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No. 279735
  Sammay the balloon tards been making more videos.
>About foil balloons are the most important invention ever

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>> No. 279736
>kick da mylar
>> No. 279738
  I had a feeling he'd be back.
>> No. 279749
ermagerd sammay looks just like that dude who made metalochalpyse lulz
>> No. 279751
One of the photos he used in that was a memorial for a dead kid. Stay classy Sammy.
>> No. 279752
>mentions Metalocalypse

Get out. That show is right up there with MLP in shit cartoons. It doesn't have a single redeeming feature.
>> No. 279753
shut up it's cool yo, i guess you like the coondocks or other jiggaboo cartoons lulz
>> No. 279754
It's pretty funny as well as a great satire of metal culture. Guess you just don't get it.
>> No. 279755
Is MLP a shit cartoon?

I thought the issue was that grown men were watching a wee little girl's show, not that it was shit.

But I guess you'd know; I'm sure you've made careful study of it.
>> No. 279757
I thought the issue was how they force it into everything and feel the need to bring it up where and when it is completely irrelevant. I still think it is funniest when they feel slighted by somebody and make those vague threats (like remember when the MST3K guy took some halfhearted jab at them?). Sure, the nature of the show has something to do with it, but if they weren't so militant with their fandom most people would be none the wiser about their antics.
>> No. 279759
I bet you'd like Boondocks.
>> No. 279760
  Damn, he was so much better looking back in 2007
>> No. 279776
  What's this guy's connection to 1suppi? A fan or a mocker?
>> No. 279800
Everyone knows the best balloons are oval shaped mylar with pictures of black skateboarders from the 80's on them.
>> No. 279802
>>279800 I meant mylar.
>> No. 279803
>>279800 I meant mylar.
>> No. 279835
oh, did you mean mylar?
>> No. 279836
both of you are retards
>> No. 279890
I am guessing he is in some kind of special ed class because he hits anything he doesnt like
>> No. 279892
He probably was.

Another high school video
>> No. 279945
like how can you be sexually attracted to mylar balloons, what the fuck could have prompted it.
>> No. 279947
What prompts you to be sexually aroused by a female covered in feces?
>> No. 279948
a very slutty balloon.
>> No. 280240
File 135034162375.png - (24.36KB , 457x110 , destroy789.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Seems Sammy wants to OBLIVERATE 789chan.
>> No. 280241
>having opinions about cartoons

Get out. Cartoons are right up there with video games in shit media. they don't have a single redeeming feature.
>> No. 280247
shit nigga, I just heard about this place. you niggas is tryin to steal my shine, aight.
>> No. 280290
  Has anyone seen this?

Coolbluelights has betrayed sammay
>> No. 280376
File 135036400714.jpg - (53.67KB , 720x540 , 13403732739.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Bump, because the tax sperg took it off the front page
>> No. 281227

>> No. 281248
Oh god, why?
>> No. 281483
  New video!


also samay makes out with balloon
>> No. 281484
Anybody else getting a bit chubby from this?
>> No. 281485

>> No. 281486
Hey Matt Coons.
>> No. 281520
  More butthurt from Sammy.
>> No. 281523
How does a hand get that obese?
>> No. 281529
When its owner lists McDonald's as one of the best inventions ever.
>> No. 281678
Fan. 1sidekickfan is just as spastic as Sammy.
>> No. 281687
shit nigga, Sam & that 1sidekick nigga is the real homes. you guys are all fake-ass niggas tryin to steal my shine, aight.
>> No. 282724
Speaking of which...
>> No. 284143


He's one of his friends who shits out similar quality videos.
>> No. 284174
  Anyone surprised that Sammy is into lolicon?
>> No. 284250
I honestly had trouble telling if his "THE SEXIST THINGS IN THE WORLD" video was supposed to be titled 'sexiest' and he just fucked it up. So many prepubecent cartoon girls. Gah.
>> No. 284286
File 135139127957.jpg - (23.65KB , 450x400 , 1275366691301.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

This is apparently a balloon fetish site, and they even have a section dedicated to mylar balloons. Apparently, sammy isn't the only weirdo on the planet who jacks it to mylar balloons. There's also a disturbingly high number of recommended links on the left side of the page.

I wonder what kind of fucked up child abuse causes this?
>> No. 284297
This is a picture of ME and MY GIRLFRIEND! TAKE IT DOWN NOW!
>> No. 284320
Wait, wasn't Sammay found commenting on a video of a dude jacking off with a balloon or something? Or is balloon sex one of those weird fetishes where sexual orientation and gender of the performer don't matter as long as the object of the fetish is involved?
>> No. 284373


On Yahoo Answers he posted about how he jacks off with balloons.
>> No. 284564

shit nigga, I oughta post on Yahoo Answers 'bout why you stealin' my shine, aight.
>> No. 284569
Kill yourself
>> No. 286421
  How much does Sammy spend on imported mylar Balloons and cartoon stuff?
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