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File 135290265598.jpg - (744.85KB , 1963x3000 , 01.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
287901 No. 287901
*said in a whisper with a tone of reverence and awe*

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>> No. 287928
Who the fuck is Enerjak?
>> No. 287931
Some recolor, I imagine.
>> No. 287933
Judging by the picture it's Super Saiyan 3 Knuckles
>> No. 287936
>Enerjak is the name of a villainous alter ego and Chaos demigod that has been applied to numerous Echidnas. Enerjak was originally an Echidna scientist from Albion who ascended into the Chaos Force, but became corrupted and had his being scattered across the Chaos Force. His ambient spirit would later inhabit the bodies of other echidnas, the first being another Albion scientist during the Forgotten War who grew too powerful and was OBLIVERATEed. The second new Enerjak was another scientist named Dimitri who took on the identity in the time of the First Robotnik War, previously having absorbed the power of eleven Chaos Emeralds using his Chaos Syphon device. He retained this identity until he was drained of his powers by Mammoth Mogul nearly 400 years later. Another incarnation of Enerjak was recently created by Dr. Finitevus as part of Project Enerjak: Reborn, using the Master Emerald and a brainwashed Knuckles the Echidna. This Enerjak was also defeated when Locke the Echidna broke Dr. Finitevus' hex on the Master Emerald, returning Knuckles to his former state. Afterwards, Knuckles learned from Finitevus that both he and Dimitri were but the latest individuals to assume the identity. Additionally, two Enerjaks exist in an alternate future reality; one as a tyrannical dictator, the other as a protector and restorer of the world.

Wow, this shit really does read like somsthing Chris would have made up.
>> No. 287938

Knuckles' evil Cherokeean spirit

(This actually isn't far from the truth.)
>> No. 287950
Holy shit these writers need to be murdered
>> No. 287951
Holy shit these writers need to be murdered
>> No. 287960

>> No. 287962
>previously having absorbed the power of eleven Chaos Emeralds using his Chaos Syphon device
>eleven Chaos Emeralds
Holy shit, Penders run was a complete clusterfuck
>> No. 287973
File 135292500974.jpg - (266.40KB , 533x800 , DimitriFR1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I just looked him up, apparently his new original do not steal character is Darth Knuckles or something.
>> No. 287974
He still trying to sue Archie for the rights to his OCs?
>> No. 287977
I really have no idea since I am just looking him up right now but it seems like an ongoing thing:

>> No. 287978
Isn't Penders a little bit old for these kind of shenanigans involving a cartoony blue hedgehog.
>> No. 287981
I don't know how this is even being taken seriously in court, no wonder Chris has a messed up view on copyright.
>> No. 288000
I still wish we knew what portion of what chromosome causes some people to be so actively stupid as to enjoy a comic about WOW SO SERIOUS N EDGY hadgehags in a 7deep83meoryou plot.

Or the chromosome that caused Sonic Retro. Either one's fine.
>> No. 288001
Isn't Chris? Isn't A-Log? Isn't EVERY Sonic sperg?
>> No. 288004
  Very related.
>> No. 288024
SeanieB is one of the only people I've seen who is a part of the Sonic fandom and yet isn't a huge internet drama causing man child, they are nearly as bad as furries.
>> No. 288036
Hi Sean
>> No. 288056
File 13529473215.jpg - (33.94KB , 304x425 , homor simpson.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Mod cocksucking

Seanie isn't perfect you know. None of the mods are. It's alright to call him out on being a sonic fan, you suckup.
>> No. 288058
I didnt mean it like that, I just don't see many people in the Sonic fandom who aren't total man-children, although I guess I only know few personally.
>> No. 288059

Have you read Ian Flynn's current run? For what the comic is, it's been a good read as of late.
>> No. 288072

>Sanic Hadgehag comics
>Good read

Check your spasm:
>> No. 288084
File 135295606673.jpg - (633.46KB , 664x1024 , ivowins.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

They're not good literature in the sense that one might argue the more critically-acclaimed comics are, such as how many see "Watchmen."

However, Flynn writes them like a fun kids' comic. It's no more pretentious than a daytime cartoon, but they care about telling a complete story.

What made Penders' stuff stand out was that he filled it with furfag romance and angsty drama as if he were deliberately catering to the 30-something manchildren who write Princess Sally fanfiction.

Writers afterwards have gone back to trying to make a good general audiences comic book, so the comparison makes it look tons better.
>> No. 288128
>What made Penders' stuff stand out was that he filled it with furfag romance and angsty drama as if he were deliberately catering to the 30-something manchildren who write Princess Sally fanfiction.

That's because Penders got way too serious about a world of cartoon hedgehogs. They say most of the echidna bullshit he created was just the fantasy story he couldn't get started on his own, reskinned with Sonic characters.

Of course, when he got fired he threw a fit because his life's work (stories about recolored cartoon hedgehogs) was lost.
>> No. 288136
Says the guy tripfagging on an Internet image board.
Exactly, his writing suits the material and audience intended. Nobody is expecting Bartleby, A Rose for Emily or A Perfect Day for Bananafish; just silly fun comic book.
>> No. 288155
There's people in this thread who actually read the Sonic comic books.

Holy fuck, CWCki forums really has taken over this place, hasn't it?
>> No. 288166

>implying tripfagging can be compared to a sanic comic

You're from the CWCki, aren't you?
>> No. 288169
Aren't you trying a little bit hard.
>> No. 288183

to be fair, you are one useless fucking tripfag
>> No. 288193

Please get out.
>> No. 288211
>didn't saved the spasm chart enig made
You get out!
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