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No. 282168
  Hope you guys are ready for the next MLP.

There are no heroes left in man.
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>> No. 282183
Where are the suicide bombers when you need them?
>> No. 282185
The colors, flat designs, and lack of strong outlines or color variance to differentiate between the background and characters hurts my eyes.
>> No. 282186
File 135084163896.jpg - (48.67KB , 620x394 , 75505-224184-hardcorekidjpg-620x.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I, for one, am disgusted by the existence of this thing that, as an adult man, I am clearly not the target audience for. I would vocally advocate its destruction, to prove how hardcore and manly I am.

Pic related, it's me and my Ramones T-shirt.
>> No. 282188
I doubt this is going to generate a fanbase akin to the cheese conies, With MLP it was mostly hipsters trying to be ironic..The "irony" here with this is kinda low.
>> No. 282192
Back to /mlp/ with you, ponyfag.
>> No. 282193
I bet sticking plastic figurines up your urethra gives you an intense wave of pleasure.
>> No. 282194
File 135084181970.png - (42.64KB , 466x165 , FireShot Pro Screen Capture #042 - 'Littlest .png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It begins
>> No. 282195
I thought it was mostly manchildren who wanted to fuck the ponies.
>> No. 282197
Okay, I'm done, fuck this stupid planet and their mongoloids inhabitants, fuck you mankind. I'm going to Yuggoth.
>> No. 282198
>I'm a pegasister with spasm
Surely both of those things don't need to be clarified. One of those things would, naturally, imply the other.
>> No. 282207
>main character is cute loli in a skirt
>adorable furry animals
>bright colors
>character designs are simple and color-coordinated
>catchy songs with easy to memorize lyrics to sing in public
>flat characters with simple to understand personalities
>simple to draw art style that encourages creation of r34 and fursuits
>equal number male and female characters encourages shipping

Looks like they stole your idea Homor. They've clearly created the perfect sperg cartoon.

Watch, next Fox will greenlight Seth MacFarlane's newest project, Wacky Dad.
>> No. 282208

The HUB has perfected man children crack.
>> No. 282211
Maybe if we don't pay attention it will go away.
>> No. 282215
I don't think this will be as big (Or appeal to those outside of the target fanbase like MLP did), the characters aren't in your face and spergy enough!
>> No. 282216
File 135084306072.gif - (1.71MB , 606x423 , 1342627949551.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>mfw every show the Hub makes from now on wants the coney audience
That being said Dan Vs, Transformers, and GI Joe Renegades are great.
>> No. 282218
File 135084313467.jpg - (291.60KB , 1477x2067 , 133331519027.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Maybe this will make horse cock enthusiasts realize that My Little Pony is only a generic children's cartoon and forming a culture around it broadcasts their poor taste and the general vileness of the individual horse cock enthusiasts!
>> No. 282220
Ponyfuckers ruined caartoons for me. There are some cartoons I want to watch, but I don't want to consider myself a sperg.
>> No. 282221

Tell that to the 12 year olds on /b/ and /v/.

If they didn't sperg so much about pictures and threads about ponies, nobody would have heard about MLP and it would be just another cartoon with a small manchild fanbase on slashcoslash like Gravity Falls or Korra.
>> No. 282224
I think, back when the whole MLP thing was still starting out, there was some website or other called 'ponymacros.com' or something. The show had only been on for eight episodes or something, but already there were MILLIONS of memes and macros made and archived on the site. I think they worked it out that almost every single frame of animation had been made into a meme at one point.
>> No. 282225
File 135084403520.png - (189.46KB , 640x360 , Ice_King_Pro_Tip.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You can watch things and just not tell anyone, also if you change your pen name when writing romantic fanfiction nobody will be the wiser!
>> No. 282226
I wish I had an A-Log detector for posts like this one...
>> No. 282232

Let me guess, you think that Sethisto is worse than Adolf Hitler.
>> No. 282234
If they only used that dedication to useful things, like studying or working.
>> No. 282239
Who/what is Sethisto?
>> No. 282241

The guy who runs Equestria Daily. He's a sperg who's obsessed with some pony named Trixie and wants to fuck dragons.
>> No. 282243
ITT, /cwc/ proves that it get trolled itself by hating everything because spergs loves them.
I must be superhuman to not care then.
>> No. 282244
What's to get mad at? It's a kids show, for kids. Just laugh at the spergs that jump on the bandwagon instead.
>> No. 282245
I see, an average sperg.
>> No. 282246
Pretty much this, too.
>> No. 282247
Looks like the Hub followed some cues from the Gary Gears thread, either that or they interviewed all the spastics, man-children, and spergs trying to find the secret to the most spastic cartoon ever.
>> No. 282248
But adults obsessing over a kid's show and doing creepy fanart and having sexual fantasies about it can be considered as a sign of a deep cultural decadence. Or maybe I'm just blowing this thing out of proportion.
>> No. 282251
And retard watching Jersey Shore, hooney boo boo and Twilight isn't?
You only care because these guys frequent Chans and the deep net, they're near YOUR turf so you makes sure you're not "one of THOSE nerds!"
>> No. 282256
Homor is a SMOF. *Puts on tinfoil hat*
>> No. 282257
Probably you are right. The popularity of shows like Jersey Shore are also a disturbing sing of the sorry state of our culture.
>> No. 282258
As far as I know cartoons have been sexualized since about the time that cartoons came into existence. Just look up Tijuana bibles.
>> No. 282259
File 135084627728.jpg - (13.35KB , 480x360 , emvideo-youtube-8B5JR-oLvrU.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 282265
Some comic books artists have drawn erotic material out of their characters.
>> No. 282267
Yeah. I think some would be surprised to find that the character designer of Lilo and Stitch is primarily known for what some would consider to be softcore cartoon porn.
>> No. 282269
slashcoslashmrade here.

This isn't the next MLP. As a result of the show's popularity, MLP "successors" keep popping up on the board every one in awhile.

The only two I can think of off the top of my head are My Life Me, a Canadian "anime sitcom", and Barbie: Life in the Dreamhouse. Both were forgotten pretty quickly.

This isn't any different.
>> No. 282271
One of the artists for Ed, Edd and Eddy made kinky art of Ed and Edd.
>> No. 282274
But this cartoon is made almost exactly like MLP. Why it wouldn't attract the spergs?
>> No. 282277
Not who you are talking to, but I think that is exactly part of the reason why. Unless it does something different and relatively better, what reason do they have to abandon their previous addiction? Plus, just from a brief look, this show looks very bad as far as the art goes.

Maybe it is just a poor quality upload, but damn the excessive flatness, forcibly wrong perspective, terrible color schemes, and failed-cute character design is just painful. It looks like some sort of rejected Bratz slop.
>> No. 282278
Not who you are quoting but it isn't sincere enough, it needs characters shouting catchphrases and everyone being over the top cliches.

>> No. 282280
Eh, there was a perfect combination of elements that led to MLP becoming what it became.

For one thing, while the show was nothing special, it was tolerable. The novelty of a "My Little Pony" show that wouldn't be painful to sit through got slashcoslash's attention.

That novelty is long worn out.

And while the minimal effort put into the show is what got slashcoslash's attention, what kept their attention was the endless supply of reaction images that came from what was an otherwise forgettable show for preschoolers.

As a result, people began sperging over their favorite reaction images and which pony had the best reaction images, all while finding the irony in doing so hilarious.

I was there when this whole "coney" thing started, and I'm still not sure how it evolved into a genuine fanbase.
>> No. 282283
It may have to do with the saame thought process akin to that of the people who claimed to have a waifu, who were just making fun of lonely weeaboos, and then these took it seriously. Talking of cartoon characters as if they were real persons.
>> No. 282285
All too often ironically liking something either quickly evolves into genuinely liking it or was just a defense mechanism to mask the genuine liking to begin with.
>> No. 282293
I guess it's part of human nature and there's nothing we cand do about it.
>> No. 282294
>LPS threads constantly on slashcoslash and /mlp/
>spergs from /v/ already bitching about it on /q/
>LPS threads filled with people who want to fuck the purple dog
>r34 already being drawn

I think this is the real deal this time, guys.
>> No. 282298
I think it's time, moot. You need to put her down, the suffering has gone on for far too long. You're just being cruel to her at this point.
>> No. 282304
More people to pay for no captcha accounts!
>> No. 282322
People pay for posting on 4chan? Really?
>> No. 282326
>> No. 282327
  How does this look like to you, /cwc/?
>> No. 282337
Wow. I'd rather go back to the Donate or Die days than having moot try to charge for shit.
>> No. 282355
To be fair it's fairly innocuous, the people that pay $20 a year so they don't have use captchas won't want to get banned so it all works out fine.
>> No. 282366
Even so, I find it really fucked up to put an inconvenience in someone's way and make them pay to get rid of it.
>> No. 282368
If it's the captchas that read scanned literature just think of it as doing the world a service
>> No. 282372
>Looks like the Hub followed some cues from the Gary Gears thread

Hey, you're right.

Can i sue for liable or whatever? I feel like i deserve money for this.
>> No. 282378
Man.. I remember when LPS was actually a really badass toy line before it got the Bratz treatment.
>> No. 282379
I'm sure you'll be super rich and famous when the Gary Gears show is in full swing anyhow.
>> No. 282390
Be sure to use you real full name.
Also point them to this website! Bring the television! EPIC WEEN INC!
>> No. 282411
ITT:Self-loathing coneys
>> No. 282412

Do it Homor.

Or even better, go to Hasbro and propose a Gary Gears toy line. They'll make the cartoon for you and do more sperg pandering than you could possibly imagine.
>> No. 282430
>Dan Vs, Transformers
I read that as Dan VS Transformers, and I thought I was going to have to watch something.
>> No. 282437
It would be one Hell of a show.
>> No. 282438
I used to hate the whole pony thing, I disliked how it was spammed to hell everywhere.

Once I saw an episode, I was like, "Okay, this show is average and would only entertain young children" and I was confused for a long time as to why it was so beloved. I hardly remember anything about the show, even Adventure Time or RS will have memorable scenes but MLP was just forgettable.

It's to the point where I wonder how people actually remembered enough about the show to even get mad.
>> No. 282439
I think that the show is just a excuse, it really doesn't matter at this point. This fandom is all about the novel lenght fanfics, the tons of porn, the meetings, the overanalizations, the drama, the sex toys. Is a fandom built around a fandom.
>> No. 282447
pretty much, ponie fags like it because it has simple easy characters that spasm can handle. this show looks even worse.
>> No. 282468
File 135087770296.jpg - (55.49KB , 500x661 , 56365326.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I think that's what it all boils down to.

Most of them say they only enjoy the show. That's bullshit and they know it. If that was truly the case, there would not be near as much porn and fanfics everywhere.

I really hope this pony shit dies in a couple years.
>> No. 282475
Most things do. There'll likely be a small core of diehards who will never let go of it in their spastic way.
>> No. 282479
It sounds like a fandom completely built around a fetish.

Ponies are just a local "Moe" thing.
>> No. 282481
File 135088098222.jpg - (7.00KB , 251x201 , images.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Moe is a fetish?
>> No. 282483

Moe isn't really a fetish. It's more of an artstyle that appeals to pedophiles and neckbeards.
>> No. 282485
Yeah it's similar to like Project Touhou, while being a bullet hell shooter known for it's difficulty the fans of the series rarely talk about the games and obsessively make fanart (Especially crossovers) and write fanfics - http://gaminghell.co.uk/TouhouTime3.html
>> No. 282486
That's kinda because Touhou is just a really shitty generic shooter series with good music and legendarily terrible art. If the fandom didn't try to improve Zun's horrid drawings there would be no Toohoo
>> No. 282489
Well I was just saying the fandoms of Touhou and MLP are extremely similar.
>> No. 282492
Is it possible to stop being a sperg, or once a sperg, forever a sperg?
>> No. 282501

As a former sperg, it's possible. Unfortunately, most spergs aren't willing to put in the effort.
>> No. 282503
>former sperg
>> No. 282506
He drank a lot of that camel milk.
>> No. 282523
That you Paul?
>> No. 282541
Lauren Faust posted this on her twitter.
Link leads to:

Also this:

>> No. 282542
File 135089757457.png - (37.90KB , 638x254 , MICROAGGRESSION.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Forgot the screenshot. I love how she tries to brainwash cheese conies now that she has taken a hold of them.
>> No. 282543

I'd like to say that they will meet cold reality when they get into the real world but the sad truth is that most of these people are 30-something's still living with their parents and their only social interaction is at horse fucker conventions
>> No. 282545
Apparently the voice actor for the purple pony Tara Strong is even worse than Faust, she's literally using horsefuckers like her personal army and a floatation device for her ego.
>> No. 282547
I just want this pony thing to stop.
At first I didn't care, then I checked out cheese conies to laugh at their spastic stupidity, sometimes they rustled my jimmies a little, now I'm just tired of them. I just want them to go away so we could pretend none of this shit happened.
>> No. 282548

>There are those who say that this is not the pony way. They clearly have never seen Dragonshy. Fluttershy can do it. So can you.

>> No. 282549
It can only get worse from here. They have found a potential audience for lots of spergy crap.
>> No. 282550

No other show on the Hub will please them.
I don't know why or how, but MLP created a fandom which is the cesspit of other shitty fandoms. It's a pure, concentrated spergfest, that's why it is so tiring. It's so bad it's not funny or rage inducing anymore, it's just plain sad and depressing.
I believe when Hasbro finally cancels the show the fandom will break apart. Furfags return to being furries, sonicfags go back worshiping Sonic and horsefuckers return to their bestiality sites. There will be some tryhard leftover cheese conies trying to keep the fandom alive but they will slowly fade away.
>> No. 282565
Maybe it's just me, but since the rise of the whole coney thing, haven't furries been quiet?

I mean, when was the last time you heard about the typical shrill, obnoxious furfag behaviour formerly so prevalent? I mean, sure, a lot of recent lolcows have been furries, but their being furries seems more like corroborating evidence of their homosexual deviantry than the soul aspect of their character - think of people like A-Log and Anthos, for example, people who are lulzy on their own, in addition to also being furfags.

Are furries wising up about keeping their fetishes private? Is the furry fandom being driven to extinction? Or is that just wishful thinking and have all the furries simply migrated to the coney fandom?
>> No. 282606
I think it helps that there wasn't be a major game or movie that furries truly liked in the last decade. I mean, they had like Sly Cooper and a few anime here and there, that's about it.

But they could be growing up and not letting it be their defining feature.
>> No. 282610
Theres not really a big spergy furfag show or anything on TV for them to force down everyone throat , just wait until some show with furries comes out and they try to emulate the coney popularity
>> No. 282615
File 135092021036.jpg - (7.09KB , 232x217 , lronhubbard.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
If you can't beat them, might as well make money off of them. I reckon if someone were to make a full length coney bible, it would sell like hotcakes.
>> No. 282627
The furfags didn't need one to become annoying as hell through 2006 and 2008, back then wanted to cram dragon dildos as far as they can into people's throats.
But then the rest of the internet reacted, and kicked their asses so hard the majority of them went back to becoming quiet.

If nobody stopped the furries at the time, they would be just as bad as horsefuckers are now.
But the problem with horsefuckers is that many of the websites and people that stopped the furries in 06-08 don't feel like reacting against them even though they're basically the same thing..
>> No. 282636
Most websites today pander to ponfuckers, except 7chan and this board.
>> No. 282639

7chan even even has a fucking /be/ board. What the flying fuck happened to that place?
>> No. 282646
File 135092852738.png - (163.65KB , 500x374 , autismthegame.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Do you seriously believe that "We are legion!" bullshit?

No. Furries haven't gone anywhere, really. They're just old hat now and nobody cares enough to react to them. Them and their absurd culture are muted by repetition. It's no longer controversial after 10 years to immediately associate them with perversity and foulness to the extent that their own communities have internalized the insults and passively police themselves.

cheese conies won't just fade away either. They'll just simply stop being any more recognizable than Sonic spergs or any other fandom that devours rule 34.

It's not enough to shock people anymore. Now if you mention "and s/he is also a fucking furnigger" it's like another check off the list of lifestyle failures, sort of like eating fast food 4 times a week, playing MMORPGs for 10 hours a day, or having a waifu.
>> No. 282650

that logo is like a scorecard

0: normal
1: slightly sperg
2-3: sperg
4-5: very sperg
6-7: alpha sperg
>> No. 282654
You forget two other categories, Omega Sperg, and the most dangerous of all, King/Queen Sperg.
>> No. 282666
what the hell is Gravity from? we trolling Issac Newton now.
>> No. 282667
Gravity Falls, a Disney cartoon show.
>> No. 282668
Well the theory of gravitation was incorrect. Relativity is the key
>> No. 282671

It's full of Illuminati symbols. Conspiracy nuts are all over it, they think this show is the proof that Disney is part of the Illuminati and they are now hiding in plain slight, brainwashing our kids with subliminal messages.


>> No. 282672
I'm not scientist so correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't gravity useful to explain some phenomena?
>> No. 282676

That logo mash up is neat but it's missing Regular Show.
>> No. 282678
Tell me about it, when I was in /x/, they had a hard on for this show, or for the "messages" behind that show. Using logic with them was useless.
>> No. 282683
Was just about to say that.
>> No. 282685
It even has Bat Boy in the intro, I don't know why they'd think they were a serious conspiracy behind it.

>> No. 282687
File 135093307344.jpg - (12.20KB , 361x406 , CSM.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
There's nothing to worry about your favourite t.v. shows. Keep watching them.
>> No. 282695
Needs Doctor Who, Mass Effect, Twilight and Harry Potter.

At least that's everything I can think of.
>> No. 282699
Considering the show is a nod to Twin Peaks, The Da Vinci Code and X-Files, it's not too far off.

Their belief that it outright supports the Illuminati is dubious, though.
>> No. 282705
The Illuminati doesn't exist, it's just a catchall for conspiracy theories.
>> No. 282707
>watching gravity falls
>> No. 282737
File 135094019963.jpg - (17.69KB , 400x314 , boyd.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 282741
File 135094092050.jpg - (7.73KB , 280x180 , huh.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 282742
File 135094102940.jpg - (213.87KB , 1021x681 , Derp.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It seem that these people go out there way to see such symbolism that they the only notice who see that everywhere, like how I see dicks in everything because I'm a homosexual deviant.
>> No. 282752
I bet Adventure Time is full of Illuminati symbols... why do you think it's so popular?
>> No. 282753
I just look it up and found this!
>> No. 282767

I'd love to believe that there isn't anyone in the world that would seriously consider videos to be legit if I didn't know one myself. Whenever they start babbling about Zeitgeist or tell me what new popstar is a reptilian, I feel so embarrassed for them.
>> No. 282769
There is no way this could be anything but an elaborate parody.
>> No. 282770

Reminds me of "Beavis & Butthead: Illuminati Approved".

(The 33 on that one thug in Todd's gang's basketball jersey is only symbolic of Larry Bird fandom, not the Illuminati.)
>> No. 282774
>> No. 282776
>The show that created a generation of SHEEPLE!

This is fake.
This is a parody.
Nobody is this stupid.
Nobody is this crazy.
It has to be a hoax.
It just has to be.
>> No. 282777
>They're making my show look BAD!
>> No. 282810
I wonder when you going to put Illuminati symbols into Gary Gears
>> No. 282812
  Pay no attention to the subliminal messages. Just take your blue pill and go back to sleep.
>> No. 282826
The only subliminal messages in Gary Gears will be Jesuit propaganda.
>> No. 282896
All my wat
>> No. 282897
File 135097346031.jpg - (43.05KB , 561x488 , Viagra.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
If I take the blue pill it won't be for sleep.a
>> No. 282898
File 135097368670.jpg - (27.79KB , 240x360 , howdobozos.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I hope it also contains inappropriate overtly sexual robots!
>> No. 282911
File 135097706577.png - (224.29KB , 592x320 , monsterfromhell.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>There’s even a jar of eyeballs for sale at Stan’s store.
Schizos don't know how to classic horror.
>> No. 282920

But those aren't regular eyes you see, they are all seeing eyes of the Illuminati.
>> No. 282927
File 135098629995.jpg - (115.50KB , 450x600 , A-Log Rockin' Out.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So do I, basically.
>> No. 282933
Damn, that's one good shoop.
>> No. 282976
What do you expect? I bet the only mummy they know is the one from the Brendan Fraser movies.
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