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File 135273616094.jpg - (107.35KB , 500x666 , ARKHPROJECT.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
287262 No. 287262
Just a friendly little reminder: This thing is still raising money despite the fact that it's been seven months without so much as even a design document.

The person behind this project still refuses to hire white people and accused both Homestuck and Double Fine of racism because they raised more money than them.
Expand all images
>> No. 287263
>complain about white video game character
>put a whitey mcwhiterson first thing on your video game poster
>> No. 287264

Maybe he's transethnic or something.
>> No. 287270
Well, gay [i]is[/] something a lot of white boys like to use to feel persecuted. But also keep in mind that the word gay by default usually means male white homosexual deviant, and considering how animu he be it's obvious the character is meant to take it up the asshole.
>> No. 287275
So wait, is every character some sort of SJ gay, gender-queer?
>> No. 287277
Also, I can't wait until the hoards of SJers start bitching on their tumblr that there are no obese invalid characters to be found.
>> No. 287278

why not LGBTQPON? just get all the tumblr words in there?
>> No. 287283
File 135274096110.jpg - (187.24KB , 375x500 , wraith.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Invalid characters would be OP because they'd come with a free mount.
>> No. 287284
> It's LGBTQRGWJEIKÑLO, you cisgender pig!
>> No. 287286
>People of color.
Sounds racist, call the Tumblr police!
>> No. 287288

Whoever is behind this is quite talented, too bad said talent is wasted on this dead end SJ bullshit.
>> No. 287289
I'm sure the video gaming masses are eagerly awaiting for a completely politically correct game.
>> No. 287290
File 135274202965.gif - (300.58KB , 229x216 , Arkh_Project_Same_Face.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Talented though they may be, whoever's drawing the concept art has a big problem with sameface.
>> No. 287291

Now that puts the whole thing in a different perspective.
>> No. 287292

Check your priveledge, homor-san
>> No. 287293
This is a complain I keep hearing from almost every artist on the Internet. How do you avoid sameface?
>> No. 287294
>No zits, moles, wrinkles, fatrolls, odd proportions, missing eyeballs, or tumors.

Artist needs to check his beauty privilege.
>> No. 287295

We really need to alert the tmblr SJ squad about this blatant bigotry.
>> No. 287296
I hope it makes millions... and delivers nothing.

It'll be hilarious. Hopefully a wake up call to Tumblr idiots. Although I doubt the tumblr SJ fandom is big or rich enough to be able to contribute that much money.
>> No. 287297
>and people of colour

That phrase annoys me no end. It implies that all colours other than white are different, and that all non-whites are easily grouped into one lump of coloured people. It just makes me think of self-righteous white people patting random black people on the back and saying "I know your pain bro".

I hate SJers so much.
>> No. 287298
File 135274302818.jpg - (1.71MB , 1200x4870 , Lackadaisy drawing tips.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Most of the time the criticism is unfounded and it's just internet people being douchebags. However, it does seem to be a big problem with certain artists.

Sometimes it's just the expressions and reactions characters have that can make all the difference. Characters that smile differently, emote differently, that kinda thing.

This might help a bit.
>> No. 287299
I could swear I saw some plagarized animu in there. The fags from that show a while back that got banned in China after a kid wrote down some names in a notebook.
>> No. 287300
>no obese people
>no ugly people
>no disabled people
>no 'mentally different'
>"people of color" look white, mixed race at best.

If it ever comes out it'll cause massive buyers remorse in its target audience.
>> No. 287301
The person who wrote that particular instance is half black half jesuitish if memory serves. And it's gender is blob.
>> No. 287302
You mean Death Note? I think your right. One of those characters that flashes up looks like L from it.
>> No. 287304
Really, a non-white SJer? I'm actually a bit surprised. The language they use is so... patronizing.
>> No. 287305
That chart looks interesting, thanks.
>> No. 287306
>A little update to show you we haven’t poofed. Since it’s school time we’ve slowed down but not stopped! Here is one of the animations we’re using in the test level.

Fucking College Liberals
>> No. 287308
If I remember right they already blew the money they rose.
>> No. 287310
I have the feeling that SJers pretend to stand up for minorities in order to control them or exert power upon them.
>> No. 287313
Giving a black person big lips or an Asian squinty eyes would be racist, so sameface is inevitable.
>> No. 287315
That's awfully furry there, Homor.
>> No. 287317

>homor tries to explain something

>posts furry propaganda

>> No. 287318
I was an investor I wouldn't even look at that game without a design document or a development timeline.
>> No. 287322
I say ok. If it can be a choice ala fable or mass effect. But if it is forced. Well fuck that. Also seven months and not so much as a design sketch is produced. I think this is a scam aimed to exploit lbgtq community.
>> No. 287324
Just stop. We have too many tripfags here as it is.
>> No. 287325

LGTBT confirmed for most gullible community

They gave that woman dunce a shit ton of money to research mysogony in video games and she ended up taking a vacation and asking the donors to do the work

Kickstarter confirmed for worst thing to ever happen
>> No. 287326
It's real, but it's a hair-brained idea where the people behind it decided to do it without actually having any idea how to do it, so it will inevitably collapse into tumblr cannibalism.
>> No. 287329
What if the big twist at the end is that every character are headmates of the main cisgender heterosexual evil white villain, and the whole game was him coming to terms with his privilege?
>> No. 287330
File 135274678748.png - (2.23MB , 1136x1180 , Lackadaisy Cats - Humans.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Lackadaisy Cats

Everyday i come here i lose a little more faith in this community.
>> No. 287331
It's a problem for "artists" who don't fully learn how to draw, only how to copy. They end up with a very limited scope of things they can draw.
>> No. 287332
So, basically the same issue that B^Uckley has.
>> No. 287333

Moronic samefag.
>> No. 287334
I think it is more of a problem of an artist finding what people like from them, making a drawing formula for their works, going into FAPPINGTON control, and never really having to do anything different since their fans think they shit gold. 90% of art is learning to copy correctly, anyway, and if you really learn how to copy, you won't have much of a sameface problem since a google image search will give you hundreds of different faces for reference.
>> No. 287337
Y'see, the artist can clearly draw humans and draw them quite well. Why make them cats? If you can tell the same story with human characters, why do they all have to be cats at all?

Unless, of course, the artist has some sort of furfag perversion...
>> No. 287341

Ah, wordbutter, you magnificent bastard you.
>> No. 287343
The author is a woman. She likes to look at cute things. The comic is set in the Prohibition era, which is not cute. So she turned everyone into cats, now it's cute.

That's really the best i can figure. From what I've seen of this comic, it doesn't raise any of the red flags i usually see when i look at furry shit.
>> No. 287344

>when i look at furry shit.

>> No. 287345
Kind of reminds of a certain movie on youtube.
Also this video.
>> No. 287348
> people of colour

not racist.

> Coloureds


SJ you make no sense. I was pretty far left for some time and spent a lot of time around lefties. Dunno what happened but in the last year or so this SJ bullshit has just taken over. Fucking ruined it.
>> No. 287349

Fuck that shit and fuck the dumb bitch that made it.
>> No. 287352
Careful, cut, edge, etc.
>> No. 287357
>I hate SJ cause they make LEFTIES like ME look bad

I know that feel, bra, I know that feel
>> No. 287370

It is furry. The characters are anthropomorphized animals, and therefore furry. Just deal with it Homor; nobody gives a fuck unless you're going to post porn.

Please don't post your Lackadaisy Cats/Gary Gears porn.
>> No. 287375
File 135275211764.jpg - (226.93KB , 634x476 , RobotUnicornattak.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
robot furry attack
>> No. 287379
File 135275249889.png - (10.97KB , 175x196 , L.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Yeah, he walked right into that one, but he's right. This looks like old-style Disney cartoon animals. The faces are emotive and humanized without losing the catlike features, but also without giving undue attention to them like furfags do. If you look at Casey's stuff he makes a point of extending the snout away from the face. He draws human bodies, but all the body parts are 100% animal.

Don't give them any ideas.

Yeah, that's definitely L.
>> No. 287381
File 135275272510.jpg - (35.76KB , 300x223 , Looney Tunes.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>The characters are anthropomorphized animals, therefore furry.
>> No. 287382
Augh yeah fokes, a bowla wordbutter!
>> No. 287383

>This looks like old-style Disney cartoon animals.

Where do you think furries got the idea for this shit in the first place?
>> No. 287384
Watching Looney Tunes and Disney doesn't make you a furry, fapping to them, makes you one.
>> No. 287385
Only Homor can derail an SJ thread into furhomosexual deviantry
>> No. 287387
Makes you a manchild though. Or a new parent.
>> No. 287388
Sorry bro but the general opinion is animal anthropomorphism = furry, I'm not sure how her being a woman changes anything either.
>> No. 287389

Yes, actually. "Furry" is just a term for it that popped up in the 90s.
>> No. 287394
Alright, this is my baby, so i'm gonna drown it.

No more talking about furries, please.
>> No. 287396
File 135275370159.png - (169.11KB , 320x240 , Street_Sharks.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Nothing wrong with anthropomorphic characters. It's the weird sexualized stuff you have to watch out for.
>> No. 287402
>this is my baby, so i'm gonna drown it.
>not posting the rosechu drowning scene
you're slipping homor
>> No. 287406
Also this.
>> No. 287407
How much money did this game recieved?
>> No. 287412
Sorry: how much money did it get?
>> No. 287423
About $6000 at this point.
>> No. 287433
A fine copypasta, but no mentions of jesuits, condom, or Negi's dick.
>> No. 287434

>> No. 287456
One day while browsing slashcoslash, I felt thirsty and decided to FAPPINGTON down to the local convenience store. When I got there I noticed some cheese conies who were being total homosexual deviants. Not letting them OBLIVERATE my sense of cocksment, I decided to shit his pants and do nothing. When I returned home, I decided to check out /cwc/ to further sodomize my time. To my horror, I discovered sperghomo had made several new posts. To bury them, I bumped the Sammy thread, hoping the latex balloon fucker would be enough to make people forget about the 51 year old spastic jesuit hater. That guy's a pretty cool guy, after all. He's probably got a Negi's dick too. Fuckin' fiscal conservatives. It almost makes me pine for the days when Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles was still raving like a madman and giving us all sorts of great cocks. Instead, we're left with a fat Dane who hates condom and latex. Thouroghly disgusted, I decided to watch spasM 2: GENETIC BOOGALOO instead. After the movie ended, I decided to play rimming Thorg for awhile. I have to get a higher level character than my friend Arm, after all. Then he'll let me into his Paul David "Eyebrows" Smith stonecutters. I've heard they're going after phobos' whipping boy and Malfurios next.
>> No. 287463
gay fat nigger
>> No. 287465
6K, most of which I believe they blew on 3 or 4 models.
>> No. 287467
File 135275900140.gif - (500.17KB , 300x268 , thatsracist.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 287480

>Avtistic Mad-Libs.

captcha: enGorged California
>> No. 287482
You talking about that Anita Sarkeesian debacle, right? Did they ever confirm it was a scam? I though the jury was still out on that on
>> No. 287503
Well, yea. You can get quite a lot of money if you appeal to emotion or fantasy enough.

Anita is pretty smart in that regard, anyone who knows anything about Feminism knows that if you bring it up, Feminists come in along with MRAs who both give their opinions and all that. The shitstorms start (since, lets be honest either group is known for intelligent memebers)
and end with many badmad over nothing. Anita more or less just used this fact for free money and extremely easy advertising to her Kickstarter.
>> No. 287510
If her website is to be believed, she's WORKIN' ON IT. But, if she ever gets bored or lazy with it, I'm sure she can just throw out the dirty dang cissymen harassin' her card and get other people to do it for her for free or at the very least get forgiveness for taking many months for what will be the equivalent of a YouTube rant filmed with an expensive camera and professional-ish lighting.
>> No. 287511
Is she really a she or is he a he?
>> No. 287515
She is more like an "it".
>> No. 287516

Most of the people that gave her money admitted they never had any interest in her output, but gave her money "to make misogynist trolls mad! XD". She knows that, and if and when the videos ever manifest, they're not going to be much different than the free shit she was doing for free. Why should they be? Anitas a bottomfeeder to be sure, but let it never be said bitch didn't know exactly what she wanted and got it with ease.

Which actually reminds me of Arkh in a lot of ways, really. Not quite as much attention, but there really was a push to get this game the same "Look, non-traditonal medis is being TROLLED! All us super tolerant, good and decent folk should chip in That'll learn em!" free money that Sarkeesian got.

tl;dr a lot of these people give money full well that nothing will come of it, but somehow the action of giving the money is itself a step for progress. Somehow.
>> No. 287518


Though unusually they apparently updated the article with less than flattering shit about the guy/girl/thing.
>> No. 287519
> a lot of these people give money full well that nothing will come of it

I really doubt that is true. They probably just convince themselves of that after they stop and think and realize they got scammed.
>> No. 287520
It didn't help that apparently she was trolled hard for trying to blow the lid off the secret woman-hating propaganda spread by those terrible misogynistic gamers and game makers or something. I would assume the truth is that she was attacked for taking advantage of her status as a female gamer (which excites other female gamers and lonely men gamers who think that being nice to her means that maybe one day they will be allowed to hear her fart through a walkie-talkie) to get attention and money out of people for an unnecessary project that should probably require little to no external funding.

From her outline, I got the impression this is something you'd see in an intro level college course because somebody found a "clever" way to make their game playing part of a class project.
>> No. 287526
Not sure how true this is, but word on the chans is that Anita actually went on to /v/ for shitstirring and viralling her videos and kickstarter.

But I'm not sure if it's /v/ being /v/ making up shit or if it's a legit event.
>> No. 287546
  Literally all that the "lifelong gamer" Anita did in over 3.5 months was a "Television Interview about Harassment in Gaming".

Previously, she also linked to this:


>Here are some of our favorites, some user-generated.

Fucking Christ, just check this shit.
>> No. 287550
For fuck's sake! They are just video games, you fucking cunt! Why do these SJers make a mountain out of a molehill?
>> No. 287552
Arkh isn't on Kickstarter, it's on IndieGoGo, the Canadian version.

Which is actually much worse. With Kickstarter if you don't meet your funding goal, everybody gets their money back. With IndieGoGo they can milk this as long as they want. They'll keep setting ridiculous goals, then when they don't make that much they just take the money and say they need more and put it back up.

They've been doing this for seven months. Along the way all they've released is more artwork, a webcomic on deviantart, and an unbelievable amount of posts attacking white people, straight people, and anyone who isn't transgender.

In fairness, most of the hatred and idiocy is coming from the tub or lard running it, not the other two. They seem to just want to scam the internet, not spread hatred.
>> No. 287553
>Most of the people that gave her money admitted they never had any interest in her output, but gave her money "to make misogynist trolls mad! XD".

"I was going to donate to Arkh anyway, but now that you've posted this, I'm doing it to spite you in addition to the fact that I want to support such an amazing project."

That was in the comment section. Show some genuine concern, SJers think your beatin' down on the darkies.

I love the fact these idiots are getting coned. it's just sad they are too delusional to realize it.
>> No. 287557
I would call what SJers suffer from a variant of the Dunning-Kruger effect. For those unfamiliar, the short version is that a person is too stupid to know that they are stupid.

Now tell me: Does that sum up SJers?
>> No. 287559
the same could be said for the totally not mad sephiroth clone
>> No. 287562
Goddamn. Why does nobody seem to realize that she gets shit because she is using her gender to get money for a lazy project that does nothing to help anybody?

Everybody gets harassed in online games. They seem to act like females are the only ones who get picked on in online games or that the only time such bullying matters is when women are the ones who get picked on.
>> No. 287566
File 135277565373.jpg - (372.17KB , 1280x1141 , ageist_gamers.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>targeted to audience in late 30's and should not be playing games anymore.
Check your age privilege, gamers.
>> No. 287567
When I hear "check your privilege" all I think is "you should feel bad for having a better life than me"

Sorry I can piss standing up, lady. Guess God likes me more
>> No. 287568
All that macro needs is a couple lines saying that the makers of Double Fine Adventure smell like poopy and kill kittens.
>> No. 287569
Well, that is what you should hear, because as far as I know that's exactly what it means.
>> No. 287572
>waah, the game targeted towards individuals with more disposable income made more money than ours!
captcha: $12,500-$15,000 aNetway
>> No. 287573
Reminds me of a sociology class I once too. Was told point blank that I'm not allowed to have an opinion on gay marriage or abortion because I'm a heterosexual male
>> No. 287574
Social Sciences are nothing but bullshit.Sorry if I'm being blunt, but that's the fact.
>> No. 287575
Hmm, so if you happened to be for gay marriage and abortion, you were still expected not to provide input (or votes) on the issue?
>> No. 287576
File 135277801852.jpg - (91.06KB , 425x399 , Cis-Scum!.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Maybe the scammers...I mean, developres of Arkh should ask Johnny Turbo how to carry out a good PR campaing.
>> No. 287577
I would say that sociology is the most bullshit.
Never got a straight answer on that. Pun intended
>> No. 287578
Oh, yes, Sociology is the (gender)queen of the bullshit pyramid.
>> No. 287579
What is this game about? Dudes having adventures in cocktail dresses?
>> No. 287580
Probably your run of the mill fantasy game where characters are arbitrarily labelled as trannies or minorities despite their actual appearances.

Wait, I just implied that there may actually at some point be a game to go with this. Never mind.
>> No. 287581
Who wouldn't want to play a game like that?
>> No. 287582
Who cares about plot when you can finally play as a black lesbian tranny?
>> No. 287608
If you take a look at all the bits of plot floating around its worse than you would expect.
>> No. 287616
I vaguely understood, but what I recall of the webcomic was more or less, they're in like an... afterlife sort of? Everyone's an immortal god or something, and new arrivals are enslaved by older spirits, but this is portrayed as a positive situation. The darker skinned characters are the masters over the lighter skinned ones, and everyone with boobs has a dick and everyone without boobs has a vagina, and they all look vaguely androgynous if they don't have obvious breasts.

It's supposed to be a 2D RPG too.
>> No. 287629
Ah, so at best the donors will get a game made using nothing but premade material found in RPGMaker.
>> No. 287630
I'd feel sorry for them getting scammed if SJers weren't such reprehensible people
>> No. 287649
Fucking lefty liberal, you should accept all religions (but not atheism)
>> No. 287651

So everything that cannot be tested via the scientific method is pseudo-science?

Don't be silly. Humanities aren't sciences, everyone knows that. However retards (on all points of the political spectrum) tend to treat their chosen ideas as proven scientific facts.

They aren't; pretty much everything in a humanity can be debated and is open to interpretation.

Ah that was pointless.
>> No. 287657
  Can you spergs stop derailing threads for once?
>> No. 287658
I should straight up ban you fuckers right now.
>> No. 287659
File 135280749021.jpg - (11.16KB , 300x183 , 300px-Harry_Callahan.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Do ya feel lucky

well do ya

>> No. 287660
Not particularly, no.
>> No. 287662
Time to get this train on track.
>> No. 287663
File 135280957549.gif - (0.97MB , 500x280 , 954407 - Anita_Sarkeesian Feminist_Frequency anima.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Also http://kirksigmon.com/2012/10/what-anita-sarkeesian-cant-do-an-anonymous-guy-apparently-can/

Pic possibly related.
>> No. 287667
>The darker skinned characters are the masters over the lighter skinned ones.
So, slavery is bad only when practised by whiteys?
>> No. 287679
So do they have a time line or such? Also what platforms do they plan to release on? Or is all this spectcultory?
>> No. 287680
What do you think?
>> No. 287681
Chances are good that they will just release it on PC via Mediafire, as they may not have the ability to at least get it on Steam. And I'm sure the big three consoles companies would likely reject it or at least, these SJs would have a hard time dealing with them.
>> No. 287682

Exactly, but reverse-racism is a myth, like the Loch Ness monster or unicorns.
>> No. 287684
Last someone said that to me i said "I agree, because when you hate someone because of their skin, it's just plain racism."

His face turned bright red while he was yelling at me.
>> No. 287685
coney draws regular pony with huge human boobs attached to her crotch and now is offended by people taking a notice.

>> No. 287686
Also part 2, while Anita's of course still 'researching'.
>> No. 287716

I needed a good laugh.
>> No. 287727
Aren't there some NSFW drawings of Anita that some mysogonyst could post?
>> No. 287734
File 13528276046.png - (649.58KB , 760x1500 , FF.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Like that?
>> No. 287739
File 135283005817.png - (363.04KB , 791x1200 , 1348448867353.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Man this artist is gold
>> No. 287740

I'm sure she has some huge daddy issues and profusely enjoys kinky sex
>> No. 287744
Don't all these "feminists" like to claim to be humongous perverts?
>> No. 287754
Give this vid a watch.
>> No. 287781
That's...actually well-drawn.
>> No. 287784
If those really were drawn by Buckley, I may have to re-evaluate my disgruntled hostility towards him.
>> No. 287790
They weren't.

It's not hard to tell.
>> No. 287792
File 135284392744.jpg - (244.33KB , 1200x1380 , 1351188548679.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I wish the artist had an actual site instead of just posting them on 4chan
>> No. 287793
It's funny they used to love those two until they made some joke about calling a pokemon a nigger or something.
>> No. 287795

Egoraptor is making racist jokes since forever, how come it is only now a problem?
>> No. 287798
SJ on the rise, bro.
>> No. 287800
Oh boy what a shocker, Tumblr turning on someone because of something petty and stupid? Color me surprised.

Let's see, the enemies of Tumblr now include:
- Questionable cocks
- Prequel
- Homestuck
- Grey Deslise
- People who make Korra fanart
- Doublefine
- Adventure Time
- Marvel & DC comics
- My Little Pony and it's fanbase
- Video games in general
- Game Grumps

This list keep growing bigger and bigger as time goes on, Tumblr keeps picking fights with webcomic artists, fanbases, just anybody anyone they have the ability to contact they turn into an enemy.

I wonder if they'll ever have the capacity to ask themselves "wait, is it all these people, or is it just me?"
>> No. 287801
>People who make Korra fanart
Can you give me the TL;DR of that one?
>> No. 287802

Where the fucks the podcast homor?

I want to hear you talk about this, not read text
>> No. 287803
I can take him a little more seriously in text form.
>> No. 287804
Tumblr thought certain fan artists drew Korra "too white" Proceeded to throw a hissy fit and spew bile at said artists, many of whom ended up in tears.

As it turns out, it was just the lighting and people were freaking out over nothing, but it's a given since Tumblr SJers don't know anything about art at all. All they're capable of doing is crusading and bitching.
>> No. 287806
Homor, how much time do you spend on tumblr to learn these things? I would have no idea about any of this were it not for you and you alone, atheist circlejerking aside.
>> No. 287818
where have i heard this before. oh i know. didn't rich kuta about sonic having green eyes in sonic 4. the reasoning behind this devientcy astounds me.
>> No. 287819
>> No. 287835

Or his fits over that shitty SpergAM animation clip he had made.
>> No. 287844
File 135286155528.png - (112.16KB , 335x240 , sadblackman.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

please go away shitty new namefag

>mfw when i cant say gb2 cwcki forums anymore
>> No. 287857
Wasnt there actually a study that showed it was higher amongst black men? No surprise with all the blacks going to prison, but that doesn't paint a pretty picture for the fag rights groups.
>> No. 287859
hi autphag
>> No. 287860
There's homosexuals in any group of people no matter where they are whether there's a poll/study done. So what?
>> No. 287862
File 135286932665.jpg - (24.47KB , 233x197 , band4lyfefag.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Not me, but he's damn right. It isn't good news either for those negroes or the f@ggots.
>> No. 287865
File 135286988428.png - (77.43KB , 320x480 , yw5gs.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Well, there is one thing higher among gay black men:

>> No. 287886
>>Game Grumps

Over what, the Mary Kate & Ashley episode?
>> No. 287891

You forgot to include fellow SJ fags in the enemy list, remember they often cannibalize each other.
They are such super specialized snowflakes they find everyone offensive but themselves. Each of them has hi/her/zir own set of trigger bullshit so no wonder they don't get along with anyone.

It is impossible not to offend them.
>> No. 287895
In that case, i guess i should just add "everyone" to the list, because everyone in SJ is so hyper-sensitive that they can basically rip each other's heads off for using the wrong pronoun.
>> No. 287897
>> No. 287900
Damn, she's quite the cutie. I'd frag her anytime though, she sounds like a great gamer.
>> No. 287902

I wonder what the world would be like if it was run by SJ people. I think most people would rather not talk at all because they might accidentally say something remotely offensive and fall victim of the SJ gestapo. Cispeople would probably live in ghettos if they weren't sent to gulags. All in the name of equality and tolerance. I really don't understand how they are unable to see the irony, these people supposed to be educated yet they are dull as fuck.
>> No. 287905
It would likely be something like this;

>All "straight and cis" males off the bat are secondary citizens. Having a real penis is something to be ashamed of
>But, not all of them are counted as equal. Blacks for instance, being PoC are on the top of male citizens.
>Native Americans and Latinos are next on the tier list. They would be asked to sit at the back of the bus if a black man said something
>Asians are next.
>Whites are on the bottom, and have to yield to every other race

>"straight cis" females are normal citizens. And the racial divide exists here too. So that a white woman is only a little more valuable than a black male (which is insulting to both races, but they wouldn't care)

>Transgendered and homosexuals are higher than the women. With transgendered people more important than homos because they are still "cis scum"

>Then there's religion which is higher than gender and race and goes on a tier list like this;
> Atheism > Judaism > Islam > Hinduism > Buddhism >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Christianity

tl;dr, it'd be a society where everyone is somehow higher than another due to crazy loopholes and is more racist than anything else in history.
>> No. 287914
I THINK that you have that wrong in the religion thing. Aren't SJers very pro Islam because those goddamn cissymen have been conducting a terrible smear campaign against those poor brown people or something? Funny, since Islam is rather socially conservative, as far as I know, and would often be at direct odds with SJ ideology.

Islam > Hinduism > Buddhism > Atheism > Judaism >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Christianity
>> No. 287916
Tell a towelhead about genderqueer and transpeople and privilege, he will hang you from a crane in no time.
>> No. 287917
You are correct about Islam but you forget that most modern SJers are atheists so atheism needs to be near the top. After all if most SJers believe it it must be correct.
>> No. 287918
I'm reading ARKH design document and Jesus fuck
>Ability system that requires you power down with each new world, instead of powering UP.

>We’re not going the class system or skill point routes, but we have an equipment/sidequest system that we hope the fans enjoy.
>> No. 287923
This sounds like the most ass-backwards, unplayable game ever made.
>> No. 287924
I wonder if you power down when you gain levels because having high power is a privilege and you check your privilege when you level up.

Also, isnt the person making this horrifyingly racist? I seem to remember something about that.
>> No. 287927
Yup. Against anyone who isn't black.

Especially against Asian.
>> No. 287930
Funny, considering how the concept art of characters that have been posted display that vaguely Asian pseudo-anime look.
>> No. 287937

>You play as a black woman who enters a Native American based level.
>You cannot level up, but you can equip a gun you got from a previous level
>You get to kill Native Americans in a semi-historically correct manner by blasting them.
>ARKH created a game that allows for realistic genocide. Just by a black person.

And to think, this game wouldn't be as fucked up if they just used a level up system.
>> No. 287940
>enrolling for classes next semester
>see History of the Patriarchy
>'hmm might be interesting'
>first day of class
>huge auditorium, probably around 140 students
>all female
>all eyes are on me as I take a seat
>professor has her eyes locked on me
>clears her throat, asks if we've bought the required text book
>students all murmur yes, but everyone is still looking at me
>professor finally starts her lecture
>I reach into my bag for a pencil
>entire class is staring at me again with my hand in my backpack
>Cis Privilege Checking Squad breaks through the door
>Five multiracial MtF trans* people wearing field hockey uniforms
>point right at me
>I still have my hand in my backpack
>'I-I-I was just... getting my pencil...'
>entire class gasps, 15 to 20 girls faint
>tears start flowing
>'I'm sorry, I didn't know! I didn't understand!'
>next week
>taken in front of the Hall of Justice
>'For your crime of unchecked cis privilege and 141 counts of rape, you are condemned to four months Cis Reeducation Camp.'
>'Cis Reeducation Camp? That doesn't sound so bad'
>strapped into a chair, my eyes are forced open
>9 32' LCDTV screens arranged in a 3x3 grid
>each showing a trans* hashtag on tumblr
>forced to look at all of them 18 hours a day
>> No. 287944
I remember an episode of Duckman had a somewhat similar scenario but involving an apple.
>> No. 287946
File 13529174898.gif - (21.39KB , 714x585 , midterm.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I think you have found the same college Space Moose was in.
>> No. 287947
File 135291762460.gif - (24.11KB , 716x583 , rehab.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Whoops, meant to post this one.
>> No. 287948
Actually Islam is very supportive of transgender rights. In Iran, if they catch you buggering your best friend, and he or she happens to be the same sex as you, you both are given the choice of death or a free, state sponsored sex change. Apparently Al´lah can make mistakes, though he was clear enough on sodomy to evoke the death penalty without hesitation.
>> No. 287953

is history of patriarchy an actual class

i could honestly believe that
>> No. 287954
File 135291930527.jpg - (3.35KB , 300x57 , fuckthiscaptcha.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
also wat
>> No. 287955
File 135291949866.png - (11.23KB , 301x52 , ngerland competition.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>not getting racist captchas
>> No. 287957
File 135291961920.jpg - (2.95KB , 300x57 , are you fucking kidding.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Small time all of you
>> No. 287958
File 135291975258.jpg - (3.43KB , 300x57 , financiallyzionstra.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Y'all don't know bout the Zionist conspiracy?
>> No. 287998
That was meant to be your gift to me. Cheap slut ;_;
All feminists are the same cold-hearted bitches.

>captcha: Prussian princess
>> No. 288002

Hot damn, hope they never work for VALVe.
>> No. 288027
I'd bet that by far the person most skilled at, well, anything besides bitching is the concept artist they presumably hired. I bet nobody else on the team knows anything about proper storytelling, character design, programming, game design, etc. At best, it is doomed to be a game constructed with pre-made RPGMaker material and a story that is either incomprehensible or loosely tweaked from an existing generic RPG.
>> No. 288186
Don't be silly, SJ'ers don't care about obese people, the blind, people with learning disabilities etc. It's about women (namely women of colour, it seems) and transgendered people.
>> No. 288187

Well you may be: blind/obese/downs/etc. But you still have privelige you facist cisgender fuck-fuck.
>> No. 288190
I've noticed SJers are incredibly defensive of MtFs (but not FtMs) much more than most other issues. I'm starting to think that the most obsessive part of the SJ movement are probably white middle class MtFs who pay lip service to the plight of other minorities in order to gain a personal army. If anything it makes me laugh at them less and pity them more.
>> No. 288191
Think of TF2 without the class system. It'd just be old school Quake all over again.
>> No. 288200
because women who want a penis are betraying their natural womynhood and giiving in to the patriarchy's proppoganda.

captcha: Jacobb Enerass
>> No. 288205
You say that like it's a bad thing
>> No. 288214
What the Hell are MtFs and FtMs?
>> No. 288218
Male-to-Female, Female-to-Male. Trannies.
>> No. 288225
It isn't, but the class concept is what makes it interesting.
>> No. 288498
>Ability system that requires you power down with each new world, instead of powering UP.

>> No. 288501
I don't know, maybe they think it's clever or challenging.
>> No. 288505
>Grindan all day in world A
>Complete world A
>Have to grind all over again in world B

Was this Arkh "game" being pitched as an MMORPG? Because that's about the only way I could see them getting actual gamers stupid enough to play it. Consolefags probably wouldn't put up with this.
>> No. 288511
We know, Anon, you are the only TRUE and HONEST HARDCORE GAMER! left in this cold, casual world.
>> No. 288515
shut up niggo loving sperg-log u suck pee pee's in a homersexual way
>> No. 288525
A truly compelling argument, sir.
>> No. 288527
>homersexual way

Or perhaps we should say HOMORsexual way? Eh? Eh?
>> No. 288528
This thread is going places...
>> No. 288550
So it gets progressively harder. Like how Max is slower and easier to kill in Max Payne 3.
>> No. 288573
>playing games made after 1996
>> No. 288599
>Ability system that requires you power down with each new world, instead of powering UP.

Yahtzee suggested this once.

>> No. 288614
This has happened in the game warcraft 3 the frozen throne in the undead campign
>> No. 288633

>By this logic, the most respect in TfD would be given to the weakest, scrawniest, brittlest motherfuckers in the land, regarded as wise, refined self-disciplinarians like mountaintop holy men, while all the big strong lads are considered brash, dumb thugs who barely know how to use the dustbin full of spells they've got strapped to their massive backs.

Those dang dirty, dumb macho men stole all the ladies with their muscular bodies, I should be the one with all the pretty ladies because I'm wise and smart and above every other human being. Grrrrr, why am I so lonely.
>> No. 288637
Are you suggesting that our beloved Yahtzee is just another loud sperg on the Internet?
>> No. 288638
Fedora? Check.
Shitty drawings in a web series? Check.
Snide LOLSOCYNICAL personality? Check.
>> No. 288642
A well-made game DOES have you power down as the game progresses, but not directly, if that makes any sense. Unless used as a plot device, a good game gets harder as you go along by ramping up the difficulty of enemies so that your upgrades and better equipment aren't as overpowering as they once were. The player gets the satisfaction of obtaining awesome weapons and possibly the ability to return to the beginning areas and decimate everything, but at the same time the upcoming challenge is much greater than anything previously faced despite the player having great skills and equipment.

It motivates the player to keep developing their gameplay skills and pressing on. Direct and frequent power downs with little plot significance are discouraging and laughably stupid, and almost necessarily mean that later enemies will have to be toned down (both in design and strength) in order to be beatable with your weakened skills so that it almost surely precludes an awesomely powerful and impressive looking set of end-game enemies, which in most games is what makes the final areas so interesting.
>> No. 288652
File 135317811686.jpg - (24.54KB , 311x400 , Arthas portrait.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh yeah, i have vivid memories of that.

See, in the first part of the game, you played as Arthas, a royal little asshole with an ego the size of Dallas who eventually turns evil and does some awful shit. At that part, you level up normal.

Then in the expansion pack, you start leveling backwards, losing power and abilities as you go. But there's an important narrative reason for that: the source of your power is breaking apart, so it's not just a gameplay mechanic, you're *actually* getting weaker in terms of story too. By the end, you regain all your powers and save your power source.

The characters in this game are apparently supposed to be deities, so i guess it could make sense here too, like "as they venture away from their godly homeland, they become more mortal - losing their power."

However, the million dollar question isn't so much "can they justify it in the plot?" as "can they make it fun?
>> No. 288654
File 135317835044.jpg - (84.62KB , 1022x768 , brilliant.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So they want to make a game where there's no point playing past level 1 because everything after is just the same thing rehashed, but your character is more worn out than before.

It's amusing to see people try to come up with new ideas that break the mold, when all they really do is create an overly convoluted system that defies logical comprehension and detracts from the fun of the whole experience.
>> No. 288656
File 135317853187.jpg - (68.86KB , 450x443 , jesus-in-flames.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Or, you could let them start with it all, and then slowly lose powers unless they re-up or use them frequently. Eventually creating class system out of player preferences they didn't even know they had. Or if money is your ambition you could make them buy the powers. Tell them it was just a taste.
>> No. 288674
File 135318586971.jpg - (60.23KB , 300x450 , ratchet_and_clank_comic.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You know, the Ratchet and Clank games have a way of "de-powering" the player character too. They call it "obsoleting" but that's less about making the player character weaker and more about making the characters weapons less useful so they'll be inclined to use different ones.

Perhaps this system will be like that, where your initial powers will become less and less powerful, requiring you to try out the new powers/items the game gives you.
>> No. 288677
Implying they are actually making a game.
>> No. 288678
Fair point.
>> No. 288732
I know they won't make a game but, how about they do sometthinglike the more recent Bethesda games were you only get more abilities and more "fuel" to use said abilities as you level up.
I watched a friend play some rimming Thorg and it was grind-free and although he leveled up he didn't get to the point of killing bosses with a sole fart like in japanese shit rpg's. Some of his weapon did kill on one hit, though but it still wasn't the same as when your pikaman reaches level 100 and become god.
>> No. 288741

rimming Thorg?
>> No. 288745

wordbutter, I'm guessing.
>> No. 288751
rimming Thorg is what rimming Thorg filters to.
>> No. 288792
>rimming Thorg is what rimming Thorg filters to.

Good fucking job with that tautology there.
rimming Thorg = WoW?
>> No. 288799
>> No. 288807
Haven't been here long enough to know what game Thorg obsessed over?

Test: rimming Thorg
>> No. 288810
rimming Thorg is the elder scrolls 5.
>> No. 288819
File 135321352324.jpg - (42.21KB , 232x136 , GREATJOB!.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>not V
thorg is shitting his pants and foaming at the mouth right now.
>> No. 288823
Not Diablo three?
>> No. 288929
Nope. The way it works is that you'll have to choose one of your skills to drop after completing each world because you're getting closer to humanity or some shit like that.

If you want to obtain the skill again you'll have to trade your "Life Experience" for your "God Experience".

You'll also gain "Battle Experience" through battling monster, but I have no idea what the fuck it does.
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