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File 134869840969.jpg - (131.69KB , 1200x900 , 0782-CWCSpread.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
272300 No. 272300
Will there ever be another Chris?

There's no shortage of idiots on the Internet, of course, but none of them have been that special combination of fucked-up that Chris was. He was a mental child who knew almost nothing about the world outside his bedroom and was (initially) more than happy to feed the trolls and produce new cocks.

None of the other lolcows have been good enough to qualify for "the new Chris-chan." Robbie comes closest, but he doesn't do much besides bitch at those damn trolls. He's never going to do anything on the level of Sonichu.

I miss Chris every day.
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>> No. 272302
I think what made Chris so "charming" is how naive he was. Ironically.

So, no, no one will have that combination of rage, crazy, stupid and naive...
>> No. 272303
i miss kimmo more :(
>> No. 272306
File 134869883715.jpg - (45.10KB , 296x300 , Kimmo alm.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 272307
>this thread again
>> No. 272308
Hi Robbay
>> No. 272309
Has anyone else ever noticed that this thread is always started with this image?
>> No. 272311
File 13486994653.jpg - (5.12KB , 184x184 , 309d74b5a7da6c28769f54920f72a1dc4f9abe73_full.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Banned, shitlisted and password scrambled for screaming like a retarded troll. Pay attention better next time, fucking idiot. Disrespectful, rude pieces of shit, all day, every day. Permanent shutdown imminent.
>> No. 272314
I think Gail is a good contender. I feel bad because of her mental illness, but her adamant refusal to accept help from people who care about her make her more of a prime target.
>> No. 272315
hi nombie
>> No. 272316
There will never be a "new Chris." Each internet -cow is unique in a way that cannot be replicated, and Chris is the prime example of this rule. His utter naivete and belief in the power of the internet fan combined with his desperation for a sweetheart, along with his twinges of anger and craziness, have never been seen in any other internet weirdo and likely never will. Can't we just accept each weirdo on his/her own terms instead of clinging to comparisons to Chris-chan?


'Sup nombie. Also, no.
>> No. 272318
Wasn't me! I think the Gail well might be going dry soon. Sounds like too many people are trying to get her real help for it to continue on much further. Love, Nombie
>> No. 272322
>/tc/ spergs

I'm not surprised
>> No. 272324
I actually like Chris. He didn't deserve the shit he got by the weentrolls of the PVCC. Chris isn't a bad person, and he wasn't hurting anyone, but HE DRAWS A BAD WEBCOMIC AND HAS BAD INTERACTIONS WITH OTHERS DUE TO spasM SO WE HAVE TO CRUCIFY HIM, RIGHT GUISE?
>> No. 272327

Why are you here?
>> No. 272328
hi anna
>> No. 272329
Oh, I'm sorry, I wasn't aware this was the Cwcki forums.
>> No. 272330
It was the first image many saw of him. And really, it sums him up perfectly.
>> No. 272332

You're saying that Chris shouldn't have been trolled, on a board that was entirely conceived on Chris being trolled. Whether these people were doing it because of retarded alog style hate or just because they found it funny seems pretty irrelevant to your viewpoint. Why are you here?
>> No. 272333
Do you not think that the vast majority of Chris trolling was incredibly ween? Because it was.
>Hey guise, let's have Chris shove medallion up ass and then pretend to feel bad about it!
>Let's harass Bob through prank calls!
>Let's pretend to be girls and watch Chris masturbate!

Come ON.
>> No. 272334

When you break it down all trolling of anyone is just ween bullshit. That's all this place is about.
>> No. 272335
you sound upset
>> No. 272336
It was ALL based on A-Log style hate, which is why I was against Chris's trolling. The vast majority of people (like 97%) who follow Chris are ebin weeners, if you just look at the YouTube comments of his videos. If you think that he "deserved" his trolling, you're just as bad as those guys.
>> No. 272337

I ain't even mad mang
>> No. 272338
Oh dear, more incited drama.
>> No. 272341

Add another 3% to that and it's a little more accurate. If you've been against all of this then why did you follow it all?
>> No. 272342
I agree. It was mostly still funny to watch, but I think his most humorous shit was just Chris being Chris.
>> No. 272343
Let me ask, has there been a sharp change to the makeup of this board lately? Because I thought that just a few months ago the "lovable buffoon" viewpoint of Chris was the norm, not a "Chris deserved everything he got" viewpoint.
>> No. 272344
I actually thought it was funny until the fall of 2009 when I read the mailbag, where all the A-Logs came out of the woodwork. This is when I realized how pathetic it was.
>> No. 272345
>> No. 272346
He's a loveable buffoon who deserved everything he got.
>> No. 272347
>> No. 272349

So things that happened before the mailbag like
>Hey guise, let's have Chris shove medallion up ass and then pretend to feel bad about it!
>Let's pretend to be girls and watch Chris masturbate!

You found funny and not alogish, then the mailbag came along and you decided it wasn't funny any more, and then you stuck around for a few more years after that?
>> No. 272351
File 134870523669.jpg - (35.27KB , 500x377 , 1346710942827.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Maybe Chris was Hitler's reincarnation as punishment for his last life.

Being laughed at by people of probable spasm themselves on an imageboard does seem like a pretty horrible fate.
>> No. 272353
It was more of a realization, I didn't just decide that it wasn't funny. I had also had my doubts when I heard that tape of Clyde and the Deviants laughing at the fact that Chris was sad about his Aunt Corina, but I blew it off at the time, as it wasn't a big deal. Basically, the straw that broke the camel's back was the mailbag.
>> No. 272354
I semi-agree with you. Enough of the trolling was funny in the early times, but it went past poking a guy with a stick and giggling at the response to either lame A-Logs or psychopaths like Mao, Liquid, or Kacey happily torturing a broken man.
>> No. 272355
Also, following Chris is morbid fascination mixed with pity at this rate.

I still secretly hope he gets well one day, but yeah.
>> No. 272356
Yes, simple things are better, things where the humor is generated from Chris and not people forcing Chris into doing things they find funny. His rage over being called an impostor, his pathetic attempt to infiltrate the CWCki, his rage over wanting the house tour video taken down, his anger at Adam Stackhouse, and so on.
>> No. 272361
File 134870639738.jpg - (75.14KB , 620x350 , paul_borby_AP622625372679_620x350.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
There's Paul Corby and his amazing book issac the runner. Currently he's seeking a heart transplant and claiming that he's denied it because he's spastic. Really it's because he was carrying a princess peach doll and can't even name all his medications so the doctors didn't want to waste a perfectly good heart on an asspie tardlette. The drama could reach critical mass.
>> No. 272367
File 134870696222.jpg - (17.00KB , 311x320 , Mommie+Dearest.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I think /cwc/'s identity crisis and love/hate relationship with ween is part of the fun and makes it a more intelligent image board overall. /cwc/, crawling in its own skin.
>> No. 272380
Well, there's a combination of factors here. Chris really put himself out there in the open, that was a big part of why he was so widely seen and mocked. The vast majority of the mountains of data on sonichu.com was put onto the internet by Chris.

There are other lolcows that put themselves out there nearly as much, but it's generally either incomprehensible due their mental illnesses, or incredibly boring.

He also had pretty broad appeal. He was easy to laugh at and easy to dislike, but not to the point of hatred. With some like ADF or Nick Bate, they're more annoying than funny. Chris was more funny than annoying.

Another problem is that a lot of those trolling the current crop of lolcows don't seem to really be able to manipulate them in entertaining ways. They can tell them what to do, but there are typically so many factors working against them.

No matter how dense the lolcow is, if they're aware of Chris, they're terrified of becoming him, so the second they suspect they're getting trolled, they delete everything. They become paranoid and secretive, and in some cases even stop the behavior that got them noticed.

In part out of fear of that happening, the people trolling them keep it quiet, which essentially makes it pointless as there's no audience. If there's no audience, they're little more than stalkers.
>> No. 272393
>This man should die because he's a spastik Mario fan!!!!1

Ebin ween, brah.

Also, what does this have to do with the subject matter of this thread?
>> No. 272395

>Will there ever be another Chris?
>> No. 272398

It would be hilarious if CWC gave an end to lolcowdom as we knew it. It's sad because there are a lot of little Chrislike beings out there, but they're smart enough to hide a lot of what they do now, or at least retreat into a shell if they do get discovered. Hell, Chris himself learned this.
>> No. 272399
He's NOT the next Chris, you weener. He's a young man who needs a heart transplant in order to live, but was rejected because he happened to carry a Princess Peach doll around with him and was unable to name 19 medications. So the fuck what? Do these reasons mean that he's an ebin ween :DDDD XD XD lolcow? Do they mean that he deserves to die? No.
>> No. 272406

I never said he was and I wasn't the guy who posted him, I was pointing out what the subject matter of the thread was, another pointless attempt at finding the next Chris.
>> No. 272408
Oh, I see. I must have misinterpreted it due to the closeness of the two posts. >>272361 is still a deviant though
>> No. 272409
>None of the other lolcows have been good enough to qualify for "the new Chris-chan." Robbie comes closest, but he doesn't do much besides bitch at those damn trolls. He's never going to do anything on the level of Sonichu.

Why does a shit webcomic have to be the defining factor of the mythical golden lolcow? I always preferred Chris' videos over his scribblings, and so far I'm finding Robbie's endless raging to be fucking hilarious and a damn sight better than any other lolcow since Chris.
>> No. 272410

pretty sure cross dressing in the hopes that it will increase your chances to get some pussy is the defining factor of a mythical golden lolcow
>> No. 272412

>another Chris?

if Sammy isn't another Chris, i dunno who is.
>> No. 272463
What separates CWC was the videos, phone calls and drawings. The drawings aren't so much, but having a video where he interacts is more entertaining than JUST text.

Alot of potential lolcows kind of avoid that deliberately now if they get attention.

Despite Robbie being completely fucking insane and too stupid to stay off /cwc/, he's aware enough to not make videos for trolls.

Sup A-LOG.
>> No. 272470
The webcomic was hilariously, childishly bad despite being made by a 20something, was a look into his demented mind -- the subepisodes were more compelling, he almost loses in his own canon -- and replaced the title character anyway. Lastly it was an expression of the otaku dream to become some sort of media cocks producer, with Chris showing the various *chan nerds dark side of trying without any real hope.
>> No. 272471
thats true, the comic became more of an expose on his own life rather than telling stories about the mary sue character he was plagiarizing.
>> No. 279961
ADF and Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles are no-brainers as far as creeping up the ladder. Jonathan Niehaus seems likely too.

DrMusic2 has some chances, like if she releases more lulzy comments on the same level as the METOKUR stuff that she was first presented to the world as a result of, if anything lulzy is leaked or if 4chan takes a liking to her.

Paul Corby amuses me, and if he goes viral and gets trolled moar, he will shoot higher.

Otherwise I'm putting money on ADF and Niehaus coming the closest possible to CWC.
>> No. 279963


please go back to ed, useless namefag
>> No. 279972
Do exactly as >>279963 said.
>> No. 279975
Every single time you come here talking about DrMusic it ends the same way. We get it, you want to be the Clyde Cash of trolling the unfunny retard.
>> No. 279977
>You either felt guilty for laughing at Chris or was http://789chan.org/L/src/132779050934.jpg for laughing at him: the thread
Really? There's no boyfriend-free girl middleground?
>> No. 280025
>Will there ever be another Chris?
>Will there
>What if

Back to the CWCki with you.
>> No. 280384
The summerfags left.


You don't have to try so hard to trollshield. Saying "HI A-LOG!" is enough.
>> No. 280385
Who cares if he can't name all of his medications. He's probably on a shitload of them and being denied a transplant is a very serious matter.
Hoping someone dies because they have spasm... wtf.
Please tell me he's trolling
>> No. 280441
What made Chris special was the way he expressed rage.

Chris is full of anger, but it doesn't really show until he's pushed and it all bursts out at once. Other lolows just radiate wrongness, hate, and misanthropy. Chris does in a subtly but importantly different way.
>> No. 280448

Robbay goes full on tard rage, just not on camera.
>> No. 280450
Robbay's an annoying homosexual deviant and I can't watch any more than 10 seconds of his videos.

Chris' rambling and awkward phrasing of everything was what made him amazing to me.
>> No. 280453

>Chris' rambling and awkward phrasing of everything

Have you read anything Robb has posted here?
>> No. 280457
There will never be a another Christian Weston Chandler because their only one TRUE and HONEST Christian Weston Chandler.
>> No. 280490
  His stare in this photo always remind of the very last scene of Brazil.
>> No. 280520
Robbay is a spoiled greedy asshole who expects us to give money and drop to his feet and worship him.

Chris was a spoiled child who never grew up. At first glance there's little difference between them, but frankly Chris doesn't understand things a lot of the time. (The one time I ever recall him wanting money was when he wanted Vivian to give him some for her making the audiobooks, and even that followed a sort of logic -- he created the comics, after all.)

Robb, however, was so egotistical that he uses his board as a crutch more than Chris ever did with the trolls and expects everyone here to provide for him and do what he says. Also, Chris's childlike behavior is worse than Robb's drugged out ranting.
>> No. 280616

>Robbay is a spoiled greedy asshole who expects us to give money and drop to his feet and worship him.

Exactly what Chris wanted with the Sonichu franchise.
>> No. 280617
Robbie is worse because he just wants the money for doing nothing while Chris was hoping his artistic creation would be a success.
>> No. 280638
Moses Garza III
>> No. 280644
I think I only mentioned it once, on Chris's birthday or maybe right after, but my sister had her second kid on February 24th, CWC's birthday. My sister's first kid is named Cole. They decided to name the new baby Christian and couldn't understand the mix of horror and delight on my face.

>> No. 280645
Is her maiden name Logatto? ;)
>> No. 280648
If only, my Dickly friend. If only. He seems like a particularly happy, giggly baby so far. I might need to ask Barb for some good babysitters.
No matter what, he's getting endless striped shirts this Christmas. And when he gets old enough - Sonic. Lots and lots of Sonic. When he gets old enough to understand he may hate me, but its worth the risk.
>> No. 280649
I think that right there is the essence of ween, but I may be wrong.
>> No. 280655
Maybe if I was 100 percent serious about dressing him like Chris or overall trying to raise a new Chris, or maybe was running around family gatherings explaining the intricacy of Ivy versus Jackie or something.
If it helps, there's a pretty workable definition midway down here https://encyclopediadramatica.se/Epic_Win
But I'm fine having that suggested, no offense taken either way. I think its funny.
>> No. 280726

this ween is beautiful
>> No. 280736
One thing I have always wondered is why people say "people should stop trolling CWC so he can go back to making comics. I liked simple Chris where he was just a bumbling but lovable fool, not the waste he has become" from time to time. Don't they realize that the majority of CWC's comics were absurd reflections of his own life and all of the trolls that surrounded him? What would his comics have looked like if that wasn't the case is what I wonder. It would probably just be more Sonic/Pokemon storyline ripoffs because we all know that Chris knows nothing of originality. At least when he concerned people like Mary Lee Walsh and others it created some pretty absurd plots.
>> No. 280738
Chris had no problem making sworn enemies and experiencing horrible tragedies (in his eyes) before he ever had anything to do with internet trolls.
>> No. 280740
I guess that's a good point. I think the internet just made him worse. He'd still be bitching about people he encounters IRL like jerkops and niggos so yeah I'm sure there wouldn't be a shortage of those things.

But my curiosity still stands that it would be interesting to see how his comics would have turned out had he not gotten so entrenched with his internet trolls.
>> No. 280747
Less galpals for one thing, I wonder if he would have give up on it before he did since the trolls are the only people who really paid attention to him and his comics.
>> No. 280749
I wish we had more moon-pals. :(
>> No. 280765

While I don't want to say that internet trolling hasn't affected CWC, it did come as a surprise that for all of his enemies in the world he only seems driven to get the last blow on Michael Snyder, who just wants Chris to leave him alone.
>> No. 280766
File 135044790286.jpg - (23.08KB , 921x606 , palm.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I bet you want more Asperchu too, huh?
>> No. 280767
Yep! :)
>> No. 280770

There's a pot-smoking Squirtle....

What more could you want?
>> No. 280777

Are you suggesting that CWC is terrible and can't blame everything on his spasm!?

Hi Ahuviya Wayne "Eyebrows" Logatto!
>> No. 280779
That just reminds me how much I want a joint. I don't have a dealer right now and all my friends have to stay clean for work or parole. You suck.
>> No. 280789

Sorry bro. Come to Fountain City where there the grass is green and the girls are hippies.
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