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File 135036684838.png - (31.80KB , 482x241 , Untitled.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
280390 No. 280390
Could Chris get in trouble from this new piece of cockery?
Expand all images
>> No. 280391
>> No. 280392
Forget the cops. It's simple, we kill the Chris-chan.
>> No. 280393
I doubt it, he's not offering any incentive or saying he'll do it himself.

The police would probably mark it up to his spasm.
>> No. 280395
>implying you didn't just edit the html to make fake cocks
>> No. 280396
File 135036782511.jpg - (19.18KB , 413x310 , foreverdivito.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You should know by now that Chris's spasm Card is a lifetime pass.

Also notice that he's choosing his words carefully by saying he wants someone else to bomb the PLACe. That's just chalked up to internet nerdrage unless the victim in question is the President.

I feel a little depressed when I read stuff like this. Sure it's funny that he's still obsessing over vengeance against Snyder, but after all of the trolls he's faced in his life he's most concerned with getting even with a middle-aged man who just wants Chris to leave him alone. Chris will always be his own worst troll.
>> No. 280403
This HAS to be a violation of his probation.

It would be really ween to report this thing to the courts, though.
>wink wink
>> No. 280404
Send nudes, Kim.
>> No. 280405
File 135037058365.jpg - (21.52KB , 512x362 , rittmomney.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

hi alog
>> No. 280409
Given the circumstances he might with the order of protection Snyder has against him.
>> No. 280420
This is so typical Chris. Snyder throws the man-child a bone and he still vents his wanton vengeance.
>> No. 280432
What a psycho.
>> No. 280435
Fake and gay.
>> No. 280440
Is this even legit?
>> No. 280442
Man, I thought you people got all FB cocks from the Anna account. Hope the cawks continue to trickle down.
>> No. 280446
File 135039351990.jpg - (18.76KB , 300x448 , 111569774.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Since this is a private post (leaked to the internet by obvious sources), Chris will absolutely not get raped in prison for it. It's the equivalent of heresay, something said in private.

Note: It technically could be construed as a threat, but that is extremely unlikely because it's the same defence Fred Phelps uses to avoid anal destruction ("I don't hate you. I love you. GOD hates you!")

But it indicates his attitude. Within a year I anticipate he will do something insane and breach his parole.
>> No. 280449
He probably thinks Snyder is stealing from him when he moans about "C-Ville"

WTF is he still holding this grudge for, anyway?
>> No. 280455
Should anyone be surprised. It's Chris being Chris. He'll get a good talking to but arrested no he will not be.
>> No. 280459
Seriously, if he thinks Michael Snyder, Megan and the Game Place in general was the start of all the trolling, why is he so concerned with getting back in?
>> No. 280477
How many friends did Chris have on Facebook?
>> No. 280481
I think he used to want to get in since it used to house happy memories and maybe he thought he could return to his happy Pokemon carding days if they'd just let him back in. Or maybe it was just so he could say that he defeated Snyder and his no Chris rule. Now, though, I don't think he wants back in, he just wants revenge.
>> No. 280533

C-Ville, unfortunately, isn't a CWCism. It's a common nickname for Charlottesville by county residents. CWC just took the retardation up a notch by deciding to use it for almost any municipality or neighborhood staring with a C.
>> No. 280579
I don't think Chris even knows why wants back in at this point. Does he still even play card games. Do they still make pokemon cards
>> No. 280621
I think he just wants things to go back how they were, he might be upset if he got back in and saw everyone else had moved on.
>> No. 280623
This. He seems to think that being able to go back would bring back better days. It's the same reason he made his HS graduation a villain.
>> No. 280664
Chris can't get over his grudges, and when Chris makes an enemy, he's incapable of letting it go.
>> No. 280680
Talking about spasm cards - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-19957138
>> No. 280694
A common trait of spastic man children.
>> No. 280703
How's it going, "Savannah Chandler?"

>> No. 280704
Don't you mean Lord Silly Nipples?
>> No. 280773


Savannah Chandler IRL.
Proof is here http://www.facebook.com/Trib3SummerMissionTeam
If you click on "About" you see it's located in Mechanicsburg
David Chandler lives in Mechanicsburg,
as shown here http://www.mylife.com/c-423547189
>> No. 280784
File 135045159224.jpg - (41.19KB , 310x215 , zombiefied.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

"Mr McKinnon's mother Janis Sharp says her son has been "zombified" while waiting for a decision."

Judging from this photo, I'm guessing her son got zombified because she bit him.
>> No. 280797
>click http://www.facebook.com/savannah.chandler.75
>"cocks Not Found"

>> No. 280805
You're correct. Since he didn't actually threaten the person or mean for the threat to get out, it's the equivalent of him making a joke about wanting to rape a women in private. It may be inappropriate but since it was never meant to be heard by the subject it cannot be construed as a threat. I mean unless he's actually the one leaking it... fiendishly clever Chris
>> No. 280808
Crazy motherfucker.
>> No. 280809
Fo real. Sheeit.
>> No. 280813
File 135047611346.jpg - (80.21KB , 492x559 , Retard.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

You have to log in first.
>> No. 280816
Yall motherfuckers be trippin
>> No. 280819
For real
>> No. 280821
Chris cocks is really uninteresting these days.
>> No. 280823
File 135047907095.jpg - (10.31KB , 257x196 , debu.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
No shit.
>> No. 280862
He's been milked completely dry. Thank goodness for Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles to keep us entertained without Chris.
>> No. 280961
Meh, forget Robert Wayne Stiles. Casey Decker's producing some great material.
>> No. 281142
>> No. 281207
>The Whole Damn Store Up

What is with Chris' sense of capitalization
>> No. 281232
I have to ask myself what things would have been like, were Chris a German. Since all nouns are capitalized. Sinnlos? Natürlich.
>> No. 281239

I would sacrifice a kitten to see Chris tard-rage in German.
>> No. 281243
ChrisChanSonichu profile:

Dann die S-Schwein rieß meine Noten abund allen, zug mich an ihren Quartiers und mit mir untergesprochen GROB UND HEISSER. Ich reagierte mit meine eigene Angriff dafür sie die ganze Zeit bettelte. Ich wurde von PVCC für einem Jahr rausgeschmissen, und ich hatte einen Wutmanagementkurs und eine Psychiatristin für eine Weile sehen. Ich war wieder darein erlaubt.

Not as funny as it could be.
>> No. 281246
I imagine German Chris yelling in every video to the point that he becomes red in the face and starts coughing on his own spittle.
>> No. 281247
  Hitler was very ween.
>> No. 281273
The man killed six million Snyders. You'd think Chris would throw Hitler an obligation video.
>> No. 281316
What if I could make that happen. How much is cocks worth to you?
>> No. 281320
  There was once a troll music video of Chris appeal to Sega, Nintendo and Sony to help him fight trolls, to this music to the speech by Space Hitler. It was pretty epic (literally). It was unfortunetely taken down.
>> No. 281337
Well played, Kim. Well played.
>> No. 281477
File 135059725840.jpg - (46.96KB , 500x377 , tumblr_m8v1t4bsrV1rxxhm5o1_500.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You know how we do.
>> No. 281478
File 135059743425.jpg - (23.97KB , 290x369 , plaxico-burress-shot-himself-in-the-leg.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 281535
File 135061237834.png - (18.77KB , 290x125 , Keepyourtrollscloseandyouradversariescloser.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 281536
File 135061239545.png - (72.54KB , 818x644 , savlog.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 281537
File 135061241544.png - (124.07KB , 1076x697 , savlog2.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 281538
File 135061242852.png - (70.31KB , 756x728 , savlog3.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 281539
File 135061246649.png - (107.99KB , 1109x728 , savlog4.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 281540
File 135061248197.png - (47.90KB , 758x322 , savlog5.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 281541
File 135061250347.png - (38.39KB , 425x301 , PlanY.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 281542
File 135061255364.png - (34.01KB , 557x438 , nutcase.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 281544
>> No. 281545
File 135061271510.jpg - (82.17KB , 500x500 , Anna.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Here, have some Anna.
>> No. 281548
File 13506146509.png - (302.37KB , 500x366 , tumblr_m8u1f5jK5W1qacoevo1_500.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 281550

Thank you Sweetie.
>> No. 281557
So did some weeners see >>280773 and contact Savannah regarding Chris? It seems that way considering the proximity between this post and Savannah adding Chris.
>> No. 281558
He probably made the account himself
>> No. 281559
Or it was done on purpose.
>> No. 281563
That's kind of creepy, calling his niece "Sweetie".
>> No. 281565
Was his mobile number known before?
>> No. 281567
I believe Savannah Chandler doesn't know Chris's backstory, can someone inform her of her uncles misdoings from five years? Maybe a link to his ED page will shed some light.
>> No. 281568
>> No. 281570

He already essentially mentioned what would happen if you Google his name...
>> No. 281571
>> No. 281572
If you want more cocks I suggest being less ween and obvious and be patient and gentle.
>> No. 281573
File 135061950796.png - (14.77KB , 473x283 , Untitled.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
There was no confession on the forum. My theory is that "Kim" falsified a confession and got me booted off his friend's list.

Fair play. I was bested.
>> No. 281574
he mad
>> No. 281575
Eh. I got what I did. All good bro.
>> No. 281578
Wait, so you were Savannah.Chandler75? Because I posted >>280773 and I found "Savannah"'s facebook through a Mechanicsville christian youth society that she was a member of and posted in. Also, the account has been available since 2011, and it has been confirmed that she lives in Mechanicsville, so I am confused as fuck.
>> No. 281580
This right here.
>> No. 281581
No. The Savannah account that added Chris was a troll. Then someone posted the REAL Savannah account on here. Subsequently the troll account stole pictures from the real Savannah's account and added them to the troll account.
>> No. 281583
Yeah, I'm pretty sure that was me who posted the real Savannah account. Thanks for clarifying.
>> No. 281589
No, that's just Chris being stupid.

He read the CWCki forums thread on the topic and assumed that "Savannah" was the one doing the posting. Ergo, a "confession". He's used phrases like "ratted themselves out" to describe cocks leaks before, nothing unusual there.

Nobody's trying to sabotage you, stay in character and try to pull yourself out. It's worth a shot, at least.
>> No. 281590
So Chris mentioned that he gave his half-brother something to give Savannah at Bob's funeral, which surprises me because I understood that Bob's family absent Barb and Chris were absent.
>> No. 281592
I feel bad for Chris, just give him Savannah's real Facebook page. facebook.com/savannah.chandler75
>> No. 281593
Bit late for that. I attempted it, but what's done is done.
>> No. 281596
This was all last week, right?

Also, was the "bait" supposed to be that post he made on the 8th screaming at people to stop trying to friend him, or was it something else?
>> No. 281597
The bait was the whole thing about the friendly manager and that he was unbanned.

He was trying to bait the trolls again with the same mall trick as last time.
>> No. 281606

Was Chris even banned from the Fashion Square Mall, or did he make that up a part of the premise for his "prank?" I understood that he was tolerated as a mostly harmless nuisance/village idiot by security.
>> No. 281610
I'm pretty sure he was banned at one point. He had several run-in with the jerkops or manajerks, or whatever. The problem with Chris is when provoked by authority he doesn't abide and be on his way, he makes a scene.
>> No. 281611
No, that actually happened. Chris got fed up with the JULAAYfags that keep prank calling him and decided to give them a piece of his mind while he was at the mall. He got kicked out and the mall sent him a ban notification a few weeks later.
>> No. 281615
Wait, so he had a fit of tard-rage on the phone at the mall and he got the boot?

News to me.
>> No. 281616
Anna is radical to the MAX!
>> No. 281620

I knew that he screamed into his cell in public and ran from mall security afterwards, but I didn't know about him being served a ban notice.

Shame that it happened so quietly. I was hoping that the mall would post mugshots with a "Do not admit this man/woman" order beneath.
>> No. 281621
>> No. 281630
It wasn't quiet at all.

It was late last april. Chris posted a facebook status claiming that he was going to be at the mall every saturday hunting for a girlfriend again. A few days later he revealed that he'd been lying about that, and he seemed really proud of the fact that he'd done something retarded and his trolls hadn't immediately found out.
>> No. 281634

I meant "quiet" as in the ban, not the events surrounding it. Like, it would have been amusing if a FA captured a photo notices on billboards warning security about Chris being a banned pest.

I wonder where he's been going, if he really has been walking around like he claimed in the conversations with "Savannah." He can't just be bouncing between McDonald's restaurants.
>> No. 281640
tits're lookin noice in this pic
>> No. 281642

>Actually, that recent post of mine is bait for the Trolls;

Which post was that do you think, the one about him being let back into the mall? Wouldn't be the first time he's done that.
>> No. 281644

All your screengrabs have been posted on the cwcki forum, that will have been enough to out you and probably the "confession" that Chris is talking about.
>> No. 281645
I posted them with full knowledge they'd be posted there. I gave up.
>> No. 281646

I know, just saying Chris saw them probably thinking they were posted there by you, it wasn't that someone else make a fake confession.
>> No. 281876
It's also creepy to impersonate a preteen girl to extract info about a family member online.
>> No. 281878
wait what the ween just happened here
>> No. 281897
What "preteen" girl got impersonated? Isn't the real Savannah well into her teens?
>> No. 281900
She's about 16 or 17.
>> No. 281912
Caseys type. Someone give him her number.
>> No. 281914
Nah, too old.
>> No. 281918
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