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File 134937906020.jpg - (14.45KB , 250x250 , A-Log Dapper.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
275347 No. 275347
Why is everybody on this board turning into A-Log?

Seriously, it's a fucking epidemic of trollshielding. It's gotten to the point where people use "HI A-LOG" without irony.
Expand all images
>> No. 275348
You're right...

>> No. 275350
It'd be funny if HI A-LOG were wordbuttered into something A-Log would say.
>> No. 275351
>> No. 275354
"HI" should filter to "I want to fuck" or "I long for the cock of"
>> No. 275356
No one is. The phrase has been diluted to the point where it's used on anyone who even suggest an ounce of negativity/criticism to a chosen subject.
>> No. 275358

HI A-LOG has no meaning at all anymore

Congrats guys, you took something fun and 9gag'd it.
>> No. 275381
I agree that everyone is turning into A-Log due to the tryhard "new lolcows" that everyone tries to force on us (IE A-log's posse with Sailormoonred1)
>> No. 275385
>> No. 275397
I get the same feeling, nothing to do with the overuse of the term, but it seems we have more and more angry types who feel Chris got what he deserved or ween troll by making rape threats or trying to ruin some random deviantard's life.
>> No. 275407
>> No. 275418
The ween in this thread is insufferable
>> No. 275426
People who overuse HI A-LOG are worse than Hitler for making us anti-A-Loggers look bad!
>> No. 275427

>> No. 275717
I also feel that we have a lot more people who try to make tough guy claims over the internet a la A-Log who would never say these things in public because they know how retarded they'd sound, and due to their own cowardice.
>> No. 276020
I miss A-Log's fanfics because of the titjobs after anal sex.
>> No. 276046
>> No. 276091
File 134958413877.gif - (2.33MB , 275x248 , cain.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

"Basically, uh, yeah!"
>> No. 276092
Whoops! Meant to quote >>275350.

HI A-LOG -> "Basically, uh, yeah!"
>> No. 281662
What is A-Log doing now, by the way? Does anyone know?
>> No. 281665
Posting on /cwc/ as usual.
>> No. 281676

He shot himself.
>> No. 281802
I don't care, as long as I can git that homosexual deviant ter shoot 'imself!!
>> No. 281803
File 135069602331.jpg - (36.39KB , 625x212 , a-log sexism.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
A-Log, here, being his usual enlightened, egalitarian, totally non-sexist self.
>> No. 281828
I don't get it.
>> No. 281831

Let's put it this way. Who would you rather fuck, Elizabeth Hasselbeck or Rosie O'Donnel?
>> No. 281833
Is it safe to say that the Logattopedia is dead?
>> No. 281834
What's the "Logattopedia?"
>> No. 281850
This, apparently. I didn't think it was real, but sure enough...

>> No. 281856
What a colossal failure. /cwc/ should be ashamed.
>> No. 281866
I know. It was rhetorical question.
>> No. 281869
*a rhetorical question, sorry.
>> No. 281929
Oh, A-Log, you so mad.
>> No. 281946
Not A-Log, but do you really call this wiki a success? The Cwcki is 100% better, and that is one of the worst, most trollshielding wikis I have ever seen.
>> No. 281947
You have to bear in mind that A-Log does not have anywhere near as large a following as Chris does, so of course a wiki about him won't be as extensive as the CWCki.
>> No. 281949
I think Logattopedia serves a purpose in that it provides A-Log with a constant reminder that he really is more frighteningly like Chris-chan than he'd like to think.
>> No. 281972
How come A-Log didn't had any epic ween saga?
Is it bad if I a-log A-log?
>> No. 281974
what do you mean

his stand-up comedy
his fapfiction
his six inch foxdick

the fact that people gave enough of a shit to make a wiki dedicated to him seems pretty epic ween to me
>> No. 281975
And the fact he writes fan fics wanting to fuck his mom and sisters.
>> No. 281978
It was attempted, but apparently the weens died of cancer or are keeping it really low.
>> No. 281985
I love how the weener is one A-Log rant video short of being A-Log's A-Log. Does the strong desire to be a troll himself make up for the lack of videos?
>> No. 281988
That spast could not have misunderstood the whole point of A-log more.

>Similar to the "Madman Rising" video so to speak.
>CWCki video name
>Suspected "Christorian"
>> No. 282067
  I wish A-Log had actually made that troll defense video he promised. That would've been hilarious, seeing him desperately try to justify himself.
>> No. 282613
Why do people here get so butthurt over the phrase "Christorian"?
>> No. 282616

because it's stupid as fuck
>> No. 282619
Because if someone identifies as a manchild fan, that's pretty sad.
>> No. 282621
Following Chris is my secret shame. O_O
>> No. 282675
'Christorian' is kind of up there with 'coney' in terms of dorky appellations.
>> No. 282900
Cwcki member detected
>> No. 283098
What the hell was the result of A-Logs transformer boyfriend?
>> No. 283099
>> No. 283104

Wasn't someone trolling A-LOG by pretending to be his boyfriend? Whatever happened to that?
>> No. 283105
Ween, that's what.
>> No. 283106
Er... 'Boyfriend'?
I think you might be thinking of someone else. A-Log isn't gay.
>> No. 283115
I think they were thinking the Anthos calls, but there was also some Troll Posse ween with the Log, which didn't go that well, tried to embed it but its posted somewhere.
You can hear the Anthos calls here:
>> No. 283117
Yeah I was a bit too quick on the draw, the Troll Posse vid is right here >>281978.
>> No. 283670
File 135119391621.png - (60.47KB , 655x728 , HI PDK.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Gents, you all remember Paul David "Eyebrows" Smith, don't you?

Looks like he's life coaching A-Log now.
>> No. 283671

i love how we converted Paul David "Eyebrows" Smith from alpha sperg to lolcow counselor
>> No. 283672
I think it's nice to see that in typical Paul David "Eyebrows" Smith fashion, he's using an alias to hide his identity, but it's still embarrassingly obvious it's him. JenkinsJinkies level obvious.

I went and looked at his Johnny Uchiha profile page and sure enough, he's sperging about Vampire the Masquerade. A lolcow doesn't change it's spots.
>> No. 283673
Wasn't Johnny Uchicha the name of Paul David "Eyebrows" Smith's Mary Sue bishounen vampire self-insert in his fanfics?
>> No. 283809

Of course it reeks of troll-shielding. All lolcows seem to attract their "A-Logs" due to the simple psychological observation that people often hate the most in other people what they resent about themselves.

Just as Chris-Chan gets a lot of unaware manchild spasts trying to "troll" him, so does A-Log have a lot of epin weeners who think he needs to be taken down a notch.
>> No. 283912
File 135127281182.png - (11.71KB , 492x66 , lol.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Meanwhile on the "Christian Weston Chandler" Facebook page....
>> No. 283913
File 135127339749.png - (16.30KB , 492x97 , lol2.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 283974
>Even though I know this isn't really you
>> No. 283981
File 135129210162.png - (144.52KB , 579x610 , PDK pretending he's Azn.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Paul David "Eyebrows" Smith lying about being Asian in order to win a debate with a black supremacist.
>> No. 283984
the sad part is, he makes good points for the most part, until he slips up with the "HIP-HOP SUCKS" part. the other guy is just throwing ad-hominems and being ignorant.
>> No. 283985
>Classic Rock
>Real Music

That's adorable.
>> No. 283986
I shouldn't be surprised that he's still fighting with black power types on YouTube but I am.
>> No. 283987
File 135129423598.jpg - (60.92KB , 500x281 , shotput.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Asian art
>Anime, anyone?
>> No. 283990
Audio Pink Floyd - Remember a Day - (3.65MB - 128 kbps - 44.1 kHz , 02-Remember a Day.mp3 ) Length: 3:59 Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
Remember a Day > A Day to Remember
>> No. 283992
That ain't classic rock. That's the early stages of prog rock. Classic rock is hard rock, to sort of shit that peaked in the 70s. It's all retarded anyways.

It's pop-culture retardation that doesn't say any message worth saying, only reiterating faceless, simplistic emotions to appeal and sell. Floyd too, they're sellouts. They're just appealing to edgy misunderstood teens, who are to stupid to recognize it for what it is (pop-culture) and mistake it for art.
>> No. 283994
Classic rock was mostly terrible.
>> No. 283996
I love that Paul David "Eyebrows" Smith's first call for Asian artistic culture is anime.
>> No. 283998
Since he calls it asian art, does that mean that China can claim ownership on anime now? What about Thailand, Sri Lanka, or Azerbaican?
>> No. 284026

You sound like a very annoying person. I hope I never encounter you in real life.
>> No. 284028
Don't go to /mu/

Not that you do, but if you ever think about it.
>> No. 284039
So it's too mainstream? What music do you prefer, Bon Iver and Arcade Fire (shit)?
>> No. 284074
The only music worth listening too is made by this one homeless man in this obscure foreign city you've probably never heard of.
>> No. 284078
  Music? This is music!
>> No. 284079
sperg sperg sperg









of course JSB the immortal - fun fact, his music almost possessed me to convert to Christianity.

I listen to a bit of everything really, even pop.

sperg sperg sperg
>> No. 284087
Audio nuito - NeKoMaJiN vs - (11.76MB - 320 kbps - 44.1 kHz , 02 - NeKoMaJiN vs.mp3 ) Length: 5:08 Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
ur a fag
>> No. 284088
You're so cool, listening to this obscure as fuck folk music. Please, continue to tell us how bad our music tastes are.

I genuinely laughed.
>> No. 284091
File 135131082079.jpg - (68.25KB , 1024x768 , shitposting result.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Why did you post this here?
>> No. 284092
Not bad, just not especially good. But just because you like it doesn't make it art, is all I'm saying. Also, like the retard I am I forgot to list pop acts.

As far as pop goes, I like Korn, Laibach, Rammstein, SoaD, RHCP, Megahertz, Disturbed, Tool (lol because I am one hurr). Other than Laibach and their homosexual deviantry, none of them are really that amazing though. SoaD - a liberal progressive group labeled by sony - was led by an asshole to attract future SJers, for example.

Sorry to offend you so much. It's just this shit ain't gonna be remembered; contrast them to, say, Chopin, Schubert, Eisler, Schönberg or Weill.
>> No. 284098
File 135131406344.jpg - (45.01KB , 359x359 , 0feel.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
That problem plagues those of us who are well endowed...
>> No. 284107
Why people get so agressive when they talk about music?
Jack Teagarden is the man, by the way.
>> No. 284109
>> No. 284113
I should've figured it out.
Since we are trying to talk about tastes, here's one of my favourite musical pieces.
>> No. 284116
Not something I usually listen to but enjoyable. Thanks.
>> No. 284122
Glad you like it.
>> No. 284123
I did. Watched some other related videos too. Thanks again anon.
>> No. 284128
If you like jazz...
>> No. 284137
  >not listening to spergcore
>> No. 284178
My God, that was awful, have some Artie Shaw instead.
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