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File 135293496340.jpg - (36.24KB , 400x282 , refugees1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
288003 No. 288003
Cwcki Forums refugee's you need to find another board to shit up. I suggest /mlp/ , there is no place for you all here.
Expand all images
>> No. 288005

New forum address. GO THERE
>> No. 288007

>23 users online
>> No. 288008
They are desperate for sperg free and hard.
>> No. 288020
They have literally nowhere to go, this is the only place for them. They are welcome here.

Bitch all you like, they're here to stay, and i'm cool with it. I believe eventually they'll absorb our culture.
>> No. 288021
I get it, you were a cwcki forums refugee! I should have known from your lolcow behavior!
>> No. 288023
What do you mean they have nowhere else to go? Someone just posted a link to the new forums.
>> No. 288032
there you go
>> No. 288033
you have a choice now
pick one and go
>> No. 288035

never has a name been more apt.
>> No. 288037
my thoughts exactly
>> No. 288042
Scary thought...........but what if we end up absorbing their culture?
>> No. 288043
>What if

It has begun...
>> No. 288045
abandon ship!
>> No. 288048
They hate us to a ridiculous extent.

For example, they ban people for their actions on /cwc/.
>> No. 288050
>nowhere to go
>link to new cwcki forums in the thread

homor confirmed for double spast
>> No. 288051
cwcki forum homor. what did you expect. They just banned me for asking who got them taken out.
>> No. 288067
I agree. Amnesty for the undocumented posters now!
>> No. 288074
>implying there's any refugees from the cwcki forums here

The cwckifags are too busy drawing furry porn and sperging aobut social justice on their Tumblrs to come here. You guys are just getting trolled.
>> No. 288077
I don't see the difference.
Really, maybe I'm not looking at the right threads, but I didn't see anything spergier or weener than usual.
/cwc/ is as delusional about itself as ever it seems for me.
>> No. 288080
File 135295528789.jpg - (14.36KB , 313x72 , crymoar.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Captcha related.

You're a homosexual deviant, Joe Rappa. That's all.
>> No. 288083
Really now? Funny a guy asks why they got taken out in the first place and you call him a deviant. Yeah go back on short bus now Fredo.
>> No. 288085

There's a certain type of asshole that's created from efforts to build an identity around a username.

But there's also a certain type of asshole that's created from being able to say whatever you want without accountability due to anonymity.

Pick your poison.
>> No. 288087

homor you fucking zionist, stop pressing your internets cultural marxism on me and go back to the webcomic thread

i for one appreciate the deportation of cwcki immigrants
>> No. 288088
Refugee, reporting in.

Why does everybody hate Homor so much?
>> No. 288089
"We" don't hate /cwc/, most of us post here anyway, the "war" between the two forums is entirely imaginary.

You could only get banned from CWCki Forums/whatever replaces it for your actions on /cwc/ by being exceedingly stupid, like doxing posters from there on here, or sperging out something fearsome.

To be honest, since the CWCki Forums went down basically nothing has changed on /cwc/, except that there's more trolls trying to pretend they're CWCki Forum refugees to troll you all.
>> No. 288092
Nice imitation of a sarcastic cwiki user. Let's bring hitler into this, because that will stop the argument.
>> No. 288093
Thank You for clearing things up.
>> No. 288095

actually that was serious i'm just intoxicated


but really i love you homor, you're just too goddamn nice man. why arent you bitter and angry like everyone else
>> No. 288097
Implying he's not just a closet cwiki user.
He's actually a rather bitter shut in.
>> No. 288105
It's a sad sight when 789 Chan users bash each other. How the fuck do any of you know one of you are from the CWCki? They've integrated into our community. Deal with it.
>> No. 288107
Yep. This is as good as it gets kids so deal with it.
>> No. 288115
File 135296238026.jpg - (3.71KB , 300x57 , teristic.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No. 288117
Alright we get the HI meme. Christ go to your hughbox
>> No. 288119
Anyway, while you guys are here, I heard it closed because of a complaint. Why? Was the complainer banned because he was from /cwc/? Was he a tryhard like phobos? Did he insulted your ponies?
>> No. 288141
File 135297288989.png - (1.05MB , 800x474 , autism.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This thread made me spastic.
>> No. 288142
>hi meme
>> No. 288145
File 13529731445.jpg - (171.29KB , 800x500 , 134843181559-1348431468035.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 288148
Isn't that Leibniz instead of Descartes?
>> No. 288151

>> No. 288153

>HI meme

RIP HI A-LOG, you were fun while you lasted
>> No. 288157
Someone really ought to explain how HI A-LOG works so that all these homosexual deviants can understand it.
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