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File 135330761397.png - (121.70KB , 600x1417 , 2323.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
289194 No. 289194
Whatever it is, I'm guessing Jaques decided he needs another blogger shitstorm to make himself all depressed so he has an excuse to stab his other hand.

Or he's trying to suck up to the bad people on the interwebs who were mean to him over his characters not being fat enough or some shit. And doing it in the most forced, unrealistic, lame way possible.
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>> No. 289196
Or maybe his longterm plan is to kill "her" off. Hilarious revenge. Imagine all the delicious tears.
>> No. 289198
This will stir up a shitstorm for sure. See how easy it was for him to come out that he's a tranny and how accepting the guy was about it? Clearly the cisgendered male author doesn't understand how hard it is to come out and how your typical cissy man would punch the tranny in the face and call him queer shit for daring to defy the gender roles constructed by society.

Just you watch.
>> No. 289199
So wait, is that supposed to be a boy pretending to be a girl or a girl pretending to be a boy? I am the confuse.
>> No. 289201
> how hard it is to come out
Hard? Wait, what? Again.

Trannies come in two varieties. The obvious trannies and the trannies who could pass except the first thing they tell anyone they meet is they are transsexual.
>> No. 289204
And then there are the ones you never notice.
The problem is the loud stupid fuckers wreck it for everyone else and they bypass the system. Lulz
>> No. 289205
I get the feeling that even the most bearded, doughy, titless, and all around masculine looking trannies think that they are beautiful women who would surprise anyone by telling their secret.

As for the open ones, they'd probably criticize the character for being too uncomfortable with his trannydom and the author is portraying trannies as weak little creatures who cower at the thought of being judged by cismen.

In short, don't try to please the SJ idiots, especially if you are white, straight, and male. No matter what you do, you are doing it so wrong that you should die like the cis scum you are.
>> No. 289207
Dat phrasing.
>> No. 289208
> And then there are the ones you never notice.
Trust me, we notice.
>> No. 289210
How would we know if we didn't?
Passing means passing. If you don't then you don't. If you can pass I doubt you'd want to go around announcing it. That would defeat the whole purpose of passing.
This is why transway is full of fail.
>> No. 289211
File 135330930711.jpg - (74.71KB , 600x800 , duo-luo-mei-mei.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
From China with love
>> No. 289212
Show its cock.
>> No. 289236
I really don't see how Tumblr could throw a shitstorm over this. The tranny character looks relatively normal and feminine. Nothing that could immediately be construed as offensive.

But, knowing Tumblr, they'll find a way.
>> No. 289238
  > So WTF is "trans", exactly?
>> No. 289239
Maybe it'll not be realistic enough for them like when they got upset at the girl from Questionable cocks because she didn't have stretch marks.
>> No. 289250
File 135333127269.jpg - (76.43KB , 527x750 , itzybitzy.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

So, what, we're going to do a weekly critique on his boring-ass comic now? Unless there are SJ tears to be consumed, gtfo
>> No. 289254
File 135333281659.png - (170.88KB , 600x2834 , unedited.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
That's the one before he got his hatemail.

This is the unedited comic.
>> No. 289256

captcha: their Assoho
>> No. 289324
The comic author whines about depression, pisses off SJ, gets haet mail from SJ, sucks up to SJ, gets even moar haet mail from SJ, and takes a week off to get drunk and stab his own hand. And then he writes this. Rinse repeat.

At what point does he stop being a shitty webcomic creator and start being a lolcow?
>> No. 289325
> If you can pass I doubt you'd want to go around announcing it.
But they do. They always do. Fuck know why they do. But they do.
>> No. 289326
I'm waiting for him to kill himself to be honest
>> No. 289329
What gets me is this homosexual deviant apparently makes enough off his shitty hipster webcomic to actually support himself and his wife well enough to afford a fucking house etc.

The asshole is living the hipster webcomic dream and yet has the gall to whine and cry about how "depressed" and "despondent" and "unmotivated" he is.

Fuck him.
>> No. 289332
Clinical depression is a thing though dawg.
But yeah if he isn't diagnosed with that fuck him
>> No. 289335
Who knows? Maybe he has higher aspirations for his art than making this webcomic for the rest of his life, but is afraid that this is all he will ever be able to do and if he tries to branch out nobody will care and he will no longer be able to make his livelihood off of drawing. It must also be somewhat depressing to know that a vocal part of your fanbase consists of bitter young women who will tear your head off over even a small mistake (or perceived mistake).
>> No. 289341
This is some weird kind of Stockholm syndrome
The guy never used to be sj conscious, the strip was originally about hipsters goofing around]He's somehow gotten a hit of the SJ flavour like mother's milk via the internet

I gawped when I saw this
I'm not sure if he's avidly trying to curry favour or doesn't realise that this is a surefire way to utterly piss off SJtards

Has anybody considered the fact that Jeph might be actively trolling these gibbering fucks? C'mon it's too obvious
>> No. 289346
>Shirt reads "teh"

>> No. 289348
> Clinical depression is a thing though dawg.
Manning the fuck up is a thing too.
>> No. 289349
> Maybe he has higher aspirations for his art than making this webcomic for the rest of his life,
Oh boo-fucking-hoo. That webcomic is paying his fucking bills.

The worst thing about whiny hipster emo asshats is they have no clue just how good things are for them.
>> No. 289350
You mean... they need to check their privilege!?
>> No. 289353
No, they should count their fucking blessings.

Not the same thing at all.
>> No. 289357
I random uneducated guy on the internet know better then the many doctors that have certified it a real mental illness!
Now go tell the schizos to stop being delusional and paranoid
>> No. 289358
But... that's exactly the same?

Check you're privilege whitey --> count your blessings whitey --> you have no right to complain, only true minorities can

What you said --> count your blessings emo --> you have no right to complain, only people in truly fucked up places can

Parallel structure.
>> No. 289361

theres a difference between saying white people can never be victims ever and telling someone that they should get over themselves
>> No. 289364
^ this
>> No. 289365
Influenza is a real illness too.

But do people with influenza wallow in it and use it to demand special attention and as an excuse so they don't have to be responsible for their own choices?

Fuck no. They drink their chicken soup and fucking GET OVER IT!
>> No. 289368
Cancer is a real illness too.

But do people with cancer wallow in it and use it to demand special attention and as an excuse so they don't have to be responsible for their own choices?

Yes. Then they die.
>> No. 289369
Depression is literally kind of being unable to not wallow in stuff tho
>> No. 289371
Necrophilia is a real illness too

But do people afflicted with necrophilia wallow in undead flesh and use it to demand special attention and as an excuse so they don't have to be responsible for their skullfucking?

No. They man up and go on to the next corpse

Time for you to do the same
>> No. 289375
> Then they die.
Problem Solved!
>> No. 289389
From the knowledge I have gained by reading this thread, I think is it safe to assume that most psychiatric consultations should amount to nothing more than a doctor yelling "QUIT BEING SO FUCKING CRAZY" at the patient.
>> No. 289392

>/cwc/'s discount therapy warehouse
>> No. 289429
>> No. 289446
For some reason, all the SJers remind me of Daffyd Thomas.
>> No. 289448
>> No. 289458
Reminds me of when my cousin came out as FtM trans. Half of our family was all like "Shit, you're not a lesbian?" and the other half was all like "I told you so!"
>> No. 289496
> most psychiatric consultations should amount to nothing more than a doctor yelling "QUIT BEING SO FUCKING CRAZY" at the patient.
Pretty much, yeah, only they don't yell it.

There's also a large amount of: "For suck's sake remember to take your fucking meds." Also: "If you know that those choices cause problems for you, then stop fucking making those choices."

The problem is most people with "depression" don't bother to see a psychiatrist (i.e. an actual doctor) about it and fucking fix it. At most they get a quick eval by some overworked on-call in emerg who dashes off a quick script for zoloft and tells them to seek help in the morning and sends them on their way. Most just fuck around going to some psychologist or therapist or "counsellor" who pats their hand and assures them they are a beautiful and unique snowflake and never fucking deal with their problem.
>> No. 289497
And this, gentlemen, is why I've never been to a psychiatrist. They're all quacks.
>> No. 289498
Read: except when I've been forced by community orders.
>> No. 289516
Psychiatrist = Actual doctor who can help you get well.
Psychologist = Liberal arts fuckwad who at least got a better degree than "feminist studies". But not much better.

Most psychologists are more fucked up than the poor suckers who go to them for help.
>> No. 289532

>But do people with influenza wallow in it and use it to demand special attention and as an excuse so they don't have to be responsible for their own choices?

um no hello those stupid, crazy fuckwads just don't go to work or school for a few days because boohoo waah waah their nose is a little stuffy

i hate people with the flu

they're so self-entitled
>> No. 289550
>> No. 289587
Check your flu-free privilege you entitled jerk!
>> No. 289639
> just don't go to work or school for a few days
> for a few days
Then they get over it.

If there was someone who always "has the flu" as an excuse to avoid responsibility, especially if they don't bother to take steps to actually cure their disease, well then that person would be just as contemptible as people with "depression".
>> No. 289641
What you are saying is that people with depression just need to get over it and that's all, "Okay, I'm not depressed anymore! Let's go sunning. I don't think it's that simple, I wish it was.
>> No. 289650
Mental illness is just as real as physical illness. The only difference is that oftentimes people with mental illness do not realize that anything is wrong with them (like schizophrenia) or the effects of the illness make them not care enough to seek help or think that such help would be completely useless (like people with depression).
>> No. 289675

>take steps to actually cure their disease

The issue with most mental illnesses is that there's no one true cure. Not only is recovery a long process for most people but there's no one "here take this and call me in the morning" pill to take. People take steps forward and back.

It can be difficult to discern whether or not someone is "taking steps to actually cure their disease" if it's a mental issue. Sometimes a person is and it's just not apparent.

Not to mention a lot of people with depression and the such feel they're overreacting, or that they should be treated with contempt for being so whiny and weak, or that their problems don't really matter, or that they'd just be wasting someone's time if they tried to get help.

I don't understand what you're hoping to accomplish by all at once chastising people for not trying to get better and then saying those same people should be treated with contempt for needing treatment in the first place.
>> No. 289681
What is he trying to accomplish? Being EDGY AS FUCK?
>> No. 289701
> What you are saying is that people with depression just need to get over it and that's all,
No. What I'm saying is they need to do what is necessary to cure it. That's not the same thing.
>> No. 289703
> The issue with most mental illnesses is that there's no one true cure.
Which is also the case for most other medical problems.
> there's no one "here take this and call me in the morning" pill to take.
And you think there is for heart disease? Or cancer?
> saying those same people should be treated with contempt for needing treatment in the first place.
English comprehension: look into it. The ones who can't be bothered to deal with their problem, but instead use it as a convenient "get out of responsibility free" card are contemptible.
>> No. 289705
Yes, that can happen. But you do understand that how you see a person with a mental disorder from the outside and how they themselves view and understand things are completely different, right? To a schizophrenic, the idea that he is being stalked by demons is just as true to him as the sky is blue to you, same goes for the person with severe depression who thinks that treatment is wasted on them.
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