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279220 No. 279220

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>> No. 279221
>Nick Bate

My fucking night is ruined.

Thanks a lot, asshole.
>> No. 279223
Worse than hitler
>> No. 279224
op is maddi, calling it now.

nobody gives a shit about nick bate.
>> No. 279227
Nick Bate is still relevant? Maddi supposedly had the law come and she had a choice to give her computer away if they needed it and nothing came of it so why would anyone care about Nick Bate?

Herp derp he's a pedophile?

Nobody did anything when they could (supposedly, if Nick is a legit shuddercow) and nothing funny's happened in a year or more.
>> No. 279228
Nick Bate is not funny, just gross and pathetic.
>> No. 279230

>> No. 279249
Exactly. It was funny back when people went nuts over Nick Bate. Just a bunch of white knights and people happily serving as a personal army. I don't dislike Maddi, but still, did anybody honestly find this shit (no pun intended) funny?
>> No. 279251
>Been seeing a therapist and psychiatrist. Looks like yes, I have Asperger`s. Psych eval on Wednesday.

i lol'd
>> No. 279254
Nick Bate is sort of interesting in a morbid sort of way, but there aren't enough cocks to keep most people interested
>> No. 279255
i don't think anyone really dislikes maddi but her vain attempts to seem relevant are still annoying. this shit is old and needs to just go away. that's all.

in regards to nick bate, i find most of his lolcow status just sad, pathetic and rather something to be forgotten than to be milked. fuck his 'saga' and fuck this lolcow idea since it's continually produces nothing but unfunny sour milk and shit tier tryhard ween trolling over and over again.

not mad, just getting too old for this shit.
>> No. 279261
Maddi positives:

-Brought Nick Bate to our attention.
-Better able than anyone else to manipulate him and provide Nick Bate cocks.
-Board regular, reasonably friendly. Thick-skinned.

Maddi negatives:

-Brought Nick Bate to our attention.
-Was a /tc/ regular.
-Disconcerting tendency to form romantic relationships (even if fake) with disgusting, pathetic lolcows (both Nick and Tacowiz.)
-Too young to be posting here.
-Involvement in board drama seems to be negatively effecting her weight.
-She's a GIRL! And she POSTS WITH A TRIPCODE! And I bet if I had the courage to ask she totally wouldn't go out with me!! How dare she post with a name to identify with when dropping conent!!! BAAAAWWWWWWWW! (read: stirs up the board's resident retard population for some inexplicable reason.)
>> No. 279262
This thread should be about Maddi, then.
>> No. 279263
File 135011680516.jpg - (227.97KB , 800x600 , rickyricardo123prettycool.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>mfw nick troll'd harder than the generic bros who *heart* madison.

lucy is a cunt.
>> No. 279264
nonlucycat is pretty cool guy, eh, scampurrs evrywhere and doesn't afraid of nothing.
>> No. 279268
okay, maddi
>> No. 279279
I found pretty funny that maddi only brought Nick to our attention because she was jealous about him not getting over Ana, and no one called on her shit.
Probably because Nick was actually very interesting.
>> No. 279283
Never happened. Do you really think that the FBI would have ignored the easily accessible evidence that Nick at the very least was attempting to make sexual contact with a minor and didn't do anything because said minor thought they were meanies and didn't want to give up her laptop?
>> No. 279287

>-She's a GIRL! And she POSTS WITH A TRIPCODE! And I bet if I had the courage to ask she totally wouldn't go out with me!! How dare she post with a name to identify with when dropping conent!!! BAAAAWWWWWWWW! (read: stirs up the board's resident retard population for some inexplicable reason.)

Same thing with Yasmin

Neckbeards gonna neckbeard though
>> No. 279292
can we just let this shit die? even i really don't care anymore.
>> No. 279294
You 'happened' to be online right after this was posted, right?
>> No. 279298
>comparing Tacowiz with Nick Bate
>calling Tacowiz disgusting and pathetic

I wouldn't go that far, weener. Tacowiz didn't molest his younger sister or do anything horrible like that.
>> No. 279302

tacowiz makes me sad

he wants friends so bad, he's willing to be everyone's punching bag
>> No. 279303
>not trollshielding and useless

You know the rest
>> No. 279312
1. Nick Bate thread posted
2. People complain about maddi acting like a teenage girl
3. Cycle begins anew
>> No. 279313
This. Exactly this.
>> No. 279317
When you tripcode with your presumably real name simply to show that yes, you are a female, that is the seeds of GOTIS, which isn't appreciated on most sites. Sure, you'll call me MRA or something, but you know it is true. Yasmin is probably the worse offender, since she seems fixated on divulging her personal tastes and the only reason she would want a trip is to get attention since I don't think she has a real schtick, she isn't staff, nor does she regularly divulge new information or otherwise give people a reason to want to follow her posts in particular.
>> No. 279346
Yasmin doesn't post that much anymore though, at least not with a trip.
>> No. 279392
Hi maddi. no one cares.
>> No. 279393
>the spasm of this post
>> No. 279396
Can't tell if Maddi or a whole new white knight.

Tell us more, Anon.
>> No. 279404
She's more a white knight than a trollshielder.

I don't think she can even stop herself, I remember when she was trying to say something nice about Tacowiz's baby fur comic which doesn't really sound like a thing anyone would enjoy.
>> No. 279405
that's actually a layer of fat
>> No. 279605
  I recently found this.
>> No. 279606
English spergs sound even spergier than any other spergs.
>> No. 279636
Those are Australian spergs.
>> No. 279640
Forgive him; he's an American sperg.
>> No. 280196
One of them is Australian, I can tell, I suffer from that defect myself

I was never really up to date on this sperg apart from the fact he is pro-paedophillia, seemingly can't function on his own and uses a faux Canadian accent (aboot)

But now I see, this doss cunt has quite possibly gone beyond a spasm lolcow into a whole category of cuntitude, he's got no wary truth filter and he belives everything he's saying
Probably the only lowcow that will actually get major jail time
>> No. 280280
This seems to be the cycle with Nick Bate.

He gets posted, everyone who hasn't followed him is like "What's the big deal? He's not funny, he's boring."

Then some of the stuff posted earlier (that conversation was posted in the very first thread, and it and another were sent to his mother back then) and he goes from "boring uninteresting lolcow" to "complete shuddercow, fucking disgusting waste undeserving of the air he breathes." Then a few people become impassioned after finding out about some of the stuff he's said and done, particularly his claim -which he now denies- that he molested his little sister.

Then nothing comes of it. We've had so many false starts. Nothing came from contacting his mother. Nothing came from when he came to the board and argued with us for around 900 posts. Nothing came from when that idiot from Scotland set herself up as a fake sweetheart, and was claiming she'd convinced him to get a job and stop stalking Anna. Nothing came from when Maddi reported him to a government-affiliated group that investigates cases of child molestation -because she refused to give them her laptop, and lied about it for months.

Then at a certain point you just don't want to hear about him anymore, because it's frustrating. Nothing is being done about him, nothing will be done about him. He's just this unbelievably frustrating pervert who takes pride in what an immense failure he is.
>> No. 280313
Do you think perhaps the piquancy involved in observing a lolcow derives from their hapless rage and associated ego
the whole recent amp up in the Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles saga seems funny because of the malformed creature's unwarranted self-immportance
Nick Bate on the other hand is just a sad bastard, knows it and in a fucked-up way is at peace with himself?
The whole idea about begging for maddi's involvement is kind of weird as well, a petition? What 'audience' does he believe is watching him?
>> No. 280374
File 135036364374.jpg - (33.17KB , 640x478 , 130570468293.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>>Nick Bate on the other hand is just a sad bastard, knows it and in a fucked-up way is at peace with himself?

Not exactly. There's no real consistency to his logic. His relationship with Anna for example is a textbook example of the Madonna/Whore complex. He's asserted that she must remain a virgin until she's with him, no matter what, or "her life will be ruined." Asked to specify he only says "It just will, it's obvious." as with all of his other nonsense beliefs. Simultaneously, he thinks it's okay for him to have sex with anyone else, cyber with them, whatever because "Well for some people they need to wait until marriage, and others can have sex whenever they want."

Now, there's sort of a chicken/egg thing from here on, is he a failure because as he claims he wants to be and it's all part of his plan, or does he claim he wants to be a failure because he is and he wants to justify it?

He was in some special ed classes, but claims he was never diagnosed with anything. He says all through school he was actively trying to flunk, that he repeatedly banged his head against walls in an effort to become dumber. His stated goals included:

-Never graduate high school (he did, through social promotion)
-Never hold a job (some have argued he has, as his parents have in the past paid him for things, but he's never had a real one)
-Become Canadian
-Marry Anna, who despises him and has repeatedly stated she's not a virgin anymore and has dated numerous other people and supposedly has a restraining order against him.

He's claimed he wants to be dumb because the dumb character on sitcoms is always the most lovable.

He's obsessed with asses and feces, and notably jerks off with his shit and then simply wipes off the combination on his walls, much to his family's frustration.

He hates vaginas, part of his obsession with little girls stems from a claim that "vaginas open and get all gross at puberty." He once drew a crude image and posted it here to try to explain.

He claims to have a fear that he'll be attacked in the bathroom, and so refuses to ever bathe or clean himself. He claims he's not done more than wash his hair in over 8 years.

And most notably, he claimed to have molested his little sister, convincing her it would be fun to eat his ass and suck him off.

He's also tried to "romance" Anna by assuring her he'd be a househusband and provide her good advice while she worked, and he'd get her pregnant so he could teach their children all about anal and oral sex, and he's told her numerously of his intentions to rape her ass while she sleeps or shits.
>> No. 280705

I don't think it's so much the justification for his behaviour, more the fact he can't be provoked into ween causation by any rage at 789 chan's 'help'.

Justinrpg was sort of the same way; he was oblivious but never angry.

I like the term 'shuddercow' that's been used, it's apposite here because Nick is just a amiable stream of paedophillic coprophillic consciousness.
(As an introvert I see tweeting as just bizarre self-aggrandisement)

What would hit his buttons then? Calling maddie or Anna whores (in line with his complex) and implying they're part of your harem?
>> No. 280716
Maddi he doesn't mind dating, he wants her to so she'll try out the sex acts he enjoys. That was his reaction when she got a boyfriend, if I remember correctly.

Anna, he flipped out about her boyfriend when the boyfriend created a twitter and started talking to him. The boyfriend posted here too, and that might have gone somewhere, but every time someone pops up as a source trolling Nick -in this case very successfully- someone on this board insults them until they lose interest and go away. Possibly the same guy who originally told Nick to deny molesting his little sister, because he wanted Nick to be his personal lolcow.

With her boyfriend Jeremy -who Nick called Jerkamy- he flew into fits of rage and made numerous death threats towards.
>> No. 280774
>tfw you're fatter than nick bate
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