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No. 287200
  >Do a presentation about hydrogen.
>Plaster ponies everywhere in it.

Good god, that voice, he even looks like one of these exaggerated nerds from the 90s sitcoms.
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>> No. 287212
And people get mad at me for suggesting we should lynch this failures.
>> No. 287233
  Here a guy looking into the physics of a show made for little girls
>> No. 287250
File 135272975849.jpg - (89.68KB , 470x502 , its_called_anime_dad.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>There will be ponies on every slide
>> No. 287254
Good God, how obnoxious.
>> No. 287255
I love how defensive he is towards people asking him questions, even if the questions are totally acceptable. I think the teacher even has to tell him to calm down at one point.
>> No. 287256
It's not just spaghetti everywhere. It's someone totally oblivious to the trail of spaghetti they're leaving.
>> No. 287258
I'm not gonna watch cause it would just enrage me further.

Tell me, is the crowd at least hostile towards him?
>> No. 287265
Yes. They even called him out on the ponies.
>> No. 287269
I wouldn't go that far. However, he probably shouldn't have put MLP in his presentation, and shouldn't have expected that no one laugh.
>> No. 287276

He isn't even talking about MLP here. At least all the other embarrassing presentations are somewhat related to the show but this? He just plastered pony pictures all over the place just to spite the audience. He's asking to be bullied.
>> No. 287279
I simply cannot watch these Pony school presentation videos, too much second hand embarrassment from these fuckers
>> No. 287282
I hope he gets all the bullying he deserves.
>> No. 287285

Imagine what the audience had to suffer through, they were forced to watch these.
>> No. 287311
Do you think he will ever look back at this and realize how big of a sperg he was at this point.

I look back at some of the shit i did in high school and wonder what the fuck was i thinking
>> No. 287323
File 135274609284.jpg - (23.87KB , 380x265 , 134126961797.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

This guy is the same kind of people you find in LGBT associations wearing rainbow bracelets and waving rainbow flags. They can't just be part of a movement/fanbase/circlejerk, EVERYBODY has to know about it. Every fanbase has this kind of people, but in the coney fandom it's the raging majority of them, even more than amongst furries (well, they're pretty much the same thing anyway).

Why? Well, I guess it has to do with the HOLIER THAN THOU feeling this people get from watching a children's show. "I don't need to watch action movies to be manly! You're close-minded and can't enjoy a good show just because it's not tailored to your age!". One way or another, season 3 is coming up and we'll see fucktons of their homosexual deviantry everywhere.

And to those little fucks who are always all "oh it's just a matter of PERSONAL TASTE!", let me make it clear. It's not the people who are part of the fandom the ones that piss me off, it's the little homosexuals like the one in OP's vid. They have to shove their colorful miniature horses into everything, and you can't even watch a youtube videos without seeing coneys in the related videos and in a shitfuck of comments.

Peace out.
>> No. 287327
I can smell that guy through the monitor.
The thing that makes ponyfuckers so special is that the entire fanbase is fucked up, annoying and preachy, is not like other fanbases who have normal persons and crazies mixed up. Ponyfuckers are all crazies.
>> No. 287336
I was talking about the lynching thing when I said I wouldn't go there. I feel that he should be made fun of for this as well.

>....but at least I wasn't a coney!
>> No. 287338

Wow, I've only seen such stereotypical nerd in parodies before. Man.
>> No. 287342
  The cheese conies have finally recognized that obesity is a huge problem in their fandom, and have created the coney Weight Loss Group as a result.

http://www.facebook.com/coneyWeightlossGroup (Replace the wordbutter)
>> No. 287353

They needed ponies to realize that, huh. Why do they need to base every aspect of their lives on a cartoons show?
>> No. 287358
Because they are fucking reatarded. Like that sperg son of a bitch who realized the Holocaust was a tragedy when he saw one of those fucking ponies plastered into a photo of the Warsow Ghetto.
>> No. 287360
A to the tism.
>> No. 287361
"Dude, I've been needing the motivation to get up out of my computer chair, set down the sodas, and get healthier. Especially with me wanting to join the Police Force after High School. I'm ready to do this with all my cheese conies!"

Great, a ponyfucker with power. This country is going down the crapper.
>> No. 287362
>implying that he will get the job
>> No. 287366
File 135275160231.gif - (7.19KB , 172x150 , YOUREACOP.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Simpsons already did this.
>> No. 287368
File 135275175183.gif - (593.28KB , 320x240 , 134247856473.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>mfw he's a cop and has to shoot a pony because it bit a kid
>> No. 287371
Spergs seem to drink so much soda they'd probably lose a fair bit of weight if they just switched to water.
>> No. 287395

Aw, shit, get ready for videos of hideous fatbeards doing calisthenics to "winter wrap-up."
>> No. 287416

Please, please make that real.
>> No. 287460
>Do you think he will ever look back at this and realize how big of a sperg he was at this point.

I doubt it becuase;

>I look back at some of the shit i did in high school and wonder what the fuck was i thinking

He likely does not have enough self awareness to learn from past mistakes like you or I can.
>> No. 287475
File 135275951226.jpg - (10.76KB , 170x226 , alog.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>We may have made some dumb mistakes in high school, but at least we weren't Chris Cha----I mean cheese conies!
>> No. 287478
Butthurt horsefucker detected.
>> No. 287479
Horsefucker detected.
>> No. 287483
Spastic horsebuttmuncher spotted!
>> No. 287484
I hope you are joking with that A-log skit.
>> No. 287494
Not even a horsefucker. I just think that the denial that coney A-logging exists is funny. I think that they're hilariously awkward manchildren as well, and I haven't seen one episode of MLP. However, I don't compare myself to them to reassure myself that I'm normal, like I've seen people do on here.
>> No. 287495
confirmed for horsefucker
>> No. 287497
Man, y'all are spergs the lot of ya. At least I don't compare myself to spergs to make myself feel better, I mean I'm better than that.
>> No. 287505
All I was doing was stating that the kid in the video likely lacks self-awareness, I fail to see how this is A-Logging.
>> No. 287506
confirmed for buttmad buttfrustrated buttmunching horsebuttfucker
>> No. 287509
This isn't even a manchild. Just a child. He's in 9th grade I think I heard him say, so what is he, 14? 14 year olds can be excessively oblivious and most of them have yet to shed any of their childlike tendencies.

Sure, it is doubtful he'll outgrow it, but come on, he's just a kid.
>> No. 287512
We are not comparing ourselves to these spergs, we are making fun of them. Is that so difficult to understand?
>> No. 287534
Why are you people defending horsefucke- oh wait, CWCkham Asylum shut down again.

Someone call Spergman, the fags are burning buildings.
>> No. 287549
As long as that's still the case, I'm happy.
>> No. 287560
>> No. 287628
File 135278831434.png - (566.40KB , 515x595 , rainbow dash us army.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

cheese conies being in power would be nothing new. They're already screwing around in the military.

http://www.thedaily.com/page/2012/07/20/072012-news-military-cheese conies-1-2/
>> No. 287640
The army isn't picky hon
If he becomes a general or something then maybe there would be cause for concern, but it just looks like he's another nameless private who thought going into the army would help him shed his tism
>> No. 287645
I'd imagine MLP is popular among soldiers because it's something childish and pleasant that helps them take the mind off the fighting. A similar thing happened during World War One when Jane Austen novels became popular in the trenches.
>> No. 287652
I thought they beat homosexual deviants up in the army?
>> No. 287655

Imagine being a solider for Allah, getting captured by Americans, and having to listen to pony songs while tied to a chair. This is the true face of islamophobia.
>> No. 287670
Well, I don't think there are strict quality controls in the Army, so their ranks must be filled with America's lowest common denominator.
>> No. 287672
They're people who basically volunteer to pump bullets into people without facing the responsibility of a murder investigation. They choose to do it, knowing fully what's in store for them, ad hoc rationalizations aside. Of course they attract weirdos, from across the spectrum.
>> No. 287673
This is actually probable.

I served in Afghanistan and Pokemon was pretty popular for that exact reason.
>> No. 287674
Hey, you can kill people and get a shiny badge and Gubmint cheese once you are done with the killing!
An excellent deal I must say.
>> No. 287690
No shiny badge in the trenches. Stripes make you a target.
>> No. 287764
Speaking of spastics...
>> No. 287837

I want that to happen because the reaction from cheese conies would be priceless, and we'd have enough lulz to last for a year.
>> No. 287858
File 135286736350.jpg - (38.00KB , 440x400 , spaghetti.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You know when I was like 12 I don't know, I was into beyblade. Despite that being relevant to the acceleration and centrifugal force chapters in physics class it would've never occurred to me to make a fucking presentation out of it.
>> No. 287963
>I may have sperged out over Beyblade but I wouldn't have made a PRESENTATION about it for SCHOOL! I'm not THAT stupid!

That being said, it was a pretty stupid idea.
>> No. 288075
>judging 9th graders

Stay classy, /cwc/

>> No. 288076
It's not that he's in ninth grade. It's that he's a coney.
>> No. 288078

Well that certainly negates the fact he's in 9th grade.

I'm sure you never did anything stupid at that age (assuming you're above it). Just look at the fine people you've become; posting on a board dedicated to making fun of retards on the internet, and getting so fanny flustered you have to call such unmentionables "cheese conies" to avoid an all-out panic to reach the hug box in time.
>> No. 288081

>Well that certainly negates the fact he's in 9th grade.

Exactly the case. Thank you for understanding.
>> No. 288091
>fanny flustered

ahaha, yeah, look at them getting buttfrustrated, they're laughing at people on the internet and pointing out how fucking stupid people are

laughing at people on the internet who make ridiculously poor decisions and then upload them to the public is for fags

btw there's a new cwcki forums right over there

just saying

just. saying.
>> No. 288111
When you reach a certain age, attacking the intelligence and social graces of a ~14 year old kid just feels weird. Sure, I guess it is funny to see something like this, but kids trying to wedge whatever dumb shit they enjoy into a school project is nothing new and nothing uproariously entertaining. I guess I often forget that a decent portion of this site's users probably aren't too much older than him, so whatever.
>> No. 288121
You do realize that coney is a certain type ofMLP fan and not just anybody who happens to like the show, right? Putting pone on a slideshow is a far cry from fapping to rule 34 of Rainbow Dash and asking your mom to drive you to the mall for the local meetup. And like other people said, he's still a kid. Don't ask me how, but that makes it not as bad,somehow.
>> No. 288122
He will still be doing it as a college student. Hopefully his taste will have matured by then.
>> No. 288126
Now THERE's a cwcki refugee.
Yes just watching the show is okay but I say this is already way past that.
The best cheese conies are the one you don't notice.
>> No. 288132
I'm not from the Cwcki, I can see how you'd think that though
I was too defensive in that post, but come on, it's true. That kid comes off as awkward and maybe even a little spergy, but not as a br(o)ny.
>> No. 288133

>Not coney
>shoving ponies into completely unrelated things

Seems like typical coney behavior too me.
>> No. 288140
Seems like we have a ponyfucker provocateur in our board.
>> No. 288150

We do not tolerate anything pony related and we will laugh at coney losers like you.
Deal with it cheese conies or go away.
>> No. 288152

Throwing pony shit into a completely unrelated presentation is pretty obviously something a self labelled coney would do. It's not all about clopping, you know. And whether he's 14 or not, this is still a show for little girls.
>> No. 288162
File 135297872364.jpg - (20.39KB , 350x277 , 1331210130373.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>defending someone who, regardless of age, watches a show for little girls

Horsefuckers, get out.
>> No. 288164
You know, on a board where everyone watch its own cartoons, the mods make their own podcast, and the admin is a 18 year old sonicfag, this argument does get stale.
Yes they are retarded and the OP vidz prove it but watching a cartoon, even if its for girls, isn't the only reason for that, it's not like /cwc/ is a board full of manly men who vote for Romney and practice every sunday with their assault rifle.
>> No. 288171
>board full of manly men who vote for Romney and practice every sunday with their assault rifle.
What the Hell has this to do with being part of one of the most obnoxious, creepy and sanctimonious fandoms in existence?
What we criticize is the obsession, centering your life around a cartoon, that's our point, the kernel of all the hate you and your ilk receive.
>> No. 288172
>Someone criticises cheese conies
>Well, they're obviously some macho Republican gun nut

Is it so hard to admit that normal people find you homosexual deviants creepy and obnoxious that you have to invent ridiculous strawmen like these, turning it into how we supposedly hate you for not being manly macho men who watch action movies and shoot guns or whatever.

We don't mock you guys because we think you're gay or because we're insecure in our masculinity. We mock you because you're ridiculous socially unaware sexually perverted retards.
>> No. 288174
The way they constantly claim not having any issues with their masculinity just because they watch a girls show, shows that hey, indeed, have masculinity issues.
>> No. 288176
I fucking know all that, I was just answering to >>288162 because the way he putted it up was too simplistic for this place, that's all.
>> No. 288188
File 135298992420.jpg - (25.48KB , 640x353 , coneys.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
fucking conies all up the this thread
>> No. 288195
File 135299404273.jpg - (9.11KB , 259x194 , 1341295496549.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


Pic amazingly related: you.

PD: you want to fuck cartoon horses.
>> No. 288198

youre either trolling or cant detect sarcasm

probably both, knowing /cwc/
>> No. 288201
holy shit get out fag
>> No. 288202
File 135299728919.jpg - (46.39KB , 640x480 , 134731516620.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

This is you.
>> No. 288207
You do realize that coney is a certain type of cwcki refugee and not just anybody who happens to have migrated from the cwcki forums, right? Putting JULLAY on a slideshow is a far cry from fapping to guro rule 34 of Rainbow Dash and asking your mom to drive you to the mall for the local circlejerk. And like other people said, he's still a homosexual deviant. Don't ask me how, but that makes it not as bad,somehow.
>> No. 288208
Oh god! Not the cards! Fuck!

>> No. 288209

this thread has entered thread hell

people are just babbling and smearing shit on the walls now
>> No. 288210
Why are these low-lives allowed to waster our precious oxygen?
>> No. 288212
>Putting JULLAY on a slideshow is a far cry from fapping to guro rule 34 of Rainbow Dash and asking your mom to drive you to the mall for the local circlejerk.

I will bet any amount of money that he does both of those things.
>> No. 288215
>see thumbnail
Oh, someone made a paper mache pony.
>notice trash cans and door
>> No. 288255
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