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File 135282521854.gif - (78.90KB , 316x475 , Iain M_ Banks.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
287715 No. 287715
Any fandoms without retards?
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>> No. 287717
>> No. 287719
"Fan" is short for "fanatic", so, by definition, no.
>> No. 287721
The Mystery Science Theater fandom seems mstly sane.
>> No. 287745
TVTropes is obsessed with the show.
>> No. 287749
Nope none, it goes along with the territory.
>> No. 287750
TVtropes is obsessed with everything. It is by its nature something that draws the obsessed.
>> No. 287756
The closest fandom I could think of sports teams. While I know some of you disagree with this, but considering I have never seen or heard of a lolcow with more than a passing interest in sports teams, and the number of spergs who act like it makes you smart to not enjoy sports, I would say that sports is by nature very sperg unfriendly and the few massive retards who do love sports are at least capable of being social and self-aware. Which kinda makes them not retarded, in my opinion.
>> No. 287758
File 135283727343.jpg - (74.95KB , 720x445 , caseydog.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 287775
Except you know the fights that break out and how sports loss related riots aren't exactly unheard of. There are plenty of lolcow types in the sports world, just most of them probably don't hang out in the same places that you find your garden variety Sonispast.
>> No. 287776
>> No. 287778
Haven't you heard of hooligans, barrabravas? Hundreds of people have died in my country of football related violence.
>> No. 287780
Yeah, sports fans can be super spergy, from having rooms of a certain teams merchandise to being obsessed with statistics like: http://www.baseball-reference.com/teams/NYY/1998.shtml
>> No. 287782
>Hundreds of people have died in my country of football related violence.

>> No. 287783
Just look for anything made before 1975 or so. Even if you find an occasional sperg, it won't be as flat out retarded as the shit that floats around deviantart and fanfiction.net.
>> No. 287786
If you want to avoid those kind of people why would you even want to associate yourself with a fandom in the first place?
>> No. 287788
I was talking of Argentina, I assume you thought I was Australian. Here football is a religion, nd children are compulsory registered at their parents favourite football team club,and when theu die they are buried with football related stuff.
>> No. 287791
The Gary Gears fandom doesn't have any retards yet! ;D
>> No. 287794
Just wait until Homor finally does something with it.
>> No. 287824
Msties are sane till you mention Mike vs Joel, the new Mads vs. the old Mads, if season 7 was good or a waste of potential, the Comedy Central Era vs Sci-Fi channel era, etc.
>> No. 287832

Mmmm, these are fine points. I guess when you get to the meat of it, sports is just as bad as Pokemon or Sonic. It's just more accepted to be obsessed with a sports team.

But, no offense to any Eurobros or Latinbros, but I've always thought the whole riot thing to be something that happened in Europe or Latin America. But I wouldn't be surprised if we had a few crazy riots over baseball or something.
>> No. 287833
To sperg for a moment, Joel had better cocks but Mike was funnier with his delivery.
>> No. 287843
Soccer violence is fairly common, it used to worse, at least here in the UK, organised fights were fairly regular post match but the police and soccer clubs took a really tough stance against it and you rarely see it now.
>> No. 287847
Spergification is only a question of degree, and its growth is ultimately inevitable.
>> No. 287848
Here in Argieland, hooligans are in cahoots with the police and politicians. It's practically a crime syndicate, they even sell drugs during matches, they control the parking lots near the stadiums, selling protection to the drivers, if you don't pay, an "accident" may happen to your pretty car.
>> No. 287850

Technically moleman is a gearsperg, but he still hasn't made a crossover (sadly).
>> No. 287855
Another Argie? osom.

ontopic...Latin america has a lot of stupid fandoms. Here in argieland we re having the 9fags and cheese conies.
>> No. 287856
I am actually looking forward to reading Gary Gears after all this ironic hype!
>> No. 287861
Yes, it's terrifying! Seeing the mongoloids from the Conurbano wearing t-shirts with trollface, Angry Birds and other memes.
>> No. 287874
Iain Banks hates da joos.
>> No. 287880
  >Implying that Americans can't act like spergs over sports.
>> No. 287890
Okay, since we have determined sports in general to be just as bad as anything else, I have very little left.

I'll shoot in the dark and say that the Swat Kats fandom isn't too bad, as the nostalgiafagging is to be expected in any old fandom and the furfagging isn't as bad as other fandoms.
>> No. 287893

Fair points but keep in mind, even the spergiest sports fans who know all the statistics and have dens full of favorite team related merch tend to be far more socially aware than people who sperg over cartoons, vidya and movies. I mean, most sports fans have a job, own a place, maybe even have wives and children.
>> No. 287913
And having wife and children is a sign of success because?
>> No. 287919
Not all sports fans have jobs, plus some will only date a woman who doesn't mind them traveling to every single match their team plays.

Also Chris will probably own his parents place once Barb dies, does that make him a better person for it?
>> No. 287932
Butthurt virgin aspie detected
>> No. 287934
You have to be joking.

>plus some will only date a woman who doesn't mind them traveling to every single match their team plays.

Something tells me this is pretty likely compared to meeting a girl who loves vidya, cartoons/anime, etc on a level that satisfies that sperg's obsession.
>> No. 287941
I see the marriages of the people around me, and they seem to be quite miserable, the husband, the wife, the children. Call me whatever you like, that won't change how unhappy are many couples.
>> No. 287942
On the other hand, I see many people who claim to be happy being single or shut-ins and there are easily more miserable than any couple.

Honestly, I would rather be dating than be alone.
>> No. 287943
Touché, my friend, touché.
>> No. 287961
No. /thread
>> No. 288012
Dante, Milton, Palahniuk, Blake, just off the top of my head.
You have to either be incredibly unique or dead for a long time in order to acquire a sophisticated fanbase. Even then it sometimes never happens. Shakespeares fans are generally spergs.
>> No. 288013
I like sex too. That said hell is other people.
>> No. 288015
You really think there is no spergy fans of Fight Club?
>> No. 288016
Just instantiate a new stupid rule. Call it Rule spasm: If it exists there are spergy fans of it.
>> No. 288019
Hey does anyone remember that comicsomeone posted on here where the cony cosplayer chops his hands feet and dick off to be more like a pony?
>> No. 288030
Wouldn't a pony have a huge cock?
>> No. 288053
He cut off his penis and stuck it on he head so he could be a magical unicorn. :3
>> No. 288106
What thread was that posted in?
>> No. 288160
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