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File 135258310394.jpg - (604.45KB , 1920x1080 , stillmad.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
286853 No. 286853
It's been two weeks.

And Phobos is still tryin' hard.
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>> No. 286856
>/cwc/ stops discussing him and moves on to a new sperg of the week.
>He's still compulsively editing the ED page and gets his friend to spam us
>> No. 286858
What's with this weird little cult Phobos has?

Seriously, the mods kiss his ass like he's the pope or some shit. I've never seen them protect someone's ED article so only the person it's about can edit it.
>> No. 286859
and yet i still dont care.

also sup phobos
>> No. 286860
File 135258343489.jpg - (597.61KB , 1920x1080 , tryinghard.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It gets better

This is how Phobos spent his Friday night. PUSSY RUNNIN' LIKE WATER NIGGA
>> No. 286861
Yes, it's 8 hours on a Friday night editing his ED page.
>> No. 286862
What's the Cliffs on Phobos? Aware me, bros.
>> No. 286863
Well, at least we lost all evidence of the CWCkifags flooding.
>> No. 286864
some boring self-important fag trying too hard to be e-famous
>> No. 286869
There's a thread on him in /L/...long story short:

>Ween troll wants to troll Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles
>Someone makes the passing comment that he's a tryhard
>To dissuade this, he creates an in-depth ED page about 789chan
>ED weentrolls botspam board
>two weeks pass, nothing happens
>they still spam
>phobos still spends 8 hours on a Friday night updating an ED page that no one outside of 789chan or his galpals care about

He's also a regular Oh Internet user/contributor and wanted them to use his face for reaction images.

Their only "victory" is getting captcha implemented. Otherwise they just get buttmad and update their ED page.
>> No. 286872
Thanks, gents.
>> No. 286874
I like the addition of the sanic comic on there.

It's a win that I think of spurdo every time I enter a captcha? I don't see how that boosts their egos, but whatever.
>> No. 286875
File 135258442315.jpg - (91.34KB , 640x480 , Perfect_golden_ratio.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Some guy who looks like this
>> No. 286876

It's like Dante + Konata + Sephiroth + Hard Gay.
>> No. 286877
He's like someone left David Bowie out in the sun too long and some of the awesome melted off.
>> No. 286878
*all of his awesome
>> No. 286881
Keep trying as hard as you can, Phobbay!
>> No. 286883
Spurdo was the best flood
>> No. 286884
File 135258608991.jpg - (44.70KB , 621x665 , 134613015582.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The RWS flood was the best, due to the fact that it was so half-assed.
>> No. 286885
Wow, that is a whole new type of ween troll.
>> No. 286927
>> No. 286928
Fuck that spurdo flood was the best
>> No. 286932
Michael = Senie
Chris = Phobos

Called him a try hard, bragging about his hot sex life with IHM, and ripped up his IRC attraction sign. You are a cruel cold man, Seanie.
>> No. 286983
Wait, so, this guy is actually a girl?
Or a trans?
>> No. 287005
It's basically because the ED ops are just a bunch of teenagers looking to make a name for themselves on the internet. It's why I don't bother with it any more.
>> No. 287030
So is Phobos our version of Kimmo? Would that make new ED his own little AnonTalk?
>> No. 287041
That's...surprisingly apt.
>> No. 287045
I'd have to refuse leading any crusades to shut ED down. Anontalk flooding 4chan to hell for over a year while having tons of pedo topics and a paranoid ninja with assburgers for a sysop is one thing. Sure, ED is shit, but it still stands as the staw that breaks the lolcows back and sends them flailing madly into e-war just because they have an article on there. We can let it passively rot in its own filth; but actively trying to ruin it would only stroke phobos ego. As for the pawns doing phobos bidding for him, he must have a delicious cock, because he's playing them all for tools. What's he ever done for them?
>> No. 287051
He provided reaction images for the Oh Internet forums!
>> No. 287064
File 135266318273.png - (38.96KB , 657x149 , marfurious_sexy_whale.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>actively trying to ruin it would only stroke phobos ego.

That's exactly the issue I have with those few people who started the edit war after Phobos made the original article. bitching on the talk page kind of gave his circlejerk an excuse to spam LOL UMAD XD? It should have just been left alone for phobos to edit for hours by himself every day, which would have better exposed his obsessive narcissism.

Of course, on the plus side, it got Malfuros to post his embarrasing attraction photos on here, so there's that.
>> No. 287067
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