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File 135103148169.jpg - (17.17KB , 304x225 , The Keatons.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
283070 No. 283070
I am a huge fan of the Hub.

But not because of My Little Pony.
Expand all images
>> No. 283071
File 135103158111.jpg - (24.56KB , 333x250 , Batman.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Nice to see SOMEONE appreciating good Super Hero fiction.
>> No. 283150
Superhero spergs are just as bad.
>> No. 283168
File 135104407898.png - (15.24KB , 660x137 , funny.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 283179
... pony comic ? Huh?
>> No. 283181
Apparently there is 19 variant covers for the first issue alone.
>> No. 283183
I thought it was 90,000 last time I heard
>> No. 283190
How do you people even know these things? If I didn't know any better, I'd swear you were conies.
>> No. 283196
>> No. 283198
There have been a few threads about it on slashcoslash
>> No. 283200
Is slashcoslash still dominated by the ponyfuckers? Last time I heard of 4chan they have installed a complete board for that scum.
>> No. 283207

Yeah they did create another board.

That still doesn't stop slashcoslash from being a breeding ground for spasm due to Homestuck generals, their creepy obsession with creating rule 34 of fucking everything (which is why MLP porn is so prevelent in the first place), and the fact that they're all college student and NEETS who spend hours a day watching programming created for kids.
>> No. 283210
You forgot the part where they're all bipolar bisexual attention whores, who only create so much Rule 34 because they're constantly wacking it.
>> No. 283233
Shouldn't they be studying? Who am I kidding? Those liberal arts degrees are bullshit anyway.
>> No. 283235
You're think of all the tumblr users that migrated there.
>> No. 283236
I think that's all one tumblr user.
>> No. 283262

ITT: Neckbeards mad at the world.
>> No. 283265
>> No. 283267

Lol, it was. He misplaced the comma and wrote "900,00".
>> No. 283272

gaben can watch whatever the flying fucking he wants as long as he gets his fat ass back to work on half life 3
>> No. 283319
Gaben also has kids.

Do the math.
>> No. 283334
Ponyfucker, tell me how much do you love inserting plastic toyys up your ass, and then lick them.
>> No. 283356

>implying that having small children in the appropriate age range justifies watching a sperg horsefucker spast neckbeard homosexual nazi cartoon
>> No. 283361
He should make them watch better cartoons.
>> No. 283370

>Cares about little kids watching a show designed for little kids
>> No. 283372
There is no chance in fuck that My Little Pony would outsell Amazing Spiderman 700
>> No. 283378
What happened in Amazing Spiderman 700?
>> No. 283380
Don't think it's out yet.
Supposedly Doc Ock is going to die from his terminal disease
>> No. 283388
- spast
>> No. 283390
Do they expect to increase sales killing every character in their comics? How many times it was tried? Look at the sales, comic books are dying, and only spergs and SJers are going to be present at the funeral.
>> No. 283399
Why is sperging about comic books, superheroes, and superhero movies so accepted here?
>> No. 283401

>> No. 283402
Because at least they're not one of THOSE spasts, so it's okay.
Right ? Right ?
>> No. 283404
I suspect that our board might be infected with a few ponyfuckers.
>> No. 283408
I miss Ghost. I hope the rumors that he's doing something for GTA V are true.
>> No. 283416
I'm not a coney. I just find it odd that some forms of sperging are both accepted and practiced by /cwc/ and others are not. I think that all sperging should be disallowed.
>> No. 283420
Ghost has been back on Twitter for a while, he tweeted a
"I'll be back" clip from Terminator with a TCR hashtag. I have a feeling he'll want to do a show before or right after elections, but if he doesn't he'll go back to his show in due time.
>> No. 283461
Who is Gabe Newell?
>> No. 283469

robbay's alter ego
>> No. 283482
CEO of Activision
>> No. 283504
The hub is nothing but reruns, and horrible flash animation.

>A comic
They can't be serious...
>> No. 283506
Well, there's alot of people on /cwc/ that are from slashcoslash and /v/ from what i've seen.
>> No. 283507
>The hub is nothing but reruns, and horrible flash animation.

What about Transformers Prime?
>> No. 283508
....which, right there, proves their aspergers
>> No. 283511
What about your spasm?
>> No. 283514
Oh shit, forgot about that, and aquabats, but even then they're not that great.

Hey, you asked, i answered. Not my fault that hypocritical spergs browse the board
>> No. 283521
You are a ponyfucker, you don't fool anyone. Go to masturbate to cartoon horses.
>> No. 283525
Who's talking about ponies again? I though this was about comic book nerds.
>> No. 283547
ITT: everyone calls each other ponyfuckers and a-log out of the fear of being called a ponyfucker or a-log
>> No. 283569
File 135114593747.png - (104.90KB , 1001x343 , negi.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 283570
File 135114611198.jpg - (18.92KB , 413x395 , 1346621721634.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 283572
File 135114968598.jpg - (5.25KB , 200x200 , ishiggywut.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>banned from negimachan
>> No. 283573
Since this thread has really little to nothing to do with anything and it's the middle of posting deadtide, I'll take the time to ask, whose birthday is it? Seanie's, right? Is so, happy birthday dude.
>> No. 283575

http://negimachan.com/negi/res/352.html#352 :3


Yes, thanks
>> No. 283576
Happy birthday Seanieb
>> No. 283577
Happy Birthday Sean. I hope you enjoy it, bro.

And thanks for hosting the board and being a good guy when I've needed something.
>> No. 283588
Happy birthday Sean, you deserve more success than you are having but anyway hope you enjoy your birthday!
>> No. 283628
happy birthday, seanie

if i wasn't the man i was, i'd kiss ya
>> No. 283636
  Happy birthday, Sean!
>> No. 283637
Happy birthday Sean!
>> No. 283639
File 135118389421.png - (170.36KB , 1252x589 , negidelted.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
A few well wishers put their birthday greetings in the thread at negimachan. Since Negi's butthurt, he deleted them.
>> No. 283640
Happy 20th Seanie
>> No. 283641
>birthday boy or girl
Requesting that song be embedded on Robbay's birthday.
>> No. 283648
Happy birthday, Fearless Leader!
>> No. 283696
Who cares about Seanie's birthday
>> No. 283737
Oh, you.

Happy birthday, Seanie. I know the anon who brought it up first meant well, but I hope you got a laugh out of the irony of your birthday thread ending up in the coney thread.
>> No. 283738
>Americans clap when its SeanieB's birthday...
>And then Americans wonder why the world hates them
>> No. 283763
What the Hell are you talking about?
>> No. 283801
File 135122404098.jpg - (78.20KB , 448x599 , b'day.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
actually it's probably the other mod that banned you. negi's too busy pretending to not be negi on tinychan.
>> No. 284182
>implying Seanie isn't a diagnosed Aspie who watches Regular Show & Adventure Time, plays Sonic the Hedgehog and has an annoying nasally voice
>> No. 284184
Watching a cartoon doesn't make you an aspie. Obessesing over it, writing fanfics, dressing like one of the characters, etc, makes you one.
>> No. 284392
lol grown ass men watching cartoons
>> No. 284395

that describes a majority of this website's populace.
>> No. 284467
Seriously, at worst, watching cartoons makes you just a little different. And you never have to say you like the dumb shows in public.

But Regular Show seems to be a weird exception, that's a show that could fit pretty well on MTV.
>> No. 284510
>that's a show that could fit pretty well on MTV.
how do you figure? or are we talking any point in the history of mtv programming?
>> No. 284519
Maybe I'm going off of what I did remember of their cartoons, like Daria.

But yea, I do see that show fitting in maybe in the 90s or maybe 00s. But overall, ever since I saw that show, it just had an MTV vibe to it. Maybe it's just me.
>> No. 284531
I like cartoons. Nobody should know my darkest secret...
>> No. 284557
MTV is no longer for cartoons. I have no idea why they introduced Good Vibes and brought back B&B. The network is now only known for garbage shows for mainstream-edgy teens.
>> No. 284559
>mainstream teens

tell us about your television tastes. What do you watch.....Masterpiece Theater?
>> No. 284560

You know, the 14 year olds who think they are being hardcore by saying fuck in gym class.
>> No. 284565
Well, where did that come from?

But, to be fair, last time I seriously watched any MTV, it was like 2006. And that was when I realized they weren't showing enough music to make it worthwhile.
>> No. 284575
yeah, that's why I asked. I could see it working back then, but these days it's pretty much all "reality tv" for high schoolers.
>> No. 284606
File 135152014965.jpg - (54.97KB , 300x451 , kitten41.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Happy belated birthday Seanie!
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