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File 135112831851.png - (12.40KB , 298x373 , The Goblin Squire.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
283421 No. 283421
New Robb thread since the old one is getting too big.

Pic related, it's an accurate depiction of Robb's current state.
Expand all images
>> No. 283422
File 13511283978.jpg - (9.21KB , 225x225 , 1346614294051.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 283423
File 135112843983.jpg - (78.14KB , 512x512 , photo.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Pic of RSDuke I got from a simple google search, I really can't take his spasm anymore. If anyone's got DOX you need to post it.
The sperglord needs to be brought down.
>> No. 283424
He lives somewhere near that homosexual deviant Homor. Maybe they're fucking each other. The guy's on IRC so much I think he's got less of a life than Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 283425
File 135112862354.jpg - (99.98KB , 400x400 , lolhomor.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Pic related, it's an accurate depiction of Homor's current state.
>> No. 283426
Someone needs to decode his hostmask on IRC, that'll give us his IP
>> No. 283427
Yeah, the dude's pretty spergy. Here's the latest log: >>283414

He seems pretty mad that Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles singled him out, lol
>> No. 283428
It's amusing to think that even Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles knows RSDuke is so fucked in the head though.
>> No. 283429
Wow he even looks like a sperg , he must be a fucking jesuit from that nose. And who even wears bandanas anymore?
>> No. 283431
that fucking hat sucks too.
>> No. 283433
File 13511290356.png - (2.00KB , 293x16 , 2012-10-24_1836.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 283434
File 13511290629.gif - (11.17KB , 501x585 , jew-bwa-ha-ha.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
a more recent photo
>> No. 283435

Is that you, Albino Ryno?
>> No. 283436
He lives in Cleveland. Fucking Ohio spergs.
>> No. 283437
>> No. 283438
Yes, you got me.
>> No. 283440
Figaro is also pretty bad, he's on there 24/7 and admitted to being an ass-rammer. Let's face it, IRC is full of spastic homosexual deviants and needs to be nuked from orbit.
>> No. 283441

Come on, guys. Why's it have to be like this?
>> No. 283442
Look at that hipster fuck
>> No. 283443
You're namefagging now too? Kill yourself.
>> No. 283444
>> No. 283445
That's not me, dammit!
>> No. 283447
But that is exactly what you would say
>> No. 283448
Hey gaiz I got a dishonorable discharge from the army for sucking cock through glory holes in the rest rooms!

Also I love to play Yu-Gi-Oh
>> No. 283449
This is going to sound dickish but introman needs to stop coming on to IRC. I like you intro but this is what you cause. You're Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles shit is funny as hell but a certain subculture of tryhards and regulars has ruined IRC because of it.
>> No. 283450
No I didn't. Stop doing this shit to me!
>> No. 283451
I am the true and honest duke, dont listen to those impostors
>> No. 283453
Just checking in to tell you guys that I sure do love penis.
>> No. 283454
File 135113033156.jpg - (540.56KB , 1039x1224 , 134854315067.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Did Rob ever give a reason for why he was on IRC all day? We're usually only graced by his effeminate presence for an hour or two at a time.
>> No. 283455
Dukay confirmed for Hispter Jesuit IRC tryhard.
>> No. 283456
This is getting ridiculous guys!
>> No. 283457
Well you pretending to be me isnt helping the situation
>> No. 283458
I think this should make us think twice about Robb. Any one of us could be thrown under the bus. Are we so great? I would hate to become the new rsduke and replace Robb.
>> No. 283459
Stop trollshielding! I bet you're from IRC too, aren't you?
>> No. 283460
I would just like to say I'm deeply sorry for all of the "RSDukes" that have been posting on this board. jesuitS and Figaro have been spamming up the board posing as me, not only to get the Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles stonecutters to hate me but also to soil my reputation on the internet. All of the photos of me were dropped by either jesuitS or Figaro, the whole I-got-a-dishonorable-discharge-from-the-army-for-sucking-cock thing was their's too. Also, jesuitS is the one who likes BernieMac, not me, so don't go around thinking I have shitty taste in lolcows.

I really want this to be water under the bridge and honestly, move on with life. I'm kind of worried potential employers might see all this shit online and reconsider hiring me, so can a kind mod please wipe out all traces of "RSDuke" as well as the photo too?
>> No. 283463
File 135113107950.gif - (334.87KB , 360x240 , 133493845194.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 283464
>> No. 283466
What the Hell is going on here?
>> No. 283467

In 11 months you'll be throwing shit against the walls and freebasing bath salts
>> No. 283468
File 135113161035.jpg - (67.97KB , 300x400 , Frog David Eyebrows Smith.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>34 posts and 6 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>exactly one post about rob
>it was made by me
>> No. 283470
Robb has been repeating the same shit for a year.

RSduke is virtually Beekeeper 2.0 , in fact we think he IS beekeeper
>> No. 283471
  Hell, RSDuke is such a sperg even Sammy can see it.
>> No. 283472
Homor do you get creeped out when Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is hitting on you?
>> No. 283473
This is all that cunt Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's fault! If he hadn't made fun of me, they never would have turned on me in the first place!
>> No. 283474
File 13511320877.png - (200.70KB , 717x1689 , Rika Bullying 5.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 283475
Don't blame Robb you sperg. Sure we uncovered you though this bullshit...but we know, that you would have been doing the same sperg ass shit if he never existed. Don't blame him for this. I've looked through your shit and I've seen what you want wiped. homosexual deviant.
>> No. 283476
Robb confirmed for master level troll and unquestioned High Wraithlord. Robb please accept me into the RSDuke stonecutters. I have procured cocks for your amusement.

>> No. 283478
>> No. 283479
You'll be back.
>> No. 283480

>> No. 283484

Duke sperging out
>> No. 283485
File rikaadmission.txt - (13.42KB ) Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
private chat with Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles and introman
>> No. 283486
File 135113455684.jpg - (78.06KB , 464x600 , 20100510usforaweaponsaf.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You'll have to excuse me because I'm kind of new to this image board thing. I was in Duke's unit. He didn't get a dishonorable discharge. He got a medical for being a fucking idiot. They had to make this safety notice because of him. Stupid bastard could have been killed. Too bad he wasn't.
>> No. 283487

>> No. 283488
Guys I'm the real stop slandering my internet. I'm hangin out in irc to catch news as it breaks.
>> No. 283490
>> No. 283491

DUKAAAAAY confirmed for gay with KEEPAAAAAYYY
>> No. 283492
God, this is shit. I wanted more RWS cocks, and all I get is you assholes sperging about Duke? Seriously, who gives half of a fuck?

Can someone lock or move this thread, so we can get another thread up that's ACTUALLY about Robb?
>> No. 283495
Unlikely since a mod made this thread.
>> No. 283496
Who is Duke and why should I care?
>> No. 283497
Every minute RSDuke is in irc is a minute HES better than those damn dirty lolcows.
>> No. 283499

Homor made this thread about Robb, not Duke.

Someone go make a duke thread, or something, if you guys want to force your latest lolcow on us.

tl;dr - stop fagging up the Robb thread with shit about some moron from IRC.
>> No. 283502
Ain't this how cows are found nowadays? I mean, first their was ADF, then someone fagged up the (admittedly quite shitty) ADF threads with Jordman threads, and from there, naturally, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles threads. Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles lasted a little longer, but now haven't found someone new to look forward to? Our own Dukaay here? Let the paranoid shiteater addict have a little peace every now and again. In that way, he can try to regain the hair to lose again. I mean, there're plenty more philly trannies where that came from, aren't there?
>> No. 283510
What the fuck is happing in this shit thread
>> No. 283515
And Beekeeper came from the Moleman9000 threads. Shit begets shit.
>> No. 283517
get out
>> No. 283519

Hows that spasm treating you?
>> No. 283520
Will people stop making these stupid threads every time Robby takes a dump

>> No. 283522

So, anyone want to undo Beekeeper's weening all over that article?
>> No. 283523
So blank it?
>> No. 283526
I say blank it.
>> No. 283527

you're just saying that because you want MOLAAAAYYY to work with you
>> No. 283528
But he then takes the product of that dump and splatters it all over his room.
>> No. 283530

So, he's Nick Bate?
>> No. 283531
Is this the first time he's come right out and said he transitioned for pussy with no excuses tacked on?
>> No. 283532
File 135113951272.jpg - (10.02KB , 256x192 , barneytoke.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>implying that thinking RSDuke trolling is forced and gay means you have spasm

>> No. 283533
Bate doesn't have that je ne se quais that makes Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles so special, a unique flower of the spergdom.
>> No. 283534
>Implying what is going on hasnt completely gone over your head
>> No. 283535
While you fight about a nobody, the SJers have found another target to attack:
>> No. 283536
"I started this tumblr because I want to “talk about stuff”, but if you think we’re going to have a conversation here’s how it’s going to go: I talk, you shut up and listen."
>> No. 283537
fuck this entire fucking planet
>> No. 283538

>I started this tumblr because I want to “talk about stuff”, but if you think we’re going to have a conversation here’s how it’s going to go: I talk, you shut up and listen.

my god im glad no one takes these fags seriously
>> No. 283539
People actually listen to tumblrfags?

>> No. 283540
>> No. 283541

I have a friend who does. And he looks like Eric Andre.
>> No. 283542
Please tell me that's a troll. Even if it's a lie, I need to sleep tonight.
>> No. 283544
With Tumblrites you never know.
>> No. 283545
Do not worry, my child. 'Tis merely a troll created by his fans to mock PewDiePie.

Sleep soundly tonight, my little angel.
>> No. 283550
Youtuber PsychedelicEyeball I too think is awesome, fellow Internet goer.
>> No. 283579

Now see, this is much better, just Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles and people relevant to Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles trolling, no fucking try hards fagging the place up and making it impossible to get a decent conversation going with that Gollum impersonator. More like this please.
>> No. 283580
>[18:09:32] <Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> if you guys saw jordman first wit his retardation arsonist youd think twice
But we DID see Jordman first. Have you forgotten how it all started?

Also Homor, do post your Robb comics. They're hilarious.
>> No. 283581

>[18:55:34] <Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> I AM AF UCKING MAN
>[18:56:23] <introwan_trollnobi> you need to advocate for other transgenders to realize the errors of their way.
>[18:56:42] <introwan_trollnobi> You've been through what they've been and you've survived without a mutilated body.
>[19:00:06] <Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> they are crazy fucking people
>[19:00:18] <Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> im not even gonna lie abot it
>[19:00:29] <Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> i jus wanted fucking pussy so why not be one
>[19:01:08] <Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> but it took a way my biological gender
>[19:07:12] <introwan_trollnobi> yea. you're realizing the errors of your ways

Okay, when Robb goes back to being a woman or third gender or whatever the fuck again we need to make sure he doesn't forget he said all this.
>> No. 283583
>[18:14:32] <Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> and he fucking tore afta my ass too like a horny doberman

>Technically Milk can pass blood born poisons and pathogens. Female assassins in ancient Greece would slowly build up a tolerance for poison and then use their bodily fluids including milk to kill their pray in bed. Male ones would do so with semen. Yeah, I wish I was making that up. Kinky fuckers those Greeks were.
From the last thread. This sounds too fantastical to be true. I'd like to have some credible sauce, thank you.
>> No. 283584
File 13511535908.jpg - (54.60KB , 700x480 , 1346008392997.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
the other day he was talking to me about how his GID was totally legit.
>> No. 283586
Maybe he's just doing it to try and get the trolls off his back.

I really have no idea with Rob though, he was saying he had a vagina not too long ago.
>> No. 283587

Yeah, he does change his mind about what the fuck he is fairly often, but I think this is the first time he's flat out called himself a man and that dressing up as a girl was just a retarded ploy to get girls. Well, no, he did kind of admit that part before, but indirectly.
>> No. 283589
Rob is an enigma, the time he was on here boasting about how he kissed a girl for the first time (Later saying he had sex with her) and how that the transgender thing was a ploy to get laid turned into something far stranger than I think anyone could have guessed.
>> No. 283590
The truth always comes out when he's off his face.
>> No. 283591
So ROBBAY is Darth Wader or Palpatine?lol
>> No. 283593
Nobody gives a shit about RSDuke and the rest of the IRC nobodies. Quit attentionwhoring you shitposters. We come here for Rob's delicious cocks.
>> No. 283598
RWS cocks's arriving and his downright spiraling at a such a pace now it's crazy, I'm a dozen logs behind now. I guess I'll keep taking notes while reading for some classic moments to share/remember...

>introman, i'll have you know first and foremost, i am never showing my face to public again
>whenever i go out, it will be secretly
>this is because of how you've wired up transway to report on every thing you've done

>dont you realize your killing me, introman
>stuffing me up in my appartment and just permanantly deforming me

>im not back to robert, NOBODY knows my name
>i don't have a name anymore

>I can't fucking take this anymore, just as soon as my parents commit me the better
>I'VE begged them now

>i was sane once, i was once sane, heterosexual, cocks with my pathetic naive life BUT i had to ask for more

>the first cut is the deepest introman
>and i don't even want to mention the fucking razor incident if you dont even know

>no, fuck no, a psychotic rage flared up inside of me and who could blame me
>i nearly through a table out the window

>why do you think i worked so hard. i wanted to have my own organization of trolls JUST LIKE YOU DO NOW
>but unlike us we would be vigilante justice when something we didnt like came our way

>people bullied me, bitches teased me mercilessly
>its very hard to stand around when justice never happens

>but than JORDMAN came along
ZyklonI find that hard to believe.
>Do you really want to know why i hate him?
>he turned me from a conflicted vigilante to a firestarter

>william way LGBT center has luckily stood for only one reason
>ONE fucking reason, introman
>i hope that one day they will see it my way
>i PREY for their sake or all their fucking make-up will melt off in a big drippy puddle

>can you stop. that ME is fucking dead
>Robb stiles was a retarded gender confused queer

>you stay away from my family and friends introman
(they're not your family and friends anymore. their son/daughter/friend is long dead)
>im cutting my fucking contacts with everyone, your right

>why are you beating me up for being special ed and using what was necesary
>to accomplish what i needed in life

>zyklon, i dont like women or men, I have GID, idk why i have to hammer that into your lesioned mind again and again
(What about Penelope?)
>thats sexual preferences

>but seriously, introman, my sped records are a low fucking blow
>taking something personal and holding it against me, i have FAR worse issues than that
>if i had a gun i'd shoot you in the crotch followed by all your body parts

>seriously if i had control over the 789chan browser I would do things right
>i had envisioned that from the start
>we would literally campeign against the true problem in this world
>we'd troll true lolcows
>not ones who are victims but the true scum
>Jordman, Pam, Chris Chan, A-Log, Tim Buckley Chrissy Moran etc
>seriously all those brain dead people who worship twilight and cheese conies you don't think they deserve to trolled into oblivion

>i wish for you to have aids
>seriously willaim way is just down the street. im surprised its stil standing. im looking at it now
>fucking drags, im a hundred years smarter
>because i want justice, i want you to realize transway is manipulating you
>primarily jordman, rachel, pam and that black thing

>i know of thousands of psychological tactics
>i've literally seen all kinds of mental warfare

>well maybe i am a bit slow but i compensate endlessly
>im like david bryne if he was fucking drag queen

*** Seanie joined #Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles
>fucking retard

>there are no deals, i make the deal. im cutting contact, i'll make the video when i feel like it
>are you trying to report me again? these people are still pulling the same randsom

>oh really, maybe your just an illiterate emigrant
>Yeah post that on the fucking site

>well, guess what, i've OBLIVERATEed a whole heap of things and i havent been truly concious for days
>im going to have to look for my camera
>i still have bits of broken glass all over the floor tho
>if not, i'll but a camera but only a cheap ass
>ok thanksgiving. remember now i've trolled you
>JULAY bitch

>well niggers are still better than yugoslavian whores
>who whore themselves out to white trash from joisy
>fucking joisy, introman is a guido lol
>or at least a fake one
>your gay. thats it. die of hiv

>your comedy gold. all of you. your all posers and worthless trolls
>you think sexual frusturation is a way to attack someone
>you know what, i'm done here. 11/22/12

11 more Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles logs to go. Fuck me.
>> No. 283600
Speaking of which, could someone repost (to pastebin) the following logs?

Mr. Robert Wayne Stilesadmission.txt
>> No. 283601
File 135116326574.jpg - (144.62KB , 335x442 , fantastic-spastic_03.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
here's 3 sir



>> No. 283602
>why do you think i worked so hard. i wanted to have my own organization of trolls JUST LIKE YOU DO NOW
>but unlike us we would be vigilante justice when something we didnt like came our way

>people bullied me, bitches teased me mercilessly
>its very hard to stand around when justice never happens

Well I guess the one positive thing I can say about Robb is he never turned into a loveshy.
>> No. 283603
>implying he didn't
>> No. 283606

>[18:31:12] <Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> youd have to catch me and tie me down first
>[18:31:24] <introwan_trollnobi> just asking. i will change the subject
>[18:31:29] <~SeanieB> robb do you have whiskey dick
>[18:31:46] <Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> i have whateva dick you suppose
>[18:34:49] <~SeanieB> did you stop when your dick shriveled up
>[18:35:03] <~SeanieB> and you lost your libido
>[18:35:36] <Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> more like when i cut my hair out
>[18:36:15] <Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> beer dick
>[18:36:23] <Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> hahaha aw fuck
>[18:36:58] <introwan_trollnobi> your little soldier marching now?
>[18:37:51] <Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> motr
>[18:38:13] <Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> motr ot lress
>[18:38:18] <~SeanieB> wtf
>[18:38:18] <Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> more or less

Any chance that Robb would regret admitting that in the morning?
>> No. 283608
Nah. It's common knowledge Robb is so pathetic he wants to fuck his own trolls. Hell, he'd be ready to fuck even Homor.
>> No. 283610
I would fuck Robbay. For the lulz.
>> No. 283611
I gotta be honest, all the regulars here, everyone in the IRC, everyone who was in the tinychats, they're all such massive spergy assholes, it's far more enjoyable when one of them gets doxed and then makes an ass of themselves than threads about regular lolcows.

It's the complete hypocrisy and lack of self-awareness I think. The spergs in that IRC have sat and lectured sperg after sperg about how stupid they are, how retarded they are, how they're going to get trolled to oblivion and what idiots they are to freak out over a photo or whatever of them being found.

And then, inevitably every fucking time the same thing happens to them and they flip out exactly like the people they were lecturing. Every single time the same people who tell Robbie, Moleman, Casey etc to just be quiet and stop making a scene and making things worse... end up making a scene and making things worse for themselves.
>> No. 283612

>sat and lectured sperg after sperg about how stupid they are, how retarded they are, how they're going to get trolled to oblivion and what idiots they are to freak out over a photo or whatever of them being found.

That's pretty much what every anon posting on here does too.
>> No. 283616
It's just the natural cycle of things. Robb's on his way out, so a new lolcow must take his place.
>> No. 283618
No way in hell am I going to follow that road, assholes. Yeah, Robb's probably going to kill himself soon, but you won't be putting me in his place when he's gone.
>> No. 283619
hey anon
>> No. 283620
You're not funny enough.
>> No. 283621
We've actually been through a few of these one off lolcows since Robb showed up. There's something about him, when others become uninteresting or were smart enough to shut up after a little while, Robb just keeps going at full speed.
>> No. 283622
Hey future irc lolcow.
>> No. 283624

forgot it.
>> No. 283625
what exactly has RSDuke done which is supposed to be funny and how does it surpass a shit flinging paranoid cross dresser?
>> No. 283627
Nothing, he's just kind of a moron.
>> No. 283629
Even with all the Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles cocks, the best thing in this thread is the new lolcow RSDuke. My personal favorite moments were when Duke or his irc buddies tried to shift the conversation towards something else like SJ.
>> No. 283630
Even Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles saw him out for a lolcow and trolled him. That really says something doesnt it.
>> No. 283632

Epic new lolcow.
>> No. 283634
Guys, how about we only troll him for a length of time equivalent to what he's spent in irc?
>> No. 283635
But where would we find a troll with that much free time?
>> No. 283650
He's a disgusting neckbeard wearing a bandana around his neck for one.
>> No. 283652

How is that funny?
>> No. 283653
>> No. 283654
>> No. 283655
I love the penises more then you. You're an imposter and not gay and not spastic and not jesuitish like I awwm.
>> No. 283656

So much spasm
>> No. 283657
Cut it out, guys, you are not funny and nobody gives a shit about your own little drama.
>> No. 283658
Even for /cwc/ the ween has gotten out of hand.
>> No. 283659
Random spergs? Or Robbay trying to distract /CWC/ as he did with the Jordan threads?
>> No. 283660
>> No. 283661
Now there's supposedly drama between certain cwcers about who will write the ED page. This is getting way out of hand.
>> No. 283664

Robbay, obviously. He's finally winning against the trolls.
>> No. 283665
Aren't we all* winning here?

*mostly all
>> No. 283667
Paragraph after paragraph of sadubfasdoihfaskfbaklcjulhzsciqWO0EVCNzxl<K
>> No. 283668
Oh shit, you almost DDOS'd us!
>> No. 283682
Hi RSDuke.
>> No. 283695
Disputes seem to be settled. Does anyone have more pics for the ED page?
>> No. 283703
File trannies_beware.txt - (5.13KB , trannies beware.txt ) Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
Talked with Robb. He's doing big things in the future. He is officially not transgender anymore.
>> No. 283705

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's latest visit to IRC. He came on as "RSDUKE" at first. Everything before line 626 is boring.

He sperged about RSDuke for about an hour, then moved onto other subjects, including introman's mind control powers, Beatles conspiracy theories, and his plan to start a blog.
>> No. 283706
Duke is boring. Let's get some more cocks of Beekeeper and his hot sister.
>> No. 283708
Not gonna lie... I kind of like this Rob. I really hope Intro isn't being ween, because we might have actually helped someone out here.
>> No. 283709

How is it being ween, when me and super secret donor are trying to get rob a domain? We also need to find a freehost that can handle some controversy.
>> No. 283714
You mean like a Riki?
>> No. 283715

>He is officially not transgender anymore.

Wow, so he's actually sticking to it, is he? Got to say, I'm surprised.
>> No. 283717
Awardspace bro. I've had phishers there for days. Not literal days either
>> No. 283718

Not a Riki. Just a website about Rob's experience as Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.

Robb believes that being transgender is a vain activity and that people should accept their birth genders. He also wants to talk about the negative effects of being transgender. One of the topics would be the dispensing of hormones with no psychiatric oversight. Another one would be the family alienation that happens and the delusions transgender people have.
>> No. 283719
>> No. 283720

Does this mean Rob's turning over a new leaf? Actually getting help and stuff?

If Rob's being truthful, and he's really going to stick to this, then good for him.
>> No. 283721
if you can cure homosexuality like you cured trans they you are truly gods gift to Christianity.
>> No. 283722
Every thread nowadays devolves into namefag lynching. This is pretty much how legi0n ended if I remember right.
>> No. 283723

First half he pretty much owns rsduke, I've got to give him points for that. The fuck is wrong with you rsduke, ROBB is making you look bad for fucks sake. Second half, I don't even know what the fuck, what have bigfoot and miracles got to do with subliminal messages not being real? Fucking Beatles conspiracy theories, what?

>im going to fucking burn the joint down if you help me pull it off introman
>why not kill them all in one blow

...Now this is getting a little worrying.
>> No. 283726

He seems to have reached some sort of weird clarity about himself. He's still getting progressively more insane but he's way more chilled out about everything at the same time.
>> No. 283728
They were only pretending to be ween, just to get Robb's attention, but I don't think Robb really noticed or cared.
>> No. 283735
I wonder if Chris could have beaten RSDuke.
>> No. 283740
Has Rob every been to stockholm?
>> No. 283741
Wow, taking responsibility for himself and working to better himself instead of just blaming everything else and e-fighting.

Honestly, never thought I'd be saying this, but go Robb.
>> No. 283743
latest rob cocks

>> No. 283751

Fucking hell, what's going on?
>> No. 283757
Jesus christ... julayfaggin is such a tryhard.
>> No. 283760
I want to buy Robb a drink.
>> No. 283761
I want to buy Robb a drink.
>> No. 283762
I want to buy Robb a drink.
>> No. 283767
What the Hell is going on?
>> No. 283792
I hope Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles doesn't lapse back to his old ways because this seems like a suspiciously quick turnaround.
>> No. 283794
Did Robert just become a cool dude?

He seems pretty cool all the sudden.

>> No. 283796
>Robb is an okay guy now.

This has been a crazy ass night.

I wish you the best, man.
>> No. 283797
Give it a few days.
>> No. 283799
Rob, if you read this board, and I know this sounds white knighty and ween, but good for you. You need to get help, you need to get on the path to living a normal and enjoyable life. This is a good start. I really do wish you best.
>> No. 283802
>implying that rob has changed
>implying that rob won't just carry on the same shit but with transway as a target
>> No. 283803
File 135122431417.jpg - (14.78KB , 250x188 , 1233626109219.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
> <Robb> arent we all just trolling our selves
>> No. 283811
Dropped by to see if /cwc/ has gotten any less spergy and buttmad about transgender people since I left. Guess not.
>> No. 283815
>> No. 283827

Exactly. I just hope it doesn't push /cwc/ posters into the SJ camp.
>> No. 283831
I look forward to your tumblr post about how socially unjust we all are here at 789.
>> No. 283832
I look forward to you drinking bleach
>> No. 283833
File 135123271568.jpg - (20.40KB , 405x302 , gamemaster.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Specifically I'm just rather cynical about people having epiphanies that fundamentally alter their character without some kind of rock-bottom trauma involved.

I used to know a guy in high school who could be appropriately designated "one of those douchebags." His favorite insults were "fag" and "queer", he thought that it was acceptable to punch people for annoying him, and he superficially indulged in almost every generic male interest to disguise his insecurities. He had forced, insincere religious and political views that only really served as an excuse to shit on people and be more of an obnoxious, arrogant, prick. He did associate with the geeks and liked "nerd stuff", but only the masculine and public examples like Dragonball or God of War. He thought that never being an elf and always a barbarian in D&D put him a cut above the rest.

Then I met him again in college when I was an underclassman. He finally came out of the closet and was dating a boy, distanced himself from religion in general, and adopted taste in less mainstream (but more spastic) nerd shit. He was no longer afraid to be himself and didn't wear a mask beyond closed doors.

And he hadn't changed at all.

He was now deep-kissing his boyfriend in front of the booths tended by the campus religious groups and laughing at them afterwards. He copped the "refined connoisseur" attitude about moe anime or obscure indie games with the other nerds in their designated hangout. Once I heard him yelling so the whole lounge could hear about how anyone who didn't min-max in RPGs was a "false gamer." He effeminately flipped his wrist towards people he knew belonged to the College Republicans to see if he could bait them into saying something and would slap anyone in reach, even his boyfriend, for even playfully teasing him as a friend. He had even become more careless with profanity in mixed company.

Tl;dr, being honest with himself and getting his act together regarding his sexuality didn't make him any less of an asshole at heart. He merely redirected his intrinsic jackassery towards new targets. A leopard might change its spots, but then it's just a the same big cat with a palette swap. I'll need to wait it out to see if Mr. Stiles is dedicated to becoming a better individual.
>> No. 283835
True, but wasn't Robb at the paranoid shit painting piss drinking salt basing point? If that ain't a rock bottom, I'd like to think he was approaching the mantel then (core, of course, would be the crazed starving hobo trying to gnaw off pedestrian's limbs).
>> No. 283840
Keep on tumblrin', Keyboard Warrior!
>> No. 283841
So now he's gonna be the same total asshole but as a crusader against transgenderism, and suddenly he's not still an asshole?
>> No. 283842
Robb was an asshole before he became a tranny, and will be asshole after he becomes "normal".
>> No. 283844
Far be it for me to take Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's bait and go after Jordman (even now that Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's apparently transformed into a reasonable guy), but I thought you guys would want to see that he's become famous for making threats: http://pretendbian.wordpress.com/2012/10/21/jordan-davis/
>> No. 283845
>Specifically I'm just rather cynical about people having epiphanies that fundamentally alter their character without some kind of rock-bottom trauma involved.

You don't consider Robb's life to be rock bottom?
>> No. 283846

>take Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's bait and go after Jordman

Yeah, in a way it might be that this is all this is about, it was only just the other day when Robbay was talking about his original intentions for /cwc/ to be his personal trolling army against basically anyone he disagreed with, and now hes concentrating on transway and not revenge against the trolls he seems to think he's going to be in league with Introman and others to fight them.
>> No. 283847

He's sunk pretty low, but then again, why even help him? Rob can only be happy when he is in some sort of dilemma because that's when he can fully convince himself into thinking that the world revolves solely around him.
>> No. 283848

Who's helping him? Intro is setting him up as an anti tranny protester who's going to spend his time attacking transway, I don't think that's going to help him much.
>> No. 283850
Honestly, if Rob said the sky was blue I'd have to open a window and check. Nothing he says can be trusted.

If he actually cleans up his act he won't be trolled. All that matters is funny, and if he ceases to make an ass of himself online anymore, he won't be funny anymore.

We'll still have all the stupid shit he's already done though.
>> No. 283869
I guess it's good that robb appears to be at least a little better with handling his life, but I'm just a little too cynical to take it to heart after 1 day, a bottle of booze, and a phone call to his parents. That much crazy doesn't clear itself up in one swift, easy motion like that.

Most crazy people have moments of clarity, or perhaps robb has realized that his current strategy on 789chan was really counterproductive, but one way or another, for whatever reason, his behaviour has drastically changed in a very short period of time. I guess we'll see if it sticks.

>> No. 283871
Like Rollin' and Trollin' - "Ha, guys, I trolled you! I still live off my parents, have no job, and and no girlfriend! I lied about improving my status in life; I still have none of those things! So who's got the last laugh now?"
>> No. 283872
Seriously. Some of the reactions here. "OH MAN ROB IS SO COOL NOW"

Hey idiots, how about you give it a few days before he goes psycho again before making yourselves look like retar....

oh, wait
>> No. 283873
Gotta build him up so we can KNOCK HIM DOWN
>> No. 283877

>taking those posts seriously

>calling other people retards
>> No. 283879
Oh my god. No no no. No. This line of thinking doesn't work. Building Chris up lead to him no longer producing cocks. Building up Anthos had the same effect, he had some dude cybering with him for weeks, and nothing came of it. Man I bet that guy feels stupid now.

This sort of lolcow wants a victory. Build them up, and they'll just decide that's the end of it and never look back. Every imbecile who says a lolcow needs to be built up and massaged and told they're the king of the world, you fucking kill these lolcows.

The people manipulating Gail have been feeding all her delusions for who knows how long, and as a result none of her shit is funny. This "I'm so clever, they don't even know I'm trolling them. They think I'm their friend" mentality is fucking retarded.

The only exception I can think of is PixyTeri, and that's probably only because she still has to deal with reality and her whole family telling her she's wrong and should stop.

It just doesn't work. If Rob is built up, he's just going to claim he finally won, take it as a victory, and never come here again. If you really think RSDuke and Beekeeper are suitable replacements, and Rob cannot possibly be milked for any further laughter, then go right ahead, build him up and OBLIVERATE the lolcow.
>> No. 283884

That's the fucked up thing about how his logic has worked so far. According to robb, that's a win, I guess. Who knows, though, maybe he's for real. Just seems a shame, if he's not going to be funny anymore. Guess I'm an awful person for wishing he'd keep fucking his life up, but oh well.
>> No. 283887
HI A--

Uh, holy shit.

10/10 man.
>> No. 283937
>Building up Anthos had the same effect, he had some dude cybering with him for weeks, and nothing came of it. Man I bet that guy feels stupid now.

I bet they're still cybering.
>> No. 283945
And enjoying this.
>> No. 284060
Are you FUCKING kidding me? That's NOT how any of this works, its such a fucking stereotype of transgenders. Someone needs to get this man tied down and have broken glass shoved up his rectum. I'm sure you trolls would LOVE this, it's right up your transphobic anal canals. IT JUST PISSES ME OFF THAT AMERICAN TV WOULD SINK SO FUCKING LOW. I can't even believe this. WHY would they make something so filthy and vitoric. An innacurate portrayl of a whole fucking nation of people. THIS is exactly your type of propoganda. Massive proportions of SHIT.

>> No. 284065
>Massive proportions of SHIT.
You would know all about that, Robert.
>> No. 284069
talk sh*t get hit
>> No. 284070
>> No. 284072

Now THAT'S the unbalanced, drug addled piece of shit Robert I know and love.

Welcome back.
>> No. 284073

Not true and honest. Robb is not Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles anymore.
>> No. 284075
Well, he is a "sommbulist" so who knows who he thinks he's posting as now.
>> No. 284076
Is it possible Robb is developing split personalities?
>> No. 284117
He IS a split personality.
>> No. 284126
Nope. Split personalities are extremely rare and don't just show up over night. The only individuals with them for real all ways have profound abuse as children. Since the only "abuse" Rob had was his parents taking him to church then it would be against any real diagnosis from a shrink. I'm more inclined to believe he suffers a combination of histrionics and narcissistic personality disorder.
>> No. 284127
You are just mad the hero is a transsexual CIS SCUM.
>> No. 284158
Worried about rob and the incoming storms this week with no heat and being very thin.

Robbay can you get to safety?
>> No. 284165
ive been gone for 2 days and rob goes from goblin king to a rational person

can someone help me get da update
>> No. 284232
Robbie shat and pissed himself, raged an entire day in the IRC, every now and then reminding people he'll leave "THIS TIME" for good. Intro, Zyklon and Robb had a talk, in which Robb did his usual tardraging and shouted in Intro's face he trolled him. Shortly after he sent messages that he's sane and Robert now.
>> No. 284238
>An innacurate portrayl of a whole fucking nation of people.
Transsexuals aren't a nation.
>> No. 284239
Aren't they for Transsylvania?
>> No. 284240
>> No. 284254
Robb, you're so verbopes
>> No. 284272

I am not meaning to obstruct the lulz with ween, i was just trying to get a response, my mistake.
>> No. 284277
Please stop posting.
>> No. 284282

BTW. on that blog, if you click jordan's picture it leads to the ADFwiki. The admin says we've gotten quite a few hits from brennans blog.
>> No. 284330

Who the fuck is Brennan anyway, didn't Robb mention them a couple of irc logs ago?
>> No. 284337
She's a lesbian radical feminist lawyer/organizer who most trannies hate because she doesn't recognize them as fellow lesbians.
>> No. 284341
I have no issue with that really. Lesbians tend to be attracted to vaginas, not penises, even if that penis is on a person that feels they are a woman.
>> No. 284394
I agree completely, unless its a lesbian that is trans friendly leave them alone. They dislike dick like you do, leave them the fuck alone. Just cause you feel that you are a female, a lesbian does not care.
>> No. 284397
File starting_a_new.txt - (18.77KB , starting a new.txt ) Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
Robb popped in the chat. Just general talking and reflecting on his part. Robb's growing up in front of our eyes.
>> No. 284406
So it's okay to like insane man hating feminists as long as they hate trannies?
>> No. 284410
Why did it end this way. I wanted him to be a salts smoking hobo tomgirl.
>> No. 284419
Damn, Phobos is a tryhard.
>> No. 284421
File 135146106489.jpg - (130.41KB , 639x480 , 22.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Yeah I am so try hard on Internet Relay Chat it is the most technical and difficult of human interaction. Go fuck yourself.
>> No. 284426
File 135146186178.jpg - (215.04KB , 640x426 , 79511_32313 - Final_Fight Guy Poison.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Reading through a fucking pile of Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles cocks.

> so what if the fuckin dean has it out for me
> just for what i did

> how the fuck did you know that happened you shithead?
You told me.
you said it
you don't remember a lot of things. you blamed me for it
and tried to guilt trip me
> tried to guilt trip you what
you tried to blame me for your cutter activity
and the sores on your face
and the face that lesbians run away from you
> your NOT REAL
> god fucking damit

> im not killing anyon
> im not
> im really not goin to do anything
> just curl up
how was the dungeon in bucks county?
you a sub or a dom?
> im always the dom
> dont you forgettin it
> my ownly pastime

> im trying to get off because oeeeeeeeeeeeeee my phobia
your phobia of what
> drigs after the razor incident

did you stop when your dick shriveled up
and you lost your libido
> more like when i cut my hair out
your little soldier marching now?
> motr
> motr ot lress
> more or less
my sentiment remains

> but ill fucking call them now if i have to
> say hey im youro son robbie
> remeber me

> i mean fuck transway
> fuck them all. i said, id burn those whores when i have a chance
> but im gona call them
> kist say hi this is robert
> quiting transway and the shit heads
> fuck
"Hi mom and Dad. This is robert, not Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. I want to apologize for putting you through hell in my transgender phase. I'm sorry for all the pain and confusion I've caused for you. I'm back to being robbie. I OBLIVERATEed the hormones and stopped cross dressing. I also stopped using drugs. "
that's what i would say. if i was you Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
> rob
> fuck im gonna past that
> gona copy and paste that
> into what i say


> but you're not getting anything to log
> just open me up in the pm box, introman
we will see it anyway
so whatever
> No you fucking won't

> this man is getting arrested for libel
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4eA9U17yCz0
> introman conspired with him
> and contacted
> him

> you just try to OBLIVERATE a glorious social life because you can't get any
> Here's the thing: BABES like BUCKS
> and i am fucking loaded

> i'm a fucking playgirl and i am a legend over at the nocturne
> i'm not a virgin, i'm the fucking dominatrix and you can see why

> introman met vladislava , a russian male order bride through fucking craigslist
I met vladi through you and Ahuviya.
> thats all she is, HIS FUCKING SEX SLAVE

what sort of booze is morgan?
> 100% proof, you fucking wusses
100% would be ethanol
doesnt know the difference between % aclh and proof
God, it's like requiem for a dream or some shit.

> i'm going to keep all the windows shit

call the police to stop the police
I dont even
the trolls will get you if you jump
> help me you moothgethfuckers
is ADF trying to kill you?
> hes not they said i need help i dont need fucking help

We are not going to aid a felon
so you want me to tell the cops what?
what do we tell them
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles calm down
You want to kill introman


> after what happened as of now i have a phobia of bath salts and meth
>> No. 284428
>> No. 284429
File 135146226124.jpg - (77.86KB , 614x446 , cinderella.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 284431
Yes I'm phobos.
>> No. 284432

Oh dear.
>> No. 284434
I agree. Shut the fuck up, and let the lolcow speak.
>> No. 284435
Where you raped by hair metal as a child?
>> No. 284437
You know what happens to namefags here, right?
>> No. 284440
Nah, he doesnt, he has been here for two days
>> No. 284441
They make podcasts?
>> No. 284442
File 135146422119.jpg - (69.58KB , 470x600 , Trolling.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Lol, 789chan is a fucking joke to anyone outside of this retard circus. I dont give a fuck how hard you 12 year olds put on your Internet super hero costume and try yo impress one another of your ability to type out shit tier baby's first trolls at me. I'm here to watch Robb not to read your basement authored cheeto stained opinions. I dont care how much your mother lets you borrow the mini-van you are all homosexual deviants of the highest degree. Thank you : )
>> No. 284443
File 135146453740.jpg - (54.62KB , 370x300 , 5046091402_029de93f24.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 284444
File 135146480782.jpg - (121.21KB , 450x548 , Srs.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Yes I am incredibly perturbed by the Internet, fuming mad analnihilated.
>> No. 284445
File 135146482569.png - (221.29KB , 500x372 , 555646.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>He thinks modern ED isn't a joke
>he thinks people actually think "HARDCORE INTERNET TROLLIN" is cool.
>> No. 284446
stop tardraging, homosexual deviant
>> No. 284448
>789chan anon arguing that other places are a joke
>Internet trolling is very srs and is a respected art across the net420

Come at me bros. Show me how cool you are on the Internet B )
>> No. 284450
Wow, what a queer.
>> No. 284451
Samefag says what?
>> No. 284453
Phobos plz go.
>> No. 284454
Kill yourself.
>> No. 284455
OH fuck, look what you did now phobos.
>> No. 284456
Why? So I can miss out on a thousand Julays and tryhards trying to make themselves out to be badasses on the Internet? Lol, the trolls here are shit and fancy themselves internet vigilantes. Suck a dick channers.
>> No. 284458

who are you
>> No. 284459
>I'm gonna go back to OhInternet and hang out with all of my EPIC troll buddies
>> No. 284461
I'm phobos.
>> No. 284462
He is our newest namefag. There is a oh internet link a few posts up if you want pictures.
>> No. 284463


now why should i care
>> No. 284464
I dont write for either site now. Purely IRC. Which is why Im in #789 RIGHT NOW. You should say hello. Just remember to spout twenty memes or people wont know how much you depend on Chris Chan to fill your miserable life : )
>> No. 284465
>spouting memes
>> No. 284466

jesus dick, just stop

stop trying. you might as well be holding up a sign with 'YOUR FAVORITE BAND SUCKS MINE IS BETTER'

it's like secondhand embarassment watching this.
>> No. 284468
You meant to type reading but your retard filter couldnt allow you to come off literate. Go fuck yourself with more lolcows Im sure they will make your mothers opinion of you all the more higher fuckfag.
>> No. 284469

This back and fourth is a waste of Seanie's and Cloudflare's bandwidth.
>> No. 284470

oh man, maybe if you keep calling us names, we'll believe how not buttdevasted you are

phobos, do you want be my lolcow, uguu~?
>> No. 284471
File 135146634184.png - (66.76KB , 802x1022 , 1301239342836.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I dont give two shits about Cloudflare but I do like Seanie. Ill leave this sperg train to its inevitable hurt, raged out, and assfrustrated conclusion. Toodles~
>> No. 284472
Oh but lastly,
>> No. 284473
You know ponies are banned here, right?
>> No. 284474
>all caps
>calling names
Not mad, folks, totally doesn't care, not even a bit.

Are you our new lolcow?
>> No. 284475
That's not ponies, that's robot unicorn attack, you UNCULTURED SWINE.
>> No. 284476
File 13514669753.png - (473.95KB , 521x735 , PHOBOSFIRE.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I think so.
>> No. 284478
Spergatronics, nedroid, and anti-humour bullshit do not a culture make.
>> No. 284480

why did you delete the podcast thread
>> No. 284481
Homor didnt. Seanie did.
>> No. 284487
Dat emo
>> No. 284488

>hurt, raged out, and assfrustrated

Here's the chain of events as it happened - Someone mentioned you were a tryhard, you went apeshit. That's about it.
>> No. 284489
Yeah anytime you wear a black shirt and your hair isnt the consistency of crisco you are definitely an emo. Go back to your cave of sad douchenozzle stop projecting your insecurities onto others. : )
>> No. 284490

Actually watching is perfectly applicable here, we're watching you making these posts, as well as reading them.
>> No. 284491
Your arm chair psychology is engaging and relevant. You sure are setting me straight. Maybe you could teach me how to use the Internet it seems very complicated and filled with people who are top experts on every topic.

>> No. 284492
Watch all you want, it still wont wash the semen stain from your mouth after this circle jerk.
>> No. 284493
My god, dat butthurt
>> No. 284494
You'd probably be doing better at this if your insults actually made some sense.
>> No. 284495
File 135146975218.jpg - (65.64KB , 640x480 , Phobos3.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Is that why you're going for that pre school shooting look that's so popular these days?
>> No. 284496
And nothing of value was lost.
>> No. 284497

Welcome back!
>> No. 284499
File 135147015339.jpg - (303.69KB , 1000x750 , STILO UNISEX JULAY.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No. 284503
This should be fun.
>> No. 284504
That makes you the new Autphag.
>> No. 284505
>> No. 284506
definitely not mad
>> No. 284507
File 135147045459.jpg - (71.52KB , 239x266 , sonic sunday.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I can find proxies all night nerds

For what? To shout JULAY at us, Slimz?
>> No. 284509
File 135147074990.png - (3.15KB , 590x46 , EBIN.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Phobos - September 2007
>Singlehandedly rewrote NEDM from shit article to good example of an article on a meme.
>> No. 284512
File 135147115952.jpg - (204.42KB , 800x1246 , yourkiltisshowing.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
He posted this yesterday. I think he really doesnt know how fucking terrible he looks. Possibly due to spasm.
>> No. 284513
File 135147138673.jpg - (159.62KB , 356x500 , You are this gay.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
My fucking face. Why would you post that to the internet?
>> No. 284516

Is he wearing a dress with leggings?
>> No. 284521
He wants to make fun of Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles when he looks like that?
How can anyone have so little self-awareness?
>> No. 284524
I wasnt going to post this but whatever. Maybe someone will get a laugh out of it.

>> No. 284526

>fuck you guys, leaving, toodleoo
>fuck this chan, IRC is epin
>> No. 284527
I forgot to mention, near the end Negi successfully gets him all butthurt.
>> No. 284528
File 135147296448.jpg - (207.85KB , 1044x904 , phobosarnold.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I thought that look seemed familiar. He just needs a hat.
>> No. 284537
A new lolcow arises?
>> No. 284538
man some people are just silly
>> No. 284547
File 135147635323.jpg - (2.27KB , 90x125 , 1346114526838.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>he likes the subhumans
god damnit
>> No. 284555
Wow, how insecure can you get? It takes almost nothing to set this guy off, I don't think I've seen anyone this sensitive on the internet before.
>> No. 284556
oh god, this guy, he was totally dick riding introman because he trolls Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. he's basically just read robbay's ed page and came here to become the next epin troll, hence all the try hard ween just dripping off of him.
>> No. 284574
And he was so easy to push into full retard mode. All it took was calling him a tryhard.
>> No. 284576
File 135148888811.jpg - (30.58KB , 371x400 , 8ea.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Just when robbay was getting boring a new sperg steps up to take his place
>> No. 284577
File 135149073896.jpg - (229.74KB , 480x360 , lajoie 1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I don't think Phobos understands what makes a lolcow: above all, it's their unparalleled ability to fly off the handle and make jackasses of themselves over nothing.

Phobos, u mad. Flee, now, while you still can.
>> No. 284578
This guy went from 0 to spastic in an instant. If he was a race car he'd be unbeatable.
>> No. 284579
File 135149370866.jpg - (8.51KB , 180x140 , jem_04.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
phobos is excitement
>> No. 284593
>dem nigger lips
>> No. 284601
Is Phobos our new boy-toy?
>> No. 284605
File 135151900416.jpg - (21.76KB , 460x325 , limahl-209627.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Holy shit, He looks like a broken, sad Limahl.

Neverending stoooooryyyyyy
>> No. 284607
Dinnae compare us sub-humans to that wee fuckin' gerl.
>> No. 284608
That USI
>> No. 284611
Poor Phobos, he lives as if he has no concept of his own eventual death, can't let go of petty arguments, and is therefore more animal than man.
>> No. 284629
He still mad, folks!

>> No. 284637
He is totally not mad guys.

What did he expect when he came here. That he would be clyde cash of Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles and when that didn't happen right away it was time to sperg.

He started throw sperg tantrums faster then rob
>> No. 284638
That article does make Seanie look like a lolcow, though
>> No. 284679
File 135153352750.jpg - (88.88KB , 600x544 , 1310626179357.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Holy shit, all dat mad.

This guy is incredible. He flipped the fuck out because of one small remark and work his ass off on an ED article right away.

On one hand, Internet drama are best observed, and not to be participated in.

However, I'd feel bad for Sean if this affect his business somehow.
>> No. 284683

Don't really see how it would, that was all public info and nobody gives a shit anyway.
>> No. 284684
I love how he thinks seanie's real name is some kind of guarded secret
>> No. 284692
A suppose Robert is posting on slashcoslash as WraithBeliskner88:


I think it's synthetic and homosexual myself.
>> No. 284701
Before it's taken down:

>WraithBeliskner88 !jEZFObGKc. 10/29/12(Mon)14:08

>Check your fucking privillage. I've been fucking back stabbed on the internet so many times for simply having Gender Dysphoria alone. Now there is this propoganda SHIT thrown to an international fucking audience that all transwomen are derpy cross dressers.

>I even have my own fucking ED article because of simply being transgender and vocal about it. Just imagine what Obie Wade Scott is attempting to do by using the media to push his anti-gender queer agenda.


> Anonymous 10/29/12(Mon)14:10

>Well that's real fucking neato,

>nobody asked and nobody cares.

>reported for being a fucking drama queen.

>WraithBeliskner88 !jEZFObGKc. 10/29/12(Mon)14:15

>Why the hell did you report me? Can I not express my opinion how Obie Wade Scott is attempting to team up with conservative media in order to deal a collective death blow to LGBT.

>People ALREADY don't take me seriously. How do you think I can manage to get a job or run for anything with this show on the air.

>This is my opinion about Shezow, you can say whatever you want but I can't? Talk about biggotted.

>Anonymous 10/29/12(Mon)14:20

>You just earned yourself another report, SIR.

>WraithBeliskner88 !jEZFObGKc. 10/29/12(Mon)14:23

>Um...Stop reporting me? Just because I identify as a gender queer means that my opnion on this show does not matter?

>I HATE it with every inch of my body becuase like I said, it's ANTI-progressive and if it catches on, I can only expect more lauhter coming my way.
>> No. 284702
> Anonymous 10/29/12(Mon)14:25

>S/D? Is that you?

>WraithBeliskner88 !jEZFObGKc. 10/29/12(Mon)14:29

>No, I'm just a passable transwomen that has to deal with negatively portrayls of us in the media constantly. I have gotten everything insults from everything thing from Rocky Horror to Gollum. Fucking pisses me off just because I have a legit gender identity disorder.

>This cartoon is hardly redeemable because the gender identity factor is played simply for laughs. It is a struggle I go through constantly. I doubt this show will make Guy very simpathetic at all.
>> No. 284704

Not him, he's gone back to being Robb and he isn't about to drop his own ED page on 4chan.
>> No. 284706
Not Robb, he's given up the evils of the trans community now and embraced his masculinity.
>> No. 284715
It's probably Phobos.
>> No. 284794
  Reading through this shit, I'll keep citing stuff for all in the tl;dr crowd.

> people have awakened my inner beast

> i'm just not saying it anymore welfare children

> i'm here because i slept a maximum of 2 hours 45 mins last night

> you people dont care at all AND your the only fucking connection i have to ending this

> i would expose your fucking blood to the open air if i met you in real life

> i have a phobia of bath salts
> i only use legal marijuana just to calm me down
egal marijuana? no such thing in philly
> Its legal FOR ME
> because i have a fucking right to use it

> your talking about post traumatic stress huh?

> my blood literally stains the carpet as of now
> when i passed out it had caked on my face
> i was extremely close to severing my own finger
> becuase i didnt know what i was doing


> i only came to troll JORDMAN, theres a difference
> i only made threads on HIM
> so back the fuck off

> you do hate me
> you wanted me to go on bathsalts
> you do deep down, YOU SEE MYSELF IN YOU
> its just like fucking chris chan, YOU SEE YOURSELF IN HIM
> you are just an evil vindictive jackass like chris chan
> know, you people are chris chan embodied, that why you troll shield and attack me
> chris is evil he purely wants to consume everything
> and that why i gave you fucking Jordman, HES EXACTLY LIKE CHRIS

> Jordman is schizophrenic, depraved, sexual frusturated, mentally insane, fat, unimaginative, vindictive, hideious and self enabled.
> hes self centered and only changes things for his own needs
> he climbs the ladder in transway just so he can have more fucking power
transway? power?
> there is power, they KICKED me out because they didnt like my liberal ideas
> i didnt want to allot retarded communist homosexual deviantry and fake "trannies" into transway

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, why did you use bath salts in the first place, there are so many better, less dangerous drugs out there
i'm just baffled
> i only had them, i made do


> rachel ambrose is going to lose her fucking high priestess position in the lgbt goverment
> when i've finished this battle

> yeah im sure your just as skeletal without fucking bathsalts candy
> candy you are an ugly skeletal virginal man, just shut the fuck up
> i just demand an apology and i'll stop talking down yo asses

> i've considered doing the apology video as an original character: the ropeman

> just listen, fuck off everyone who's not going to apologize to me
> because i need some apologies before i go and make this video
> i dont feel sorry for an of you assholes thats the problem
> you dont deserve any sympathy
> your all fucking wretched trolls

> she kicked me out of transway for my revolutionary thinking
> we were going to rid them of the progressionist views that were mucking up the original constitution
> i hated LGBT when they fucking turned on me
> its like a country and when your country becomes a fucking dictatorship what the hell are you supposed to do
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles who do you hate more, /cwc/ or transway?
> jordman used you fucking people and i still stand by that. he laughs in his drug cartel of a room while YOU do his bidding

> stop with the goblin shit
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles you call us trolls how do you think that makes us feel????
> i give with you people
>> No. 284807
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, do you smoke artificial THC? Artificial THC is gross.
>> No. 284958
Safety bump.
>> No. 285041
I wonder how Phobos is gonna like having his very own ED article?
>> No. 285051
Who the fuck is Phobos and why should I care about that dumbass? What's his problem with Obi Wan Kenobi anyway?

Wow, is that Rob? So much for being a straight male. Can he stay consistent for even a day?
>> No. 285055

A lot of that's from before he started calling himself Robb again, he's stuck to that so far.
>> No. 285569
Rumor has it one of the transway leaders is in jail. Is that why the Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles thread has been slow?
>> No. 285576
Or perhaps because Robb is dealing with the hurricane. Quite funny that it took a hurricane to keep Robb off /cwc/.
>> No. 285578
Slighty off topic, but still probably better than no cocks: here's a new Pretendbian post about Jordman, this time with video and a long comment by JD himself.
>> No. 285581
"Are you Cathy Brennan? I'm your worst nightmare" "No you're not. You're actually pretty boring." lol
>> No. 285660
File 135173843657.jpg - (50.23KB , 558x313 , hurricane-sandy2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hopefully Robb, the other east coast lolcows, and 789chan users are okay despite Hurricane Sandy.
>> No. 286024
Did adf drown in a gutter? Or did he have the fortitude to stay in Mr. Robert Wayne Stiless shit caked gutter, and I don't mean his apartment.
>> No. 286991
File 13526159363.jpg - (81.18KB , 960x640 , wolverines.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Finally found this on my desktop. It's a picture of the now defunct wolverines. I see so much pain in their eyes. The transgender members inflicted with a mental illness exasperated by society through hormones and surgeries. Transgenderism not even once. Think, before you OBLIVERATE your body for delusions.
>> No. 286998
File 135262600068.png - (425.86KB , 500x498 , -3ANGV_RFEKi6yFRbkeNZw2.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I would gladly shoot my load in, and all over, 3rd from left and far right.
>> No. 287009
I you enjoy giving bareback.
>> No. 287218
Your standards are horrifically low.

Enjoy manjaws, misshapen manboobs, and surprisingly jarring voices that sound neither male nor female, creating an aural uncanny valley effect the doesn't otherwise exist even in fiction.
>> No. 287245
File 135272826161.jpg - (188.15KB , 960x640 , faces.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 287261
100 proof would be 50 percent alch.
What's more important is that he stole it from a homeles
>> No. 287303
File 135274331412.jpg - (206.19KB , 900x657 , 130735788322.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 287351
Another victory for Jordman!

/cwc/ gets spammed and returns to a backup before Jordman was getting made fun of, if only Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles had thought of that to remove information about him..
>> No. 287391
File 13527534336.jpg - (118.76KB , 718x718 , 993_854144136489_488052569_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Jordman picture dump
>> No. 287392
File 13527534578.jpg - (21.13KB , 426x426 , 13505738962.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 287393
File 135275352845.jpg - (21.14KB , 418x418 , 135057396038.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 287397
File 135275391844.jpg - (56.40KB , 448x592 , 134688031947.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 287398
File 135275403612.jpg - (94.12KB , 720x960 , 134858064852.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 287399
File 135275437974.jpg - (24.81KB , 400x400 , t_901_what_the_fuck_am_i_reading_112_jpg.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 287400
File 135275461095.jpg - (60.21KB , 960x540 , 530265_789488656589_34800029_35742641_1832010455_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 287401
File 135275468811.jpg - (80.25KB , 465x720 , 13166364423.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 287403
File 135275472282.jpg - (60.08KB , 336x595 , 13423777896.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 287404
File 135275482046.png - (340.16KB , 1349x1699 , 131880833722.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 287405
File 135275489856.png - (21.47KB , 519x168 , 132313258252.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
A message from Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles to Jordan
>> No. 287408
File 135275494710.jpg - (57.38KB , 720x291 , 133332694848.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 287409
File 13527550587.jpg - (224.02KB , 832x1112 , 133745071166.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
A picture Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles (?) took when he was following Jordan around
>> No. 287410
File 135275509396.jpg - (27.86KB , 604x453 , 134237714849.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 287411
File 135275516350.png - (50.27KB , 518x683 , 134237719795.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 287413
File 135275521531.jpg - (45.35KB , 343x453 , 134237772658.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 287414
File 135275527468.jpg - (134.98KB , 625x901 , 134237789069.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 287419
File 135275574093.jpg - (22.02KB , 505x686 , 134237793334.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 287420
File 13527557765.jpg - (58.30KB , 720x960 , 134237799685.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 287422
File 135275584193.jpg - (33.14KB , 540x960 , 134237805976.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 287424
File 135275587466.jpg - (18.10KB , 345x448 , 134237810564.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 287425
File 135275592298.jpg - (88.47KB , 960x540 , 134237813927.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 287426
File 135275600764.jpg - (12.02KB , 320x240 , 134237818273.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 287428
File 135275615562.jpg - (49.45KB , 539x960 , 134645039092.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Like Robbay, like Jordan
>> No. 287431
File 13527562736.jpg - (56.55KB , 720x540 , jdFvF.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Robb, Jordan, and friend in happier times
>> No. 287435
File 135275639276.png - (150.49KB , 1349x994 , Jordan 1.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 287436
File 135275646017.png - (43.73KB , 438x80 , Jordan and 789chan.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 287438
File 135275651888.png - (16.86KB , 530x179 , Jordan gonna sue.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 287439
fukken lol'd
>> No. 287440
File 13527565903.png - (152.34KB , 461x288 , Jordan again.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 287443
>> No. 287450

>implying Jordan would need a rest from doing nothing
>> No. 287454

When you're that fat, even sitting down is tiring.
>> No. 287481
So is Robb at war with Jordman now? Officially?
>> No. 287485
File 135276144256.png - (35.36KB , 518x470 , pronouns are serious buisiness.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It's amazing the power of saying you would make a tranny, the next ADF or CWC in popularity. Got these last year from scrounging a philly tranny's computer cache.

Pronoun declaration from the turtle prince.
>> No. 287486
File 135276149460.png - (144.37KB , 517x1431 , welcome to philadelphia.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Welcome to philly. Featuring the now deceased Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 287488
File 135276154319.png - (75.47KB , 521x958 , killing tj.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Thomas Jeffrey Davis was OBLIVERATEed by Jordan.
>> No. 287489
File 135276157840.png - (54.84KB , 498x654 , ironic anti bullying status.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Jordan talking about anti-bullying stuff. Even though he's known to harrass 8 year olds.
>> No. 287490
File 135276163894.png - (45.32KB , 512x481 , hitlerobics.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 287491
File 135276169048.png - (270.55KB , 504x898 , stop being racist toms river.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Toms river better watch out for JD's social justice.
>> No. 287492
Introman is some sort of super human ultra spy / infiltrator
>> No. 287496
File 135276266253.png - (57.77KB , 516x624 , female moses.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The female moses.
>> No. 287498
File 13527628455.png - (54.25KB , 503x613 , jordan's online tranny problems.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
tranny problems.
>> No. 287499
File 135276288234.png - (65.85KB , 516x717 , cycle of bullying.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 287500
File 135276292732.png - (64.64KB , 511x775 , jordan is depressed.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 287501
File 135276295833.png - (36.02KB , 513x424 , people don't commit fraud!.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Fraud never happens.
>> No. 287502
File 135276305369.png - (24.99KB , 353x329 , welfare leech talking about legitmacy of the gover.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Funny that jordan talks about legitimacy of governments, while getting Social Security from da government.
>> No. 287504
File 135276319417.png - (168.15KB , 517x1765 , protestants stop hating on jordan.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Protestant's, why da hatred for jordie?
>> No. 287507
File 135276361756.png - (1.64MB , 576x5548 , social justice warrior.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Jordman on his social justice tint.
>> No. 287508

>Once I get SSI I will be more self-sufficient.
>> No. 287513
This guy looks like the missing link.
>> No. 287521
File 135276837924.png - (188.25KB , 527x1943 , The origin series of JORDMAN.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This is the origin stories of the mutant freak known as jordman. I never knew Jerry Springer can bring out transgenderism!
>> No. 287523
File 135276954221.png - (51.12KB , 510x637 , jordan model employee.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Jordan telling people on why he can't find work.
>> No. 287525
File 135277017240.png - (61.18KB , 526x678 , Freedom fighter.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Trannies are such hypocrites. Read the shit they send cathy brennan and her responses to them. Compare it to the image on my left I uploaded. They all claim to be bad ass social justice vigilantes, but are just butt-hurt nerds who whine and demand a revolution for the tiniest inconveniences.
>> No. 287527
File 135277078274.png - (226.16KB , 506x2912 , Ramapo letter by JD.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

The letter J-D sent to Ramapo about this.
>> No. 287530
File 135277128353.png - (50.03KB , 509x576 , tranny reindeer.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Jordan's dream sequence. Also includes a Tranny reindeer who is like sonichu.
>> No. 287531
File 135277150632.png - (66.68KB , 516x775 , Couchslander.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Couchsurf is holding down this disabled native american persyn down.
>> No. 287533
File 135277164558.png - (50.77KB , 510x602 , my brain is telling me to move on.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 287535
File 135277222397.png - (31.72KB , 501x405 , autism speaks.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Why do all the dysfunctional spasts hate spasm Speaks?
>> No. 287536
Jordman seems a bit more sympathetic of a person than Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles or ADF, at least he seems way less malicious.
>> No. 287538
File 135277232815.png - (61.22KB , 522x744 , if only we could boycott the IRS.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I wish I could boycott the IRS like JD did New York state.
>> No. 287544
File 135277265957.png - (68.13KB , 520x878 , SSI conspiracy.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Jordan has his own "Greene County Conspiracy". It's about SSI.
>> No. 287556
>"To the Grove School class of 2003, you avoided having post-trauma for the rest of your lives. But I will always have to deal with the trauma of being >bullied by some students."

Wow...what a selfish creep.
>> No. 287564
File 135277547558.png - (6.33KB , 496x107 , green chaos.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I just hit the jackpot of Jordan cocks. Apparently, Jordan use to post under "greenchoas" on a website called artandentropy.com (shit is not up anymore). This website from what I remember was some edgy teenager admiring serial killers.

>> No. 287565
File 135277562328.png - (11.97KB , 526x167 , take the degree back.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Ramapo misses you J-D. :(
>> No. 287570
I dunno. He seems like a pretty big self-important shithead to me.
>> No. 287583
Are all of the tranny circle doomed to become ADF style lolcows, where the cocks is limited to screencaps of this writing and that ranting?
>> No. 287584
File 135277976020.png - (227.65KB , 529x2386 , radical fairy tale.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Google. "Jordan Gwendolyn Davis" You'll see his ass writing comments on news paper articles. He probably produces the most out of the trio.

He even wrote a story about a tranny reindeer.
>> No. 287594
I agree although maybe that's just an aspergers thing?
>> No. 287598
The fact that the hero is a reindeer just makes everything more confusing!
>> No. 287653
>Republican Bob
>> No. 287820
File 135285470580.jpg - (17.58KB , 240x360 , highres_5707374.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
here come the new photos like you asked
remember, you said I couldn't be linked to this.
>> No. 287822
File 135285498027.jpg - (26.81KB , 640x480 , highres_5776543.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 287826
File 135285551654.jpg - (86.89KB , 640x480 , highres_7434833.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 287827
File 135285573417.jpg - (196.70KB , 742x645 , highres_11010034.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 287830
File 135285608525.jpg - (39.86KB , 400x600 , 600_177269892.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
ra ra ooh la la
>> No. 287831
File 135285634371.jpg - (43.96KB , 640x427 , highres_155066532.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

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