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File 135016154291.png - (617.86KB , 1354x310 , cyberbullyonnetflix.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
279370 No. 279370
A white, teenage girl who committed suicide "due to cyberbullying" appeared all over my Facebook feed last night. Then, when I logged onto Netflix today, I noticed something strange about today's most popular movies.
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>> No. 279374
Cool story brah.
>> No. 279375
Cool bro
>> No. 279378
Cyberbully is a great movie
>> No. 279379
Cyberbully makes us epic ween trolls look bad!
>> No. 279381
Targeted advertising, brah. Someone needs Ghostery.
>> No. 279385
Man, Netflix has sure been recommending some shitty-ass movies to you.
>> No. 279387
It's because of his taste
>> No. 279411
Yes I'm sure she committed suicide because of Netflix

I'm sure all of society's phobias had nothing to do with it

Nope couldn't be
>> No. 279414
I don't think the OP is implying that, just making a comment on today's Netflix (While the news of the suicide was yesterday).
>> No. 279415
File 135017204835.jpg - (27.55KB , 500x375 , 1347183195367.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Someone sure likes shitty movies.
>> No. 279416
File 135017262569.jpg - (50.79KB , 585x511 , laughing faggots.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Oh hey, it's that tripfag who only posts with a trip to disagree with people.

Tell me more about all of society's phobias, wise tripfag who doesn't know that phobias were invented to sell joke books and never shows up in lolcow threads ever!
>> No. 279418
OP here.

I'm suggesting that the news story motivated people to look into the "cyberbullying epidemic". That's why so many people suddenly decided to watch the tragic story of a young woman who never learned how to open a pill bottle.
>> No. 279421
  I hate SJers and reactionary shit like this as much as everyone else here, but I don't see any lolcows other than Bunny1, OP.
>> No. 279423
  Since the other thread 404'd, this is the video that's the reason this is getting media attention. She outlined what had happened to her as a cry for help, and after several suicide attempts, killed herself.

I don't know why OP felt the need to specify she was white other than "I'm from tumblr, and am a retard" but her last bullying incident wasn't strictly bullying.

To summarize, when she was younger she flashed her tits on the internet. Dude later tried to blackmail her for a webcam show. When she said no, he sent her picture to everyone on her facebook and all her friends and family. She ended up having to move. At that point, personally I felt sorry for her because kids do stupid shit, but then the guy created a new facebook with her boobs as the profile picture. I don't get why people would care so much, and I'm kind of confused as to why she kept making faacebook accounts and posting her personal info, but whatever.

After another move, she went and slept with a guy who had a girlfriend. She tries to make herself out to be a victim in the situation "I thought he liked me!" but the result is the girlfriend found out, confronted her at school, and beat her up. She hid in a ditch in the fetal position, and when she got home she tried to kill herself by drinking bleach.

During her recovery, everyone sent her pictures of bleach and ditches, and encouraged her to keep trying to kill herself until she succeeded, and she finally did.

Damn shame.
>> No. 279424
*got locked, not 404'd. Brainfart.
>> No. 279425
will somebody ban this piece of shit?
>> No. 279426
It's sad that she killed herself but I don't really care. People can be vicious and they probably went too far, but killing yourself over that is a bit stupid. Look at all the shit Chris has been put through and he's still alive.
>> No. 279458
It is sad and unfortunately I doubt it will make government care any more mental health issues or anything it's just to sell papers.
>> No. 279515
So... she killed herself because people made fun of her for being a skank? Is it really that hard for today's youth to not post their nudes on the internet? I made it through my teens without posting dick pics online.
>> No. 279516
Rock and Roll
Comic Books
Heavy Metal
Violent Video Games
The Internet

Wait five to ten more years and there'll probably be something new for people to blame their parental shortcomings on.

The reason kids are killing themselves is that they are being brought up to believe everyone will be their friend and that they are doing nothing wrong. What's wrong with telling your child "Look, you're different, and that's a plus, but while you're 13 until you go to college, assholes are going to make it rough. When you get done with college, there will still be assholes, but at least other people will know they're assholes so it won't suck so hard. Don't kill yourself over someone being an asshole."?

Oh, wait, that would mean being a positive role model in your child's life and we all just have to be our kid's best friend now.
>> No. 279521
Parents blame for their failure not only specific scape goats, they are also fond of blaming "society", I often hear when something bad happens "it was our failure as a community", at the end, everybody's fault is no one's fault, shitty parents continue being shitty parents, tweens continue being arrogant pricks with snowflake complex, and mankind continues its downfall spiral.
>> No. 279523
It was probably a lot more of an internal thing provoked by external influences than a pure reaction. Remember, she took a drink of bleach and probably wrecked herself up pretty bad.

People who do that sort of thing usually don't mean it as a outright suicide thing; it's probably more self-mutilation, punishing herself for falling short of her own expectations. Her own behavior marked her as a whore, and she probably thought of herself as nothing more than. During her recovery she was probably either confronted with having a man's voice the rest of her life or just being mute, which probably added in ideas of being a burden or damaged goods to her sense of self.

I'm guessing she might have been fucked up going into her mess. Then a childish motherfucker and series of epin ween homosexual deviants just screwed her over - legit depressed people often don't things that make sense; whence the whole "mental illness" thing.
>> No. 279582
>mankind continues its downfall spiral
Please. There have always been tards and the tard-at-heart.
>> No. 279598
I posted a fuckton of dick pics online. No one cares about male nudes except pedos though.
>> No. 279607
>The reason kids are killing themselves

The reason kids are killing themselves is because the news treats that kind of reaction like its a rational solution to the problem.

There's nothing wrong with telling kids not to pick on each other. But that's only one of many steps to be taken. Despite "bullycide" being the tragedy everyone is out to prevent, no anti-bullying campaign I've ever seen even bothers addressing suicide, let alone tells kids that suicidal thoughts aren't rational and should be immediately discussed with a parent or counselor.
>> No. 279608
I don't mean to be an asshole, but is that necessarily something that falls on the rational/irrational scale to begin with? How is it irrational to kill oneself? Rather, how is it rational to keep on living?

That aside, to what degrees are these kid's problems internal, and to what degree are they external? As much damage as the self-esteem movement and the over-diagnosis and mishandling of depression have done, historically speaking, these folks would have just killed themselves. Suicides rates were higher historically, like they're higher in nations economically/socially stuck in the middle ages (and Japan because shame society and Finland because it's dark, spürdö and Mordor).

The difference we notice now I think was due to how the media handled it. 100 years ago, if some teenage John Smith from South Caroline jumped off a bridge, it would get a mention in the towns obituary, and the most that would come out of it would be a lynching or so confined within about 3 or 4 miles. A hundred years later, Sally Smith does the same and the whole country erupts proclaiming it a national epidemic.
>> No. 279610
> How is it irrational to kill oneself?
It's the direct and deliberate betrayal of one's own self-preservation, the most primal drive dominating every base action of a living creature?

What I'm saying is, they do treat it like an epidemic. It's not, it's a choice. A really stupid choice. But in this day in age, it's a choice that earns you respect from your peers and sympathy from your elders, your school holding you up as "an hero" for refusing to endure a hardship. In a weird and accidental way, they almost make it enticing.
>> No. 279612
Thread's gonna turn into a shitfest soon, mark my words.
>> No. 279613
Primal drives aren't rational, just saying. They're not on that domain. Eating or not eating isn't intrinsically rational, for example - look at fatman, look at some anorexic starlet. It's more than that. Following the English, we could frame it as a utilitarian thing - what value do they have.

But I dunno, as cynical as it may be, who are we to judge? As long as they the time to think the decision through, maybe if they're in so much pain that they consider suicide, if they're in so much more pain than we would be in if we made the same mistake, maybe it's best to for them to put themselves out of their misery. She drank bleach, she probably gave herself a hell of a lot of respiratory and gastrointestinal problems. Who are we to consign her to a lifetime of suffering?
>> No. 279614
Because adults nowadays have the same spoiled, bratty mentality as of their children. They want to act like kids indefiniteley And when this backfires, they are too lazy to get up their asses and stop watching Jersey Shore and act like grown up persons.
>> No. 279615
>Social phobias.
Another term for the Buzzword Truck. I blame the Frenchie who invented Social Sciences.
>> No. 279616
Who are we? Decent people trying to convince kids that their lives aren't over because someone ruined a reputation that won't matter once that graduate high school.

Even if you don't believe that, if you believe a tween is in good sense by killing themselves, it's nerve-racking how the news and communities treat it. People getting flustered and panicked about the cycle of a wheel they helped to spin.
>> No. 279617
What calls my attention of this suicide is the motive the girl had to take her own life. It doesn't sound powerful enough to warrant such action. Also, where were her parents? They should've helped her.
>> No. 279618
This is why I've been asking whether there was something internal or not. Maybe she had a lot of factors leading into this - maybe her mom made the problems of being a whore clear to her without showing her a way out. And something must have been in place for those assholes to do what they did to her.

Some people hide their problems as well. To a degree, this is a helpless situation that will repeat as long as there's humans and has been with us since we had the capacity to conscientiously murder ourselves. We can make subtle improvements... but I think that's all we can do here.

As it stands, though, possibly because of my own lack of a sense of purpose, I'm just a lot more concerned about improving the lives of those that want to live than worrying about those that don't. Shit happens. Sorry for the girl, sorry for her family, and shame on the assholes who did that to her, but this shit's as eternal as the sun. We have very little of the full picture and the media is inane.
>> No. 279619
*insane, I meant. Not inane. Though I guess that works too.
>> No. 279620

I agree with you but the motive here was simply banal.
>> No. 279621
Banal, yes. But I wonder, by what values did she make that decision? Utility probably had a something to due with it, what with her having disabled herself. Maybe her sense of beauty as well - nothing like a cleansing by fire. Certainly the latter in the initial step. Probably not on considerations of love, what we in the west take for granted as a reason for living.

Also, ever here of poshlost'? If not, wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poshlost
>> No. 279626
i lol'd
>> No. 279628
Dumb teens killing themselves? So what? Fuck 'em.
I would encourage thousands more of these camwhore skanks to end their shitty lives and stop shitting up the planet with their lives and their shitty kids lives.
Fucktards need to be encouraged to kill themselves to make the world a less shitty place.
>> No. 279642
Woah, I cut myself on your sharp edges
>> No. 279643
Woah, I cut myself on your sharp edges
>> No. 279647
File 135022475164.jpg - (31.29KB , 608x448 , 1288381308968.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 279648
Your wording and aggressiveness is a bit odd, but in all honesty, if you spend your days flashing your tits and vagina to the internet, you probably aren't going to be contributing too much to society (or, if you ever do, your online shenanigans will completely undermine anything else you achieve). The only thing that would likely be lost by society as a whole would be something to fap to.
>> No. 279659
The media are a bunch of sensationalist fuckwits but if it encourages these teens to kill themselves then let them sensationalise all they like! They're only going to grow up to appear on Bangbros.com or shart out 10 welfare babies and spend their lives commenting "So true xxxx" on butthurt quote pages on facebook.
>> No. 279663

That's beyond fucked up.

Why would anyone be glad about this?
>> No. 279665
you're so edgy and cool, I wish I could be just like you!!
>> No. 279673
File 135023438948.png - (57.49KB , 1208x390 , bdsmbullies.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Here's how Mikhail wants to respond to bullying.
>> No. 279675
Out of interest did you have the same kind of reaction when Chris was similarly blackmailed?
>> No. 279677
Underage. GTFO.
>> No. 279678
Haha, getting ahead in life means being a special, unique and of course, homeless snowflake now?

Anyway, as for >>279423,
I guess kids these days have kind of a predetermination of WEEN in them. I mean, a hundred years ago, they would beat each other up and call it a day, but I'm pretty sure they did not drive each other to suicide. Then again, they did not post nudes online either.
>> No. 279683

Actually yeah.

Honestly most chris trolling bothers me. It isn't like Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, where he comes here and does it to himself. Chris was just some dude on the internet with a shitty comic. Sure we found out bad things about him later from trolling but in the beginning we just knew he was:

A- spastic

and B- A terrible Artist/Writer

Most of the trolling reminds me of what fucked up kids used to do to socially awkward nerdy types back when I lived in Jakarta, I find lolcows funny, but in a "prime directive" way. Trolling honestly just seems really childish.
>> No. 279689
You lived in Jakarta? One of my good friends lived there too when he was a child. What was it like?
>> No. 279692
I agree. Chris wasn't terrible. He just had spasm and the related behaviors, which most weeners attributed to him being a "narcissistic psychosociopath rapist"
>> No. 279696

Youth culture is full of homosexual deviants constantly putting each other down and fighting (even more so than in the west and that's a scary thought). Adult culture is even more cyberpunk than the rest of the world currently is.
>> No. 279734
Chris is spastic but only mildly so. He should know better than to treat life as if it were the plot of a cartoon show, as he did during the high trolling days. His spasm plays a part, but I don't think the trolling was any different from making fun of any kind of idiot.
>> No. 279764
A Christmas movie is popular on Netflix right now? But it's October! You're right, OP. That is really strange.
>> No. 279767
I really wouldn't call Chris's spasm "Mild" he has many of the symptoms and still has severe issues interacting with other people.

Saying he should know better isn't going to change how his brain functions.
>> No. 279769
I think it's a little half-and-half.

Chris probably would have gotten himself in trouble either way. Keep in mind, he was getting himself banned and arrested long before he was getting trolled.

On the other hand, while a lot of the trolling was insightful, most of it ended with sadistic tie-cutting from Chris. There just wasn't a reason to fuck with him to the extent that a lot of trolls did.
>> No. 279798
What are you talking about?! Chris was an innocent angel before he started getting trolled, and nothing is ever his fault ever! Are you implying Chris is anything less than perfect? Well as far as I'm concerned there's no difference between "bad person" and "horrible monster who is the next Hitler" so HI A-LOG!
>> No. 279806
>On the other hand, while a lot of the trolling was insightful
>"He's crying because his Aunt Corina died HAHAHAHAHA"

Also check out the mailbag if you honestly think that any of the trolling was insightful
>> No. 279810
uhh, he didnt give two shits about aunt corina dying but in his defense I think he only met her once before that.
>> No. 279814
He did too care! Because it meant he couldn't have pancakes that day!
>> No. 279817
Back to Cwcki Forums with you, A-Log.
>> No. 279839
A guy tried to blackmail me for porn once. Sadly for him, I insisted he show proof he had any pics to blackmail me with, which of course he didn't. If he did have them, they'd have been CP anyways.

I suppose if he'd somehow sent them to all my friends and family, it'd have been a bit awkward, but I'd just have been grounded and had my webcam taken away. Besides it was just my boobs.

As far as "blablabla stupid bitches showing tits to everyone who asks", it's easy to do something stupid when you don't understand the long term implications of what it is you're doing.

Still, I never killed myself, and I think its a little bit ridiculous what kids will kill themselves over these days.
>> No. 279844
When you say porn do you mean nude pics of yourself or DVDs/Porn passes?
>> No. 279854
cool victim blaming
>> No. 279862

I'm glad they're dead.
>> No. 279864
>victim blaming
>> No. 279865
Posting your tits on the internet for all to see goes above and beyond mere childhood stupidity. It is also a reason why children shouldn't be allowed on the computer unsupervised.

Can somebody really explain why young people have such strong urges to show their nasty little tits and deformed dicks to the world, sometimes not even bothering to obscure their faces or other defining features?
>> No. 279868
File 135027622637.gif - (11.43KB , 171x198 , clorox.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I, for one, want to give a big shout out to Amanda Todd, for how strong and courageous she was throughout her entire ordeal.

You see this shit? It's motherfucking Clorox bleach. That's Sodium motherfucking Hypochlorite to you you homosexual deviants who don't know shit about chemistry. That shit will burn your skin, turn things the wrong color, and turn into toxic, deadly fucking gas, right before your eyes.

This bitch DRANK this shit, and didn't even fucking die right away. I'm not even close to that badass. In fact, we should be saluting this young woman's courage and dedication in the face of what was surely the meanest anyone had ever been to her, ever.
>> No. 279875
File 135027737248.png - (578.14KB , 550x413 , sloth.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I have a liter of hydrochloric acid in my stomach RIGHT NOW and I'm not whining like a little bitch.
>> No. 279878
>> No. 279880
File 135027832034.jpg - (33.09KB , 576x452 , Oh You!.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 279881
Lelzz :-----DDDDddd
>> No. 279882
Pansies! I drink Clorox with the breakfast. Better than orange juice.
>> No. 279887
>>Can somebody really explain why young people have such strong urges to show their nasty little tits and deformed dicks to the world, sometimes not even bothering to obscure their faces or other defining features?

The same reason every kid's first google search is "sex". We were doing these things before the internet, the consequences were just much more localized.

Have you never heard of the phrase "I'll show you mine if you show me yours"?

When I was like 16 there was this girl, 14 if I remember right who prided herself on this massive folder she'd collected of dick pics she'd convinced guys to send her. I was male and she had not seen my dick, so naturally she wanted to add it to the collection. Maybe if her sales pitch had been better, but I didn't want my junk tossed into a pile with a bunch of other sweaty losers, and she was pretty annoying so I wouldn't show her shit.

For a time she became obsessed with getting me to send one, and in the process sent me a shitload of nudes. She also created a hundred or so screen names because I kept blocking her. This'll probably make me sound like a dick, but to get her to fuck off, I created a fake Yahoo name, and put her nudes in the profile. She'd given me her phone number as well. After that all I had to do was go into a chat room and wait. Every night for a week I'd go to sleep with that name in a chat room, and wake to find her complaining that she was in more trouble because creepy dudes were calling her house all night jerking off.
>> No. 279891
File 135028174121.png - (408.13KB , 704x324 , Gillette.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
...Why would you think it's okay to share that?
>> No. 279896
I felt the story was relevant to the topic being discussed...
>> No. 279900

For what it's worth, I appreciated that little anecdote.
>> No. 279902
I guess because it got me attention and when I was young thats what I wanted. Most of the pics didn't have my face in them though.
>> No. 279903
He claimed to have pics of me and wanted videos in return for him not releasing them. It's really not much of a bargain, since he'd just have more to blackmail me with then...
Assuming he's into fatties anyways.
>> No. 279920
Why does everyone keep saying she was white? She was asian.
>> No. 279923
File 135029188098.jpg - (44.77KB , 620x400 , 7383494_bin.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh... Oh shit, you're right. Oh well, any excuse to hate white people, right?
>> No. 279924
Her ma looks stoned; just sayin'.
>> No. 279932
Am I really the only one who gives a shit what person the tits in question belongs to? I fail to see the mentality most people have towards 'OH, I KNOW HER. I'VE SEEN HER TITS', and just watching a fucking porno.
>> No. 279934
doesn't give a shit*
>> No. 279941

Because tits.
If a guy did the same thing everyone would taunt him and call him a coward, the media wouldn't give jack smack shit either.
The demise of a young, beautiful girl mortifies everyone because women are sympathetic and men are saddened by the loss of a good set of tits and a tight vagina.
>> No. 279943
You misapprehend me. I care about tits, I just don't think it's such a big deal from whom they came from, unlike seemingly a majority of the people on the internet and I know who thinks the tits in question are somehow more valueable if they belong to a person they've met in real life.
>> No. 280295
>> No. 280671

Ah fuck. Lulz killers
>> No. 280675
>'[He] is an abomination to our society, and will be punished,'

Do they even know the site they themselves originated from? This moral crusade bullshit is just dumb, especially when it boils down to ween teens trying to act all tough and righteous while hiding under their precious Guy Fawkes security blanket.
>> No. 280695
Confirmed for next synchtube
>> No. 280715
File 135043553334.jpg - (29.20KB , 640x360 , Thisbig.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>>280695 Widowed mother Alexandra Paul (as Michelle Ross) is happy when high school-aged daughter Amanda


Bauer (as Lexi) is asked out by hunky football star Andy Fischer-Price (as Gregory "Greg" Nickels). Turns out the handsome jock wants to win a $50 bet he can bed any girl, even a virgin with some prudish rep. To prove his conquest, Mr. Fischer-Price records the encounter on his laptop. Missing her bigger-than-two-hot-dogs ex-boyfriend, jealous Katie Gill (as Carleigh Taylor) learns about the recording, sneaks into the boys' locker room, and makes it viral...

The public sex tape causes a chain reaction of tragedy...


Yeah, it's going to be like that. Enjoy
>> No. 280744
Hey, I'm in my early 30s, I'm going to spread cp all over the internet. LULZ!!!!!
>> No. 280750
*Pedobear thumbs up*
>> No. 280759
Typical old-school 4chan troll.
>> No. 280762
DO A BARREL ROLL!!!!!11!!11!
>> No. 280763
File 135044732067.jpg - (62.48KB , 349x642 , easily_trolled.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 280764
>> No. 280796

Make it a double feature http://www.scnsrc.me/films/girl-fight-2011-dvdrip-xvid-noscreens/
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