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File 135186932184.jpg - (90.30KB , 610x889 , ralphnew004.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
286039 No. 286039
So, Wreck-It Ralph came out today.

How many lolcows do you think are going to the theaters to see Sanic on the big screen for the first time?
Expand all images
>> No. 286040
A shitload.
>> No. 286042
How much spasm per gallons will this movie create?
>> No. 286044
At least a rate of 30 spergings/gallon.

Which will be more entertaining, the sudden appearance of Wreck it Ralph spergs or the backlash of "IT WUZNT TROO TO SONICS CHARACTER!!1"?
>> No. 286045
For years spasts will huffily point to this movie as justification for their cartoon and vidya mash-ups as works of art.
>> No. 286048
This movie is like a sperg wet dream. I'm sure there is already porn of it, and the fanfics, and the slashfics,and cosplay, and spergs making Ralphsonas, and some retarded name for the people who will base their entire pathetic existances on a Disney movie, Ralphers, Wreckers. You don't have to be the Amazing Criswell to predict this shit.
>> No. 286049
Something IRL I'm not looking forward to hearing for the next week or so: "You'd like Wreck it Ralph, it's about video games. I know it's a children's movie, but these movies are funny for adults, too!"

They aren't.
>> No. 286050
This is going to be a really bad movie but I'm sure everyone will love it.
It's almost like the PETA parody games combined with Robot Chicken, all the jokes are old, forced and stale.
>> No. 286051
I wonder how many "WACKY INTERNT MEMES!" they will insert in this.
>> No. 286053
  Oh God, this thing has Sonic in it? I feel sorry for the kids and the parents attending the screenings. They will be surrounded with disgusting manchildren. The fangasm erruption when Sonic appears will be disturbing.
>> No. 286054
It's like I'm really on slashcoslash.
>> No. 286056

wait what the fuck

like any kid is going to recognize him
>> No. 286057

From manchildren for manchildren.
>> No. 286058
"Don't touch that fedora, son".
>> No. 286059

Analmangled sonicfag detected.
>> No. 286060
I was actually making fun of the spergs.
>> No. 286061

slashcoslash is masturbating over the Gears of War parody chick at the moment
>> No. 286063
Is it a cartoon making fun of that video game?
>> No. 286064
File 135187351916.png - (171.49KB , 571x496 , 1351872909279.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It begins.
>> No. 286065
File 135187364372.png - (79.03KB , 884x884 , drool3.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 286067
>implying there aren't childrens movies that are appealing to adults as well
>> No. 286068
I don't think he was implying that, I think he stated it directly.
>> No. 286074
File 135187561257.jpg - (288.60KB , 1200x900 , chrisgetschina.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
A lot of spergs and lolcows are going to go and see this movie.
How many /cwc/fags are going to trollshield by pretending they're not going to see it?
>> No. 286076

>implying i can waste 10 dollars to go to any movie, period

>> No. 286077
Fuck yeah, torrents!
You're so 1337, bro!
>> No. 286079
File 135187619221.jpg - (19.15KB , 477x363 , kingkoopa.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I'm gonna go see it with friends because I think it looks pretty cool.
>> No. 286081
>inb4 weenfags calling you a lolcow and A-Log.
>> No. 286083
File 135187665394.jpg - (164.87KB , 500x697 , 6fmeZsLUrn5g7rigMlRFTMejo1_500.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Enjoy your gay orgy afterwards
>> No. 286086
File 135187691320.jpg - (22.62KB , 300x205 , _-The-Super-Mario-Bros-Super-Show-Star-Dies-_.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Same here man, it looks like a pretty promising movie, unlike the other stuff Disney's own animation department has been doing.
>> No. 286087

i was more implying that i am in a state of mild poverty

i really don't get torrenting movies, without the theater-going experience, the magic just isn't there for me
>> No. 286088
I'm genuinely not interested in this movie. Why is that troll-shielding?
>> No. 286089
File 135187710579.jpg - (55.96KB , 329x350 , Buckley.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Going to see it because I love VIDEO GAMES!
>> No. 286090
yeah, even just streaming them on netflix with a large screen TV makes me feel like a junkie trying to lose myself in fictional worlds.
>> No. 286093
Damn, no need to bring your financial situation into this thread.
/cwc/ is supposed to be a happy light-hearted place where nobody ever gets upset or angry.
>> No. 286095
I thought junkies went to the theatres looking for a warm place to spend the night.
>> No. 286096
film junkies, not heroin junkies
>> No. 286097

Just retort that it's co-starring Sarah Silverman. In my experience that makes them shut up.
>> No. 286099

>co-starring sarah silverman

are you serious?
>> No. 286100
My type of movies are those like The Crawling Eye, Them, It Conqured the World, so I have to conform watching them on my room.
>> No. 286101

She voices the "wacky" little girl sidekick who's comedy gold lel cuz her sarcastic tone and confident demeanor totes clash with her saccharine feminine character design.
>> No. 286102
>> No. 286118
Will not go, mostly because the only thing this is going to do is continue the horrid trend of slapping shit together in crossovers and thinking, "This will sell like hotcakes".

Now, all we need is for Nintendo to release either a Zelda movie or a Super Smash Bros movie and the circle of sperging will be complete.
>> No. 286130
Pretending you're not going to see it is pointless if you're Anonymous.

I'm going to see it with my sister because our only shared interest in cinema is Disney movies.
>> No. 286136
Saw it this morning, loved it. The videogame references were fun, but I liked the movie itself beyond the videogame aspect. Some of the jokes maybe fell a little flat, but it was enjoyable all the way through.

Sorry to let you down, /cwc/!
>> No. 286138
anon confirmed for massive sperg lolcow spast
>> No. 286143
>Saw it this morning, fapped twice. The Sonic references were hilarious, but I loved the movie itself beyond anything ever. None of the jokes even fell a little flat, but it was less enjoyable than MLP.

>Sorry to let you down, /cwc/!

I think that's what you meant to type, autspergstic trannyneckbearfag.
>> No. 286144
File 135188967739.jpg - (115.12KB , 600x333 , Roger8.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Will not go, mostly because the only thing this is going to do is continue the horrid trend of slapping shit together in crossovers and thinking, "This will sell like hotcakes"

You act like this is a recent trend.

Wreck-It Ralph's use of licensed characters isn't much different than Who Framed Roger Rabbit. They're used as part of the framing device, not necessarily just to get butts into seats. Hell, I hear that the licensed characters in Wreck-It Ralph actually have less screentime than the ones in Roger Rabbit did.

I get what you're saying though, just felt like making a rebuttal.
>> No. 286148
A lot of it has to do with how references are used. There's a semi-fine line between lazy, groan inducing pandering and an entertaining nod.
>> No. 286153
This movie will make millions, and it's not surprising this concept hasn't been done sooner. If this were ten, fifteen years ago, only spastics and children would go see it in theaters. Now with today's hipster/trendster/gamers nerds, a whole generation of proud man-children will march in droves to their nearest theaters, wearing their official Sega Hot-Topic shirts.

I wonder if Roger Rabbit attracted the same types of people in the same way.
>> No. 286154
You're using hipster wrong, like every other neckbeard ever.
>> No. 286156
>I AM GOING WREACK IT HURR DURR jdgbhvagledhnebiahdfjgcvwsghcvvlbhsdvcsga

The movie in a nutshell. There, no need to go and watch it.
>> No. 286160
The manchild, trend-hopper, and "hipster" are not recent developments. The day you become aware of something isn't the day it starts to exist.
>> No. 286161

I don't think you've even seen a single trailer for it.
>> No. 286166
sperg go an play with your sonic toys
>> No. 286168

You won't be able to fuck her, no matter what.
>> No. 286169
All we need now is an MLP movie.
>> No. 286175

At least I'm having fun.
>> No. 286176

Sure you are having fun, ALONE.
>> No. 286180
Can someone tell me why this movie is bringing out the lolsoedgy segment of /cwc/?
>> No. 286183
anything with even a tertiary connection to sanic brings out the a-logs and edgyweentards
>> No. 286185

Still more fun than you're having.
>> No. 286187
>> No. 286190
Only spergs throw such childish tantrum at a movie. It's just a movie.
>> No. 286192

Still more fun than you're having.

We could go in circles all day about this, sperg.
>> No. 286193
>> No. 286194
stop making yourself look like a retarded butthurt homo who feeds weentrolls.
>> No. 286196

Not even mad, bro. Just having fun.
>> No. 286197
hi phobos

i can tell you are mad
>> No. 286199
>defending a shitty animated movie

Proof that /cwc/ is full of spergs.
>> No. 286201
/cwc/ is actually 789's slashcoslash
>> No. 286211
No he's not. Hipsters see nerds as really non mainstream so they pretend to share some of their interests.
>> No. 286217
Again only un cultured neck beards say this shit.
>> No. 286218
What is a hipster? Everybody in the Internet seems to have a unique definition of the word, which contradicts all other definitions of hipster.
>> No. 286219
It's a meaningless word thrown around by mainstream plebs, and isolated nerds to describe anything they don't understand or anything "counter culture."
I once saw Atlus called a hipster on here lol, he's not he's just another pathetic lonely nerd guy like most of the losers on here.
The kind that have ok cupid pofiles.
>> No. 286224
>mainstream pleb

Would you happen to post on /mu/ and / or be a Neutral Milk Hotel fan?
>> No. 286229
A hipster is someone who isn't you.
>> No. 286231
I was under the impression it meant somebody who makes an effort to "like" things that are relatively unknown, "like" things ironically, or "like" things that they think others perceive as counter-culture. Their likes change as the likes of others change, so, if they like this totally obscure band that you've probably never heard of, they will stop liking it when the group becomes popular, for little reason other than everybody else now knows of the group. Or the type of person who wears skinny jeans with an NES t-shirt, despite having never played an NES for more than a few minutes. If such a person posted a photo of themselves in said shirt to Facebook, they would caption it with "me in my nentindo remote shirt, im such a nerd lol."
>> No. 286232
>Wreck-It Ralph's use of licensed characters isn't much different than Who Framed Roger Rabbit. They're used as part of the framing device, not necessarily just to get butts into seats. Hell, I hear that the licensed characters in Wreck-It Ralph actually have less screentime than the ones in Roger Rabbit did.

With this in consideration, I could see myself going to watch it with my little brother.

However, I should have been much more clear, as I meant video game crossovers more than anything else. Since it deals with vidya, this is going to have drones of people getting pissed because X or Y didn't make it into the game.

But maybe I'm being a little too cynical for what is supposed to be fun. It'll likely be a good movie for all the little kids and even the family as a whole.
>> No. 286234
The most pandering use was the addition of Sonic and Bowser, since they are hardly known as arcade characters. Most of the cameo characters had rather minimal roles or ones that actually went with the story. If anything, it appealed to the nostalgia of people who are old enough to remember when arcades were a popular place to go to play games.
>> No. 286235
I happen to think the movie sounds interesting, whimsical, and cute. It might be fun to see. I could not see myself writing fanfiction or making drawings about the movie as I have never done that, but I could see myself watching it and enjoying it. I think it is pretty funny how everyone is so adamantly against a children's movie. Not every piece of media you view needs to be a serious movie...sometimes it's fun to just kill an hour or so.
>> No. 286237
File 135190049853.jpg - (464.23KB , 800x600 , sage1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Who gives a fuck? FFS, someone come lock this thread, since it's clearly now about a pissing match between 2 butthurt anons?
>> No. 286241
Butt OBLIVERATEed hipster. Or troll. Not sure which. Pick one.
[spoiler]but definitely a fag
>> No. 286243
look at all these butt hurt neckbeard upset at other nerds because they think they are "nerd appropriating hipsters"
this is so sad it's hilarious
>> No. 286245
The problem boils down to what the neckbeards, asspies, spergs, build around movies, video games, cartoon, etc.
>> No. 286250
I don't think it should be a problem at all what "the neckbeards, asspies, spergs" create based on anything really. Who cares if people like something stupid and do a bunch of stupid things because of it. The more fucked up a fandom is the more fun it is to look at. I wouldn't describe it as a problem. What fandoms do you hate the most...and why? Just curious.
>> No. 286251
I almost met up with some anime nerds to watch this movie today. I really regret not going.
>> No. 286252
I bet. You'd be poppin' boners left and right.
>> No. 286254
Ponyfuckers, Adventure Time shippers, those guys who have waifus.
>> No. 286256
But anon, that way he would've got laid.
Homor should regret not going to the after-movie nerd gay orgy.
>> No. 286267
It's usually unfair to hold the entertainment accountable for the repugnant obsessive fans.

Obviously there are exceptions, such as the HUB obviously trying to hold onto cheese conies and get them invested in other merchandise-driven cartoons, but I wouldn't hate on Wreck-It Ralph because some smelly fatbeards and hipsters will pack into theaters to see it. It's not the fault of anybody in the credits that Sonic suckers exist.
>> No. 286276
Reasonable post anon. 10/10.

Why don't we all just enjoy what we like from now on and quit getting anal about a few mouth breathers with no life?
>> No. 286278
Good advice, I will go now to watch Mst3k's Werewolf episode.
>> No. 286282
>It's not the fault of anybody in the credits that Sonic suckers exist.

Like our fearless leader, Seanie? ;)
>> No. 286290
Speaking of Sonic, how come that rascal isn't on here berating us for being alone on a Friday night?
>> No. 286295
Maybe he kicked the bucket.
>> No. 286299
File 135191072746.jpg - (118.65KB , 350x333 , ha.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I don't think kicking a bucket would prevent him from posting.
>> No. 286324

We know that Seanie's ideal man is probably based on Knuckles the Echidna. We also know that m00t enjoys dressing up like a little girl and that Kimmo Alm is... him.

It's a time-honored tradition that operating a chan board makes you an enormous homosexual deviant.
>> No. 286325
File 13519129601.jpg - (3.24KB , 124x126 , 1293714865897.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Oh, Phobos...
>> No. 286340
File 135191522954.png - (1.08MB , 666x9880 , my little OC.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Heard it was already in the making.
Also this.
Anyway, the only thing this movie did is made me argue with my friend because he thought the chick's part in the trailer is a reference to Starcraft because of the bug swarms...
>> No. 286347
>MLP movie.
That would be like dropping a bomb of fidty megatons of spasm! To your nuclear shelters people!
>> No. 286348
Just got back from the movie. The marketing department blew the vidya cameos way out of proportion in their advertising. Most of the cameos were concentrated in the first ten minutes, and they were completely gone after the first half hour.
>> No. 286349
>> No. 286365
File 135191787241.jpg - (20.44KB , 234x195 , 1324326377872.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I have a new favorite movie I must buy it when it comes out!!! Wreck it Ralph!!
>> No. 286368
Seanie is gay?
>> No. 286378
well being a tranny is enough to make him a fag in the likes of moot.

he one-upped moot.
>> No. 286383
Nope. Seanie is straight and in a relationship with Brittany Holechko, as confirmed by the ED article.
>> No. 286388
yeah, phobos has been here for one week and he confirmed it. don't people ever pay attention to anything anymore?
>> No. 286391
Whoreos is also the Wallflower. Don't forget.
>> No. 286435
Sonic is in it for all of 10 seconds , no exaggeration. The marketing just knows how to get vidya nerds to see it , actually Quebert is the character from a real game with the most importance in the film.
>> No. 286436
File 135195309457.jpg - (112.81KB , 1000x800 , colesmitheydrinkingstrawoffail.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
He'll go and give it a shitty rating, since it reminds him of his brother and craptacular mother.
>> No. 286449
They are marketing geniuses, include a bunch of popular characters for even a few seconds and then it's a merchandise bonanza!
>> No. 286450
I wonder how he'll try to fit it in with his political views? The whole comparing the helicarrier to Bush in Airforce One from his Avengers review still cracks me up
>> No. 286452
I predict it will have something to do with Ralph being Bush and Felix representing Obama and the whole thing being consumerist, Republican propaganda.
>> No. 286453
File 135196084336.png - (10.30KB , 301x59 , captcha.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh, wait, never mind. He loved it, apparently.
>> No. 286461
Point out where someone was upset about hipsters "takin mah vidya culture". They're not taking anything.
All that was said is that hipsters are homosexual deviants. And yes, we are well aware of what they are.
>> No. 286462
What's an Adventure Time shipper?
I love Adventure Time but I don't do anything weird to express my fandom also I'm not aware of any groups who act weird over it.
>> No. 286464
People who sperg about the "romances" in the show
>> No. 286466

He still has a horrible taste then.
>> No. 286467
What romances? The dog and that rainbow pony thing? Finn and the Princess Bubblegum or Marceline?
That's worth disscusion?

Fuck me.
>> No. 286468
Really? God damn it...
Well why is that a specific group? Could you not just lump them in with every deviantArtfag who spergs over the romances in everything they like?
Or is there something unique about an Adventure Time "shipper"?
>> No. 286469

Every fandom has shippers. You must be new to the internet if you don't know that.
>> No. 286471
There is even an episode about it where all the characters are genderswapped and it is revealed at the end of the episode it was just a fanfic written by the Ice King.
>> No. 286473
But why do the Adventure Time shippers stand out to you as opposed to any shippers?
>> No. 286480
I beg you pardon, I should have been more general, shipping, in any show, bothers me. I find it a deplorable practice, there must be something wrong with you when you pair up Joel with Mike, Bugs with Daffy, Bimbo with Koko the Clown.
Fandoms usually deform the shows they claim to love, using as an excuse to vent their frustrated sexual lives, or obsessions, assinine opinions, etc.
>> No. 286483
>bugs with daffy
I'm afraid I have some bad news for you
>> No. 286487
Awkward but funny.
>> No. 286514
Deplorable? It is just teenage girls, fat women in their 20s and 30s, and neckbeards trying to get further enjoyment (and emotional/physical satisfaction) out of their favorite shows to make up for their lack of a social life. Maybe you don't like it, but it is honestly rather innocent, all things considered. I doubt many of them try to use it to lure in children or OBLIVERATE the show or anything.
>> No. 286618
I miss slapstick violence.
>> No. 286663
File 135197957954.jpg - (51.64KB , 500x695 , whatcha-thinkin-bout-20809-1286070418-34.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>mfw I really liked this movie and had a fun time watching it and that makes other people angry

lol don't you all have something better to do than scream STOP LIKIN WHAT I DUN LIKE
>> No. 286708
Maybe you are right, I shouldn't overreact over some people getting off with written smut. I will try it.
>> No. 286814
File 135200322849.jpg - (72.41KB , 500x645 , tumblr_mcwhlqXC6A1rfrp2po1_500[1].jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
you mirin my original character do not steal?
>> No. 286816
File 135200328399.gif - (11.85KB , 160x200 , tumblr_mcwcq8LYl51qclllp[1].gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 286817
Here we go again, Johnny!
>> No. 286820
The movie already paired an awkward, unattractive foreveralone with a tomboyish little girl and a virginal "nice guy" with a hot action girl. I bet the neckbeards are all over it by now.
>> No. 286822
fuck this gay earth
>> No. 286823
I have no problem with rule34, but this is really one of those instances where they were so cute and innocent together that I have no interest in seeing porn of them.
>> No. 286824
Not even surprised by this
>> No. 286825
La puta madre, estos neckbeards!
>> No. 286827
> The marketing department blew the vidya cameos way out of proportion in their advertising. Most of the cameos were concentrated in the first ten minutes, and they were completely gone after the first half hour.
Only an idiot would expect anything else. Disney is not going to fork over the licensing cash for anything more than the bare minimum fair-use required by the plot to legitimize by association their completely made up just for the movie video game characters.

If Disney had ever planned to make a movie about other companies' trademarked characters the film would be "Donkey Kong", not "Wreck It Ralph".
>> No. 286828
>June 9th, 2012

>> No. 286829
Rule 34 cares not for what you are interested in seeing.

No exceptions.
>> No. 286830
Some people have no patience...
>> No. 286832
What's yer issue? That the date is months ago, or that the "artist" bothered to date it at all?
>> No. 286834
Makes a difference?
>> No. 286835
>mfw when people over 18 go to pixar movies, not dragging their kid(s).

>mfw when males over 11 go to pixar movies.

>I at least took my my second wife to see Flight.
>> No. 286836
He wrecked it.
>> No. 286837
The idea of Chris waiting outside of the theater for the first screening on opening day and clapping and cheering excitedly for Sonic is pretty great. Like, I bet this dumb movie was the hilight of his past year.
>> No. 286838
Haha, you saw a nigger movie! I just out edgied, brah.
>> No. 286839
Cwcki, when did you show up? I wasn't expecting guests today.
>> No. 286840
You don't fool anyone, it's not your wife, it's your blow-up doll.
>> No. 286852
the issue is someone apparently made porn of something before that something was even released.
>> No. 286882
Hell there's was porn on slashcoslash the first day Littlest Pet Shop was announced, and it just premiered today
>> No. 286894
Several years ago there was a /34/ board on 7chan and rule34.paheal was founded around the same time iirc. Since then, I think it has become a game of sorts to be the first person to make porn of something obscure or something so new it doesn't really even exist yet. Such is the perverted side of the internet, I guess.
>> No. 286896
Yes, but littlest pet shop is just another reboot like mlp and care bears. Wreck-It-Ralph was something arguably orginal.
>> No. 286899
File 135259155733.png - (28.27KB , 495x707 , Fix-It Felix and Coulhon.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
There's so much porn of these two.

I've never seen a Disney movie pump out this much porn this fast.
>> No. 286905
I wonder if Milf and Tomboy fetishes are a big thing with people with spasm and not just with A-log and Chris.
>> No. 286926
Humans can sexualize everything, from a piece of charcoal to the Winged Victory of Samothrace.
>> No. 287053
File 135266122687.png - (16.47KB , 408x149 , Screen shot 2012-11-06 at 3_27_25 PM.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 287083
File 135267070830.jpg - (3.72MB , 2300x3485 , Nike_of_Samothrake_Louvre_Ma2369_n4.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Winged Victory of Samothrace

To be fair, it's not like it takes fetishists much effort to sexualize it.

...There's probably a term for headless body fetishists, isn't there?
>> No. 287086
Yeah, they're called "serial killers"
>> No. 287088
>dem titties
>dem wings
>dat lack of head & arms
>> No. 287102
Keep your hands up!
>> No. 287105
To be fair, what's left of it is pretty hot.

>dem tits
>dat hint of nipples
>dem hips
>dat thigh
>> No. 287115
The hint of nipple was a nice touch. I also like how the sheerness of the fabric is suggested by the belly button dent.
captcha: eutels came
>> No. 287119
but that's an easy one to cure. You take them to a morgue and make them fuck a freshly decapitated body.
>> No. 287121
Yes........."make" them.........
>> No. 287143
Trust me, the fantasy wears off really fast. Especially when it's over.
Ah, med school. What a magical time.
>> No. 287216
>tfw visiting museum and all those Renaissance statues are giving me a half chub.

Feels weird man.
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