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No. 287023
  Season 3 has begun everyspergy , prepare your anuses for the newest mutations of the cheese coney virus. When will it end.
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>> No. 287026
Wave of mutilation.
>> No. 287037
Wave of perspiration.
>> No. 287040
The retardation is strong in these two.
>> No. 287048
So, the P-Virus is spreading. And it's going to be bigger than 4chan City.
>> No. 287060
I want a massive ponyfucker sucide, Jonestown style.
>> No. 287089
You are aware there are some cheese conies on this board, right?
Why do you hate our joy so much?

>> No. 287091

Hey, Aryeh.
>> No. 287092
File 135267190588.jpg - (12.52KB , 296x322 , eastwood.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
There were none, until you cwckihomosexual deviants moved in.
>> No. 287093
CWCki Forumers leave this place!
>> No. 287094
>> No. 287095
Horsefuckers, please go.
>> No. 287096
On an unrelated note, he DOES look like Bob.
>> No. 287101
I wish all ponyfuckers a slow, miserable, painful death, alone and afraid, knowing that nobody ever loved them. Witnessed only by the dead cold eyes of their uncaring plastic toys.
>> No. 287104
I didnt think it was possible to Alog cheese conies but there you go
>> No. 287109
Why am I A-Loging? I genuinely hate them.
>> No. 287110
that's called a-logging, a-log.
>> No. 287111

I'd rather nuke 'em. Either that or hope Postal 4 both doesn't suck and lets you kill them.
>> No. 287120
What's wrong with hating them? Aren't they obnoxious, creepy, waste of space and air imbeciles?
>> No. 287123
Also, they make mature cartoon watchers like me look bad.
>> No. 287128
>> No. 287129
Oh, we all hate conies here. But we're not trying to plot their murders, A-log. Like all lolcows, their retardation is our entertainment.
>> No. 287131
If I ever met a coney IRL, I would invite him to my bakery and offers him a cupcake. He would discover too late that the cupcake was drugged and wake up some time later strapped to a table in a darkened room decorated up like a party, but in place of streamers and balloons would be blood, bones and body parts. I would appear wearing a dress made from coney flesh and a necklace of coney wangs. I'd reveal that I have killed many other cheese conies and then tell him that "his number came up". I would then proceed to slowly and brutally mutilate him in graphic detail, eventually killing him.
>> No. 287133
I would just call them gay, but whateva
>> No. 287134
Shit, I knew I left something out. Okay, I'd call him gay, and then proceed to slowly and brutally mutilate him in graphic detail.
>> No. 287135

Sup, foxdick?
>> No. 287137
Those coneys make horsefuckers like me look bad
>> No. 287139
Are you guys intentionally trying to A-Log, or is everyone here an edgy epin ween sperg?

Not a coney. I just realize that the only reason MLP became so popular in the first place is because people on /b/, /v/, and /co got completely assdamaged over it.
>> No. 287140


>> No. 287144
what the fuck does >>>slashcoslash mean
>> No. 287147
You know the board for comics and cartoons? That's it spelled out. Wordbutter strikes again.
>> No. 287150
Wow, I didn't realize you could A-log so much.
>> No. 287161
>hates horsefuckers for being creepy spergs.
>not as bad as those alogs who hate Chris for being a creepy sperg.
>> No. 287163
>alone and afraid, knowing that nobody ever loved them. Witnessed only by the dead cold eyes of their uncaring plastic toys.
That's already pretty much guaranteed by default.
>> No. 287164
Since when /cwc/ is the Ponyfucker Defense Force?
>> No. 287167
It's one thing to not like My Little Pony, and to find cheese conies kinda creepy. It's something entirely different to rant and rave about how much you hate cheese conies and how you want them all brutally murdered due to their strange (yet harmless) interests.
>> No. 287168
Are you sad I don't masturbate to cartoon horses, ponyfucker scum?
>> No. 287169
Since the cwcki invaded.
>> No. 287170
That's how cheese coneys defend themselves.
>> No. 287171
Take care, homey
We are legion
All that repressed rage at you neurotypicals ponyhaters has to go somewhere
In my case it's as an avenging angel, raping hoomans
Self defense is the only way forward
>> No. 287172
I've been here since about Fall 2009. I'm not a coney, and as I implied in my other post, I find them to be pretty creepy virgin basement dwellers who probably smell bad and watch a show meant for 3 year old girls. However, I don't have a psychotic hate for them, and I don't want them all to be murdered. You do, and that's why everyone is caling you A-Log, as this is how he thinks about Chris.
>> No. 287210

Oh for fuck's sake, do you actually believe any of the "A-Logs" who talk about how they want to kill somebody are in any way serious? Why does a colloquial hyperbole suddenly become something serious on the internet?

It's no different than when people shout "Kill them!" at a sports match. Nobody's even hoping for an injury.
>> No. 287213
Don't waste your breath, this ponyfucker wants to play the victim card.
>> No. 287215
I wrote this song to express my TRUE AND HONEST feelings about cheese conies.

Torsos hang from their own intestines
Raped of all bodily extentions, stumps wreathing in a sludge
Like infection
Suffering through a Rancid amputation
A pulsating artery accomanied by some veins, slit with no restraint
Sacs of pus develop
My muscles tighten as I feel the rush
I look at your body starting gush
I slice through the limb, a human dissection portions of half-eaten
Flesh in my mouth
Starting to chew your now bleeding stump
I will swallow your pus your own rectal slime
I'll force you to drink
Vessels explode as needles injected
My brain tormented
Slit from head to toe, die through the torture
Disease engulfs you
Internal rot
Fresh cut wounds, beginning to clot
Ripping through flesh is what I do best
Tear off an arm
Amputated neck
Eyes removed, cranium smashed
Decomposing remains, severed in half
Dying slowly never to rest, nerves are quivering as I trip
Removal of life on the blade of my knife
Inserted in your spine, smashing through bone
Feel my hell, I feed on fright
Rape the limbless cadaver
>> No. 287221
File 135271709010.png - (80.26KB , 884x884 , 2349803jj.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 287223

I want more Spergfox, when is the next episode coming?
>> No. 287225
Should be done in about a week or so.
>> No. 287266
Well, I didn't believe there would be a 789 podcast, and here we are...
Neither that we would have people like phobos lurking around.
Not >>287172 but I wouldn't be surprised if we had that type of sperg around, mostly >>287109 >>287120.
>> No. 287350
Horsefuckers tend to be spastic to the point that they even out-sperg their A-Logs. Seriously hating someone for watching a kid's show is pretty spergy in itself, but it's still not as bad as basing your life around a show for little girls.

It is quite funny to see horsefuckers rage about being discriminated against though. Fursecution all over again.
>> No. 287355
Alog and his ilk usually are cheese conies too though.
>> No. 287356
Should have been more clear, by A-Logs I meant people who spew hate and death-threats towards horsefuckers to try and make themselves look better. With that said A-Log and chums tend to sperg over shows like Lucky Star and Thomas the Tank Engine, so they're arguably just as bad anyway.
>> No. 287380
File 135275271390.gif - (0.98MB , 550x280 , bronies.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Here's some footage I took of some cheese conies I "hung out" with last weekend, haha.
>> No. 287390
Somebody has been watching Half in The Bag!
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