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No. 285263
  I wish the trolling community could go back to the days of grand orchestrating trolling plans, or "Saga's" if you insist.

Sagas were so much fun because things were literally unfolding before your eyes, without the subject knowing nothing.

Here we have Darksidered992 (inb4 HI ATLUS). In case you do not remember, Darksidered992, or Garrick was set up on a trolling scheme that tricked him into moving to New York City, and it should be noted that moving was his own idea. The trolls didn't plan to cruelly send him across the country with no money and no one to actually pick him up (the people he was to move in with, of course, were fake)

Now lolcowls like Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, Nick Gate, Anthos and etc. may produce a few lols, but just like the glory days of Chris-Chan trolling, it is time to bring the Saga back.
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>> No. 285265
hi alog
>> No. 285267
File 135164040668.jpg - (24.56KB , 301x436 , Wall_Street_film.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This is what Garrick actually believed.
>> No. 285270
The saga is dead. The concept of the lolcow is dying. Yeah, there might be another Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles or Phobos in the future, but when the greatest lolcow is all but stagnant, you know something's changed. The teenagers are going to college. The NEETs are either growing up or getting sick of it all. Everyone is moving on.
>> No. 285273
No, no, it isn't dying. It's just people are too stuck in their old ways, like the OP advocating CWC-esque "sagas." What most people fail to realize is that each lolcow is different and needs to be milked in their own special ways. There isn't one strategy that works for every lolcow out there, the trolling has to be tailored to the lolcow to get anything funny or interesting out of it.
>> No. 285275
Shouldn't a new generation of homosexual deviants yield a new generation of lolcows? Or is the lolcow just a particular iteration of an eternally recurring archetype, and as we know them they're limited to the mid/latter half of the 00s? Actually, what's your definition?
>> No. 285277
>> No. 285283
We might get a FEMA Trailer saga if Hurricane Sandy is all the media says it is.
>> No. 285294
"saga" is, for the most part, used as a derogatory for people who create retardedly elaborate storylines and characters as an excuse to roleplay with the central theme being a naive, retarded person and some some EPIC LEGION WIN credit.

Most pre-Chris lolcows did humiliate themselves in different unique, specific "episodes", yeah, but the whole "We need to roleplay with a retarded for 8 months so maybe we can get him mad enough to scream my trollsonas name on YouTube" saga doesn't.
>> No. 285296

Perhaps the "organized" lolcowdom is what's dying. Chris has been milked dry, and efforts to apply that idea to others have either failed (Anthos) or ruined it (Gail). What I see a shift to is more personal interaction with not just lolcows but just internet weirdos in general. This is largely because interest in lolcows will die off, and there will be no way to justify entire imageboards and super secret forums devoted solely to them.

There are two reasons for interest dying off. First, many are just growing up. Seanie is 20. Omega is 21. Homor is becoming more of an adult (I believe). Hell, Jengatype is approaching 30 (!!!). Doesn't there come a point where it's just time to move on?

Secondly, the ween and spergery is just so concentrated that it simply can't last. Sometimes, the extreme examples of ween like Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles or The Next Master Troll distract us from this fact, but take a good look around. Sure, it will have been while it lasted but it's unstable and won't stick around around forever.

So what's left? Probably smaller groups of people of individuals interacting with internet -cows through YouTube, Skype, Tumblr, IM, etc. This is already happening with the likes of digimondude420 and others. I mean, look at how Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles cocks have largely been mined: by a tighter-knit group in a public IRC room. It will be informal and more personal.
>> No. 285297
maybe fucking with 'tards on the internet is just stupid and a waste of time.
>> No. 285298

maybe the internet is just stupid and a waste of time.
>> No. 285299
I don't know why new cows and new trolls wouldn't crop up. Chris didn't invent cows or trolls and new specimens of the same don't need to grow out of the old.
>> No. 285323
It doesn't help that a lot of weentrolls don't really know whats funny, for the most part. A lot of this shit seems to be bred out of a desire to be an anime villain or be seen as a sort of "puppet master" or some shit as opposed to a genuine desire to see funny things happen.

That, and again, most of the newer brand of weeners seem to have a very, very narrow definition of what trolling is and how to do it. One person here once said "It's not a lolcow unless they have nudes!", and while that could have been taken as a joke, I can honestly see a lot of people having this stupid checklist in their heads of shit they need to do in order to be epic ween trolls.
>> No. 285324

A lot don't seem to realize that the best laughs come not from total control over a lolcow but rather from slight prodding or even nothing at all.
>> No. 285332
I agree, this emphasis on 'puppetmasters' is distasteful, it's giving the lolcow what they think they desire in their black rotten hearts and letting that desire play out
In cwc's case it was china
In robbay's it's his savouring of paranoia and need to be a feared 'wraith'
>> No. 285334
  Music to ease the depression.
>> No. 285346
The word saga makes trolling scenarios look like a series of anime films (which is why I have never liked the word)
>> No. 285352
Haven't lolcows been around since forever?


I mean, as long as people publicly do stupid, funny things, people will continue to prod them into doing more.

Maybe the current *chan ones are thinning out and similar ones might be a bit harder to come across due to more and more of their types being aware of trolls and ED and the like, but if internet-fueled suicides and cyberbullying paranoia are anything to go bye, there are plenty of dumbfucks out there just waiting to make public asses of themselves.
>> No. 285359
Oh for fuck's sake. How many times do you niggers need to be told this.

Not every lolcow operates in exactly the same way as Chris. Not every lolcow needs 'sagas'.
>> No. 285361
The problem with sagas is that the people orchestrating them inevitably forget that they're not the one that everyone's tuning in for.

We want to want to watch the funny monkey dance, not listen to the organ grinder gloating about how epic he is.
>> No. 285385
Chris inspired trolling has a very set path that most trolls are afraid to leave. Sagas, ebin trollsonas, hoarded cocks, ED page, fake girlfriends, blackmail, nudes, wiki, etc. Hopefully the Logattopedia was proof that not ever lolcow warrants an entire wiki.
>> No. 285419
>>Hopefully the Logattopedia was proof that not ever lolcow warrants an entire wiki.

Anyone remember the ADFwiki and Bandsmapedia?? These CWCki-clones failed for the very same reason you pointed out. Anybody with the mentality of constructing a wiki, based on the latest, run-of-the-mill internet retard is an idiot.

An ED article is one thing, but an entire wiki is something completely different. The same applies with basic trolling, and troll sagas. It shouldn't be done all the time.
>> No. 285422
File 135166886284.png - (305.25KB , 615x755 , 615px-Suicidegirls.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
789=trolling community. ha ha ha oh wow.

>mfw retards and faggos combined for low-hanging fruit. also, fuck you krapple guy.

^this is a place 4 (for) four the worst people fucking with equally terrible people.

hence, madison, homor, phobos, rws, that piece of shit whoreosnmilf, there was a reason the pinch made yall mad.

another reason, bryan bash and his namesakes quit caring about your fail. also, i always thinks of introman as a jesuit named int-ROMAN.

also, my favorite anime is BLEACH, my favorite NIRVANA record is BLEACH. MY DOCTOR SAYS I CANNOT GET ENOUGH BLEACH.
>> No. 285441
>> No. 285475
>don't hit on me silly trolls!
>> No. 285503
That reminds me of the days when every week there would be OMG ADF thread #259, complete with Facebook screencaps and 354 posts and 70 images omitted. Did anything funny really come from that, other than the beginning, funny parts of Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles? I seem to remember it being more "He's funny because we say he's funny, guys! I mean, look at these Facebook posts!"
>> No. 285516

>> No. 285519

ADF *was* funny, but in a "Hey, look at this silly fuck" way. ADF, Anthos, all of these things ARE funny, it's just that people take what was otherwise amusing losers and try to innercircle ween saga them regardless of whether that would even work with that particular tard.

Most pre-Chris lolcows were just that; freaks that did things on their own accord with little to no provocation.
>> No. 285568
I think that's the thing, some lolcows are funny just for being the goofy weirdos they are and the most humor they can produce is when they are occasionally revisited just to see what they've been up to.

But, for the most part, even the silliest of lolcows rarely have behaviors so interesting that they warrant daily scrutiny, archiving, and analysis. For a time, Chris was perhaps an exception, but like Ulillillia or A-Log for instance, who cares what game Uli just played for 300 hours or what toon porn A-Log just faved on DeviantArt?
>> No. 285670
File 135174003089.png - (172.44KB , 593x551 , a-log.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>who cares what toon porn A-Log just faved on DeviantArt?
>> No. 285675

>samus as a furry

jesus dick
>> No. 285704

HAI MADDI!!! <3 <3 <3
>> No. 285706
Hi Aryeh!
>> No. 285738
One fucking million times THIS!!!
ADF can't be a lolcow because he isn't fucking funny and neither is Robbay.
It's just that 2 mods find him funny so they shit the board up with these threads.
>> No. 285739

ADF was never funny. They should be ashamed of themselves for trying to make him a lolcow. They were so desperate to make him the next Chris-Chan, too.
>> No. 285741

>only 2 mods think robbay is fuuny

have you, uh, been here, the past month?
>> No. 285743
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles was maybe funny at first, a little bit, but after a while the cycle became far too predictable and boring. Maybe it has changed since I stopped really caring, but it seemed to be rant-TAKE IT DOWN-paranoia-"doxxan" and name callin'-leaving forever-repeat
>> No. 285775
File 135179035665.jpg - (43.63KB , 600x287 , computers.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Robbay and ADF were funny, but as been repeated ad nauseam, /cwc/fags, be they mods or otherwise, have a nasty habit og taking something kind of amusing and bashing you over the head with it.

Rob shit is funny, but I don't see why it warranted 50 threads. I know the excuse is "potential lulz", that doing this shit makes him mad and therefore he might do something worthwhile later because of that, but you can accomplish the same exact thing with a slight addition to the ED page every so often. NEW ROB PAGE OLD ONE FILLED OK GUYS WHAT'S DA UPDATE?! when literally nothing fucking happens is a bit much.
>> No. 285776
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles had so many threads because he kept posting in them and being crazy.
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