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File 135327827182.jpg - (1.88MB , 4264x2952 , 52875-4264x2952.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
289077 No. 289077
Lots of sperging over Evangelion.



I just don't know what to say to express myself

I think I am more depressed now than I was when my fucking grandfather died" -ReiHeart !ozOtJW9BFA
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>> No. 289079
I like eva and all, but all these guys crying about Rei not ending up with shinji, dude wat?
>> No. 289080
Too deep for me.
>> No. 289081
Eva is liked amongst even people who only ever watched dubbed anime on TV, but the Eva fandom has many people who sperg the fuck out.

evageeks or whatever it's called has tons of ridiculous convoluted theories on NGE and End of Evangelion
>> No. 289082
The series is really just an exaggerated metaphor for depression, isolation, puberty, abandonment, and suicide other then that if you're looking for deeper meaning you're trying to hard.
>> No. 289083
They can't possibly be that depressed because of an animu. Please, tell me they are faking it for their fellow spergs.
>> No. 289084
/a/ takes waifu shit seriously, you've clearly never been.
and you shouldn't go EVER
>> No. 289085
Omega is a gigantic EVA sperg, i said i didnt like it in iRC and flipped the fuck out calling me an idiot
>> No. 289086
Too late, my good friend. And I'm already regretting it.
>> No. 289087
Wait. What?

Wasn't this an animu from the '90s? It's been 20 years or so. They are STILL sperging about it?
>> No. 289089
Rebuild of Evangelion has been ongoing since...2004? 2006? 3.0 was released yesterday. It's not a dead franchise
>> No. 289090
A new movie just came out in japan
>> No. 289091
sarcasm mang
>> No. 289092
Evanjelly: REEEEEIAY!
>> No. 289093
>> No. 289094
I'm assuming that in weeaboo, "normalfag" means a person who has a job, or at least studies, has friends and/or a love interest, and showers once a day. Right?
>> No. 289095
Normalfags are bakas that appreciated pig disgusting 3d people over glorious 2d waifus.
So yeah what you said.
>> No. 289097
> It's not a dead franchise
Just googled it.

And, yes, it is a dead franchise. They're just milking that dead horse for all they can get. What's next? Eva-High Host Club?

All I've seen is the original series. All I remember about it is it was about spergs, by spergs, for spergs. With giant robots. Giant robots that turned out to be clones of alien spergs or some such cryptic bullshit.

So is anyone surprised spergs are still spergin about it regardless of what's been done with it since?
>> No. 289098

A non-normalfag is a NEET or hikikomori who may or may not have a 'waifu'.

To say they're all spergs is inaccurate. A lot of them are just good old fashioned losers at life.
>> No. 289099

>> No. 289100
Next move will be My Little Evengelion: Mental Issues are Magic. That would a great impact!
>> No. 289102

>> No. 289103
angry little gay sperg
>> No. 289104
I'm not ashamed to admit that I never understood Evangelion.
>> No. 289105
this has to be a troll video tho seriously, it's so amazingly retarded I just can't....
>> No. 289107
I don't even know what is going on in that thread, but the retardation is palpable.
>> No. 289109
>Weeaboos everywhere
>> No. 289111
We are making fun of them, pal. Better check your reading comprehension.
>> No. 289115
Weeaboo Pearls of Everyday Wisdom:

No it was not. The original yugioh was made for a adult audience but children seemed to love the idea of card games where mosnters existed. Due to english imperialism the show was tweaked and made into a childrens anime. However, it is still by root, an adult show. Check your facts son."
>> No. 289120
I have a good reading comprehension level. Maybe you should check yours.

>I like eva and all, but all these guys crying about Rei not ending up with shinji, dude wat?

>The series is really just an exaggerated metaphor for depression, isolation, puberty, abandonment, and suicide other then that if you're looking for deeper meaning you're trying to hard.
>Omega is a gigantic EVA sperg, i said i didnt like it in iRC and flipped the fuck out calling me an idiot
>I'm not ashamed to admit that I never understood Evangelion.
>> No. 289122
Sorry, but I don't see how these quotes prove that the people in these thread are weeaboos, unless you had am extremely broad definition of weeaboo.
>> No. 289123
  If weebs want sadness, bomb them with this film. By the end of it they should realize their own pathetic whining and commit seppuku or whatever the shits called.
>> No. 289124
File 135328577358.png - (73.12KB , 568x750 , 123.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The proper term is Sudoku.
>> No. 289125
My bad, Tóngzhì. I don't speak the devil's tongue.
>> No. 289127
Rei is an emotionless clone that was manafacted by NERV to cause the singlarity.
nothing much past the hamfisted metaphors and sybolism
>> No. 289129
You know what should happen?

I think they should make a crossover with Battlestar Galactica and Eva. The shitstorm would be glorious.
>> No. 289131
full spasm
>> No. 289137
File 135328748787.jpg - (66.91KB , 215x280 , 1333570614277.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I could never get into the Eva series. I tried, but it just seemed too....bland. An old friend sperged out on me once because I said that and then he went on and on about ancient aliens or some shit.
>> No. 289139
Well as Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles says it is a deep show.

I can't really remember much about Eva either, the robot fighting was sort of neat and the penguin was a fun touch.
>> No. 289144

If you want maximum sperging, ask /a/ about Toonami.
>> No. 289151
I like more the Rebuild movies.

They have almost none of the spasm that made the original series 2deep4u.
I want to watch some giant alien robots fighting giant alien monsters, I don't give a shit if Shinji got a negative review on fanfiction.net or if he wants to fuck his mother, his mother's clone, Asuka or that other drunk slut and can't decide.

Get me some fighting robots, man.
>> No. 289154
Then, watch the 70'S adaptation the Japs did of Spiderman.
>> No. 289160
File 135329247478.jpg - (93.37KB , 960x524 , itsfunycauseitsofficial.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The real question here is, 's Shinji a lolcow?
>> No. 289170
File 135329542686.jpg - (42.43KB , 225x350 , 64541.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
> I like Evangelion.
>> No. 289180
that is a piss-poor sub or rip. the only reason anything should ever look that blocky and blurry is because of low-bandwidth streaming. please tell me that was streaming.

also, can't tell if that's a guy or girl.
>> No. 289183
File 135330471492.jpg - (10.75KB , 148x192 , 1353069355028.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I actually hate EVA. I never found anything about it interesting when I tried watching it a decade or so ago, as a teenager. I remember first renting some episodes at like 14 because my friends said it was good, and I just found nothing to like. The tone was all over the place. The comedy didn't strike a cord with me, stuff like the penguin and Shinji's competition with Asuka (that was the Russian chick's name, right?) didn't mesh for me with other stuff like "Well, Rei and all the "robots" are clones of the director, Shinji's dad's wife, and when they're plugged in it's meant to symbolize rape." I had the same problem with Elfen Lied. It went from gory and ultraviolet to "D'awwww, I'm so cute, I don't know what clothes is! And I peeded myself! And I can only say one sound instead of words!"

I remember trying again with one of the films, and it bored me to tears so I put on the staff commentary, and suddenly it became unintentionally hilarious. They were trying to find deeper meaning in every boring frame.

There's a bit where everything's going to shit, and as they run through the parking lot of the building we see they're in spot 665 or something, and the commentary goes "Yup! Neighbor of the Beast of 666!" And I just thought, either you're an idiot and you're looking for symbolism where none is, or whoever made this are even bigger idiots than you people.

And there was this scene they said was so important where two of the characters are in an elevator, and they don't move or talk for like five minutes. Five minutes of the film is just a still frame of the two of them in an elevator, and they said it was about tension, and the two characters hating eachother, and it's been so long I can't remember for certain which characters they were, but I'm pretty sure one of them was Rei and I was thinking "Isn't she pretty much mute for the most part anyway?"

And of course there's the bit where Asuka's in a coma and Shinji shakes her arm and jerks off on her. I remember the commentary track said "Yup. Hand full of baby batter."

What an awful series.
>> No. 289186
Opposite for me , I saw it at 14 and thought it was " SO DEEPS"

Hate the series now
>> No. 289187
I can't tolerate the way almost every anime intersperses serious scenes with THAT'S SO WACKY LOLOLOL XD scenes. It's no wonder weebs have such hideous senses of humor.
>> No. 289189
It seems like /a/ rediscovered his love for this cartoon. Months ago all the Eva threads were full of bashing. Maybe they were pretending to hate it just because that was the popular attitude and when the wind started to blow in the opposite direction they jumped into the bandwagon again.
>> No. 289190
Hasn't 4chan always loved Evangelion? Remember 'fuck DONATE TO 4CHAN'?
>> No. 289195
> About spergs, by spergs, for spergs. With giant robots. Giant robots that turned out to be clones of alien spergs or some such cryptic bullshit.
>> No. 289216
Actually the original series was pretty good. The movies suck, and this new batch is the spergiest thing I have ever seen. The original series was all about mental anguish and it was rather poetic.
>> No. 289222
File 135331250915.jpg - (166.95KB , 1520x1080 , 1289697455406.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
For people too stupid, too otaku and too plebian to enjoy Serial Experiments Lain there is EVA.
>> No. 289224
This show isn't nearly as good as everyone says it is.
>> No. 289227

I'm an asexual nihilist misanthrope determinist. Am I edgy enough to watch Serial Experiments Lain?
>> No. 289229
File 135331525218.jpg - (119.80KB , 1520x1080 , 1289697122320.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You sound like a fag.

Watch EVA.
>> No. 289230
ITt: people who are not talking about LOGH
>> No. 289231
I enjoyed it. It's not edgy or hipsterish in any way. I have no idea why its fanbase blows.
>> No. 289233
I like that the author assumed Japanese people would find the show deeper than Americans for some reason -
>Producer Ueda said he intended Japanese and American audiences to form conflicting views on the series, but was disappointed in this regard, as the impressions turned out to be similar.
>> No. 289234
I believe he meant that our societal standards and morals were different. We do react to different things in different ways. He also meant for the series to resemble a noh play, that's why the robots all look like they are wearing masks and why the symbolism is so heavy handed. That's a very cultural thing.
>> No. 289246
No. It's a relatively old visual novel.

no. /a/ hates every anime x amount of time a show ends because of the "fandom" on the board.
There's very few exceptions.

good ole /cwc/ "If I'm not into it, everyone who likes it is a SPERG!"
>> No. 289247
liking anything makes you a sperg IT'S A RULE
>> No. 289251
Yea, that really is annoying. Japanese humor is rarely subtle at all. But it just makes the few anime with that don't do that annoying UNEXPECTED SUPER DEFORMED COMEDY SEQUENCE LOLRANDUM HOOOOOOO!!!! shit all the better.
>> No. 289252
and thus, you have unraveled the mystery as to why it attracts so many spasts.
>> No. 289259
No, it's because all the spasts are people who were born or were growing up in the 90s/early 00s when anime was big. Same with Sonic.
>> No. 289266
I'll break you dead.
>> No. 289271
Make a mecha anime, throw some symbols Japs know jack shit about, add artsy scenes lifted from pretentious French movies and voilá! Wait for all the sweet sperggold to roll down.
>> No. 289280
File 135334140244.png - (270.73KB , 624x476 , 1342192983308.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>faps to supper mecha action
Well they're full of action alright. It just doesn't turn out like how you'd expect.

The reason /a/ is mad's cause they took what looked like the happy ending from the last movie. Tuns out Shinji using giant alien robots to fight giant alien monsters pretty much OBLIVERATEed the world, killed teh Rei and all the surviors hate him.

So there's plenty of action and doing the impossible, only it doesn't end well.
>> No. 289281
I really didn't cared about the characters in the original animu.
Rei was mute, retarded and boring, Shinji never stopped being a pussy homosexual deviant and Asska was just the most annoying bitch to ever live.

I think that the Rebuild even does better with the characters; Asuka accepting to have problems with being with groups of people and being more serious and humble, Shinji finally accepting that he has to fight and going to rescue teh rei even if he OBLIVERATEs everything because he promised her, Rei becoming highly-functional, etc.
Plus giant fighting robots.
So what if he OBLIVERATEs everything and failed to save her? Giant fighting robots.

EVA-fags gonna fag.
>> No. 289282
File 135334352355.jpg - (200.19KB , 751x1000 , sexyworu.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
They're all supposed to be flawed, unlikable and unheroic. All of them cept Kaworu.
>Shinji finally accepting that he has to fight and going to rescue teh rei even if he OBLIVERATEs everything because he promised her
Thing is he wasn't able to save teh Rei in the end. He still goes, fights and tries to do the impossible this fillm to tho. Even if that means using Funnels to shoot down Asuka and trying to trigger another impact so he can get everyone who's dead back.

It just kills Kaworu, and he's supposed to be sobbing like crazy by the end of the film. I'm pretty sure he got all the hero beat out of him.
>> No. 289283
File 135334433295.png - (702.79KB , 1346x1056 , assburger.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>this thread
>> No. 289285
File 135334592688.jpg - (472.06KB , 762x1100 , 19.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 289286
>They're all supposed to be flawed, unlikable and unheroic.
I think those traits are being overused in today's entertainment. You can't have protagonists that are not assholes or cynical scumbags. I guess the writers think that's clever.
>> No. 289291
Let's just hope that he gets the hero inside him back by the end of the film.
That edgy hero that does unheroic things shit is getting old, especially in Evanjelly.

You don't say. I've watched two seasons of Game of thrones and every slightly good guy died while the pricks and assholes keep winning.
I'm not one of those who say "no happy ending where everybody revives and the hero learns nothing? ITS SHIT!!!" but fuck this good people can't win bullshit. It's way overdone.
>> No. 289292
>claims to mock weeaboos
>has serious discussion about anime

Anime sucks. End of story.
>> No. 289301
It might a combination of the over cynicism of pop culture with laziness, I guess that creating an interesting character with flaws but goodhearted and well meaning is too hard these days. And people will eat up almost anything as long it's in 3-D or HD, so why bother?
Excuse me, pincess, who died and left you in charge?
>> No. 289305
I never said that I was in charge. You can sperg about anime all you want. I just said that anime sucks (which is the truth btw), and that it's hypocritical that you are both making fun of weeaboos and acting like them at the same time.

>excuse me, princess
Try making comebacks that haven't been used repeatedly in awful memes and YouTube Poops.
>> No. 289306

(and Kaiba)

Wasn't anime against the rules at one point? Also, where's Negi when you need him?
>> No. 289307
File 135335416280.jpg - (90.35KB , 492x488 , Sadamoto_nadia-shinji.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Implying that all of /a/'s posters aren't /cwc/.
Ever read the manga? Sadamoto's version of Shinji is a lot more like Kamille from Zeta so It'd be right up your ally. He doesn't sob and mope when things go wrong, tries hitting people a lot and even does some weird magic with his EVA to save Asuka.

He's a total whiny bitch tho. Even more than Asuka. Plus he's also a huge closest case who eyefucks Kaworu in the locker rooms while screaming that he's straight, and admits he wanted him after Kaworu's dead.
>> No. 289309
>And people will eat up almost anything as long it's in 3-D or HD, so why bother?

I think you are underestimating the average movie goer.
>> No. 289313
Why? Look at what is popular right know, not only movies.
>> No. 289314
Who named you Arbiter Elegantiarium?
>> No. 289317
File 135335680475.png - (339.70KB , 800x1205 , Sketch1952352.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
thank you for this great picture.
in return, /cwc/ relevant parody art.
>> No. 289320
>> No. 289322
> Serial Experiments Lain
Fuck that shit.

NieA_7 fo the mufuggin win, bizitches!
>> No. 289330
Yea, I see the things that are popular. And I see average to fantastic books, movies, video games, and tv shows. Or it's sports.

I think the average person can tell when something is bad or good. The only people who have a hard time doing so are spergs like what we make fun of on a daily basis.
>> No. 289333
File 13533592808.jpg - (410.19KB , 800x600 , 14671567.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Now now, lets just quit fighting and start talking about sexy angels
>> No. 289339
File 13533609793.png - (5.47MB , 2048x3078 , pt.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Behold, animu incarnate

Think about it

A cheap substance, manufactured in just such a way to exploit the artist, selling her possibilities in a painted up and inauthentic way, like a salesman's smile, simply to take from those desperate enough to need it in the first place.

Simplified, digested, simply to play to whatever fetish/cliche you happen to love most, all in a desperate attempt for your attention.

And behold, fake childish pain (masked in the so-called "kawaii" or immaturity complexes of Japan) used as a desperate cry, all on top of something truly nasty. Fattened with Mammon, fattened by the exploitation of others, fattened with selfcenteredness and attention, you create this.

And the price of this? Millenia of people, fighting for knowledge, love, happiness, beauty - reduced to a caricature. But ney, not a caricature of action, of substance, of reality - no! a caricature of childishness, of vapidity, of prostitution and petty, banal evil.

And all it takes is a little manufactured drama, drama which in no sane reality would ever manifest, and you're hooked as the worm to move the fish.

Art is whore by the gun of inhuman pimps, exploited and raped by johns too beastlike and self-absorbed to understand what is wrought. Comrades, rise up and recognize the humiliation you subject yourself to, and what you subject others to.
>> No. 289340
File 135336103885.jpg - (2.92KB , 300x57 , animecodex.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This was my captcha, so I must be right if it comes from the anime codex.
>> No. 289345
>lel u watch nurutu and titty pantyshot japanimation ur a faget lol

To be fair Anime has a lot of shit, and I mean a big fat lot of shit you have to sort out to find something that could be recognized as truly good.
It's the same for most countries with a consummerist culture, a lot of media is shit and some of it, just a little bit can be still be called art so all gets thrown into the same sack full of shit along with the popular shit.

For each hundred Highschools of the dead Japan may get one Haibane Renmei.
Also not even them give a shit about their history.
>> No. 289354
File 135336629929.jpg - (132.06KB , 1600x1600 , you.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Preach it, Daddy-O! That was truly a zonk on the head!
>> No. 289355
File 135336635245.png - (191.72KB , 500x790 , 31613439.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
SocialJustice-Tumblr, that you?
>> No. 289356
Fuck. You sure are an expert on tastes for media if you're making objective claims that apply to everyone in the world.

Not really. Spergs are people who take an interest to an obsession in a weird way. You're not a Sperg for liking [X]. It's to what degree, and how. Especially since Spergs are all about having obsessions.

Having a train collection as an adult is one thing. Them being Thomas The Train Engine as an adult is another.

Liking some sonic games is one thing. Masturbating to self-insert sonicsonas is another.

Liking anime is one thing. Emulating NEETs/Otaku in Japan (basically emulating what their own country sees as losers) or even wanting to BE japanese and having fantasies about it (Pixyteri) is another.

Being a fan of an actress is one thing. Wanting to look like and stalk them (Robert Wayne Stiles) is another.
>> No. 289359
Okay guys, you've heard Mr. Maturity, stop watching those Chinese Cartoons, start watching French and Yugoslavian cinema, and only read existential novels and books with good reviews in the New Yorker or in the New York Times book review.
>> No. 289360
Oh you.

I didn't even read all of that.
>> No. 289363
File 135336707145.jpg - (27.47KB , 468x355 , didntread.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 289366
File 13533673777.jpg - (48.35KB , 253x750 , 1284283826832[1].jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Y'know SJ, would it help if I told you the guys get whored out merch just as much?
>> No. 289367
lol anime is about fanservice to any and all sexualities LITERALLY
>> No. 289370
It's SJ now to imply that you're disgusting spergs for fapping to bug-eyed drawings of 14 year olds, one of which is literally supposed to be your mom?
>> No. 289377
File 13533697085.jpg - (59.72KB , 402x311 , Mangavol10.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Complaining about fictional characters being abused
Um way to get back on topic. I don't see how you went from a handfull of Kaworu and Shinji images to fapping.
Besides, Kaworu's a slutty ancient god and Shinji post 3.0 is really in his late 20s. Being linked to his EVA just stunted him/kept him at 14. So no, no fictional underage abuse to talk about here.
>> No. 289381
I'm pretty sure liking anime and liking MLP are at the same level of maturity. You're watching cartoons. You're not "experiencing an artform". Sorry.
>> No. 289382
That's retarded. You're comparing a medium to a singular title.
>> No. 289384
No, he's comparing a subsection of a film making style to a singular title.
>> No. 289385
You could pretty much reduce any form of entertainment save for only the most objective, informative, and blandest of filmed documentaries into immature forms of entertainment. Most scripted TV programs are a group of grown men and women wearing costumes and playing pretend. Most reality TV is the equivalent of children playing "laugh at the retard table" in an elementary school cafeteria.
>> No. 289388
ITT: Weeaboos, weeaboos everywhere.

You guys are worse than cheese conies.
>> No. 289420
Pretty sure I made that same exact post 50 posts up (minus the coney reference), you plagiarist! However, I agree completely.


>film making style

They're cartoons, brah. They aren't sophisticated and artsy films, whether you like it or not.


Look at the average people who watch sitcoms and reality television programs, and look at the people who admit to watching anime. You'll see the huge difference between the two groups immediately.
>> No. 289422
Well, at one point, animation was done due to the limits of live action. That's moot now due to special effects, but still, it's an alternative to film making.

So animation is pretty limited because you have to ask yourself if what you want is worth animating due to how much work you'll have to put it. It's the real reason why anime is a joke, because most of it is either a lame cartoon or something that could have been live action (Spice and Wolf, Mushishi, etc) and why Western animation is mostly wacky comedies. We can now do everything with computer generated effects and realistic CGI and apply it to a live action show/movie.

So I stand by my comment about it being a film making technique.
>> No. 289423
I only saw bits of the original on adult swim.

The ending was just an hour long clusterfuck of nonsense that was, mostly, impossible to make heads or tails of.

Like mlp, i can't see what people like in this show, Instead, I can only see a gaping hole of mediocrity.
>> No. 289442
File 135338826830.png - (463.28KB , 500x667 , ha-ha-you-so-funny-ball-tell-me-more.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Gotta love the sperg that comes saying "nope, animation can't be mature at any level, it doesn't matter the circumstances it can't be art" and when someone tries to argue he just goes "LALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALA I CANT HEAR YOU WEEB LALALALALA".

I remember the 90's had a lot of mature, adult anime that wasn't Evanjelly. I remember watching part of witch huter robin, metropolis and this another one about some dudes in a submarine in the future trying to not drown because lol postapocalyptic monsters.

Evangelion wasn't really a mature anime, it was just a mecha anime with unneccesary angst from stupid kids that nobody could identify with, cryptic meaningless pseudo religious crap and lots of fanservice.
Guilty Crown is easily the worst anime of the last year and it's pretty similar to the original Evangelion.
>> No. 289444
You are so right, sister! I can hear your heart's cry of Aesthetic Justice against these Philistines! Let's go to a cine-club to watch Ascenseur pour l'échafaud, then we can go to a bistro a discuss the deconstruction of the concept of novel by Julio Cortázar in his immortal masterpiece Rayuela. We even might end listening to John Coltrane's Blue Train!
>> No. 289447
>You'll see the huge difference between the two groups immediately.

Hahaha. Yeah, that isn't really helping your argument. Enjoy your Duck Dynasty and Pawn Stars.
>> No. 289451
Is he saying that people who watch Jersey Shore is better than those who watch anime? The fuck?
>> No. 289453
The thing is, all kinds of people watch all kinds of shows. Some live action shows require skill to produce and have some degree of "artistic merit" (whatever that is), just like animated shows. Sure, some cartoons are Flash-abusing garbage, others took many years of study just to produce one frame, much like how some television shows took a lot of research and character study to film, whereas others are basically a couple of guys with cameras recording hillbillies being hillbillies.
>> No. 289472
I think it's just the general feeling that cartoons are for children and the average fan of them just perpetuates the feeling that "Animation fans" are manchildren, excluding things that have mass appeal with 20 somethings like Family Guy.
>> No. 289474
Holy fuck why is this sperg fest of a thread not locked
>> No. 289478
It's fun to watch people sperg maybe.
>> No. 289484
I haven't watched t.v for years, except the news. Are there worthy shows on t.v anymore? Honest question.
>> No. 289486
Not who you quoted but it depends on what you like, animated show wise a couple of nice new cartoons in the last few years are Superjail! and Bobs Burgers.
>> No. 289489
Oh, yes, fortunately, these years have been good cartoon wise, I was talking of live action t.v. I remember a comedy show called The Soup, it was funny, does it still air?
>> No. 289492
What makes a film / show / play / whatever for children or for adults (as well as suck or not suck and a shitload of other qualifications) is not the medium. It's the story it tells.
>> No. 289494
You are right, but if we admit that, then we wouldn't go to an image board to brag and act like tough shit because you don't watch animu.
>> No. 289501
File 135339763374.png - (48.27KB , 1600x600 , 1301495063566.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Anime is cutesy bullshit for children and pedophiles.
I tried watching one called Texhnolyze and it was just about some girls with stupid colored hair talking about how to eat food!
>> No. 289505
For the first time in my life, a pic on the Internet resumes my exactly feelings.
>> No. 289506
Sorry: exact feeling.
>> No. 289508
File 135339906858.jpg - (14.20KB , 160x315 , images.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It depends, it's either that or hilariously hyper macho.
>> No. 289510
>> No. 289556
What you're forgetting is that most young people today watch these types of programs, while only nerdy people and spasts watch anime.

Therefore, people who watch these shows are more capable of functioning in social situations (and significantly less annoying) than people who watch anime. See the attached video for further proof.

>this another one about some dudes in a submarine in the future trying to not drown because lol postapocalyptic monsters.

That anime sounds so epic brah! I mean, postapocalyptic monsters? A submarine in the future? Win!!!!!!!!!

Also, anime isn't an artform in itself. It's a form of animation. It's cartoons.
>> No. 289560
Since the original thread is gone anyone have a link to the foolz archive of it?
>> No. 289564
Jesus. That video is painful. Couldn't watch it all.
>> No. 289566
>> No. 289568
I bet you are the pinnacle of normality.
>> No. 289569
Say hi to Snooki for me.
>> No. 289577
Say hi to Goku for me. You see how stupid that comeback was?
People who watch mainstream television programs are much more "normal" than people who watch cartoons about fighting robots, 10 year old girls and tentacle rape. Don't you realize that most of the lolcows that are discussed here are anime fans?
>> No. 289578
Shut up. Both of you.
>> No. 289579
The average American is overweight. The norm for Americans is to be unhealthy and at higher risk for heart disease and other fat-oriented problems. Things being common and accepted doesn't make them "normal" or good.

People who don't watch da reality TV most likely often think the people who do watch it are annoying and dumb.

And I'm just curious, why do you keep trying to use the term cartoons like it is derogatory? Yes, anime are cartoons, no different from shows like Johnny Test or classic films like Snow White. That isn't some revelation or an inherent negative. It is very difficult to make a decent cartoon, and while I don't watch too many cartoons any more (or TV in general), I have great respect for the people who possess the intelligence and skill required to make them, just as I do for those who make high-quality live action programs.
>> No. 289580
Get off your high horse, you are as big of a sperg as anyone here.
>> No. 289586
As someone earlier stated, people who watch reality television do so mostly because they think the people on the shows are stupid, and because the shows are so bad that they're funny (Like Jersey Shore). However, when people watch anime, they think that they are watching a quality program, and this is often not the case.

Also, I wasn't trying to use cartoons in a derogatory sense. I meant that people tend to look at anime as some sort of superior kind of artform in contrast to western animation, but is also animation (and often just as stupid as western cartoons), making their argument wrong.
>> No. 289589
Where I live people take seriously their reality shows. Suffering along with the participants, taking sides, discussing angrily with others viewers about whether or not the participants are right or if a fight breaks down in the show. They don't watch it "ironically".
>> No. 289590
Can everyone in this shit thread drink bleach. You fucking spergs are arguing the artistic merits of anime. Who gives a fuck
>> No. 289596
Bleach is a fucking horrible show. Almost as bad as Norutu
>> No. 289602
Don't you know anon? Anime is serious business. It's why any person who doesn't like anime usually winds up "trolling" anime fans by not understanding anime and deciding that maybe it's only the oddballs who care about it.

I love it when people argue with anime fans. Someone should just have a bingo card for things anime fans say when someone doesn't like it.

>You must be xenophobic
>Anime is for all ages, while western animation is just Spongebob
>There's a lot of bad anime, but there are great gems. (And this somehow makes obsessing over shit anime okay)
>You haven't watched any anime this season, therefore your opinion about anime is wrong
>All dubs are bad, streaming anime on Netflix is stupid
>Japanese VAs are always better than English VAs
>Anime is superior because it has drama and romance shows. (That you could already find on NBC or ABC)
>Anime's children shows are more mature than kid's shows in America *shows an image of Zatch Bell with a girl about to kill herself, while showing slashcoslash going nuts over Regular Show saying "pissed"* (Not realizing that Japan's suicide rate is so high even the kids understand it and likely know someone who killed themselves)
>> No. 289605
I've never seen anyone get in a serious fight with people about Jersey Shore or American Idol. However, I have seen cheese conies and anime nerds freak out when people have the slightest criticism about their show, like when i was 13 (7 years ago) and this girl at my summer camp said that she didn't like Spirited Away because it was too sad, causing the camp sperg to freak out and tell her how wrong she was.
>> No. 289606
File 135344164098.jpg - (21.98KB , 640x480 , 1323954080631.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Thousands of years of evolution and natural selection, just to end up like this.
>> No. 289607
Man, I once said that I didn't really care for Miyazaki's films barring Ponyo. This started a shitstorm and some girl decided that she didn't like me after that comment. I would like to think she was joking, but considering how anime fans are, I doubt it.
>> No. 289608
Funny that when I never said anything about experiencing an artform. Guess you're not old enough to comprehend what someone is saying when they vaguely disagree with you, which is why you fall back on refuting straw arguments you made up.
>> No. 289609
I don't like anything.
>> No. 289615
File 135344377329.png - (4.56KB , 400x400 , yeah.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
that seriously made me burst out laughing. thanks.
>> No. 289616
I was referring to how you thought it was acceptable to watch anime as an adult, while it is unacceptable to watch shows like Thomas the Tank Engine and MLP as an adult (and I agree with the second part of the argument). I meant that they're both forms of animation that mostly cater to young audiences, making it seem weird if an adult watches them and claims that they're "mature animation". I recognize that you didn't use the term "artform", but I agree with the rest of what I Said.
>> No. 289627
>I agree with the rest of what I Said.
Of course, unless you are schizophrenic.
>> No. 289629
>I agree with the rest of what I Said.

>> No. 289630
There probably is some anime made for older audiences, but it really doesn't matter since my point was that you're not a sperg for liking [X].

You're a sperg for being an obsessive creep over [X].

Remember how MLP was 'hip' a few years ago on *chans? I hated it, but dealt with it. Now that fad has finally ended, what you're left with are the spergs who turned MLP into a lifestyle.
>> No. 289634
How do we know that the fad really ended and only the hardcore ponyfuckers remain?
>> No. 289635
4chan is filled with cheese conies to this very day. It's safe to say that the fad never completely left.
>> No. 289638
What about the rest of the Internet? Are they still pandering to them? I have noticed more people annoying at ponyfuckers shoehorning unrelated things into their fetish, maybe it's a good sing, or it could be confirmation bias on my part
>> No. 289644
I'd say it's at least past its zenith. I think this was posted here before. While the writer was probably trying to get hits with a controversial title in part, I think they hit on some good points. Plus the drama listed is, as expected, batshit insane.
Of course, de-butter the link.

5 signs of a fading fandom (and why conies fit the bill)
>> No. 289646
DAT article.
I remember cheese-coated sausages being ass-mutilated about it.
The founding values part was spastic as fuck.
They just watch a fucking show, people who watch Hell's kitchen don't spout shit like "your cooking is shit" or "cook and improve" or whatever.
Love and Tolerance was a countertroll, only cheese conies don't know that for some reason.
>> No. 289647
What if I find people who A-log and take pride in not watching anime worse than people who obssess over anime?
>> No. 289648
Ahahahah the Jerry Springer part

>> No. 289649
I'm not proud of not watching anime. I just think its fans are spastic as fuck.
>> No. 289653
File 135345488914.jpg - (98.98KB , 562x540 , rb158[1].jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
That's Shinji in one of the PSP game bad ends. His mother's old teacher tricks him into crossdressing and then rapes him cause he looks like her.
/a/ doesn't ever stop talking about that
>> No. 289663
All that stupid drama over a little girls' cartoon.
>> No. 289684
What did you expect? cheese conies just can't take criticism about their cartoon.
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