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File 134999641285.png - (388.18KB , 520x475 , love shy.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
278635 No. 278635
As requested, here is a loveshy/MRA general thread.
Expand all images
>> No. 278636
The 40 Year Old Virgin was a fantastic film. Steve Carrel at his finest.
>> No. 278637
Tumblring at the speed of sound!
>> No. 278638
Modern feminism is ridiculous and women are dumb.

Counter point?
>> No. 278640
In my humble opinion, it wasn't a great comedy, but better than many other comedies from that and these years.
>> No. 278641
I can't enjoy these threads anymore.

That fucking Tumblrfag who comes into SJ threads and screams "MRA! LOVESHY!" kinda ruined it for me. I just can't open my heart to this lolcow anymore.
>> No. 278643
Steve Carrel is a decent actor, I will give you that.
>> No. 278650
Did anyone else kinda see this movie as some weird, undercover author tract against pre-martial sex?

Seriously, everyone in the movie who has sex ends up miserable and sad and crazy, tons of jokes are made about how it screws up everyone's lives, and at the end the only person who has satisfying sex is the one who has it AFTER he marries the girl.
>> No. 278661
Maybe because he started as the guy who, because he hadn't ahd sex, was a miserable loser, and at the he got the last laugh instead of the "cool guys". I see it as poetic justice.
>> No. 278662
You mean.....SOCIAL JUSTICE? ;D
>> No. 278664
Check your virgin priveleges!
One of the reasons I liked the movie was thanks to the Steve Carrel character not being a complete douchebag. Hollywood thinks that a cool character equals douchebag, for some reason.
>> No. 278666
I think it was more about him being a decent guy the whole time while some of his friends where dickholes.
>> No. 278667
File 134999797828.jpg - (66.03KB , 640x480 , Bored Costanza.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>mfw I don't even lurk enough to know what the fuck "loveshy" means

Off to the google, I guess
>> No. 278670
I should have figured it would be that obvious. Goddamn I feel stupid.
>> No. 278671
Exactly. We will never have a complete certainty on what were the intentions of the screenwriter (or it's scriptwriter?). Many people write without being concious of their obsessions and ideas, but they do appear in their fiction or essays.
>> No. 278676
MRA means Men's Rights Activist.

Loveshy are a completely unrelated group mostly found in pathetic forums that blame all their problems on women, jocks, more successful men, and so on and essentially assert they are deserved sex.

In the various Social Justice threads, because one of the groups highly mocked are modern feminists, someone has for weeks been popping in and calling everyone a loveshy and an MRA and accusing them of promoting rape and violence against women, when nothing of the sort ever happens or is discussed, and no one in the threads identifies as part of either group.

It's either a failtroll or a butthurt tumblr user, but either way they're a complete idiot.
>> No. 278681
Did you hear? Retsupurae is doing PewDieFag. The shitstorm is gathering.
>> No. 278684
File 134999937929.gif - (683.93KB , 176x120 , that's adorkable.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

It's LiquidMr. Robert Wayne Stiles posting anonymously.

Funny how tripfags are still homosexual deviants without their trips.
>> No. 278686

>> No. 278687
Haha, link if there's any thread talking about.
Pewdiepie is such a shitty LPer, spewing his own memes in all of his videos and doing shitty jokes.It's like a watching a 12 years old.
>> No. 278691
File 134999994414.gif - (35.98KB , 321x241 , You Make Me Sad.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 278694
A thirty year old asshole who acts as a twelve years old kid, and makes money of an "army" of twelve years old brats, who also happen to be a pack of rabid dogs, attacking everything that might hurt his Fearless Leader.
>> No. 278697
Here's the come that the homosexual deviant himself psoted about Retsupurae:
So yeah!

Hi Slowbeef and slowbeef fans:

I’m always against fanwars or whatever crazyness might stir up between different channels. I’m even more against YouTubers doing these kind of things, it just doesn’t make sense to me.

I know my fans have a reputation of leaving annoying comments on other peoples channels. But you should know not everyone is like that and it’s not fair to judge me or the rest of my fans because of it. You should know I’m always against it.

But if you want to make fun of me, thats fine. If it’s really funny, I’ll probably just laugh at it. Granted, my fans probably wont look at it the same way (and if you ever idiolized to someone then you can most likely understand why).

Though there’s a clear irony in trying to make fun of someone by hating on them. I don’t think you see it yet.

Good luck on your video!

The smug and conceit are strong with this asshole.
>> No. 278699
Don't forget this.
>> No. 278704
Is this the god adored by millions of imbeciles around the world? He's not even pretty. I bet he is a ponyfucker too.
>> No. 278707
Is this guy a loveshy?
>> No. 278708
  Gonna leave this here.
>> No. 278709
Loveshy are I think what happens when you combine forever alone and nice guys.
>> No. 278710
Does it matter?
>> No. 278712
Only because it's a loveshy thread.
>> No. 278716

It could be both. But loveshy threads, especially those made to pissoff anti tumbler-fags haven't faired well in a long time.

but, whatever, here's a site.

>> No. 278879
File 135004666654.png - (393.49KB , 419x357 , tumblr_mb39rbFQ271rzwio8o2_500.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Nope, he's fucking this.

>> No. 278924
Except the nice guys are not really nice.
>> No. 278925
File 135005540888.png - (77.41KB , 300x174 , oh-no-ive-gone-cross-eyed.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

That's the punchline.

They can't into sex because they're not nice but they think they are nice but they won't improve because they think women (who usually are nice) aren't nice and I've gone cross eyed.
>> No. 279622
I can't really find loveshies as funny anymore since all this tumblr deviantacy. Its like how armpit ruined Anthos.
>> No. 279627
Tumblr is just a dark mirror of the loveshy / MRA crowd. The natural result of more women using the internet is more visible female lolcows.

One group thinks feminism is an evil conspiracy that has taken over the country and their misguided misogynism makes them crusaders for justice.

The other thinks that an evil misogynist conspiracy has and that their misguided militant feminism makes them a crusader for justice.

Unfortunately for everyone, both groups feed on the other's criticism for their victim complexes.
>> No. 279649

So, Tumblrites are the A-Log to the loveshy's Chris-chan?
>> No. 279650
That is a surprisingly good analogy.
>> No. 279651
I'm not sure where you get that women are usually nice, but that's pretty much right. Some of the loveshies act nice just because they think they will get sex. What's sad is that there are surely loveshies who really are just shy around women and aren't hateful.

> if you ever idiolized to someone

He thinks people idolize him? What? What does he do that requires any skill or creativity? Granted, I've never paid much attention to him, but his videos are just him making inane comments about games and getting oh so scarred, right?

I also like the vague hints/threats about fan retaliation. Slowbeef and Diabetus's Retsupurae channel (and their let's plays) has been around longer than pewdiepie and are probably used to people getting upset at them.
>> No. 279653
This homo really rustles my jimmies. Can someone kill him already?
>> No. 279655
Massive spasm detected
>> No. 279657

Most people are usually nice. Especially once they mature of of the cesspit that is high school
>> No. 279662
>Though there’s a clear irony in trying to make fun of someone by hating on them. I don’t think you see it yet.
He just couldn't resist acting like a smug prick even after deciding to put together a "hey, I'm cool, I'm not mad" message.
>> No. 279666
"I'm cool, not mad" almost always means "I'm fucking livid, but I'm going to try my hardest to not let you know that so I will go out of my way to tell you how totally not mad I am." Retsupurae is a fairly popular channel, but isn't pewdiepie like one of the biggest fucking channels on YouTube? What does he have to worry about from something like Retsupurae unless his ego is so inflated that anybody saying anything negative about him at all is some completely devastating thing?
>> No. 279680
Why must everything bad in the world that isn't suffering from spasm originate from sweden...
>> No. 279682
>implying pewdiepie isn't spastic
>> No. 279748
>What's sad is that there are surely loveshies who really are just shy around women and aren't hateful.

Like you?
>> No. 279756
Yes, those angry loveshies make true and honest loveshies like myself look bad.
>> No. 279779
Are you calling Keyboard Warrior? Don't mention him/she/it.
>> No. 279784
PewDiePie is a homosexual deviant, an insecure homosexual deviant.
>> No. 279808
He's still infinitely better and more likable than UberHaxorNova.
>> No. 279820
>> No. 279822
If they survived to OMGCata, that guy who says huzzah! a lot and Nostalgia Critic fanbases, I'm sure they are going to survive this fag's army of a million twelve years old.
>> No. 279823
File 135026696450.jpg - (214.26KB , 628x434 , napoleove shynomite.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
As much as I hate how LiquidMr. Robert Wayne Stiles uses this shit to derail SJer threads because she's a mad, fat tranny, I'll contribute.


Here's what happens when loveshys get laid. It's ugly.
>> No. 279825
U mad?
>> No. 279827
>So Stonefist and I continued in a state of mutual psychedness. Until the first semester of college, when he dumped me for a "physical therapy" major named Traci, a former high school cheerleader with lots of unironic kitten posters on her dorm wall. You might be thinking: Why would Stonefist want a cheerleader when he already has a kindred dungeon master?

lol it's a female loveshy

>> No. 279829

>Imoplying Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles posts in these threads

Cool tinfoil hat bro.


Pretty much.
>> No. 279830
File 135026892377.jpg - (136.16KB , 400x400 , x-face.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>he thinks Li­quid­Ri­ka is Ri­ka
>> No. 279831
File 135026901530.jpg - (13.97KB , 200x250 , fllv.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
MFW he thinks Liquid is the actual Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 279837
Pewdiefan spotted, at the very least Nova doesn't rely only on memes for his shticks.
>> No. 279840
File 135027287916.jpg - (41.12KB , 595x407 , 1339279568717.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Go accuse a man of sexual misconduct at work, see how it's handled. I guarantee you the man's life will be ruined while the woman gets a promotion.

Society views women as special and in need of help while men are disposable.

"Women and children first"
>> No. 279841
Really? I guess thats why at my job there was a whole two hour seminar on sexual harassment.. focusing solely on female aggressors. And this was a mid-high end female oriented department store. It was so female oriented we didn't even train to handle sales for men.

But you know, your sheltered and isolated worldview, along with the views of other people sharing a similar bent, is obviously proof that you're right despite a national level store spending time and money that says otherwise.
>> No. 279842

lol MRAs

>> No. 279843
File 13502739025.jpg - (19.91KB , 436x333 , 1275366639600.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

And because your place of employment trained you on the 'other' kind of sexual harassment, I'm supposed to infer that the problem is being taken seriously in all businesses and governments, at every level?

Life isn't fair. Someone is probably going to give you a bad touch at some point in your life, or tell you that your new fake breasts give them a raging erection, and it's going to give you a lot of bad feels. Men and women alike need to learn to simply deal with these every day realities of existing within a human society, and quit crying about it. I touch strangers pretty much all the time, and it's that weak willed, pussy bullshit that makes me angry, and spurs me on to full-on rape.
>> No. 279845
Ow! Those edges stabbed me.
>> No. 279847
>> No. 279848
>> No. 279856
File 135027481736.jpg - (21.75KB , 542x428 , 1271715552160.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I touch strangers pretty much all the time, and it's that weak willed, pussy bullshit that makes me angry, and spurs me on to full-on rape.
>> No. 279860
I don't even know if these posters are trolling or serious.
>> No. 279863
Yeah, I agr... wait what.
>> No. 279894
File 135028361060.png - (309.66KB , 500x375 , 1348303595639.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>sales/retail job
>implying high end

Come back when you have a degree in an engineering field and are applying it.

Good thing you have the education AND experience to backup your sophistry.
>> No. 279898
A more appropriate answer would be pointing out that they have to do that, because no one ever bothered telling them that it's just as bad when they do the harassing. They was a study a while ago where women who had raped men told their stories to a group of female strangers and then a group of male rapist did the same. The females got sympathetic responses. The males, we'll didn't. That's fucked up.
>> No. 279901
The store sold high end goods. I know retail work blows, but it's whats hiring right now.

Engineering is boring as fuck to me though. Sorry.
>> No. 279911
Why do black people's names always sound stupid as fuck goddamn.
>> No. 279916
Yeah, it's a shame they can't have normal names like Hansel, Gilbert, Beaver, or Dick.

Actually it's because most of them are Biblical or Arabic names. Just not John the Baptist a million times over - Shekinah, for example, means manifestation of God and was the name of an important Ethiopian Queen. Danesha is the Hebrew form of Danessa. Shaquille means Handsome in Arabic.

Some others are French or old white-people-names. Tyrone is an Irish county; it used to be very much a white person's name. Guillaume is William, and believe it or not some parts of the South especially around Louisiana and in Canada Quebec French is more usual, more day-to-day than English is.
>> No. 279917
I've never heard of an actual person named Beaver, but the issue isn't the names themselves. As you said, Tyrone is a fairly common name, but add one stray letter, in this case an h, and it looks fucking odd.
>> No. 279918
It looked to me like the stupid patronizing bitch that posted it made a typo. If I remember the story when it first popped up, the Tyrone dude had said something like "she couldn't even be bothered to get my name right".
>> No. 279929
What about Zakkiyah?
I've been wondering wtf that meant since 4th grade
>> No. 279935
Le-a is a another good example.
>> No. 279939
The Le-a story was an urban myth. It never actually happened.
>> No. 279952

Snopes says it's undetermined, and while they can't find any record of anyone named Le-a, there are numerous people named Ledasha spelled out.
>> No. 279954
Pretty sure it's Arabic for Charity/Alms giver (after one the five pillars; generous might be a better word).
>> No. 279956
Yeah, right...
>> No. 279959
O come on, there's still some room for civility.
>> No. 279974
Pretty funny I'll admit! :)
But seriously though, have you never heard: "If you don't like it, then don't watch it"?
Actually never mind, keep watching! Your extra views gets me extra cash!
PewDiePie 5 hours ago

Yeaaaahhhhhhhhhh sick pwediepie
>> No. 279976
Sounds like he's ready for Nintendo thumbs or whatever the TGWTG foray into lps is called.
>> No. 279985
Why was this guy banned? He was right.
>> No. 279987

Because everyone in the tumblr threads are scared of somebody telling them that they sound like loveshys.

Thing is is they totally do a lot of the time.
>> No. 279992
I'm told whenever someone says "samefag" on this board, they're wrong, but I gotta say this line of comments smells of samefag.

Please stop making shitty, unintelligent comments.
>> No. 279994
>shitty because you disagree with them, not because they are actually shitty

Why don't you tell us how females are persecuting males some more?
>> No. 279997
Why don't you tell us how males are persecuting females some more?
>> No. 279999
HI LIQUIDMr. Robert Wayne Stiles
>> No. 280000
File 135031511631.jpg - (90.86KB , 560x352 , CHECK EM FORMALDEHYDE FACE.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No. 280028
Do 0's count for quads?
>> No. 280279
So... has anyone actually got an account for the Loveshy forums?

They have loosened up and have allowed more new members lately.
>> No. 280294
I think the last "trolling" of the forum involved a guy who used Groose as an avatar on here, and in the end he weened it to hell or something by spamming images on the loveshy forum.
>> No. 280296
I remember that too. He was doing well before we went full /b/tard.

But I recently got an account, and decided to go a different approach. Now, I use this account to just be a bystander/confused normal guy who misunderstands the forums and actively posts.

So far, they aren't attacking me, but then again I haven't made any statements that are too bold yet.
>> No. 280297
Make sure to provide screenshots as soon as the shit goes down
>> No. 280400
File 135036908630.jpg - (69.27KB , 716x538 , 1348470183642.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

It's not about the name, rather, the parents who give the name.

Thomas Friedman's book, Freakonomics, tackles this matter so well that even a touchy-feely libtard can grasp it.


They speak french in Quebec? No fucking way.


>Engineering is boring

GTFO my internet and back in the kitchen
>> No. 280406

For every legitimate "exotic" name like Darnell, there's a completely fake pretension to exoticism like "Darnello."
>> No. 280431
I'll have to disagree with that distribution (in my experience, it's very rare), but I'm not going to deny that some folks do name their kids retardedly. Almost makes me wish for a German style naming law, though such a thing would put pressures against people expressing their heritage. Maybe simply an interim approval process for non-preapproved names? Ah, but that would cost money.
>> No. 280464
File 135039546489.jpg - (119.82KB , 1024x768 , GovermentPT1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This idea of the government helping virgins is becoming popular on the main forums. It has it's dissenters but they are usually clearly not delusional on the same level as every serious poster on the board.
>> No. 280466
File 135039560656.jpg - (107.56KB , 1024x768 , GovermentPT2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
And Cenobite is being Cenobite as always.
>> No. 280467
File 135039571255.jpg - (98.70KB , 1024x768 , GovermentPT3.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Have a rule on college campuses that if you must date, girls must pick a guy from the same college
>Establish a rule that if a foreign women moves to a western country, she must marry a local man within a couple of years or get deported

That doesn't sound very nice.
>> No. 280468
Why are they obsessed with Rammstein? It's Laibach for teenagers, nothing they do should be taken seriously.
>> No. 280469
File 135039586644.jpg - (122.68KB , 1024x768 , GovermentPT4.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
And here comes the dissenting opinions.

Of course, whitewolf seems to either be a legit poster who just doesn't agree with the more fucked up people like hardliner or Cenobite or a very good troll.
>> No. 280470

What do you expect from "nice" guys?
>> No. 280471

He's got over 1500 posts. He's legit or an exceptional troll.
>> No. 280473
File 135039680948.jpg - (123.28KB , 1024x768 , GovermentPT5.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Some of these are fucking rich.
>> No. 280476
dat spasm
>> No. 280480
File 135039775994.jpg - (146.69KB , 1024x768 , GovermentPT6.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You think that's great? Check this post by Cenobite. That rage.
>> No. 280482
You know, not everything in that post is a bad idea. A lot of it is fucking ridiculous, but some of the things on there make sense.

It's hard to defend it knowing it came from a guy who wrote it all up on the basis that he can't get laid though.
>> No. 280484
See that's why people accuse you of being a loveshy. You agree with them.

What exactly do you agree with? Why? To me, at least, it all sounds fucking retarded.
>> No. 280485
File 135039820947.jpg - (151.86KB , 1024x768 , GovermentPT7.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
fixed my image. Cont.
>> No. 280486

>Implying men don't get fucked over in custody disputes in the West. (In Iran, it's the exact opposite.)
>> No. 280487
File 135039845951.jpg - (125.37KB , 1024x768 , GovermentPT8.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Guys, let's try not to make this thread any worse than it is. I'm trying to get as much cocks as I can in this thread.
>> No. 280488

You know, his tagline of "Hulk Smash!" is incredibly fitting.
>> No. 280491
File 135039923921.jpg - (142.81KB , 1024x768 , ican'tlivePT1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The next thread is Adam82 being a sad aspie as usual.
>> No. 280493
File 135039979414.jpg - (115.49KB , 1024x768 , ican'tlivePT2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 280494
File 135039987923.jpg - (117.69KB , 1024x768 , ican'tlivePT3.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 280495
File 135040022590.jpg - (117.24KB , 1024x768 , womencan'tbeincelPT1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I love how these guys ALWAYS bring up BBW porn as to why women cannot understand their "problems".
>> No. 280496
...what's incel?
>> No. 280498
File 135040035830.jpg - (97.80KB , 1024x768 , womencan'tbeincelPT2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>logical point
>disregard it because there is some guy who would fuck a fat chick

It's like he doesn't know that fat people in general is a fetish for both genders or something.
>> No. 280501

You'd think people would understand that fetishism goes both ways and the reason they don't know that is because they're hanging out in a cybernetic sausage feat.
>> No. 280502
In their retarded jargon, incel is portmanteau of involuntary and celibate. The implication being that they didn't choose to be without sex. It allows them to blame women or society at large for them being virgins basically.
>> No. 280505
Now there's a guy complaining he can't get any action (or anything else, really) IRL while producing an average of five lengthy rants a day.
>> No. 280506
Man, he sounds just like Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. They've both got the photography thing too.
>> No. 280513
I bet Penelope will become Robbs oneitis, if she was even real.
>> No. 280539
File 13504075794.png - (615.10KB , 974x4060 , Love-shy_com- Support for the dating-challenged - .png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
More cocks, this time, I just decided to use a more effective tool to get the whole page, rather than just screen print to paint.

Here we have a dude who keeps flipping back and forth from being a loser to a more reasonable person. I suspect some mild trolling or maybe he has a legit mental problem. Who is to say at this point?
>> No. 280540

If you're talking about the guy with the green flower avatar, the only problematic thing he did was calling Adam a bleeding-heart liberal. The advice was harsh, but for a loser like him, it is necessary.
>> No. 280543
I was referring to him, but he also has posts that aren't too much different from the rest of them.

Most people on the board often call him out for it too.
>> No. 280544

Ah. I didn't know the context of his posts outside of your screenshots.
>> No. 280547
It's fine bro.

I'll be sure to fine some good posts where he's as much of a homosexual deviant as everyone else.
>> No. 280560
File 135040932383.png - (2.26MB , 941x8580 , page1.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Like this thread.
>> No. 280561
Dude trying to make this thread work, regardless if this is actually you or not, thank you. Thank you for the cocks and thank you for not letting this turn into one giant spergfest.
>> No. 280568
File 135041009445.png - (1.51MB , 946x8684 , Why does everyone have to earn a living-.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I'm happy someone likes what I'm posting. It was sort of disheartening to see a loveshy/MRA thread seriously derail into a pointless discussion.

But /cwc/ has been changing sadly. But let's get back to /cwc/'s true propose and laugh at some new cocks as it's made.

Here we have some people basically say that they don't want to work for anything. We are entering the "tugboat" territory now.
>> No. 280573

Misogyny, complaining about why there aren't any pretty girls for them and wanting those dang dirty feminists to go back to cooking, cleaning and making babbys.

Never change, loveshys. Never change.
>> No. 280578
File 135041099094.png - (1.14MB , 937x9517 , Why does everyone have to earn a living.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 280587
For posters not familiar, this site is useful with profiles on various hilarious infamous loveshy internetters.

And the book that started it all, for reference and batshittery.
>> No. 280589
>PewDiePie fantards accusing other people of being immature.
Oh, the irony...
>> No. 280591
Are we doing this thread to please our Tranny Overlords? Because the antics of the lovehys are pretty boring.
>> No. 280594

It isn't funny as in CWC drinking his seed or Zoojay singing about fucking dogs, but it's funny in the tragic sense with the fact that all of these gents could have a shot at a relationship if they stopped feeling sorry for themselves.
>> No. 280607
>He has millions of trillionns of susbcribers, you can't criticize him.
>He makes million of Internet monies with his videos, therefore, he is inmune to criticism.

Behold, puny mortals, the logic of Emperor PewDiePie's Immortals of the Bro Army.
>> No. 280611

So, why are we talking about some LPer in Sweden when there's fresh cocks in front of us?
>> No. 280613
This has been a dual topic thread since the beginning. Interwoven, like a Persian tapestry.
>> No. 280615
>Fresh cocks.
Yeah, sure.
>> No. 280619
It was an actual comment.
>> No. 280633
No, it isn't that.

They are Chris-chans without the ORIGINAL CHARACTER DO NOT STEAL shit. All the way down to the pants on head retarded terms they have on their wiki page.

The fact they have stupid terms like DSR, IOIs (dating sex and relationships or indicator of interest) or even just down right "noviophobia"-tier idiocy created terms like "relationship status ambiguity problem" it's so much like Chris I almost typed "infinitely high boyfriend factor".

They are even funnier when someone just makes a comment that isn't what they agree with.
>> No. 280650
PewDiePie is the logical result of Swedish ultrafeminism. He is an effeminate, screeching, oversensitive and immature manchild who feebly tries to express his "power" through rape jokes and stroke his own ego (and make a living?) through the glorious act of doing nothing at all constructive.
>> No. 280656
Loveshys have the same love for acronyms, buzzwords and made up terms that SJtards have. It like watching through a glass, darkly.
>> No. 280685

The SJers pretty much say, "At least I'm not a loveshy!"
>> No. 280690
So, as the person who has been posting images, I must ask, the loveshys have actually managed to get that much attention from the SJ crowd that they are practically using them as a meme? I'm sorta shocked but sorta not shocked at this.

On one hand, loveshys seem like they couldn't exist on many other places because of how stupid their opinions often are. But I guess SJers finding loveshys after discovering /cwc/ in general would get them the exposure they need as one of the reasons why SJ exists.

Personally, I'm kinda thinking instigating a SJ raid on the loveshys could prove to be interesting.
>> No. 280692
  The loveshys should just do what this British kid did and make shitty rap videos for the girls that they like
>> No. 280714
Keep on tumblring, Keyboard Warrior! Show those White Devils they can't stop you from being a trangenderqueer hemophiliac omniasexual pan-slavic midget vampire.
>> No. 280718
Wait what? What in my post suggested I was on the side of the SJers?

I'm just saying, two groups that are caught up in their warped view of the world, debating each other in a shitstorm of buzzwords and retarded made up words and they are natural enemies. Does that not sound like an amazingly funny thing?
>> No. 280719
>implying that everyone who supports moderate social justice is a tranny otherkin horsefucker feminazi who hates men and wants to kill them

It's just as bad as the person saying "HI LOVESHY/MRA!!!!" whether you accept it or not.
>> No. 280721
No such thing. Civil rights are civil rights and social justice is... Well a bunch of white overpriveledged kids riding a guilt trip circle jerk. It's extremist bullshit that accomplishes nothing.
>> No. 280723
>It's extremist bullshit that accomplishes nothing.

Which is why I think we should convince the SJers to raid them. They are prefect for each other, completely disconnected from reality the lot of them.
>> No. 280733
On a second thought, the interaction of hardcore SJers and Loveshys could be funny, but it has to be done artfuly, without any attempt at "epin weening".

Since we are also talking about PewDiwhatever, anyone knows what means "barrells" in the dialect of his tribe? I keep reading that term in the comments section of the Retsupurae video.
>> No. 280735
I believe it is a slang term for enemies or something since he doesn't like barrels. Don't small children tend to do something similar?
>> No. 280745
But he is 20/30 years old.
>> No. 280746
The Retsuprae guys explained it in another video where they were talking about him.

The main games he plays is Amnesia: The Dark Descent. The monsters respond to light and sound, and apparently in one of his early videos he knocked over some barrels or something, and it made a lot of noise, which alerted the monster to where he was, and he was killed. So he says he hates barrels, and it has since become his term for haters, trolls, etc.
>> No. 280761
Thanks. This guy has to be a spastic, I bet he's also a ponyfucker.
>> No. 280776

>Makes post about how stupid loveshys are
>Apparently that means he's a SJtard

Only a Sith deals in absolutes
>> No. 280786
Agreeing with anything at all they say makes you a loveshy, seriously? Okay, I'll go through the list.

>>Abolish pro-female divorce legislation

I would have phrased it differently, but courts do favor women in these matters. Women get custody, men are looked down on for staying home and taking care of the kids, women get alimony and child support, guys just lose half their shit. There are numerous documented cases where the father would have been able to better care for the children, but the mother got custody anyway.

>>education system catoring to girls

This is true. I've seen numerous videos documenting out removing competition from education has negative effects on boys grades. Not to mention Title IX. Cutting boys sports teams because women don't have as much interest in sports. It's BS.

>>Mandatory social skills training for girls to just say what they think/feel.

Okay, his phrasing again is a bit odd, and he's obviously got alterior motives, and I don't like the word "mandatory" but, if girls were taught to be open instead of playing mind games, I'd have a lot less trouble in relationships. My current girlfriend constantly utters the phrase "figure it out!" to me, and it's pretty frustrating. I've dated numerous girls who say one thing and mean another.

>>Prison time for faking sexual harassment charges.

This one seems like a no-brainer. Isn't this already in the law? I mean, isn't defamation of character at the very least? Remember the Lacrosse case? That girl was brought up on charges, right?

All the rest of his stuff about the government providing hookers for him is bonkers and pathetic, but even a broken clock is right twice a day.
>> No. 280790

The only thing I have to say to that is prostitution should be legalized, but looking at Adam82, there would still be self-proclaimed loveshys if you could get a hooker.

I know you aren't saying this, but can't we agree that the SJers and loveshys are about equally pathetic on different ways?
>> No. 280799
>Isn't this already in the law?
Aye, they shy away from prosecuting false accusers because they're afraid that the real victims will be discouraged from reporting their rapes.
>> No. 280800
>> No. 280802
>if girls were taught to be open instead of playing mind games
I think to be honest, we can expand this to 'everyone'.
>> No. 280806
Sexual evolution is working against this. The guy who lied about being allergic to condoms won out, biologically speaking.
Our social interactions are in part guided by instinct, and that means hard wiring. We are hard wired to lie, steal and cheat our way to the top of the mating game.
Dishonesty and headgames are just par for the course. Every pickup artist knows this. You think it's just girls with "daddy issues" but that's not why it works. It works because the dumb bitch who fell for it the first time had kids and this birthed a cycle.
>> No. 280810
THIS. So hard.

Men call it "being the nice guy" women call it "playing hard to get" and it's bullshit.

Approaching someone you're interested in "as a friend" is one of the worst things you can do, all it does is create extra levels of awkwardness and severe levels of drama that make things a million times harder than they have to be.

If you're interested in someone, just be honest with your intentions and go from there. If they feel the same way, good for you. If they don't, fuck 'em, they're dead to you.
>> No. 280811
But... Almost everyone reproduces and classes really don't seem to last more than a couple thousand years, making your argument invalid. Evolution works on a very large scale of time.

Removing competition harms everyone, boy or girl. The problem - and I'm saying this as someone who lives with a professor in ECE - lies in the violence certain forms of competition can do. The "Everyone wins" form of play was an experiment in teaching, but an experiment that ultimately failed to do it's job, like all that new math bullshit of the 60s, and no public school worth shit is actually still using that method. But pretending it's about girls versus boys is asinine and retarded.

The whole thing about girls being forced to dumb themselves down because your spastic socially retarded brain can't handle it is stupid too. That's the sort of shit that transcends sexes, and comes down to an individual character flaw. Actually, I've met more guys who do that than girls; you know those "quiet" "mysterious" "intellectual" types?

To the other two, you do have something of a point, though. It's just that the latter isn't much of an issue, being something that can't be handled perfectly, and the former has, at the academic level, been questioned and is still being questioned. Honestly, as anecdotal as it is, in all of the custody cases I've heard of, including the two affecting me and my sister, the law distinctly hasn't favored the mother in all but one case. In that case, she was clean, the dad wasn't. But guess what? In the cases affecting my sister and I, I was handed off to a meth addict and she was handed off to a coke fiend, when in both cases our mother's only sins were antidepressants or weed - both three to four years before the trial in question (they were six years apart).

So sorry if it smells like bullshit to me.
>> No. 280812
File 13504751482.jpg - (20.27KB , 190x297 , you what.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
With sound relationship advice like that, you must have plunged your Homor-dick into numerous eager harlots. I envy your strength.
>> No. 280815
File 135047655792.png - (298.29KB , 935x533 , a-log.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>cartoon charecters you want to fuck
>I'd say Jenny Wakeman

Sounds like you and the log have more in common than I thought, Homes.
>> No. 280817

goddammit homor

>> No. 280818
File 135047732449.gif - (489.72KB , 450x275 , I regret nothing.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 280820
spergdom officiated
>> No. 280822
Let's try to keep this on topic guys.

I won't be able to get a shit load of snapshots now, but let's keep discussing some of the cocks here.

How do you feel about loveshys and their desire to "educate" young girls to cater to their issues, to deport immigrant females who don't marry a local man, and more or less create a sexual welfare state where they can get "sexual surrogates" and "dating classes".

I seriously never understood their obsession with the government helping them. Plus, dating classes sound like walking classes for babies. Who would seriously pay for it?
>> No. 280827
Consider how much they bitch about liberals, isn't it somewhat ironic that they want sexual welfare?

Somewhere out there is a nightmarish picture of a girl some seriously severe genetic disorders, that I can't find nor have the stomach to find.

Had I have found it, I probably would have asked how they would feel about being stuck with her under such a system.
>> No. 280829
>Consider how much they bitch about liberals, isn't it somewhat ironic that they want sexual welfare?

Definitely. Honestly, a part of me is curious to see how it would really play out. Since many of them think about this idea enough to consider it a possible solution.

>Had I have found it, I probably would have asked how they would feel about being stuck with her under such a system.

Ah shit, that would be a funny thing. Every virgin going to a courthouse to be paired with a woman. You'll have loveshys and a few normal dudes who just didn't lose their virginities yet. I can imagine a guy like Cenobite or Adam getting paired with a genetic mess while a more normal dude gets paired off with an average girl.

Then the shitstorm on the forums when they realized their dream world still isn't fair.
>> No. 280831
File 135048064011.png - (107.42KB , 928x294 , Sonichu.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Yeah, no. This is a Homor thread now.

>did you know that Chris Chan has absolutely zero shame?
>it's sad and rage-worthy.

Homor: "The Original A-log"
>> No. 280832
File 135048070667.png - (89.35KB , 927x244 , Sonichu 2.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>than i saw a video of him talking about it like it was normal and i wanted to kick his ass.
>> No. 280833
This shit is from what, 2009? That was almost four years ago.

Oh lord, how I've wasted my life.
>> No. 280834
>> No. 280835
Anyone just want to make a new loveshy thread? Seeing as this one has been derailed too far?
>> No. 280836
You only need one loveshy thread, and this one is perfectly fine for a couple hundred more posts. Please contain your politisperg sewage to a single thread.
>> No. 280838
Derailed? No! Remember, as I said, Tapestry.
>> No. 280841
Okay, in that case let's continue.

Any member in particular that bothers you? I know most people would likely vote Cenobite.
>> No. 280844
File 135048178531.png - (91.54KB , 927x231 , ecchi.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Being aroused by a cartoon is incredibly easy

Sure is, Homor!
>> No. 280845
Everybody knows that Homor is a sperg, OK? It isn't entertaining any more.
>> No. 280847
File 135048213984.gif - (1.49MB , 250x168 , You are hereby awarded the title of big boss.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Kill me.

Somebody please, just fucking kill me.
>> No. 280849
None in particular bother me, per se. They fill me with a sense of pity and sadness.

Real loneliness isn't a pretty thing. It's not a pain like a chest wound or a cracked skull, it's a pain like a necrotic bowel or broken nose. It has no dignity, unlike what one might see in pop culture with your various Boo Radleys.

It can really warp the mind. I look at their writings like I read schizo poetry. Real interesting dark shit.

Now I'm waiting for him to defend lolicon/shota. Do you have that?
>> No. 280850
The only thing this thread is missing is politicshit.

Homor, what do you think of Ron Paul?
>> No. 280851
File 135048335215.png - (28.08KB , 707x117 , extremely boring homor post.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I have him ranting about furries in a loli vs furries thread, but he seems to dislike both parties. Other than that, there's Psychonauts, Homestuck, and a lot of political bullshit. All of his recent posts are pretty much him yelling at stupid 12 year olds for being stupid 12 year olds. I'm not sure if he does it to feel better about himself or assert dominance. But, then again, my morning has consisted of sifting through more than a few thousand posts by some random guy on the internet.
>> No. 280852

I'm voting for Virgil Goode this year, maybe.
>> No. 280853
He posted that exact same post to cwc a while back
>> No. 280857
Is this your voice, Homor? I can't remember exactly what your voice sounds like.
>> No. 280859
Nedroid? Huh? What, did you ask tv tropes or something to recommend you shit?
>> No. 280861
>> No. 280864
File 135048444118.png - (64.60KB , 455x225 , pewdiepie mad.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
PewDiePie update: he's still mad
>> No. 280865
File 135048445141.jpg - (21.98KB , 300x300 , 'tism 2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 280866
>talking shit about Nedroid
Pleb detected.
>> No. 280867
Ya' know, honestly, I love it too, but there can be no denying that it's some of the hipsteriest shit.
>> No. 280868
Since I'm here, can you tell me who pewdiepie is and why he/she is funny or interesting?
>> No. 280869

Are you sure you're using that word right?
>> No. 280870
File 13504848292.gif - (31.87KB , 300x200 , hee hee.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Homor, I challenge you to a duel. Choose your game.
>> No. 280871
Shit, i dunno, you got WoW downloaded?
>> No. 280872
File 13504850089.jpg - (493.24KB , 800x1123 , Psychonauts-2-psychonauts-27620839-800-1123.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Other than that, there's Psychonauts

Where does Homor talk about Psychonauts? I liked that game.
>> No. 280873
File 135048515573.jpg - (6.49KB , 250x167 , da tism.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
What's your name on Wow?
>> No. 280874
See for yourself http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/search/author/homor
>> No. 280875
My main is a level 20 Worgen named GideonGraves.
My server is Rexxar.
Meet me in Goldshire at noon.
>> No. 280876
I wish you were being serious ;_;
>> No. 280878
I am dead serious.
Noon, Goldshire, GideonGraves, Rexxar.
Be there and be square.
>> No. 280879
You mean noon as in central time, right?
>> No. 280880
Eastern Standard.
>> No. 280881
Well, I'll be there at noon. I don't feel like posting my actual Wow user name on /cwc/, but don't worry. With all the jullaaying I'll be doing, you'll know it's me.

I hope you don't stand me up or something as joke. I'm trusting you, Homes.
>> No. 280882
sperg overload ITT
>> No. 280883
We should start a WoW guild made up entirely of /cwc/ers.

"The Knights Of A-Loggia"
"The Aspergia Brigade"
"The Cwcville Crusaders"
"The Trollbusters"
"The Wolverines"
"The Stonecuttes"
>> No. 280884
"The Knights Of Cwcville" works best.

It looks nice and it's got mainstream appeal.
>> No. 280885
Champion Homorthesperg
>> No. 280889
People still play WoW?
>> No. 280894
In Goldshire right now.
>> No. 280911
Well, looks like I've been stood up.

Imma stay in Goldshire for a little bit longer, but i don't know how long I'll stick around. Meh.
>> No. 280912

if it was 2007 and i was 15 and i still cared about wow, i'd be there buddy.
>> No. 280913
It's the thought that counts.

I'm gonna run over to Westfall, pick up some special chicken feed, then come back to Goldshire. See if anyone shows up then.
>> No. 280938
Loveshys, SJer Tards, PewDiePie, sexualizing cartoons, stalking Homor, video games duels...We are reaching Sperg Nirvana, and it's going to be bautiful.
>> No. 280940
Watch the videos at the beginning of the thread or ANY of his, it doesn't matter which one, he use the same memes in all of them anyway.
Also, homorhater, can you just post his newgrounds account ? Just to see the glimpse of the homor mind without any sense of irony.
>> No. 280941
Beautiful, sorry.
>> No. 280942
Nvm missed >>280874
>> No. 280944
The guy who obsess over Homor is a bigger loser and sperg than him.
>> No. 280958
File 135049633836.png - (423.71KB , 944x624 , lol homorage.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Theres some funny stuff around.
Also the joy of out of context pictures...
>> No. 280962
Reading through my old posts, one thing i really can't stand is how over-opinionated i used to be.

Like, holy shit, it's really obnoxious seeing so many posts about politics when i obviously didn't know what the fuck i was talking about.
>> No. 280964
Are you implying that the post in question is old? It isn't even 2 years old yet.
>> No. 280965
Except for the abuse of caps lock, I agree with you in your hatred of pony shit and ponyfuckers.
I was also very opinionated when I was fifteen years old, but I outgrew that phase and now I keep my opinions to myself, most of the time.
>> No. 280968
Not the post in question, just my posts in general.

Another theme I've noticed with my older posts is how much of an asshole i used to be. Like, i fought with people all the time, ranted at them, got in petty arguments, all kinds of stupid shit. Hell, some of it is as recent as three months ago.

It's really weird looking at yourself and thinking "man, that guy's an asshole." Weird and sad.
>> No. 280976
It's okay, homor. I forgive you, even if you are a massive sperglord. :3
>> No. 280979

you're 18

you're just barely leaving the pretentious fog of teenage years

of course you're going to regret how big of an asshat you were
>> No. 280982

>Real loneliness isn't a pretty thing.

I've got the feeling loveshies were fucked up from the get go and that's why they are lonely, not the other way around.
>> No. 281048
Could just be both.

Even though the book is shit, I remember sort of being the kid it described. Didn't care for sports, odd taste in music, and just overall a different person really, etc. But what seems to make me different from a loveshy is that I grew out of it. Sports are interesting to me now, and I quit being a homosexual deviant who un-ironically listened to vidya music and so forth. Also, I guess just being self aware in general helps.

On the other hand, loveshys seem to like putting narrow restrictions on what they want to do. They are so restricted they really can't grow as people. But they lack the level of self awareness needed to actually grow. I feel it's just a lack of maturity. These are the kids who were more mature than their classmates in middle school, but became the immature ones once high school rolls around.
>> No. 281077

They also have trouble accepting themselves because of their low self-esteem. If they just accepted the fact they are no womanizers and stopped expecting women to jump on their cocks merely because they exist they would feel much better about themselves. If they stopped being so bitter they might actually have the chance getting laid.
>> No. 281086
But their biggest issue, at least that we know of is their inability to blame themselves for their own problem and the lack of responsibility to solve it themselves.

The fact they actually want some government program to aid them get a woman pretty much implies they aren't ready to have any relationships period.
>> No. 281088
You know, reading this though... Gary Gears appear even worse now, what with him making a cast full of girl robot and talking about how the "fanbase" would sexualize them...
>> No. 281105
>if girls were taught to be open instead of playing mind games, I'd have a lot less trouble in relationships. My current girlfriend constantly utters the phrase "figure it out!" to me, and it's pretty frustrating. I've dated numerous girls who say one thing and mean another.


hahahahahhahahah its funny because the guy basically denied being a loveshy in the beginning of the post even though he obviously is one

>> No. 281107
I don't know... not that guy but any dude who claims to have dated numerous women wouldn't count as a loveshy. In fact, saying that would bring the burning hatred of the loveshys onto him.
>> No. 281117
>> No. 281124

Maybe on a loveshy forum, but not here.
>> No. 281189
True this, however.

While I doubt he is truly a loveshy, the idea that one group of people as large as a whole fucking gender to change for the whims of a small, small portion of an otherwise dissenting majority of another gender is fucking retarded.

Next thing you'll know, some butthurt and under-fucked women will talk about how they would love to educate boys to accept women who spend all their time masturbating to Yu Yu Hakusho yoai and how their obsession with Buffy the Vampire Slayer is totally normal and makes them perfectly fuckable. If this sounds retarded, it's because it is.
>> No. 281197
Those posts from the LS forum are awesome. I missed those guys, I can't believe I didn't check this thread before.
>> No. 281200
File 135052231525.png - (1.30MB , 946x8862 , Love-shy_com- Support for the dating-challenged - .png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
More cocks being posted.

Today, some old member came back. He lost his virginity and has a girlfriend. He advice is very solid, but he still sounds pretty fucked in the head with some of the shit he said. As underlined.

Also, it's seems infamous Steve Hoca is still at large.
>> No. 281206
  And here comes the video rants.

>connect physically with other guys
I lol'd.
>> No. 281208
>those comments
>this video seems legit, but he sees shit that isn't there
>> No. 281221
File 135052620470.jpg - (24.30KB , 415x275 , slap.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>She has little control over her anger and it's resulted in me giving her a black eye a few times (self defense)

There's a reason why those freaks shouldn't get with women, but I guess they can learn fast.
>> No. 281222
It doesn't matter how hard you try, how effort you put in, SJers are funnier than loveshys. Also, all that work, all those screencaps and links, to expose what has already been uncovered, are you hiding something?
>> No. 281224
File 135052672530.png - (199.35KB , 650x510 , phillipines.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I don't think I agree. Those guys are hilarious, and you don't need to spin it to see it. Those are grown ass men, not teenagers, who are two steps away from Stormfront because they can't get laid.

I appreciate the screencaps, because I don't feel like registering and avoiding bans myself.

I agree, however, that SJers are a gold mine too.
>> No. 281231
I agree. Because only in a Social Justice community would you find a site like this:

>> No. 281235
It's a matter of taste, some people prefer white wine, some others red wine. But in this case, replace wine with urine.
>> No. 281238
Has anyone told these "girls" about shaving cream?
So, cisgender means "the Devil" for these people, right?
>> No. 281249
Sorry about that, Homor. I weened to far.
>> No. 281271
I'm starting to like Homor.
>> No. 281272
Ah, that's okay buddy.
>> No. 281275
File 135054200256.png - (112.01KB , 286x220 , whaaaaa.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
B-b-but Homo-kun...you don't understand!
>> No. 281295
  The Loveshy National Anthem.
>> No. 281297

and it all goes full circle
>> No. 281302
Ah, beautiful. Loveshy misuses drugs in order to function what he perceives as "normal", finds an unstable woman who obviously suffers from anxiety and low self-esteem and can not express her anger properly and all those other sad, hollow people congratulate him on it.
>> No. 281315

Not to mention he beats up said unstable women when she goes berserk. Sounds like a lovely couple.
Adderall sounds awful, I would never take something that stops me from eating and sleeping for a day. I'm dubious about it's effects as well, I have hunch it just makes you delusional and doesn't actually help you become more productive and successful.
>> No. 281326
File 135056323962.png - (1.32MB , 939x7007 , Love-shy_com- Support for the dating-challenged - .png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Here Loveshys talk about their 'oneitis' which for anyone out of the loop, is basically an IRL waifu. And sometimes it gets pretty creepy.
>> No. 281332
File 135056502952.gif - (20.84KB , 600x450 , story451.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Man, what the fuck happened to just regular ass waifus? Turning a real person into your waifu is fucking creepy.
>> No. 281333
"I choked a girl. It was fun for me. But she didn't accept my kiss *retarded frowny*"
>> No. 281335
Is it one-it-is or is it one-itis like appendicitis?
>> No. 281336
I believe it's one-itis. But since it's not really a word you'd hear at all in normal conversation, I guess either one will work.
>> No. 281339
I have the feeling that if you are loveshy, you likely don't really get a lot of enjoyment of things like television shows or vidya.

Most dudes, would at least admit that they found a few characters hot/cute/sexy from a video game or show they recently enjoyed.

But these guys are pretty disconnected from reality, so that might be the best way to view it.
>> No. 281340
File 135056630811.jpg - (132.90KB , 927x231 , 135048178531.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 281341
Well, I kinda walked into that one.

Since we are back to Homor, I guess I'll play along as we wait for more cocks.

What is the hottest human female in cartoons/vidya Homor? I'm thinking you might say something like Frankie or Dexter's mom.
>> No. 281342
File 135056680199.jpg - (77.99KB , 532x800 , mah nigga.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I can see why you and A-log like her so much.
>> No. 281343
I didn't know that Homor's name is Timbox
>> No. 281344
>What is the hottest human female in cartoons/vidya Homor? I'm thinking you might say something like Frankie or Dexter's mom.

F-fucking no! I'm not answering that! Fuck's sake, haven't i been humiliated enough in this thread? Fucking man, ahh.
>> No. 281345
Stop using wrathlord; you keep making me think it's Whoreos who's being spergtastic.
>> No. 281346
I was just curious. I was going to share mine too. I kinda like that pumpkin girl from Skyward Sword and Ada Wong from Resident Evil.

I'm not being malicious at all.
>> No. 281347
File 135056911726.png - (119.01KB , 264x262 , fag hand.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh come on, Homor! We just wanna know more about you.
>> No. 281348
File 135056933855.jpg - (3.95KB , 259x194 , ass.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I'm not being malicious at all.
Does that mean we're all gonna tell each other what cartoons we masturbate to? Sounds like a good idea.
>> No. 281349
Not really, I was hoping if I just threw out the fact I would slam Ada Wong with the force of a thousand suns, maybe Homor would feel a little better about talking about who sees as hot. We already know he likes Jenny.
>> No. 281351
Alright, this I gotta ask about Homor. I knew a girl who had a crush on this thing, and I just don't get it. At all. I saw the Zone flash, and all I got was disgusted.

That thing's barely above a doodle, it's made of metal, there's nothing to suggest it has any feminine features at all. Hearing about someone being aroused by that just comes off to me the same way someone saying they're attracted to Johnny 5 would.

I don't get it, please explain how the little girl robot with no boobs, hips, bottom, or sex organs appeals to you.

Okay, now Gary Gears is starting to seem kind of fucked up...
>> No. 281353
Sounds fucked up? Now it makes sense.
>> No. 281354
File 135057010820.jpg - (330.78KB , 1548x2048 , rikkaaaaa.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
> I would slam Ada Wong with the force of a thousand suns
What about Ada Wong cosplayers?
>> No. 281355
File 135057026847.jpg - (61.78KB , 900x596 , Ada_Wong_Cosplay___Zoom_by_Yukilefay.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Is that the butthurt tranny that won't quit posting on here? Would not tap that.

But any real girl who puts some decent effort, I would slam.
>> No. 281357
I can just imagine it.

In a distant future, furries no longer exist. Only to be replaced with botties. Homor, famed creator of Gary Gears, had started a tend of having "sexy" robots disguised as children's cartoons. Gary Gears replaces well loved, but known furry creators like Cats Don't Dance and Robin Hood and is the reason why people secretly love to dress up like Robots and fuck each other. Even cool shit like Megas XLR and other mecha shit is not immune.

We will have communities were everyone really believes they were born a robot and think they are superior to people who just like humans. These kids will grow up and create even worse botty cartoons that continue the tend. The amount of disgusting robo-porn will outdo the furfags in a matter of months.

They say the one day robots will take over the world, they were right and you can say it grinds my gears.
>> No. 281359
Well, that does it.

I'm gonna kill Dyson.
>> No. 281361
Robots replacing furries? What an awful future.
>> No. 281362
>> No. 281363
Damn it, I lol'd.
>> No. 281364
Homor, sixty years into the future.
>> No. 281365
It is female.

That's it. That is all it takes for a male to be attracted to something. I guess you could argue it is the voice, the personality, the feminine mannerisms and expressions, or that she has the body of a preteen, but in the end, I think the mere fact that it is female turns some men on. Take a cartoon character, give it the slightest hint of femininity, brand it as female, and then you'll have a legion of men wanting to do horrible things to their penis just to hear her fart in a walkie-talkie and whatnot.
>> No. 281366
>I guess you could argue it is the voice, the personality, the feminine mannerisms and expressions

Jenny does have a really cute voice, i think that's part of the reasoWHY THE FUCK AM I TYPING THIS FUCKING DAMMIT OH GOD WHY.
>> No. 281370
File 135057322874.jpg - (47.02KB , 800x600 , 3JzNcy.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
But seriously, why are you sexually aroused by Jenny the Metal Shirt Instead of Boobs Robot?
>> No. 281371
File 135057368215.png - (96.63KB , 365x977 , prettymuchhomorswaifu.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>homor attracted to robot
>homor attracted to cartoon robot
>homor attracted to PRETEEN cartoon robot

and now we can see where the enthusiasm for gary gears comes from, and it is fucking horrifying

god damn homor, you are now my favorite mod (sorry whoreos)
>> No. 281376
I've actually never found myself attracted to any Gary Gears character.

I just couldn't bring myself to, this project holds a special to me. A special, horrible place.
>> No. 281379

>couldn't bring myself to

awkward phrasing to the extreme
>> No. 281382
Holding a special is a lot more awkward to me, the other not at all. So that might be a regiolect thing, not spergness proper.
>> No. 281393
You are trying too hard, kid.
>> No. 281406
>> No. 281418
Okay, Homor, I'll give you a break. Now that I reread my post about how robo-fuckers will replace furries and pony-fuckers, it's still pretty interesting. Now every time someone makes a leap in robotics, someone is fapping even harder to the idea of having their robot girlfriends with celeb personalities downloaded on them.

But let's see if I can dig up some more LS posts.
>> No. 281423
File 13505903787.jpg - (281.79KB , 1280x800 , 1349676174433.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>All dem buzzwords

I met my GF in History class and we got to know each other from me tutoring her because her english is absolutely disgusting. There was no social circle, no romantic gesture, none of that shit. Just me talking to somebody and us slipping into luv
>> No. 281424

>Implying this isn't it

It's a musical explanation of what happens when these freaks get a girl
>> No. 281425
It really is sad they can't express themselves in anyway that doesn't require terms like "white knights" or "manginas".

Of course, if you say anything like what you just posted, they'll just claim you are an alpha badboy and blah blah blah.
>> No. 281426
Thus Homor is the wave of the future, ahead of the times, and thus progress.
>> No. 281468
Do you realize that by saying that it is meant to attract retarded spergs, you have basically insulted your target audience? Have fun trying to market Gary Gears now, Tardo the Clown.
>> No. 281471
Kurt Cobain habitually insulted his fans. Then again most 90's grunge bands did and now those guys are working at 7-11.
>> No. 281487
I'm just asking him a question he keeps avoiding. That gets right to the heart of the issue. Jenny's clothes don't come off, there's nothing beneath. The shirt and skirt art part of her pre-teen robot body. There's no hair to run your fingers through.

I just find the attraction bizarre, sincerely. I'm not saying it's as bizarre as wanting to fuck balloons, but shit it's up there.
>> No. 281488
She's a female cartoon character. Robot, underage, old, animal, anthro, or monster, it doesn't matter. There will be a legion of people who want to fuck it. Why? Some people just like fapping to cartoons, just like there are people who fap to shit-eating, wiggling toes, or women stepping on small animals.
>> No. 281492
File 135060104477.jpg - (91.07KB , 480x751 , 1344922901418.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Such is the fate of the poor bastards.

Their belief that the only way to attract a girl with some key phrases like some fucking cheat code is what brings them down.
>> No. 281496
I think you might have confused them with a similar group, PUAs, alas your point still stands.

They really do seem to think that you have to fit in a certain category to get women though, which is sad. I would love to meet the guy who seriously started applying beta and alpha to human relationships and just tell him/her how many losers have actually followed it.
>> No. 281497
Phrases like "would you like a ride in my Lexus" and "waiter your finest scotch" seem to work pretty well.
>> No. 281532
>>Getting insurance companies to cover dating classes.

Why does this sound familiar?

>> No. 281553
Well they ARE both on the 'tism spectrum...
>> No. 281566
Retsu speaks on how they hate edginess
>> No. 281588
I read that he or his fantards are preparing some kind of "vengeance" on the Retsupurae guys. What are the going to do? Send a suicide bomber at Diabetus' house? Allahu PewDiePie Akbar!
>> No. 281591
They're making a counter-video. Pewdiepie asked his fans to film themselves reacting to the retsupurae video. It's sure to be a masterpiece of self-trolling if it ever actually gets made.
>> No. 281594

The 2 ton elephant in the room with any "trolling circle" is that there's a very obvious reason why the trolls are able to get so much detailed, analyzed inside information on the furries, cheese conies, toon-fappers, retro-gamer kiddies, etc.
>> No. 281595
Especially since most of the submissions will probably be kids between 12 and 16 who will yell "You're ugly! You're fat! I'm going to fucking kill or rape you!" at the people in the RP video.
>> No. 281598
I really like Homor but Jesus, he pulled a lolcow of a mistake using a common username when dealing with this place. Especially when name fagging.
>> No. 281600
>> No. 281601

Does it really need to be explained why using a consistent username is a bad idea if some of your online community hangouts include embarrassing subject matter or a social climate wherein you abandon your mental filter?

It's one reason why it used to be so easy to dig up dirt on furries: They would use their "fursona" names for everything even if they were arguing on a message board about operating systems.
>> No. 281602
i dont think "homor" is a particularly unique username, but okay.
>> No. 281603
Maybe people are not aware that all the "hacking" that goes into getting cocks on potential lolcows is mostly just Google searching.

Like stated, most people use the same username for just about everything. I hope this place teaches people to use different names, tags, etc. when dealing with different communities. You're asking for trouble this day and age. And God help you if you've shared a Facebook link on a forum.
>> No. 281604
thanks for the protip, only true and honest sagelike advice from a master troll.
>> No. 281605
I think it is unique. Normal would be "Homer." But if you see Homor on a toon forum, it is probably our lil' buddy.
>> No. 281607
if you visit forums like that you probably have the 'tism regardless of your proximity to homor.
>> No. 281609
They are often self defeating, like they might have a girl try to flirt with them and they'll either be oblivious or get angry thinking they are playing mind games.
>> No. 281617
Journey into the mind of a PewDiePie fan:
Not very funny, but the level of obsession and idealization is creepy.
>> No. 281884
File 135071164862.png - (398.83KB , 504x674 , 5wp3t.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
They still aren't as lulz worthy as any feminist.
>> No. 281886
Take it to pol you fucking sperg
>> No. 281887
File 135071384054.jpg - (342.69KB , 600x515 , 1339049520692.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

You mad bro?
>> No. 281891
>any feminist
>that picture

Don't waste your breath dealing with this sperg, guys. He's just mad because he thinks that being an incel loveshy is a real thing and we're taking the piss
>> No. 281893
It's good to see that /cwc/ has surrendered to the SJer crowd. Now we can have a privilege board to denounce those who abuse of his thin privilege, grammar privilege, living privilege...
>> No. 281894
So what, we can't make fun of loveshys anymore? They are just as much lolcows as SJers, due to their "involuntary celibacy" which is a load of shit
>> No. 281895
File 135076388184.jpg - (67.17KB , 692x331 , 4homor.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Also, Homor: Answer this question for us.
>> No. 281896
No it hasn't. It just hasn't surrendered to the loveshy political crowd. This will not be a right wing virgin hugbox. It will not be pol
>> No. 281901
Sorry to interrupt the eternal struggle between trannies and losers, but I found this brilliant comment from a young man, who gives us new hopes about the fate of mankind:
I didn't know that being a fan of that fag equaled to a race.
>> No. 281903
>im smart

>them selfs
>> No. 281907
Courtney, because she sorta looks like a human being.

That animation company sucked it's later years.
>> No. 281909
Race doesn't work that way. Also, being good at school level math isn't saying much.
>> No. 281917
File 135076789633.jpg - (90.69KB , 540x720 , dtxM3.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Is this the thread where we were talking about Amanda Todd?


Vice hit something big
>> No. 281987
File 135079264375.jpg - (29.50KB , 500x500 , 1338968117962.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

wtf is an incel loveshy anyways?
>> No. 281990
In their community, it's two different terms. Incel means nobody wants to sleep with you, no matter how hard or well you try. Loveshy means you're too scared to intiate any sexual relationship.
>> No. 281991
What the hell happened?
>> No. 281993
Incel means involuntary celibacy. Basically they are what happens to loveshys when they drop the "love quest" and it turns into a fuck quest just like our old pal, Chris.

Loveshy is a made up mental condition which makes men, and only men, suffer from such a severe social anxiety that they cannot even fathom approaching a woman they like. Despite being unable to approach they allege that they are rejected before they even try, and they use that to justify their choice not to approach. Also, despite the severity of their social anxiety, it is never diagnosed by any mental health professional.

True Forced Loneliness is a similar group, but more aligned with MRA- Mens Rights Activists. Mens Rights Activists basically want to take western women's rights back to a traditional sense because women are not emotionally and intellectually mature enough to handle their own affairs in their opinions.

True forced loneliness guys have actually put forth the theory that the CIA as well as some magazines put out to young teen girls are working against them on a covert level, hypnotizing women or otherwise subliminally convincing them not to date this specific subset of men. They are kind of like the harder version of Loveshy, like if you mixed loveshies with conspiracy theorists.

MGTOW, or Men Going Their Own Way, are the end result of men who have been loveshy, incel, tfl etc for way too long. These men have given up completely on dating, sex, and companionship and have decided to focus on bettering themselves. Unfortunately, this usually amounts to sitting on the internet bitching about women all day- the same thing they did before they decided to go their own way.

There. Everything you need to know.
>> No. 281995
Homor jerked off to some cartoon robots.
>> No. 281996
You forgot the chantards. As fanboys of all the other groups, they're the most pathetic of all.

They say your personality is the average of the personalities of the 5 people you spend the most time with.

Well gentlemen, I give you ... yourselves.
>> No. 281997
File 13507965105.png - (290.65KB , 468x386 , 1348170507846.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Chantards are too varied a group to put a label on.

On 4chan you will find people ranging to hyper liberal to racist stormfag incels
>> No. 281999
>On 4chan you'll find a bunch of edgy thirteen year olds with the mental maturity of a 6 year old

>> No. 282010
Only a few boards are that bad. The rest are like this, but for other interest. Ok most of the boards suck and are full of fail, but the edgy teens mostly stick porn boards and /b/.
>> No. 282011
SJers have taken control of /cwc/. Pay your respects to our new tranny overlords.
>> No. 282012
>full of fail
God, I hope you're using that phrase ironically.
>> No. 282023
I'm sorry we aren't just an insecure male hug box like /pol/
>> No. 282025
Does that make me an hipster?
>> No. 282052
File 135081838337.jpg - (59.70KB , 400x600 , 1350271848193.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
> Mens Rights Activists basically want to take western women's rights back to a traditional sense because women are not emotionally and intellectually mature enough to handle their own affairs in their opinions.

Jesus christ you have no clue what you're talking about.

Just kill yourself already janye
>> No. 282070
File 135082535688.jpg - (14.09KB , 300x450 , Pope papaltine.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Sorry that you think in absolute terms 789chan.
>> No. 282071
Why can't we just agree that both loveshies and SJ freaks are equally horrible people?
They are both radical, full of hate and hellbent on stripping certain groups of human beings from their rights and treat them like animals.
>> No. 282072
Well, sadly, what that anon said is true.

MRAs wouldn't be so bad if they just disallowed/shut down clearly bitter virgins from having an opinion and focused on truly male issues such as infant circumcision in America or prostate cancer. But no, they are too nice and let people who are obviously just using Men's Rights as a way to get their passive aggressive jabs at women while looking noble.

So now MRAs go from "Let's protect males from genital cutting" or "Let's make things better for young boys with information about various medical issues for men" to "Bawwww, I can't get laid let's talk about how women are evil and bitch about that episode of [generic comedy] where they bashed men"
>> No. 282073
>infant circumcision

Oh jeez, don't start on this shit again.
>> No. 282074
Was just using this as an example, no intent to start a shitstorm. But the more I think about it, the harder it is to actually think of a truly male issue.
>> No. 282084
Every MRA I have ever encountered and every MRA site I have seen basically amounts to "Lets make women property and slaves again". They like to say they are fighting laws bias against the male sex as a whole, but in the process of that they want to make rape harder to prosecute, want divorce laws to change completely so all the fault is always on the woman, basically their ideal of a woman is a housewife who makes you dinner and puts out on command.

I hate to say it, but MRA really remind me of those white supremacist guys who claim there is bias against white people and we're going to go extinct via government-encouraged inbreeding. They're just feeling prosecuted because women are no longer forced to listen to and obey men.

Like the anon after me, I really can't think of a solely male issue. But if they really wanted to do some good they should lead by example. Perhaps campaigning for more rights for male parents in the event of a divorce would be a good place to start. Instead they just whine about women.

Also, despite evidence to the contrary, MRA insist that there is no hiring, promotion, or payment bias against women in the workplace. When asked why women find it harder to get into high paying positions, they simply reply the woman didn't try hard enough, or she wasn't really looking for such a job. They ignore actual facts and statistics and instead like to focus on the fact that male rape never gets prosecuted, ignoring the fact that rape in general is hard to prosecute, moreso in men where they are less likely to come forward about it due to feeling unmanly or something.

So yeah, MRA will only be happy if every bit of women's rights are stripped and men are placed on a pedestal.
>> No. 282090
Hi Yasmin. Go oppress men elsewhere. This is a nice place.
>> No. 282112
MRA is just the extreme side of something that's an off-ignored issue.

Rational people don't hate women or begrudge them rights. But at the same time, it's alright to call men stupid, lazy, ineffective, and unable to do anything without a woman's help. Next time you watch TV, try and find a sitcom where the men aren't portrayed as bumbling oafs.

But at the same time, saying shit like "Well women have less physical strength than men, so they should get paid less" is just retarded.

There's been the problem in the last few years of American politics going further left and further right, but honestly, I think it's a societal issue.
>> No. 282113
oft-ignored, I mean
>> No. 282114
>>Every MRA I have ever encountered and every MRA site I have seen basically amounts to "Lets make women property and slaves again".

How many have you been to? Okay, if it's a small number, then your sampling is limited and your entire premise is flawed as you have no idea what you're talking about.

If it's a large number, you better find an article or something on every single one of those sites where that exact phrase is stated. Not "Well, clearly they MEAN this" or "Well, obviously what they REALLY mean is..." crap, find me some that outright say they want to enslave women.

Because I could find plenty of ridiculous things feminist groups have said with minimal effort.
>> No. 282173
File 13508411802.jpg - (586.50KB , 1680x1050 , resistance.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


Jesus fucking Christ they're here.

>> No. 282174
>> No. 282178
>People disagree with me
>> No. 282180
File 135084132599.png - (29.51KB , 695x134 , FireShot Pro Screen Capture #041 - '_cwc_ - M.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Nice try Yasmin.
>> No. 282181
Fight da whiteys!
>> No. 282311
File 135085200370.jpg - (29.30KB , 404x404 , 1348303485341.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I know you're trolling because you can't possibly be this stupid.
>> No. 282315
I don't really care if you find crazy feminist stuff and try to shove it in my face. I hate feminism as a whole and find it to be largely populated with man-haters just as I find MRA to be largely populated with woman-haters. I'd laugh at the ridiculous feminist stuff just as much. Like there was some blog posted here some time ago saying all men should be castrated, that was absurd and that woman was either a troll, not a woman at all and just posting discredit other people, or a frigid bitch who never had good dick.

I'm not sure how valid my sample size is. But this isn't a scientific document its my personal experience. There have been MRA sites posted here and more than a few of them have attempted to prove me wrong elsewhere on the net. Mostly, they question the validity of my relationship and they insist I am using my boyfriend or I am a CIA plant. I don't think the CIA pays people to argue online, but I could be wrong.

Can you honestly name an issue relevant to men and only men? Women are still fighting for workplace equality. You might say it doesn't ever happen but there was a huge lawsuit against walmart for its treatment of female workers and that was recent. I think there is some stink in the air that makes everyone who doesn't get what they want feel the need to fight for recognition and rights. In reality I don't think there are any pressingly urgent issues related only to men. The only one I could think of is parenting rights being attributed to the mother during a divorce, but MRAs are too busy whining about the alimony they will supposedly have to pay. Nevermind that in a marriage with a female breadwinner, the man could just as easily get alimony. It has happened.

So until proven otherwise, MRAs will always just be whiny men who got fucked over by some bitch who never really loved them anyways, IMO. Or, butthurt loveshies who will never get married anyways.
I find it interesting that you'd defend this.
>> No. 282317
I'm not trolling. I guess most of the anons here are more pathetic than I first thought. Half of you probably are MRA just to put those damn, dirty, greedy feminists in their place, eh?

Feminism is retarded and so is MRA. Suck it up and deal with it.
>> No. 282321
File 135085301210.gif - (593.01KB , 352x240 , didntread.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Go away, Yasmin.
>> No. 282339
File 135085470144.png - (9.77KB , 538x169 , Meanwhile in IRC.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Speaking of Homor...
>> No. 282346
File 13508551884.jpg - (100.64KB , 500x332 , 1340138441216.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Keep sperging there man haters.
>> No. 282351
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles I am sorry Homor didn't want to have sex with you.

(Also as a side note vlc has a good PC to iPhone/iPad video streamer for anyone who didn't know and might want that kind of thing.)
>> No. 282356
File 135085692929.png - (3.98KB , 334x92 , homor.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
more homor cocks!
>> No. 282389
Stop obsessing over Homor, it's not healthy.
>> No. 282398
>wait no how do i delete that

Poor Homor. Quite kicking the awtistic, anon.
>> No. 282399
lolXD epic trolling, /b/rother. He totes fell for our TRUE plan.
>> No. 282401
>user makes valid point about sexism in the workplace
>> No. 282402
File 135086656656.jpg - (62.60KB , 750x561 , 1309834848924.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Did anyone claim women should be paid less or any gender given special treatment?

The former is absurd and feminists openly claim the second.

Way to be a fucking moron
>> No. 282404
Yasmin, didn't you get banned once in this thread already? Are trying to be a lolcow?
>> No. 282407
File 135086730860.jpg - (10.25KB , 300x168 , vlc.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 282415
I am not trolling. See, I'm >>282072.

I'm a male who actually used to read about Men's Rights. But I also was a loser who took shit too personally with women.

Try to actually read most MRA sites or watch many videos. They cannot seem to quit whining about women in any way. Like Feminists, they basically cherry pick shit like comedies and make it out to be some horrible disowning of men. MRAs should at least understand that if you are dealing with a man-hating woman, you should just leave her so she can sperg about how she hates men by herself. Fuck her. But hey, all women are succubi who can't be trusted in their logic.

As I said, if MRAs at least just helped young boys get into the right direction in life (no drugs, decent education, understanding things like testicular and prostate cancer, aid with divorce, etc) while telling every loveshy and butthurt ex-boyfriend to fuck off and go get a life, their movement would be much more credible.
>> No. 282424
File 135086971871.jpg - (65.25KB , 1237x202 , guilty.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
MRAs are usually scary dudes, along with the MGTOW, guys being drained with child support and alimony because they were horny morons once.

Loveshys, though, those are the funny bastards. They don't know what to blame, so they blame everything and everybody for their inability to get laid. You get people who thinks looks are all that matters throwing fits when faced with counterexamples, you get people blaming the government and the mental health establishment, of course, all blame women.

They are angry, they know they are pathetic, and they hate being called on it.
>> No. 282426
They are the mirror image of the SJers.
>> No. 282427
Dat lack of shame
>> No. 282431
I remember this guy from my visits to the LS forum.

Do they really feel that it's alright to snap and hurt people because they didn't get fucked? I hope it's just shit talk.
>> No. 282436
Shit talk. They're all about shit talk.
>> No. 282442
No, feminists don't. SJers do, spast.
>> No. 282445
Feminists are pure, blameless creatures.
>> No. 282448
I think people like this are why we, as social animals around each other for long periods of time, have limbs that reach our genitalia. Seriously, why doesn't that pacify them?
>> No. 282455
For the last time: SJ-feminists and Loveshys are the same.
Both are obsessed with making the government and society control the sexuality of the opposite sex. Both use a slew of made-up words that they learned from books and blog posts written by academic hacks and/or spastics with an axe to grind. Both of them wallow in their imaginary victimization like a pig in shit, claim anyone who dissents is part of an evil conspiracy, and thrive on the Internet because that's where people too worthless to function in the real world seek refuge.

We need to throw them on an island together. The ensuing castrations and rapes would be glorious.
>> No. 282456
I'm not Yasmin, but I'm fat and a chick so it's probably close enough for you, eh?
>> No. 282457
Part of me wonders if people were always this fucked up mentally, but because there was no way to voice their opinions free of repercussion or any real criticism they just kept it to themselves.

Then the internet happened and now everyone is sperging out.

Then again, gender studies and the whole "gender is a social construct, claim to be a nonbinary gender for the lulz" thing supposedly originated in college classes.

At least the tumblr crowd seems a little younger, and thus they can site lack of worldly experience to explain some of their stupidity. I think some of those loveshy dudes were in their 50s and 60s and still bitching on the internet. Wonder who taught them how to use a computer?
>> No. 282459
An even darker version of The Island of Dr. Moreau.
>> No. 282460
I agree with you. More help to keep kids from being dumbasses and getting some bitch pregnant when they're both 13 can never hurt. Not that young girls should be sleeping around as much as they are either. It's kinda depressing thinking about how shitty kids are these days, honestly.

I've never understood why anyone would take TV in general as an example of any form of real life behavior or situations. Most shows are offensive to someone at least some of the time.
>> No. 282462
Parennts! Kids need parents. I'm not asking for superheros, just decent people making an effort to raise their children. Nowadays, I don't know who are more childish, kids or adults.
>> No. 282463
I think it's because they see it as television being a showcase of the mainstream opinion. If female on male abuse/rape/etc. happens enough on television for comedy then they view it as people finding male abuse funny.
>> No. 282470
Most of the shows they pick on are terrible sitcoms though. Plus, aside from really retarded people, I don't think anyone else really takes those shows seriously...

..well, maybe I answered my own question there.
>> No. 282482
>Most of the shows they pick on are terrible sitcoms though.

Yea, that is true.

>Plus, aside from really retarded people, I don't think anyone else really takes those shows seriously...

You did kinda answer you own question. Really, I would merely say that most MRAs and Feminists have some issue and as such cannot enjoy anything if it has a trope they don't agree with.

It says a lot when Feminists and MRAs often cite TVtropes.
>> No. 282493
File 135088492359.jpg - (50.63KB , 919x446 , SDK_REV_CHAR.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You're trying to minimize by asserting that it's retarded to point these things out. Feminists make similar complaints though.

The same video game for example can feature half naked men, and half naked women, but they only get upset about the women. They then make the non-argument that "The male instances are just male fantasy!" as if only men fantasize about being attractive. As if all those women who buy skimpy outfits, buy weight loss porgrams and undergo plastic surgery have no desire to be attractive. I can tell you this, I don't think it's a very common male fantasy for guys to walk around in loin cloths.

They complain about women being killed in movies, comic books, films, etc. Any time a woman is killed, no matter the reason, it's bad. They claim she's being "fridged" if anyone mourns her loss. If no one mourns her loss, then they get upset and claim she's being written off as disposable and unimportant.

Meanwhile male characters are killed by the thousands every day, and they see nothing wrong with that. Nothing wrong with the endless faceless mooks in the black masks getting murdered. It's hypocritical.

And it's been consistent for decades. I would say the 90's were the most equitable in this regard. There were as many smart men as smart women, but as far back as the Flintstones the common set up was fat, ugly, stupid men with schemes that blow up in their face because they're outsmarted by beautiful, in shape, strong women who are always the voice of reason.

The Simpsons, Family Guy, American Dad, Brave, King of Queens, Everybody Loves Raymond, in any sitcom with a married couple the father is fat, lazy and stupid, and the mother is pretty and the voice of reason. Even UP which has a heart-breaking opening follows this trope. The wife is strong and in shape and beautiful and wants to go on adventurers, and the husband knows his place and is afraid of her and keeps quiet until after she's died. This is all they've produced for the past decade. Kim Possible, Atomic Betty, The Replacements, The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy, Sidekick, it's a consistent set up. Girls are always right, pretty, smart and strong, and guys are ugly bumbling oafs.

Same thing in action movies for the last decade. Even though most of them don't even make back the money, they have pushed that premise so hard. Aeon Flux, Serenity, the Resident Evil movies, Salt, Kill Bill, Sucker Punch, Colombiana. Now it would be one thing if there was a great demand for movies featuring skinny, petite women with no figures kicking ass, but at the same time these movies put forward the idea that it's okay for women to be tough, dominant, aggressive and kick ass, feminists are repeatedly suggesting it's bad for men to exhibit these SAME behaviors.

Now for the record, I've never been to any MRA site, I'm not a loveshy. If however you don't really believe any of the things you say here and are just trying really hard to troll (Hi Yasmin) please prove it by asserting I'm one of those things instead of specifically addressing what I've said.
>> No. 282497
When your life is so devoid of meaning that you devote it to finding things that offend you, I think you tend to ignore the other side of the coin in addition to taking offense to things that are really there or interpret inoffensive things in an offensive light.
>> No. 282498
Oops, *not really there.
>> No. 282499
File 135088591865.jpg - (511.65KB , 1024x536 , code.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This did happen though, and you can't pretend the ratios of objectification are even in that regard. But we aren't talking about tv. TV doesn't really penetrate that deeply into society. I hate to say it, but it sounds like you really need to get out of the house more and get some real world experience alongside some real world feminists and not the SJers and whatever demon construct you've seemed to meet online. Most TV is satire, even sitcoms. That is, they're making fun of the trope usually, even if they're playing it straight.
>> No. 282504
So, you're actually trying to say that when men are made fun of in sitcoms, they're actually making fun of the absurdity of men being made fun of?
>> No. 282507
Sometimes, not always. Like some sitcoms are Roseanne and others are Leave it to Beaver.
>> No. 282508
That doesn't make sense. So, by that logic, women in revealing costumes are actually making fun of the absurdity of objectifying women, right?
>> No. 282516
File 135088697283.jpg - (933.77KB , 1800x2329 , 1340273031888.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I mentioned video games, films for adults, and children's cartoons. If you're seriously suggesting that UP, Brave, The Replacements and Billy & Mandy were satire... I don't even know what to say to you.

Hell, in the image you just posted, that female character is the only one in the game that has breasts, the rest are all pedo bait.
>> No. 282518
File 135088707333.jpg - (625.28KB , 970x477 , Code-of-Princess-Characters1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
And further, here's the rest of the cast.
>> No. 282520
Sorry, misread. It's not that they're making fun of the absurdity of men being made fun, it's more like they're making fun of tired stereotypes. Just because it's satire doesn't mean it can't play it strait. The Sex Sells thing won't go away, but often you'll see developers making fun of themselves for adhering to it, say by having a character comment on it.

And I don't know if you noticed it, but those sitcoms almost always stress the father's practical knowledge even if they make him a bit dim. The wives are usually superficial with ideas considered naïve or impractical, and, I'm going to stress this, things always work out in the end, which means the father usually solves everything his own way by the end. I mean Roseanne was odd for a reason. Homor usually fumbles through shit with only the moral support of Marge.

And I don't know why you're reading sexism into this. It's the father who's the main character, not the mother. The father's a Jo Everyman, and since the majority of people feel insecure about their looks, their intellegence, themselves generally, the main character happens to be a fool. The fool archetype in old storytelling was often male too, since that was the default gender (the entire Indo-European feminine gender evolved from an abstract suffix (thus why Latin's neuter plural looks like feminine singular) well after animate (later masculine) and inanimate (later neuter) had been well established) and allowed the character to do things while not being the protagonist. When we lost the old protagonists to new pop media, the fool took lead and his gender just happened to be male. I'm not saying it isn't there, I'm just saying you don't have to interpret things this way.
>> No. 282527
File 135088953565.jpg - (36.19KB , 565x407 , billy_and_mandy_by_toxinna-d37alfk.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Even within the shows you mention, the husband is portrayed as fat, stupid, ugly, and dim-witted, and the majority of his problems stem from his failure to adhere to the advice his wife gives him.

His wife who inevitably has a perfect figure, is intelligent, can kick his ass, and is the voice of reason. You're simply acknowledging this in fact is what happens in television, then just saying "It's okay though, it's not bad guys are portrayed as fat stupid idiots. You just might be wrong to find error in that."

Would you feel the same if it was the men who were always right and always the voice of reason, and women were always insane idiots who can't get out of bed without tripping over themselves?
>> No. 282540
>implying there are no works of media like that
>> No. 282552
How many can you name that were made after 1959?
>> No. 282555
There are actually many shows, even though I'm technically cheating by using reality shows, such as Bridezilla or Snapped that would show women making an ass of themselves for stupid shit.

Even the female narrator has a tone of, "What is that guy with that fucking bitch".
>> No. 282558

Since contestants on most reality shows are emotionally manipulated by the crew, these seem like valid examples.
>> No. 282559
King Of The Hill.
Hank was smart, logical and the voice of reason. Peggy was dumb and had a lot of bad ideas.

Bob's Burgers.
Bob is the voice of reason and is smarter than his entire family. Bob's wife isn't dim-witted, just crazy and kind of a ditz.

American Dad.
Stan and Francine are both idiots, just in different ways. Stan is a dim-witted overbearing conservative family man who really doesn't understand any of those things and Francine is a vacant air-head.
>> No. 282561
Wacky Dad
That dude was fucking wacky.
>> No. 282562
my fucking sides
>> No. 282564
Using reality shows is cheating, because that's using real people, not characters created by writers.

Peggy was pig-headed and arrogant, but arguably she was in better physical shape than Hank, and she was also on a few occasions portrayed as stronger than him. There was the episode where Bobby kicks Hank in the balls, and Peggy is able to put Bobby back in his place because she doesn't have balls for him to kick, and wrestles him into submission. And the episode where they bought a motorcycle, and the resolution was Hank submitting to her, letting her driving, and taking his rightful place in what they referred to as "the bitch seat." Also, virtually all the female characters were in shape and portrayed as attractive, while with the exception of Boomhaur, all the men were fat, balding dim-wits. However, despite surface appearances, King of the Hill was a much better written and far more complex show than most other animated sitcoms, and even if I didn't always agree with it, it's a damn shame it got cancelled so McFarlane could have two spin-off shows.

American Dad is basically Political Strawman: The Animated Series. Francine is arguably the more sensible between the two of them, and she's in much better shape than Stan with his giant beer gut. God I hate that show.

I haven't watched Bob's Burgers, so I can't really comment.
>> No. 282566
>American Dad is basically Political Strawman: The Animated Series.

It was for about the first season, but the show really turned around as it went on and got a lot better.

It's gotten to the point where politics aren't even a part of the show anymore, the show has become a lot more character-driven and relies more on absurdest humor now.

Seriously, if you give it a chance, it's a lot better now.
>> No. 282569
>Using reality shows is cheating, because that's using real people, not characters created by writers.

True, but they are on television, which is why I used them. Many, many MRAs will claim that television is overtly politically correct and never shows women in any way that isn't smart, independent and moral. The fact is that is completely wrong.

In addition to Snapped and other shows, we even have Deadly Women, a show about women who commit horrid crimes for whatever reason. And the show does not pull any punches and feels that these women could have done things differently. In a culture that MRAs see, shows like what I mention wouldn't exist. People however seem to love these shows about women being evil, mean, or otherwise annoying womenchildren. What I should be saying is, women are shown to be horrible people as much as men are shown to be horrible.

And if we are going to see sexism where it really isn't, then maybe the fact we have the male be stupid in cartoons and comedies is actually saying that men are normally smart and women are normally dumb.
>> No. 282572
Yasmin, you keep confusing mra with imaginary strawmen. Just stop.it already and move on with your life.Yasmin keeps sperging up the threads. Make it stop!
>> No. 282581
>>True, but they are on television, which is why I used them.

But it doesn't make sense to use reality shows as an example. In theory some of them might be scripted (people who come off badly on Wife Swap often claim they were encouraged to behave a certain way) but they're real people. Writers didn't create them with an agenda, they represent their personalities and behavior. I mean, you may as well be arguing "reality is biased to make women look like bitches!" Those are maybe the only shows that don't always portray women in a positive light, and it's not women in general, it's specific women behaving how they actually behave. Their friends and family typically aren't portrayed as nuts.

You could go further, by your own admission, the men on these shows are typically portrayed as whipped and obedient to their wives.

>>we even have Deadly Women, a show about women who commit horrid crimes for whatever reason.

And there's one about killer children, but these are shows about historical events. You're trying to argue that any factual negative portrayal of a woman is sexist, but fictional negative portrayals of men aren't. What do you want them to do, claim the female killers were good people for what they did?

>>maybe the fact we have the male be stupid in cartoons and comedies is actually saying that men are normally smart and women are normally dumb.

That... doesn't make any sense. In any event, can you please stop referencing MRAs? I'm not one, they have nothing to do with this conversation, it's a pointless strawman, and the way you describe them in this thread comes off as childish. The only group publicly endorsing anything resembling enslaving women are a few extremist muslim sects. Unless you're some kind of nutjob who thinks "traditional roles" = slavery.
>> No. 282582
>yasmin posting anonymously


>shits up threads even more

>> No. 282583
>And there's one about killer children, but these are shows about historical events. You're trying to argue that any factual negative portrayal of a woman is sexist, but fictional negative portrayals of men aren't. What do you want them to do, claim the female killers were good people for what they did?

All I'm arguing here is that MRAs (or rather the vocal assholes who make a mockery of Men's Rights) will make shit videos bitching about the lack of negative portrayals of women. I'm providing examples of shows that do that and were greenlit for broadcast. I was just thinking that a show about women who killed would be such a show that countered this idea that television is always biased against men.

>That... doesn't make any sense.
It does. In comedy, you often have people trapped in situations that almost never happen or just people behave in a way that completely clashes with norms. It's why it's funny when a guy dresses up like a girl. It's weird but it's funny. If society were to consider the man smart and the female dumb, then it's instant laughs for the audience if the man can't tie his shoes without his wife who majored in rocket science to help him.
>> No. 282588
That last argument you keep making is very weak. If you genuinely believe that, then any negative portrayal of anything in media could be written off as satire and therefore actually promoting the opposite message of what is being portrayed.

The reason men are often shown as stupid is because it has become the norm. Writers are often lazy and pander to the LCD with safe humor, plot formulas, and overused tropes. The other thing is, no matter what murky and idealistic reason the writers supposedly have, the end result is still the same: dumb slovenly men and attractive smart women. HOWEVER, I do agree that such portrayals are not always the case and that some media display the opposite or (ideally) show them as different but equal.

Seriously, by your logic, it almost seems you are saying that women are actually dumb and comedy writers make them smart to be funny, like a chimp in a suit, or that any negative portrayal is just a sarcastic one, or that shows depicting bad women (like Snapped) are actually glorifying their behavior and glorifying them as strong women.
>> No. 282589
Cartoons and sitcoms don't accurately depict reality, and they never will. You can't expect media to fill the void of your nonexistent social lives. Stop being spergs.
>> No. 282590
>>All I'm arguing here is that MRAs (or rather the vocal assholes who make a mockery of Men's Rights) will make shit videos bitching about the lack of negative portrayals of women. I'm providing examples of shows that do that and were greenlit for broadcast. I was just thinking that a show about women who killed would be such a show that countered this idea that television is always biased against men.

For the nth time, we're not talking about MRAs. I said please.

And again, you're comparing historical instances to fictional ones. It would be like if someone complained "How come the villain on Law & Order always turns out to be a white guy?" and someone responded "Oh yeah? How come on The First 48 90% of the time the criminals are black?!" Reality doesn't have an agenda. Trying to argue that frankly is just making you look crazy. Can you provide an example from a FICTIONAL show?

>>It does. In comedy, you often have people trapped in situations that almost never happen or just people behave in a way that completely clashes with norms. It's why it's funny when a guy dresses up like a girl. It's weird but it's funny. If society were to consider the man smart and the female dumb, then it's instant laughs for the audience if the man can't tie his shoes without his wife who majored in rocket science to help him.

To begin with, that isn't funny. Beyond that, you're assuming that society regards women as stupid. Also that every single different fictional media using this same style are all doing it for satire, including dozens of very dopey sitcoms, dozens of children's films and cartoons, and commercials for cleaning products targeted at women.
>> No. 282593
Look, maybe I shouldn't have wasted my time trying to defend my points like I have, but Feminists and MRAs cherry pick too media much. Perhaps if I had made myself even clearer, it would have been noted I was just saying that all the sexism MRAs and Feminists see on television is often blown way out of proportion.

I find the media cherry picking annoying because they take shows and games no matter how simple and innocent, then try to make it out as to why they are oppressed/hated. It gets old when Youtube Feminists try to look smart by tearing apart kiddie shit like Mario, just because it has a male saving a female. Or when an MRA complains about an old as shit comedy gag (getting kicked in the balls, wife whipping her husband) as misandry.

If Feminists and MRAs could stop seeing sexism where it isn't and solve shit, maybe they would get more respect.
>> No. 282603
Please Note:

Do not reply to Yasmin. You are being trolled. If you see a post using "loveshy" or "MRA" as derogatory terms, ignore it.
>> No. 282604
But... Homor, I'm not Yasmin.

I hope this is just some bad /cwc/ joke.

>> No. 282605
Sure not Yasmin I'm just not going to post this youtube video.
>> No. 282607

You kinda got caught:

>> No. 282608
Often I find that trolls go for extreme so that they cause controversy and attract gullible idiots.
>> No. 282611
So no one can criticize loveshies and MRAs ever again?
>> No. 282614
Nobody said that, Yasmin.
>> No. 282618
But.. I dislike feminists too, so I'm not sure why I would waste my time defending them? Or trying to prove you're something when I don't know you or care?

Also, not Yasmin.
>> No. 282620
I just wanna say, if you have ever actually been forced to watch half of the shows you cite, you'd see there are just as many negative portrayals of women. The flintstones for example, Wilma and Betty are obsessed with shopping and are also so nosy they will pry into their husbands mail, they show no forethought whatsoever and eagerly dive into debt.

Everybody loves Raymond is pretty similar. His wife is made fun of multiple times, for being frigid and not putting out, or being unable to cook.
I don't really watch TV, and maybe that's the difference. I can count on one hand the TV series I've watched in the past year. I also really don't care about objectification of women. I like seeing half naked chicks in games and advertising. I haven't seen as many half naked men though, but that probably owes to the fact that I normally play western games, wherein some kind of body armor is mandatory if you dont want to die and you can't strip down your dude/chick.

There are tons of stereotypes in media. They use them to avoid having to actually put effort into their scripts. A movie with a strong female heroine will have people go see it just for that fact, regardless of if it is good. A TV show with stereotypical characters will use those stereotypes to create jokes that appeal to a larger base audience, because everyone has heard those stereotypes.

I really think it is pointless to criticize entertainment material written by idiots in Hollywood. Do you really think they give a fuck about society and culture? They care about their next paycheck and their ratings.
>> No. 282622
Hey homosexual deviants!

So, here's something that's easy to remember: Whether you're a man, woman, black, white, transgender, cis, homosexual or hetero, or some kind of bizarre, biology-defying mix that refers to him or herself as "zir," remember this:

Thinking that people are beneath you solely because of their race, gender, or sexuality is retarded!

So if you're a feminist who thinks all men are worthless, you are actually the one who's retarded! Whoa there, MRA! Once you start thinking women exist only to drain your alimony and get knocked up for child support, now you're the retards!

See, it's wrong to lump people into the same category without taking in their merits. That's why "privilege" is such bullshit. According to SJ, a white guy from the hills of Kentucky is privileged because he's a straight white cis male. Never mind that Appalachia is in such poverty it makes the lowliest welfare queen look like...well, like what Reagan thought welfare queens looked like, I guess. They're white straight men, they must be privileged! Anything they say is invalid because they're white men and can't understand the plight of anyone else!

At the same time, you'll never see an SJ blog that refers to Barack Obama as privileged. He went to Harvard and became president, but as a black man, he can never be privileged!

It's wrong to lump anybody into a category, but that's exactly what these groups do. Should we see race/gender/sexuality? No, of course not. If we wanted to truly be equal, I should be able to in one breath tell jokes about niggers, trannies, white people, homosexual deviants, and women without anyone getting offended.

Equal opportunity should just mean you have an equal opportunity to be insulted.
>> No. 282643
File 135092749664.gif - (541.04KB , 400x300 , 1233928590_citizen kane clapping.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
See also, "Cartman's Silly Hate Crime 2000".
>> No. 282645
File 135092827174.png - (4.49KB , 400x300 , riveting matters.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

The root of the problem with Tumblr's idea of privilege is that it's not even wrong. It's the easiest thing to invent and claim, it's impossible to qualify or quantify, and it only serves fallacies of relevance in Tumblr's transgendered furry cripple echo chamber.
>> No. 282651

But that just makes you a "colorblind racist."
>> No. 282725
A poor white man from Appalachia might have an easier time finding a job than a poor black man from Chicago due to his race, though. That's not to say he is privileged, because it's obvious that he is not due to his excessive poverty, but still.
>> No. 283225
File 135105978683.png - (8.66KB , 463x162 , come at me a-logs.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Homor cocks?
>> No. 283227
Remember when Nick Bate outlined his sexual fantasies, and he said one was to have a female sex robot that had to obey his every command?
>> No. 283234
No John, you are the spergs.
And then John was a spastic.
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