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File 135281025318.gif - (139.40KB , 740x250 , 2011-11-03.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
287664 No. 287664
I heard you all like social justice homosexual deviantry. Get your adblock ready.




Can't forget your trikes! Because they're super cool, apparently. Like every other thread has to do with them in some way.





Basically it started off back in a time before /b/ making fun of the rap culture that was mainstream back then.




Some time around 2004 the strip went from terrible, but one of the first major webcomics so sort of okay, to absolute shit with political rants in the place of whigger (jigger? a jap whigger) parody.

I found an old harddrive lying around (16 gigs!) and found this strip in my history. ...I was young, alright? But on something of a nostalgia binge, I browsed on the site a bit before I realized the full horror of what had occured. Apparently, he predates SJ, and may even have something to do with it, seeing as how the rise of SJ corresponds to the trike arc, it seems.

If nothing else, webcomics general thread? I'm terrible at starting shit like this off.
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>> No. 287666
Sinfest is some kind of weird, bizarro-world Cerebus The Aardvark.

What started out as a silly, jokey adventure comic slowly morphed into an author tract filled to the brim with long diatribes about the author's political and social views.

Imagine if Penny Arcade stopped being a gaming webcomic and started being about how the proletariat is robbing the people dry, or if every Nedroid strip was about the virtues of Randian Objectivism, and you'll understand what happened to this comic.
>> No. 287668
The question is are there any webcomic who is good, or at least decent and that doesn't produce second-hand shame?
>> No. 287669
Two guys and guy perhaps? Might be too ed like, so probably not. My webcomics overlap too much with Homor's that I fear I'm too spergy to give a credible opinion anyways.
>> No. 287671
Sorry: which is good. I beg you pardon, English is not my first language.
>> No. 287678
File 135281535210.jpg - (204.59KB , 900x582 , 2012-11-07-The-Gift-of-the-Fat-Guy.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Whomp is pretty good.

It's all about a big fat lolcow and his wacky adventures.
>> No. 287688
General comics:
http://www.Nedroid.com (If you like Regular Show you'll probally like this too)

Vidya comics: http://www.Penny-arcade.com

Comics if you are a weeaboo: http://www.modestmedusa.com/ (I am just adding this one since I just started reading it and it's pretty cute)
>> No. 287689
Freak Angels
>> No. 287691
File 135282043240.jpg - (19.42KB , 412x370 , Gamesphere!.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Webcomics that i like:

Daily Funnies:
http://gunshowcomic.com/ - KC Green's Wacky Doodles, sometimes depressing.
http://www.whompcomic.com/ - A very fat man struggles to live life as a justified target of ridicule.
http://nedroid.com/ - A bird and a patato-bear go on whimsical adventures, a bit like Regular Show.
http://penny-arcade.com/ - The very first "two guys sit on a couch and talk about games" comic, an oddity amount it's genre in that it doesn't suck.
http://www.harkavagrant.com/ - Jokes about history and literature, really funny if you're well-read.
http://pbfcomics.com/ - Incredibly clever comic about a variety of themes, but the most recurring one is the death of childhood innocene.
http://www.qwantz.com/index.php - Dinosaur Comics, a very unique comic, uses the same art for every strip (much like David Lynch's comic) and updates every day. Very good writing.
http://www.fanboys-online.com/ - Another gaming webcomic. Problem one of two that isn't completely awful, the art is amazing and the humor is fantastic.

Plot Driven:
http://www.mspaintadventures.com/?s=4 - Problem Sleuth, the percurssor to Homestuck and much less awful. Wannabe-detectives have wacky adventures as their world breaks apart around them.
http://www.prequeladventure.com/ - Another "choose your own adventure" comic like Homestuck, but also doesn't suck. An Oblivion fanfiction that follows the adventures of a Khajiit as she struggles with alcoholism, it covers for it's awful concept with good writing.
http://paranatural.net/ - A comic about a kid who can see ghosts and monsters, fantastic art and great writing, very funny.
http://www.lackadaisycats.com/ - Prohibition era gangster adventures, but with cats. Absolutely delightful.
http://axecop.com/ - Written by a seven year old, drawn by a twenty-eight year old. A cop kills people with an axe. An absolute must-read.

Overrated Comics:
XKCD, Homestuck, Questionable cocks, Sub Normality. Don't read those.
>> No. 287692
File 135282062274.gif - (329.81KB , 740x1359 , 02012-08-12.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This idiot has shown up on another SJ thread some time ago. He's basically another example of a man putting pussy on a pedestal.

My biggest problem with this guy is his asinine crusade against pornography.
>> No. 287694
>http://pbfcomics.com/ - Incredibly clever comic about a variety of themes, but the most recurring one is the death of childhood innocene.
Homor knocked up on the scale of respect by 1 point.
>> No. 287696
File 135282140635.jpg - (79.15KB , 474x599 , Rayneloss.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You know this thread really wasn't meant for sperging about webcomics you like. It was to examine shitty people the way we normally do, like this Tatsuya Ishida, or the ever-popular B^Uckley or actually one of my favorites, "Tranny McDogrape"
>> No. 287697
Thank guys, impressive list. It seems that you make me eat my own words.
>> No. 287698
What can you say that hasn't been already said about Fuckley? That he is a miserable wretched scumbag? Everybody knows about him.
And yes, that Ishida fella is awful. Happy?
>> No. 287700
Sorry: Hasn't already been said.
>> No. 287702
Is Buckley officially a lolcow yet? I mean admittedly his art has improved over the years (I'm just saying it's not crayola, he still copy/pastes everything) but he's reached the point where his main audience is there not to laugh at his comic on it's own terms, but to laugh at him for producing something so terrible.
>> No. 287703
B^U was a general example of someone terrible, not the be-all end-all to terrible people making webcomics.

I haven't heard anything about Ishida on here, and I was probing to see if someone knew more about the homosexual deviant. If that failed, I was wondering if anyone's been keeping up tabs on Simpson or other terrible people like humon. Or if anyone had any critical insight into comics like VGcats or XKCD. I also don't follow CAD, so I don't know if something terrible happened since the last thread about him. The only other source I've seen on it involves coconut buyer.

Sorry I made such a shit thread, everybody. Next time I feel the want, I'll just shoot myself. Happy?
>> No. 287704
I always thought Monique from sinfest was kind of hot.
>> No. 287705
She's a cartoon character
>> No. 287706
What's the name of that webcomic where an undead wizard dude has to escort a gang leader's daughter?

Looks interesting enough to read but I forgot the name.

Miss Whatever-her-name-is and the Turkish Lieutenant is a good read also.
>> No. 287707
Looking For Group
>> No. 287709
No, not that. The art is not cartoony and way better.

The undead wizard is pretty stoic and dry while the girl (a little child) is always babbling about taking over the kingdom or something.
>> No. 287710
Shut up Hom-- whoops!
>> No. 287711
Beating several dead horses. We already know they are shit. There is even a whole site dedicated to dissect and criticize XKCD, which is creepy on itself.
>> No. 287712
I'm not even sure where the jokes are in the later comics.
>> No. 287713
The porn parody is pretty cute though.
>> No. 287714
This is /cwc/. I'm sorry, but we're kind of disposed around beating dead horses.

>Nick Bate again
>ADF thread # kajillion
>PT nudes again
>Hi Alog
>> No. 287718
Remember that guy who made a creepy sprite comic about his lesbian daughter? What a sad loser.
>> No. 287722
Wow, what is with all the homors in this thread?

I agree with you.
>> No. 287726
What unholy indignant can of sperg did I open?
>> No. 287730
Great, I just looked it up. Now I'm the Homor.
>> No. 287732
What are you complaining about? I just jerked off to it, now i'm worse than Homor! I give Homors a bad name.
>> No. 287733
It used to be clever, now it seems like a lot of sex jokes.
>> No. 287736
And it's only updated about once every year
>> No. 287737
I'd say Homestuck was underrated at this point, most internet webcomic discussion places turned their back on it ever since it got mainstream success.

PS is like a simplified version of it with an easier to follow plot and without most of the romance (Which has brought in a lot of female fans) and a wider range of internet pop culture references which I guess might also have turned people off the comic although PS had that too but it was more cliquey with like Tim Buckley jokes.
>> No. 287738
And porn's just pixels on a screen, and real women are just qualia created from light interpreted by my eyes and brains. So what? It stimulates the same things in your head bro.
>> No. 287743
Sure Homor, where is your Better Days?
>> No. 287746
Better Days is a horrible webcomic and Jay Naylor is a freak and a complete hack.
>> No. 287747
What even happened in the mid 2000s that caused people to do a seemingly 180 from producing risque EDGY humour to social justice politics?

Sinfest went alongside many other popular websites of the time like SA.
>> No. 287751
To be fair, Bush
>> No. 287752
File 135283326398.png - (39.53KB , 700x255 , 20110829.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
http://chainsawsuit.com/ is one of my personal favourites. Updates daily from Monday to Friday.
>> No. 287753
People naturally want to go against what's "popular" to feel special. Edgy humor was originally the way to rebel, but now it's mainstream, so the new way to look cool is to get way too offended at every little thing.

Eventually we're going to see a big movement of people who are "so pissed off at all this PC bullshit!" when they were the ones who contributed to it. Then it'll go in reverse.
>> No. 287768
posting in a homor thread
>> No. 287770
File 135283996643.jpg - (559.39KB , 600x1488 , 12.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
If there was a legitimate Social Justice webcomic Homor would never stop f5ing out of rage.
>> No. 287787

I assume?

Very complex, fantasy without any of the generic tropes but also goofy

>> No. 287789
Sinfest IS a legitimate social justice webcomic.

I avoid reading it whenever i can.
>> No. 287797
File 135284634540.jpg - (27.16KB , 640x480 , 1350317484521.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
That's the one.

Thanks, anon.

Here is a trap for your trouble.
>> No. 287805
That ain't a trap, that's a tranny, or "/cwc/an jimmy rustler" as it's called in the wild. Traps don't have boobs, they're just really girly. None girly crossdressers are the drag queens as opposed to the traps, any hormones and it's a tranny.
>> No. 287823
File 135285503087.jpg - (331.31KB , 750x1096 , lesson031.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Is this still a webcomics thread?

http://alessonislearned.com A Lesson Is Learned But The Damage Is Irreversible: probably one of the best webcomics ever

http://dresdencodak.com/ Dresden Codak, very good, takes a lot of inspiration from a lesson is learned

http://archive.picturesforsadchildren.com/ Pictures For Sad Children: Simple, often depressing, generally surreal, always funny.

http://romanticallyapocalyptic.com/ Romantically Apocalyptic: sometimes the humor falls flat, but the parts that work easily make up for it.

http://thepunchlineismachismo.com/ Manly Guys Doing Manly Things: Partly a gamer comic, mostly about chest hair.
>> No. 287825
Chest hair? That's a subject I can relate to!
>> No. 287834
what is the link that
>> No. 287842
English, please.
>> No. 287849
>Traps don't have boobs
The picture seems to indicate otherwise..

>> No. 287863
File 13528696845.jpg - (175.26KB , 760x596 , submission.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Still likes http://www.oglaf.com too.
>> No. 287864
I forgot this comic existed.

I'm surprised to see it's still running.
>> No. 287876
You and PZ MYERS BOTH, SJtumblredditor.

>> No. 287883
File 135288115738.jpg - (202.90KB , 760x596 , amazon_linguistics.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh hey.
>> No. 287885
I feel the need to sperg and point out that that's based on a long discredited interpretation of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis. Language is shaped by culture, not the other way around. Americans can understand Gemütlichkeit or Poshlost even if they lack singular words to describe the phenomena; South American natives who don't count past three can still do math; ancient Chinese knew the difference between green and blue like Americans know the difference between sinii and goluboy or azurro and blu. Orwellian tactics will never work or even be able to.
>> No. 287888
> Orwellian tactics will never work or even be able to.
However Huxleyan tactics have proven highly effective.
>> No. 287907
Who the fuck is this fag and why are you watching him?
>> No. 287910
>Chinese knew the difference between green and blue
The ancient Japanese didn't.
>Modern Japanese has a separate word for green (ja:緑 midori), although its boundaries are not the same as in English. Ancient Japanese did not have this distinction: the word midori only came into use in the Heian period, and at that time (and for a long time thereafter) midori was still considered a shade of ao. Educational materials distinguishing green and blue only came into use after World War II, during the Occupation: thus, even though most Japanese consider them to be green, the word ao is still used to describe certain vegetables, apples and vegetation. Ao is also the name for the color of a traffic light, "green" in English. However, most other objects—a green car, a green sweater, and so forth—will generally be called midori. Japanese people also sometimes use the English word "green" for colors. The language also has several other words meaning specific shades of green and blue.
>> No. 287915
> Orwellian tactics will never work or even be able to.
I thought they were working just fine these days.
>> No. 287945
It was the same between China and Japan; it's the same character, qing, after all. Here's the deal; they could still see the other shades, they still made the distinction when absolutely necessary (sora no ao?, qing de tian or just tianqing). The point is, they could still distinguish, just like we can make a distinction between sinii and goluboy if needed, Russian words for two blues as distinct as pink and red.

Orwellian thought control (through language) has never worked. If you don't believe me, just talk to the Chinese (bonus points if you can strike up a conversation about the 5 mao party), or even take up South Korean, and be amazed when a North Korean can understand you save for a couple words not having to do with ideology in the least. Language does not shape thought; words like Gemütlichkeit or Poshlost arise because of a cultural need, not the other way around - effectively, thought can shape language, but language absolutely cannot shape thought.
>> No. 287956
Not really relevant to anything but I'm just going to leave this here:
>> No. 287964
  Did someone say cisgender?
>> No. 287967
That's a tripfag from 4chan's /fit/.

He isn't on the whoremones and some people think he might have some sort of chromosome disorder.

/fit/ coaxed some nudes outta him because being a dude, he doesn't actually have a qualm about stripping and showing tits.

So it is a trap.
>> No. 288094
>no SMBC
>no Jerkcity
>> No. 288098
Perhaps they hadn't a process for creating one of those two colors. If nothing you possessed was pink you wouldn't much require the word pink.
>> No. 288099
File 135295950555.gif - (338.55KB , 740x1359 , 2012-06-17.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
i have never seen anything less subtle

is everything this guy makes about the evils of porn
>> No. 288110
When porn is outlawed, only outlaws will have boners
>> No. 288113
This style looks familiar. Didn't the artist draw that kid paired with demon girls in compromising, suggestive (but not really pornographic) situations? Been many years ago now so maybe my memory is wrong or perhaps it was just fanart.
>> No. 288118
>paying for porn
>> No. 288120
And we will all be outlaws.
>> No. 288124
If I'm going to be an outlaw I might as well call my self "The Boner Bandit"
>> No. 288130

The demon girl and the kid had a sort of childlike, cutesy romance but they were not exactly dating.

Since the strips went full feminist they stopped appearing and I think there was a strip where the pair was seen in a literal Friend Zone or something.

slashcoslash went apeshit on that one.
>> No. 288134
Oh yeah, here it is:

>> No. 288135
Mexican here, haven't heard of SJ or any of this until a few weeks ago when a cousin from US arrived and explained to me that there's this move about ultrafeminism and the whole if you're male and cisgender.... blah blah, patriarchal system.

That shit's unheard of in Mexico, so, with this background, is it normal that I don't get any meaning nor anything from these comics?
>> No. 288137
Here in Argieland the media, controlled mostly by the Government, has a raging hard on these days for SJerism. Our equivalent of Columbus Day was change to large, PC title, I can't remember right now, but it sounds ridiculous, specially if you write it on a card.
>> No. 288138

>won't put out


>upset when he took care of it

>wimmin logic
>> No. 288143

Doesn't sounds much different from Televisa Media/PRI joint government here. However our main issues in the news is "cartels be killin muthafuckas down" and "indigenous people too poor because they don't want work" and want things for free because "muh Mexico-Tenochtitlan".

But never heard at all of this shit, and I live in a state capital, so there shouldn't be any de facto incommunication.

Somebody with more brain than the guys from /pol/ can expalin me this "die cis scum" crap?

From what i gte these feminazis want to maim/shit on all males, but they're multigender, so they shouldn't be shitting and maiming themselves?
>> No. 288146
The mind of a SJer is a whirling chaos, not even they know what they want, besides bitching and asking for attention.
>> No. 288147
I mean, just a few months ago they were still shown developing a romance.

Maybe he finds the idea of a woman finding salvation through the love of a man offensive or something.


>> No. 288149

Well, shit, I'm not one to fathom how a mind works anyways, I guess I should just entirely avoid this shit and carry on with my life, been reading the strips, still not a single one strikes any chords, well, back to getting a few laughs from /pol/
>> No. 288177
  Sinfest is bullshit, and I'm a total hypocrite where this is concerned, but porn is harmful.

I mean, I still watch it, but damn.
>> No. 288179
Well, yea, it is pretty harmful. Whenever I avoid porn for a long span of time, people gain more value than just their sexual appeal.
>> No. 288180
>But porn is harmful.

Oh, god. One of those guys.
>> No. 288181
That video is an exercise in hearsay as evidence.
>> No. 288182



...even more subtle.


...because a story--albeit a shit one--about a women consenting to kinky sex is wrong and ant-feminist, she should be prudish.
>> No. 288185
Oh, nevermind. Sex-positive feminism is just another form of misogyny, apparently.


>> No. 288194
Did you watch the video? It makes a pretty compelling argument. No religion, only science.

It's not about the harm it does to the performers, it's about the harm done to the guys who watch it. I found a lot of the stuff he mentioned applied to me, at least. Except, where he mentioned the longer you watch porn the stranger the things you look at will become, what I watch has stayed pretty much the same over the years. Still, there is desensitization. I remember well over a decade ago when I could fap to an image of a topless woman, even if she wasn't extremely attractive. Now that would barely register a tingle. I'll watch a video that only contains nudity, but not to fap to it. I need hardcore stuff. Comparatively speaking, my tastes are pretty vanilla though.

I just think it's interesting.
>> No. 288197
>"Sex positive feminism is just misogyny!"
reminds me of another person.
>> No. 288217
Come back you find yourself fapping to robotic cartoon furry traps a la homor, and maybe we'll believe you. Till then you're just being alarmist. Everyone goes through that desensitization phase, porn or no porn.
>> No. 288221
So? When a child first learns to ride a bike, it will most likely nearly piss itself with joy, but after a while, the novelty just wears off.
>> No. 288222
Hmmm, porn, urine, masturbation and bikes. The plot thickens!
>> No. 288227
File 135300345136.gif - (75.05KB , 740x250 , 2012-11-15.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
He spent days building up to this pun.
>> No. 288232
It's only really a problem if you HAVE to watch weird stuff to get an erection.

The fapping to random boobs is probably a maturity thing, it's probally for the best you aren't getting a boner every time you see a woman breastfeed in public.
>> No. 288243
So, puritans fap over ankle. I'm so desensitized it takes actual touching to get me erect. How horrible. I actually need a more sensory shared human experience.
>> No. 288269

>spend days making comic after comic
>leads up to "JIZZUS"

>> No. 288280
From what I understand, Sinfest is a comic about a man who masturbates to internet porn while crying.
>> No. 288282

was this written by a man?

with all the batshit feminist themes, you'd think it was a woman, but the way it comes off is very nice-guy: if you want to have sex with a woman because she looks hot, you are a alpha fratboy asshole jerk
>> No. 288284
This comic reads out like it were written by a dude -- a dude who puts women on a pedestal. Not once has he written a flawed female character. Basically his whole world is filled with females that are only there for his "misogynistic" male characters to wrong and set up a situation to Que in his ham-fisted message.
>> No. 288286
You know, the term "white knight" is thrown around a lot these days but... yeah, that pretty much sums up the author.
>> No. 288308
File 13530445923.gif - (322.84KB , 740x1359 , 2012-07-01.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Pretty much.
>> No. 288309
File 135304492438.gif - (70.54KB , 740x250 , 2012-06-30.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I think this comic represents the authors descent into madness.
>> No. 288310
That was painfully stupid.
>> No. 288311

>wanting to balance healthy sexual desire with family life is wrong and evil

my god, its sad when the strawmen make more sense than the people assaulting it
>> No. 288312
What was going through his mind?

"Tricycles. Are. AWESOME."?
>> No. 288314
You kinda have to feel for the guy. He's obviously not getting any.
On the other hand he's right about one thing, you should never date strippers. They are crazy as fuck.
>> No. 288316
He is like some sort of PC, progressive puritan. A conglomerate of awfulness.
>> No. 288317
> If nothing you possessed was pink you wouldn't much require the word pink.
Wait. What? Pink is everywhere. Most of what's inside you right now is pink.
>> No. 288318
I would say those fleshy, slimy thingies inside us are more of a reddish type of pink.
>> No. 288319
> I remember well over a decade ago when I could fap to an image of a topless woman,
A decade ago you were probably just another idiot ignorant teenager with hormones oozing out his eyeballs. They'll fap to anything.

It's like alcohol. A decade ago I wouldn't have cared if I was drinking pabst or 1978 Laphroaig so long as it was alcoholic.

It's not "becoming desensitized". It's gaining experience and refining your tastes. In other words, growing up.
>> No. 288321
File 135304837638.gif - (61.00KB , 740x250 , Tricycles - The Webcomic.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This thread has taken a strange turn.
>> No. 288324
File 135304887263.jpg - (13.68KB , 200x150 , 135233720523.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Nope. Pink.
>> No. 288325
Notice how both the strippers and the "wife material" have price tags attached?

I don't think the message sent by that was intentional.
>> No. 288326
File 135304926525.gif - (116.29KB , 740x250 , 2011-10-22.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This is the end of his Patriarchy story arc, I guess he just doesn't want anyone having sex.
>> No. 288327
All cultures use a word for warm colours and word for cool colours as a starting preference, with the rest being "colour of X" with X being blood or sky or so on. At that point, they follow a scientifically described path adding basic colour terms to their vocabulary, letting the initial two eventually specialize into white and black. Here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_color_term#Basic

Russian terms in particular are very beautiful; they can trace their origins to Indo-European, Turkish, Caucasian (like Georgian), and Finnic sources, with the word colour itself being a diminutive of flower. It's no wonder the civil war was described in terms of the white army, black baron, red army, blues, browns, etc.

Seeing is only very sparsely connected to it; artists can distinguish hues the same way musicians can have perfect/relative pitch. Some people have done studies on some African's ability to distinguish between different shades of blue, but the study in question has a lot of problems, including but not limited to a lack of testing for distinguishing genetic/epigenetic markers affecting areas associated with sight and sight perception (eyeball end and brain end of things). The findings of the admittedly flawed study show that several of the people, belong to a tribe speaking a Nilo-Saharan language with only four colour terms were able to distinguish between blues and greens in a way we couldn't; however, with practice, it soon became easy for English monoglots to distinguish the shades once learning the distinction from the Nilo-Saharans. Something similar happened with me and the two Russian blues; now goluboy seems to me to be one of the gay colours, not a shade of blue anymore than pink is a shade of red. Likewise, you can have perfect pitch even if you don't speak Chinese, Swedish, or Yoruba, you can have it even if you speak a language like English, with no consistent rhythm, meter, stress, or tone.
>> No. 288328
>> No. 288332
I thought he was trying to say that the "hurr-durr patriarchial hegemony objectifies women as sex objects and mother-slave objects", which, translated from buzzword to English I always thought had a point in a sort of stopped clock sort of way. That the character intended to represent men in general had contradicting expectations instead of allowing the girl to express herself as an individual judged on her mind and not based on her sexuality.

But what do I know, I'm only op, I had to have found this garbage through some means.
>> No. 288337
Hey, it's a shitty comic!
>> No. 288338
But it looks like a strawman saying he wants a wife who he is also going to have healthy sexual relationship with but he turns it into a message that says something like:

Wifes and mothers are slaves to the patriarchy! Women who willingly have sex with men are slaves to patriarchy! Lets all ride tricycles!
>> No. 288340
Apparently the author of Sinfest also worked on G.I. Joe Extreme according to Wikipedia.
>> No. 288376
Yeah, I believe he was a Dark Horse artist.
>> No. 288438
Time was, this strip was about religion and its discockss

A lot of what he posits as patriarchy is put in place by women themselves, bridal magazines for example
Monique as a feminist warrior is just dull, I bet you SJers will still find something to nitpick over, though
>> No. 288440
This comic looks to be just guys looking surprised or horrified as buzzwords fly at them.
>> No. 288442
>enjoyment of hot chick shaking her ass/complaining when her act is no longer enjoyable to you == sexism
>> No. 288443
I'm not a SJer, I was talking about how the comic seems to spout feminists beliefs with the same zeal and fanaticism as of puritan sermon. Sorry if I didn't convey well the analogy.
>> No. 288448

A lot of the comics don't actually contain a joke, and in some cases they don't even contain any sort of statement. This is just a girl getting mad when a man acknowledges the fact that he finds a woman to be attractive. There is no point to it.
>> No. 288457
Are any male and female characters in this comic even friends with each other?
>> No. 288472
Technically the whole point of the short kid/main girl thing is that they're only friends, without benefits. One of the devil girls apparently likes the used-to-be token nerd, with another innocent devil girl apparently falling in love with the Antichrist, who is the son of the devil and Gaia. Of course one of the devil girls used to be in love with another devil girl as well, the one in love with the nerd-turned-nice-guy
>> No. 288481
> the "hurr-durr patriarchial hegemony objectifies women as sex objects and mother-slave objects"
Which is self evidently bullshit.

Even it "the patriarchy" (i.e. men) objectified women and categorized them as "wives" vs. "whores", why the fuck would they (men) make those objects have a price. They'd want them to be free, as in free beer.

It's women who categorize and then sell themselves. That they blame it on men (like everything else) only demonstrates their refusal to accept responsibility.
>> No. 288482
Good lord man, why the fuck do you know that much about this shitty ass webcomic?
>> No. 288484
Why does Homor know so much about tumblrites, SJ, and reddit?

My experience with these people is that patriarchy isn't just men, it's everyone a part of the hegemony. The price tags say "look, this is something you want. The price to become this is your soul"; cf. System of a Down's Chick ń Stu, but the effect is "this is what you want to be" instead of "you are hungry because we say so". In effect, by saying it's all men's fault = bollocks (which it is), you're arguing against a strawmen even someone as braindead as Ishida doesn't believe.
>> No. 288486
> patriarchy isn't just men
Actually, that's the definition of patriarchy. If you don't mean "men" when you use the word "patriarchy", then you are Doing It Wrong.
> The price to become this is your soul
Then why is there a dollar sign written on the tags, not "your soul"? And the customer isn't the women on display, it's the kid in the middle. You are reading way too much into this shit, and missing the point thereby.
> even someone as braindead as Ishida doesn't believe.
His whole webcomic says that he does believe it, though. I'm sure the message he's sending by the price tags is unintentional. He doesn't know what the fuck he's thinking, so it's no wonder he cannot articulate it clearly.
>> No. 288489

>Actually, that's the definition of patriarchy. If you don't mean "men" when you use the word "patriarchy", then you are Doing It Wrong.

No, the definition of patriarchy is a culture favoring men as head of the house and head of matters. Men is the word for men.

>Then why is there a dollar sign written on the tags, not "your soul"? And the customer isn't the women on display, it's the kid in the middle. You are reading way too much into this shit, and missing the point thereby.

You're missing the effect the "artist" was trying to communicate, quite clearly (though obviously when people can't get it you're doing it badly). You're missing the leftist distaste for consumerism; the objectification pure and simple. I never said that Ishida was portraying the sold images as the consumer, no; the consumer from the male pov is the guy, who treats all women as whores, and the girl, who has to sell herself (a la prostitution which is dealt with money) inorder to become the whore or the mother, for those represented by the guy.

>His whole webcomic says that he does believe it, though. I'm sure the message he's sending by the price tags is unintentional. He doesn't know what the fuck he's thinking, so it's no wonder he cannot articulate it clearly.

Apparently you don't know what a strawman argument is. If you're too stupid to understand it, how do you think you give an accurate critic to bastards like this? He can't articulate not because he doesn't himself understand what he himself thinks, he can't articulate because he's a shitty ass artist. Whenever you run into political spergs, know that whatever bullshit they're spewing makes sense to them, whether or not it makes sense to the actual world around them.

I'm not overthinking, I got this all instantly. But feel free to get the last word in if you want, with this clarification I'm done.
>> No. 288490

An interesting, opinionated writeup of Sinfest.
>> No. 288502
> No, the definition of patriarchy is a culture favoring men as head of the house and head of matters.
No. Wrong. There's no "favoring" about it. Patriarchy IS "rule by fathers" (pater = "father" + archy = "rule of"). Women cannot be fathers, and so cannot hold authority in a patriarchy.

And again you are reading WAY TOO MUCH into a shitty little whiny webcomic, giving its author way too much credit.
> Apparently you don't know what a strawman argument is.
NO U are seeing strawmen where there aren't any. See above.

tl;dr: lern2english. Shitty webcomic is shitty. Your retarded "reinterpretation" won't change that.
>> No. 288503
>Tricycles - The Webcomic

What the fuck? Is that supposed to be a representation of the author reverting to a manchild?
>> No. 288504
All of his anti-porn, left-wing feminist characters seem to be adolescent girls.
>> No. 288506
> whatever bullshit they're spewing makes sense to them
Oh not even.

You're saying people have to understand something before they promote it. If only that were true.

Things don't have to "make sense" to these asshats before they ram it down everyone else's throats. It's enough for them that it "feels right".
>> No. 288507
>adolescent girls

I think you "pre-pubescent".
They're riding fucking TRICYCLES.
>> No. 288509
>You're saying people have to understand something before they promote it. If only that were true.

Not what I said at all.
>> No. 288513
My mistake.
>> No. 288541

Woah, the author has some weird sexual issues.
>> No. 288543
File 13531310728.gif - (196.33KB , 300x450 , 1352878639759.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Is, is he a virgin? Magical portal?
>> No. 288544
I think you may be right - http://www.sinfest.net/archive_page.php?comicID=4047
>> No. 288548
It's like fetishism in the purest sense of the word; transcending the vulgar sexual meaning, returning to the semantics of the word in question - idolotry. After Marx appropriated the term to refer to money's abstract character, Binet used it for sex. Who could have foretold what would come, as the term went full circle?
>> No. 288562
File 135313510661.jpg - (143.61KB , 991x637 , Stargate.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So is this the magical portal that they're talking about.
>> No. 288564
Oh, hotdog down a hallway.
>> No. 288586
You have no idea what the fuck you are saying.
>> No. 288587
> the author has some weird sexual issues.
What was your first clue?

Notice how he consistently draws his female characters as taller than his male characters. That's a common trait seen in males with severe gender role issues. It's also common in serial killers.
>> No. 288589
He seems sort of a jerk in real life too, his latest blog thing he said how he was working for marvel and decided to contact his editor a few days before his pencil work was due to say he couldn't be bothered doing it and it's all too much work for him so he quit.

>On another occasion, I actually got caught for plagiarism. I had to draw a jet for a G.I. Joe comic, but I wasn’t very good at drawing vehicles. So I lifted a drawing of an aircraft from a Gen-13 comic, and made minor alterations. I figured, hey, who’d notice? My editor at Dark Horse later called me, and he sounded more embarrassed than I was. He was like, “I’m looking at your jet here . . . and . . . uh . . . It’s pretty obvious you . . . Well, I mean, we have to change it.”

>Oh, and one of the great thrills of my comic book experience was working with Arthur Adams. He thumbnailed all the pages for the Godzilla series, and he sent me a bunch of Godzilla reference material—a sculpted model, magazines, toys—all of which I still have somewhere. That was pretty awesome. Of course, if I was supposed to return them, that would make me a thief and a plagiarist.

>> No. 288595
What an asshole. No wonder he can't get laid.
>> No. 288629
He's also Japanese; it's probably just his napoleon complex. Another explaination might be an spastic self-image (I mean he draws everything in a pseudo anime style). If he hasn't re-learned himself since he was a teenager, he might still think of himself as youthful and cute. I'd put my money on a simple complex though.
>> No. 288660
File 135318059834.jpg - (3.68KB , 300x57 , aruCis cussus.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>No mansplaining.
Oh yes, the old "You have an inherent privilege that I don't, so nothing you can say will ever change the fact that you're wrong in my eyes."

Yeah, I'm sorry my grandma died and I thought it was appropriate to attend her funeral even on such short notice and a snowstorm grounded my return plane trip and pretty much any land routes as well. The fact that I missed your yearly motivational presentation after 15 years of employment here is totally unacceptable. I'll show myself to the door.

Fucking SJ, how does it work?
captcha related
>> No. 288662
Sounds like a personal experience. Have you more to share on that particular traumatic incident of your life, Whoreos?
>> No. 288669
It is kinda sad when what would seem to obviously be a parody comic is most likely completely serious.
>> No. 288679
File 135318650789.gif - (70.36KB , 740x250 , 2012-07-05.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 288680
File 13531866036.gif - (95.36KB , 740x250 , 2011-11-04.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You too Calvin, Trike Girl is omnipresent!
>> No. 288681
Tip for writers: There is no faster way to make your audience hate a character than to have them bark self-righteous diatribes at well-established characters people actually like.
>> No. 288689
Jesus Christ, I want to punch all shaded Sinfest characters.
>> No. 288700
This guy is a douchebag.
>> No. 288778

W... what.

Can someone please explain why there's some kid bitch on a tricycle (which somehow goes at motorcycle speeds) breaking all the way through the seventh wall to tell famous comic characters to shrek their privilege?
>> No. 288779
Because SJ, enig, because SJ. It's best not to ask too many questions, though I think they like to justify such assholery by claiming "it needed to be said".
>> No. 288781

Now all we need to do is make a comic about a guy on a unicycle that goes at Mach 7 wearing a welder's mask who kills SJfags while claiming he's from the EPA because "ur a faget". Then, and only then will the Cycle of Ween be complete.
>> No. 288785
>Cycle of Ween

>> No. 288786
B-b-but Calvin and Hobbes hasn't even been in the papers since 1995!
>> No. 288795
Strangely he's not googling himself and responding to our taunts. Either he's not very tech savvy or he's gotten used to being a loser and no longer gives a fuck.
>> No. 288796
She even one ups the Satan and God characters (Using her tricycle of course):


Also some more profound thoughts by trike girl:
>> No. 288802
Probably he doesn't allow himself to step down to our mortal level and respond to criticism.
>> No. 288803
File 135321054970.jpg - (2.85KB , 300x57 , mmonjew.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 288805
> Either he's not very tech savvy or he's gotten used to being a loser and no longer gives a fuck.
Or he's grateful for all the hits we're giving his site. We're probably the most attention his shitty webcomic has gotten in decades.

(Seriously, why the fuck are you stupid fuckers linking to him instead of just posting the offending strips here as pics?)
>> No. 288808
I can't upload stuff on my iPad.
>> No. 288812
Since he's an Sjer, I too am surprised he's not Googling himself to find us misogynist to sic his legions of fans at us. Then again, this guy doesn't look like he can handle criticism well, so maybe it does make sense.

Good point.
>> No. 288813
Who started this thread.
>> No. 288816
Homorlite did. Seriously, was just a webcomic thing, sorry. I posted links to the site because honest to god I just didn't want to uptuple post my own thread. Woulda criticized earlier for linking to it but goddamn, I'm a stupid fucking hypocrite.
>> No. 288820
that last one... I know sj stuff often makes no sense, but that one managed to brake the english barrier without even using made-up words. he gets one point for morphing his triker chick into a moonrune, though.
>> No. 288821
Back in the day, before he really went off the deep end, those were more frequent, and often kind of beautiful in a very human way. But now, shit. All shit as far as the eye can see. I mean it was still shit back then, but every once in a while you'd find a nice little gem like that.

If you want to see the others, look for earlier iterations of the name.
>> No. 288827
Okay, i take my previous statement back:

The fastest way to make people hate a character is to have them ONE-UPING GOD.
>> No. 288828
The trike girl is kinda like Mary Lee and her jerkops in sonichu.
>> No. 288829
but homor, dat makes da atheists jizz deir pants
>> No. 288830
File 135321660520.gif - (77.59KB , 740x250 , 2012-07-27.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It'd be interesting to hear from him why he hates "Slut Walks" since I imagine it's some weird puritan logic involving the patriarchy.
>> No. 288831
File 135321663127.gif - (71.68KB , 740x250 , 2012-07-31.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 288833
File 135321670094.gif - (57.13KB , 740x250 , 2012-09-01.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Also a hilarious joke for you all.
>> No. 288835
Jesus,these seem so forced and unfunny that it makes me wonder if he made some unintentionally sexist remark and now he is being blackmailed by some feminazi into making these.

Or maybe I'm wrong. Was that hen crossing the road one actually making fun of paranoid women? I really can't tell. Extreme beliefs are often hard to discern from satire.
>> No. 288850
File 135322186125.gif - (115.93KB , 740x250 , 2011-10-03.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Bare Midriff! Exposed Ankle!
>> No. 288851
File 135322191429.gif - (99.33KB , 740x250 , 2012-01-03.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I'm not sure what the meaning of this comic is supposed to be.
>> No. 288853
I think Ishida is trying to say that the whole is moving without him and he's irrelevant. Like that staring at the night sky cliche through the lens of SJ and nice guy
>> No. 288864
File 135322405527.gif - (93.03KB , 740x250 , 2012-01-04.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This is the comic after, and then the comics after that has the trike girl literally shouting "FIGHT THE PATRIARCHY" at people in the first panel of the comic then a few strips of people getting shouted at for reading porn and then there is a strip about a feminist book yelling at the religious guy because the bible caused the demotion of the mother goddess.
>> No. 288866
File 135322409387.gif - (338.60KB , 740x1355 , 2012-01-08.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I wonder if he was having a mental breakdown around that time or something?
>> No. 288869
Poe's Law?
>> No. 288871
This wasn't even an attempt to make a joke. This guy is seriously pissing me off.
>> No. 288872
hen they complain that iit's not fair that men can walk around topless.
>> No. 288876
File 135322546429.gif - (65.45KB , 740x252 , 2009-01-13.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
some of a few
>> No. 288877
File 135322551027.gif - (64.97KB , 740x253 , 2009-01-14.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
some more of a few
>> No. 288878
File 135322555879.gif - (70.20KB , 740x253 , 2009-01-15.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
some more of some more
>> No. 288879
File 135322561083.gif - (62.79KB , 740x253 , 2009-01-16.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
some of the last
>> No. 288881
File 135322569368.gif - (76.07KB , 740x253 , 2009-01-17.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
penultimate? or hypopenultimate
>> No. 288882
File 13532257414.gif - (319.85KB , 740x1223 , 2009-01-18.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Revealing this arc
>> No. 288884
I'll give him some credit and say that he does make cute drawings.
>> No. 288885
File 135322643124.gif - (383.01KB , 740x1359 , 2012-11-18.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hi Tatsuya

Also, guess who's back for today's strip? And for whatever reason I have a feeling the black one (in some strips previous) is Huey Freeman after a genderchange.
>> No. 288897
I don't know what this is supposed to represent, are they trying to promote the friend zone?
>> No. 288900
>> No. 288901
Something tells me at one point in his life he got friendzoned and the trauma shattered his fragile little psyche. Now he lives on as the creepy nice guy stalker, stuck now with his hand and the pen to draw monique.
>> No. 288904
Are these a shitty attempt to prove he is a nice guy and totally not one o those woman hating dudebros so all ladies should totally sleep with me cause i respect them
>> No. 288909
Is he banging sanityscaps?
>> No. 288912
File 135323004555.jpg - (39.31KB , 500x384 , Corman.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
A band of trycicling feminazis? This is beyond ridiculous. Also, he is ripping off Roger Corman.
>> No. 288913
Why does the tricycle thing piss me off so much..
>> No. 288915
Cause the trikes make the girls seem like three year olds, which impresses that he thinks children are intellectually capable, arguing on his side, and, what with all the nice guy vibes he sends, makes him seem lolicon.

>> No. 288919
File 135323147317.gif - (28.36KB , 669x276 , 2000-03-24.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It's amazing he went from being self aware to producing what he does now.
>> No. 288921
A decade of being a permavirgin can do that to you
>> No. 288928
What the fuck am I reading.
>> No. 288936
Slick, the main character has turned obsolete.
>> No. 288946
A decade? How old is this fucker?
>> No. 288986
The strip originated as one of those college newspaper strips, and the first strips date to 2000, so...
>> No. 288990
>The first strip as a webcomic appeared on January 17, 2000, although the very first strip appeared in print on October 16, 1991 in the UCLA newspaper, Daily Bruin, while Ishida attended UCLA.

Around 40?
>> No. 288998
Oh what? 20 years? What?

...h-how did someone in his thirties get into the rap/hip-hop shit of the 2000s anyways? It used to be a good parody; that nonsense was marketed towards people 14-20. What?
>> No. 289000
>Ishida attended UCLA.
That explains a great deal.
>> No. 289015
File 135326380412.jpg - (3.91KB , 300x57 , whichfoo Division.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So it's an illustrated chronicle of his 21-year descent into SJ madness...
>> No. 289016
This comic is secretly interesting now. But seriously, how did he stay in touch with youth culture so long? That's creepy as shit, I mean, this shit's older than I am and yet at one point it knew the shit marketed at us better than I did. It's just one more point added to his "Rusty brown index".
>> No. 289026
>But seriously, how did he stay in touch with youth culture so long?

He doesn't. He just reads tumblr and fem blogs. Nothing this guy says is new.
>> No. 289027
I'm talking about the year 2000, not now. Now he doesn't.
>> No. 289029
What's so weird is that Isidia portrays the "friend zone" as an amazing tool of female empowerment, when in reality most feminists outright deny it's existence or claim the concept is sexist.

Does this guy even understand the feminism he preaches about?
>> No. 289030
Naturally not
>> No. 289033
Well, if the loveshies have taught us anything, it's that the pursuit of pussy will often make you retarded.
>> No. 289101
> it's that the pursuit of pussy will often make you retarded.
Got that exactly backwards.

They pursue pussy because they are retarded. Stop pursuing pussy and the pussy just happens. This is the beginning of wisdom.
>> No. 289145
In >>288830 and >>288831 he calls third wave feminism misogynistic so it seems he thinks feminism is whatever he thinks it should be.
>> No. 289149

He follows Dworkin. Who was pretty out there in terms of feminism. Doubt many SJer's would support Dworkin. They tend to be 3rd Wave.
>> No. 289159
I don't feel this series has been appreciated enough. This feminist appears to believe women were created especially for him.
>> No. 289162
You know, reading a lot of these strips, i'm starting to think the author himself might have his own problems with women, and also a complex with gender in general.

Most of his strips now are supposed to be long tangents against other people, but they're starting to say more about him then anyone else.
>> No. 289168
This guy had some genuine funny comics in his early days. It's fascinating how he just took on this whole agenda and completely retooled his universe to do so.

I wonder what triggered him to do this.
>> No. 289179
I'm actually going with blackmail on this one. His past caught up with him and some girl is pulling his strings. Look for hidden messages such as "help me" in the artwork.
>> No. 289181
File 135330448095.png - (13.69KB , 556x379 , 2007-03-26-beartato-brainproblems.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
brilliant deduction homor!
>> No. 289191
> i'm starting to think the author himself might have his own problems with women,
Only starting?

>> No. 289192
> and some girl is pulling his strings
That assumes there's some girl out there willing to associate with him in any way, even blackmail.

Personally I don't see it happening.
>> No. 289193
Maybe she was 12 when he did "it".
>> No. 289197
And she's using any such hypothetical "leverage" to make him make his shitty webcomic even shittier? Where do you think that even begins to make sense?
>> No. 289200
You expect a teenage girl who's been molested to act rationally? Don't be surprised when he marries an 18 year old in a couple months or so. Girl probably thinks she's helping.
>> No. 289203
That's, uh, quite the hypothetical fantasy scenario you're building up there.

Occam's razor says he's just another social justice christer 40 year old virgin spergy fucktard.
>> No. 289206
I'm guessing some weird catholic guilt trip style thing / midlife crisis.
>> No. 289214
Rather uh late onset. I just don't see that happening.
Maybe it's like that guy who's dating sanityscraps. So pussy whipped he'd hold up a sign with that feminazi bullshit written on it.
>> No. 289215
> Rather uh late onset.
Whaddya mean "late onset"?

This isn't a case of anything "onsetting". He started out bad and has been getting progressively worse.
>> No. 289217
But he wasn't all social justice and didn't seem too mind sexy demons and such. Now he's got a problem with midrif, which is hilarious since it was pretty common male fashion in the 80s and 90s. Showing abs is sexy for both sexes.
>> No. 289220
Which has been part of a gradual descent into SJ fucktardery. There was no "onset".
>> No. 289235
Is it just me or is he an ex social conservative who just felt the need to remain sexually repressed and justifies his internal bullshit struggle with social justice bullshit. Fuck the fucking fucker. He's not milkable. Maybe his fans are, though. Let's fuck with his fans.
Maybe we can get him to draw Gary Gears if we social justice it up to hell.
>> No. 289237
>Is it just me or is he an ex social conservative who just felt the need to remain sexually repressed and justifies his internal bullshit struggle with social justice bullshit.

Oh my god, you nailed it.

There's really no way i can explain it better, Isida is taking his own problem with guilt and confusion and trying to pass them off as a holy crusade with a message that has to be spread.

It's like when mom only starts buying health food and tells everyone "this family is going on a diet!" like, no mom, WE'RE not going on a diet, YOU are. YOU are the one who needs to lose weight.
>> No. 289248

Lots of crying over restaurant chains cutting hours (over firing employees) for being racist because of the obamacare laws.

PROTIP: The CEO of Red Lobster and Olive Garden is black. But nope. That Uncle Tom CEO is doing it because Obama was elected.
>> No. 289273
As a dweller of a Banana Republic, let me tell you this: welcome to the club, Americans!
>> No. 289279
Damn it, people. It's not race. It's money. CEOs will do anything to fuck people over and enhance their paychecks.
>> No. 289318
File 135335688370.png - (34.80KB , 534x424 , Twitter weirdo.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This is pretty clearly a troll.
>> No. 289319
>1,912 TWEETS

I-I think this is sincere.
>> No. 289321
It's not exactly hard to build up a lot of followers and tweets on Twitter. People are generally happen to follow you if you follow them.
>> No. 289327
> CEOs will do anything to fuck people over and enhance their paychecks.
More like when well meaning idiots in government pass expensive bullshit laws trying to legislate a free lunch into existence, corporations aren't going to be paying for them. Corporations are going to pass that shit downwards so the working man pays.

Like always.
>> No. 289331
Can we please not politisperg things up?
>> No. 289352
More a case of "what the fuck did you think was going to happen?" for politispergs.
>> No. 289372
IDK, a lot of people get caught up in identity politics easily, and some people have already called for a boycott.

This please. I posted it, but it's not about the obamacare laws itself. It's about people freaking out over businesses being 'racist' by trying to cover their own ass/cut down costs.
>> No. 289376
> a lot of people get caught up in identity politics easily,
A lot of people are also simply really REALLY stupid.
>> No. 289378
The way i see it, it works like this:

40% of the general population is completely, ineptly retarded. Barely able to function.
20% of the population is still stupid, but able to function properly and use very basic reasoning. But they also suffer from a bad case of the Dunning-Kruger effect. (That's us!)
30% of the population is fairly intelligent, but also lethargic.
10% of the population are, in some way, geniuses. They've got much better things to do.
>> No. 289379
The average person is so fucking stupid and conceited he thinks the average person has above average intelligence.
>> No. 289390
the more i learn the more i realize intelligence is a fairly meaningless term.

its not because we're all special snowflakes, its because there is so much to knowledge that both the moron at mcd's and the college professor both have nothing but one trillionth of what there is to know.

or i could just be blazed
>> No. 289391
Stupidity is interesting at a deep level. Your body is chemical; your eyes and ears are always on. Your brain too; sleep is when clutter builds up and you need it cleared. Your brain multitasks at all times; even though sleep and wakefulness are clearly differentiate, many processes are running even while waking, that you describe as sleep.

Take this with respect to the universe; because you're always on, the only things you can know are what are available to you chemically.

Culpable stupidity falls apart at this level, at least in any classical sense, that is in any sense preassuming free will. It doesn't eliminate problems though, it just makes everything sound stupid in the most zen way.
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