No. 275592
> ncbookz 2 months ago - ok since i made this video i got new insight and here it is,, red = blood of jesus, yellow = cross of christ,, green = cain = works,, blue = blue blood downcasted system aka fallen archons aka angels
> Michael Thom in reply to ncbookz 3 weeks ago - You're way off bro! I am a professional graphic designer and I design logos that go on banks, products, everything you can imagine, as well as pharmacies, and products. I am not affiliated with any crazy NWO BS I am just a regular joe working for a living. No customer ever demands any specific color unless they are trying to represent their local sports team, or the colors of the USA. Most of the time, I pick the color scheme and they most often go with what I pick. It's what they pay me for
> ncbookz in reply to Michael Thom 3 weeks ago - i am glad you emailed me so it looks like you are being used by a hidden force and dont even know it let me know when you get saved because it is really happening