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File 135259317820.jpg - (37.95KB , 640x480 , 11_10_12 facebook pic.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
286909 No. 286909
Do you like his doggies ears, cwc? WELL? DO YOU? BETTER SAY YES!
Expand all images
>> No. 286912
I like them because it makes him look sort of like one of his beagles.
>> No. 286917
Who is this cute girl, OP?
>> No. 286925
File 135259480526.jpg - (27.81KB , 400x300 , SAILORSPERG.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 286936
Fake and gay
>> No. 286945
>Real and gay.

More accurate.
>> No. 286951
File 135260431881.jpg - (92.89KB , 640x480 , ratemychris.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 286963
Don't forget that beauty mark near his right eye that is clearly not a pimple.
>> No. 286978
Hmm, he seems to be wearing one of his trademark shirts.
captcha: summoned penecei
>> No. 286979
That is the face of a man who knows how to pound some motherfuckin' tomtom.
>> No. 286990
File 135261561646.gif - (5.48KB , 150x170 , bubbles.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 287002
File 135262879582.png - (386.75KB , 770x561 , mehorny.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 287011
File 135263771616.jpg - (21.27KB , 405x373 , 1347158710165.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Reminds me of marty.
>> No. 287012
>> No. 287016
A furry trap furfags fap to.

Because, y'know, fags.
>> No. 287027
And you would know this how?
>> No. 287029
He's a closet furry.
>> No. 287032
He's a dog
>> No. 287047
He's marty
>> No. 287049
He's julay
>> No. 287052
Those are clearly extensions
>> No. 287055
>> No. 287056
Chris has been a lot more active recently, we can probably expect a video out of him if Rocky stays out of it.
>> No. 287058
File 135266253553.jpg - (35.44KB , 334x500 , Chris's guidance counselor.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I know how it'll turn out.
>> No. 287059
Isn't Anna the one nowadays keeping an out for Chris?
>> No. 287061
Yeah, it's probably her doing.
>> No. 287069
Nah. His activity actually went down a bit in fall. The problem is that he posts most of his stuff privately on facebook, so when the stuff got leaked a few weeks ago, it seemed like Chris was active.
>> No. 287070
wasn't that because he bought an iphone and was goofing off on it
>> No. 287072
File 135266833440.gif - (304.42KB , 400x300 , 789065800_986604.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Kim Wilson They're really kawaii!~ :)
>> No. 287073
>no Snoop Dogg
>> No. 287074
File 135266926114.gif - (429.65KB , 400x300 , 810349796_1741304.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 287075
Fags on /v/ spam it.
>> No. 287078
where would he apply them? white people can't have them sewn in bc the weight of the extensions is too hard on the natural hair and scalp. plus, $$$. if he had clip in extensions, you would be able to see where they were clipped in. what's throwing everyone off are his receding hairline bangs which looked teased. lrn2blackwoman
>> No. 287079

Damn, popo.
>> No. 287080
I believe you, Homor. We know you are only interested in fictional automata.
>> No. 287081
File 135267013779.jpg - (50.54KB , 396x594 , w0dlk.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
call the jerkops, i don't give a fuck
>> No. 287082
Looks like he took it while in line at Chipotle.
>> No. 287107
The name is Chandler, Christian Christopher Ricardo Weston Chandler

One long island iced tea. Shaken, not stirred.
>> No. 287108
File 135267633347.jpg - (15.14KB , 400x300 , 268722.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 287112

>> No. 287114
>> No. 287127
>> No. 287155

Something happened to Dexters brain. Dee Dee took him and turned him into a girl.

Just as girl-Dexter kissed a pigs ass his brain returned to normal
>> No. 287159
Oh, I remember that episode. I found it strangely erotic.
>> No. 287211
It was a hen, actually. I didn't like that episode, too weird for me, but it was the first thing I thought of when I saw Chris's new hairstyle.
>> No. 287217
Holy fuck, first the medallion appears on a LEGO Chris, and now classic shirts!?

Still, I will miss the CWCker Oats Man/Benjamin Chandler.
>> No. 287220
He is becoming a hybrid being.
Soon Perfect Chris will rise again.
>> No. 287237
because you're a homosexual deviant with a feminization fetish
>> No. 287240
File 135272750094.jpg - (170.33KB , 640x480 , ChrisFixed.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 287242
really more of a lateral move
>> No. 287248
Going to be honest, there's really not a lot you can do with it.
>> No. 288236
Fat fucking retard.
>> No. 288241
So I see we have some new users, who aren't familiar with A-log. Either that or we have the actual A-Log back.
>> No. 288252
File 135301482759.jpg - (43.55KB , 537x720 , profile.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh, Chris. I wonder who is his audience now. I long for the carefree days, so many videos a week, we were spoiled.
>> No. 288299

Panchero's is better.
>> No. 289169
He looks fucking hideous! How does this fat retard think it's okay to go out in public like this?
I hope he bumps into a bunch of rednecks down there in Buttfuckersville and they kick the shit out of him!
>> No. 289174
>How does this fat retard think it's okay to go out in public like this?

How does half the fat, retarded trannies that pop-up on these forums think it's OK to look like a perverse creeper?
>> No. 289178
>> No. 289243
Misinformed nerds talking about hair extensions?
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