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File 135154916534.jpg - (137.41KB , 337x384 , Caseyrapeface.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
284821 No. 284821
New Casey thread since the old one became so full of ween
Apparently he's taken refuge on fanfiction.net
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>> No. 284826
Oh no, people are harassin' me on the interwebs, better get my OC to kill them.
>> No. 284983
God damn...he looks like some kind of fucked up cross between Weird Al and Jimmy Smits. And those tiny fucking eyes, man. Terrifying.
>> No. 285006
Dat 5 o'clock news headline photo.
>> No. 285036
Who's THAT handsome devil?!?
>> No. 285038
File 135158797447.jpg - (6.36KB , 204x204 , dg1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 285040
Oh memories!
>> No. 285046

Are we in a warehouse?
>> No. 285099
According to his spastic mind yes.
>> No. 285112
Oh god, oh god is that fanfic real? Its like a sonichu parody I mean jesus how self indulgent can you be?
>> No. 285133
The account has been on forever plus he wrote a few animaniacs fanfics as well.
>> No. 285158
Would it be horribly ween to post a review under the guise of a famous author? If only to see if he's stupid enough to fall for it

Better than "lul awtisuit fag I troll u u mad u get ur imaginary GF to kill me epic win JULLLAAY" at least, right?
>> No. 285187
It would be lulzier if someone did that under the guise of say Bill Watterson or Jim Davis on his deviantart.
>> No. 285572
File 135172634080.jpg - (41.35KB , 640x480 , 12304_113471245359544_3728537_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Casey's room aka "clubhouse" as he likes to call it
>> No. 285667
Man, that is a small-ass TV.
>> No. 285668
File 135173956558.png - (46.21KB , 707x435 , Screen shot 2012-10-31 at 8_11_59 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
What Casey did on halloween of 2008
>> No. 285669
Anyone read this argument he had?
>> No. 285678
>The ironing is delicious.

Mind bottling.
>> No. 285729
Isn't that like how chris chan thought there was a 4chan building
>> No. 285737
It probably makes it easier for their minds to deal with the trolls if they confine them to one set, tangible place rather than a loose group of people who don't know each other located in different places around the world.
>> No. 285772
i'm kinda disappoint most people here arent interested in casey.

he seems like he would respond to cwc-style trolling (his oc with a duck, fake sweetheart, etc).
>> No. 285820

>No interest in Casey

>2 or so archived threads about him without him tardraging like Rob or Moleman.
>> No. 285829
Good lord, this kid... it's a shame he didn't grow up.

>1 - I don't live in a basement, especially because we don't have one.

>2 - Most cartoons are not just for kids; cartoons are the reason I want to become a cartoon in the first place.

I hope he meant cartoonist. Otherwise....

>3 - I never masturbated to Minerva Mink because she's just a cartoon character (Besides, masturbation is not to be talked about HERE)

>4 - I'm currently practicing my cartoon skills (as usual) so I can try to become a cartoonist in the near-future

>5 - I consider myself average because I'm neither good nor bad at everything I do.

>6 - I'd only consider myself a moron if I dropped outta high school, but I DIDN'T.

Oh, nevermind, I forgot this guy is pretty old for this shit.

>7 - I am not a homo/hetero.
>8 - I'm an easily distracted guy.
>9 - I've kept a job for more than two years.

>10 - YOGA FLAME! ;)
Someone needs to explain this one or is this that "random access humor".
>> No. 285832
He made a bunch of threads on here tardraging. Plus he's a huge pussy so in those archived threads he sent his 10 year old brother to do his dirty work.
>> No. 285847
File 135180181662.jpg - (40.08KB , 433x447 , 73832_161357343904267_1274148_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Casey on Halloween
>> No. 285856
so randumb XD!
>> No. 285857

That's also how villains operate in cartoons. They have hideouts where they plot their evil plans against the heroes.
>> No. 285859
Dem teeth
>> No. 285867
You jerks are all the real freaks and pedophiles. I know Caseydecker and he is not a pedophile at all! All you need to stop hating what he enjoys (which is probably for some stupid reason or no reason AT ALL.)
>> No. 285869
Stop pretending to be other people, Casey. You're not even funny anymore.
>> No. 285873
I don't even know what you're talking about. All I can say is only a fool would believe the lies told in this pathetic topic. Because Casey IS a GREAT friend to anyone on deviantart.
>> No. 285875
What if this was a regular poster on /cwc/ who was trolling you? Lol
>> No. 285876
You're right, Casey IS pathetic and a worthy topic. you'd be a fool and a liar to think otherwise
>> No. 285878
Hi ween homosexual deviant pretending to be Casey.
>> No. 285879
Not even. I'm sure that is Casey who is posting. I just said that I think it would be funny if this was the case.
>> No. 285880
Where is chapter 2 Casey? Don't be lazy and fucking write it, now.
>> No. 285967
It appears as though he's added the next chapter
>> No. 285971
good lord there is no way this fanfiction can be real. a drunken chimp could write better than this.
>> No. 285977
File 135182483416.png - (19.98KB , 639x125 , Screen shot 2012-11-01 at 5_00_15 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
His OC's reaction to us dang dirty trolls
>> No. 285980
all of a sudden the trolls get in their human cars and run over some retarded ninja squirrel
>> No. 285985
>inb4 it is revealed that some user of /cwc/ is telling his younger sister about how they are just TROLLING that casey on his internet message board
>> No. 286007
>> No. 286009
not sure if retarded or trolling
>> No. 286022

Wow, was that a coincidence or Casey lurks around here or this fanfic was written by a /cwc/ user?
I don't know what to thing anymore.

>Positive reviews ONLY please

Dictator Casey has spoken.
>> No. 286023
None of it's coming down, Casey.

Maybe if you talk to us on IRC tomorrow, we can talk about it.
>> No. 286031
Chapter two for those who cba to follow the link in OPs post

>Hello this is chapter 2 to my newest Fanfiction. Positive reviews ONLY please

>The evil haters and hackers that lurked in the dark depths of the warehouse turned in surprise. She said "You didn't think it was gonna be that easy did you!" Suddenly a group of ninjas who wore the words I HATE CASEY jumped out. Whitnee defended herself by clashing with them. Suddenly a sleazy looking jerk about 13 years old came out holding a whip with a ball and chain attached to it he swung it around and hit Whitnee in the chest sending her flying into a table. He laughed as he hated furry artwork and artists for no reason AT ALL. She angrily got up and kicked him in the face."That's what you get for hating a nice guy like Casey!" she said

Also writing a barely comprehensible paragraph does not make a chapter, casey.
>> No. 286033
This is just... Oh god...that spasm, it's like a bad parody.
>> No. 286046
File 135187031867.jpg - (10.25KB , 130x164 , katsnigger.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Positive reviews ONLY please
>> No. 286047
I am sure that Whitnee is some kind of anthropomorphic fox/rabbit/squirrel/wolf.

How correct am I?
>> No. 286186
His furaffinity http://www.furaffinity.net/user/caseydecker/
>> No. 286297
>He called his girlfriend Whitnee Squirrel to come

..That's just..Sad.
>> No. 286367
does he live in the fucking attic?
>> No. 286398
Maybe but it's not in the basement. He constantly asserrts that he is not a loser cause he doesn't live in a basement.
>> No. 286418
Well, it's sort of like he's in a penthouse suite.
>> No. 286424
Well now we know the things that Casey faps to. Surprise surprise there are a lot of scantily clad schoolgirls in his favourites.
>> No. 286488
And he constantly asserts the same bullshit excuse which is " They're practically teenagers so it should be alright!"
>> No. 286941
File 135260113156.png - (69.14KB , 663x464 , Screen shot 2012-11-10 at 6_28_45 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 286948
File 135260414391.jpg - (3.51KB , 300x57 , Indicative useducks.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>which is not cool
>> No. 286950
I'm being a slowpoke here but he has said he likes preteens?
>> No. 287054
File 135266131728.png - (28.04KB , 463x181 , Screen shot 2012-11-11 at 11_14_32 AM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Casey's thoughts on the ED page
>> No. 287090
Reading his EPIC new story about squirrel ninjas......oh lord, make her fight Gary Gears or whatever his name is.
>> No. 287106
File 135267582459.png - (819.13KB , 1024x731 , the_epic_battle_by_julaaaayyy-d5kf2xd.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 287185
File 135270379667.png - (47.98KB , 631x366 , Screen shot 2012-11-11 at 11_02_23 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Casey later demanded that this picture be taken down.
>> No. 287188
I like how he keeps on saying ''talented artist''
>> No. 287339
File 135274829747.png - (39.72KB , 600x281 , Screen shot 2012-11-12 at 11_22_59 AM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Casey makes a death threat
>> No. 287377
We at the Gary Gears project would like to take the time to make a statement on this work.

While we are always glad to receive fanart from people who are interested in the project and are very happy to see people interested in our characters, we have to make a very clear stance that we do not approve of our characters being used in this way. The Gary Gears project does not participate in "art wars" and/or rivalries between artists. We also do not approve of our characters being portrayed violently attacking or killing other people's characters. We feel this piece of art is really mean spirited and unkind, and we do not offically endorse or condone it's cocks.

While we cannot stop you from using our characters for this purpose and will not seek administrative action against you for it, we would highly perfer you don't. We feel Casey Decker is a very talented artist and we wish him the best in his future endeavors. We wish to remain completely neutral in your rivalry and do not wish to be accociated with it.

Thank you for listening.
- The Gary Gears Team
>> No. 287378

>> No. 287446
I live less than 10 mins from this fuck. What do?
>> No. 287449
Any good carpet stores and bridges nearby?
>> No. 287453
Drive to his house, bring a hooker. Dig up his dog's corpse, making sure to wear the paws promenently. Dress her up as one of his abominations, ring his doorbell, scream JULLLLLAAAAAAYYYY, kindnap him by baiting him with your barefeet, then roll his pedofurry ass, the hooker, and yourself up in a carpet and toss it over a bridge. Then post pics of you stomping barefoot over pics of you stomping barefoot on pics of you..... The bare feet are especially important.

Or nothing.
>> No. 287461
I don't take orders from fat fuck 15 yo old basement dwellers.
>> No. 287464
Get out of here sperg let the adults talk.
>> No. 287493
He goes to the local subway on a somewhat frequent basis. Bring out the camera upload whatever shots you get of him and wait for the cocks to come flooding in.
>> No. 287514
I think I've seen this guy before at the local amusement park. He's definitely a creepy ass guy
>> No. 287548
File 135277320981.jpg - (58.81KB , 720x480 , 38983_137620852944583_2557908_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Yup he's there sometimes too, his sister even has a job there. When did you see him and what was he doing anyway?
>> No. 287571
File 135277757982.jpg - (104.31KB , 921x1331 , casey.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 287603
What's his sisters name? I know a lot of people who work at HOWO. Anyone got an exact address on this guy? Maybe I can pay him a lovely visit.
>> No. 287605
106 Cherry Grove Lane
Huntingburg IN
>> No. 287609
Any ideas on what to do?
>> No. 287610
Sign in yard, maybe? Any idea as to how much of Huntingburg is aware of his sick-fuckery and his mom's oblivious stupidity regarding it? It's a small town after all...
>> No. 287817
Candi Decker, and according to Q&A with someone who knew Casey in high school she took the heat for a crime he did.
>> No. 287821
what was the crime
>> No. 287836

I personally get ween vibes off of that. It reminds me of the people who stole CWC's license plates and posted the pictures online.
>> No. 287866
Find her criminal records online and find out.
>> No. 288264
File 135301877451.png - (22.54KB , 559x315 , FireShot Screen Capture #110 - 'deviantART_ N.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 288276
File 135302678199.png - (16.99KB , 452x116 , Screen shot 2012-11-15 at 4_45_03 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Casey's thoughts on furry haters sent to the Hail Kulture Facebook account.
>> No. 288287
so it didnt get remove they only added a warning? LOL
>> No. 288306
File 135304081923.png - (40.38KB , 428x279 , Screen shot 2012-11-15 at 7_05_41 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Another message I got from Casey
>> No. 288333
Are you pretending to be a chick? Why is he so eager to Skype you?
>> No. 288334
He's actually pretending to be a little boy.
>> No. 288408
File 135309323576.png - (22.45KB , 828x233 , FireShot Screen Capture #113 - 'Hate Art Aler.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I am disappoint
>> No. 288409
What is he even saying there?
>> No. 288465
I honestly want to request JULAAAY to do Whitney Squirrel screaming "Where are the fucking golf shoes?!"

Sorry for homosexual deviantry, but I saw Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas on acid.
>> No. 288499
I record his reaction to the fact I'm a troll if we skype
>> No. 288659
>> No. 288754
File 135320002858.png - (74.33KB , 636x512 , Screen shot 2012-11-17 at 4_52_58 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Casey's introduction to another certain spastic manchild
>> No. 288755
Is, is he trolling? Please tell me he's trolling. 4chan would explain this. A paedophile who trolls you...
>> No. 288765
File 135320161919.png - (90.57KB , 663x616 , Screen shot 2012-11-17 at 5_18_39 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Casey goes into some more bullshit about why everyone shouldn't hate Sonic. Chris is also brought up
>> No. 288767
He means the kid from Sonic X.

It's kinda weird how the most hated kid in Sonic X has the same name as CWC.
>> No. 288776
>bad sonic games
>sonic chronicles

>> No. 288780
Sonic Chronicles was meh at best. It wasn't terribad but it wasn't a gem either.
>> No. 288798
What do you reccomend I say when he finds out I'm a troll on skype?
>> No. 288800
>> No. 288924

Just talk like normal, like you've always been a guy, theres nothing on her deviantart that says otherwise really, see how surprised he acts when he thinks you're not trolling.
>> No. 289021
I was planning on saying I was like the troll master who hacked her account and Ivy has been taken to the 789chan headquarters for questioning and seeing how he reacts to that.
>> No. 289031
File 135326699865.png - (147.27KB , 755x893 , Screen shot 2012-11-18 at 11_27_35 AM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Casey says he knows how to act like an adult
>> No. 289037

If 'using spasm as a crutch' needed an example, this would be it.
>> No. 289047
File 135327196182.png - (109.61KB , 1000x677 , Screen shot 2012-11-18 at 12_51_48 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
More excuses from Casey.
>> No. 289048
File 135327242669.png - (43.00KB , 524x350 , Screen shot 2012-11-18 at 12_59_05 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Couldn't have said it any better.
>> No. 289050
File 135327279844.png - (55.48KB , 517x454 , Screen shot 2012-11-18 at 1_02_12 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
More creepy roleplay I found
>> No. 289051
Is taht a sockpuppet or someone he knows?
>> No. 289053
Its one of his spast e friends, used to be called 'walnut' or something. Likes furries and feet...so it might as well be a sockpuppet
>> No. 289056
File 135327370564.png - (93.80KB , 1006x698 , Screen shot 2012-11-18 at 1_21_04 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Holy shit this is fucked up
>> No. 289067

Personally I'd go for the ''I'm a guy'' angle just to see him take a big nerd rage spasm :P It also kinda gives further evidence of his creepiness.
>> No. 289069
Yeah but the problem is he doesn't pick up his phone to anyone know due to his extreme paranoia. Plus he keeps saying he's eager to skype yet he doesn't check his facebook messages for like 2 weeks.
>> No. 289155
its not just that, hes into toddler art too. bbc already mentioned him in some of his older videos. also he is real, since his mom is on dA too and sometimes comes along to defend him
>> No. 289156
and if somebody really wants to skype with him: get a wig and some waterballoons.
>> No. 289163
File 135329328793.png - (38.65KB , 511x425 , Screen shot 2012-11-18 at 6_47_16 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Here is an example of his mother defending him
>> No. 289164

>a couple of bad game systems.

So, Like our favorite manchild he has an irrational hatred of consoles.
>> No. 289166

>a couple of bad game systems.

So, Like our favorite manchild he has an irrational hatred of consoles.
>> No. 289167
for some reason ricky has an obsession correcting peoples grammar and he cant take "bad words" for shit. also like casey this guy is a grown ass man and look at this weirdo. did somebody save his profile picture? it was uber creepy
>> No. 289171

Now I want to know more about this walnut guy. I recall BBC saying that he did foot fetish art of furry toddlers.
>> No. 289172

Disregard the second part, I didn't see the other anon mentioning Big Black Cock.
>> No. 289173
Is even his Mom involved with his foot fetish? dat name. Would explain the incestuous feeling to his brother, if the whole damn family is like that.
>> No. 289287
he looks like casey, except the mustache
>> No. 289315

Walnut? Do you have a picture of him?
>> No. 289347
no, that's why i asked before if someone saved his profile picture. he's basically casey in a little younger and a hippie shirt
>> No. 289610

I just realised.......HOLY SHIT! Casey is channelling Nathan Diskin from the Sandman series!

>> No. 289612
File 135344346198.png - (44.01KB , 600x600 , comp.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
jesus mother fuck what are you doing
>> No. 289614

babbys first url
>> No. 289624
>Posting the url to an image on an imageboard.

>> No. 289659
Oh sorry guys, I didn't realise it was that difficult for you to copy and paste.
>> No. 289661
>copy and paste
>manually spam

>> No. 289666

We didn't realize you found it so difficult to use imageboards.
>> No. 289668
This OP image is almost as bad as the bloated cock with Chris' face on it.
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