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File 135083069327.png - (27.24KB , 416x451 , cwc.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
282083 No. 282083
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>> No. 282087
He'll be back to bitching about Snyder/Game Place in due time.
>> No. 282088
Inb4 ebin ween.
>> No. 282092
Homor, it's a public status on his facebook.
>> No. 282093
godnite swet prents
>> No. 282096
Give him him three days to do that.
>> No. 282098
I think Chris honestly does have those sentiments, but is at the same time so thin skinned that any insult to him drives him right back into "war mode"
>> No. 282105
He doesn't need to apologize to the trolls, he needs to apologize to Snyder, and all the people at the various businesses he's made scenes at. Most recently for those threats he made.

He's right about one thing though, Chris isn't funny anymore. All his facebook stuff is depressingly boring.
>> No. 282116
Tell me.

Should I make a backup of the CWCki?
>> No. 282119
Why would you? You seriously think Cogs, out of all the stuff Chris has done, is going to take down the CWCki over this?
>> No. 282124
I think it's more likely that he thinks this will get the trolls to leave him alone.
>> No. 282129
Isn't this what Chris normally do? he apologizes and he expects something in return.
We've seen this.
It would be nice for it to be sincere but it is very out of character.
>> No. 282135
Chris wants the trolls to forgive him? For what? Chris might still believe that he's indirectly responsible for the death of Ryan Cash, but the only people Chris has really hurt are Michael Snyder and Megan, both of whom he still hates.
>> No. 282139
File 135083712369.gif - (109.23KB , 473x360 , Rigmord.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Since this is a Sunday, I'm guessing that this is Rocky's idea from church services today more than Chris'. Or maybe there was a sermon about forgiveness and on the ride home, Barb must have said something like "Perhaps you should "forgive" your trolls too and be more Christ-like, Chris?"

Remember when Chris cast his "blessings" to counterract all of the curse-ye-ka-me-haas he has made, and then less than a few weeks later, he started posting videos of him acting like he's got all of the trolls by the shorthairs and blackmailing them lest he outs their docs?

Now, he's begging us dang dirty trolls to desist and disband, knowing full well that we're still here and we're not going away. And he thinks that invoking GodBear is going to add extra intimidation to his argument.

No Chris. We're not gullible dumbasses like you. We're not falling for this. We know you're a wrath-filled ball of spite and hate to the core and that you'll never, ever change. You're not fooling anyone.
>> No. 282143
>> No. 282144
>Chris finally does what the A-logs have been claiming they've been wanting him to do for years now
>> No. 282145
Nothing new, really. Chris has several times given insincere apologies if he thought it would get him what he wanted. And he is insincere or why the demand ("it seriously needs to stop now") or the focus on how bad trolling has made him feel? Chris' piety is also strictly convenience-based.
>> No. 282148
File 135083765962.jpg - (95.54KB , 475x578 , A log.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 282151
> It's not being A-loggy to see right through such bullshit.

Oh yes it is.
>> No. 282152

Chris pulls shit like this when he wants something. It isn't the first time he's done this. This is either his way of acting like the Black Knight from the Monty Python movie ("All right.....we'll call it a draw.") or someone is putting him up to it. It's not being A-loggy to see through the bullshit.

Chris definitely wants something.
>> No. 282153
Nigga just really wants to keep his facebook private. Which, of course, is understandable really. The only problem is that each leaked page makes me choke on the a thousand cocks spewing out funny jizz into my gaping maw.
>> No. 282155

It's too bad no one is really in direct contact with him. I wonder what was his thoughts on Dox'in Meg.
>> No. 282161
File 135083976998.jpg - (5.71KB , 200x224 , forth.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I have for a long time been stricken and made beyond crestfallen by the repercussions of my actions and words. And great mockery and egging has befallen me for years now

How I hath missed thee.
>> No. 282162
And all the A-Logs cried "NEVER!!"
>> No. 282163
Ha ha, I love that the whole 'I HATE CHRIS WITH THE PASSION OF A 1000 SUNS!' has become a sort of meme on /cwc/.

I love that video. It's like a horrible, hilarious parody of the sort of people who make those kind of videos.
>> No. 282166
Haha! Look at My Little Chrissy: Failing is Magic, thinking that pathetic apology will absolve him of his horrible crimes against humanity. What about the people whose lives he RUINED by giving spastic people a bad fucking name? What about Pokemon fans, MLP fans, and Sonic fans, whose fandoms were ruined by his putrid stink? What about that time he ran over a snake and talks about how he hates homosexuals? What a fucking shit. Forgive Chris and you might as well forgive Hitler.s
>> No. 282187
>> No. 282209
It seems just like another one of Chris' "apologies" where he says sorry about everything and then demands that people do something for him.

He'll probably be posting another angry update about the dang dirty trolls once it doesn't work.
>> No. 282228
Yeah, because Chris sure has been vocal recently, hasn't he? Hoo boy, it's a golden age of Chris-chan cocks, right now.
>> No. 282237
Kim is still in contact with him. I'm surprised he hasn't figured out she's a troll when everyone else has.
>> No. 282313
Hey Chris.

Want to NOT sound like a weirdo?

Try avoid using words like "crestfallen". Normal people don't say words like that in normal conversation.
>> No. 282323
Does anyone else feel a bit on edge that the post has no random capital letters?
>> No. 282324
Chris has rarely made a legit apology, and he has no reason for apologizing than a ditch effort for us to leave him alone. After all, Facebook is his last internet presence that hasn't been monitored by the trolls until lately.
>> No. 282331
Well there is the dating profile which we have no information on yet (At least any public information).
>> No. 282344

I'd say there's about 99% probability that Chris learned the word "crestfallen" from AMERICAN DAD, from one of the all-time greatest quotes from the show.

“Smith! Why so glum? The C in CIA doesn't stand for crestfallen! But what if it stood for cat?” Avery Bullock (Patrick Stewart)
>> No. 282348
That kind of thing is actually an spastic trait:
>Abnormalities include verbosity; abrupt transitions; literal interpretations and miscomprehension of nuance; use of metaphor meaningful only to the speaker; auditory perception deficits; unusually pedantic, formal or idiosyncratic speech; and oddities in loudness, pitch, intonation, prosody, and rhythm.
>> No. 282349
>> No. 282352
You don't have to tell me twice! But during the Stone Age...!
>> No. 282353
This kind of reminds me of Chris' FUTURE MESSAGE. He should do another one of those.
>> No. 282495
I don't hate Chris; I just take delight in his suffering.
>> No. 282500
We all do to some degree and anyone who disagrees is a lair.
>> No. 282502
I mean suffer, not hate. I can't hate someone who entertains me. But a big part of the entertainment is seeing him failing.
>> No. 282505
But ...I really don't. I just find him endlessly fascinating in a holocaust or Mets Yeghern sort of way.
>> No. 282510
I corrected myself. I didn't mean hate, I meant suffer.
>> No. 282513
i, myself, truly as well as honestly, ACCEPT that apology.

i feel bad for those who cannot do the same.

then again, i'm not bothering for a second to delete anything about him. i might make the effort if he quit being a tomgirl.
>> No. 282522
What are you an idiot? He has no reason to apologize to you or us. You're accepting an apology that has no relation to you. He hasn't done anything to wrong you... unless your A-Log and thinks he's burdening society.

If patting yourself on the pack for being the bigger man makes you feel good, than have at it.
>> No. 282524
File 135088807259.jpg - (38.85KB , 562x372 , pic1088.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
he personally wronged me. years ago. i accept the apology.
>> No. 282571
You won't get away that easily you pathetic sack of shit. You're going to be trolled until the day you die, and there's nothing a manbaby like you can do about it. You made your grave, now lie in it.
>> No. 282577
Chris would probably come back if we took down the cwcki for a couple of months. Is that really so hard to do?
>> No. 282591
I don't think he would. Nothing could bring him back at this point since the habit of making videos for the internet has long since been broken and we know that he isn't the most motivated person out there.

It is funny and kinda sad to think back about it being said that the microwave pizza video would be his last...
>> No. 282592

spasm-help.org, eh?
>> No. 282601
See, I wish they would use more signs. Many of these sound like some kid trying to be smart by being needlessly wordy and taking common expressions literally.
>> No. 282625
Okay, everyone, you have to stop visiting 789chan and allow Seanie to delete the board and burn his hard disc and assist in the dismantling of the CWCki and never upload parody images of CWC or his creations ever again.

He's apologized, and if you don't agree to his terms, it makes you a double A-Log "Eyebrows" Stiles.
>> No. 282635
More importantly Snider better let him back in the Game Place!
>> No. 282656
>chris thread

>> No. 282712

Does he want to get back into The (former) Game Place just so he can once again be Pokémon gym leader to a bunch of 10-year olds? Does he not realize that he's over 30 and he's beyond the age where parents won't ask serious questions about the purity of his intentions? Especially when he's a man with serious gender identity issues. Plus, instead of snapping at kids half his age when he loses, it's now more like kids a third of his age.
>> No. 282716
fake and gay, op sucks a million dicks.
>> No. 282722
Anybody have that new photo of him with the curly hair?
>> No. 282747
Chris with his Benjamin Franklin 'do is the subject of this thread: http://789chan.org/cwc/res/282042.html
>> No. 282751
Good god, he's as spastic as ever. You can definitely tell he's near his breaking point, I think we'll see a new video on cwcvilleguardian by november. The only thing stopping him is his last brain cell, struggling to be heard. Then again, maybe we're all just playing America's favorite game: Kick the spastic.

>> No. 282755
Now there's no doubt Chris is much more advanced and wise being than Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. Maybe it came with age tho.
>> No. 282762
Nope. That LBP racing game comes out in November, so he'll spend all month playing that
>> No. 282764
So are you using the 9/11 video as an argument as to why Chris is a horrible person?
>> No. 282778
Wow. I watched Chris turn into a Tomgirl and actually keep his word when threatening to stop making sonichu. But I never thought he would go full 180 and actually decide that not only he doesn't want to be famous anymore, but indeed apologized for wrongdoings without the hope for direct reward or material gain. Maybe he's actually on the road to growing up.

Good, because he needs something to sodomize his time with until he caves and goes back on youtube next month.
>> No. 282798
The perfect contradiction for weenfags who hate dat Chrissy
>spergs about Chris not being employed and relying on welfare
>makes ED pages and Cwcki, eliminating any possible chance of him finding work
>> No. 282800
But to be honest, he doesn't have the initiative to go out and find a job. He would rather to get his Tugboat.
>> No. 282837
Why doesn't he apologize to Snyder and the others he's dragged into his shit? Without yelling jesuit at the end, of course.
>> No. 282844
Job searches generally only check for criminal backgrounds...which Chris has at the moment, but it will be very minor once he's done with his sentence.

Because he's not asking to be let back into the game place. He's asking that his trolls stop trolling him.
>> No. 282845
Probably becasue he doesn't really mean anything by his apology. Chris hasn't wronged us, and he knows it. This reeks of an effort on Chris's part to appease the trolls and leave his one and only corner on the internet out of public eye's.
>> No. 282905
How many times have we seen these apologies over the years? I wish we could have a total count of how many times chris has apologized for something in an attempt to get the trolls off his back.

He's only fooling himself as usual. He can't undo the past anymore than his imaginary Godbear can. Besides, he goes right back to blaming everyone else for his problems and failures in life, so he's only wasting his own time by thinking he has any sort of positive impact on his trolls. As I said, how many times has he attempted a peace offering only to serve himself?

Nothing will ever change who he is. Been proven time and again. Always will.
>> No. 282928
Sure is CWCki Forums in here.
>> No. 282936
File 13509930818.jpg - (68.11KB , 675x675 , TV.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Chris doesn't want to believe that the reason for the trolling was that he is/was such a hilarious character. Instead he's always thought it was because he was "misunderstood and mislabeled," which sometimes was his fault, and the trolls mocked and hated him as a result.

In reality, he has nothing to apologize for, besides for not providing more videos, of course. Get back to it, Chris.
>> No. 282954
Why can't anyone say anything bad about Chris without a chorus of A-Log accusations on SURE IS CWCKI IN HERE posts?
>> No. 282957
Because it's an easy shot. Like most chans, many users come here to fuck around with other users. Like many chans, it's come to an annoying level.
>> No. 282958
>> No. 282999
>> No. 283002
/cwc/ - the cult of A-Log.
>> No. 283003
>> No. 283007
File 135101850487.jpg - (18.59KB , 255x197 , image.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I love it how "a-logging" has become a legit term here, although beaten to death.
>> No. 283110
Are you new here?
>> No. 283114
It's almost like the good folk of CWCki forums have wandered onto /cwc/, desperately trying to insist that the whole 'HI A-LOG' thing has been spammed so many times that it's become meaningless, so as to reduce its effectiveness as a very accurate description of their behavior.
>> No. 283154
>Instead he's always thought it was because he was "misunderstood and mislabeled," which sometimes was his fault, and the trolls mocked and hated him as a result.
>> No. 283159
Nah, the fine members of /cwc/ has already done that.
>> No. 283247
>> No. 283263
File 135108521895.jpg - (36.18KB , 394x382 , mindcontrol.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It's a CWCluminati conspiracy!
>> No. 283268
>> No. 283389
rip chris

oh wait, he'll resume his shit in a minute
>> No. 283462
Maybe he'll take a minute to write a shit resume.
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