No. 284092
Not bad, just not especially good. But just because you like it doesn't make it art, is all I'm saying. Also, like the retard I am I forgot to list pop acts.
As far as pop goes, I like Korn, Laibach, Rammstein, SoaD, RHCP, Megahertz, Disturbed, Tool (lol because I am one hurr). Other than Laibach and their homosexual deviantry, none of them are really that amazing though. SoaD - a liberal progressive group labeled by sony - was led by an asshole to attract future SJers, for example.
Sorry to offend you so much. It's just this shit ain't gonna be remembered; contrast them to, say, Chopin, Schubert, Eisler, Schönberg or Weill.