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No. 279869
  what is this i don't even
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>> No. 279870
>> No. 279871
nice to see moar wannabes coming out
>> No. 279872
File 135027687143.gif - (809.56KB , 225x183 , judge julay.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Is it a hive full of Beekeepers and A-Logs? I'm not sure I want to find out
>> No. 279873
Couldn't really watch it all but will try later. Maybe if we pretend its a parody of similar attempts and certain ween it'll be funny on an unintended level. Its so bad maybe its just going over my head right now because of a flu that its already tongue-in-cheek. Though by a brief look at their le Reddit, they're fifteen I think. So, I guess it's a better thing for juvenile's to do than, I don't know, drinking bleach.
>> No. 279874
OK. Is that a male or a female.
>> No. 279876
Hipster is its' gender, so it could be anything from 'genderqueer' to 'pansexual'.

It's some awkward 15yr old with juvenile humor (XD PENIS-CHU).
>> No. 279883
This is unfunny and stupid.
>> No. 279884
That was just bad.
>> No. 279885
>typical /cwc/ user
>> No. 279886
Talk about arriving to the party late...
>> No. 279889
>Plagiarizing Liquid Chris

How fucking pathetic do you have to be........
>> No. 279912
I really can't work out if this a genuine retarded attempt to get Chris's attention or a parody of some sort. Either way it's not funny.
>> No. 279915
Sure is WEEN in here...
>> No. 279927
So should we call quits on chris-chan now or what?
>> No. 279955
This is dumb.
>> No. 279957
I want to see chris's reaction.
>> No. 279960
28 seconds. I made it 28 seconds.
>> No. 279979
  Op is somewhere on this guy's friend list: http://www.facebook.com/chuck.mcilvaine.3/friends


Op also happens to play Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokemon TGS. But is that really so surprising?
>> No. 279984
File 135031321219.png - (33.31KB , 440x449 , Jester.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Op plays Yu-Gi-Oh at Jester's Playhouse every weekend. Sounds an awful lot like Chris, doesn't he?

>> No. 279988
File 135031351494.png - (74.53KB , 1000x1000 , ebbiiinnnn.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Here's a compilation of some of Op's "ebin trawling" on reddit. He also seems to sperg a lot about Pokemon. I'm not sure why.

>Just curious... Would you ever try beastiality? You said anything, and this is the test.


lol edgy teen ween.
>> No. 279989
File 135031366396.png - (20.61KB , 841x200 , poke.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Op also (unsurprisingly) has a Pokemon rant.

>I honestly don't understand why people get so bent out of shape over this kind of stuff. I think people are missing the point that Pokemon isn't a romantic show full of action and fantastic dialogue. It's a show about an eternally young retarded ten year old and his Pokemon-related antics full of shitty puns and even shittier stories. Sure, I grew up with Pokemon like everybody else here, but I don't get all teary-eyed because a couple of ten year olds aren't fucking off-screen. I may be sounding about brash, but seriously, it's a show, not real life. I'm anticipating the responses and downvotes because I'm taking somebody else's "childhood" and stomping on it. I'm sorry, but it gets really old. They're TEN, not TWENTY, so stop acting like they are. Again, sorry for upsetting those who are raging or a little bit anxious towards me for typing that, but seriously, it's a show.
>> No. 279990
Everywhere, ween.
>> No. 279991
File 13503139966.jpg - (301.83KB , 960x960 , ik.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
There is a rasta Ickeriss on that list, though.
>> No. 279993
File 135031429963.png - (73.22KB , 1000x1000 , ebin 2.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>My dad tried to get in contact with me for the first time in 15 years, (I'm 15), and I told him to fuck off. The walking waste of human life. Scum, that's what he is.

Welp, turns out Op's dad left him at a fairly young age. That explains a lot.

>TROLOLOLOLOLOLOLoLOOLL UR A FAGIT. loljk. This is my friend. He's the one who deserves the down votes.

Op, I can see why your dad left you.
>> No. 280002
OP sounds a whole lot like Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles(before the threads on 789chan). He better change or he might join the wraithlord in sperg notoriety.
>> No. 280008

spat out my drink laughing
>> No. 280019
People actually play Pokemon TCG?
Even when I was a kid none of my friends actually played it, we just collected the cards
>> No. 280023
File 135031789950.jpg - (100.79KB , 738x568 , WEEN_print.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So le epic XD lololololelelelelele
>> No. 280024

When my friends came over, back around 2000/2001 we used to play it. I had a mat with counters and everything. There was some skill in building a good deck.

Of course, fake cards were common in those days and people used to cheat with them (such as there being ones with 500hp).

We stopped after a while and moved on to pogs.

I am surprised that they still make the cards considering there can't be that much demand for them anymore.
>> No. 280029
The games are still very popular as far as I know and I guess new kids get suckered into CCGs everyday.
>> No. 280039
I played it when I was younger, it's okay especially if you are the target audience (Preteen) since the rules are easy to understand and deck building is pretty straight forward. (There was a gameboy game of it too)

But anyway since this thread is about Chris here is a generic A-Log like rant I found if anyone cares - http://rosemary-the-skunk.deviantart.com/journal/Rant-Sonichu-and-Chris-Chan-279391207
>> No. 280114
>Why do I hate this guy and make fun of him?
>He makes everyone else with spasm look bad.
>I have Aspergers
>This guy is so hateful Hitler himself would tell him to stop being so conservative about the world.

Thank God there are countless of spastic warriors on the internet hating Chris and comparing him to Hitler in order to prevent anyone from developing stereotypes about their kin.
>> No. 280135

A-Loggers like that give Chris-chan a good name.
>> No. 280183
Solidus Chris?
>> No. 280192
He's more like a Liquid Liquid Chris.
>> No. 280254
Bad parenting. Typical. This guy is bound to join /cwc/ rogue gallery.
>> No. 280257
If I didn't know better, I'd swear someone wrote that as a troll. Can anyone be that stupid?
>> No. 280267
I watched the whole thing, and it was horrible. Just awful, and truly cringe-worthy. I'm just glad it's not connected to /cwc/. Maybe I'm giving it too much credit, but I refuse to believe any of you were involved in this.
>> No. 280270
File 135034892197.png - (9.84KB , 561x182 , ellipsis.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 280271
ebin weeeen
>> No. 280272

OP confirmed for weaboo
>> No. 280273
File 135034912190.png - (25.47KB , 814x280 , moreellipsis.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

OK, which one of you is it? You won't be cannibalized or anything.
>> No. 280276

Are people stupid enough to believe this shit?
>> No. 280284
sortof ween related:
>> No. 280303

>> No. 280309
I can't wait for the doxing escalations when everyone gets mad at each other.
>> No. 280472
Oh man what an lolcow!

>> No. 280504

>TCG player
>> No. 280515
Was A-LOG really that bad? I mean you can't fault A-LOG he atleast tried when he made videos and he was funny, Granted he was funny because you laughed at him rather than with him.

Also, I enjoy watching his videos, Yes he's a paranoid idiot, But I love him none-the-less.
>> No. 280517
Yo there, Logato.
>> No. 280532

I don't really think so, but A-Log is the neologism so A-Log gets be the metric for weening.
>> No. 280708
File 135043403640.png - (6.33KB , 201x45 , Untitled.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 280710
File 135043438518.jpg - (9.10KB , 264x191 , 1323924841469.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Has anyone emailed KisukeUraharaHat with a link to this thread?
>> No. 280713
File 135043518063.png - (193.71KB , 620x345 , new.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Looks like good ol' Weenster McWeenie-ween added some new annotations to the video.





>It's the idea the video is trying to get across, not the video itself
>The point of the video is not to become a Chrischan remake, but to spring forth his attention and call him back to action . This is a poor portrayal and I will make a better one.
>and I will make a better one.
>I will make a better one.
>I will make a better one.

So, I guess he's gonna make a new video.
>> No. 280725
File 135043824872.jpg - (24.90KB , 373x464 , 00106033.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
At least he is self-aware. Too many negative comments and he'll clam up, though.
>> No. 280728
The spasm is strong in this one.
>> No. 280737
File 135044143087.png - (6.97KB , 828x99 , why.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I will be making my own series called ChrisChanRebooted on YouTube.
>> No. 280739
julay/ween. watch out guys we're looking at the next clyde cash!
>> No. 280752
Move over PVCC because Reddit are the new stonecutters in town!
>> No. 280753
makes you wonder what chris' 4-cent garbage version of reddit would be like.
>> No. 281253
Which one has more spasm?
>> No. 281255
retard fights general yeah
>> No. 281717
  Coincidentally, what the fuck is this?
>> No. 281720
samefag. Apparently there are 11 of these videos. Spergs, man.
>> No. 281722
A not very successful attempt at humor.
>> No. 281736
I lost it when Snyder got hit with the car.
>> No. 281747
Are these against or pro ponyfuckers?
>> No. 281775
I'm thinking against considering the reference to "Worse than hitler" in the Chris-chan video
>> No. 281798

>video removed by user

hide your shame, sperg
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