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File 135338770093.png - (66.98KB , 518x505 , 97MyG.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
289436 No. 289436
This is Obie Scott Wade, the original creator of Shezow. He's a nine year old girl who live in a hawk's nest on top the ledge of a New York apartment building on Central Park East.
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>> No. 289437
File 135338784480.png - (33.11KB , 514x266 , JwLt7.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 289438
File 135338801733.png - (24.18KB , 515x242 , sOM8x.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 289439
JJWWWWLLLLLLLL t seveeeeeeennnnnn
>> No. 289440
File 135338807435.png - (148.00KB , 346x504 , zvc62.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The man behind the horror.
>> No. 289441
File 135338814348.png - (62.39KB , 521x589 , iVLEq.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 289443
File 135338837689.png - (18.47KB , 473x168 , mswh2.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 289450
File 135338966172.png - (48.16KB , 610x944 , shezow lyrics.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 289452
some potential for SJ drama


>This show looks really cool, too bad it’s a sexist pile of shit.

>I would love a show that played tranvestism straight. Hell, if this show would show that Guy wants to be girl inside, and Shezow allows him to do so, that would be amazing.

>But this is not this show.

>This is show that is about to make fun of girls, transvestites, and homosexuals all while hiding under the label of teaching children that genders are equal.

>If you want to teach kids that, defy gender expectations. Make a girl and boy best friends, and never imply romance between them. If that’s too much for you, take a show where the main character is male, and then change the gender to female, then change nothing but the pronouns involved.

>You don’t do… this.

>(I am very disappointed in Australian Disney.)

>For those of you who aren’t in the know (or didn’t watch the linked video), Shezow is a show about a young boy named Guy (very clever). Guy and his twin sister Kelly move into their old Aunt Agnes’s house, where they discover the ring of Shezow. Guy puts it on and transforms into the (female) hero.

>This show is about to air in Australia, and if you can’t understand why that’s bad, let me explain it to you.

>Imagine when Guy puts on the ring, he transforms into an African American. While transformed, he craves watermelon and fried chicken. Despite this, the show tries to prove that both races are equal.

>That is exactly how ass-backwards this shows is.
>> No. 289455
I'm actually liking this guy. If he can just shrug off the huge outcry of "dem homosexual deviants be brainwashin' our kids" that I'm sure he's getting, then props. He's obviously not making this show with some planned SJ agenda. If he were, we'd be hearing about it on his twitter.
>> No. 289456
Samefaggin' here; I wonder which social group is the loudest, the SJ-tards, or the evangelical wing-nuts?
>> No. 289457
I guess it is a cute and funny idea for a kids show, but goddamn... Adults make this show so they have to know there is absolutely no way in hell this will end well. It will probably manage to offend just about everybody and I'm sure the flow of shota porn will be unending. They have to know this.
>> No. 289470
The fried chicken and watermelon stereotype doesn't seem to exist in Australia.
>> No. 289473
Haha, gee I wonder who he's going to care about more, random SJers or Stan Lee.
>> No. 289476
It's an american thing.
>> No. 289520
File 135340639413.jpg - (604.10KB , 3077x900 , Stan Lee Chronology.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Stan Lee's endorsement is worth substantially less today than it was 40 years ago.
>> No. 289531
File 135341270347.jpg - (8.25KB , 259x194 , whatthefuck.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

This is a pain I've never felt before.
>> No. 289540
Compared to angry SJers who haven't created anything of cultural value in their lives it's not much of a contest of whose opinion will be worth more to the creator of Shezow.
>> No. 289554
>implying he actually made the top things, and didn't just take credit for them
>> No. 289574
He said "endorsement," not "creation."
>> No. 289645
>I would love a show that played tranvestism straight. Hell, if this show would show that Guy wants to be girl inside, and Shezow allows him to do so, that would be amazing.

He's just some kid who finds a magic rings that gives him superpowers with the sole downside of crossdressing, he is just an average kid that decides to become a superhero because that's what a kid with superpowers would do. Why the fuck would he need to desire to become a girl? There are straight, non-trans guys that crossdress for reasons other than becoming the little girl.
This fucking dense people, man.

An animu did that last year though.
>> No. 289706
Ranma 1/2 did it 23 years ago.
>> No. 289708
What gets me about these SJ-tards is the show doesn't even deal with the subject of transvestites. It's the simple joke that the ring that grants him superpowers was meant for a girl, but he has it. That's it.
>> No. 289712
doesn't stop the storm fronters from going "it's the death of the west" tho
>> No. 289721
The best thing about this cartoon is it upsets both extremes of the left and right.
>> No. 289725
Good thing I'm a moderate.
>> No. 289729

i know people like to jerk about the right being as bad as the left and all but so far we've only seen it from the left...

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