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File 134991081041.jpg - (42.08KB , 640x480 , 168790_163022123750567_5593573_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
278067 No. 278067
HAHAHA I logged into my account today and guess what!! It's fine! So ALL of you can just STOP talking about hacking me cause we both know you're cowards and to stupid to do so! So any way I'm done dealing with you jerks and I jsut decided to rub it in >:D
Expand all images
>> No. 278068
File 13499108458.jpg - (34.88KB , 525x481 , thumb up.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Good for you.
>> No. 278070
So how's being a pedophile working out for you Casey? Do you feel shame over what you did with your sister?
>> No. 278095
Yes, I'm Casey and I'm a huge pedophile.
>> No. 278099
>> No. 278125
So when is Homer going to be changed to Casey?
>> No. 278128

Who the fuck is OP?
>> No. 278139
Hey, Casey. When was the last time you've seen your sister?
>> No. 278151
File 134991642167.jpg - (48.16KB , 510x640 , I Want to Believe Bigfoot.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 278153
> Casey done dealing with us.
> Casey tries to rub it in.
>> No. 278230
I swear this guy's kip from napoleon dynamite.
>> No. 278234
So, does he know about the ED page?
>> No. 278248
Have you thought of showing it to him?
>> No. 278250
I just figured if he's so enraged about being mentioned here, the persistent article would probably send him into a meltdown. I wondered why he hadn't so much as mentioned it.
>> No. 278253
Casey is a huge pussy and refuses to click on any links that lead outside of DA.
>> No. 278254
File 134993183036.jpg - (71.00KB , 518x599 , autistic.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Didn't he mention it in one of the earlier threads? I think he requested that it be taken down if 789 was in charge of that, but he didn't seem terribly upset about it (assuming it was actually him and not a troll).

Of course, if the article was rewritten by someone with a better grasp of English, his spastic brain might have an easier time wrapping itself around all of the nasty things it said about him.
>> No. 278257
He panics when anyone calls him to. Give him a call and see for yourself.
>> No. 278260
a pedo
>> No. 278296
You jerks KNOW you're wrong. You're just to afraid to admit it. Also NONE of you have the skills or smarts to hack my email and/or deviantart so LIVE WITH IT!!
>> No. 278298
Casey KNOWS he is a PEDOPHILE, but he's too AFRAID to admit it.
>> No. 278301

Cole just stop trying. Please.
>> No. 278305
You are all wrong wrong WRONG!! But I shouldn't bother trying to talk sense into you jerks because you'll only stay here and spread lies. My deviantart is safe.
>> No. 278330
Casey, I know you're retarded but, we've had plenty of other retards come on here to defend themselves, and they're usually more coherent than you.

You just keep asserting we're wrong, and if we don't agree with you it's out of fear or weakness. How are you not aware of how childish and weak an argument that is?

Why do you keep trying to goad this board into hacking you? Your posts are so over the top I initially thought it had to be someone posing as you in a personal army fashion, but then you started posting threads with art it was clear only you could have made. A five year old could be more rational than you're being right now.

Do you think anyone here would know or care about you if you weren't coming here and making new threads about yourselves and making outrageous demands? I didn't even read the original thread about you because it seemed boring. My interest only piqued when you started making an ass of yourself every day.
>> No. 278333
Okay first of all I am NOT retarded I only have a mild form of spasm called Aspergers syndrome. And second of all I didn't do anything wrong to deserve all these nasty lies being spread about me being a pedophile and/or child molester. So all I want is all mentions of me or my account being hacked to be taken down from this site.
>> No. 278334

>So all I want is all mentions of me or my account being hacked to be taken down from this site.

That's not going to happen, sorry.
>> No. 278336
Casey, maybe you should join forces with one Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. Together, you would surely overcome them dang dirty trolls!
>> No. 278341
Well, let's clarify, you're not attracted to children, you're not attracted to underage girls, you've never been aroused by art depicting either or drawn any, you haven't done anything sexual with your sister or any other underage girl, and that girl mentioned in your ED article isn't underage?
>> No. 278444
Well yet another day and my account is FINE! Also I have contacted the admin at [email protected] who WILL remove all mentions of me here!
>> No. 278447
If you're the TRUE and HONEST Casey, why didn't you reply to my message on DeviantArt?
>> No. 278450

No he won't.
>> No. 278470
Your DeviantArt is not safe. Also I've seen your 'private art' on your home computer, Casey. It's disgusting.
>> No. 278489
Jeez, wait til he realises what we've done with his bank account.
>> No. 278495
8 year olds.
>> No. 278498
He's too stupid to figure it out. We've already infiltrated the bank after all. He'd have to get into the Bank vault to see for himself, and if he can't get the bank to let him into their vault, it will be too late. The bankers have already been told to lie to him.

How's the plan going to have CASEY IS A PEDOPHILE as the headline to tomorrows newspaper going?
>> No. 278500
No, no. We put that headline in the free press papers.

When we try for the big league papers, we're going for "INFAMOUS PEDOPHILE DENIES CLAIMS DESPITE PROOF"

The editor's just skimming the accompanying article as we speak.
>> No. 278515
Also, there will a major network (I'm not supposed to say which) that will be running a piece on the connections between spasm/aspergers, Sonic the Hedgehog, and pedophilia.
>> No. 278518
>> No. 278529
I see you're choosing to ignore these questions: >>278341

Clearly you are a pedophile.
>> No. 278648
Care to leak any of it to the board?
>> No. 278669
If he did that, there's a good chance we'll all have to burn our HDs
>> No. 278690
File 134999986810.jpg - (108.88KB , 900x715 , 134868279139.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Is this one of his secret pictures?
>> No. 278696
This guy admits to being a pedophile
>> No. 278770

Dude has as his profile name that a fictional kindergartner is hot. Pretty obvious that he is a pedofork.
>> No. 278796
He was also the spammer here on the board.
>> No. 278807

Funny, I thought that was Cole.

Still, I had a run-in with him in the past over his pedo tendencies.
>> No. 278830
Be sure to scan it to the board!
>> No. 278842

Also, if you look at his drawings, it looks like a 5 year old drew them. That might explain his defense of Creepy Decker.
>> No. 279019
File 135006715662.jpg - (263.90KB , 881x698 , SorryLosers!!!.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
What's this!!! I'm still not hacked!!!! HAHAHAHA what sorry jerks you all are. Talking about having me arrested for pedophilia as well as hacking and/or deactivating my devianatrt! Well guess what I'm gonna keep rubbing it in to you losers!!!
>> No. 279020
We've cut off your website from the rest of the Internet so that nobody but you can see your DA page.
>> No. 279021

Pedophiles aren't allowed on this website, you need to leave.
>> No. 279023
If you did that then how come someone just commented on my art hmmmm???? OH wait!!! That's because you're all a bunch of liars who are trying to scare me!!! Go ahead and try to hack me!!! Do your wrost!!!! I wanna see you TRY AND FAIL!!!!!!
>> No. 279028

We have over 800millionbillion hackers, what do you have?
>> No. 279031
Oh yeah??? Well go ahead!!! Once you hack me the admins will give my account back!!! So DO IT!!!! Go ahead!!
>> No. 279032
Who the fuck is this little asslicker?
>> No. 279034
File 13500692963.png - (19.81KB , 561x169 , casey message.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
so I asked Casey if he is the guy posting here, this is his response
>> No. 279044
Now I wanna know more about this Bubbles weirdo.
>> No. 279054
He's basically a self admitted pedophile who trys to defend Casey from any dang slanderous trolls
>> No. 279064
>implying that commenter isn't a fellow hacker/troll just trying to build you up for your inevitable downfall
>> No. 279067
I've said it once and I'll say it again. You jerks are all WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONGWRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG!!!!!!!!
>> No. 279070
Actually.............you are wrong.
>> No. 279075
At least I dont go around spreading lies about people being a pedophile and/or child molester!!!!
>> No. 279076

It's not a lie if there's demonstrable evidence that he is. Foot fetish pictures of Lyra anyone? You know, someone who's no older than 12?
>> No. 279077
Ah, but you do! Specifically, the lie that you aren't a pedophile and/or child molester.
>> No. 279078

lol at the review.

>> No. 279081
What the review really said:
>> No. 279084
>this is a true digital anthro gem
>> No. 279099
Ask him if he's seen the ED page.
>> No. 279104

He probably has and the page is shit.

Inb4 Hi Bubblesishot/Xycole!
>> No. 279128
Did you people miss the part where the guy posting here isn't him?
>> No. 279150
Who wants a go at rewriting the ED page?
>> No. 279151
No, but OP's still a Moe-Lester in any case.
>> No. 279340
Well I'm online now and guess what!!! Account is still safe!!!! Let's see if i'll go through a week without being hacked which I WILL because you jerks are a bunch of lyng losers!
>> No. 279352
i've said it before and i'll say it again, these threads are endless troll bait because of shit like this >>279340

in other words, fuck off.
>> No. 279362
File 13501574027.jpg - (103.54KB , 894x894 , CreepyCaseyfavorite.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
He gets weirder and weirder each day. Like I found this pic in his favorites with this comment
"One thing's for sure, that looks very nice and sexy. :D"
>> No. 279363
>> No. 279369

Number 1: What are you going to do if we don't?

Number 2: Do you really want Casey to stop getting trolled? Then stop posting and we'll quickly forget about him.
>> No. 279372
Sorry to hear about your spasm.
>> No. 279382
I see someone does not know what sarcasm is. By that case then Hai Mark.
>> No. 279600
This guy has seriously fuckked his brother Cole's brain up. I mean look at all the furry foot fetish stuff he shows him. Also if you look at Cole's facebook he talks about virtual sex on IMVU
>> No. 279604
Does he list his IMVU name? I've got a couple accounts on there.
>> No. 279681
I've managed to get into contact with someone named Aaron Craig who's known Casey since 6th grade. He'll be happy to answer your questions.
>> No. 279684

This is delicious!
>> No. 279713
We need a chronology from when Casey's sick fuckery began up to present time.
>> No. 279893

What's da update on Aaron Craig?
>> No. 279944
fucking gross.
>> No. 280046
Aaron has responded to my questions.
Q: What was Casey like in school?
A:"I honestly didn't see him to much in school mainly because he was mainstreamed in very few classes the only classes I can remember him being mainstreamed in was communications and possibly art. He didn't have open campus privileges."
Q: When did you see him?
A:"My family was friends with his father Gilbert who occasionally host BBQs and since Casey was really the only kid my age there I naturally just hung around him. This was back in 6th grade btw. He seemed kind of uncomfortable around just staring at his feet and kinda mutter something."
Q:What kind of conversations have you had?
A:"I remember during high school a few times my family would meet upn with is and he'd talk nonstop about an animated movie called Cats dont dance as well as Sonic adventure for the gamecube. He constantly ask me to call him S Fan for some reason or Casey the hedgehog. So yeah he became a lot more talkative during that period of time. "
Q: Do you know about his life prior to when you met him?
A: "Nothing interesting, but I do know he was mainstreamed briefly at the begining of 6th grade prior but he did something that forced him out of it. I remember is mother being pretty pissed at the school."
Q: Any stories of note?
A:"Nothing really but I do remember back in about 2010 he was kicked out of the library of screaming at someone to not let him use the computer for more than an hour."

Any questions for him /cwc/?
>> No. 280073

How did other students react to Casey?
Do you know what got him fired from his job as a janitor?
Did you know he was a pedophile furry before now?
>> No. 280354
He's responded to the next set of questions.
Q: How did other students react to him?
A: He wasn't bullied or anything if that's what you mean since he didn't have open campus privilges but I remember he'd complain in middle school that people bullied him when in reality they just disagreed with his opinion.
Q: Do you know much about his work history?
A: Not really I remember he worked briefly at Dairy queen and then mcdonalds and got fired for something he claimed he didn't do. What it was I have no idea.
Q:What do you think of everyone accusing him of being a furry pedophile?
A: Say what??? I suggest he just ignore it then.
Q: Has he ever been in trouble with the law?
A: Nothing serious I know of but I remember he got into some kind of legaltrouble and his sister took the heat for him.

He'll be happy to answer any more questions you might have
>> No. 280355
Did Casey ever talk about his drawings or original characters?
>> No. 280360
How were Casey's interactions with other special needs students?
>> No. 280984
New batch of answers from Aaron
Q: Did he frequently talk about his art.
A: He would constantly praise art he did of sonic or anthro dalmatians. He would constantly say over and over again how successful he was despite his spasm.
Q: How did he act in special needs?
A: I don't know I was mainstreamed in middle school he'd just kinda stare at his feet and flap his hand and if someone asked him a question he'd panic and run out the door.
>> No. 281095
What do you think of casey brainwashing his 10 year old bro into being a "gay furry foot fetishist"?
>> No. 281150
File 13505117404.jpg - (6.91KB , 180x180 , 573163_100001030868988_956709057_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This was his 11 year old brothers profile pic
>> No. 281564
This thread is still up.
>> No. 281569
This thread is also shit.
>> No. 281579
>> No. 281582
Casey seemed to think he'd gotten it deleted: >>281560

He hasn't checked /L/ either.
>> No. 281619
Bumping for more tard rage from our resident paedophile.
>> No. 281624
Casey Decker was to busy molesting children to check if this thread was deleted
>> No. 281625
We don't know that for a fact. We do know he was probably busy thinking about it, but that's not a crime.
>> No. 281629
File 135062835926.jpg - (124.23KB , 500x329 , weirdalcartoonnetwork.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Best to not piss this pedo off.
>> No. 281632
Casey's getting a little too smug for my liking.

Someone needs to hack his account for real.
>> No. 281633
Casey, I summon thee.
If you really want us to stop calling you a creepy pædophile then please explain the thing with your sister and then we can move on to some of the many of what I am sure are misconstrued situations. If you are innocent we might even feel bad enough to remove your threads or at the very least apologize as we did for Sammy.
>> No. 281636
It's a good thing the admin removed any mention of you being a pedophile from the site, isn't it Casey?
>> No. 281638
Casey, you may not realize it yet, but we're trying to save your life. Getting your account hacked and shut down might be the only thing that saves you from a child pornography investigation, seeing as how you see nothing wrong with drawing fetish images of girls under the age of consent.

The internet is a big, scary place, Casey. People get their computers seized by the authorities for a lot less. Good luck out there, champ.
>> No. 281641
NONE of you will hack my deviantart it is safe from you. I also want the admin to lock this topic as well.
>> No. 281643
How about no
>> No. 281647
>> No. 281648
If I hack it it's to post rugrats rule 34.
It's believable coming from him, and yet a step too far. Not illegal, but way creepy and perfect.
>> No. 281652
Casey, don't you see that nobody gives a shit about hacking but you? The only reason nobody has hacked your account is because nobody cares about you, you fucking pedophile.

Seriously, stop coming here and shitting up this place with your early adolescence. Go fap to some poorly-drawn baby animal feet or something. I'm getting so sick of seeing you post new threads. You're really nothing but a giant attention whore who has to keep drawing attention back to himself with new threads every week or so.

In conclusion, sod off already; nobody cares enough to put the effort forth to hack you.
>> No. 281653
It's no fun if they stop coming.
>> No. 281654

You and I have way different definitions of fun. Robbay is fun to me. Casey is more akin to a 3 year old child who won't stop badgering you for a snack, except instead of apples and peanut butter, he wants to be the centre of attention. What do you see in him? That's a serious question, by the way.
>> No. 281686
>implying that that's not exactly what Rob does only with the addition of drugs.
>> No. 281690
I think thats a major common thread amongst lolcows. They all seem to be manchildren to some extent.
>> No. 281694
Well I am relieved that none of you plan to hack me but still it hurts worse than a hornet sting when I see you jerks hate me and what I enjoy in life.
>> No. 281703
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles isn't a manchild to that extent. He's a paranoid, pathetic, backstabbing, couchslothing, 'transfluid if it means I get laid' spastic whom has no faults and can't seem to follow his own instincts. Probably going to get called A-Log for this, but what the hell.
>> No. 281704
Except the things you enjoy is pedophillia
>> No. 281705
At least Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles doesn't like Sonic.
>> No. 281712
Casey discusses feet. http://comments.deviantart.com/1/330202815/2774823492

>If it's the feet of a younger character such as Cream The Rabbit, it would be considered cute. If it's the feet of an older character such as my original character Whitnee Squirrel, it would be considered sexy (since she is an adult).
>> No. 281716
Why is Casey such an ugly mofo?

Big pink lips, pedo mustache, grandma glasses. Shit Casey get it together.
>> No. 281725
He is on his deviantart now anyone wanna hack him while he's on?
>> No. 281729

Am I the only one who thinks TeXD is the only decent friend of Casey?
>> No. 281735

>dat pedostache

They should be able to arrest him for just that. 10 times out of fucking 10, someone who looks like this molests children.
>> No. 281759
Weird Al didn't.
>> No. 281764
Weird Al could pull it off.
>> No. 281774
What will it take for you to stop being so hateful towards me? All I do is draw cartoon animals for a living. What's wrong with that?
>> No. 281776
You really make a living with your drawings?

As in it accounts for the majority of your income?
>> No. 281777
I DO get an income but it's only enough for what I need.
>> No. 281783
That comes from the drawings? Who buys your stuff?
>> No. 281784
But you live with your parents. Also we don't care if you draw, the problem is with you being a creepy pædo
>> No. 281801
Serious question.

Why is it that people with bizarre fetishes are so socially maladjusted? Maybe I'm just a normalfag compared to the likes of Casey, but in a more professional/formal situation (and to some degree, I'm talking about things like dA) it seems like second nature to not bring up sexuality beyond when it's truly relevant.

But I always see lolcows being posted on here, and they always have some bizarre fetish. And it's almost never a normal kink like legs or feet. Maybe I'll never understand a man like Casey.
>> No. 281814
A lolcow doesn't need a bizarre fetish to make them a lolcow, but it certainly helps.
>> No. 281817
Weird people tend to like weird things.
>> No. 281827
Casey, have you ever been paid for your art?
>> No. 281835
File 135070106552.png - (86.23KB , 432x428 , Screen shot 2012-10-19 at 7_43_32 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
My attempt to get Casey on IRC
>> No. 281838
File 135070157979.png - (16.62KB , 411x155 , Screen shot 2012-10-19 at 7_52_29 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
He mad
>> No. 281839
lying out of his ass, too
>> No. 281840
File 135070196122.png - (26.39KB , 386x183 , Screen shot 2012-10-19 at 7_55_55 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 281841
File 135070197628.png - (15.11KB , 411x132 , Screen shot 2012-10-19 at 7_57_24 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 281842
File 135070199510.png - (46.55KB , 396x285 , Screen shot 2012-10-19 at 7_56_23 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 281843
File 135070201064.png - (47.89KB , 399x300 , Screen shot 2012-10-19 at 7_58_06 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 281844
File 135070202349.png - (17.75KB , 390x134 , Screen shot 2012-10-19 at 7_57_31 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 281846

>"How talented I am!"

Time to A-LOG it up.
Your shit sucks, You fail as an artist, You fail in creativity, You fail in stories, You fail in character design, You fail in taste, You fail at names, You fail at art as a whole.

Leave the art community, Your spasm is shitting the already shit filled sewer-pipe up.

Also, Hey, Casey hasn't came to the site to post here, Who's the unfunny homosexual deviant who keeps making these threads pretending to be him and who are the homosexual deviants believing him?
>> No. 281847
Get on IRC, Casey. We just want the truth about these pedophile rumors. Don't you want to clear your name?
>> No. 281849
his little brother and retarded friends?
>> No. 281857
File 135070407251.png - (43.26KB , 360x299 , Screen shot 2012-10-19 at 8_33_37 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Casey is upset little children didn't come to his house for candy
>> No. 281859
Doesn't he have to turn off all the lights between certain hours that day, legally speaking.
>> No. 281863
File 135070523810.png - (106.30KB , 390x621 , Screen shot 2012-10-19 at 8_53_00 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Casey gets butthurt over his sister
>> No. 281871
Is he using a /cwc/ wordbutter in that post?
>> No. 281875
Why are so many lolcows permavirgins?
>> No. 281877
File 135070959684.jpg - (13.66KB , 405x447 , 1349360488699.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 281883
I have sex, but by all accounts I'm a bit of a irl lolcow. I say and do dumb shit all the time.
I like to think someone is watching and entertained.
>> No. 281899
File 135076441356.jpg - (22.88KB , 220x279 , !!!.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Ohhhh yessss
>> No. 283549
It took him 2 months of constant convincing to come here
>> No. 283551
Lucky us.
>> No. 283552

Thanks for putting this back on the front page.
>> No. 283553
All of those screenshots are 2 years old.
>> No. 283555
File 135114230759.jpg - (20.54KB , 620x340 , dg1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Casey is attacking from our exact location, but he is attacking from 2 years in the past.

This is very hard for me to tell you, but...

In order to troll Casey, who is attacking from the past, you must warp to the past. This can be done by way of the "Phase Distorter 3." However, the machine cannot warp living things, I mean lifeforms. Life is demolished in the process of warping. The only way to accomplish the time travel is to transfer your brain "program" into a robot, and send the robot to the past.

...The transfer means that your spirit will go with the robot while your body is left behind...

I cannot promise that your spirit will come back after hacking Casey's DA in the past. Yes, you must understand that you are the chosen ones.

Do you still wish to troll Casey by travelling to the past?

>> No. 283567
Luckily AATC was phishing furries dA'a 2 years ago, so caesy has, in fact, been hit.
>> No. 283651
god why do they always make their situation 1000x worse by posting shit like that. Fucking spasts.
>> No. 283771
File 13512142258.png - (16.98KB , 414x138 , Screen shot 2012-10-20 at 12_25_35 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
He posted this when the site went down.
>> No. 283780
File 135121609267.png - (137.35KB , 407x438 , Screen shot 2012-10-25 at 6_42_10 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 283781
File 135121610197.png - (13.31KB , 384x57 , Screen shot 2012-10-25 at 6_42_25 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 283808

In all fairness, that's what most people would think that's what it is at first glance.

Inb4 Are you a Commie(furfag)?
>> No. 283838
That penis kind of looks like a dog.
>> No. 283919
File 135127466888.png - (29.39KB , 471x230 , Screen shot 2012-10-26 at 11_03_39 AM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Casey is asked about another certain spastic manchild
>> No. 283924
He gets even sicker and sicker as time goes on
>> No. 283950
File 135128377493.jpg - (132.99KB , 720x480 , 38848_138833299490005_2462698_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Another pic of him and his hostage half brother
>> No. 283953
File 135128453555.png - (26.02KB , 402x224 , Screen shot 2012-10-26 at 1_47_33 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 283955
File 135128455370.png - (26.27KB , 419x303 , Screen shot 2012-10-26 at 1_39_58 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 283956
File 135128456747.png - (25.37KB , 399x191 , Screen shot 2012-10-26 at 1_48_26 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 283957
File 135128462719.png - (83.78KB , 421x477 , Screen shot 2012-10-26 at 1_49_48 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 283958
File 135128473917.png - (21.54KB , 414x163 , Screen shot 2012-10-26 at 1_51_38 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 283978
File 135129025288.gif - (1.22MB , 480x270 , city business people 2.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

How old is Casey again? Judging from the frivolousness of what set him off with exclamation points and an angry emoticon, I'd say he's about 8.
>> No. 283980
He's in his twenties, but he has the mental maturity of a seven year old.
>> No. 284009
File 135129895257.png - (34.66KB , 632x269 , Screen shot 2012-10-26 at 5_48_31 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I had a troll pretend to be a female sweetheart a few years back here is whate he sent her
>> No. 284011
File 135129900897.png - (59.08KB , 634x519 , Screen shot 2012-10-26 at 5_49_30 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 284012
File 135129901887.png - (33.86KB , 628x295 , Screen shot 2012-10-26 at 5_49_55 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 284013
File 135129905296.png - (63.81KB , 415x378 , Screen shot 2012-10-26 at 1_51_30 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Attention whoring on facebook
>> No. 284014
File 135129907371.png - (70.42KB , 402x442 , Screen shot 2012-10-26 at 1_51_11 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 284085
You will be reported for posting personal information! I think you jerks just hate Casey because you are all the real pedophiles :P
>> No. 284194
Hi Casey!
>> No. 284201
File 135136527629.png - (54.32KB , 478x116 , Screen shot 2012-10-27 at 12_14_05 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Casey claims his art has improved over the years
>> No. 284204
  Listen to his murmuring in the background
>> No. 284207
>average physique (mostly buff)
>> No. 284237

fun fact: unless US lbs differ from britfag lbs; at 6'4'' and 230 lbs he's about 30-40 lbs above his ideal weight
>> No. 284245
"I do know how to act like a mature person most of the time."
>> No. 284388
File 135145293762.png - (23.92KB , 400x157 , Screen shot 2012-10-19 at 7_58_23 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Casey wonders why he doesn't have any friends in the real world.
>> No. 284389
File 135145324718.png - (8.10KB , 631x120 , Screen shot 2012-10-28 at 12_39_42 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I emailed him recently telling him about this site and how there is nothing he can do about it and I got this response.
>> No. 284407
File 13514582592.jpg - (11.27KB , 304x231 , 1293350224917823.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Are you the weenfag who posts on every lolcow's blog/site comments telling them about /cwc/?
>> No. 284408
>> No. 284439
>> No. 284554
File 135147814346.jpg - (61.22KB , 704x480 , 2db698f0172a1ce7bc086dee018bbc4b.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
That was the most beautiful thing I've ever heard.
>> No. 284582
The best part is the frantic screams of JULAAAAAY followed by dead silence on Bob's end, as if he's waiting to see if they will actually try something worth acknowledging.
>> No. 284592
It's depressing to think that today's youths are deprived off yelling "JULEY" in Bob's ear.
>> No. 284604
Casey might well and truly be the second person UK police call in regards to Jimmy Saville's ring-of-evil.
>> No. 284609
File 135152293148.jpg - (1.57KB , 120x120 , no more ween.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You don't realize how much you miss something until it's gone..
>> No. 284621

For my fellow Amerifags, what's going down with Jimmy Saville is Jerry Sandusky on steroids.
>> No. 284631

More an honest troll, he called him Gary Glitter at one point.
>> No. 285336
Mixed in with the paedophile mustache that's a real creepy vibe he's hustling here
>> No. 285395
File 135165846731.jpg - (90.13KB , 720x480 , 38848_138833306156671_4087857_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Not to mention he only really hangs out with young children
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