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File 134995995499.png - (126.96KB , 373x273 , Screen Shot 2012-10-11 at 8_51_52 AM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
278370 No. 278370
Does anyone know what The Fanfic Critic is up to?
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>> No. 278372
File 134996071195.jpg - (188.63KB , 960x639 , 292407_441321905910952_588363399_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Not much. Still making shitty fanfiction reviews and starting fights with other YouTube nobodies. I was able to get inside access to her Facebook though.
>> No. 278374
Being a pathetic whiny bitch.
>> No. 278375
File 13499607876.png - (46.96KB , 721x239 , fanfic.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Yeah...I am not spastic. Far from it, actually. Also, you can have fun trying to rape me over cyber space 'cause it's not gonna happen. So, sucks yo be you, dick.

Well, she's not spastic and you can't rape her through the internet.
>> No. 278377
File 134996109643.jpg - (103.62KB , 960x720 , 385238_232666943465758_874738352_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
More cocks.
>> No. 278378
I want more pictures of her trying to smile.
>> No. 278381
File 134996145591.jpg - (84.93KB , 960x720 , 388975_232667633465689_320223281_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Delivered. Pretty much all of her pictures are depressing and a little disturbing. She's a 23 year old girl trying so hard to catch up with people half her age in social development.
>> No. 278383
File 134996165848.png - (21.69KB , 509x217 , Screen Shot 2012-10-11 at 9_19_45 AM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Life's been so hectic. It must be stressful to still live with your family in your mid 20s and work at Wendy's. That associate's degree in graphic design must be coming in real handy.
>> No. 278386
File 134996186580.jpg - (68.04KB , 720x540 , 31507_1269408543339_4996362_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
More attempts at smiling.
>> No. 278387
File 134996191063.jpg - (72.94KB , 720x540 , 31507_1269408583340_6725548_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 278388
File 134996193422.jpg - (28.45KB , 720x540 , 31507_1269408423336_8079330_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 278389
File 134996238547.jpg - (46.32KB , 604x453 , 2711_1037556947194_1702952_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
MY god.
>> No. 278393
>Still making shitty fanfiction reviews

Really? Reviews... of fan fiction? I thought there was nothing more stunting and corrosive to a fledging writer that getting involved with fan ficition and that whole community. Until I discovered someone is actually reviewing that shit. I have to know more about this lady.
>> No. 278395
File 134996374214.png - (48.31KB , 400x242 , smile.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I am not spastic. Far from it, actually.
>> No. 278398
Don't make the same mistake I did. Youtube/Google still thinks I like her, and now nothing I do has any legitimacy because it's trying to lump me in with her circles. I can't even watch Raocow without it recommending me something horrible. I mean, thank god for DuckDuckGo.
>> No. 278399
>something horrible
>> No. 278400

Wait, wait, wait, wait, she's on TGWG now? We know she had a perverse hard-on for The Nostalgia Critic, but she's finally a part of their team?
>> No. 278401
Check out her tumblr. She's hopped on the Social Justic bandwagon. Does anyone know if she's still a virgin? Did she turn to women? We know that she did have one boyfriend for a short period of time, but he was just as much of a spaz as she was.

>> No. 278402
No, they let anyone upload videos to that site, even A-log.
>> No. 278403
File 134996618588.png - (65.62KB , 502x381 , Screen Shot 2012-10-11 at 10_35_46 AM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
She's bi now.
>> No. 278404
That rape poster is hillarious, I am not sure if they are trying to troll each other or cause a fake moral outrage, or maybe rapists really do send letters ending with "RAPE RAPE RAPE, it's college boys live it up!!"
>> No. 278405
When did she become openly bisexual and social justicy? She was pretty fucking boring (just really spastic and spastic) when the first threads about her were started, but now that she's active on twitter and tumblr, maybe we can set off some of these TRIGGER WARNINGS she posts about.
>> No. 278407
File 134996701629.png - (471.80KB , 641x483 , gross.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

It looks like her site has died down a lot. Maybe if she had paid the $7 for extra bandwidth she wouldn't have this kind of problem. Hell, why do I even remember that shit? I really need to stop remembering minute details from random /cwc/ threads that 404'd 6 months ago. I'm not even a part of these sperg circles, yet I know more about their associated groups than most of the members themselves do. I wish A-log would let me be his friend.

Pic related, it's lady 'tism
>> No. 278408

Everybody is bisexual, you white privelidged cisgender fascist sperghomo.
>> No. 278409
Why can't she admit only being attracted to women? Just look ate her face. It's not like we didn't already know she was gay.
>> No. 278412
File 134996754194.png - (272.79KB , 486x566 , Screen Shot 2012-10-11 at 10_55_25 AM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This is the most exciting thing she has posted to Facebook in the past three years, a trip to Boston, which is basically right down the road from her sister's house. I fly business class to Boston about once every three months, all expenses paid, and this little Wendy's manager leaves her neighborhood once every three years.

It's kind of sad, really.
>> No. 278413
File 134996764846.jpg - (77.27KB , 720x540 , 31507_1269408983350_5981163_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
dat second chin
>> No. 278414
can anyone confirm her sexuality?
>> No. 278416
I thought she said she was a virgin, maybe that changed with a woman or something?
>> No. 278418
File 134996872933.png - (26.82KB , 495x95 , Screen Shot 2012-10-11 at 11_01_13 AM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Can we find the YouTube episode where her ex-boyfriend makes a cameo? Her ONE boyfriend ever, who is probably also a virgin.
>> No. 278420
>> No. 278422
If anyone needs a reason to hate her, she actually wrote her own TVTropes page about herself.

>> No. 278427
I used to think it was just internet sperg anime girls like the FFC that jumped on the bisexual bandwagon, but seriously every girl is bisexual now, wtf.
>> No. 278429
>hate her

Look friend, *I* know what you were getting at, but you're gonna get these fuckers screaming HI-A-LOG and never stop talkin' like that.
>> No. 278430
Who lives with their parents at 23 years old? WTF?
>> No. 278458
Dat second chin? Seriously?
>> No. 278464

WTF can move out of the house in this economy? Not everyone has the money nor the grades to own their own house in this day and age. It's a pain in the ass. I can't even get hired at 99% of the places I apply for. But, hey, life is what it is...
>> No. 278471
>dat second chin
>If anyone needs a reason to hate her
>Who lives with their parents at 23 years old? WTF?

>>278429 I think you're wrong, I think what we have here is an honest to God A-Log...
>> No. 278477
I wonder what the poster looks like. He's probably some fat neckbeard who hates Megan because he knows he'll never be able to find a pretty nerdgirl.
>> No. 278478
Sorry about your spasm.
>> No. 278480
>Not everyone has the money nor the grades to own their own house
grades? What do grades have to do with owning a house?
>> No. 278483
Decent houses and apartments do not fall from the sky. Not anymore, anyway. Just because you got lucky does not mean everyone else has to magically do at least as well as you. Especially not some sperg obsessed with the insane ramblings of other spergs.
>> No. 278484
File 134997898792.gif - (3.30MB , 267x200 , 2012-09-16 10_46_30.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

As long you're not a liberal arts major or NEET shut-in, you should be able to find a decent job. I don't understand how it can be so hard for people. I can understand the 40-something-year-old mother of three having problems jump starting her career after a couple of years of unemployment. But if your'e a 20-something with a college degree, and not a neckbeard or a NEET, you should be able to find *something* good enough to move out of your parents' house.

>>Who lives with their parents at 23 years old? WTF?

The guy who posted this should have known this is an exposed nerve for a lot of the /cwc/ posters, or he was probably trolling. Not all of us are unemployed, underemployed, or living with our parents. Shit, all I have is an associate's degree, and I still pull $45k doing IT and live in a fairly large apartment all by myself, and I'm her age.

Moral of the story: If you're still struggling to find a job that isn't flipping burgers at Wendy's, you should probably spend time going back to school for something more meaningful than "graphic design" than making shitty pop-culture reviews on YouTube.
>> No. 278485
That's what room mates are for. You get you and a couple other people who aren't adults yet and you all work together till you get your shit together.
>> No. 278487
I wasn't trying to appear superior to anyone. I don't even own a house, I live in an apartment. I'm just curious why he thought that "grades" applied to getting a house?
>> No. 278497
The old adage that good grades = good job = good money, hurr durr. I'd rather live at home for a few years and save up for a down payment rather than have an apartment eat those costs.

I just wish FFC would get her eyebrows down and fix her hair before doing a show. C'mon Megan, I'm not being unrealistic here.
>> No. 278499
Problem with 70% of FFC trolling is that it's really axe grinding rather than producing anything profound or funny.

The older I get though, the more I find the old mouth breathers of the anime clubs and people who self-identify as geeks weren't really cosmopolitan or overly intellectual. That really there lower-middle class nobodies who were the first generation of their families to attain a marginally broader inner life but still retain a very narrow comfort level with the unfamiliar their backgrounds saddled them with.

FCC seems to be a nice distilled expression of that demographic. Whats touches a nerve is her sheer banality and obscurity.
>> No. 278503
sitting through an entire episode of hers is really grating because you sit there and keep saying "get to the fucking point already".
>> No. 278510
File 134998413897.jpg - (52.00KB , 640x544 , 292407_441321905910952_588363399_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>people who self-identify as geeks weren't really cosmopolitan or overly intellectual.

No shit. That's why most of these "otaku" assholes you meet are college drop outs or community college undergrads (not a big difference) who don't know why anything works in the world of business. This is why they can't land a real job and end up working menial part time jobs at the Dollar Tree and have to live with their parents. Nobody cares that you majored in "video game design" at ITT tech, and you totally missed the point of going to college if you majored in Japanese just so you could watch anime without the subtitles.

>Problem with 70% of FFC trolling is that it's really axe grinding rather than producing anything profound or funny.

I disagree. There are a few glimmering moments when she addresses the "trolls" in her review videos, and she of course spazzes out and provides more reasons for us to laugh at her. The problem is that her videos are *so* prolific, and finding these moments involves sitting through dozens of hours of boring bullshit.

Fortunately, like Chris, Megan is so self-unaware that she really believes she has a chance at being Internet Famous(TM) without being a laughing stock. Positive reinforcement really gets her attention, and she'll keep making videos as long as she thinks she has a big enough fan base. Conversely, she'll fly off the handle at any hint of constructive criticism, which is always good for a laugh.

In short, if you want to troll Megan successfully, there has to be a semi-organized effort to balance the raw hatred (the A-Logs) and the disingenuous compliments. She has to feel important.
>> No. 278520
  She does a DVD-style commentary of one of her own reviews. How meta.
>> No. 278522
>No shit. That's why most of these "otaku" assholes you meet are college drop outs or community college undergrads (not a big difference) who don't know why anything works in the world of business. This is why they can't land a real job and end up working menial part time jobs at the Dollar Tree and have to live with their parents.

Is Homor a weeb, then?
>> No. 278523
I haven't been paying much attention to the Homor stuff. What exactly is his situation?
>> No. 278525
He's a high school dropout NEET who spends his entire life on these forums, which is a similar situation to what >>278510 described.
>> No. 278528

Why do his parents continue to let him live in their house if he doesn't work and isn't working to get his GED?
>> No. 278530
File 134998772048.jpg - (118.69KB , 700x875 , satyr.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
does she have any nudes?
>> No. 278541
>I fly business class to Boston about once every three months, all expenses paid

>> No. 278573
I'm not secretly FFC, am I?
>> No. 278578
File 134999307410.jpg - (157.89KB , 1000x995 , jorah.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>/cwc/ shits on people for having lacklustre (to them) lovelives

>Every time we have a "Why don't you have a girlfriend" thread 3 quarters of /cwc/ is seen to be a spergy as the lolcows

Why does it matter how many people she screwed?
>> No. 278585
Are people really dumb enough to wait until college to learn Japanese?

Your gif is the reason why I can't have /cwc/ as my homepage.
>> No. 278634
>>Are people really dumb enough to wait until college to learn Japanese?

Yes, I know two of these people. One is a guy who spent one quarter as a Japanese major. He hadn't learned any Japanese beforehand, but thought it would be fun to try to learn it and be the coolest guys at Ohayocon.

The other is girl I know who studied it in high school, actually did very well at it her first two years as an Asian Languages major, but ended up dropping out for reasons she describes as "social awkwardness." She apparently fell into a deep depression even though she had a 3.8 GPA and several scholarships, because she "couldn't make any friends." She not lives with her parents as a NEET in her mid 20s, but it isn't an irritating spectacle like FFC. She just kind of floats around her dad's house, reading yaoi magazines and doing lawn work. It's actually pretty sad.

>>I'm not secretly FFC, am I?

Wouldn't be surprised. Megan created her own Encyclopedia Dramatica article a while back ago in an attempt to promote her YouTube channel, but had it deleted when she realized that it only attracted negative attention. Bad SEO, Megster.
>> No. 278673
Is it Japanese too hard to study? I heard it's as hard as Chinese, that it can take ten years to learn it properly.
>> No. 278679
There's no real measurement of how difficult a language is. Technically, it takes upwards of 20 years for native Japanese to be considered competent in their own language, but the same can be said of all languages, and especially those that use Hanzi/Kanji. But practical use is about the same as other languages, at 2 to five years depending on the intensity of the course.

After that, phonologically Japanese is one of the easiest languages on the planet (even easier than Finnish). The grammar really isn't that hard (once you get passed "everything is a verb"), but it isn't as easy as Chinese (which is simpler but similar to English). Though Chinese is more difficult phonologically (e.g. x and sh represent two different sh sounds, like ch in German ich and sh in English English).

But for comparison's sake, even though Polish is more closely related to English, I'd say Polish is much harder than either (or Korean, or anything around the Chinese Sprachraum (a geographic region of languages sharing similar sounds, grammar, and idioms while retaining distinct, unrelated vocabulary), tones aside).
>> No. 278689
Thanks, a great and complete answer.
>> No. 278741
>knows people from Ohayocon
Sounds like you might have a few good irl lolcow stories in you.
>> No. 278751
File 135000679181.jpg - (67.26KB , 720x540 , 155211_177395718956832_4837571_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The snorlax on the left is Brenda Wessels, the creature that birthed the Fanfic Critic.
>> No. 278753
why does santa want to murder me?
>> No. 278756
Yeah, ok. She's not that heavy.
Not as much murder as rape.
>> No. 278760
None of her pants fit properly. I know that's the least of her problems, but it still bugs me.
>> No. 278761
>> No. 278766
>Are people really dumb enough to wait until college to learn Japanese?

How are you supposed to learn Japanese before college? The only person that I knew that had that opportunity is an aspie who got her parents to hire a private tutor.
>> No. 278769
Most highschools offer foreign language classes. Japanese is offered wherever there's a sufficient immigrant population.
>> No. 278772
> lol I lived in a white flight suburb, and we just had the standard European languages. I think the only place you could find a sufficient Japanese population would be a large city, California, or Hawaii. And there are a shit ton of Japanese people in Hawaii.

I ended up studying Spanish, and I got a pretty decent return on it.
>> No. 278773

Or if there are enough baka gaijin who think eating Pocky makes them Japanese.
>> No. 278774
Dat quote
>> No. 278776
But I'm not sure what's wrong with waiting after college to start studying a language, especially if you're not planning on using it professionally.
>> No. 278779
Your brain makes it harder for you after a certain point. And if you're learning it so you masturbate to Japanese prons you're doing it for all the wrong reasons. I mean, they're a culture, with music, art, philosophy, religions, and experiences that go back to the Wu and the Jomon. Pop culture reflects very little of the ancient society.

Anyways, this chick, that has nil to do with Japan. For those that have seen her vids, what do you think about whenever she corrects someone's correct grammar? Or when her reading comprehension shows? Or how like every response from her comes out after a deep long breath that can only be explained by her trying to act like a TGWTG cartoon character, and failing?
>> No. 278800
I'm reading her Tumblr now. FFC: A socially awkward virgin obsessed with rape.

She fits into the crowd perfectly.
>> No. 278825
File 13500173774.jpg - (21.50KB , 240x243 , JeffaaAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I bet she has lesbian rape fantasies.

But if you're majoring in it, studying it before college is almost required.

>> No. 278847
I'll admit a lot of the stuff in this thread sounds pretty annoying, but these threads never do anything for me for two reasons. First of all, she's boring as fuck. She's like a heavily sedated Linkara. There's just no funny to be had here.

Second, every single one of these threads has read like a personal army request. I can't help but wonder if the person making these threads is butthurt over some shitty fan fiction story she "reviewed". I mean, I'm assuming that's her schtick right? She overreacts and trashes fan fiction like the other review spergs do about movies, video games and comic books?
>> No. 278851
She's an spastic SJer with little social life, who rages online when provoked.

She sounds right up our alley. This community was formed on laughing at socially awkward man-children and getting a rise out of them.

Well, it was before A-LOG ruined it.
>> No. 278865
>> No. 278900
File 135005003619.jpg - (30.53KB , 568x426 , corgi.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Have you seen her really flip out? It's scary.
>> No. 278962
What I find elevates the people successful at this schtick compared to those who become FFC is that there is a slight aloofness from the taste and dispositions of their audiences.

Robot Chicken is a perfect example of this, never have I seen a show so much enabling yet so contemptuous of it's perceived audience.
>> No. 280307
>> No. 280324
>an spastic
Oh, wordbutter! You so cray-cray!
>> No. 284343
File 135143046743.png - (33.12KB , 308x80 , Screen Shot 2012-10-28 at 9_19_12 AM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
We have a birthday girl tomorrow!
>> No. 284346

I mean, she IS funny (the fact that she copies Doug Walkers schtick right down the the exact fucking facial expressions while becoming genuinely infuriated if you mention it) is pretty amazing, but yeah, the whole "Anthosing" of these threads really makes it hard to care.

I'll never understand it, every time we make fun of people that take this shit sooper dooper seriously we never sagafy their little personal lolcows, and without fail every time we get little tryhards ArmPitting it up.
>> No. 284374
In English, please.
>> No. 284387
i think he's saying that she's funny because she's completely unoriginal but takes it so seriously that she's deluding herself. or maybe i'm tottally off base, idk.
>> No. 284390
So after losing half my brain to homor's "podcasts" i decided to complete the circle and watch some of tgwtg's lesser "contributors".

FFC's... really not that illsuited for it all. Diamonda hagan or whatever it is for example. Just as deadpan, drole, stupid, uninteresting, painful. Not simply she nor the spergaboos allover.

Why God, why? Y?
>> No. 284596
Well she's not a contributor over TGWTG in any real way, lesser or not, she just posts there. She would fit right in though, I agree.
>> No. 284722
What's the deal with Homor? What did i miss?
>> No. 284726
>> No. 284739
This Homor loser is proving himself to be just as bad as FFC and the other Internet superstar wannabes.
>> No. 285127
File 135162424819.jpg - (30.05KB , 432x350 , ffc1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
What the hell is that? No, really, I don't understand what I'm listening to. Is that supposed to be a parody? Trolling?
>> No. 285141
Did she gain weight or has she always been chunky?
>> No. 285180
Seems like she's always been that rare kind of skeletal fat, where her bones give off that "she's a man deep down" feeling while still having meaty eyes, a wattle, and looking like she smells of shit and baked beans.
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