No. 280378
Back in Highschool there was this kid we nicknamed Leaflet. I've already talked about him in one of these threads but i'm pretty sure that never got archived.
You know how when you thought someone was being smug, you said they think their shit doesn't stink? Leaflet really thought that.
Leaflet was a hardcore new age hippie vegan, he was really skinny, had a lot of acne and a ponytail. He believed that the natural odor of shit was "toxins and chemicals" releasing from the fecal matter, and that if you had a perfect organic vegan diet like him, your poop didn't smell funny.
Whenever someone would get up to use the bathroom, Leaflet would ask for permission to go to, then he would follow them, wait for them to finish, and if he smelled something bad he'd chastise you for your "unhealthy diet." Everybody knew he was doing this, but the teacher didn't give a shit.
This came to a halt after he followed a girl into the bathroom and did it to her. He was suspended for six days, and the teacher was too. The teacher tried to get out of it by saying he thought what Leaflet was doing was an "spastic ritual" and he didn't want to disturb him, but the school board didn't buy it. Likely because Leaflet was never diagnosed with spasm.
He was also a big believer in snake oil, he owned that Kevin Trudeau book and would peddle it like it was an extension of the bible. He detested doctors and if he thought anyone at school was sick, he'd peddle his fake cures to them.
There was this one kid, Phillip (i wrote all about him in a previous thread that WAS archived) who had cerebral palsy. Leaflet told him to sleep with a magnet under his bed and it would cure his CP, when it obviously didn't, Phillip tossed the magnet at his head the next day (not very hard mind you, because y'know, CP.)
This other chick, Jill, she had a really bad stomach flu, Leaflet told her to start drinking something called "Kombucha." Apparently it was supposed to treat her flu AND make her healthier. Well, it turns out "Kombucha" is just a fancy word for fermented tea, Jill ended up having to get her stomach pumped. Leaflet's response? "YOU WENT TO A DOCTOR?!"
Eventually, everybody got sick of his witch doctor bullshit, so a bunch of kids decided to bet him $10 each to smell his own shit. Leaflet agreed to it - he stuck his head in, took a big whiff, got up and gagged, gasped in horror, and ran out of the bathroom crying. He stayed pretty quiet after that.