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File 135278026680.jpg - (86.92KB , 600x450 , nickbate-chocolate.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
287585 No. 287585
Please tell me that's frosting. Oh god.
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>> No. 287586
some things id just rather not know
>> No. 287587
It does look like frosting.
Not that he isn't pretending it's shit though.
>> No. 287600
It looks like frosti-

>Nick Bate

It's shit.
>> No. 287601
>Nick Bate

fuck , idk, its very possible that it is shit
>> No. 287602
Yeah, he's playing make-pretend.
>> No. 287604
Nick Bate is a disgusting man
>> No. 287606
Id nick still trying to fuck anna or maddie?
>> No. 287613

Second most recent tweet:

>It'd be cool if Anna was part black and had a butt stereotypical of that. Although I think she does anyway.

>> No. 287615
His whole life is make-pretend.
>> No. 287618

Image blocked, thread hidden, post made as recommendation for anyone who wants to keep their sanity, and... brb, downing straight up 90% chemistry grade ethynol until either I don't remember this exists or my liver pickles.

You should do the same.
>> No. 287620
File 135278465731.jpg - (23.04KB , 319x284 , 110kg-single-hay-log-slide-01.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I think one day Nick's going to end up murdered. Maybe by a family member, maybe by someone unhinged who reads about him online, maybe by a parent of a child who lives near him, but that's the only way I can see his life ending up.

And when this happens, there will be no investigation. His family will have no interest in pursuing charges, and everyone will just kind of decide to go on with their lives. The detectives assigned the case will quickly mark it cold or the wounds will be ruled self-inflicted, and that'll be the end of it.
>> No. 287622
He made a post about how he was going to use a picture of himself with pudding on his face or something. The way you retards react like he's the GROSSEST AND MOST EXTREME PEDOPHILE IN THE WORLD SAGED HIDDEN AND REPORTED are just validating his tryhard moronic persona
>> No. 287624
So he's Alyona Ivanovna?
>> No. 287632
  This embed goes out to Nick.
>> No. 287637
Oh god, you are either a philosophy major or a literature one. Prepare to be on welfare, unless you land a job either teaching literature or philosophy.
It's as if Kafka has written your fate.
>> No. 287642
Which is Nick Bate more likely to be able to afford? Frosting or shit?

>> No. 287647

Everyone seems to go A-Log for Nick Bate, even though pretty much everything disgusting about him is heresay... which he wants spread.
>> No. 287654
Yes of course it's frosting, his whole life is a fucking pretend act. Also, Tacowiz wants his email, for some reason.
>> No. 287693
File 135282068217.jpg - (42.52KB , 600x450 , Nickcock.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Everything about Nick is legitimately infuriating. I mean, I don't want him dead, I want him in counseling, but no matter what amount of the stuff surrounding him is fake, it's maddening. If he's faking all of it, that's almost worse because of the effort he's gone to in order to completely alienate himself from everyone and everything.

As for how much of it is fake, well we know he has a criminal record for assaulting his mom, we know he's been thrown out of his mother's house, his father's house, and his grandmother and aunt's house and is now completely isolated and by himself, and we know he had access to his little sister who he used to claim he molested. All of that is verified.

Now whether he believes any of it, we know he obsessively stalked and campaigned at least two underage girls for sex, and on numerous occasions threatened to rape them both. Maddie and Anna specifically. In Maddie's case we saw the tweets where he offered to mail her a bag of his cum, where he explained to her that he was jacking off to her, and in one instance said "Maddi, I am going to fuck your ass whether you like it or not, so you better get used to the idea". With Anna he wrote numerous "erotic" stories about raping her ass while she sleeps or busting into the bathroom to rape her while she shits.

We know he wrote an entire album of songs detailing his desire to rape children, in one he specifies he wants to rape them to death and feed them their own internal organs.

We know he hates vaginas and finds breasts disgusting. We know he's repeatedly endorsed pedophilia, and refuses to spell words such as "about" any way but "aboot" because he wants to be Canadian.

Under those circumstances, who cares if it's frosting or shit on his face? He wants you to think it's shit. Because that's what he is, that's what his whole life is.

It doesn't matter whether as he claims, he went out of his way to fail through school his whole life, or if that was just an excuse he provided to justify the fact that he failed at everything his whole life. We know he was in fact in special ed classes, and he did "larp" in school by himself, which by his description consisted of him kicking the air and hurling pretend fireballs at people.

If Nick Bate truly is a case of "Jokes on you, I was only pretending to be retarded!" then that just makes him all the more retarded.
>> No. 287699
Nick is one fucked up person isn't he?
>> No. 287708
Oooh, now I get it, it's a philosophical thought experiment.

If it's frosting in his face, but everyone thinks it's shit, is there really a difference between it really being shit and everyone thinking it's shit?
>> No. 287723
It's pudding on his face, he tweeted maybe a week ago that he'd taken a HILARIOUSLY WACKY photo of himself with chocolate pudding on his face, but couldn't figure out how to post it from his new phone.
>> No. 287724
I'm curious what do you do for a living? I'm not the person you responded to but I'm curious.
>> No. 287725
File 135282626464.jpg - (87.52KB , 621x477 , pudding.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 287735
Nick Bate is not funny, gross, shocking or engaging. He's an attention whore. Nothing about him is genuine, he likes it when people are disgusted or aggravated by him.

He is not a lolcow, he is simply an attention whore, the best course of action is to ignore him and hope he dies soon.
>> No. 287757

You know what, you're right. If Nick Bate doesn't want us all to forget about him, then he has to upload a video proving that he really wipes his shit on the walls of his aunt's house. Until then, he's dead to us.
>> No. 287760
Don't give him any ideas
>> No. 287761
He won't. I'm convinced this windbag is filled with nothing but hot air. He gets off on us talking about him.
>> No. 287762
>implying maddi is not completely worthless
>> No. 287763

Save your breath, it's not our attention he's bothered about, it's the people on his twitter that he thinks are his friends. He can't even get on /cwc/ with his phone so he's not going to see any of this anyway.
>> No. 287771

You can use mobile proxies now
>> No. 287774

I seriously doubt he is.
>> No. 287777
Oop doop doop who gives a fuck.
>> No. 287799
With this shuddercow in particular he certainly barely is aware of our presence as observers of his antics. Who exactly is hos twitter account direct towards? Who are these 'guys' he keeps on mentioning...
Does this pissant have any friends at all or are they figments of his increasingly fragmented imagination
>> No. 287807
also im surprised his twitter account hasnt been reported/suspended for mentioning rape and pedophilia among other things
>> No. 287809
nick bate is a bit like phobos, he's determined to get a reaction out of you no matter how long he has to play the retard.

>> No. 287811
I don't care what anyone says, he is one of the most disgusting people I've ever seen in my goddamn life. Look at his teeth and tell me there wasn't shit caked in those tangled crevices before.

He's an attention whore, but that's just because he has to make a joke about what a miserable person he actually is.
>> No. 287845
I actually find how ass angry he seems to make you guys more amusing than Nick himself. I saw worse on /b/ before 2008, so maybe I'm just jaded, but very little besides a handful of his tweets I took seriously enough to feel grossed out over.
>> No. 287846

cool story bro
>> No. 287889
>>Who exactly is hos twitter account direct towards? Who are these 'guys' he keeps on mentioning...
>>Does this pissant have any friends at all or are they figments of his increasingly fragmented imagination

He has no real friends, everyone who speaks directly to him seems to hate him. He does however have 184 followers on twitter. I'm guessing most of that is people from here and other places he's been posted waiting for him to post anything incriminating.
>> No. 287896
>we know he's been thrown out of his mother's house, his father's house, and his grandmother and aunt's house and is now completely isolated and by himself

I haven't kept up with Nick in a while. Where is he living now then? Last I remember he was spending weekends at his dad's place or living with his aunt or something like that. Did even his aunt kick him out eventually?
>> No. 287903
>Guys he's just pretending to smear shit on his face, rape kids and stalk women

Oh well that makes everything OK then
>> No. 287908
She did. He lives in an apartment all by his lonesome now.

I'd pay for Nick Bate to get braces, but the poor orthodontist would find shit trapped in the wires every time he went in to get them checked.
>> No. 287989
He trolled you hard.
>> No. 288204
>He lives in an apartment all by his lonesome now.

Really? Fuck, how does he afford this? Does he have an internet connection in his apartment?

Fuck. I'm working my ass off but can't afford to move out while Nick Bate gets his own place to sit on his lazy ass and smear shit all over himself all day.
>> No. 288206
His aunt and grandma pay for it. He has no internet there for his own stupidity.
>> No. 288238
We're not entirely sure what happened, but they couldn't deal with him anymore. He may have been caught doing something to his little sister (and if this seems like it would be a minimal response to that, consider that his mother has previously been sent recordings of him saying pedophilia laws are stupid and he watches his little sister pee and all that came of it was her yelling at him and telling him to stay off the internet) or they could have gotten fed up with him smearing shit on the walls, or any number of things.

Whatever the case, they gave him an apartment where he stays by himself now. I think he said they own them or something, so they just tossed him into a spare apartment. I'm also guessing from the fact that he acted surprised to have chocolate frosting that they occasionally stop by with food for him. He's one step up from being locked in a basement basically.

Actually in the context it's actually more annoying than if it were actual shit. "Oh, my family brought me food. Huh, chocolate frosting. Oh! I know what to do! I'll waste it all by rubbing it on my face so I can take a picture and tell the internet it's shit!"
>> No. 288246

honestly this is probably the best possible situation for nick

just leave him alone in q tiny apartment with very limited internet and occasionally feed him some esoteric junk you had lying around

he'll just kinda sperg and sperg and sperg in his little box, far away from actual people
>> No. 288247
Lol, that's pretty funny.
>> No. 288253
File 135301499417.png - (198.38KB , 604x453 , notsureifcwcki.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 288263
File 135301828585.jpg - (93.71KB , 768x577 , the staion fur.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I giggled and admired the mans prose is all.
>> No. 288277
>> No. 288278
So basically imprison him?
>> No. 288281

a prison would imply anyone was forcing him to be there

he could get a job, buy his own place, go to a shitty technical college, and live a decent lower-middle class life with a fat chick who looks suspiciously like anna

but he'd rather sit in the little box, where the only thing he has to worry about is grossing out anonymous twitter users
>> No. 288999
Anything new with Nick? The pudding was already about a week old or so when it got posted; has he done anything else since then?
>> No. 289003

>> No. 289298
>not sure if ironically or unironically using bad meme
>> No. 289334
File 135335955198.jpg - (78.57KB , 600x450 , 689780199.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
that fucking beard

its like king neckbeard
>> No. 289351
Nick Bate reminds me of Jim Profit, trying so fucking hard to get people to care and just not being able to pull it off.

Like the only thing sadder than he already is is how much he craves third party recognition.
>> No. 289445
The fucked up thing is that he was given a pet to "take care of", if I remember correctly. Poor thing is probably already dead.
>> No. 289499
>Poor thing is probably jammed up his ass.
>> No. 289542

The air quality has gone up! He actually took a fucking shower guys HE DESERVES A FUCKING MEDAL OR PICTURE OF ANNAS ASS. LOL
>> No. 289543
More than likely it was one of his "fake showers" or whatever he calls it.

He takes off his shirt and kneels over the tub and shampoos his hair. He explained this is what he does in one of the threads in /L/. He shampoos his hair and puts on cologne. He claimed he hadn't washed anything below his wait in over 8 years.
>> No. 289545
Sounds like he has enough dick creme cheese to cover several bagels.
>> No. 289628
File 135344988712.png - (46.66KB , 511x431 , niCKbATE.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
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