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File 135312405443.jpg - (10.11KB , 250x250 , williamwaycenter.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
288523 No. 288523
New Philly tranny general, since the old Robb thread got archived.
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>> No. 288531
who cares
>> No. 288556
A lot of spergs, because the old thread was apparantly deemed worthy of archiving.
>> No. 288558
I'm kind of confused on what introman is actually trying to achieve anymore.
>> No. 288568
He did it for the lulz
>> No. 288590

Trying to save Robb's soul from the void that is transway.

That part is mostly over, now it's just all the Philly trans thinking introman is some kind of super villian out to get them
>> No. 288600
Wouldn't it have been easier to just convince Rob to OBLIVERATE it from the inside? You wasted a perfectly good opportunity.
>> No. 288602

There's nothing to transway other than trannies getting hormones and having orgies at various locations.
>> No. 288603
So we're robbs personal army now?
>> No. 288621
If the Philadelphia field agents can get names and pictures it could be worth a fountain of cocks.
>> No. 288622
If the Philadelphia field agents can get names and pictures it could be worth a fountain of cocks.
>> No. 288624
Sorry about your spasm. Hopefully you can learn to better cope with it soon.
>> No. 288628
“Basically what happened was we had a clique of trans women who became very classist, very size-ist, very discriminatory of what they think trans people are and aren’t,” says 25-year-old Ahuviya Harel, who has been a part of the group since last year. Identifying as gender-queer male-to-female, Harel, donning camo pants when we met, says she felt discriminated against for not presenting herself as feminine enough.
>> No. 288646
Well Harel is an embarrassment to the MTF trans community. Jordan at least tries her best.
>> No. 288651
Neither shaves often enough
>> No. 288653

Harel is an embarrassment to the entire human race.
>> No. 288657
MTF trans community is an embarrassment to the entire human race.
>> No. 288658

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles-Log.
>> No. 288663

At least I'm not Harel.
>> No. 288664
Listen, I not pushing my agenda for political reasons. I feel like there are unstable people, emotionally stunted manchildren and sexually frusturated love shys (and I'm not denying that I am NOT any of those things) who abuse and even redistribute hormones in Philly.

The way they reacted over Introman is more proof that some of these people aren't thinking properly. They ignored me and my problems until introman started infringing on their teritory and all of a sudden, I'm the bad guy in all of this.

Hormones damage your brain among other things. Transway is just proof that this has all goen too far.
>> No. 288666
File 135318415248.jpg - (36.45KB , 600x600 , TDOR_2012.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 288667
if you weren't a fucking retard you'd just walk awa
>> No. 288668

You don't understand that I've been personally wronged by this community and that is the only reason for my involvement. Introman, actaually wants to help me at least get public recognition of this vicious injustice.
>> No. 288671
Never change Robb, never change
>> No. 288672
no he wants to make you look like a stupid asshole
>> No. 288673
I agree with the other poster, you'd be better just not talking to them again or they'll just drag you back into their drama.
>> No. 288675
File 135318594730.jpg - (93.38KB , 720x545 , never_Ending_Story.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
here we go again. Hang on Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles
>> No. 288676

Robb, the people here posting for you to "just walk away" and insulting you are members of transway.

They're scared of introman for whatever reason and they think trying to get you to go away will make him go away.
>> No. 288682

And IF there's anyone from Transway posting here trying to influence public opinion, I kindly ask you to STOP. I have enough fucking stress just trying to get employed and get an insurance plan for myself as well as pay rent.

I'm too busy being fucking human to get wrapped up in this petty crap.
>> No. 288683

Transway. This is 100% my doing. Robb has nothing to do with this. He didn't lead me to you men. I was led by somebody with higher social status to end the hormone highway. I will be in the IRC laughing at your manly asses.

/CWC/ the reason the trannies declared war on me is because I want to stop the hormone highway. Here's a post I wrote about it earlier.

"I heard some disheartening news about Robert Stiles. At a certain place that is going to remain nameless, Robb was seen rallying the transgenders against Cathy Brennan and myself. Some of the terms he used towards us was completely slanderous. I see that the trannies want to use him as a tool against us and our establishment. I am not going to let this shit stand! Lets just say the response will be in the politics section of a lot of newspapers due to the political power you guys have given us.

The transgender individuals from Philadelphia might try to slander me with terms like "neo nazi, Aryan, White supremacist, Trans-Terrorist, or Radfem fuck toy". This side of the internet knows that this is not true, but I will put it out just in case I gain any notoriety from my goals. I saw the pain these "trans" individuals had, but they weren't all gender dysphoric. A lot were crossdressers and/or loveshys who gave up being men, because they failed at it and tried to be stereotypical ladies. Most shrinks would write these weirdoes off and tell them not to harm themselves with improper dosages of hormones. Mazzoni Center doesn't use full psychological evaluations and makes it really easy to get hormones. It's easier to get hormones in Philly, than to get an AK 47 in Somalia is an apt analogy. Mazzoni is in essence (analogy time again folks) telling anorexics to purge away to get the body they want instead of telling these individuals to go through psych evaluations and solve their problems. This needs to stop and thanks to the help of some key people in America and abroad. We might end this hormone pushing business.

I want to end the focus on brainwashed rob and refocus my life on bigger and better things. It's sad how they reprogram loveshy's in to believing they're dysphoric.

WARNING: These individuals I am talking against, uses outliers of society (ADF, R!ka, Jordan) as a personal army against those that oppose them. They bitched at Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles at one hand and used his apartment for orgies. They would rather be horny men than good people."
>> No. 288684

Thank you. And with that, I take my leave. If anyone from /cwc/ wants to see me, I will be handing out fliers demonstating what transway truley is at the Thanksgiving Macy's Day parade. I am no longer that paranoid transexual shit and would gladly support people joining me in this action. I will also be posting pictures of any lolcow behavior from the LGBT crowd that will be attempting to soil the minds of innocent children with their slutty behavior.
>> No. 288685
>265 people were killed in the last 12 months simply for being themselves.

So are there gangs of transphobic bigots roaming the streets and targeting trans people, or am I missing something?
>> No. 288686
You see the thing is robb. Although I want to believe you, the problem is that you have not given any real examples on how transway is corrupting people of lesser intelligence, or promoting elitism amongst the (i am going to call it for it really is) transexual ranks. Yes you have adf, but i think that guy was messed up from the beginning. I mean think about it a male to female transexual, that just so happens to a lesbian. I would think that would make you straight. But not in adf's mind he thinks he is a girl. So in his screwed up logic he is male lesbian. (a gaybian if you will).
However if you can provide evidence that transway promoting (or brainwashing if you prefrer a more extreme euphemism instead) these destructive behaviors, by supplementing hormones without sucessfuly identifying gender identity disorder. Then you sir, you have a case. But until then cool story broham.
>> No. 288687

Did you want me to have a camcorder in my pocket when I thought I was invited to the transway meeting for supposedly "peacefully" reasons just to have Julia, Rachel, Tammy Rae and Slyvester (Big, fat middle aged tranny with a Jay leno jaw) tard rage that I have let a "radfem agent" personally deface Transway online and that Tammy Rae and Jordman can't leave their houses because of Introman and me.

Hormones have fucked them up to the poimt where they believe these delusions.
>> No. 288688
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles contact this guy he will help you out.
>> No. 288690
>transsexual at a bar
>tells people she's transsexual before dating them because not doing so would be wrong
>gets beaten to death by drunk rednecks so they can prove their straightness
>doesn't tell people she's trans so she doesn't get murdered by psychopaths
>eventually tells a guy after dating him for a while
>he stabs her for trying to turn him gay

>forever alone
>> No. 288691
>talks about transsexuals like he knows something while being completely ignorant
Wow, it's every normal person ever!
Gender identity has absolutely nothing to do with sexual orientation whatsoever. If it did, how would you explain sexy lesbians or manly gay guys?
Also, if any of you are interested in actually having some intellectual high ground in all this other than just laughing at trannies because trannies are ugly and stupid and different than you, please read this before talking shit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Causes_of_transsexualism
>> No. 288692
PS: I know nothing about this particular drama, I'm just transsexual myself. Not at all trying to defend these people if they really are just weird perverts. But 'weird sex perverts' is a label people apply to transsexuals by default so I'm not convinced this isn't just one tard who thought being a girl would be totally hot, with a grudge for being shot down/allowed to embarrass himself.
>> No. 288693
Not who you are quoting but 99% of the time if someone says they are a male lesbian you know they are a lolcow, not sure about female to male homosexuals since I've only seen it once and that was with that SephirothLover girl who was obsessed with yaoi.
>> No. 288694
Thanks for the sperg. Gb2 Tumblr tranny.
>> No. 288695
You don't know anything about Robb?

Why are you even posting here? (You must have just started posting if you literally don't know anything about the Drama with Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles)
>> No. 288696
(Appoligies if that's you Jen)
>> No. 288697

Listen, I don't care if your transsexual. I am a former tranny, (yes former) amd the transsexuals where I live are all on HUMUNNGOUS power trips. They are paranoid, inconsiderate to fellow transsexuals, and think their problems are the worlds problems.

If you want to see the detrimental effects of hormones just look up my article, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, or the ADFki. Trannies over here are fake, manical and my "friend" even illegally sold hormones to me and others just for some cheap dollars.
>> No. 288698
I hate robbay he gives true and honest trannies like me a bad name!!
>> No. 288699
The tumblr social justice crowd are a bunch of retarded teenagers who think they're being deep. Judging any group of people by them is laughable.
I just stumbled on this board from cwcki after hearing down the grapevine that there was some chris chan news and going to check it out.
>> No. 288701
Shit like this makes being transsexual even worse. I'm not a part of any transsexual group or whatever, I find them full of incredibly shallow and damaged people like yourself. I just want to be able to be myself without wanting to die.
I don't know what you could possibly mean when you say hormones have negative effects on you- hormones are a natural part of the human body. The closest thing to negative effects are the old techniques for mtf transition before they discovered anti-androgens where they'd just pump you full of so much estrogen it would override the effects of testosterone and your kidneys would give out by 60.
Unless of course you're trying to blame hormones for making you act retarded.

>> No. 288702
Not him, but I've been posting here since 2009 and I don't give a fuck about Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 288704
dude it's a chan NOBODY CARES
>> No. 288705

Wow, you're just as much a dick as all the other trannies I know. But that's no problem because you do have a dick.
>> No. 288706
Stop Posting
>> No. 288707
Robb you're an asshole too, only you're to stupid to see when you're being used for the amusement of others
>> No. 288708
I used to think trannies were alright before I actually met any.
>> No. 288709

Wow. You really haven't changed one little bit, have you?
>> No. 288712
Robb taking personal responsibility for something?
of course not first it's weed, then bath saltsk, now it's "DEM EVIL HORMONES DEY MADE ME DO IT"
always blame someone else.
>> No. 288713
Yeah, I know. Call me crazy, I just like trying to educate here and there. I know it's a chan and it's all tards and trolls but >>288666 is a true fact, so I don't particularly care for the joking around.
I'm a dick because I said you act retarded and blame transsexuals/hormones for it? I'd just like you to make that clear for everyone.
you cant tell me what to do your not even my real dad
>> No. 288715

That won't be necessary. But what i am looking for is propaganda stuff like leaftlets and pamphlets. Maybe some kind of website demonstrating or portraying there long term goals, political affiliations. That sort of things. Thats great that you listed some names.

The way i see that is this. You see "manly gay guys" and "sexy lesbians" but i see people who comfortable with who they are and who they love. Transexuals as i see them, hate who they are and try to run from themselves every chance they get. So in other words if your mft trans (vice versa) want the oppsite sex, just be straight.
>> No. 288716
>>he stabs her for trying to turn him gay
>he stabs her

back to tumblr with you.
>> No. 288717

>Gender identity has absolutely nothing to do with sexual orientation whatsoever.

You do know that wiki page you just linked has a whole section on sexuality being a cause of transexualism, right?
>> No. 288718

>PS: I know nothing about this particular drama

Maybe you should shut the fuck up then.
>> No. 288719
I appreciate that you aren't acting hateful about it, but gender dysphoria really has nothing to do with sexual orientation.
A lot of scientists think, and research supports, that gender dysphoria is caused, at least in many cases, by the brain developing as that of the opposite gender due to exposure to too much of the wrong sex hormone or not reacting properly to the presence of the correct one, while developing in the womb.
I want to be female, not because I think I'd be an inadequate or pathetic male, but because I simply don't want to be one, I don't feel like one. It's not easy to explain. And while I'm into men myself, I can tell you it has nothing to do with what I want sexually, other than tangentially in that the idea of using my dick on something makes me very uncomfortable.
>> No. 288720
You know what sucks? Being gay and having to include trannies in LGBT since all trannies are insane

They give homosexual deviants like me a bad name
>> No. 288721
Yeah, and it ends like this: "Scientific criticism of the theory includes papers from Veale, Nuttbrock, Moser, and others who argue that the theory is poorly representative of MTF transsexuals, non-instructive, the experiments poorly controlled, or contradicted by other data.[14][15][16][17] Many sources, including some supporters of the theory, criticize Blanchard's choice of wording as confusing or degrading. Though it has supporters, the transsexual community has for the most part vehemently rejected the theory."
>> No. 288722
>> No. 288723

>I don't know what you could possibly mean when you say hormones have negative effects on you- hormones are a natural part of the human body.

Like anything else, if you take too much then it's going to fuck you up, obviously. They may be a natural part of your body but they need to keep a very delicate balance.
>> No. 288724
Why? Because you don't like what I'm posting?
>> No. 288725
Did you even read the sentence I posted immediately after.
>> No. 288726

No, because when you say something like "I don't know what you could possibly mean", I didn't expect you to then explain how you knew exactly what he meant, for some reason.
>> No. 288727
Lynn Conway estimated that the indidence rate of transexualism is 1/1000 in men. This gives a million transexual men. Considering that mtf are 6 times more common than ftm we can get approx. 1,200,000 trannies in the United States.

If we take the 265 trannies murder in the past year and do the math we get an murder rate of .22 murders per thousand. Considering that murder rate was about 4 in 2010 we can conclude from this that a tranny is much LESS likly to be murdered than a normal person.
>> No. 288728
I find that incidence rate highly unlikely
>> No. 288730
I find all those figures highly unlikely.
>> No. 288733
Except he clearly wasn't talking about kidney failure, he was blaming the evil tranny hormones for making him act like a retard.
Actual numbers vary wildly and are hard to track down due to people with conflicting agendas exaggerating in both directions.
There's an article on the subject: http://www.patheos.com/blogs/wwjtd/2012/05/murder-statistics-of-transgender-people/
But I actually care about the subject and even I can't make it through the article, so I doubt anybody else here will read the whole thing.
>> No. 288734
File 135319490135.jpg - (41.09KB , 720x480 , Homer cigar.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Does every fucking tranny on this board be an anally devastated spast who simply has to sperg about his dick. Why can't you be normal like you claim to be?

Inb4 Omega deletes my post and bans me to prove my point. Shut the fuck up. Seriously.
>> No. 288735

I wasn't talking about the ridiculous shit Robb comes out with, I'm aware he's a retard all on his own, I was just talking about the actual dangers.
>> No. 288736
Trannies are only useful for novelty and fetish porn and are only be considered humans for political correctness issues.

Deal with it.
>> No. 288737
"while i am into men"
Thats what i am talking about. Judging from what you said that i can acertain you because you feel that you are female, that you should be attracted to males. Right.
>> No. 288738
Who's Omega?
>> No. 288740

This guy.
>> No. 288742
So do I, but Lynn is a tranny activist. Those numbers are tranny numbers. Take the number of trannies trannies claim there are divide by the number of trannies that trannies claim got murdered and thats what you get.
>> No. 288744
File 135319678537.jpg - (31.15KB , 585x435 , White-Phosphorus-victim-fallujah.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I don't know what you could possibly mean when you say hormones have negative effects on you- hormones are a natural part of the human body.

You know what else is a natural part of the human body? Phosphorus, which is in every cell in your body in cell membranes and ATP. It's also used for picrelated.

You're as retarded as Introman says you are if you think bears won't maul you to death because they're natural.
>> No. 288753
File 135319968647.jpg - (31.07KB , 450x450 , trans panther.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The first member of Transway to be introduced would be Julia "transpanther" Zion.

This tranny is of the leecher status. Known to whine and cry because society won't give him everything he ever wanted in his life. This person for being on hormones for 3 years still has a functioning dick. When making out with a female acquiescent. He pulled his pants down to reveal a fully erect penis. This caused the female to run and yell at him for being a pretendbian. He also is a top and offers anal to some of his tranny friends according to my source.

This person's family situation is abysmal. The family wants nothing to do with him . This person has chimpouts and nuerotic behaviour. It's gotten so bad that if he wants to be around the family. They all avoid him or don't allow the kids around him.

Advocacy. Use to belong to an organization called the trans panther. They would sit on their asses moaning and complaining. Harel has done more advocacy.

All of this info is not fact verified. This is just my run down of these individuals.
>> No. 288756
Israel doesn't commonly use white phosphorus anymore, but point taken
>> No. 288757
>> No. 288758
This isn't even funny, intro you try way to hard to stay relevant
>> No. 288759
Israel apologist getting distracted from the point, recognizing the distraction, and claiming to have gotten the actual point, that simply because it is natural doesn't mean it isn't unhealthy.
>> No. 288760
Intro, do have more? I actually find this shit interesting.
>> No. 288761
HI sperghomo
>> No. 288762
But an equal number of scientist believe that these people are just obsessed with being the opposite sex as a form of escapism. It's like kids who pretend to be tigers or worse, adults who get surgery to look like tigers. Sexual identity is not formed in the womb. The idea that boys play with trucks and girls play with dolls is an invention of society as is the idea of masculine and feminine dress. The dress evolved from robe and the kilt, stalkings were once mens apparel as were high heals (kept your feet out of the horseshit).
If you raise a dog and a cat odds are they will identity with each other, as you treat pets differently than man.
>> No. 288763

I agree with that about the trannies not being that funny. The funny part is that I was talking about just making the trannies go through a year or two of pyschology to get hormones instead of signing a slip of paper. You know the whole not giving hormones to people just because it makes them feel good.

The trannies took that as me declaring some type of genocide against them. A lot of them are now in self-imposed exile because they're scared of me. They believe that the posters on this site are part of a radical nazi-esque organization against trannies. They're not the smartest group of people in philly for sure.
>> No. 288764
I thought just the three of them did.
>> No. 288772
I'm in for the drama.
>> No. 288773

Nope. Transway( at least 10 members) went to a bar to plan against a me. They blamed "dat dang dirty introman" for Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles and ADF being trannies. They believe I turned those two trannies to fuck with transway. They also believe that I am a heterosexual sex slave to Cathy Brennan(a radfem who would probably eat a ghost pepper than be around an erect penis). The funniest part was that they wanted to DOX me in a panel at some tranny convention. These people literally believe that I am public enemy number one to them.


Yea I do. I will post them later in this thread. Just have to do some digging of criminal records as well as photos.
>> No. 288775
why don't the just ignore you...
>> No. 288777
Because they managed to damage their brains with hormones.
>> No. 288783
>Transway( at least 10 members)
Names we need names for cocks.
>> No. 288787
See that is why you are messed up in the head, it's not that you want to be seen as female you just don't want to be seen as male.
>> No. 288794
How many of them were just playing along for the lulz?
>> No. 288801
Whatever happened to that Janye tranny? Used to be buddies with Omega I think, big into SJ?
>> No. 288806
She wasn't a tranny...
>> No. 288809
>> No. 288811
janye, yeah she wasn't
>> No. 288814
Well, that explains why she didn't look like a freak
>> No. 288815
Are you guys sure she wasn't a transgendered individual?
>> No. 288824
The thing about Jayne having a penis was a shity tiny-chat injoke
>> No. 288826
But tiny-chat is always shit. Attention whores
>> No. 288834
I never heard the "in joke," not that I spent significant time in that cesspool. Just assumed that person was transgendered because of the skin, hair, and attitude. Think I also read about this individual e-dating some gay guy or pan-romantic or whatever; musta got confused. Sorry for off topicness if I've been mistaken.
>> No. 288855
Woah, I have to say, the 789chan article looks really decent now, congrats on whoever finished it.
>> No. 288875
Omega looks hot in that picture and I would seriously fuck his/her butthole. (No Sarcasm)
>> No. 288880
I'd rather ram phobos in the butt
>> No. 288886
I'd rather fuck p.t. In hers. What, at least my expectations are realist!
>> No. 288892
File 135322740154.jpg - (910.43KB , 2560x1920 , canadiannews.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Thank you, Beekeeper.
>> No. 288907


Beekeeper's new account on DA....I think.
>> No. 288926

>> No. 288959
Philadelphia trannies are kinda boring these days. Would much rather have frequent updates on former tinychat trannies, tubby shutins, and general super trolls. Also, the 789 ED article is the funniest thing to happen to this site in forever. That fact that threads about it are forbidden is perfect for the lolcows farming lolcows cycle. Keep it up guys!
>> No. 289342
Alright. I got some bad news guys. I can't make it to this year's transgender day of remembrance in Philly. The good news is that I sent a few of my friends to take pictures. Anybody else want to finally meet transway in real life? All I will say about some members is that they offend olfactory senses as much as they offend rationality. BTW, if you go don't talk about 789chan shit at all. Even when you are talking in the UNISEX bathrooms. I can see Leslie and Thomas calling the police on you.
>> No. 289374

>> No. 289380
What are they going to say to the police? That they want them to arrest a possible Internet troll?
>> No. 289383
God oh god that would be the promised land for me. I just found out today my vita has a video recorder. So i can get some choice footage of tranny propaganda of transway.
>> No. 289387
File 135337621146.jpg - (12.06KB , 480x360 , 1352740469654.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>walking around recording people with a handheld game console

I'd just buy yourself a cheap camera to save from embarrassment
>> No. 289393
Well the Vita has the advantage of being more covert, better to look like a sperg playing vidya than following people round with a camera.
>> No. 289398

Ever heard of a cell phone?
>> No. 289488
I was thinking a two man team. While one talks to them, the other take records vidya while making it look like they are playing vidya. Pretty ingenious if you ask me.
>> No. 289491
Cell phone is good too but even Chris notices when someone isn't talking and is pointing one towards him.

I guess it depends how paranoid people are.
>> No. 289519

>Not talking about spurdo the entire time
>> No. 289521
File 135340641891.jpg - (141.46KB , 800x597 , poison.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
"265" might not be exactly true but it happens:

>These very preliminary results have revealed 121 cases of reported murdered trans people in
2008 worldwide. From January 2009 to June 2009 already 83 cases of murdered trans people
have been reported worldwide.


But which, of course, it has nothing on the stuff like this:

>It is a tragedy, a horror, a crime against humanity. The details of the murders – of the women beheaded, burned to death, stoned to death, stabbed, electrocuted, strangled and buried alive for the "honour" of their families – are as barbaric as they are shameful. Many women's groups in the Middle East and South-west Asia suspect the victims are at least four times the United Nations' latest world figure of around 5,000 deaths a year. Most of the victims are young, many are teenagers, slaughtered under a vile tradition that goes back hundreds of years but which now spans half the globe.

>A 10-month investigation by The Independent in Jordan, Pakistan, Egypt, Gaza and the West Bank has unearthed terrifying details of murder most foul. Men are also killed for "honour" and, despite its identification by journalists as a largely Muslim practice, Christian and Hindu communities have stooped to the same crimes. Indeed, the "honour" (or ird) of families, communities and tribes transcends religion and human mercy. But voluntary women's groups, human rights organisations, Amnesty International and news archives suggest that the slaughter of the innocent for "dishonouring" their families is increasing by the year.

>> No. 289525
I wonder if them being apparently more into sex clubs and generally having sex with strangers is what is partially behind the higher death rates. (I didn't think that before but it seems to be the case with transway members)
>> No. 289565
File 135342767447.png - (26.44KB , 994x551 , FireShot Screen Capture #127 - 'Anxiety in my.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
ADF update
>> No. 289583

>moving to the west coast a huge achievement because of difficulty

Sure, it's really hard when you have logistics to figure out like finding a job, a place to live and moving all your belongings out there

ADF is unemployed and lives in shelters or the street, the only thing he had to figure out was how many trucker dicks he had to suck to make the voyage
>> No. 289593
Did he really make it to Portland or is he still making shit up
>> No. 289625
Who knows, mabye he is in portland or he might be. The only way we are able to find him, is look for him and spot him irl. Mabey he ran from the transpanthers or his wolverines turned on him. We just don't know.
>> No. 289640

Who's gonna start the kickstarter to send introman to Portland?
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