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File 134890113222.png - (25.51KB , 514x253 , oka.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
273223 No. 273223
The fuck is "o ka", something in Japanese I suppose?

Pigsy thread.
Expand all images
>> No. 273224
i was thinking it was a typo for ok cupid but im probably wrong
>> No. 273226
Someone explained it in the last thread, apparently it's her mangled version of the Japanese word for mom. She just put a space after the o this time, but if she says Oka she means her mom.
>> No. 273269
>find which Home Depot she works at

>call them and DEMAND they let our beautiful otaku queen take her lunch whenever she wants because she is on glorious Nippon time
>> No. 273274
File 134892075581.png - (557.10KB , 480x640 , pixydecora.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
it's so hilarious to me how terrified she is of her mom.

she and I are the same age, I really just can't believe it every time I remember.
>> No. 273276
>> No. 273278
So who's the epic weeny trying to troll her mom?
>> No. 273279
What she imagine herself to look like.
>> No. 273280
>she and I are the same age

Same here. I find it really weird because at this point in your life, if you're so terrified of your mother, you'd either grow a pair or be so browbeaten you do whatever she tells you to do.

PT does neither.

Also dat pic
>> No. 273302
I don't know if it's really ween, her mom has been used to troll her before.

Back when it all started and PT was first getting mocked on /cgl/, her mom showed up in a thread defending her (proved it with her facebook if I remember correctly.) Naturally they took the chance to ask her mom to confirm or deny the Asian heritage thing, and her mom said of course she has no Asian background. PT got pretty depressed and for a while stopped claiming to be part Japanese. She gave up on that dream until the kanji wind chime showed up.

The one thing that confuses me, I see in a lot of PT threads people saying her mom's nuts too, but I've never seen her be crazy. I read she's obsessed with tans, but I've never seen anything she's said about it.
>> No. 273305
Might be Oka? The Oka were a line of bombs that were used by the Japanese during WWII, shaped like a plane, they would strapped under bombers before being let loose to dive at Allied ships. They were pretty powerful bombs for the time.

Therefore she is inadvertently telling us not to contact her 1200kg plane shaped kamikaze bomb.
>> No. 273311
File 134894349522.jpg - (636.52KB , 1552x1397 , 1348938199477.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
new info

her sister-in-law appeared and confirmed the info, as did another anon.
>> No. 273313
PT gives people our age a BAD NAME!!!
>> No. 273315
PT has a tumblr, why hasn't she gotten mixed up with the transrace people? Or does she just refuse to admit she only wants to be Japanese, and wasn't "born the wrong race" or whatever?
>> No. 273317
>Or does she just refuse to admit she only wants to be Japanese, and wasn't "born the wrong race" or whatever?

I think that's it. The delusion runs too deep for her to even consider otherwise.
>> No. 273329
Her mom should throw PT out of the house or at least stop giving her money if she does. Then hopefully PT would finally understand the value of money and having a place to live.
>> No. 273332
I thought she genuinely believed that she is part Japanese on account of her mom's imaginary Japanese lover. Did that fantasy change?
>> No. 273335
I you read the picture a couple of posts up it seems PT yelled at her father that she wasnt her real dad.
>> No. 273340
Well then yeah. It makes sense that she wouldn't join up with the trans-race stuff since she genuinely believes she is just as much a Japanese girl as she as a white girl. I really wonder if she genuinely believes that or if it is just a fantasy that she think will become true to everybody if she keeps insisting that it is.
>> No. 273341
Should anyone be surprised that PT has totally gone off the fucking rails?
>> No. 273345
This is really the only thing that would help her at all.

But it won't happen because her parents love her and don't want to see her suffer and become homeless (and she totally would).

I guess this is just the fate of all adult children.
>> No. 273347
File 134895570239.png - (12.31KB , 515x96 , bra.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 273348
Gross. I imagine they are already saggy as shit.
>> No. 273349
Lmao, it's definitely not a secret...
>> No. 273375
I wonder why she hasn't tried to teach English in Japan or something along those lines. I don't know much about the subject, but she has a degree in English/communications doesn't she? She could also see how Japan really is as well as being able to live there for a short time.
>> No. 273376
She doesn't really want to go to Japan, it's just a fantasy goal. That option has been brought up to her, and she said no. At least two Japanese men have offered to pay to fly her there, and someone suggested to her a program where she could travel there for free if she would write a blog about it.

She turned them all down.
>> No. 273377
I dont know but I dont think having a degree in english qualifies you to teach english. I think that would be some sort of education degree.
>> No. 273379

Finished my qualification in Teaching English as a Foreign language yesterday, weirdly enough. You need an extra qualification as well as a degree to teach. If she can't hold down a job, I doubt she'd be able to do a teaching qualification.
>> No. 273381

I'd love to know how this man got a job.

I think he and PT would be perfect for each other.
>> No. 273382
There are many different qualifications though. The one I did was just an exam (TKT), you don't need a degree in education and apparently it qualifies you worldwide.
I also teach English in my country, and I know for a fact that if you're a native English speaker requirements really go down, you don't need anything basically.
I don't know if that's the case in Japan, though. But I remember getting an email from a Japanese teaching organization, and they just asked for English native speakers. Nothing else.
>> No. 273383
hi interro
>> No. 273385
She applied for the JET program but did not make the cut. The general thinking is that she fucked up the interview because she probably couldn't keep her mouth shut about how much she loves Japan and anime.
There are some of the screen caps from her blogs at the time she applied. They are pretty funny. They are probably on her ed page
>> No. 273394
File 134896868088.png - (70.91KB , 649x654 , 1348957549689.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Apparently this Korean guy posted on her facebook that she should just move out of her mom's house, and then her brother left a comment on the post.
>> No. 273396
Thanks, didn't know that.

>The general thinking is that she fucked up the interview because she probably couldn't keep her mouth shut about how much she loves Japan and anime.

This is probably true. I read somewhere that foreigners going to Asia to teach English have stirred some social issues (usually because the foreigners were being weebs or having an Asian fetish) so maybe their screening processes became more strict.
>> No. 273412
Wait, she's got a Bachelor's? And she made it all the way to the interview? I call bull.
>> No. 273413
Its a bacholers in communications. Otherwise known as the tard degree
>> No. 273440
kill yourself immediately.
>> No. 273445
no. you.
>> No. 273451
HI ALOG!!11!!
>> No. 273457
sorry to hear about your spasm.
>> No. 273458

fake spoiler is worse than real spoiler
>> No. 273561
I actually feel kind of bad for PT's family. Unlike most lolcows, they didn't create PixyTeri, she was thrust upon them.

I wonder when mom will finally spring for the psychiatrist?
>> No. 273651
It must be heart breaking for a parent to hear that from their child. He probably loves her, but she spends all her time wishing he wasn't her dad.
>> No. 273653
I remember somebody posting a picture of her mum and dad when they were younger. There is no possible way he's not her father, she inherited his chin.
>> No. 273744
File 134905673933.png - (21.29KB , 519x241 , pt.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I hope she didn't say anything tactless to the guy.

>> No. 273757

>> No. 273773
File 134906133468.jpg - (54.55KB , 525x525 , 1349042814616.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 273782
Oh, Animu-chan, your face is melting...uguu.
>> No. 273787
File 134906303949.jpg - (274.85KB , 942x1338 , ohgodCENSORED.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 273796
File 134906436278.jpg - (11.62KB , 190x190 , 1349043217667.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 273846
File 134906798116.jpg - (76.84KB , 600x507 , 1322081773413.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
PT's parents
>> No. 273847
File 134906802996.jpg - (48.64KB , 478x720 , 1322163224593.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
PT's parents now
>> No. 273848
File 134906819537.jpg - (29.71KB , 320x480 , 1322097178181.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
her brothers
>> No. 273849
Well, I do believe I may be overstating things, and if I am, feel free to correct me if I am inaccurate, friends.

But I daresay that time has not been kind to them.
>> No. 273851
Poor PT's parents. She definitely resembles her dad.
>> No. 273853
she looks like a hellspawn of both, tbh. fuck that is the worst mixing i've ever seen.
>> No. 273854
File 134906933645.png - (550.99KB , 716x4220 , 1321072950902.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
JET program stuff
>> No. 273855
Her mom was really pretty in a hippie sort of way.
>> No. 273858
File 134907039333.jpg - (48.88KB , 300x164 , 1a509537d3241931e3d4b01fa607d028.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

her soviet car?
>> No. 273865
>I love the traditional even more than the current. It's why I tend to like older anime.
>> No. 273868
Wow, her parents were pretty good looking back in the day.

PT sort of looks like someone put her dad's chin on her mom and added 30 lbs to the result......
>> No. 273880
>Sarah  ‏@pixyteri
YES!!! Itll be like 51-55 degrees tonight. Right now it's 73. Hurray for cooler weather I'm going to jog outside later yippee!!

She talks so much about working out, but she looks like she definitely gained weight from her recent pictures. It makes me feel kind of bad for her and I wonder what she's doing wrong. Maybe it's all just talk about exercising without actually doing any or her diet.
>> No. 273896
JET and a lot of Eikaiwa companies have declined in the past few years. She might have missed out on her chance to go to glorious Nippon.
>> No. 273898
Do you have that picture of a semen filled loli shooting across the room off of a donkey's hard cock like a bottle rocket?
>> No. 273901
>Thinking back to it my grandpa never once spoke to me. I wonder if the war affected him that badly.

>@arch3type true but he spoke with my brothers and fathers a little bit.

Oh Christ, you can just tell that she's thinking...

>War was hard on him, so he wouldn't talk to me cause I rook half asian desu!

Most likely he couldn't stand her constantly talking about weeb shit.
>> No. 273925

iirc 1 hour of continuous jogging only burns about 500 to 600 calories. Even just a moderately shitty diet could have enough of a caloric surplus to undo the effects of that.

Dunno, maybe she has good muscle tone under the fat because of exercise. No way to tell until she changes her diet and loses weight though.
>> No. 273941
Why are you using a trip?
>> No. 273942

same reason bernie mac, yasmin, and that fat tumblr one do

they want fill the void left by their ashamed parents they want attention
>> No. 273946
Yasmin, Robert Ford and sperghomo haven't been on /cwc/ in moths. All that's left is Beekeeper as Bernie Mac, and Homor pretending to be retarded.
>> No. 273947
The spasm is strong with this one.
>> No. 274030
File 134912236222.jpg - (5.11KB , 212x191 , 1283348170727.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>and Homor pretending to be retarded

>> No. 274035
Bernie Mac is retarded enough to make up for three tripfags.
>> No. 274040

>Thomas the Tank Engine avatar.
>Mocking Homor

>Totally not trollshielding.
>> No. 274041
Who the fuck is Homor?
>> No. 274042
File 134912492480.gif - (499.54KB , 300x232 , yourwholefuckingfamily.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 274043
Some douchebag.
>> No. 274076
>> No. 274078

>> No. 274314
Sarah @pixyteri
@Krissasaurus i feel fat and and super wondering why no guy even wants to date me ugh.
>> No. 274315
Sarah @pixyteri
@Krissasaurus well maybe but I look good but lately I feel so bloated and gross and wondering why men are the way they are
>> No. 274317
Sarah @pixyteri
Why can't I for once be a girlfriend or a bride?
>> No. 274319
Sarah @pixyteri
@arch_carrier ive had one official boyfriend in my life. All the rest are fwb or one time dates or something. Sigh...
>> No. 274320
Sarah @pixyteri
Apparently I act 12....

Looks like pt had a fight with James and Scott and now she is having a pity party
>> No. 274321
lol friends with benefits is that what she's calling people who treat her as a cum bucket now?
>> No. 274322
File 134915701070.png - (68.90KB , 530x517 , 1349151176216.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 274323
how has there not been a horrible, horrible PT sextape by now?
>> No. 274328
Those are some rapid fucking changes of feeling.
>> No. 274331
There are plenty of nudes, I'm guessing her partners don't want any record of it happening.
>> No. 274333
>> No. 274378
James is the guy she's posted pics of and whose 3DS she borrowed. Her brother is named Scott and I assume it's him she is talking about because she mentions being "in trouble". I wonder if James ratted her out to her parents about photoshoots or something.

Also Lmao @ being in trouble as a 27 year old grown ass woman.
>> No. 274380
Ahahahaha.. Yeah, she's giving up because she can't be assed to work for a 4-year degree. I was in JET for 4 years and have seen some real train wrecks get into the program, they don't screen too hard and if you interview well you'll get in. Oh, and as long as you aren't spasming over anime or are a male with a female Japanese "friend."
>> No. 274395
>bachelor's degree
>community college

Pick one. Also inb4 3rd tier shit holes
>> No. 274431
File 13491913502.png - (1.86MB , 1107x1120 , 1349177137674.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Nigga that's kawai.
>> No. 274434
You can get a bacholers from a community college, I think its just not very common. Not that Im saying that she has a bacholers.
>> No. 274445
>tfw no qt japanese bf
>> No. 274448
Ok, that one with the blue cheerleader outfit is fake. Unless she has hydrocephalus, there's no way her head is that big.

Come to think of it, that explains lot.
>> No. 274451
I think she may have shooped that one to make herself look thinner
>> No. 274457

She's been known to shoop.
>> No. 274493
File 134920820592.png - (923.73KB , 495x747 , naturalenvironment.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

compare it to this one.

she very obviously and poorly shops her head bigger to make herself look thinner. that is why sometimes if you try to edit her photos to make her thinner, you end up with some alien looking shit where her head is as big as a watermelon.
>> No. 274495
She looks very large there, maybe even in the mid 200s? Or am I overstating.
>> No. 274502
she claims to be 5'2" so maybe not that high. it's hard to tell though.
>> No. 274531
She claims to be a size 12
>> No. 274550
File 134921293278.gif - (1.89MB , 236x224 , 4c056e28668c74dc775d95ebb5f43c2c3feff2e07ea305d453.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
iirc she claims she is a perfect size 10. i'd say she is around the 200lb mark.
>> No. 274552
Based on the aquarium photo and after seeing the guy who said she's 5'2", then yes, I would guess around 200lbs.
>> No. 274645
File 134922604335.jpg - (97.62KB , 480x720 , 1304397496422.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
She's pretty short.

This picture's probably the most accurate representation because someone else took it of her without her knowing. She wasn't able to in any way edit it.
>> No. 274678
File 134923104335.jpg - (6.67KB , 282x179 , pig.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Are we seriously trying to figure out how much she weighs?
>> No. 274683
That is horrifying.
>> No. 274687
Her head is still big.
>> No. 274770
File 134924535968.png - (12.41KB , 513x81 , 1349242931027.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
There is no way she can be that fucking fat? what did the before picture look like again?
>> No. 274771
File 13492455186.png - (42.71KB , 433x364 , she is over 170 lbs.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
she is is at least over 170 lbs. This is old information so she could be bigger.
>> No. 274772
File 134924564960.jpg - (531.62KB , 1103x2797 , 1331581315172.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
And this is a picture of her body now.
>> No. 274773
File 134924581466.jpg - (80.12KB , 449x600 , how did anon take this pic.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Here is another picture of PT where she couldn't edit it. It was on an online article in her town newpaper.
>> No. 274776
File 134924608577.jpg - (29.77KB , 287x480 , 6djvr.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You can see how hard she is holding her shoulders back and sucking her stomach in. She is also trying to keep her legs together to make her look thinner. It ain't working but she is trying.
>> No. 274777
Geez, she looks middle-aged.
>> No. 274782
File 134924712764.jpg - (68.96KB , 325x399 , i look 16 to 21.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
No man, she gets told all the time she looks 16 or 18.
>> No. 274783
File 134924725075.png - (88.31KB , 719x534 , THEY SAID I LOOK 19 GUYS.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Why are you hating, she totally looks so young and supple and fresh.
>> No. 274799
She looks older than my mom.
>> No. 274802
I dare someone to screen cap every single one of her tweets. Hell, I'm surprised some seagul-log hasn't already done it.
>> No. 274805
there is, it is kind of spotty. I thinkCunt or some other cgl er has it.
>> No. 274847
I have been screen capping the good ones over the last few months.
I'm not Spoony/Cunt though.

To be fair to myself, I regularly screen cap weird/hilarious tweets and Facebook posts I see. I debated whether or not I should have a separate Pixyteri folder but then I decided I didn't really want to be the kind of person who did that.
>> No. 274930
Sarah  ‏@pixyteri

I want to get on yahoo answers! And ask why I'm not getting well after 3 months and spending tons tons of money at the ER or doctor

Sarah  ‏@pixyteri

I'm tempted to find a doctor in a bigger city that knows what they are doing and are not only in it for money.

waaaaaaaaaaaaaa I'm not getting better
>> No. 274933
Sarah  ‏@pixyteri

And they say it's my fault because I don't take care of myself and I go out and "goof off" with friends when I should rest

Sarah  ‏@pixyteri

Most 27 year olds can go out with friends and be social without resting why can't I? And I was mostly feeling better except the cough

waaaaaaaaaaaa i don't want to rest to get better
>> No. 274939
sometimes i find this womanchild hilarious and other times just downright depressing. she needs a lumberjack in her life.
>> No. 274945
She's sick? Do you know what she has and how long she's had it? (Aside from being overweight, of course.)
>> No. 274949
Does she even have any offline friends? I would have guessed she'd have alienated them with the whole acting Japanese thing.
>> No. 274965
I live in Victoria, and know Sarah to a degree. She's basically a very spoiled woman-child, who believes she has the right to behave as she pleases, and that everyone (and I do mean everyone) is required to follow her every wish.

She got fired from the Victoria Police Department recently - she was a dispatcher - because she demanded they let her take breaks whenever she wanted. She claimed that they wouldn't let her take bathroom or lunch breaks, but the truth was that all breaks were scheduled (so they'd have enough people working at all times). Sarah didn't like being told when to go on break, threw several fits, and was fired. Her mother told people she was having a hard time with her training, that she couldn't handle the difficult calls, but the reality is that Sarah cried (literally) when she couldn't leave whenever she wanted.

Her mother covers for her like this a lot. Despite the way Sarah portrays her, her mother is her biggest defender and goes way out of her way to stick up for her daughter. The times Sarah has portrayed her mother as mean and crazy are the times where Sarah's behavior has frustrated her to the point of anger. Her mother is well known as a very nice person, to the point of enabling her daughter.

Also, her mother thinks Sarah is retarded, for lack of a better word. She does not think Sarah can take care of herself right now, and there is an ongoing concern for her that if she and Sarah's father were to die, that Sarah couldn't live on her own. That what the whole thing with her brother Kris moving back to Victoria was about. He's pretty successful and lives in Austin, but told his family that he would move back here and leave his life behind if something happened to his parents so that he could take care of Sarah. No one in her family thinks she has the ability to live on her own. She did at one point years ago for a short time, and apparently it was disasterous.

She is basically a child in an adult body, has no sense of responsibility, and a huge sense of entitlement. Her family has no faith in her ability to live as an adult, and goes out of their way to accommodate her.
>> No. 274967
Has she ever had any psychological evaluation? All her behavior matches that of the typical spastics discussed here.
>> No. 274968
File 134929609795.png - (133.94KB , 503x1100 , 1321076795735.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
she claims to be sick for the last 3 months. I think she is a hypochondriac, and just wants the attention

she doesn't like to listen to her doctors any ways

>Sarah  ‏@pixyteri

>I'm tempted to find a doctor in a bigger city that knows what they are doing and are not only in it for money.

>Sarah  ‏@pixyteri

>You shouldn't fast without seeing a doctor first....it's ridiculous to me. Different people lose weight differently.

>Sarah  ‏@pixyteri

@TheMusicLivesOn i don't trust him he misdiagnosed me and insults me constantly about my weight and losing weight.
>> No. 274972
Wait, so she thinks she's 175 lbs of mostly muscle?
>> No. 274973
>My theory is spergspergsperg.
Oh god. The amount of sperg people spout out without knowing a single thing what they're talking about.
This equality society we live in, which almost forces you to consider opinions of people less than not qualified, is such bollocks.
>> No. 274974
Don't worry, this bullshit society is collapsing under its own rotten flesh.
>> No. 274977
>insults me constantly about my weight and losing weight.

I wonder how many of those "insults" amount to "Sarah, you need to lose weight. This is unhealthy."
>> No. 274988
I don't know, but I doubt it. From everything I know, she was functionally "odd" - dressing up, weird obsession with Japan, but not to the point of interfering with life - up until about 5-6 years ago. At that point, she seems to have started her aggressive battle against becoming a responsible adult to the point of regressing into what she is now.
>> No. 274993
Spergs have it easy; PT had to put a lot of effort into being as useless and irresponsible as she is today.

It just shows what you can accomplish when you put your mind to it.
>> No. 274995
File 134929904120.jpg - (151.75KB , 518x547 , TOTALLYLIKETHEMIDDLE.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
lets not forget this is her body image.
>> No. 275140

apparently she takes stuff for depression and anxiety. So, I'm guessing a doctor was involved at some point.
>> No. 275171
>No one in her family thinks she has the ability to live on her own. She did at one point years ago for a short time, and apparently it was disasterous.
That sounds like an interesting tale.
>> No. 275180
Is that bitch serious?
>> No. 275211
>Sarah @pixyteri
>@reinasdiary How that makes one a "weeb" I'll never know. That term is super offensive.

Its right up there with nigger and kike
>> No. 275236
I always rage when fat chicks wear shirts that show their stomach under the pretense that they lost so much weight that anyone would want to look at their pale sickly stomach.
>> No. 275238
  >implying anime girls aren't kawaii as fuck
>> No. 275241
File 134933248178.jpg - (15.04KB , 400x267 , toilet_puke.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 275242
File 134933290586.png - (240.74KB , 476x543 , tsunami.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 275245
I started laughing, and am having trouble stopping

also, the comments are a gas

just sayin
>> No. 275257
File 134933760732.jpg - (3.27KB , 125x163 , dg1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Are you angry?
Is there some sort of problem?
>> No. 275275
Society needs new racist insults.The old words just don't cut it anymore. Hell it's rumored kike was originally a yiddish insult towards other jesuits. That's super weak.
>> No. 275296

What's up autphag
>> No. 275342
Gaay ga zinta he my gentile friends.

Oy vey, that's another Goy who bites the dust, mozeltov!

>> No. 275369
It's entirely possible that she has some kind of adult onset mental illness. My own mother is now too batshit to hold down a job, but she was functional enough in her twenties.
>> No. 275396

I wonder what doctors would make of her. What would she be diagnosed with? She doesn't appear bipolar or schizophrenic.
>> No. 275403
Let's not give her too much credit - she's a lazy, selfish, spoiled brat with an inflated ego and sense of entitlement.

There's no mental illness here, despite what her family really, really wants to believe. Just a immature woman whose childish behavior has been enables for far too long.
>> No. 275612
File 134941889890.png - (22.39KB , 545x208 , 1349370637459.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 275613
File 134941895414.jpg - (481.98KB , 1688x456 , 1349390692319.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
What the fuck is she looking at
>> No. 275616
Has Pixy ever graced 789chan with her presence?
>> No. 275621
Where does she get the money she blows on weeaboo crap? She has trouble keeping a job. I hope her parents aren't foolish enough to give her pocket money.
>> No. 275623
File 134941998091.gif - (57.90KB , 400x400 , animations-29.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 275643
File 134942778833.jpg - (22.22KB , 345x230 , pt debt.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 275644
Not publicly, no.
>> No. 275668

Is there a PT thread on /cgl/ going on?
>> No. 275674
>> No. 275700
There is always a PT thread going on in /cgl/; if there's only one it's considered a slow day.
>> No. 275701
I wonder, if someone were to offer PT enough money to travel to Japan and enjoy herself for a week or so, would she do it?

I know she's had chances to in the past, but there's always been some reason or another why it didn't happen. for example, didn't she get offered the chance to go there and blog about it? Didn't some Japanese guy offer to fly her there once, too?

Basically, what I'm asking is, does PT actually want to go Japan, or does she want to live in some fantasy where there's this magical land called "Japan" that she will one day make it to where she can finally shine?
>> No. 275729
So wait, she went to the ER because she had a dream in which she was stabbed by someone (who, in the dream, turned out to be a serial rapist)? Am I understanding this correctly?
>> No. 275732
File 134946267162.jpg - (65.20KB , 516x385 , 1349460356054.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Leotard pics coming soon.
>> No. 275792
I remember this. I remember hearing that she was dating some controlling douche awhile back and he forced her to buy a car. I know it's a lot but, if she controlled her money better she could pay it off easily I'm sure.

Because she knows that if she goes, she won't be accepted. I think a lot of Japanese people know about her too. With her age and size, I can see her getting made fun of a lot. She just needs therapy or something.
>> No. 275793
I think she meant that she went to the ER in her dream.
>> No. 275794
File 13494741362.jpg - (129.36KB , 902x600 , 1328724710202.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I keep pics of hentai lots of it
>> No. 275795
she tried to but her Mom was apparently not helping the situation. Guess she was with a guy friend in the dream thay turned out to be a serial rapist. That's what I'm gathering.
>> No. 275812
>I already know I won't get there. So stop stabbing a knife in my heart. :/

Do you think she might be lurking?
>> No. 275814
She's given on going to Japan?

She's completed the loser's path of ambition (sit around waiting for goal to happen -> mope about goal not happening) unless she moves on to "blame others for goal not happening".
>> No. 275817
>WTF. Doctor sent me a bill for $1,200 for the ER visit. Due by the 17th? Oh yeah. SUUUURE. That's happening.
LOL! Who wants to bet she'll try to get mummy to pay.
>> No. 275827
I like how she ripped it up and said she'll call them.
>> No. 275833
Wait, so she actually visited the ER over a nightmare? I assumed the ER visit was PART of the nightmare.
>> No. 275835
She went to the ER a while ago about the chest pains etc she keeps complaining about.
>> No. 275836
Oh, I see. That makes more sense.
>> No. 275837
She went to the ER because her chest was hurting her badly. The dream is just a dream. Damn it, lurk her more or something. Who the fuck goes to the ER over a dream.
>> No. 275838
No, I think that was when she went in for her PE.
>> No. 275846
Sarah  ‏@pixyteri
Wow she dyed her hair too?!?!

I wonder who she is talking about.
>> No. 275848
Sarah  ‏@pixyteri
I want to make a change and help others.

Sarah  ‏@pixyteri
I'm a natural leader; you can't just tell me to sit at the sidelines and not be productive and do "busy work"

Sarah  ‏@pixyteri
Why SHOULDN'T I at least apply for a better paying position with Home Depot? I'm skilled, have 6 years retail experience...!!

Dis bitch.
>> No. 275849
Sarah  ‏@pixyteri
@stripesdontrun Ah I see...hmm. Well they had to have had relations then somehow..where did "Rising Sun" originate?

god her recent tweets are fucking gold
>> No. 275850
What the fuck is she talking about?
>> No. 275851
Sarah  ‏@pixyteri
Wish men wouldn't date stupid hoes. And he's trying to make excuses for why he played me and is dating someone now. UGH!! Go to hell.

I can't believe she doesn't see the irony.
>> No. 275852

Sarah  ‏@pixyteri
@stripesdontrun When I think of "Rising Sun" I think of Japan...that's why I was a bit confused.

Sarah  ‏@pixyteri
I love "House of the Rising Sun" by Muse. Huh, didn't realize the song they were singing about was in New Orleans. .....Makes no sense.
>> No. 275854
>House of the Rising Son
>> No. 275856
File 134948665387.png - (133.63KB , 527x1231 , house of the rising retard.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 275857
>> No. 275858
The comment section on that video...
>> No. 275861
File 134948967719.jpg - (44.26KB , 640x480 , 1346043085445.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>meme arrows
>> No. 275862
Wow, shes trying really hard to make him say that that it came from Japan.
>> No. 275866
[/spoiler]>[spoiler]not using super cool meme arrows everywhere
>> No. 275876
She doesn't seem to realize that the rising of the sun is a globally visible phenomenon.
>> No. 275878
Oh god, she thinks it's a modern song by a European band.
She doesn't know her countries own culture.
>> No. 275879
Jesus. It almost seems like English isn't her native language.
>> No. 275880
Actually the term red light district refers to the practice of Asian American whores using red lights to signal being open for business. The house of the rising sun refers to an Asian American whorehouse.
Prior to leadbelly the songs lyrics were feminine and told the tale of a women forced to turn tricks to survive. He also wrote the modern guitar accompaniment. He's who made the song popular. The animals were covering an already popular blues song.
Who's a fellow got to kill to get some credit?
>> No. 275881
File 134949938175.png - (8.03KB , 300x250 , ZWY8HLbOs8-12.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>@stripesdontrun "Rising sun" didn't always refer to Japan
>@pixyteri Really? What did it originally refer to then?
>> No. 275882
Hey friends! Just checking in to see this thread, it looks pretty okay, keep up the okay work, fellows! I'll see you cats later, and I can't wait.
>> No. 275968
>>275881 actually she's right. It was a whorehouse filled with asians. Pretty common.Chinese exclusion act used that as a premise. Most Asian women in early America were whores.
The Japanese immigrants couldn't even become full citizens until well after ww2. That was one of the legal technicalities used for internment. We are a very racist country. Not something that was likely discussed much in history class.
>> No. 276116
File 134958992939.jpg - (720.62KB , 1872x960 , 1321327795538.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Sarah  ‏@pixyteri

>@epeuekseu i guess I should have clarified. I'm one of the least judgmental people. My brother is homosexual. I have many friends who are

>I'm one of the least judgmental people

pic related
>> No. 276119
File 13495907752.png - (495.42KB , 945x550 , 1349574498938.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 276120
Ugh! Look at that gut!
>> No. 276121
I guess everything IS bigger in Texas
>> No. 276122
And that gunt!
>> No. 276123
File 13495918858.png - (194.03KB , 545x686 , 1349577186777.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 276124
It looks like somebody bending an over-stuffed sausage link in half.
>> No. 276127
PT's trolls are much more positive and supportive than, say, Chris's trolls. Instead of calling her a fat cunt, they will egg her on to keep the lolcow's internet presence.

/cgl/ basically treats her like a pet.
>> No. 276129

She's making great progress. She now has her own medallion of fail. Once she gets glasses, her transformation will be complete.
>> No. 276132
Oh my God, the cycle begins anew.
>> No. 276232
File 134962701031.png - (459.02KB , 471x567 , sexynurse.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
An anon in /cgl/ uses goofbay to view her ebay feedback and Pixyteri recently bought the item pictured.

her ebay username is pixyteri in case you want to have a look yourself.
>> No. 276234

here I figured it out. her bid history.
>> No. 276261
>high school uniform
>elementary school shoes
>> No. 276283

I read everything she said with a Chris accent.
It was perfect.
>> No. 276333
If I'm reading thaat right, she didn't actually win the nurse outfit, she just bid on it. It says at the top she only won 7.99 worth of the items she bid on, meaning the only thing there she actually won was the doujinshi. I googled the two characters, and I think she must have bid on all those items with the same mindset. Four of the other items are costume pieces based on what the two characters in that doujinshi wear. Whole bid history may have been fueled by a sexual fantasy.

I'm kind of curious to see what happens in that doujinshi now. I think I'll google it, and we can get a glimpse into what turns on PT.
>> No. 276339
File 134964949757.jpg - (146.28KB , 480x640 , DCIMG7366.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Well, that was kind of a bust, I guess she bought it because it can't be found online. Oh well, I found a few preview images.

PixyTeri masturbates to this.
>> No. 276340
File 134964950889.jpg - (138.75KB , 480x640 , DCIMG7367.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 276341
File 134964952020.jpg - (126.99KB , 640x480 , DCIMG7368.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 276342
File 134964953319.jpg - (139.27KB , 480x640 , DCIMG7369.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 276344
File 134964959719.jpg - (142.37KB , 640x480 , DCIMG7370.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Note the panel where he's threatening to cut her nipple off with scissors.

But yeah, that's all I could find.
>> No. 276349
that is some shitty art
>> No. 276450
>> No. 276464
File 134966390366.jpg - (73.69KB , 947x240 , Chris ebay.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Out of curiosity, I looked up Chris. He apparently spent $39.95 on a Korean Lego horse play set.

>> No. 276472
Chris goes by "jesusguidesme2"?
>> No. 276490
File 134966513361.png - (46.83KB , 377x487 , le lol.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
What a fucking casual.

(I'm going to assume you're trolling an let you off with a warning.)
>> No. 276495
>> No. 276534
God they're both stupid.

1960s, we had contact obviously.
1860s, we STILL had contact. 1854 both the US and Japan signed the Treaty of Kanagawa.
>> No. 276548
And we had a significant Asian workforce dating back to the 1700s.
Its like they are illiterate.
>> No. 276620
File 134967861627.jpg - (14.10KB , 409x275 , stephanie sigman.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>Dem comments

"I wish all Yolo/swag and 1D fags would die., Along with stupid people -_-
Jose Jalapena 3 weeks ago
sounds like you don't have any friends
Tytanized in reply to Jose Jalapena 2 weeks ago in playlist forumweapons
Really? Says the person that's also behind a computer screen.
Jose Jalapena in reply to Tytanized 2 weeks ago
... so you admit nobody likes you?
Tytanized in reply to Jose Jalapena 2 weeks ago
No. If I had no friends, I'm pretty sure I'd be broke down and a complete idiot like yourself. Grow up a bit, and stop trying to create conflict about stupid things.
Jose Jalapena in reply to Tytanized 2 weeks ago"

>> No. 277100
File 134973663811.jpg - (4.75KB , 251x242 , 1326782842310.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Someone on /cgl/ found this document that was CC'd to Pixy.

What could this mean???
>> No. 277107
That document is from 2006
>> No. 277114
I can read.

I'm saying no one ever found this before so we don't know what it's in reference of.
>> No. 277192
File 134975115742.jpg - (103.12KB , 731x1024 , 1349741781748.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Some law fag said:
I'm only a first year lawfag, in a completely different jurisdiction, but this is what I think the letter is about. Either PT wanted information about an incident involving someone, or someone wanted information about an incident PT was involved in, but the information is not going to be disclosed because it would be considered to be a breach of privacy. I'm more inclined to think that PT wanted information about someone, rather than the other way around.


I'm not a lawfag at all, but from what I read it does look like PT wanted to find information about someone and she was denied.
>> No. 277194
File 134975123952.jpg - (89.16KB , 768x1024 , Img_6111-002.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
These pictures are so depressing she looks so dead behind the eyes.
>> No. 277281
as a real life asian desu (actually im chinese) i thought i'd share with you what features asians consider stereotypically 'white'.

the good:
- nicer teeth
- cool eye colors
- light skin
- tall, thicker looking (only good in men)

the bad:
- long faces
- big chins
- sunken eyes, often small
- thin lips
- long pointy noses
- freckles
- hair not smooth and shiny, often dirty looking
- fat
- oversized t&a

yeah, she doesn't look asian, she's a caricature of a white person
>> No. 277282
Freckles and big T&A are good things, also PT has neither.

Otherwise spot on.
>> No. 277290
File 134977584944.jpg - (80.97KB , 595x394 , two thousand and fucking eleven.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
chinks have absolutely nothing in common with japanese, except for Kanji and the fact that chinks argue about Japanese islands.
>> No. 277291

You both suck compared to the glorious Indian master race.
>> No. 277292
Screw all 3 of you. Korean power. Japs aren't actually mongoloid but afro-australoid islanders, Chinks are a result of such afro-aus trash moving to the mainland breeding miscegenately with pure mongoloids.

Koreans and Manchu are at this point the closest thing to pure mongols without being them.

To quote Wiki,
"A recent paper published in 2009 shows Koreans have no Austronesian DNA, whereas the Japanese and Chinese have some Austronesian DNA in their genome. Among the East Asians, Koreans share the least DNA with the Austronesians, while the Han Chinese have the most DNA in common with Austronesians, indicating some interaction between Austronesians and Han Chinese.[31] The Japanese are shown to have slightly more DNA in common with Austronesians than the Koreans.[32]"

Go back to Nigeria Tommoty you fucking nigger lol.
>> No. 277293
http://humpopgenfudan.cn/p/A/A1.pdf -- paper in question
>> No. 277297
File 134977697692.jpg - (163.48KB , 730x1095 , d39d91c301d49b4211fdffacd51ecc05.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Did PT make this horrible collage herself?
>> No. 277299
File 134977857233.jpg - (14.25KB , 539x361 , sister-feng-luo-yufeng-interview.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>>PT thread devolves into a bunch of Asians sperging about the superiority of their respective ethnicity.

Well, this is a first.
>> No. 277300
...and apparently we have a massive chinkaboo now bearing witness to it all.
>> No. 277301
What's wrong, don't like being told your race is ugly? Thank the gods you aren't a POC.
>> No. 277304
Why are you still here?
>> No. 277306

Nudes or GTFO.
>> No. 277307
It's a tumblr tranny, nudes would be more likely to cause you to vomit than become aroused.
>> No. 277310
She said she was well-transitioned, so I'm curious.
>> No. 277312
Basically that depends on how open minded you are, I'm very feminine and pretty by most accounts as a result of doing hrt from an early age but I've made the decision not to get srs

Also no you don't get nudes
>> No. 277313
I demand my chick-dick you literal cockhoarder!
>> No. 277314
File 134978165669.png - (387.32KB , 500x624 , 134866590516.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Doesn't matter when you started HRT, you have tiny, misshapen manboobs, and a voice which is immediately jarring and sounds neither distinctly male or female.

You're a boy. That's what you were born as, you will never pass on any meaningful level, there are no distinctly male or female behaviors so no one can say they "feel" they're truly the other gender. You do not have functioning ovaries, you can never have a period or give birth.

Now do us both a favor, and head back to tumblr.
>> No. 277319

>Master race

You have shit food, ugly people, and are the USA's bitch. Jai Bharat
>> No. 277328
Kill yourself pls.
>> No. 277331
Proto-Dravidians are meant to have the lowest IQs of all the Indo-European races and lay closer on the intelligence distribution to niggers. How is that quality befitting of a master racial ubermensche, curry-muncher?
>> No. 277332
Dravidians aren't Indo-European, Hindis are. Dravidians are a group who predated the Indo-Aryans and are distantly related to the Australians and even moreso the Japs
>> No. 277333

Ah, you mean Australoid-nigger. 'Aryan' is such a meaningless and nebulous distinction that I'd swear you were from Stormfront if you weren't such a racially worthless piece of shit.
>> No. 277336

Maybe in your world I'll always be a boy

But in my world, the real world, not the onE that only exists in your brain, I'm very much a girl

And babes you wouldn't even know until the third dates, so get over yourself :-)
>> No. 277337
File 134978575235.png - (539.88KB , 877x919 , Indoarische_Sprachen_Gruppen.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 277338
But you can fuck off.
>> No. 277339
>confusing ethnological with linguistic groups

I might've gathered. It's true, Indians are retarded.
>> No. 277340

Hi autphag.
>> No. 277343
Why would Autphag be speaking about Stormfront in the pejorative?
>> No. 277344
Actually you're arguing with a Celt, whose ethnological markers correspond to linguistic trends (and so-called Anglo-Saxons who speak a creole of old French and old German using ostensibly Celtic grammar (am -ing, do, etc, and words like smashing, or 's maith e sin)). Regardless, there are many genetic markers that distinguish north India from southern India, many markers Europe shares with the North and many markers the South shares with Asia and (native) America.
>> No. 277351
why is every PT thread, no matter if it's on here or on /cgl/ ending in people arguing about off-topic stuff?
>> No. 277352
It don't have to end if you change the topic back.
>> No. 277406
Alright then, I've always wondered whether there was a story behind the 'I'm poopin!' picture or if it was a just supposed to be funny. Manchildren seem to have a knack for shitting themselves, so I hadn't ruled out the possibility.
>> No. 277408
File 134979648929.jpg - (174.59KB , 1440x1440 , poopin.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 277415
File 134979754379.jpg - (134.20KB , 680x1024 , Pixyteri_ass.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I think somebody just thought of a caption for this picture and decided to draw it.
>> No. 277438
I think the best part is that when she airbrushes herself, she uses a yellowish skintone. At least it makes her stretch marks look azn.
>> No. 277444
Its the "I'm pooping" pose. She does it all the time
>> No. 277501
>> No. 277509
File 134981509937.jpg - (299.01KB , 480x640 , derp.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
even with photoshop she still looks weird.
>> No. 277517
She looks like linetrap in that picture
>> No. 277530
I just noticed this, but why is she wearing band aids?
>> No. 277541
>>Confronted with facts.
>>Assert that factual information only exists in other people's brains and your interpretation of reality is the real one.
>>State you follow Chris-chan's put out on the third date rule.
>> No. 277557
If you are a girl from your viewpoint then why would you even bring up the fact that you are transgendered on this forum?
>> No. 277558
It's a "lolita" thing. It's like she was running around and fell over, scraping her knee. It's like she's really eleven years old!
>> No. 277560
Maybe I just don't get the fetish, but it seems that style would only be appealing if the model were actually underage, barely legal, or could at least pass for being quite young, but definitely not for obese women who look every bit their actual age. Seriously, what is the appeal for anybody? It isn't like closet pedos or actual pedos will be attracted to her simply because she is kinda sorta trying to look like a young girl.
>> No. 277572
They tried to photoshop her enormous witch-chin out in that pic.
>> No. 277580
Big surprise: Pixyteri is doing it wrong.
>> No. 277603
From what I hear, if you're desperate enough for your fetish, you'll fuck a donkey if it had the right bib. Still better than actual kids, at least.
>> No. 277615
she still looks retarded dressed like that.
>> No. 277643
File 134982720295.png - (895.70KB , 521x715 , Fruits.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It's a niche Japanese fashion thing where they dress up to look like Alice from Alice in Wonderland, it's more like a modern take on Victorian frilly dresses than looking young.

The bright colours is like something from the Japanese fashion magazine FRUiTs (Tokyo Street Fashion) where everyone looks like they have brain damage.
>> No. 277654
File 134982828083.jpg - (17.30KB , 406x376 , oh you!.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>And babes you wouldn't even know until the third dates
You must be legitimately retarded. Why don't you tell us about how you contacted Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles?
>> No. 277676
I know her irl from before I moved to Australia, not revealing anything more than that except that she's a good person and you fags are shit heads for trying to persecute her
>> No. 277678
i smell retarded tranny bullshit.
>> No. 277751
That's how the whole board smells.
>> No. 277752
As someone mentioned earlier, if you really believed you were a woman, you wouldn't describe yourself as a tranny.

You're aware you're a man.
>> No. 277753
Can you homosexual deviants stop fagging the pt thread with your homosexual deviantry. Id rather here a bunch of spergs talk about if they would have sex with her
>> No. 277754
>i have experience with x but i won't share it because fuck you

This is every post I've seen you make here. Why do you post at all? Do you think any of us respect your opinions when you disagree with us everywhere when you're talking out of your ass with a tripcode?
>> No. 277766
File 134985138853.jpg - (67.50KB , 450x600 , Pixycosplay1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Are there any photos/stories of her from cons or anything like that? I know that more than a few of her trolls are weaboos, and I imagine there are probably at least a few in Texas who go to these sorts of things. Anyway, I'd be curious to hear how she acts in the company of her fellow weaboos and other, better cosplayers.

On a side note, does anyone remember the name of that one cosplayer from the northeast who slept around and neglected the fuck out of her kid? There were threads about her on the old non-Chris lolcow board.
>> No. 277769
Hmm, good question. Does PT share a room with anyone when she goes to these conventions?
>> No. 277775
That's where she was discovered IIRC, she is /cgl/'s lolcow afterall. There are plenty of shots people at conventions have snapped of her: >>274645

The descriptions are as you'd imagine, but these are people from /cgl/, /cgl/ is like a stereotypical middle school girl's bathroom, they say the shit they say about PT about EVERYONE. So, basically: "She's incredibly ugly." "She's a huge slut and fucked a bunch of dudes at the convention." "Her costumes are all store-bought or ordered online, she doesn't make any herself." "She smells horrible." "She's completely retarded." "She's a huge bitch."

Of course, in this instance it seems that all turned out to be true.
>> No. 277782
who knows. i can't visit /cgl/ anymore without a feeling of self loathing from all the nasty comments.
>> No. 277801
>I've talked to both Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles and Pixyteri in real life. For REAL guise!
You're almost as bad of a namefag as Sperghomo, Bunny.
>> No. 277816

Why are you even on this website?
>> No. 277837
I'm fairly certain she is nasty to cosplayers better than her. If you read her Twitter, she's incredibly vindictive over women who are prettier than her, skinnier than her, and bearing the same colored hair of any girl Kris is going after at the time that isn't her. I doubt she has the spine to act nasty to anyone in person, but she'll certainly make some vague tweet about how this girl must be popular because she's a whore.

Reading /cgl/ posts about PT, apparently some well known(?) cosplayer by the name of Miyu tried taking PT under her wing. There are a few pictures of PT that are actually decent because Miyu dressed her in appropriate clothes and did her makeup. The pictures are definitely photoshopped but PT looked like an actual person. I believe the two had a falling out because PT wouldn't let go of her delusions and you know how defensive she gets when you try and burst her bubble. Somebody on /cgl/ made a vague post about how somebody who used to be close to PT felt like they had wasted a lot of time on her because she wouldn't learn or change.
>> No. 277858

Was it Sephysmom?
>> No. 277866
Yeah, I think that's the one. How does she not have an ED page?
>> No. 277871
File 134988992848.jpg - (378.99KB , 768x1024 , 6145978906_72ea854ccd_b.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Is it her?
>> No. 277907
File 134989277435.jpg - (40.66KB , 453x604 , Sephysmom.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hard to say from that photo. This is her out of costume.
>> No. 277927
Please tell me that's road rash and not herpes all over her face.
>> No. 277934
No, she's got the herp and the derp.
>> No. 277937
We would.
>> No. 277938
Christ. She looks like this loony Polish chick I worked with in Japan. She was married but by her hints it was very "open." She recently had a kid and named it "Riku." Goddamn.
>> No. 277949
A Polish weeb here, do you remeber her (nick)name, or do you have a photo? Because odds are I know her.
>> No. 277979
She went by "Kat" and had an obsession with knitting.
>> No. 278853
File 135002491369.jpg - (6.59KB , 250x169 , 1349897438083s.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Pt on the left
>> No. 278854
File 135002505897.jpg - (2.21KB , 125x81 , 1349898026789s.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Pt was always fat
>> No. 278871
Ew! It looks deformed.
>> No. 278894

Honestly, I'd be concerned if a baby isn't fat.
>> No. 278904
Jesus, that is one of the squarest heads I've ever seen. She looks like a tiny, pudgy Jean-Claude Van Damme.
>> No. 278928
Ugh look at those jowls. What a bizarre looking infant.
>> No. 278930
Pedobear runs in fear of being eaten
>> No. 279211
File 135010496881.jpg - (22.69KB , 209x450 , 1350073840894.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 279213
File 135010500814.jpg - (27.18KB , 300x450 , 1350072074813-1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 279214
File 135010504633.jpg - (187.35KB , 681x1023 , 1350085853062.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 279215
File 135010507290.jpg - (50.83KB , 500x667 , 1350083017697.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 279216
File 135010516646.jpg - (66.61KB , 720x960 , 1350081568913.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 279217
File 135010520044.png - (359.37KB , 401x972 , 1350101508232.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 279218
File 135010522592.jpg - (43.67KB , 500x640 , 1350082968240.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 279219
File 135010528251.jpg - (41.28KB , 650x462 , 1350078932230.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
New PT nude
>> No. 279285
>> No. 279293
God damn her face is flat.
>> No. 279305
oh pixy, you look so good.

If that poor thing wasn't so obsessed to look Asian she could actually look fine.
>> No. 279306
It's not the first time severe mental deterioration has fucked someone up.
>> No. 279311
Damn, she looks decidedly non-crazy here. If you look at her eyes, there's actually life behind them, unlike the vacant look she has now. It's really a shame what happened.
>> No. 279345
Yeah, she looks surprisingly good here. It's a shame she keeps trying to transform herself into a Japanese schoolgirl.
>> No. 279351

God, what happened to her?
>> No. 279353
File 135015452885.png - (174.68KB , 500x363 , 1324281246826.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
iirc this blonde + tan look was allegedly forced by her mother. PT also said she took "tanning pills", which are now discovered to be bad for consumption (who'd have thunkit.)

needless to say, it's her best look ever.
>> No. 279366

I have to agree with all the comments that she actually looks normal here, almost pretty even!

Oh course, her delusions stop her from realizing this...
>> No. 279390
>Could it be mold that's causing my excessive pain symptoms even hair loss? Mold at work or home could make sense.

Ha ha, Pigsy is balding.
>> No. 279567
>Bitches and hoes.
Looks like PT saw somebody pretty again.
>> No. 279573

Jesus, this pic made me sad. She fucked herself up.
>> No. 279601
File 135019897496.png - (37.06KB , 496x195 , 1350189337219.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 279609
Maybe it's just the people I know (Fresno being/having been the world meth capital and all) but she looks like a fat meth whore to me here (they're actually pretty common). Tanned skin, like she were homeless, and the sort of bleach blonde bullshit that leaves a rotten melon and nailpolish stink. I guess it is a different sort of tan than the homeless leather look, though.
>> No. 279654

Well, meth came from japan too, so she was on to something.
>> No. 279656
I don't think the fake tan and bleached hair help all that much, but she still looks decent there.
>> No. 279768
File 135025314392.jpg - (333.03KB , 1122x512 , ptthenvsnow.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Then Vs. Now. Bloody hell.
>> No. 279770
>> No. 279771

~uguu no-desu stop being so tsundere, baka!
>> No. 280422
File 135037558218.jpg - (175.63KB , 624x732 , 1350345939270.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 280423
File 135037560292.jpg - (57.79KB , 720x960 , 1350347056522.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 280424
File 135037563796.jpg - (47.97KB , 465x700 , 1350357088518.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 280425
File 135037570031.png - (26.25KB , 515x160 , 1350345409446.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 280436
and so begins the red hair/balding saga..
>> No. 280798
File 135046147513.jpg - (82.44KB , 716x760 , Pixyteri_shoop.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I will remain true to myself; to me that's better than being fake.

If only she could understand how ironic that is coming from her.
>> No. 280901
By "true to herself", she means her insane "I'm really Japanese" thing, right?
>> No. 280903
File 135049015975.jpg - (145.95KB , 620x860 , freida pinto lace.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Jesus fuck her face is the stuff of nightmares
>> No. 280907
Yasmin pls go
>> No. 280925
He is only being catty. Yasminsttay, so long as you gtfo of the social justice threads you cunt. ay
>> No. 281179
Big Head Mode unlocked.
>> No. 281198
Sarah @pixyteri Great they're telling me to stay away from him because hes weird and now he deleted me from his phone Expand Reply Retweet Favorite

Sarah @pixyteri @craftycheeks yeah I'm super annoyed and tempted to go bisexual and date a girl

Sarah @pixyteri .....B...but...wry not the man who's name starts with a K...I mean..J.

Ugh gross she is still pining over the shitty 18 year old James and shit bag Krissu-chan. Also her threatening to go gay, like any girl would fuck her or satisfy her need for cock.
>> No. 281199
Sarah @pixyteri Great they're telling me to stay away from him because hes weird and now he deleted me from his phone Expand Reply Retweet Favorite

Sarah @pixyteri @craftycheeks yeah I'm super annoyed and tempted to go bisexual and date a girl

Sarah @pixyteri .....B...but...wry not the man who's name starts with a K...I mean..J.

Ugh gross she is still pining over the shitty 18 year old James and shit bag Krissu-chan. Also her threatening to go gay, like any girl would fuck her or satisfy her need for cock.
>> No. 281219
Is it just me or is bisexuality the in-thing for women with any kind of internet presence?
>> No. 281226
If you go to college or some high schools, you'll find it to be the in-thing too.
>> No. 281228
Can anyone make a fake xray of that? It's like staring at one of those fish-duck paintings or the androgynous homosexual kissing vase thing, my mind just can't wrap my head around what is going to where or how.
>> No. 281258
Robbay notice too and became a woman because of it
>> No. 281299
Bisexuality is pretty much the go-to for any female seeking attention. As for whether this is a good thing, it can go either way.
>> No. 281307
File 135055242645.jpg - (16.70KB , 400x298 , 1322107687320.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>>it can go either way.
>> No. 281388
Ivy's probably straight up lesbian, because I imagine your dick would rot off as soon as you touched her
>> No. 281433
File 135059244999.jpg - (120.04KB , 512x570 , 1350586053423.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 281434
File 135059261266.jpg - (891.80KB , 1065x1172 , 1350591802055.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 281435
And humble, to boot!
>> No. 281437
File 135059316343.jpg - (49.06KB , 576x432 , jokerblank.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 281507
So she sells auto insurance now?
>> No. 281608
>Need to make a sales post tonight. Also post my moms like new toms shoes on EBay!! I should have time unless someone invites me out.
As if the bitch wasn't spoiled enough, she's flogging her moms shit.
>> No. 281613
Maybe her mother just wants her to sell it on her behalf?
>> No. 281989
Yeah, I'm going to assume from the fact that she can find time to put up her own sales post, but states she won't have time to put up the one for her mom if "someone invites me out" that her mom asked her, and it's just so much more effort if someone else asks her to do something.
>> No. 282149

>I wish I could prove I love him but does that mean I have to walk on water?

she really loves to be the victim. I would like to see a complete psychological evaluation on her
>> No. 282169
File 135084100212.jpg - (21.75KB , 320x240 , 1289696362913935.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I wish I could prove I love him but does that mean I have to walk on water?
yes. in order to prove you love him, you must become a biblical man who warned against homosexuality and perform miracles in public.
>> No. 282179
Are you sure she isn't just quoting the Kingdom Hearts theme song?
>> No. 282728
File 135093956320.jpg - (40.07KB , 518x259 , 1350935727934.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 282729
File 135093960545.jpg - (121.71KB , 516x540 , 1350934066644.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 282730
File 135093964933.jpg - (212.05KB , 673x900 , 1350936537650.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 282731
Sarah, you landwhale, your boobs aren't exactly the problem here.
>> No. 282732
File 135093980697.jpg - (174.71KB , 1024x1537 , 1350933985544.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Sarah @pixyteri Another of the dress. As you can see it's tight on the arms. >> Grrr I hate my arms...ah well...I look hot regardless
>> No. 282733
Mistaken for 19-21? Bullshit!
The haggard photo taken when she was at work is evidence that she looks to be in her 30's at least.
>> No. 282734
Sarah @pixyteri
@RosaireNoir I look surprisingly young for my age. Most people say 19-21...so I'm cool with that. ^_^
>> No. 282735
So does she pay to have these ridiculous photos taken?
>> No. 282738
No she usually takes them herself with a tripod and a timer. Which is sad when you think about the crazy girl dressed up in a shitty costume taking pictures by herself in public

I think kris helped her in the past as well
>> No. 282757
File 135094363321.jpg - (27.69KB , 400x400 , Ozzy.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>does that mean I have to walk on water

I knew a Nihonjin
Who had a daughter
She learned her lessons well
But still I taught her...
>> No. 282759
There is something genuinely upsetting about that photo, like a dead body dressed up and posed.
>> No. 282766
It's kind of like something you'd see in an asylum.
>> No. 282775
Even the doll is creepy.
>> No. 282781
Its the eyes. Not unlike chris she has dead eyes now
>> No. 282784
I think she'd look younger if she actually dressed her own age and stopped trying to look like a 12 year old.
>> No. 282789
Looking at this pic >>274773 and i wonder if any one can confuse her any age below 40
>> No. 282792
She looks especially Mormon here. Vulva Mae?
>> No. 282793

That will give me nightmares
>> No. 282820
File 135096361462.png - (453.99KB , 829x1249 , Gruntilda.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Thank god we don't have "Smell-o-Vision" yet, or else all these threads would smell like PT's horrible unwashed weeb vaginal fish smell.
>> No. 282825
Yeah, she looks like that lady from Misery.
>> No. 282833
File 135096509663.png - (149.24KB , 588x649 , watttt.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Anata are a very dirty birdie desu~
Your baka feet-san will have to go sayonara uguu~ ^_^;
>> No. 282846
Oh god, that makes it 100x scarier.
>> No. 282848
>> No. 282849
File 135096737960.jpg - (116.30KB , 600x800 , 1350965572409.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
She said this was a Medium but /cgl/ linked that this comes from the plus size version of the costume.
>> No. 282850
File 135096743523.jpg - (304.95KB , 1024x1539 , 1350966448306.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
so sexy kawaii ero lolita
>> No. 282853
I think I'm gonna be sick..
>> No. 282854
File 13509681838.jpg - (71.72KB , 729x1024 , 1350968002243.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 282855
File 135096833711.jpg - (108.82KB , 699x980 , twimg_A53ZrmOCAAAyMHJ_jpg_700.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 282856
File 135096839835.jpg - (22.79KB , 515x146 , 1350967633815.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 282857
bleach is ma guilty pleasure, but she makes me wanna drink it
>> No. 282858
File 135096845485.png - (24.53KB , 512x200 , 1350959165577.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 282859
File 135096848762.png - (24.75KB , 514x149 , 1350959574584.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 282860
There is no way that is a medium. Just look at it.

Though all this pictures makes me wonder, how deluded is she really?
does she see herself as a superpetite Japanese model?
or does she see herself as she is and it's just trying to convince herself thru all the positive reinforcement she gets?
>> No. 282862
She learned that the average cup size in japan is a-cup and its made her upset about her c-cups
>> No. 282868
File 135096981371.jpg - (99.74KB , 600x800 , 1350969513113.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
That sonichu level of drawing. It is the picture she drew for James-san.
>> No. 282869
It's not THAT bad. Plus she isn't trying to do make money off it.
>> No. 282870
She is 27 and drew that for a 19year old guy that she liked. Its worse
>> No. 282871
You're not looking at the sonic drawing on the shirt.
>> No. 282872
I tried. I tried and failed to make sanic yellow with the gimp. Could someone do that? Ima gonna go commit seppuku now.
>> No. 282873
File 135097138412.png - (10.60KB , 516x69 , cos it my honey!.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Can't wait to cosplay Japan! But what should I do about my eyes -_-;

Squint them?
>> No. 282877
It looks like she's taking a dump in someone's backyard.
>> No. 282878
File 135097178657.png - (332.21KB , 500x500 , 00_wutgiants.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Damn I swear I have a doublechin lately!

I didn't know sober people could be this delusional.
>> No. 282879
File 135097207176.jpg - (169.23KB , 350x491 , Untitled.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
sorry, best i can do.
>> No. 282880
Thanks, but unfortunately that doesn't work too well. The character she's dressed as is supposed to draw horribly.
>> No. 282882
Tell me, why does this girl have fans? And does anyone have the feeling that her haters on /cgl/ are just as bad as her?
>> No. 282884
File 135097237655.jpg - (115.05KB , 600x800 , yellowsonic.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 282886
she had a bunch of chubby chasers beating off to her on DA.

/cgl/ full of self hating fat women. They are probably her biggest fans just like we are CWC biggest fans
>> No. 282887
File 135097255758.jpg - (150.85KB , 600x800 , 135097237655.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
God Bless You
>> No. 282891
> Tell me, why does this girl have fans?
I was under the impression that she had no fans, only people who feel sorry for her.

>And does anyone have the feeling that her haters on /cgl/ are just as bad as her?
Perhaps to a certain extent, but how many of them have convinced themselves that they're actually Japanese?

>> No. 282893
Airbrush, man. It does wonders.
>> No. 282918
File 13509794614.jpg - (235.05KB , 600x844 , a20fd02f81dba8bf2abe1f264b61289d.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
She looks so retarded here, staring off into space. Pixy and Robb should get together.
>> No. 282929
She could make herself short sighted so she squints all the time.
>> No. 282938
File 135099401870.gif - (50.29KB , 320x200 , Curse_of_Enchantia_(DOS)_02.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Anyone noticed how PT's mouth is always trapezoid-shaped when she's not grinning wide or keeping it closed firm.
>> No. 282942
I think she does that on purpose as she imagines it looks more Asian or something.
>> No. 282965
> I was under the impression that she had no fans, only people who feel sorry for her.

I keep seeing people on twitter claiming that PT is their "hero" or whatever.

Does PT still have fans outside of her anime stuff?
>> No. 282968
I think most of the twitter people are /cgl/ trolls or /cgl/ white knights. Its funny cause they both say and do the same thing
>> No. 282970
>draw horribly
>> No. 282971
The character draws horribly, the unshopped drawing is one of the character's. Thus it would imply PT's cosplaying well
>> No. 282974
dude you're sperging out over an anime character, get it together man
>> No. 282995
File 135101572753.jpg - (6.51KB , 190x266 , images.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Ever notice that she cant cross her arms
>> No. 282996
Either perspective is a bitch or she's photoshopped herself a t-rex arm.
>> No. 282998
> Sarah @pixyteri
>I wonder how young someone that was say 30 could look...say like pop stars...gackt comes to mind. Hmm? Special makeup?

She will be a jpop idol
>> No. 283006
File 135101778921.jpg - (25.31KB , 600x378 , Pixyterimum_eeewwwwww.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
She almost does it in this one, but it's as close as she gets.
>> No. 283015
File 135102021633.jpg - (22.46KB , 354x334 , smugalug.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 283057
Despite claiming people say she looks young, she's probably somewhat self-aware she looks much older than she is.
>> No. 283062
At least she's not completely delusional and is aware of her ticking clock.
>> No. 283075
>> No. 283080
Jesus when did she get such a following on Tumblr?


Someone's actually cosplaying as her
>> No. 283081
She's /cgl/'s puppy. When she had her tiny chat, almost everyone was from 4chan.
>> No. 283082
File 135103346120.jpg - (173.41KB , 499x750 , tumblr_m7ygd308hI1qium8qo1_500.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Every last bit of my why.
>> No. 283088

i saw that doll on the left and immediately thought GARY FUCKING GEARS for some reason
>> No. 283090
Not accurate enough, she needs to get a vile looking chin prosthetic.
>> No. 283091
Are you her a-log?
>> No. 283097
File 135103507533.jpg - (673.14KB , 1277x1920 , tumblr_m7ygd308hI1qium8qo4_1280.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
No trapezoid, fails at such basics.
>> No. 283127
Why would someone cosplay her? Is it some kind of weaboo in joke?
>> No. 283160
Trendsters being "ironic."
>> No. 283161
Too bad PT wouldn't be retarded enough to fall for an Ian Brandon Anderson scenario where this guy claims he's the true and honest PT while PT is some imposter named...something.
>> No. 283170
>> No. 283174
>> No. 283177
File 135104503133.png - (107.40KB , 669x322 , pixy.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 283178
File 135104503344.jpg - (56.68KB , 500x701 , Dear god no.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I believe that that doll is a character Hatsune Miku.
>> No. 283205
Yeah, they're all Vocaloid dolls. Which also explains why she's got a stuffed leek (the green and white thing, something Miku usually is shown holding/swinging/etc).
>> No. 283222
File 135105733370.jpg - (41.62KB , 640x427 , gatewaytohell.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 283223
Why did she dress up as a six year old meme?

If you are going to be a weeaboo you should at least keep up with the trends.
>> No. 283229
It's a man.
>> No. 283239

It's a man.

>> No. 283243
That's... huh... fuck.
>> No. 283252
Does this crazy bitch still go to cons or did her "Okra" or whatever forbid her from going to any further ones?
>> No. 283257
That's a pretty great impression of Benito Mussolini in a wig and drag.
>> No. 283270
We should get him to cosplay as rob.
>> No. 283303
I thought they planned their vegas trip around her not going to san japan
>> No. 283330
They sort of did. They planned the Vegas trip up to the day before San Japan hoping she'd be too tired to go. Nope.
>> No. 283596
File 135115737666.jpg - (74.62KB , 720x960 , 1351147067290.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
That is the dumbest plan I ever heard.
>> No. 283597
Sarah  ‏@pixyteri
Got annoyed at a friend/acquaintance saying to show my cleavage in my devil costume at Cactus tonight. No. Focusing on legs/hips.

Yeah because you really should focus on those fatstumps.
>> No. 283678
File 135119647580.jpg - (79.52KB , 846x513 , 1351163849124.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 283679
File 135119650941.jpg - (51.01KB , 432x443 , 1351188581472.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 283746
File 135120850673.jpg - (10.89KB , 297x303 , leno.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Yeah, traditional classic
>> No. 283766
Pixy creates more cocks than any current lolcow.
>> No. 283775
And she takes more, too! Nyuck nyuck nyuck
>> No. 283776
>> No. 283778
Go ahead and name one. (one that isn't Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles)
>> No. 283779

If you're adding an exception then it isn't "any current lolcow" any more.
>> No. 283800
>One that isnt Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles
If you new what you were saying was bullshit then why did you say it?
>> No. 283810
Name one that isn't Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, then.
>> No. 283816
Sarah @pixyteri Why bodyline's Santa dresses are super super tiny I'll never know. What, girls that dress as Santa can only be anorexic? -_-;

Kerensa @pixyteri or Japanese where the normal size are girls with legs as big around as my arms.

Sarah @pixyteri @Kerensa >_< >> Not all Japanese women are stick thin. I really am getting sick of this stereotype.
>> No. 283819
File 135122998511.png - (1.18MB , 992x1000 , 1351220950632.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You can own this dress and many other PT items now

>> No. 283820
File 13512300392.png - (29.39KB , 336x336 , standard_white.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 283822
Dat comically unflattering lighting.
>> No. 283826
holy shit I'm gonna puke
>> No. 283828
The best part is the " anorexic" size is a 31 inch waist i
>> No. 283837
This of course, is PT right after her latest schlicking session, her bright green pussy juices splattered across the floor.
>> No. 283860
File 135124966312.jpg - (106.76KB , 499x750 , ewww.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
How fat is she?
>> No. 283862
File 135125029329.png - (445.33KB , 639x645 , dress.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Bad news guys, she just sold that dress on her LJ. Now we'll never be able to soak in its period blood stained goodness.
>> No. 283865
For those who don't know, China uses numbers not XXL and when they do it's the same as US sizes.
>> No. 283943
>its period blood stained goodness.

Is there a story behind this(she isn't exactly the most hygienic person) or were you just trying to be gross?
>> No. 283947
File 135128337173.jpg - (15.65KB , 150x214 , mussoliniA.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


Oh, man, that's hilarious.
>> No. 283960
File 135128630033.jpg - (32.83KB , 440x587 , 1320553859865.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
you asked for it
>> No. 283969
I found the wet spot! And I didn't have to roll her around in flour to do so.
>> No. 284364

I wondered if she washes that dress before shipping it to someone else
>> No. 284372
I wonder if she washed it before wearing it...
>> No. 284375
I wonder if the person who receives it smells it as soon as he/she gets it.
>> No. 284457
>> No. 284511
I believe they meant that the recipient would be immediately aware when it arrives because of the stench.
>> No. 284515
It works either way.
>> No. 285005
File 135157561551.png - (39.60KB , 512x356 , pixaaaaay.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>pickle avatar
>> No. 285008
>not carl winslow :(
>> No. 285309
does PT have a sugar oniisama?

Sarah  ‏@pixyteri
I can't wait to (hopefully) meet him in late November!!!
3h Sarah  ‏@pixyteri
Omg my "oniisama" sent me a doujin I just got it today!!!! So happy, 嬉しいな!どうもありがとうございます!!
>> No. 285310
Sarah  ‏@pixyteri
Fuck you and your stupid ass girlfriend..bet Shes dumb as a brick
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20h Rick Waldron ‏@Evaunit01berser
@pixyteri and what has this dumb as a brick girlfriend done?
19h Sarah  ‏@pixyteri
@Evaunit01berser taken someone I liked away from me....
19h Rick Waldron ‏@Evaunit01berser
@pixyteri Does she know this or did the someone you like decide to go another direction and she is just an innocent bystander?


@Evaunit01berser >> I don't care what she is, both him and her piss me off. I can never have nice things. I can't even be his friend
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>> No. 285398
File 135165882313.jpg - (95.20KB , 510x531 , 1351646592966.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 285406
sugar what?


Did that string of mojibake mean anything?
>> No. 285409

Sugar Daddy, I think.
>> No. 285410
"I'm happy! Thanks a lot"
>> No. 285456
File 135168082223.jpg - (74.57KB , 471x750 , zyzz02.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
you mirin' brah??
>> No. 285459
Go back to ED, useless namefag.
>> No. 285490

oniisama is actually the name for "big brother"
>> No. 285685
File 135174857027.png - (30.90KB , 513x118 , 1351701734053.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 285686
File 135174862375.png - (72.45KB , 629x574 , 1351708298191.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 285687
File 135174864554.png - (77.12KB , 628x519 , 1351710406520.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 285688
File 135174873690.jpg - (33.81KB , 704x480 , helmet3.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Sarah @pixyteri My dad is such an asshole he just threw out my old high school drawings. My art is precious to me...how dare he-_-;

>Sarah @pixyteri I told dad I was dressing up tonight and he's like "How is that different from normally you always dress weird"..Haha.

>Sarah @pixyteri Random fact: the side of my family that treats me like a black sheep (dads) is German I think. despite the Cajun last name.


>Sarah @pixyteri Agh why does this purple dress fit me tighter than normal? Fuck you dress...
>> No. 285690
File 135174889417.png - (463.72KB , 1324x992 , 1351351450536.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>If there's one thing I hate in this world it's costume contests.
>Apparently Snow White can't be sexy and Sarah can never win shit.
>> No. 285691
Sarah @pixyteri I seem to be turning heads already wow
>> No. 285692
File 135174931917.png - (77.00KB , 624x580 , 1351747352155.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 285693
File 135174934699.png - (34.53KB , 624x210 , 1351747748378.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 285700
File 135175295658.jpg - (48.16KB , 251x229 , 132908351946.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>And so I apparently don't have the right to be upset about an ignorant costume contest because people are way worse off.

>I still have the right to be upset. Try walking in my shoes for a change.

stay gold, pt.
>> No. 285703
At LEAST 200, even at 5'2". She is fay-at.
>> No. 285714
With that height and weight she should have a BMI of 36.6 which is obese.
>> No. 285786
I like how she can just turn on a dime as soon as something happens that she doesn't like. She really wants her world to be a perfect place where she isn't a fatty and everyone loves and praises her
>> No. 285843
that's what i'm assuming, if she didn't lie about her height. i wonder if she has a binging problem that she hasn't addressed or if she's eating pocky for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. i can sympathize, the metabolism slows down and it gets harder to lose the weight. own up to it, pt. goddamn.

no shit?

i also want to point out that she was tweeting about turning heads last night in her snow white costume...and then in the fb caps she says that she's at a GLBT event. turning heads at a gay bar, hmm...
>> No. 285872
I think it probably has more to do with her portion sizes, and the notion that many people have that certain foods like sweets, fried foods, etc themselves are bad, and certain foods are 'healthy' -- veggie pasta, salads, deli sandwiches, etc., when really all that matters is the calories. I don't imagine she knows much at all about nutrition, or counting calories, but it's likely she could be eating foods that she thinks are healthy, but eating enough for 2-3 people, plus grazing on snacks that she doesn't even remember eating. This is how many overweight and obese people, who don't know why they're fat, eat. She should join MyFitnessPal or a similar program if she really wants to lose weight.
>> No. 285883
It isn't just calories though. She might also try tightly controlling carbs if she's fat but eating low fat low cal foods. It's akin how someone can be fat even though they'll skip eating some days. Some diets will teach you carrots are free or winter squashes are okay when in reality they can help stop you from losing weight.

A diet I've lost 40 pounds on has only the difference of controlling (not eliminating) carbs. It's called metabolism miracle or something like that.
>> No. 286017
File 135184465887.png - (60.18KB , 500x563 , 1351802384499.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 286020

That DANG DIRTY costume contest.
>> No. 286021

>implying she isn't being tsundere for the judges

>> No. 286055
Wow, such a majestic collision of lolcow and reality.
>> No. 286790
File 135199292087.png - (1.50MB , 1305x731 , 1351989509907.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 286791
>Sarah @pixyteri Ew a guy at the gym was making really loud almost sexual grunts

>Sarah @pixyteri Just got done at the gym. Did 1 mile and a little more combined with the treadmill and bike. Also did weights, crunches, pushups, etc...!

>Sarah @pixyteri Not the best but at least I went to the gym insteading of working out at home and on the trail!!

Between the time she announced she was going to the gym and when she twitted she was done was a hour
>> No. 286794
Probably one of those people who goes to the gym in a ridiculous workout gear, huge bag filled with god knows what, shuffles around the track, sighing and moaning while screwing around with their phone, hopping from equipment to equipment, before finally leaving with a satisfied look, when the amount of exercise they actually did was the equivalent of a light powerwalk through their neighborhood.
>> No. 286796
>> No. 286801
>Sarah @pixyteri Eating at Texas Seafood with a friend! Delicious I'm having the crunchy noodle with Vietnamese style shrimp eggrolls!!

Ran a mile now i can reward myself with fried foods
>> No. 286818
I just realized this implies guys grunting because they're strenuously lifting heavy weight is the sound she's used to hearing guys make during sex.
>> No. 286841
A mile on a bike at the gym takes like... almost no time at all. Plus, I guarantee she had it set to the lowest resistance possible. God, what a failure.
>> No. 286844
Does pixyteri have spasm?
>> No. 286855
File 135258320127.jpg - (35.60KB , 390x547 , Pixyterirmika.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
No, I think she's just a delusional moron.
>> No. 286984
According to conversations with her mom, friends, and family, she's never been diagnosed with anything.

I think she just had a breakdown at some point in her early 20's when she realized reality wasn't what she wanted it to be.
>> No. 287130
>Sarah @pixyteri I think I caught the flu I threw up my entire dinner and I'm still an hour or so from home....help.....

>Sarah @pixyteri Help it hurts

>Sarah @pixyteri Am I alive? Is this real?
>> No. 287132
At least now she can lose some weight.
>> No. 287136
>I only got three photos of the entire faire...

>And the photos aren't of me...

This bitch will complain about anything
>> No. 287138
Get your money out boys cause you can now own a stuffed toy owned by pt
>> No. 287160

I'd buy stuff from her if I could get things autographed.
>> No. 287232

them fatty hands
>> No. 287235
There is also a Final Fantasy IIV Doujinshi for sale bids starting at $5.00 no bids so far. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Final-Fantasy-7-FF7-Doujinshi-Private-Label-Chocobo-no-Tamago-Used/290811864571?ssPageName=WDVW&rd=1&ih=019&category=106888&cm
>> No. 287236

best post in this thread so far
>> No. 287320
> Sarah @pixyteri Watching James play Carherine hmmmm this game is cool. But is it really bad to send sexy costume pics? 10hours ago

> Sarah @pixyteri Just got back from a friends house! Even tho I couldn't camp at the faire at least I stayed over at a friends place :) 9 mins ago

Does this mean she fucked James agian
>> No. 287321
>> No. 287633
File 135279158554.png - (11.81KB , 368x205 , 1352529652560.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 287634
File 135279160560.png - (56.55KB , 368x524 , 1352530578432.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 287635
File 135279162444.png - (24.31KB , 371x233 , 1352530642212.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 287766
Did PT's mom REALLY make her take tanning pills and bleach her hair? That sounds like PT making up shit as an excuse to hate her. Where's the proof other than PT spewing BS?
>> No. 287808
Probably PT talking out of her ass. There have been some truth to her stories. I imagine her mom probably suggested tanning pills and bleaching her hair to make herself more attractive, but then it turned into "waaah! my mom made me take them!"
>> No. 287810
Everything I've heard from people in PT's life say that her mom is just as much of a psycho as she is. It's very possible that that's what happened; I mean PT's crazy has to come from some source, don't it? Her ego and usi is pretty typical of her region; I mean there are sane Texans (and growing in number), but the me me me worldview has produced enough functioning healthy adults in the region that that can't explain PT's kawaii uguu I hate oka ism. Normal nerdery either.
>> No. 287828
Didn't someone post something about Pixy's family being more or less normal, saying the psycho mom thing was mostly just over exaggeration on her part? Something about her parents' growing concern that Sarah wouldn't be able to look after herself if something were to happen to them. Also, her brother seems to have turned out just fine. Whatever the case, the measures they take to motivate Pixy probably sound extreme, but then it can't be an easy task motivating one's highly delusional, 27-year-old weaboo daughter to act like an adult.

Anyway, I would be less than surprised to learn that "forced" meant "threatened to stop giving her money for stupid shit if she couldn't act like a normal human being for bit".
>> No. 287829
When you have a 27 year old sperg, you're allowed to be extreme.
That's your job as a parent.
>> No. 287851
I'm not surprised she lives in Victoria. There are some fucking crazy and weird people that live there. I wonder if she's met Pepper, the local crazy crackhead.
>> No. 287852
You can't say something like that without telling the whole story
>> No. 287853

I pass through Victoria for work. I thought she moved? Maybe I'll work a few pounds off her ass.
>> No. 287854
She may have, I haven't been following her on /cwc/ for a while.
>> No. 287867
File 135287007496.jpg - (8.99KB , 201x251 , poopsi.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Has PT mentioned this stuff yet? It seems like the perfect solution to all of her woes, if she could somehow get it in the US:

>> No. 287871
>blocks fat
>> No. 287877
There's Victoria College which is the community college that offers Associates degrees, but there is also the University of Houston-Victoria which is adjacent to VC which is where some students go to finish up their Bachelors degree.
So it's quite possible that she finished at UHV, and digging up some information on the Victoria Advocate, she graduated from UHV in 08'. Oh and get this, Ron Fucking Paul was their commencement speaker. I shit you not haha.

>> No. 287881
mom seemed rather tolerable and nice in her myspace (lol) blog posts.
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