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File 135027412626.jpg - (355.92KB , 2048x1536 , Ulillillia[1].jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
279846 No. 279846
What's the general consensus on /cwc/ about Ulillillia?
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>> No. 279849
His name is a mouthful to pronounce, he's unfunny, and he's more or less benign, so trolling him would probably get you banned around here.
>> No. 279850
I have a general consensus about the op. op is a homosexual deviant
>> No. 279851
no one cares.
>> No. 279852
>> No. 279853
File 135027448838.png - (79.72KB , 417x452 , 134584519349.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
He's benign as far as I know, but I don't really follow him, so I don't know.

Forgot your sage.
>> No. 279857

You must be new here
>> No. 279858
He calls himself "Homor" around here.
>> No. 279909
Ulillillia went to college and is attempting to better himself. Homor isn't. I like Ulillillia.
>> No. 279914
I like both Homor and Uli. They sperg to the extreme!
>> No. 279936
He's a nice guy, but he's really got to overcome his fear of mirrors if he stands any chance of living a normal life.
>> No. 279937
  You can sperg adulation and wax lyrical over that listless feck Homor and some schizoid with an impronouncable name, but not our beloved Grampa Phag?
>> No. 279940
I couldn't make out a word of that, what the fuck are you saying?
>> No. 279942
Sperghomo is the reason I can't use /cwc/ on my cellphone anymore. Fucking ween kids..
>> No. 279949

Then he's achieved something.

I think Autphag's a pretty chill guy when you get past his Nazi shit and engage him in sort of bare balls nitty-gritty stuff. I think he's just a lonely, aging man, and geriatric social services are pretty deplorable in Britain so I hear. That's what you get for socializing your medicine.
>> No. 279951
not >>279937 but you should really learn to into Standard English and not that American abbreviated conjugate imageboard text crap, looked pretty intelligible to me, he was basically asking why we give a shit about two losers while berating slightly less of a loser (don't get me wrong, sperghomo is pretty pathetic, but Homor is over-rated and Atlus-tier, and I've never even heard of this ullillillilia or whatever the fuck)
>> No. 279953
>achieved something
>> No. 279964
Don't make this about politics mate. Don't talk about healthcare when your country on stats is a joke unless you're rich and white.
>> No. 279966
Why do you care about Homors education?

You go on about him so much I am starting to think you are tsundere for him.
>> No. 279968
Everybody is gay for Homor here.
>> No. 279969
For fuck's sake, i'm only 18 and i'm working on GED as we speak, give me a break already, fuck.
>> No. 279973
>> No. 279978
Yeah, i got the test center's number, once i get some shit out of the way I'll give them a call.
>> No. 279981
Good luck. But you shouldn't let some homosexual deviant like Autphag bother you.
>> No. 279983
he's a boring retard, but lots of people act like they really love and admire him
>> No. 280003
Oh look, it is this thread again.

I think the answer is he is entertaining, weird, and harmless. He's most likely untrollable short of actively fucking up his life on your own since I don't think he is the type to respond to trolls or at the very least not the type to get riled up over them. He does his own bizarre thing and shares the results if he thinks they will entertain or inform a few viewers.

Did anybody watch the documentary about him?
>> No. 280005
>Hitting Film Festivals Worldwide Early Fall 2012
>> No. 280006
Oh, oops, my mistake. I thought it came out over the summer or something.
>> No. 280007
File 135031625196.png - (39.71KB , 887x362 , 51-year-old antisemitic autistic schizophrenic nov.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Aut­phag refuses to engage anyone. He just broadcasts his rants calls all of us niggers, shits his pants, and does nothing.

This screenshot is all he's really produced, and we can't prove that any of this is true.
>> No. 280010
I think it's because he tries hard even though he's got a pretty terrible life.
>> No. 280020
Wasn't Autphag confirmed as completely fake? I mean, didn't he conveniently set up a same-name and minimal cocks DA right around when he appeared on here just so he could have it be "trolled?"
>> No. 280021
Thought it was supposed to be released this summer?
>> No. 280022

No, he made that after he got range banned.
>> No. 280027
And with the same name, minimal cocks, and a deviantart of all things. Also, he just so happened to stumble across and start posting on /cwc/ now so late in Chris's entertainment life, namefags, is revealed as much too old to still be raging at people online, reveals personal information about himself, has his own gonna make him famous project, and a highly broadcast trolling point.

It all just seems like a stupid manufactured lolcow. I use the term loosely since it isn't funny and nobody cares.
>> No. 280031
Please, my poor mother (bless her departed soul) has died and all you are interested in is questioning the veracity of my existence while vindicating Homor's idle young Chav (or whatever the equivalent in America is) arse. It's proto-negroid "whites" like him that bring into disrepute the Caucasian's reputation amongst non-whites, particularly the industrious and diligent Mongoloids, Dravidians and Australoids. He has forsaken the genetic integrity of the Aryan creed forever with his mono-brow buck-chin Congoloid features.
>> No. 280032
Food for thought.
>> No. 280033
Bloody samefag if I've ever called out on it!

>> No. 280034
Settle down Autphag.
>> No. 280036
I've tried engaging you on my terms, making a DA. However, you've yet to deign yourselves to converse with me on it. Also I don't understand social networking in general, it's taken me all this time to get imageboards.
>> No. 280040
Right you are. The sooner the NHS fucking collapses is the day that I'll be free from their incompetent and harmful treatment; I'll actually be able to seek healthcare from a trustworthy private provider.
>> No. 280042
Fucking shit man, if an idiot like sperghomo can find this many proxies, what hope is there for the rest of them?
>> No. 280045
But there is nothing stopping you from getting private healthcare in the UK, the service is usually better and you can get some treatments/medications you can't get on the NHS.

NHS is really good for serious emergency conditions though which would bankrupt a lot of people if it wasn't provided by the government.
>> No. 280050

Usually the NHS is so large as a bureaucratic body that it crowds out the market so that private sector health providers can't compete!

It doesn't help either that the more mainstream private sector health providers in Britian, such as Bupa, are simply the NHS with fees; they have the same poor service and dearth selection of medications as well as adherence to the bullshit GMC policy statements and BMA guidelines.
>> No. 280061
That's not true though, in Bupa for example you'll get a room to yourself and a nurse looking after you exclusively, at least in my experience with people I know.

The surgeons are usually the same between them though just because they aren't that many highly skilled surgeons.

Also for example as far as medications go you can get Adderall with private healthcare which isn't available on the NHS and is otherwise a class b drug.
>> No. 280140
> no /cwc/, you are the lolcows
>> No. 280172
Uli is untrollable, which makes him a non-lolcow. Unlike the spergs that can't sate their gluttony for punishment by constantly trying to one-up or seek vengeance against their trolls, Uli just ignores people who would prank or pester him.

There's also not much interesting about him to warrant continued observation. Once you've read the summary on his quirks the first time, you've heard everything for a couple of years sort of like Sammy ("Danish CWC") or Timbox.
>> No. 280182
it's not that he's untrollable, he's just not interesting because his intelligence is so low.
lol no this dude has no idea about anything he makes up all of the calculations and shit, he's just a retard, not even a savant
>> No. 280188
How would you propose trolling him? Has he ever shown any signs of feeding trolls or reacting in any comical way to people making fun of him?
>> No. 280208
Fucking A-Log right here, mang.
>> No. 280220
that's my point. you can't troll him because his responses/reactions aren't interesting and he's oblivious to most of the things you could try to set up to troll him. it doesn't make him a superior individual to CWC or some other lolcow, it's just demonstrative of why he's not actually a lolcow himself.
>> No. 280226
Yeah. Being a geek doesn't make you a lolcow by default.
>> No. 280282

>> No. 280308
Ulillillia has obsessive compulsive disorder, not spasm. Contrary to the guy a-logging it up in this thread, he's fairly intelligent too.

He's not a sex pervert as is common with damn near all lolcows, he's basically asexual. He doesn't understand dogs mating, and he doesn't think he's deserving of a relationship.

In contrast to other lolcows, he has basically no ego. He feels he's worthless and a burden on all around him. He's used his minor internet fame to try to promote his sister as an author.

He acknowledges his fears are irrational, and he works to better himself. There was a time when he couldn't go near bodies of water because he was afraid of them, now he likes swimming because he confronted his fear.

His book is almost more a manual than a novel, and it's self-published through lulu, but still, he wrote a book, which he's been able to live off the proceeds from.

He's completely untrollable, because whatever insults you could hurl at him, he likely believes to be true, so he just doesn't acknowledge them. He doesn't acknowledge foul language period. He seems in his comments to genuinely want to be helpful to others.

I'm sorry if not hating him makes me a sperg in the eyes of A-Log, but I just don't see anything to hate about him. He's a nice guy with a shitty mental illness.
>> No. 280314
>but still, he wrote a book, which he's been able to live off the proceeds from.

Wait. Shouldn't he be mocking /cwc/ and not the other way around?
>> No. 280315
Speaking of A-Log...

Can someone with proficiency at editing videos please edit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Fkm1cabsF4 and put "OP" on the bottom for future posts?
>> No. 280316

I'd rather just post this.
>> No. 280318
>Lives off government benefits
>Spends all day playing video games
>Writes shitty spastic video games and puts retarded droning over them
>Probably spastic but maybe just severe OCD

This guy costs you taxpayer money. No matter how 'harmless' he is, that makes him hated in my book.
>> No. 280319
Hi alog.

He's trying to overcome his disability. His video games are a tangible product and might get greenlit or steam or something. What makes you think they are so shitty, and who the fuck are you to judge him? What, do you want to put all the spastics to death? Fucking fascist.
>> No. 280322
He had to pay income tax on the money he made from his book sales.

One of the reasons people like him is it takes a lot of determination to finish a book (As well as write a video game), which is why a lot of people just talk about doing it but never finish.
>> No. 280323
File 135035760546.gif - (1.40MB , 360x260 , 1344165208097.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Trying to overcome his disability
>Implying this doesn't go hand in hand with finding a girlfriend

Seriously, get a girl, and you'll see
>> No. 280328
53% of people don't pay income tax at all. They cost you money too. Wah.
>> No. 280329
Should read 47%. Blame spasm.
>> No. 280334
And those people pay lots of other taxes. It's not as if they don't contribute, they just don't make enough income to pay into that particular pot.
It's not like 47 percent are on welfare, they just don't pay one of MANY taxes because they don't make enough money to justify making them do so.
In short that is class warfare bullshit you are spewing, and I'd appreciate it if you left your stupid politics out of this.
Also we pay one of the lowest rates among first world countries while still maintaining one of the best road systems in the world and while keeping people from outright starving. We are better than the Roman freaking empire was at this. So cut out the whining you prick.
>> No. 280335
I have one. She's a pain in my ass.
If having a regular sex partner fixed everything then explain all the lolcows who have had girlfriends and why I'm a miserable bastard.
>> No. 280344
>lolcows that have had girlfriends
>> No. 280346
>> No. 280348

That's just some porn movie with a guy that sounds like Uliullillia you sperg.
>> No. 280350
The only people that put such a huge emphasis on having a girlfriend are those that have never had one themselves.

That's what I assume anyway.
>> No. 280352
That one with the ugly girlfriend who made the how to get a girlfriend video is a really good example of this. Getting laid doesn't make you a different person. Girlfriends aren't magic.
>> No. 280356
I was pointing out that it's foolish to be upset someone is on welfare/disability/whatever since almost 1 in 2 people don't pay anything anyway.
>> No. 280371
But they do. There are lots of taxes you pay into other than income.
>> No. 280398
He's actually a pretty cool guy.

Totally nice and harmless.
>> No. 280411
File 135037271170.jpg - (25.95KB , 250x295 , alog.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
He's truly an extraordinary specimen. I look forward to breaking him.
>> No. 280413
Me and my IRC buddies tried to create a girlfriend saga with him online but he just said he wasn't looking for a girlfriend. He's probably gay.
>> No. 280416


I mean, yeah, he doesn't pay much into the system, but he wants to change that. If anything, we should be applauding Uli for his efforts, because an actual lolcow would never see something wrong with living with his family in their late 20's.
>> No. 280427
>A girlfriend saga.

FUCKING weeners.
>> No. 280428

>He's probably gay.

Did he say he was looking for a boyfriend? No? The guy's just completely asexual, we already knew that.
>> No. 280458
i don't think you know what that word means
>> No. 280460
Ummm... yes. It does.
>> No. 280461
Ulillillia confirmed 4 faget
>> No. 280462
He has no concept of sex, and has expressed no attraction whatsoever to either gender.
>> No. 280465

Go on then, enlighten me.
>> No. 280474
>He has no concept of sex
wrong. that's not asexuality, though

>has expressed no attraction whatsoever to either gender.
also incorrect and still not describing asexuality
>> No. 280475
There's the not having sexual urges/distaste for sexual urges asexuality and then there's reproduction though budding asexuality. You know that, right?
>> No. 280478
One day Uli will wake up with a small wart that has an odd affinity for Bubsy 3D.
>> No. 280492
one is a bullshit tumblr buzzword designed to make fat people feel better about their virginity and the other is a legitimate biological thing. you guess which is which
>> No. 280499

So, tell me what it is like to have a half-foot foxdong.
>> No. 280500

No, one is a legit psychological term predating the internet that Tumbler misappropriated by fat virgins screaming sour grapes and the other is a legit biological term.
>> No. 280507
>legit psychological term
Made by a sperg who suffered from it. It's not like men who can't get laid are something exclusive to the 21st century. Asexuality is not when you don't feel sexual lust for any gender, it's an excuse for spastics to feel better.
>> No. 280510

so i guess people like temple grandin are just basement dwelling neckbeards

and asexuality has never occurred in women ever

oh /cwc/
>> No. 280512
No, there are people like this that usually have suffered something traumatic that prevents them from functioning on that level. The fact that there are so man spastics using the term while also claiming to "not mind sex" to be special snowflakes is the thing you should be barking at, not something real that's making you look stupid to argue against.

Let's put it this way: it's exactly like you're arguing that homosexuality doesn't exist because like half of tumblr uses it to describe themselves and is just something virgins made up so they can feel better about themselves. The fact that things are misappropriated by retards does not mean that the things don't originate from something real and something serious.
>> No. 280514
Yes, I tend to think of asexuality as an imagined, special unobtainable snowflake phase that teenage girls go through, but I see no reason for Ulillillia to lie about it. He doesn't try to act cool or deny that he's weird.
>> No. 280516
does your body drop eggs or produce sperm? if so, you're not asexual just because you don't like or don't understand sex.
>> No. 280518
>it's exactly like you're arguing that homosexuality doesn't exist because like half of tumblr uses it to describe themselves and is just something virgins made up so they can feel better about themselves.

well, yeah because that's true too.
>> No. 280519
There are two words that have the same spelling here, idiot. Learn 2 English. We're not talking about asexual in the reproductive sense.
>> No. 280522
good to see everyone here isnt above feeding the obvious troll
>> No. 280523
Right, but the other use of the word is just a bullshit appropriation by stupid people. Like people who use the word "theory" to mean guess. It's not okay to just use a word incorrectly and then pretend it's a real definition of the word because everyone else uses it incorrectly in the same way. Fuck off, you're an anti-intellectual asswipe masquerading as an academic progressive.
>> No. 280529
File 135040593148.png - (38.60KB , 256x256 , average_online_discussion.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Take it to /bitch/
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