No. 279989
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Op also (unsurprisingly) has a Pokemon rant.
>I honestly don't understand why people get so bent out of shape over this kind of stuff. I think people are missing the point that Pokemon isn't a romantic show full of action and fantastic dialogue. It's a show about an eternally young retarded ten year old and his Pokemon-related antics full of shitty puns and even shittier stories. Sure, I grew up with Pokemon like everybody else here, but I don't get all teary-eyed because a couple of ten year olds aren't fucking off-screen. I may be sounding about brash, but seriously, it's a show, not real life. I'm anticipating the responses and downvotes because I'm taking somebody else's "childhood" and stomping on it. I'm sorry, but it gets really old. They're TEN, not TWENTY, so stop acting like they are. Again, sorry for upsetting those who are raging or a little bit anxious towards me for typing that, but seriously, it's a show.