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File 134998866459.jpg - (258.32KB , 800x2100 , subperior.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
278533 No. 278533
here's the situation
I've been following cwc for years and laughed my ass off along the way.
Today I realized that I have become similar to a sense and I am mortified.

>graduated 2 years ago and been out of job since spring
>living at home due to the fact I cannot find another job
>no part time job (no one wants to employ me for some reason)
>aspiring to have my characters in a television show or game
> only have gotten to 3rd base ( in humiliating way possible)
>only really talk to are people I know on the web or people
that i knew

,-one of my characters

How do I recover from this guys?
Expand all images
>> No. 278534
well, sperger ur burger!
>> No. 278536
>> No. 278540
If it's any consolation I think your characters and your style are pretty cool.
>> No. 278562
>> No. 278566
>only have gotten to 3rd base
I hear axe body spray helps with that.
>> No. 278568
File 134999209064.png - (544B , 96x96 , 616.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>armored orcaoid
looks sort of familiar..

But anyway I'd say get more realistic about your job prospects, you aren't going to get a character on TV if nobody knows who you are.

Are you being overly picky about what job you want?
>> No. 278580
How old are you?

What degree did you earn? Was it from a 4 year or 2 year college?
>> No. 278706
I worked at a production company for a year
but the dude in charge ran off with all the money and the studio got shut down.

Been on my ass for about 6 months
I've been applying to every game, movie, and commercial studio that pops up on the search engines. I sometimes even go to conventions (like comicon) and professional meet ups in prospect of finding a new job.

The only thing that I really avoid are shooter jobs, because shooter people crap me via web, and are always the ones who say I will never get hired. And I always get long lectures from shooter peeps

That's an entirely different humiliating story
I could tell you if you want me to


a 4 year degree in media arts and animation
>> No. 278719
Rate your body on a scale of 1 to 10.
>> No. 278724
>media arts and animation
Would this school happen to be an Art Institute?
If so, I know your feel. Luckily I had some connections that helped with finding a job.
>> No. 278725
Please do.
Then, just keep your hopes up and realize that since you're aware of your situation, it will get better eventually, as long as you work toward improvning it.
But cmon, tell your embarassing stories, we need to light this thread a bit.
>> No. 278726
I'd say about a 6 out of 10 maybe higher

>my arms are really buff
>can lift 300 lbs
>no moobs
> have little to no body hair
>in relatively good shape
> I have flat feet so I can't run very fast
> gut bulges after a good meal

>no acne
>straight and white teeth
>large doe eyes
> my head is circular not because I am fat, it's due to the fact that my parents are originally a country in Africa where everyone has a rounded head and weak jawlines (most people of African American decent you see have lineage from west africa, they have harder features)
>voice is a bit higer than most dudes (don't have much base)
>rather large forehead
>gums show if I smile
>wear hipster glasses
> hair is a short fro
>> No. 278727
Maybe you should just get a job doing anything until you are able to find one in your chosen field?
>> No. 278732

I figured out the teachers were on bullshit
half way through and did things my way (made a shit ton of models and paintings on my own)I'd be fucked if didn't

that's the thing, I apply to part time shit jobs and have little to no results. (live in the country side too)

ok here's the tale
>attend new college
>everyone seems to be antisocial
>hangout in the dorm lobby to try to meet people
> a posse of girls approach me
> one is extremely overweight (350ish), one thin but has a large gut, one is tall and pimply,appears to be a valley girl, and another is fat but put together well
>they talk to me on several occasions and invite me to play video games with them
> we hang out on several occasion that semester and all seems well

to be continued......
>> No. 278733
Have you ever considered not posting on imageboards?
>> No. 278735
Well maybe try doing things that require more effort on their part like sending your CV through the mail or phoning if they are looking for someone since emails are a little impersonal.

Maybe ask at a relevant site if they think your art portfolio is up to scratch?
>> No. 278736
>next semester comes around and the girls seem awfully perverted.
>the tallest girl insists that I kiss the fattest girl, I am a tad nervous at first however; I eventually jump in and do it.(first kiss)
> they all start having me feel their breasts
> one night they want me to show them my penis, I was reluctant at first, but I complied (they said I was large)
> from then on they started pantsing me on the daily, showing other girls.
> I mention to them that I have never masturbated
and they plan to fix that.
> the largest girl and the valley girl corner me in their bathroom
>the valley girl unbuttons my pants and goes down to the floor

to be continued
>> No. 278737
itt spasM
>> No. 278739
OP, get away from /cwc/ . They will eat you alive.
>> No. 278740
> she takes off her pants and says "we match"
> it turns out that she was a GOD tier trap
>I tell them both that I am uncomfortable
> the fat girl hugs me (while my pants are down mind you) and tells me that this is what good friends do.
>the valley trap faps me off and sucks once while the fat girl shows me her tits
>I explode and leave the room with them
>the rest of the posse are right outside of the bathroom and clap

>one night really late the fat girl calls me over to their room
>she tells me to sit in her lap and I comply
>we watch something with me in her lap the entire time
>from then on she has me in her lap quite often and pantses me while in her lap

>one day she calls me over late and tells me to get complete naked
>she spreads my ass and sticks her finger in me
>she tells me to sit in her lap facing her and instructs me to fuck her belly button
>I comply and afterward she hold me in her lap completely naked (she is clothed though and I fall asleep in her lap)

that's the story and it happened to me about 4-5 years ago
>> No. 278742
I call in all the time
both part time shit jobs and the jobs I actually want.
>> No. 278743
Nigga you gay.
>> No. 278744
I want /r9k/ to leave.
>> No. 278747
OP's dox

Name: Morris Smith
Address: Warwick, NY
Phone number: (845) 987-4825
Date of birth: April 29
Email: [email protected]
Resume: http://www.themindofmorris.com/RESUME.html


Morris sperging out on another site: http://conceptart.org/forums/showthread.php?239238-2-year-grad-portolio
>> No. 278749
Thanks for confirming op is a fag
>> No. 278754
How was this revealed?
>> No. 278757
Search "ookashi prime" from the op image and follow the bread crumbs
>> No. 278759
and that's why you don't post personal shit on /cwc/. even if it's artwork.
>> No. 278762
Maybe you could've not went to the Art Institute? I think that's your big mistake right there.
>> No. 278765
lol that ween insult. did you hear about the art institute while watching transformers?
>> No. 278768
Did you get a free bowl of soup with that insult?
>> No. 278771
>no matter what site I am or what ever I produce, people are going to get angry.
They're not getting angry, it's called criticism. you asked them their opinion of your work, and you got it.
Part of your problem, OP, might be the fact that you attack anyone who gives you criticism, and THEN they get angry at you.
>> No. 278775
Everyone know AI is a shitty place to go study. I don't think most art schools are that useful, but at least they can provide connections. On the other hand, there is very little that's redeeming about AI, and it leaves you in a ton of debt. I know people can get successful after going there, but that's more due to luck and innate talent.
>> No. 278777
OP, before you leave /cwc/ for devouring you whole. I want to give you some suggestions to help you out. You actually seem like a nice guy in a den full of wolves.

1. The job market sucks ass. Companies are afraid to hire people. So traditional places like linkedin and monster are going to yield lower success rates than even 5 years ago.
2. This means you being in a non-stem field, got to take a piece of the pie. No one is going to give it to a non familiar person.
3. Which means you're going to have to think outside of the box. Start a youtube channel showcasing your art collection. Try tutoring kids on art. Try to teach at any college in the immediate area about graphic design. Even try to make your own series. Anything to get out of a sedentary phase.
4. The last is to work on your physical and mental well being. Go to the gym 3 times a week and eat properly. Go do public speaking courses at a local community college. Shoot, even try to go to an acting class. We're social animals and the people who know how to work it succeed at a higher rate than those who don't.

Good luck OP.
>> No. 278780
suddenly new namefags
>> No. 278782
lol why are you so angry
>> No. 278784
File 135001060137.jpg - (12.48KB , 200x182 , 71159_83318012375_3757209_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 278791
OP read this, and don't get too worried about the weenfags that roam these boards.
>> No. 278792
you misunderstand
shooter "meatheads" get PISSED whenever I post something. Draw shooters instead, guns this death,that.

I became a lolcow at one forum because I was making kids stuff on a "meathead" forum, so I've become a tad defensive and call people out before they start a fiasco
>> No. 278798
from what I can tell in that thread, they were talking about silhouettes and character design, then you brought up "meathead death shooters" out of nowhere. Why are you so fixated on that?
>> No. 278799
requesting move to /fail/

op just wanted his trap fanfic
>> No. 278801
1. Indeed, nothing seems to come from linkden at all
2. It seems as though all these chicks with almost no talent get hired on quick
3. Funny that you mention it, someone actually suggested that I consolidate my characters into a single story line. I was actually going to make a poster today.
4. Heh I hit the gym 4 times a week actually, it's basically the only thing that gets me outside of the house aside from going on occasional drives around town. I tend to eat alot of crap along with the healthy stuff too.
>> No. 278802
Had a bad experience on another forum
when I acted too kind and they made me their punching bag.

I saw death and gore in one of their portfolios and decided to take the initiative and not be jeer at by them.

People who like these things always give me a hard time sometime down the line
>> No. 278803
File 135001302484.gif - (64.04KB , 510x420 , daigurren.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Christ, OP! Your OC's are terrible! Those colors are so bright and childish, they look like straight out of some really crappy kids game. Hell, even World of Warcraft is more attractive on the eyes.

Also, Japan did Subperior years ago, and one million times better. Pic related.
>> No. 278805
>too bright
>kids games
>world of warcraft

SEE SEE they're here too


I'm not going to sit back and take that shit
>> No. 278806
>Those dang MEATHEAD JERKS take all da GOOD JOBS leaving me with NONE To choose from.

You should try hanging around animation studios with an attraction sign.
>> No. 278809
that's the thing
it's mostly teeny boppers who don't know shit all about anything; and think they're hot shit because they figured out udk and low poly.

Anywho, the meatheads are going for jobs I'm not interested in the least bit
>> No. 278810
File 135001402779.jpg - (62.27KB , 800x974 , Mario.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah!!! Calm down, sir! No need to be offended. Just because your characters are bad looking doesn't mean they need to look like a hyper-realistic representation. What you need, sir, are a few art lessons. Perhaps don't try to aim for everyone else, maybe simplify your characters a little. Also, don't try to make your characters look straight out of other works. That way, you won't have comparisons drawn. Aim for something less Skylanders, more pic related.

>> No. 278811
For what it's worth, OP I like your stuff. I'm also a huge sperg who loves transformers and megaman.
>> No. 278812
actually I did have alot more simpler character from 2009-2011
but I am not sure if people liked those to much so I decided to make them more complex in design....I was actually trying to go for the place that made skylanders for quite some time actually.
>> No. 278814
File 135001446153.jpg - (12.55KB , 480x360 , hmmmm.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
OP you should really read up on character design and watch some more cartoons to learn about good character design. Your logo for the company looks good but the designs seem like the cut out models on super Mario sunshine.

>> No. 278815
File 135001471189.png - (110.00KB , 336x398 , GigaLakitu.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
actually mario and kirby are my greatest inspirations believe it or not. I was going for more of a galaxy feel than sunshine..

What are good characters to you then?
>> No. 278816
Man, you've got a bug up your ass.
>> No. 278817
File 135001522393.jpg - (1.85MB , 1644x1144 , funvisuals.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Well for one, you can remove the stupid suction cups on Subperior and give him like real hands or no arms at all. Secondly, you make him more rounded like bullet bill, less like the damn spaceship from futurama. Next, give your characters less of a grin and just make it CLASSIER!!!!!!!!!

There you go OP, you should have talked to me before wasting 4 years of your life on college, also put more of a human form on some of your humanoid characters.
>> No. 278820
What type of jobs are you interested in? Where have you applied? Maybe you're not getting hired because the style in your portfolio isn't suited to that job. I would suggest putting some different styles of artwork in your portfolio, not nessecarily "ultra-realistic," but something to show that you're flexible with your artwork. Not everyone who hires you is going to want a model of a cartoon robot.
>> No. 278821
Is this that Nava-verse thing I keep hearing about?
>> No. 278822
There's no need to overreact.
>> No. 278829
File 135001851696.jpg - (17.14KB , 444x476 , Untitled-1-13.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
been doing some zscupts that look different

I am interested in mostly toy, game and tv kids tvshow gigs. Most the places I am applying to make similar things
>> No. 278831
File 135001896985.png - (22.58KB , 1241x302 , sperggggg.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Op, based on your forum posts, you sound like you're too defensive. I'd say you need to practice making connections and having meaningful conversations. You're awkward as fuck in person, right? For freelancers, speaking well is almost as important as making your characters memorable. There's nothing more intimidating than a socially retarded buff guy. Why don't you draw a webcomic or something? Homor might even want some more fake Sonichu pages.

You've never tried to help me with my life problems. Hmmph..
>> No. 278832

Overreaction? Nah. I think you're confusing me for OP. Either that or your spasm is taking effect. Because you know spastics can't understand emotions well at the correct times.
>> No. 278833
This isn't the 1990s. No one makes kid shows or toys that need character designers anymore. If they want someone to design a character they'll use a cartoonist.
>> No. 278838
Epin ween, my friend, epin ween.
>> No. 278841
File 135002072770.jpg - (29.37KB , 400x300 , businessman-stressed-tired-sad.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>uses logic
>gets accused of overreacting
>responds with a valid statement
>resorts to dumbass memes

Nice try, but you fail. Try trolling somewhere else.
>> No. 278862
I recognise your style from some things you posted over on 420ch. I don't know what you're worrying about, OP. You've obviously got some talent at bringing your OC to life instead of making awful anime scribbles. More importantly you're self-aware enough to feel shame for thinking you're as bad as other spergs, which is something they lack.
Huge numbers of young people are live-at-home NEETs these days due to the economy and stuff. Don't feel so bad for it.
So long as you're not drawing attention to yourself of people who call you a sperg, I wouldn't worry.
>> No. 278873
I just want to point out some things.

-When I saw OP's pic I thought the characters were generic enemies/bosses from a platformer game (I didn't read what was the thread about yet). Although you seem to be talented at 3D design.

-Talking about humiliating sex experiences about yourself in /cwc/? really?

-Doing whatever the fat girl told you to do? Do you even have dignity?

-Being jobless doesn't mean being a loser, a lolcow or whatever, unemployment is a very widespread problem especially these days. Forget about job sites, the only way of getting a job is getting interveiews.

-I don't think the reasons you listed are the real reasons that you are "like Chris", it's more of your behaviour in general. Being so defensive, thinking that any criticism means that your things are childish and that you should do shooters or whatever, even bringing your sexual experiences here...
Have you been diagnosed with spasm or aspergers? And I'm not saying it as an insult.

Good luck OP.
>> No. 278874
>taking anything in this thread seriously
>not redtexting
>> No. 278877
>So long as you're not drawing attention to yourself of people who call you a sperg, I wouldn't worry.

Isn't that exactly what he's doing by posting this shit on /cwc/?
>> No. 278882
This, I am pretty sure the point of an art portfolio is to show the range of your abilities.
>> No. 283921
File 135127670962.jpg - (139.55KB , 500x507 , paintover.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>don't think the reasons you listed are the real reasons that you are "like Chris", it's more of your behaviour in general. Being so defensive, thinking that any criticism means that your things are childish and that you should do shooters or whatever

There always seems to be some 18 year old who just learned low-poly who feels the need to shit on me, at first I took it as criticism, but soon realized it was bullshit once I saw their work and what they liked. I usually will prevent people from jeering before it becomes a problem

>even bringing your sexual experiences here...
just venting, I thought I was going to remain anonymous
on this site. It happened when I was 19, I was still green.

>Have you been diagnosed with spasm or aspergers? And I'm not saying it as an insult.

Tested when I was 10 , and the results were negative, they just said I was peculiar lad.

What is it with people in this country and their need to diagnose
>> No. 283933
File 135127994633.png - (18.72KB , 400x400 , what_the_fuck_am_I_reading.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 283935
Hi Rob.

Best bet: put together a website (your OWN- not a dA) to show off your portfolio. Try doing animated shorts with your models, post them to youtube and embed them on your site. Most people think of video game design as working on the next amazing war sim and making a shitload of money. But for every person who does that, there's 1000+ other who thought they were going to, and got slapped with the reality that it's a highly competitive market and not nearly as glorious as you would think. There's probably a much better success rate in the market for children's educational and adventure games as far as getting a job goes. You just need to get your foot in the door and make an impression.

Good luck.
>> No. 283936
Also, /cwc/ - Making spergs more self-aware since 2009
>> No. 283948
>put together a website (your OWN- not a dA) to show off your portfolio.
already got one

>Try doing animated shorts with your models, post them to youtube and embed them on your site.

Idk, animation never was my stick, don't think i am 100 percent at it,with everyone I have met it seems to be either or (no one can model and animate without the quality of one being sacrificed).

>There's probably a much better success rate in the market for children's educational and adventure games as far as getting a job goes. You just need to get your foot in the door and make an impression.

Been trying to apply to those
>> No. 283949
i did get my foot in the door and have experience, I just need another job.
>> No. 283961
Honestly, I suggest that you make your own job. Make youtube videos promoting your work, start drawing things in different styles to show versatility, and partner with a programmer to actually make a game instead of sitting around and waiting for someone else to take you in on their project. There's no reason at all why you couldn't create your own iphone app game.
>> No. 283963
Also, you've sort of unintentionally fucked yourself over. Now when potential employees google your website the search results are also going to show all of the forums you were acting like an idiot on. I suggest changing the name of your site to avoid this.
>> No. 283964
You shouldn't have revived this thread.
>> No. 284031
Good job doxxing yourself.

Are you so stupid you can't tell when people are just trying to egg you on?

Of course not, that's why you respond to them and didn't delete the thread
>> No. 284045
You're a massive spastic and your attitude sucks. This is probably part of the reasons you can't find work.
>> No. 284048
Worse than Hitler general?

>> No. 284050
I Second this.
You attack people who criticize your art and dismiss them as "Meathead shooter fans," rather than listening to their advice, growing as an artist, and making something an employer would want to hire you for.
If you want to work for a studio, you should never get in the mindset that you're the final authority on your artwork, and nothing can be improved.
If you have this much trouble taking advice from other artists on the internet, I'd hate to see you in a work environment where a boss asks you to change something they don't like. You can't just say "YOU DON'T APPRECIATE MY ART STYLE!" when your job is on the line. You take their direction, or you're fired.
>> No. 284054
talk sh*t get hit

been looking for one for awhile, can't seem to find any about.

Youtube videos might be a good idea

nope, I checked, nothing that bad actually shows up. Also notice how I never actually use any profanity on the, the only people I've told off are 18 year old whelps, who think they are masters of the universe or meatheads.

lol, you don't know about how I act.
neither do any employers.
I assume you are a 14 year old whelp

(Word censorship, even self-imposed, is not okay. Say what you mean or don't bother saying it.)
>> No. 284062
File 135130553072.png - (190.59KB , 208x200 , 1334016671161.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Good god, you're pathetic.
>> No. 284064
You pretty much just proved his point.
>> No. 284066
>>talk sh*t get hit

And that's exactly how you made a fool and lolcow out of yourself.
>> No. 284068
I was going to defend you, OP.
>> No. 284071
OP your shit looks like if Moleman9000 knew 3D modeling.
>> No. 284077
File 135130844314.jpg - (141.91KB , 500x667 , tumblr_lkapi9RZgC1qjxjvjo1_500.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Also notice how I never actually use any profanity on the, the only people I've told off are 18 year old whelps, who think they are masters of the universe or meatheads.

How many fedoras do you own? Do you combine them with wolf t-shirts, or do you have your own style?
>> No. 284080
>the only people I've told off are 18 year old whelps, who think they are masters of the universe or meatheads.

You realize that "meatheads" are basically your version of "jerkops" now, right?
>> No. 284081
Thanks for ruining one of the classiest pieces of clothing, fucking spergs.
>> No. 284082
Please tell me it doesn't vote because it's too cool or some shit.
>> No. 284083
OP I'm in a similar situation, and honestly you're better off than I am.

>never went to college, High School education
>no job of any sort, too out of shape to ever get one
>never had a girlfriend
>also aspiring to be a game developer, slowly but surely
>all of my friends have moved away, I don't really talk to anyone
>> No. 284084

See, i never got this kinda thing. If you don't wanna swear, just don't swear. Don't try to replace or censor swears, that just looks awkward and silly.

There's much better ways to express yourself without swearing, you don't need substitute them. For example, if you want to say "kick some ass" don't replace it with "kick some butt" just say "bust some heads" or "beat people up" or something akin to that.
>> No. 284086
Yeah! Like, if you can't write fаggot write homor. Homo is much simpler and shorter too.
>> No. 284090
>Don't try to replace or censor swears, that just looks awkward and silly.

Yeah, just like everything Homor's ever posted ever!
>> No. 284093
Those DANG DIRTY MEATHEADS keep trollin' my Original Creations. I swear, if those WHELPS don't stop TALKING SHIT, they'll going to be OBLIVERATED.
>> No. 284094
I know this type, they aren't to bright.
I once followed the advice of several of these folks
years ago and I realized that it was leading to ruin

Far from it,
I do not envy them, I do not aspire to be them,
nor do they have anything I want.

They are merely bothersome and to force their will on me

I am not a violent person nor a prideful person, but on the internet one must act like an ass or else they'll be trampled on
>> No. 284095
Get on irc, if you're not there already.
>> No. 284096
>I once followed the advice of several of these folks
years ago and I realized that it was leading to ruin
Well, clearly your current path isn't faring your any better. I mean, you came to /cwc/ for advice.

>They are merely bothersome and to force their will on me
That's exactly how Chris felt about "jerkops" and trolls. He didn't envy them at all.

>I am not a violent person nor a prideful person, but on the internet one must act like an ass or else they'll be trampled on

You act like an ass everywhere you go online and everyone shits on you for it, so I'm not sure how you can think that.
>> No. 284097
I never start things, I tend to end them though.
I really won't behave like a jerk unless someone pokes and prods after several threads.

Sometimes I am quicker to strike than others
>> No. 284099
I really won't behave like a jerk unless someone pokes and prods after several threads.

Sometimes I am quicker to strike than others
>> No. 284100
this is a quote
>see, it works
>> No. 284108
>forgetting to quote
>> No. 284189
>/cwc/ : The Job Experts
>> No. 284246
Fuckin' boppin' ass thread.
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