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File 135163509365.jpg - (135.50KB , 300x443 , lmao.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
285217 No. 285217
Let's talk about the severe sperging that is taking place on Facebook over Lucasfilm being bought by Disney. Why are spasts overreacting to this typical merger?
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>> No. 285221
Please post some details, OP.
>> No. 285225
Star Wars fans always rage for everything, their natural state is being mad. Nothing special.
>> No. 285234
>Star Wars Episode 7

Somewhere, Plinkett is crying.
>> No. 285245
>> No. 285246
I'm looking forward to Stars Wars in Kingdom Hearts.
>> No. 285257

Don't come back until you've watched this whole thing.
>> No. 285261
Its like Disney is buying Marvel all over again!

Also Lucasfilm hasn't done anything of value in like 40 years, who gives a fuck?
>> No. 285278
Well, spasts don't like this because it means change.

But this is smalltime. Wait until something like Nintendo gets bought out or Sega, maybe even Apple. That's when the virgin tears would be massive.
>> No. 285303
lol all of those stupid spergs are mad at media monopolies merging together and tightly controlling the film industry even more than they already do, reducing creativity. Stupid spergs.
>> No. 285304
Oh no, not routine capitalism! *sips from bottle of Mountain Dew*
>> No. 285307
>nothing of value in 40 years

So they never did anything of value ever?
>> No. 285316

There's the story.
Lucas is too lazy to make any more shitty films, so he sold it. Disney will pump out more sequels than Shrek within about 4 years.

Fanboys will be excited and end up buttfrustrated at anything new.
The circle is complete *cough*
>> No. 285318
Why are you mad about this merger? Star Wars will be more family friendly? Waaaaah.
>> No. 285320
Didn't Lucas once upon a time talk about having a "vision"; that same one where he wanted to do 9 movies, ie a sequel trilogy in addition to a prequel?
>> No. 285321
>Set after episode VI
This is gonna make EU more of a clusterfuck than it already is, especially since Lucas probably won't give enough of a shit to decide what's canon and what isn't
>> No. 285322
Involving LEE LEE and MEE MEE and DEE DEE?

Do you guys know that LEE LEE and MEE MEE are friends of DEE DEE from the Genndy Tartakovsky show Dexter's Laboratory?

I too have a film vision. I may be the new George Lucas.
>> No. 285327
Who cares?
>> No. 285329
Angry sperg detected. Why are you mad about Star Wars merging with Disney? What's the matter, too CHILDISH for you?
>> No. 285331
Every night I dream of jar jar bink's drooping penis dripping blood, vomit and semen....
I wake up with tears in my eyes, whether of joy or sorrow you'll never know
I wonder if they'll mix this up with Kingdom Hearts?
>> No. 285338
File 135164921562.jpg - (28.77KB , 360x314 , 2427664_orig.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Since we are talking about Disney and sequels. I would like to see another Rocketeer movie, not a remake.
>> No. 285339

They kinda already did. In Kingdom Hearts, Mickey=Yoda.
>> No. 285343
I skipped 2 whole generations of consoles so sorry if I didn't pick on that
Me, I prefer the new version of BSG over star wars or star trek
So this whole 'tragedy' is no skin off my nose....
>> No. 285350
OP here. The first reply wanted an example. Here is one from your friends on tumblr.


Evangelicals blaming gay people and satanism for Harry Potter? HOW DARE THEY! Blaming those things for Disney buying Star Wars? No problem.
>> No. 285353
1993 - Miramax is bought by Disney
1994 - Miramax releases Pulp Fiction
>> No. 285355
I think a lot of it has to do with how hands-on Disney will be with the property. There is a difference between we own you and you can just keep doing what you do best, or we own you so you do exactly as we say even though we really have no understanding of how your company has been successful.
>> No. 285356
I don't think Lucas has any 'successful strategies' other than 'it says Star Wars on the box.' He also managed to come up with Jar Jar Binks on his own without Disney's help.

If anything, Disney running the brand will improve it. They might even do market research before pumping out new movies.
>> No. 285365
It reminds me of how Disney owns abc communications.
>> No. 285366
>Mr Lucas said: "It's now time for me to pass Star Wars on to a new generation of film-makers."

Wait, so Lucas isn't going to be involved with the new Star Wars films? This might actually make them good.
>> No. 285370
Nobody never explained me how the Star Wars franchise is still successful if it is hated by everybody? There's even a documentary putting Lucvas on trial. I don't understand this madness, they despise Star Wars, but they keep buying Star Wars related things.
Anyways, I prefer the far superior space opera Spaceballs.
>> No. 285372
I can assure you the mindless fan-tard greatly outnumber the vocal haters.
>> No. 285373
They love to hate it. They go see the new movies, knowing they will hate it, if only they can bask in how superior the old Star Wars films were. It is like those people who hate the Simpsons, but can quote every terrible, unfunny scene from the most recent season.
>> No. 285374
Really? I keep finding only hate and vitriol. Maybe it's an Internet echo chamber thing.
>> No. 285375
What a beautiful thing is the human creature.
>> No. 285376
Star Wars fans are like a battered housewife.

No matter how badly they're treated or how much they hate their companion, they're always back for more, it's all they know. What're they gonna do, watch Star Trek?
>> No. 285378
Well, if I don't like something, I watch or read something else instead. Am I a weirdo?
>> No. 285382

EU is 99% fanwank anyway. It will not be missed when it gets trashed. Except by star wars spergs, but their lives have been a living hell since 1999 anyway.
>> No. 285389
> Disney buys Star Wars
And I would have cared decades ago before the prequel trilogy.

Today? I'm not even surprised. This is just the latest step in the natural entropic progression into kid friendly pablum shit that started with ewoks.
>> No. 285390
File 135165726417.jpg - (26.38KB , 252x380 , crying nerd stock photo.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 285394
Come on, man. You are doing it intentionally.
>> No. 285397
Avengers came out after Disney acquired Marvel and I thought it was pretty good. It was probably the most "Adult" non punisher marvel movie ever.
>> No. 285401
File 135166030696.jpg - (52.76KB , 300x419 , gundamzz.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Eh, who cares. There's only one true sci-fi series with telepathic space-hippies with lightsabers, anyway.
>> No. 285403
File 13516608933.jpg - (817.09KB , 1024x768 , starwarsgalaxies.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
But I see reason for optimism.

Star Wars earned most of its praise when Lucas was collaborating with other high-profile creative minds and bouncing ideas of his friends. The varying tastes and perspectives helped him refine and temper the final product. A lot of the vitriol, by contrast, tends to fall onto the period where Lucas was basically the sole visionary and nobody was reigning in his impulses or acting as a friendly critic.

With this merger Lucas is going to be a creative consultant and a production advisor, so he'll be closer to that older position.

Also, merging with Disney doesn't seem to have hurt Marvel any. If anything, their resources have been worth the sale for the IPs if the better movies are a fair metric.

But Star Wars fans will be angry no matter what. It wasn't until cheese conies came along that I found a fandom that raged harder and more often at the most inconsequential and subjective bullshit.
>> No. 285404
Lucas is basically just a retard who won the movie lottery , most of what made star wars successful was other people involved in it.

He has proved he is completely inept at films by now.
>> No. 285405
  lol "freedom"
>> No. 285411
  Spergs shouldn't rage for such meaningless things.
>> No. 285413
It didn't hurt marvel at all but it did create some lulz when all of the cartoons were canceled in favor of creating new ones for the Disney channel.
>> No. 285423
File 135167000758.jpg - (29.55KB , 400x300 , 0611_davis_sp.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
people like star wars, people liek disney?


what kind of virginal loser gives a shit? oh yeah, all virginal losers. even funnier, i could post this to /tv/ in a better place, and find fewer retards and faggos. liek shawnee brackeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen here.
>> No. 285424
I can't tell if this post is meant to be satire or not.
>> No. 285426
Disney claims that they plan not only to create a new trilogy, but to set a new film in the universe every 2-3 years.

I foresee something similar to "The Sonic Cycle."
>> No. 285428
Who cares who "owns" Star Wars? It's been shit since Empire anyways. It's not like Disney's going to fuck it up any worse than Lucas already has.
>> No. 285429
I foresee a bigger flop than John Carter.
>> No. 285432
File 135167252773.jpg - (84.38KB , 316x500 , arnoldwasabountyhunter.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Star Wars Episode X: The Quickening.
>> No. 285434
File 135167327946.png - (145.82KB , 602x413 , unrelated.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Sdar Wars X1: The heatnings
>> No. 285437
Star Wars XVIII: Han Solo Goes to Montecarlo.
>> No. 285438
IMO, Disney taking over Star Wars might be the best thing to happen to the franchise. Lucas was just a film student who got extremely lucky in 1977 that the only competition in 1977 were trucker and disco movies.

In fact, the ONLY reason Star Wars was even put up onto the screen was because 20tyh Century Fox had planned "DAMNATION ALLEY" to be their SciFi Blockbuster for the year, but the film ran behind schedule. So the suits decided to put up this OTHER SciFi film they had laying around as a last-minute filler for the Summer movie season.
>> No. 285439
>Every 2-3 movies.

See, this is the part that concerns me.

If they screw this up, it'll most certainly ruin the franchise. People are gonna get so fucking sick of these movies at a certain point, it'll be like Ernest or Parody Movies.
>> No. 285440
But everyone who's a star wars is a generic dipshit. That whole thinking nerdery is a cool thing, with so many homosexual deviants claiming to be fans who've seen all of family guy and the one with the red thing. They're overhyped, full of plotholes and racist caricatures.

I for one will be happy when Disney overdoes and shits it so bad that stars wars becomes a meme. Because then, and only then, can it die, like the torrents of inception references a year or so before now.
>> No. 285446
>If they screw this up, it'll most certainly ruin the franchise.

Can't see them ruining it any more than the prequels did.
>> No. 285448
>> No. 285449
Those only ruined the franchise from an artistic standpoint, i'm talking about from a financial standpoint.
>> No. 285451
English must be your second language.
>> No. 285452
I don't get all the hatred towards the prequels. Episode 2 was boring as fuck but I think 1 and 3 wasn't that bad, maybe a little rushed.
>> No. 285453
File 135167932444.jpg - (81.46KB , 470x342 , 477423299_fcd1faea1c.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
drunk with painkillers and imsomniac
>> No. 285454
That's what I thought too when I heard about it, plus maybe more Star Wars theme park rides!
>> No. 285457
I just don't know how they are planning to continue a storyline which has a definite ending. The empire crumbled and the rebels won, everyone is happy. What now?
>> No. 285458
They said the same thing about Russia.
>> No. 285460
Hack writers have squeezed literally hundreds of novels, comics and video games out of the post-film period in Star Wars. And if there's one thing Disney has lots of, it's hack writers.
>> No. 285461

Brief synopsis? Or just another beardo shutin with a green screen that nobody cares about.
>> No. 285464
I thought Lucas had planned 3 prequels and 3 sequels?

>In 1979, director George Lucas said in an interview on the set of The Empire Strikes Back, "The first script was one of six original stories I had written in the form of two trilogies. After the success of Star Wars, I added another trilogy. So now there are nine stories. The original two trilogies were conceived of as six films of which the first film was number four." Lucas backed this up with a 1980 interview with the L.A. Reader, stating "Star Wars is really three trilogies, nine films... it won't be finished for probably another 20 years."
>> No. 285465
Think about it man, is the Empire really defeated?

They have thousands of ships, millions of soldiers and a whole political system left. Yeah, the battle of Endor was a huge loss for them; they lost most of the their upper echelon, their strongest regiment (Vader's Fist), their most powerful weapon, and were painfully humiliated by being beaten by a bunch of teddy bears, but they still have tons of captains, admirals, generals, all sorts of commanders left.

What we can expect from these new movies is the Empire splitting into different factions, little loosely connected armies and small regiments - a lot of them at war with each other. Maybe one that uses droids, another that uses Stormtroopers, maybe even a neutral one led by Boba Fett that's only loyalty is to the highest bidder (the kids are gonna love that shit).

That is, unless LucasFilms decides to take the pussy route and just make a single new group that serve as the bad guys.
>> No. 285466
>> No. 285467
God damn you're a spastic.
>> No. 285468

Fucking prolific.
>> No. 285469
Ugh, fuck, no. It's too fucking plotty. Nobody wants to watch a bunch of byzantine power struggles between a bunch of loosely connected villains. That's part of why Phantom Menace sucked, it had too much imaginary political shit in it and no clear antagonist.

Make a clear villain with an understandable motivation, not a bunch of factions and gangs or whatever.
>> No. 285471
so instead of making fun of spergs ranting and raging over star wars, we're partaking in it instead?
>> No. 285472
Can't we do both?
>> No. 285473

Then we will have Team Rocket type villains.
>> No. 285474

>Lando "The Last Black Man in the Galaxy" Calrissian

Gotta squeeze in that social justice, we can't write an article without social justice.
>> No. 285477
This article was written well before Cracked went off the deep end with the SJ shit.

That isn't even social justice anyway, it's just a dumb joke.
>> No. 285479
Why would the empire need to split up into different factions?

They'll probably be stuff like defections to the rebellion and a power struggle (Until the main villain is shown).

Also the likes of Boba Fett don't need a new faction since he's just part of the criminal underworld.
>> No. 285480
Episode 1 was really the only unwatchable Star Wars. Attack of the Clones had its moments, but its worst crime was that it was about 20 minutes too long and no one gave a shit about Vader getting his dick wet. Episode 3 was better.

So you have two great Star Wars films (IV and V), a good one (Jedi, outside of the Ewoks, was pretty good), two alright ones, and one really bad one.
>> No. 285489
>Vader's Fist
Seriously? That's the name they went with?
>> No. 285491
Oh, because you are Albert Camus. Go back to Wendy's, creative writing class reject.
The CGI cartoon is pretty good, in my humble opinion.
I agree with the other anon, we should be making fun of the spergs raging over this, instead of joining to the circlejerk.
>> No. 285497

Tartakovsky's cartoon series was awesome as well. The current animated one had some really great episodes too.
>> No. 285499
Well, their real name is The 501st Legion. But that's their xool little nickname.
>> No. 285507

You mean that guy who draws fap material for Timbox, and helped try to wring the last bit of money out of the carcass of Star Wars?
>> No. 285509
Oh, don't be dense, he has done good things.
>> No. 285513

You're right, I forgot, he did Powerpuff Girls.

In all seriousness, though, I liked Samurai Jack, and I read he did some of the animation for Korgoth of Barbaria, which only saw a pilot episode, but I fucking loved it.
>> No. 285514
And Dexter's Lab, Samurai Jack, Sym-bionic Titan. Don't be so condescending.
>> No. 285518
Well I think that if they make movies that expand the universe it would be really good. There is this whole entire fucking galaxy you can focus on so if they make a new story and not one revolving around Vader/Luke/Yoda it COULD be really interesting if they have their own stories.
>> No. 285659
Everyone freaking over this needs to take a deep breath and relax. I mean what's the worst possible thing Disney could do to Star Wars? Digitally re-edit it to make Greedo shoot first? That would be retarded.

Oh, wait…
>> No. 285682

They aren't planning on endless sequels, but instead plan on additional movies being about specific characters or period pieces for different eras.

Doubtless, though, there will be a great deal of shit and a handful of glittering gems, if the rest of Star Wars is any indication.
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