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  • Blotter updated: 2012-05-14 Show/Hide Show All

No. 275517
  Are "Targeted Individuals", victims of so-called "organized stalking" or "gang stalking" the easiest group of people to troll? The thing is, you might be trolling one IRL and not even know it simply by your going about your daily activities.

In the case of the TI who made this video, he seems to think every maroon-colored car is out to get him... get him mildly-annoyed somehow. Also cars with any two numbers in a row that correspond to certain police radio codes. Also cars with daytime running lights. Also cars without hubcaps.

And this guy, fortherecord376433, is hardly the only paranoid schizophrenic... I mean "targeted individual" on Youtube. The king of the Youtube T.I.'s has got to be StealthWaveF22Raptor who has over 16000 videos, mostly of suspicious activity like more than one car being the same color, more than one person wearing the same shirt color, people taking out the garbage ("intentional infliction of emotional distress"), people smoking within 100 feet of him, people flashing what he interprets as Stasi hand signals (prisoner body language = anyone with hands behind their back), crows and ravens (genetically-modified stalkers), slightly odd-shaped clouds, etc...
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>> No. 275533
  Here's a video that's a primer on Organized Gang Stalking tactics. I'm not sure if it was meant to troll extremely paranoid people or if it's totally sincere in its moonbattery.
>> No. 275542
Yeah, those guys are completely nuts.
It's pretty clear that they're the ones endangering other people, not the other way around. Just look at this asshole harassing a walmart shopper in the middle of the night.

The scariest part though, is the number of people who agree with them.
>> No. 275546
  I first found out about the "gang stalking victim" believers from this Cracked article "4 Unhealthy Mentalities the Internet Turned into Movements

Read more: 4 Unhealthy Mentalities the Internet Turned into Movements | Cracked.com http://www.cracked.com/blog/4-unhealthy-mentalities-internet-turned-into-movements_p2/#ixzz28NmLArX7
": http://www.cracked.com/blog/4-unhealthy-mentalities-internet-turned-into-movements_p2/

It features one of StealthWaveF22Raptor's many, many, many videos of multiple cars being the same color (silver), therefore gang stalking.
>> No. 275547
>It's pretty clear that they're the ones endangering other people
This. I used to go on a site frequented by these types and one of them mentioned they started carrying a katana everywhere in case someone looked at him wrong. Another one posted youtube videos calling me and some others, all trying to help them, Freemasons.
>> No. 275548
  This is still one of my favorite videos from these people.

It isn't really about gang stalking, but he's so paranoid that he believes the colors in corporate logos are part of some kind of satanic "code"
>> No. 275556
File 134940185949.jpg - (12.11KB , 205x241 , 1336873821355.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Here's a comment from her videos.

>We have been at war with these reptilians for thousands of years ..but we lost..and we have forgotten who we are ..we are gods warriors..they are reptilian nephilim scum..they are in our families ad friends ...they will lie for decades around us,,they are telepathic,,,abuse them with your mind and see the reaction...stay strong ..we must form support groups God bless.

These people are fucking crazy.
>> No. 275592

> ncbookz 2 months ago - ok since i made this video i got new insight and here it is,, red = blood of jesus, yellow = cross of christ,, green = cain = works,, blue = blue blood downcasted system aka fallen archons aka angels

> Michael Thom in reply to ncbookz 3 weeks ago - You're way off bro! I am a professional graphic designer and I design logos that go on banks, products, everything you can imagine, as well as pharmacies, and products. I am not affiliated with any crazy NWO BS I am just a regular joe working for a living. No customer ever demands any specific color unless they are trying to represent their local sports team, or the colors of the USA. Most of the time, I pick the color scheme and they most often go with what I pick. It's what they pay me for
> ncbookz in reply to Michael Thom 3 weeks ago - i am glad you emailed me so it looks like you are being used by a hidden force and dont even know it let me know when you get saved because it is really happening
>> No. 275593
  I really love these guys and gals. I mean, I feel terrible for them and as OP suggested, we're already epic weening them every day. You may have a notorious trollsona, complete with YouTubes, and not even know it. Modern communication plus good old fashioned mental illness make for a fascinating mix.

We had some threads on gang stalking back when, I don't think I saved the YouTube profiles unfortunately, but yeah there's several nutjobs who journal or have until they abruptly stop like crazy, for lack of a better term.

Real epic ween is the occasional news segments that take these people seriously instead of dealing with it as mental illness, like this one. Just the few of these on YouTube I've seen along with old media clippings badly scanned on TI websites, since they're from the news, must reinforce these people's sad, batshit lives like nothing else.

Is Brent Spiner technically being Gail-stalked?
>> No. 275597
Gang stalking is kind of like cheese conies.
It's not really a thing, but it became a "thing" because of all the buzz around it that claimed it was already a ""thing"" and then people just want to be attached to that "thing"
>> No. 275598
That's a good way of putting it. Though to be fair, there have always been batshit people obsessing over shit. I kind of think of chemtrails for example as like, your Grandfather's wingnut thing, very pre-internet shit.

Also this poor lady got her hair did wrong by COINTELPRO. Sucks to be a TI.
>> No. 275600
There's something about these guys that stirs my inner ween. Maybe it is because I'm of the belief that some of them are free of mental illness and just imagine this shit so they can feel that they are important and that people actually give a shit about them.

It also doesn't help that
looks like a self-centered douchebag.
>> No. 275602
I hate how these videos show people screaming and babbling incoherently, and they don't even realize how they look to everyone rational.
>> No. 275614
File 134941921050.jpg - (47.81KB , 354x462 , mao-dante.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 275625
  I forgot to mention one of StealthWaveF22Raptor's most peculiar obsessions: Portland's TriMet light rail trains gangstalking. Did Portland design their light rail system entirely so that their trains will be noticed by this one "Targeted Individual" guy, or does TriMet just have a few special trains ready to appear when he drives on that highway with the tracks beside it. It must get pretty dull on the Trimet "Gangstalker Special" waiting for that one guy to drive by.

Also, he has the same obsession with Union Pacific trains. You'd think he'd just try and find a different route between his delivery destinations if seeing trains bothers him that much.
>> No. 275638
These really freak me out. It's really disturbing to see a glimpse into the mind of someone literally insane.
>> No. 275642
File 134942754022.jpg - (31.64KB , 417x466 , mightbetimeforaQ&A.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 275660
You don't keep up on Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles threads, do you?
>> No. 275683
Nobody ever leaves /cwc/. Nobody.
>> No. 275691
I am a Targeted Individual of the Goyim who's constantly being Gangstalked by a cabal of international criminal Judeo-Zionistic network of gangsters!
>> No. 275711
Really?! OMG me too!
>> No. 275712
Still better than being chased by space jesuits with bukakke bombs, amirite?
>> No. 275713
  People are mass trolling me by driving by blasting this song every thirty minutes
>> No. 275714
I'm constantly being gang-stalked by people who call me A-log!
>> No. 275716
Hi Anthony
>> No. 277093
  "Tractor Dust" is the new "Chemtrails".
>> No. 277115
The thing that gets me is if he really thinks that his late night music and outspokenness are what pissed off his neighbors, why doesn't he fucking STOP THAT and apologize? Crazy people.
>> No. 277120
>yeah I had to cuss out a whole table of these bastards at a chinese restaurant once. the non reaction thing, youre 100% right.

Christ, now these people are shouting at innocent families while they're eating? What the fuck?
>> No. 277122
File 134974021461.jpg - (198.37KB , 900x582 , 2012-10-08-Night-Hider.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Webcomic author details the horrors of organized stalking in this strip.
>> No. 277131
So Targ thread?
>> No. 277137
I think I might have been taped by one of these nuts once in a parking lot. I didn't realize she was probably recording the confrontation until I got home and thought it over. (At the time I was too busy trying to figure out WTF she was yammering on about, trying not to get flustered, and worried that she was going to attack or mug me.) I knew she was holding up her phone the entire time, but I didn't think until later that she was probably recording. I really wonder if I'm on YouTube somewhere.
>> No. 277139
I browsed through the comment section in that embedded video and seeing what kind of replies people have left is actually quite disturbing.

>Kill them all....in public....slowly....along with their loved ones......as an example.

>The aim here is to cause death, once they have marked you, I don't think they cease. Well, I have returned the favor, because I am out for justice and once these crimes against humanity are exposed only the death penalty will suffice.

>Toss some nail bombs when they follow you while you're driving. Go to a hardware store pick up some 1 1/2 " roofing nails, because they will cut a tire to pieces within 10 miles. Purchase some gloves. While you're driving slip on the gloves, pull over to the shoulder of the road and toss a handfull of nails out the window, and then drive back onto the road. This works! It's the best countermeasure for these government goons I've found so far

>You're obviously a cyber stalker. Only a cyber stalker would make a comment like that. You sick demented people will get what's comming to you. Some people in this life got nothing to lose after you mother fuckers have ruined their life, reality and all they want is revenge. You'll all get what's comming to you. Look at columbine, virginia tech massacre and Kim Veergill. You're only playing with fire, you'll get burned.
>> No. 277259
Christ, this is incredibly unsettling. Especially the nails part. The idea there's someone going around throwing nails at random people because they "following" him by simply driving around is horrifying.

Seriously, it's insanely clear these people are the ones victimizing innocent people, not the other way around.
>> No. 277260
This is Unambomber-level of lunacy.
>These people are the ones victimizing innocent people, not the other way around.
Oh, the bitter irony!
>> No. 277261
/cwc/ meets /x/.
>> No. 277262
The fact that they trust you (in most sane states, Oregon) to pump your own fuel was something that always made my opinion of humanity stay relatively high. I mean, to my knowledge there hasn't ever been someone to just spray everyone and use a lighter to send it all to kindgom come.

But the fact that these folk exist has completely nullified that. I mean these are the sorts who would *do* that.
>> No. 277271
>to my knowledge there hasn't ever been someone to just spray everyone and use a lighter to send it all to kindgom come.

That's because such a thing is impossible. There are safeguards in place.

The faster you learn to hate humanity the better of an example of it you'll become.
>> No. 277273
Misanthropy is a vicious circle. Also, they are the biggest hypocrites.
>> No. 277275
What safeguards? The nozzle works regardless of whether or not it's in a vehicle. At that point it's whether or not you know it's the fumes that are flammable, not the gasoline itself.
>> No. 277276
This is assuming the gas shoots out like a hose in a large arc.

It just sputters out in a small one, if you're trying to be burn stuff, you'd be better off just buying your own gasoline tank, which is much easier and with less restrictions.
>> No. 277283
Ever imagine what a "Targeted Individual convention" might be like? I'd imagine it'd be a fiasco, everyone would just be filming each other with their cell phones, looking for the super secret Stasi hand gestures in ordinary body language, and a certain contingent of them would be in the parking lot, taking note of all the cars that are in the colors they think represent their gang stalkers or they'll be trying to decode the license plates.
>> No. 277303
Oh god, putting a bunch of schizophrenics in a building together to compare delusions and each convinced everyone else is stalking and harassing them? It would be a bloodbath.
>> No. 277453
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles if you are reading this thread - http://www.randomcollection.info/pperp10.gif
>> No. 277460

I guess vampires and/or wizards are even in on it:

>Emotional Sapping

>This is similar to the concept of an energy or psychic vampire. You know negative people who drain your energy when you are around them, or who are really good at transferring their negativity onto you. As a target you are being exposed to dozens of people on a daily basis, many of them who do not wish you well, or want to hurt you even though they don’t know you.

>Without realising it you are also being emotionally, mentally, and spiritually harmed on a daily basis. After time this can get to you and weaken your defences. This is when you might notice that you are more susceptible to this form of energy drain. It’s a very real phenomenon and one to be on the look out for. Once you are drained of energy this way, you will notice that it’s easier for these people to access your life and cause you harm in other ways. There are emotional shielding techniques that can be used to help try to prevent this. There are also lot’s of books being written about these types of negative energy draining people.
>> No. 277463
Gang stalking is a thing but really pretty rare, like if Scientology isn't happy with you for some reason.

Maybe some of the things which happened to Chris in the past could be considered gang stalking too especially around the Iced Tea thing where people pretended to be his friend so they could follow him around and film him.
>> No. 277506
It is rare thing, but it's not like the shit these nutjobs claim. It's not psudotechnomagic, it's morons screaming JULAAAAAAAAAAY into your phone at all hours of the day.

"Targets" are just completely nuts.
>> No. 277575
Yeah, if Scientology hates you they'll poison your cat, call you at every hour of the day, and launch a hundred lawsuits all at once.

Similarly, the Internet will spam your YouTube, call you and scream JULLLAYYYY, flood your fax, and send fliers to your neighbours that you're a convicted pedo.

What nobody will do is spent thousands of dollars hiring goons, gathering cars of a certain color, and buying license plates that are legit non-customised license runs that just happen to have a couple numbers in common with a local police radio code.
>> No. 277642

>What nobody will do is spent thousands of dollars hiring goons, gathering cars of a certain color, and buying license plates that are legit non-customised license runs that just happen to have a couple numbers in common with a local police radio code.

To be fair, that *also* sounds like something scientology would do, but then again none of these "targeted individuals" seem to mention any contact with scientology.
>> No. 277653
Fuck yeah, Go Nagai.

Anyway, while most of it is definitely schizos gonna schiz, I wouldn't be surprised if there was some government conspiracy shit going on somewhere. Some kinda MK Ultra shit where they test weapons that mess with your head on unsuspecting people, or maybe just some stupid CIA training exercise where they get some agents to prove how stealthy they can be by following random schlubs around and messing with them to see how long it takes them to notice. Remember, the government is run by sociopaths, so you shouldn't expect everything they do to make sense from a sane perspective.
>> No. 277658
Alright, you just made yourself sound insane in less than a paragraph.
>> No. 277662
You are right and I would not be surprised freemasons are behind it also what with their "Freemason Silent Dagger" and all, possibly reptilian perps?
>> No. 277667
Also just a FYI - http://boingboing.net/2012/10/01/tinfoil-hats-actually-amplify.html
>> No. 277668
File 134983033786.jpg - (918.45KB , 1200x800 , Choose Your Side.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Who would win?
>> No. 277682
>> No. 277690
skynet because they're OP as fuck
>> No. 277729

Whatever you think about government conspiracies, that's not gangstalking. The "Targeted Individuals" believe that practically every random person they see while driving down the street has been ordered there by some all-encompassing entity just so the TI will notice them as part of some grand scheme to mildly annoy. Even doddering old women walking slowly across the Walmart parking lot. Even crying toddlers are just following orders.
>> No. 277732
Skynet was OBLIVERATEed by a ten year old boy, his mentally unstable mother and an outdated robot unit they produced. They're whimps.

The franchise ended after 2. The other stuff was just bad fan fiction.
>> No. 277955
File 13499024268.jpg - (40.50KB , 400x334 , and_image_1333376700.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You know who else is easy to troll? Born-again hipster activists.

>The oddest thing about the video may be how much time it devotes to the circumstances leading up to co-founder Jason Russell's naked public meltdown in San Diego last year, including reality show-style behind-the-scenes footage of Invisible Children leadership meetings following the release of Kony 2012, during which Russell appears on the verge of tears over the criticism the group has received. According to the film's telling, it was the stress from the dozens of interviews Russell did as well as the unexpected negative feedback he received from some quarters that drove Russell over the edge.

>I don't mean to be insensitive to whatever personal mental health issues Russell was facing and wouldn't bring this up if the group hadn't made it a centerpiece of the video, but it seems a bit unseemly for an organization dealing with child victims of mutilation and sexual assault to devote so much of its pitch to self-pity over some nasty blog posts.

>> No. 278178
Why pick a random schlub when you can be Dexter?
Scientologists are real gang stalkers, why not stalk a few of them in return? Think like a real government agent and you will see that stalking ordinary citizens is both boring and tells you nothing. Murderers are paranoid like real targets and scientlogists are organized like terrorist cells. These people make for better exercise.
>> No. 278210
What crazy, self-important fucks. If one breakdown necessitates a 15 minute film montage of them looking teary eyed and noble talking about themselves for IC's new video, maybe in a few years and hopefully a few more breakdowns their films will devolve into an hour or them ranting against those dang dirty criticizers when he's just trying to stop at nothing!
Well, I guess if we ever find ourselves in need of generic pictures of teenagers looking meaningfully into the camera, Invisible Children will provide this for years to come.
>> No. 278717
  Hmm, StealtWaveF22Raptor (16,813 YouTube videos and counting) seems a little more creepy stalkerish than usual today. I'm surprised those women getting in their cars didn't seem to notice as he walked by filming them.
>> No. 278720
You don't understand the slow but satisfying lulz of making someone go crazy!

Breaking into their house and turning their sofa slightly to an angle, replacing their brand name ketchup to budget catsup, hiding their socks, hiring people to leave the house at the same time, have "strangers" drop in lines of conversations relevant to the targ but vague enough so they can't be sure, it's great!
>> No. 278721
You know those mentally teenage girls who always think they're so funny and adorable when they're really generic tryhards?
>> No. 278722
>replacing their brand name ketchup to budget catsup

No, perp, that's much too obvious. You have to replace their brand name ketchup with a same-sized bottle of the same brand, but one that is slightly more full or slightly more empty than what they remember it being when they last used it.
>> No. 278728
Urgh, you are right, I should probably return his radio too.
>> No. 278730
>replacing their brand name ketchup to budget catsup

a mastermind at work!
>> No. 278731
  Here's an amusing one from a couple of months ago from StealthWaveF22Raptor: he thinks the red Subaru (?) is some kind of super secret MI6 colour code, but he doesn't seem to notice the much more obvious signal the Subaru driver is giving him directly, sticking his left hand with a certain extended digit outside the rolled-up window (probably because he doesn't like being filmed by a paranoid schizophrenic).
>> No. 278748
And about 5 times more fun when the targ likes to fiddle 8 year olds.
>> No. 278834
File 135001976855.jpg - (52.83KB , 406x320 , Ahmadi_nejad_2012_pakistan.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I took it upon myself to actually make up a little bit of a story behind "Gangstalking" for these people. Essentially they were all breed to be apart of this government experiment called "gangstalking". The main goal of this experiment is to collect "Pentio, essentially fear and paranoia" to be used as energy towards the "Goal". They are also all apart of groups segmented for certain pentio goals towards production on certain aspects of the "goal". They are also constantly threatened with "recycling" and replacement by a superior "specimen" so they will shape up and respect and admire their creators and masters which in turn creates more pentio and less cost for a new "specimen". I came up with this in about 30 minutes or so so its kind of rocky and in planning stages but i plan to do this to all people that believe in "Gang-stalking" and being gangstalked and I plan to do this on a schedule for 3 to 4 months, I'm sharing the plan here to see if anyone would like to join and improve this idea.

Sorry for the wall of text, and thanks for reading if you did.
>> No. 278836
File 135002002397.jpg - (43.59KB , 714x474 , 2285029-scanner-darkly-5.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Another thing I forgot is that all these people have code names/ subject names. For example, StealthWaveF22Raptor's codename is a very uncreative "Raptor" since he will have chosen that name for the creators of the project would want him to have. I will comment on their behaviors using the codename, writing it like a science journal rationalizing what they are doing in terms of the government project.

I feel insane just writing some of this stupid shit down, of course this will be commented on for almost all of these people's videos.
>> No. 278839
File 135002039789.gif - (0.97MB , 384x216 , 1349990459820.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Epic weeeen
>> No. 278840
Yeah I know its stupid, I feel though that it could decently be entertaining if the kinks were worked out.
>> No. 278844
Uhh, I'm against that idea. StealthWaveF22Raptor and the others on Youtube are funny on their own. You start coming up with elaborate backstories to justify his paranoia and I don't want to be associated in the slightest with what he might do. Don't provoke him, just let him be himself. He doesn't need "scripters".
>> No. 278845
Ehh, good enough for me.

Maybe nix the "Pentio" stuff in favor of a more traditional government conspiracy thing? Not everyone in the gangstalk movement is that crazy.
>> No. 278846
This is also a valid point.

The Gail shit is EXTREMELY unfunny now, mostly because every video is the same shit.
>> No. 278848
Frankly, I don't think StealthWaveF22Raptor would fall for a simple Youtube comment. You'd have to present the conspiracy in some kind of visual format, and then get components of the conspiracy to be repeated in the usual echo chambers (i.e. videos from other Youtube users or conspiracy forums like AboveTopSecret, maybe call up Alex Jones or Coast to Coast AM).
>> No. 278849
I don't approve of what the Scripters do to Gail either, but I think one key difference between Gail and someone like StealthWaveF22Raptor is that Gail is extremely easy for the Scripters to manipulate; she has an overwhelming, unfulfilled physical desire for Brent Spiner that is super easy to exploit in nasty ways. If SWF22R has unrequited obsessions equivalent to Gail, I don't think he has ever mentioned them. Another difference is that, as unhinged as SWF22R seems to be, I don't think he believes he is receiving telepathic communications from anyone in particular. The "messages" Gail received "brain to brain" before the Scripters ever got involved were a whole other level of wacky far beyond even SWF22R thinking crows are generically-modified watchers monitoring his every move.
>> No. 278850
>thinking crows are generically-modified watchers

Damnit, another derp. Should be "genetically-modified watchers".
>> No. 278920
File 135005437911.jpg - (164.27KB , 1000x718 , Vladimir-Putin-Plastic-Surgery-Before-and-After.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>an overwhelming, unfulfilled physical desire for Brent Spiner

When I started watching Gail (I don't watch her anymore), I thought she's talking about "my men Vladimir Putin and Red Spider". And so I imagined RED SPIDER, some "former" KGB comic-book-figure dude (you know, like Black Widow) murdering evil Jesuits left and right.

I was disappointed to learn it's just some old actor or something.
>> No. 279049
Damnit, past noon Portland time and StealthWaveF22Raptor hasn't posted a damn thing yet today. He'd usually have around half a dozen videos of random cars and trains up by now. I really hope that lame conspiracy troll attempt hasn't discouraged him from posting altogether.
>> No. 279188
  The video's just the usual random traffic, but the title is Godwin-riffic.

It is just like Nazi Germany, though. I saw a documentary on the History Channel just last month all about Hitler's Blauautowaffe brigades and their masterful tactical strategy of seeking out non-blue-cars on the Kraftfahrstraße (the precursor to the Autobahn) and overtaking them... for victory... somehow...
>> No. 279193
File 135009856151.png - (10.93KB , 642x195 , epin ween trawl.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 279202
I KNOW RITE :DDDD HUR HRU RHU, well thank you for wasting your time taking a screenshot of it.
>> No. 279265
  "Dumb Moments in Organized Stalking".

I like this comment from "oogaboogan" from 8 months ago that basically sums up 90% of vehicular-related gang stalking:

Remember folks:

1. A car next to you on the road that is driving slower than you is a gangstalker.

2. A car next to you on the road that is driving faster than you is a gangstalker.

3. A parked car is a gangstalker.

4. A car in motion, but not necessarily on the road, is a gangstalker.

5. A car that doesn't use blinkers is gangstalking you.

6. A car that DOES use blinkers, is gangstalking you.

7. Any car painted any color other than primer gray is a gangstalker.

Happy filming!

[I could add another one: any car whose license plates has any two numbers in a row that corresponds to police codes is a gangstalker.]
>> No. 280134
  Not sure if this "Targeted Individual" is a parody account or not. Totally over-the-top title of this video "Gangstalking by gangstalkers who gangstalk gang stalking organized evil".
>> No. 280138
>all cars are gangstalkers
>> No. 280970
  StealthWaveF22Raptor's latest creepy obsession; the woman at the cash register of the ARCO station who is always coughing. I'm going to go ahead and guess that she has a persistent cold, she has some kind of respiratory problem, or she's a heavy smoker and, no, the government is not paying her to cough on cue when StealthWaveF22Raptor is paying for his burritos. He's made several camera-obscured videos of the same Arco lady over the past week (you can only hear her voice).
>> No. 281012
Why would you stalk someone?
>> No. 281026
Either you are Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles style crazy or you are a cocks starved poster from /cwc/ to name two reasons!
>> No. 281955
Raptor replied back to me, nothing like that combination of LSD and Prozac he thinks I'm on.
>> No. 281984
Was it a PM or was it a reply to a video comment? I'm looking at the "Black suv Plate Oregon 359 FWM MENACING ON i26 east" video with the "Pentio" comment and don't see any reply from StealthWaveF22Raptor there.
>> No. 283676
  Possibly his creepiest video yet, going over the Linked In page of someone who was in the same community college class as him in 1982 and went on to great success at a major computer manufacturer and then complaining in the description about how he himself got blacklisted somehow. Maybe he is as smart as the other guy, poor spelling aside, but I suspect the main reason he didn't get far in job interviews for these high tech positions were because his... umm... personality quirks (mainly paranoid schizophrenia-related) were evident even back then.
>> No. 283677

Ah, finally found the comment by SWF22R on "Mr. Brunchies"' comment page.

Maybe he's the one who should lay off the acid, always seeing alien faces in clouds and thinking all crows are wired with cameras and microphones to track him.
>> No. 283683
Speaking of fake birds...
>> No. 283812

Raptor just replied to you again, asking if you're a Reptilian. I'm not sure if he's being facetious or not. (I know he believes in Reptilians, but I get the impression that he's figured out that you're just trolling him.)
>> No. 283830
Oh, StealthwaveF22Raptor also posted a reply to "Mr. Brunchies" in the comments to his video showing his old college classmate's Linked In profile:

"no it wasnt success that got him that . It was his background from family and he was the smartest of the 6 that graduated . some might feel like you do bout me but not all some law enforcement show that im not a failure and show a respect when i come in contact with them and they know i respect them MrBrunches i have been told by visitors that they are protecting me from you so you can say anything and i will continue to complete my mission to expose the black spinning disc and there mission to poison the earth with chemtrails and use hologram cloud animation to put fear and terror in the minds of all humans on earth the rainbow ships and their pilots protect me from evil ones like you you cant harm me or control me"

"Black-spinning disc"? I know he believes in extraterrestrial craft visiting Earth (and believes that he himself has been abducted numerous times, naturally), but this is the first time I remember him mentioning a "black spinning disc".
>> No. 284213
  StealthWaveF22Raptor is having another day where he's especially paranoid about seeing silver cars, just like in his video that Cracked made Internet famous in their article "4 Unhealthy Mentalities the Internet Turned into Movements", but the fear of silver cars seems to be pretty universal amongst paranoid schizphrenic "Targeted Individuals". Here's a video from a girl in England who has the exact same silver car phobia as Raptor.
>> No. 284241
WOW, am I really late to the party. I actually found this Youtube video dedicated to organized stocking, but hesitated to becasue I wasn't sure if this was lolcow material.

I'm glad this shit is getting pointed-out, regardless.


Sorry for the lack of embeded video, the board keeps rejecting the tag.
>> No. 284278
Yeah, I've seen that video several times. Hard to say what's really going on. Obviously they are looking at something, she claims she's parked too far for them to notice that she's filming them but I suspect the guy did notice and is pointing it out to the others. Plus, you don't get the full context of what's happening or why she's filming the random guy in the first place, she only wants you to see it from her point of view where he's suspicious and she isn't.
>> No. 284281
  Here's a "Targeted individual" that at least had better camera equipment and skills compared to SWF22R. She had a fairly high-powered zoom lens, so you could see helicopters in the sky in San Antonio in ridiculously close-up detail. The video here is the last one she ever posted, over 3 years ago. Did she die, did she get institutionalized, did she just lose interest in posting paranoid videos, or was she right and the gang stalkers behind the conspiracy finally got shut her up?
>> No. 284353

>> No. 285011
  Delving further into the spooky world of self-proclaimed "Targeted Individuals" who posted videos to Youtube and then "disappeared", here's "victimsuniteify", a woman in Georgia who uploaded videos mostly 10-15 minutes in length of the traffic she encounters, with creepy zoom shots of drivers and their license plates. She's a little more articulate and specific than StealthWaveF22Raptor. She thinks the cars following her around travel in groups of about six, mostly white and black cars with one red pickup and maybe a van. She says that she's talked to a few of her "stalkers" and believes that the gangstalkers are members of a church trying to recruit her. What I think happened is that she probably had Jehovah's Witnesses or Mormons come to her door or maybe approach her in a parking lot and confabulated it with the cars she believes are following her around. She also believes that people randomly put items into or take items out of her grocery cart.

Diagnosis: paranoid schizophrenic. The chattier, verbiose kind, just like Gail.
>> No. 285012
I bet most TIs who vanished have been committed or started to think that the internet was just another venue to be pursued by stalkers.
>> No. 286315
  Hey, "MrBrunchies", now you've raised the ire of not only StealthWaveF22Raptor but also his paranoid schizophrenic ally 131kimber.

"Troll alert. This message is brought to you by the decent people of the USA. You are committing an act of terrorism. Harassment, stalking and intimidation to innocent people. Cease and you can keep your wonderful life. If not - all legal actions available will be brought against you as an individual as well as the group you serve."

I'd love to see what kind of legal action 131kimber could bring against you when she thinks even the police are gangstalking her.
>> No. 287517
  Now StealthWaveF22Raptor seems to be staying with his mother and he thinks the lesbian couple across the street is harassing him by, gasp, driving red and white SUV's, and he calls them "hypocrits". Yes, the only reason they ever could have possibly chosen the colors they did for the SUVs they drive is that they knew ahead of time that sometimes the middle-aged son of the old lady across the street stays with them and he really hates seeing cars in certain colors (well, all colors actually, since I don't think there is a safe color of car to drive anywhere Raptor might be if you don't want him thinking you're harassing him).

I think Raptor really needs to study up on the whole concept of Occam's Razor, and he might want to get a doctor to prescribe him Seroquel.
>> No. 287528
Okay, your 'trolling' of schizoids is going too far. I think that in actual fact these cutting-edge conspiracy theorists are really onto something here. 'Gangstalking' seems like a really interesting concept, especially given that jesuitish culture is really codified gangsterism, it logically follows that the jesuits are promulgating the bulk of this trend. Naturally, they'll be doing none of the dirty work themselves, they have 'better' things to do like ripping off everybody else. However, with a reserve of ne'erdowells to do the bidding of a bunch of parasitic khazzarite parasites infinitely in abundance at their disposal, there will always be that one little pleb bastard at the ready, for hire by the hour, that has nothing better than to contemplate on how to devastate the lives of mentally ill retards.
>> No. 287529
Forgot to add the namefield. G'ah.
>> No. 287541

But StealthWaveF22Raptor is Catholic so there's a reasonable chance he might actually *be* a Jesuit himself. Doubt he'd get along with Gail very well at all.
>> No. 287796
File 13528461681.jpg - (73.76KB , 500x323 , tumblr_mc56yfaawd1rj7wmqo1_500.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I feel bad for this guy, I sent him a PM asking how he knows it's not just a coincidence and he sent back a huge reply with stuff like "Do you have people coughing everywhere you go? They are wanting to make me ill" and for no reason whatsoever tells me pretty much where he lives and his life history.
>> No. 287812
File 135284983696.gif - (682.11KB , 320x213 , 1299510_o.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
That sounds interesting.....post it please
>> No. 287815
Well I'm not sure about posting it simce I don't want him feeling more paranoid but basically he was homeless for ten years (He also said he had been group stalked for 10 years at another point in the message) and lived between a forest and a motel until his uncle died and left him his house.

About the group stalking he just said things like he thinks he keeps getting followed (and leaves it at that) or vague things like he recieves electronic harassment, he didn't say who was stalking him but he said he thinks it might be Hitler who started the whole gang stalking thing because he treated groups as less than human and it upsets him that people would treat others that way and he's glad I am not a targ.
>> No. 287873

OP here. I don't think you need to post any private messages. If you poke through the guy's videos for a few hours and read the descriptions, you can piece together his life story anyhow. I have sympathy for the guy and I think he'd probably be helped greatly by treatment for his obvious paranoid schizophrenia if only he'd seek it. I'd say I don't think he's a danger to others and couldn't be committed involuntarily, but I am more than a little afraid that he will get into an accident driving with his camera in one hand and always being distracted by things not directly related to the things on the road ahead of him he should be looking out for as a driver.
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