I saw the post by the troll pretending to be Keanu Reeves on her forum yesterday. The scripters are really, really trying to get Gail featured on TOSH 2.0 again, aren't they?
>> No. 276531
  Oh, god, the subject of Gail Chord Schuler's latest nearly-hour-long crazy babble is her yeast infection. I don't want to hear about some crusty late-middle-aged woman's yeast infection. Puke in my mouth! (Yes, I'm aware that people close to Gail use "yeast infection" as a cover to get her to take medications for paranoid schizophrenia.)
>> No. 276541
I can't look at Gale the same way again after seeing her nude video...

...I never came so hard to an lolcow before.
>> No. 276547
>> No. 276566
Listened to the whole thing. Short version, she got hold of some old medical conspiracy theory book (a "things doctors/drug companies/etc... don't want you to know" kind of book in the same oeuvre as Kevin Trudeau) that had some quack theories about yeast infection from one Dr. Orian Truss. She thinks every single problem she has, including craziness (she acknowledges it a little towards the end) and her distilled middle-aged-woman belly is really just a result of her untreatable yeast infection. She also talks about her own poop way too much. It's a change from blah-blah-blah antichrist Zack Knight blah-blah-blah Jesuits blah-blah-blah my men, but it's not any more entertaining. Don't bother listening unless you need to hear every scrap of Gail-related audio.
>> No. 276568
>distilled middle-aged-woman belly

That should be "distended" middle-aged-woman belly
>> No. 277212
  Yet another new video, this time blathering about whether or not the King James Version is the true inspired word of God.

Hint: the Bible is a collection of desert scribblings written by barbarians, many of whom were probably paranoid schizophrenics, which I guess is why Gail is so fond of it.
>> No. 277216
I wouldn't say the jesuits were particularly barbaric. If you only take the worst parts of the bible out of context you might get that impression, but same can be said of American history culture and law.
This isn't to say the bible is holy in any meaningful sense, but don't be so harsh.
>> No. 277217
Paraphrasing: At 21 minutes: God always planned for the ultimate version of his word to be 17th century English. You can tell God favors England because the Prime Meridian goes right through England.

Because, you know, the Prime Meridian is an actual line that occurred in nature, apparently. (Gail logic.)
>> No. 277218

I meant "Barbarians" in terms of simple-minded desert people, not movie-style savages like Conan.
>> No. 277222

I lost the link, sadly. Someone probably still has it...
>> No. 277229
And I mean as in the barbarians who sacked Rome. The term barbaric has meaning, stupid isn't one of them
>> No. 277232
Okay, I admit, I was vaguely recalling this Robert Green Ingersoll quote without bothering to get it right:

“The Bible was written by barbarians in a barbarous, coarse and vulgar age”
>> No. 277762
  And Gail posts yet another ~50 minute long blabberfest, this time the subject being Loree McBride and Brent Spiner.

Gail is correct that the CrazyGail wiki page on Loree McBride isn't entirely accurate, but only the nonsense about her being a Jesuit clone and anything else but an ordinary human woman who is the girlfriend and possibly wife of Brent Spiner and mother of his child. Also, the CrazyGail wiki page about Brent Spiner is inaccurate too, because Brent never had any romantic interest in Gail, never contacted her other than Paramount sending an autographed shot and form letter, he was never raped by Loree McBride nor were various parts of him replaced by clone parts, and he most certainly is not a high priest in the space church of a crazy lady. In fact, Gail should just ignore what's written about Brent Spiner on the CrazyGail wiki entirely and instead believe what's written about Brent on Wikipedia, IMDb, or Memory Alpha as scripters haven't put in false information just to feed the delusions of a paranoid schizophrenic woman for lulz.
>> No. 277791
If you showed up at her house and told her you were Brent spiner ( in disguise to hide from the Jesuits ) you could probably get some hanky panky
>> No. 277899

Ignoring the paranoid schizophrenia for a moment as well as the basic fact that she's 54 years old, why would I want to have sex with a woman that by all accounts has a massive yeast infection? (She may use the yeast infection as a scapegoat for her mental problems, but I do believe her that she has it.) Even imagining the smell of her stanky vagina makes me retch.
>> No. 277903

O wait, she's actually 55. I forgot she had a birthday in September, derp.
>> No. 279838
  Now the scripters are adding new cocks to the Sex Dummy story. The android Gail has achieved sentience, and is rebelling against the Jesuits. Or something. And you can "talk" to it at http://www.GA1L.com/ (It gives you random sentence answers, probably from a bank of a few hundred sentences.) They put way too much effort into trolling this poor lady.
>> No. 279855
You know, I like Gail herself, think she would have been better off observed to make all the schizo cocks she wants, don't really care for the turn the stonecutters have taken at all and feel pretty friggin terrible for her at this point. But the website idea is at least, well, creative.
However, falling in step with Gail trolling being perhaps the most try hard shit ever, ridiculously unnecessary with someone who trolls themselves at unparalleled rates, I feel like I'm watching some viral marketing video for a shit-tier horror/sci-fi remake.

I mean, this would be cooler if it was for the Total Recallhaven't seen yet or Videodrome remakedreading but will see it, I don't know.
>> No. 279859
Godammit, it sets my virus protection off.
>> No. 279888
I have mixed feelings about the crazy gail thing. At one end they try to do some good like try to get gail off of her regiment of excessive vitamin and herbal supplements. On the other hand feeding her delusions like this can not be good in the long run.

They do get a lot of cocks from her, apparently "jesus" told her to make a new video every week or some shit. I guess they're more into seeing how she reacts to certain situations and information. Her own delusions add quite a bit of instability to the equation as she might get a "brain to brain" message that conflicts with what she's been told on skype or her forum.
>> No. 279897
I suspect her "brain to brain" messages are like Chris's messages from god. She only ever seems to get them from people she wants, saying things she wants to hear.

Aren't they all pretty much men she's attracted to telling her they love her and want to have sex with her?
>> No. 283843
  Damnit, scripters, stop pushing the countdown to the "singularity" on Ga1l.com back every 2 days. What's the point of even having a countdown if you're not going to show any new cocks at the end?

Also, the images of the Ga1l android that "Judge Terrance Jenkins" sent to Gail are actually only slight shoops of Svedka Vodka print ads from 2005: http://cargocollective.com/tommynoonan/SVEDKA-VODKA
>> No. 285325
Sorry about that. Gail was having some personal issues that required us to extend the time till singularity. The singularity FINALLY occurred yesterday at http://www.GA1L.com.
>> No. 285335

So, if we have an actual scripter here, how much do you think Gail actually believes the things you guys tell her and how much is Gail just going along with it because, even if she knows it's probably malarkey, the fantasy where she's the most important woman in history in direct contact with Jesus Christ and who is lusted after by many famous men is much more appealing than the sad reality that she is a paranoid schizophrenic woman approaching late-middle-age living in a small apartment who has problems holding down even a Walmart job and who had abandoned her son just so she could continue avoiding being treated for her mental problems and continue fantasizing about Brent Spiner off-meds?
>> No. 285697
I'm not at all a regular here, so forgive me if I unintentionally break any rules of etiquette. Your question is one of the most common questions we get. The simple answer is that we don't really know for sure. We spend a lot of quality time with Gail. We know that there's a mixture, but we don't know the gradient.
>> No. 285715
How about tryinv to get her out into the world a bit? What if Jesus's mission for her was to find one person a week to "save" with the truth, and show the dang dirty Jesuits by getting them to appear in video with her?
>> No. 285818
Not a bad idea. Jesus does do things like that sometimes. For ex: http://crazygail.com/Episodes#The_Atlanta_Trip
>> No. 285877
Does anyone know how long Gail's trolls have been involved with her? And how did they find her?
>> No. 285942

Is Sandra or perhaps even Erich involved with the scripters in any way? The more I find out about them, the more suspicious I get, not that I blame Erich at all if he does resent his own mother for choosing fantasizing about Brent Spiner over him.
>> No. 285983
20+ years. and they didn't find her, she found them (see: brent spiner)
>> No. 285987
I'd doubt it based on the scathing article about him on crazygail.com. Scripters in the trolling community seem to be somewhat protected, and it seems unfair to drag him through the mud because his mom is batty.
>> No. 285988
It's not even a real condition.
Half the shit she talks about is in Quackwatch. I'm seriously considering editing Crazy Gail Wiki just to explain half this shit, courtesy of Stephen Barrett.
>> No. 286070
...wait a minute. What? I follow Gail pretty closely and the way I understod it was her obsession with Brent Spiner came from watching Star Trek, and then on her own she began to fantasize and believe he was in love with her, listen to the dial tone on the phone, etc. I figured the 'trolls' probably found her after she started posting stuff online. Is this not the case?
>> No. 286085
Tila and GA1L should team up
just a suggestion for the GA1L scripters
>> No. 286309

Yeah, I'm not sure how a middle-aged paranoid schizophrenic woman who evidently isn't too Internet savvy (judging by how easy it is to steal stuff off her computer) could "find" the scripters.
>> No. 289702
these the only noods of her?
>> No. 289704
you need MORE? what the fuck is wrong with you
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